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Big changes are coming to Mythic 3.5!
What is Mythic, you might ask?
Mythic is an all-inclusive Tabletop Roleplaying Game set within the Halo universe. For those new to tabletop RPGs like this, think of Dungeons and Dragons, but fairly different in design and mechanics. We have been going on strong for 5 years, with a large, dedicated community.
Mythic allows players to choose their Race, Faction, Equipment, Training, and so on. Nearly everything about your character can be customized! The GM and players set up and play through missions and stories within the Halo Universe.
Every weapon, every vehicle, all equipment, armor, and even variants of each. They’re all available to players from either the main handbook, or the ONI content book that is available. I wanted to make sure Players and GM could do whatever they wanted.
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Mythic is the attempt at the most all-inclusive Halo Tabletop Roleplaying Game possible by a single designer and a small team of helpers. 
Mythic allows players to choose their Race, Faction, Equipment, Training, and so on. Nearly everything about your character can be customized! The GM and players set up and play through missions and stories within the Halo Universe.
Every weapon, every vehicle, all equipment, armor, and even variants of each. They're all available to players from either the main handbook, or the ONI content book that is available. I wanted to make sure Players and GM could do whatever they wanted.
Mythic is also reaching its 6th anniversary in November!
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This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me
We have a player who is really new to the game, and his character ended up putting on a cursed ring that he couldn’t take off. So he goes to the party cleric for help. Since the ring has made the player act often times like a jerk, the cleric decided to have a little fun with him.
He pulled the following items out of his healer’s kit.
1. A pair of pliers
2. A small wooden stick.
3. Alcohol
4. Bandages
5. A candle
6. A blindfold
And lastly 7. A very sharp knife.
Very slowly and deliberately he went through the process of heating the knife using the candle, then he had his brother hold the new player’s character down firmly, placed the block of wood in his mouth, blindfolded him and gripped his finger with the pliers. Then he proceeded to slowly bring the knife edge down to where it just barely brushed the skin above the ring, very clearly about to cut the finger off... and cast remove curse, as simple as that and slipped the ring off the finger.
Those of us who have played with the cleric’s player for a while knew exactly what was coming and found it hard to keep from ruining the punchline by laughing as he set it up.
Hope you enjoyed.
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100 Mansions of Gnomeopolis
My D&D group is very light on actual combat, and I was very excited to learn that our sorcerer had found the perfect job for our party just posted on a message board:
Somebody needed a few guards for some sort of vampire banquet.
Now, I am a very paranoid player. Nobody gives a mission to a level 5-6 party to GUARD 50 CR 13 monsters. So I knew something was up.
Our sorcerer, on the other hand, did not. After making our way to a literal emerald city, our DM revealed where the party was being held. It was to be held in a mansion. Big surprise. The real surprise? We discovered that there was more than one mansion. There were one hundered identical ones on one street.
How do a 6th-level paladin (me), 5th-level rogue and sorcerer find a mansion full of undead without any divination spells?
Our rogue got the brightest idea I had ever heard: We go door-to-door.
After discovering that literally EVERYONE in the city was a gnome, we made our way to door 45 and found the right place. Our rogue got some nice takeaways from his doors:
A basket of 300 cookies
An invitation to a sorority party (he is male)
2 gnomes he tried to suplex were gnome-ninjas, so he had a few lovely bruises, too. I, on the other hand (the 20-charisma paladin) was:
Mistaken for a lunatic
Mistaken for a solicitor
Almost arrested by the gnomish SWAT
And, my personal favorite:
Mistaken for a cultist (YOU DO NOT CALL THE PALADIN A CULTIST!!!)
Eventually we made it to the right place. We were told to hide so that the vampires would not see us (lets see here, who's good at hiding? A rogue, a sorceror, and hmmm... a heavily armored paladin with 8 DEX? BWHahahahahaha!) 
Guess what happened? THE GNOME KILLED EVERY LAST VAMPIRE WITH THE FOOD. And then invited us to dinner. Oh, I forgot, he did leave one vampire alive (his friend). That vampire was dispatched after eating one of the 300 cookies our rogue brought with, apparently he had flour allergies.
Now, I am very accustomed to combat. I always bring a couple of nets with. As an experienced fighter, I threw a net at the gnome (assuming that he was the BBEG), stopping him and his death-knife in his tracks. I was just gearing up for a big fight when...
It was the sorceror's turn. He hit the gnome with Fire Bolt for 2d10 damage, and the gnome died. So much for combat.
That apparently concluded our mission, ending our great 3-hour search. The encounter took us maybe half an hour from our arrival, due to descriptions of the dying vampires. My takeaway: Not everything is hard to beat. It just takes time.
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Forest vs. Barbarian
There was one session from my more recent D&D experiences where I, a level 5 Bugbear Barbarian, ended up fighting a forest. 
There I was with my party, standing in what our DM had described as a "large grove of trees". After making a mediocre perception roll, I noticed some small, mystical-looking particles floating around. Stupidly, I decided against rolling Arcana and decided that I was going to play lumberjack and cut down one of the trees with my greataxe. 
My Party: We're going to see what's in that big 'ol cave over there.
DM: Okay. You guys spend your turn traveling the 60 feet to get there. (to me) I assume you're going to follow?
Me: I'm going to cut down one of these trees!
DM: Ummm...The trees are each 40 feet in diameter...
Me: That's okay, no tree is safe from my greataxe!
DM: Okay...Roll me strength...
Me: nat20!
DM: Umm...Okay, you cut the tree down. Roll perception.
DM: Nothing really seems to change.
Me: Okay, I'm going to dance on the stump!
DM: *Laughs* Roll me Performance.
(nat 5)
Eventually, I went to join my party in the cave. When we came out after fighting a cyclops, we were met by a horde of angry dryads. Guess who they were angry at for desecrating a holy tree!
Moral of the Story: Don't cut down giant, magical trees. Especially if you know you'r close to a boss fight.
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The 100DOS game Mythic now has an open preview to the next release. Anyone who joins the Discord is free to take part!  Mythic is a fan-made non-affiliated tabletop roleplaying game in the Halo universe.
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Blog no longer as active as it once was, and Tumblr is circling the drain.
This blog hasn’t been as active, anymore. The submissions have sort of dried up as well as my freetime to submit my own content. I’ll still go through any and all submitted content, but I’ll be more active over on my twitter, anyway. Just a heads up to you all.
You can all follow me here: https://twitter.com/Vorked
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Mythic is getting campaign modules! A big game changer!
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Here is the new alpha release of The Armory! Come check out the new vehicle creation system! Please test the hell out of it!
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Ran a 4e group that included a Eladrin warlord, a Gnome beserker, a Pixie scoundrel and a Saytr Skald. They rode around in an enchanted black and red horseless carriage and they were wanted by authorities for a crime they didn't commit. They fought to lightening the purses of the unjust and to help the powerless in need....they were the Fae Team. Dead serious here. Lol.
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When you just don't have the patience to be properly engaged by the bad guy.
So I'm running a premade Pathfinder Campaign Module for a two-player group with several NPC party members, the players characters are a Kitsune Sorceror(Infernal Bloodline) and an Asimaar Inquisitor with the Black Powder Inquisition trait so he can use Firearms and main's a Double-Barreled Pistol which he has shelled out a considerable amount at this stage in the game to have enchanted.
So we come to the part of the module, all I have prepped for the session so far, where they are visiting a Sanitarium to see a man who was admitted there after witnessing a series of ritualistic murders. The Man, gone insane suffering from an afflicted disease that is slowly killing him, has information that they can obtain, but the section leads to the party discovering that the Asylum is being financed in secret by a Necromancer who lives in a Lab in the basement and does his Necromancing on the deceased patients the Asylum Runner, who does his own cruel experimentations on LIVING patients, sends him. 
While the Necromancer and the Caretaker aren't actually connected to the one doing the ritual murders, the party is supposed to discover the horrible happenings at the Asylum and do as they feel they need to, and to that point, all goes well. They capture the Caretaker and stuff him in a cell to turn in back in town, and descend to the basement to confront The Necromancer In The Basement. 
The party descends into the lab, where the wizard is working on his stuff, and when the group enters, the Inquisitor is taken the lead into the room and has moved into a range of the wizard. The Necromancer begins with the typical engagement, 'Why can't you mind your own business?' 'What's it to you what I'm doing?', and when it becomes apparent that they are not going to just leave him alone, he decided to offer them a 'Bribe', telling them that they should open the storage closet across the room that is nearby, and they may take whatever they'd like from there if they'd just GO AWAY. Unbeknownst, it's actually the storage closet where the Necromancer keeps his pack of reanimated Zombies, ready to leap out and begin eating the face of the unsuspecting shmuck who opens the door that isn't their master, so the wizard can start casting from afar.
Except here's the part where the Inquisitor just decides he's done talking.
Pulls out his +1 Double-Barrel Frost Pistol. Fires.
Natural 20. A Firearm has a x4 Critical Multiplier. 
The Damage is sufficient on a squishy wizard to trigger a massive damage roll. 
The Necromancer fails the fortitude save.
"Well, congratulations, Aleric, in a spectacular demonstration of the classic 'Shut Up, Hannibal' trope, you just put a bullet right between the bosses eyes, he slumps dead to the floor. That's all I had for the evening, you may now commence looting his magical laboratory for stuff and info, and then head back to town."
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chaos of a never completed campaign
My character, Robin Starveling: Tabaxi, shitty monk, kind of a fuckboy, and a seducer extraordinare. +6 charisma at the start, so even low rolls can do something. Now, with +6 charisma comes all the sub-stats of that trait, such as intimidation. Exactly what you need to tame owlbears. Picture this; a short, tabaxi monk, screaming loudly, in the middle of a dark and dusty wasteland. To Marvin Gaye songs. Fast forward. We're in a tower, the necromancers dead lovers body is there, and we're fighting a lich. At this point i'm at like 7 health, bleeding out in the corner after being flung against the wall. It's my turn. With nothing logical to do, I dramatically say "I'll die with honor for my family," and roll to use my shortsword, fully prepared to die like an idiot. Nat 20 +3 strength. Dramatic moment as our dm writes out the scenario with his amazing storytelling skills. Out of the silence, we hear one of our serious and quiet members in a small happy voice. "NOBOY DIED!!!" We return to the surface, after our owlbears sacrifice themselves to save us from hungry ghouls, to see these two unite. Of course, our dm kills the necromancer and tells us that we released a third of the primordial god of chaos, in the other ones body. 5 people cried in that run. A few runs I wasn't there were interesting. Distract the guard by getting him to give the clown a blowjob, and break the others out of jail. Later on go back to rescue someone from jail again, punch the guard with an accidental nat 20, and snap his neck. Rip Feliz.
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player: what if (exact prediction of gm’s plan)
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Have you heard of our Lord and Savior Ricky Martin?
A catfolk who rolled a natural 20 to convince a demon to change their faith.
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