gamerbunny1996 · 1 month
Jschlatt x Depressed reader
*Warning ⚠️: there is mention of depression, suicidal thoughts, and self harm. If you don't feel comfortable with that stuff don't read. It doesn't go into details or anything, just slight mentios on it all.*
I've been feeling really down a lot recently and I just needed comfort so I'm writing this more for me then anything but maybe someone needs this too
Word count: 2,252
Sorry if this sucked I was pretty much just writing my thoughts.
I shut off my computer and leaned back in my chair with a sigh. Looking up I was just lost in thought. The last couple of weeks I've been talking to this guy and it's just been a shit show with him. Then streaming and all has been stressful as well. This month has just been horrible to say the least.
My phone soon goes off. Looking at my desk I see a text notification for that guy. Sighing I opened the message and just like it has been every single day he was to see a picture of me. It's annoying because all he wants is sex and I really don't want that. Fuck buddies isn't my thing. I just rolled my eyes and turned my phone off ignoring him. I'm still not sure why I haven't blocked him yet.
Standing up I go to lay on my bed. I'm just tired of men I just want to go on one date for once in my life but all guys want to do is fuck and it's annoying. I turn on my side and open my phone back up and go onto tiktok. My fyp has just been bikertok. Scrolling through, my eyes start to tear up. Shutting my phone off I grab my stuffed dragon and cry into it. Just frustrated with everything in my life. Ended up dozing off a little before I heard my phone go off. I almost didn’t even want to see who was messaging me. Sighing out I did open my phone and seen that a good streamer friend of mine has messaged me. Clicking onto his icon I started to read his message. “You okay. You seem really down today on the stream” Smiling a little to myself I message Schlatt back. “Yeah I’m doing great” I Lied to him. Glad it was over text so he can't tell.
“I know you're not, you can tell me I’m here for you” I just left him to read.I turned my phone off and I walked to the bathroom needing a shower. Getting undressed and turning the shower on. I put it as hot as I could handle and stepped in. The water is burning my skin a little. I just stand there letting the water pour down my skin. My skin turned bright red. Tears started to run down my cheeks. My thoughts are getting too much.
Why does everyone hate me? What do I do wrong. I just want to be loved. I'm tired of everyone looking up to me, I'm a nobody. The thoughts soon turned darker and darker. *Knock knock* I get snapped out of my thoughts. More knocking happened. Shutting the shower I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. The knocking seems to become more frantic.
“Hold on” I yell out. Putting on my fluffy black robe I walk out of the bathroom and to my front door. Opening it up stood my friend Jschlatt. “What do you want?” I say annoyed. He just rolled his eyes and walked in. “Start talking, I'm not leaving until you do” he said sitting down onto my couch. “Let me get dressed first” I scoffed and walked away.
Getting dressed fast in a big T-shirt and shorts I walk out of my room. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch next to Schlatt. “What's up?” he said, turning to look at me. The TV playing in the background. “I already told you I'm fine.” He rolled his eyes. “Your not I can tell”
“I am though”
Schlatt put a hand on my leg that is now crossed.
“It's okay not to be okay you know”
Right then and there broke me. I started to cry like an ugly cry. I can't breathe, tears won't stop. Everything seems painful. Schlatt pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck crying into his shoulder. He starts to rub my back to soothe me. After a good few minutes I finally started to calm down. Taking deep breaths. I sit back a little from Schlatt. Taking one last deep breath I speak.
“I feel stuck,lost even. Every guy only wants one thing. I just want a cute date where they bring me flowers and take me wherever they plan to go. Then at the end just drop me off and call it a night. That's all I want. I just want a boyfriend. My depression is hitting hard. I can't stop thinking about what happens if I just don't exist anymore. Or should I just hurt myself just to make all this pain go away. I just can't take this anymore.” Tears started to stream down my face halfway through that talk.
Soon I feel a hand brush away my tears. I look Schlatt in the eyes and I see pain and sadness behind his eyes. Did I say something wrong? “Hey it's okay if you ever feel like everything is over just come to me I don't mind being there for you” He said. Soon I felt a light touch on my arm. Looking down Schlatt was tracing the scars I had. I didn't mean to make him sad.
“I ask myself everyday what would me death look like and I would imagine it all the time just me alone in my bed to never be found” I spoke. “I would find you because I will always be there for you” that made me smile a little to hear that someone cares.
“Please if you are ever down come to me I'll never mind” he spoke again. “Thanks I need that a lot actually” I smiled at him. “Now let's have a movie marathon and I'll order us some dinner alright” I nod my head. Pulling the blanket off the back of the catch and snuggled up. Schlatt pulled me close and I lay my head on his shoulder. He turned a movie on and pulled his phone out to order some food.
Waking up slowly I realized I must have fallen asleep after eating. Looking around I sit up. Seeing my phone I grabbed it and saw a text from Schlatt. “I hoped you slept well. I left after you fell asleep. I hope you didn't mind” I smile to myself. I text him back a thank you. Noticing that one guy has messaged me. “Come on babyyyy please” I was now pissed I blocked his ass.
Getting up I got ready for the day. I didn't really want to stream today so I just laid around the house all day. It was now 5 in the afternoon and a knock happened at my door. Getting off the couch I open the door. There stood Schlatt with a bouquet of flowers. Yellow roses and sunflowers. He even had a stuffed cow as well. “I was wondering if you want to go on a date” he shyly asked.
Shock came over my face. Soon a smile creeped up. “I would love to” I hug Schlatt. He wraps his arms around me the best he can with them full. Pulling back I took the flowers and cow. “Thank you so much” I smile as I walk into my apartment to put my flowers in a vase.
“Let me at least put something nicer on then my sweats and t-shirt” I told him. “Don't take too long, I got lots planned” he told me. “I'll be fast I promise” I walk off to my room and put my new plushie on my bed. I hurried and slept on a nice pair of black skinny jeans and a black crop top. Putting my hair up into a high ponytail and curling my bangs.
Walking out I see Schlatt playing on his phone. “I'm ready,” I told him. He looked and smiled at me. “Wow you're beautiful” I started to blush hard.
Standing up he came and grabbed my hand. “Lets go” he opened the door and we walked out. Getting to his car he opened the door for me and let me inside. He went around and got into the driver's seat. We drove for a few minutes until he park outside a nice restaurant. He got out and hurried to open my door. “Thank you,you know you don't have to do that” I giggled stepping out of the car. “Well got to treat a pretty girl like you like a queen” he winked at me. I started to blush. We walked inside and got a seat.
Once our drink order was taken we sat and talked. “you know you didn't have to take me on a date” I said to Schlatt. “I wanted to though I want to show you that your loved and fuck every guy that's out there”.” I smile. “You're the best,” I say. Soon the waiter came back and gave us our drinks. Ordering our food it was just the two of us. Schlatt takes both my hands into his. Bringing them up to his lips he kissed me. Knuckles. I turn my head away my face bright red now. “I was alway jealous by all the guys who talked to you. I was to scared to say anything to you though because I didn’t want you to reject me. I love streaming with you and going on trips. You put a smile on my face all the time” I looked up into his eyes. There is so much love in them. “I’m broken though” I say. “I’ll fix you” is all he said. “Why” I try to see any hate in his eyes but I couldn’t see anything. When he opened his mouth to speak our food came out.
We just started to eat instead of saying anything. We sat in silence. Finishing up, Schlatt paid for our food and we went to the car. Sitting inside he started to drive us to the next place. Parking in the parking lot. We walked down a bridge that looks over the water. My eyes sparkle from how gorgeous the water is. Schlatt was slightly behind me smiling at the look I have.
He wraps his arms around me hugging me from behind. “Beautiful isn't” he asked. I nodded in agreement. “Alright this isn't fully what we are doing tonight I just wanted to show you” he told you. I turn my head around to look at him. “Really?” He just turned me around and started to walk back to the car with my hand in his.
Soon we showed up back at his place. We got inside and there in the front room were blankets and pillows. It almost looked like a big bed in the center of the room, could also say it's like a nest. It had some stuffed animals. Snacks and drinks in the center. I was amazed. “We are going to watch Tim Burton movies all night” he mentioned the movie marathon. My smile grew so wide I didn't think it could go any bigger.
“Here” he grabs a bag off the nest looking thing. “What is it?” I opened it up and looked inside and it was a pj set. Pulling it out it was shorts and a t- shirt, Friday the 13th themed. “I got me pants instead of shorts so we can match. I know you feel claustrophobic sleeping in pants, that's why I got shorts for you.” He told me. “Now go get dressed,” he said. Walking into his bathroom I got into the pj's. Once back into the living room Schlatt was in his pj's and had a bowl of popcorn made. Crawling on the blankets I sit next to Schlatt. He pushed play on the first movie of the night.
“I needed this, I appreciate it” I said.
“I know that's why I did it, if you ever feel depressed again come to me alright I don't mind I'll sit with you through it all. I don't care if you have suicidal thoughts or your hurting yourself call me I'll be there so face to make all the pain go away you hear me.” I started to tear up a little. Jumping onto Schlatt I hugged him so tight. “I appreciate you so much, the pain has been too much.” I soon whisper out. “Thank you so much” he held me so tight. I felt my shoulder become a little damp. He was crying. Soon I started to cry harder.
“Please don't leave me,” he said to me.
“I won't I promise” soon we both calm down pulling away from each other. He wiped my cheeks from my tears. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back enjoying this moment. Pulling away we just looked into each other's eyes.
“I love you and I promise I'll always be there for you” I smiled and said I love you back. “Now let's cuddle and watch our movie” laying back we cuddled up and watched the movie. I couldn't ask for someone any better than Schlatt; he was my everything.
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gamerbunny1996 · 1 month
Jschlatt x famous streamer
Heyyaaa!!! how are you doing?? I have a request for Jschlatt obviously. (sorry if my english is bad it’s not my language.) Jschlatt x famous streamer reader, maybe she’s a guest at Chuckle Sandwich or either a contestant at Jschlatt’s love or host. Honestly i have no clue so i’ll leave that up to you if you want. Asked by: @mikeytheweirdoo
Thank you for the request I tried really hard so I hope it's what you wanted if not please let me know I can try again. -Bunny
“We have a a special guest today don’t we Schlatt” Ted said.Schlatt looked right into the camera with an “kill me now look”. “Hello Y/N welcome to Chuckle sandwich” Ted spoke to you. “Hi it’s nice to be here”you say waving to the camera. Soon ed started to rub his hands together and gave an evil look. “I think todays topic should be about celebrity crushes we all have one but some are kinda weird” Ted telling you about what the podcast will be about today. Ted knew what he was doing he knew who Schlatt liked and that is you. So why not get him to admit it to you.
“Oh… alright then” you spoke out a little confused why that’s the topic he picked. “I think it's only fair we all mention our celebrity crush” Schlatt rolled his eyes. “Is this some teen girl's sleepover or something.” you laugh at that comment. “We have to put on PJs now,” you said laughing. “Great Idea y/n” tucker but into the conversation. The laughing soon died down and Ted spoke up. “So y/n your pretty famous streamer do you get a lot of people crushing on you” you took a minute to think about all your fans. “Yeah I do actually I don't mind though it just boosts my confidence” Schlatt just rolls his eyes knowing damn well he is one to crush on you. Ted smiles at your comment. Soon the conversation turned to statistics about how often women crush over women and men crush over men. It was a very interesting conversation and Schlatt defended the fact that it's not gay to crush on a man that is a hot celebrity.
Laughing along to the argument, Schlatt can't help but notice your bright smile while enjoying the conversation. He loves that he is making you laugh. He just wants to hear it over and over again. Soon the conversation calms down and he just stays silent smiling and staring at you on his computer screen. If he could he would have just you without Tucker and Ted being there but it's a group call so he can't.
“So y/n who's your celebrity crush” Schlatt heard Ted asked. His eyes grew not ready for your answer. “That's a tough one. What do we count as a celebrity crush? are we talking like all that includes YouTubers and streamers or like just movie stars and musicians” you asked. “All” Ted winked. “I have a few you could say (insert celebrity crush that isn't Jschlatt) or (and another) but if we are going like on a deeper level Schlatts pretty cute for being this big scary guy” everyone's eyes grew open not expecting you to say that when Schlatt was in the call. “Was not expecting that," Tuckerqqq said. Jschlatt was trying not to scream with joy.
“That's cool,” he said, trying to act calm. Ted started to grin very wide. “Schlatt who is yours” that's when Schlatt froze, not ready to say anything. “I don't have one” he crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair” soon a knock can be heard. “Oh sorry guys give me a second” you mute yourself and went off screen for a second. During that time Ted and Schlatt were having a stare off. “I think Schlatt here has a huge crush on y/n” Ted spoke. Schlatts face grew red. “I do not” he tried to argue. Before Ted can say more you came back and unmuted yourself. “Sorry guys big bro brought me my drink I ordered” putting your headphones on you notice the staring match between Ted and Schlatt. “I was gone for like two seconds what happened” raising your eyebrow. “Schlatt is just being a grouch so let's talk about meet ups with fans”
Smiling and taking a drink from your cup you replied. “That shit can become wild, it's insane love meeting my fans but some are too much so I try not to do stuff like that” all three nod their heads in agreement.
After a while of talking about crazy fan experiences Ted decided to ask Schlatt one last question. “We know you have a crush on someone just tell us we all said ours” blushing hard Schlatt turned his head away. “Already said no one” laughing a little at Schlatt’s response. “Your face says different” you smile at him. He looked at you and saw you smile. Melting he gave in “fine I got to say you toots your my stupid celebrity crush” shock at his response you still smiled. “Well glad I'm not alone” he smiled at your response. “Alright you two love birds it's the end of the podcast” Ted stopping the two of you from making out over the screens.
Once the podcast ended Ted and Tucker left to give you two some alone time. “You're really beautiful I hope you know that” Schlatt says, shying away. “Why are you acting all shy, big guy” he turned his head to his monitor, rolling his eyes at you. “You can flirt with all kinds of people but me you get all shy on that's so unfair” you jokes making him smile. “You're different alright I actually like you compared to the rest” soon you blush as well. “Whatever” you turn your head away so Schlatt can't see your face. “So maybe I can take you on a date” turning you head up you smiled. “That would be amazing” he smiled back as well. “So where do you live?” he asked “oh I live in Florida.” He smiled, “I'll book a flight as soon as possible.”
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gamerbunny1996 · 1 month
Get to know me
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Hi I'm Gamer Bunny or Taylor
I'm 21
My favorite color is Black and Dark red
I love anime and YouTube
I write story's about jschlatt because he is everything
This is a safe place for all we don't judge
I hope you enjoy my page and love all the stories I write.
And here is my master list here
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gamerbunny1996 · 1 month
It's is currently late and I have to be up in the next five hours but here we are I want to write but I don't know what. I've been wanting to update two of my books but I also want to start a new one but I'm not sure what. Help please
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gamerbunny1996 · 2 months
Man I'm really sad right now men are such assholes I need a really cute jschlatt fanfic where he is comforting the ready because they are heartbroken anyone can do that for me.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Schlatt x reader short story
It was a late night and you sound asleep. You two cats laying in bed with you. Schlatt just got in from a flight. He was away for some business. Setting his suitcase down and taking off his backpack. He walked through the quiet house. Making it to the bedroom he saw you fast asleep cuddling one of his pillows and had one of his sweaters on. Smiling down at you he kisses your forehead. The cats noticed him and got up to get some love. He petted both cats for a second. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out some sweatpants. Changing into them he crawled into bed next to you. Taking the pillow out of your hold he cuddled up next to you.
Opening your eyes. You smiled up at him cuddling closer and closing your eyes again. “Welcome home,” you said. “How was your trip?” You asked. “Good but I'd rather be here with you,” he told you. “Me too,” you told him. Soon you feel back to sleep.
The next morning came and you woke up to Schlatt fast asleep still cuddled up to you. Wiggling out of his arms you go and make breakfast for the both of you. Getting into the kitchen you pull out the stuff to make homemade chocolate chip pancakes. Mixing all the stuff together you put it aside and got the bacon out. Throwing it on to a baking sheet you put them in the oven. You started to peel potatoes and shredded them up making hash browns. Once those started cooking you got the cat food ready for the two kitties. Putting the bowls down on the floor you started the pancakes.
Schlatt walks out of the bedroom walking to the kitchen. “Something smells good,” he said, hugging you from behind. “I'm making breakfast and sitting down. It should be done soon.” He sat down at the dining table and waited for his breakfast. Playing up the plate you handed to him with a cup of coffee. “Enjoy” you said, kissing the top of his head. You started to plate up your food and sat down next to him. “I miss these mornings,” Schlatt said to you. “I couldn't agree more,” you smiled.
“I want to join next time. Going two weeks without you was hard” you admitted. “Okay I'm fine with that it was hard not having you there” he told you. The two of you sat in silence after that just enjoying the breakfast you made. “What's you plan for today?” Schlatt finally spoke. “I have a cake order I have to make so I'll be making that all day” you told him, picking up both your plates and putting them in the sink. “Man I was hoping to have a day with you” he told you. He started to do the dishes while you put all of the breakfast stuff away. “I know but I'm free tomorrow we can spend time tomorrow” you kissed his cheek. “I'm holding you to that” laughing at him you nodded your head. “Alright get it o got to start my baking” you pushed him out. Before he got too far he pulled you into a kiss. “Fine, I'll go work on videos.” Smiling at each. The love you both have just stayed in the air.
Sorry it took a while to post I just started a new job so it has been hard to have time to write.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Our Secret
Warning ⚠️: mention of abuse that's all. No it's not Schlatt doing it either.
You just started streaming on twitch in the last couple months and you already have a few thousand that watch you. It's probably because your brother was a famous YouTuber after all. Your brother was very hesitant to let you stream. With lots of begging and threatening you doing it anyway because you're a grown ass adult he let you. You already help him with his stuff anyway you film and edit for him and his friends,so you can only stream once in a while anyway.
You even just got invited to join a Minecraft server. So every Friday when you're not traveling you stream it. You decided to build your house away from everyone. Not many people came and visited you and you were okay with that. You would drag your brother in your room to show him all the work you have been working on in the world.
One day when you were doing a chill stream just building on the world a couple others on the server came over to your area. “So this is where you have been hiding '' one of the three guys said. “Um yes it is well I mean I didn't mean to hide away” you replied back. “Wow you have done a lot” you looked at the name tag of who said that. Mikasacus the name tag said. “Yeah I play off stream sometimes I don't have a lot of time to play so I do when I can” you told them. “Well let us introduce ourselves, I'm Mika,” he said to you. “I'm Aztro," the other one said. You walked up to them, punching them away. “Hey that was rude” they punched you back. I laughed at them.
Now you know the other one, he was the one that invited you, schlatt was his name. We haven't talked other than him sending you an email about joining the server. “You should show us around,” Mika asked. “Yeah sure follow me” you started to run off. Showing the three around your base. You would catch schlatt stealing something once in a while and yelling at him to put it back. After that Aztro and Mika left to go find their other friend. “How are you liking the server?” Schlatt asked you. “I'm liking it. I should go explore more and talk with the others here as well but I like staying in my area” you told him. “I'll have to come visit more often then” he said. “That would be wonderful” you got excited that someone wanted to play with you. “Alright but I gotta go finish filming for sleep deprived talk to you later” he started to run off.
Weeks have gone by and you have been talking to Schlatt everyday most of the time you're not even live on twitch. You guys just like talking just the two of you. You found out a lot about schlatt. One, he lives where two of your brother's friends are. So you have a chance to meet him one of the times you go over to Texas to film. He also owns two cats so you two show off your cats to each other all the time. Well yours isn't well yours she is your brother's cat but you still show the little cat off all the time.
It was time for you to travel again so streaming is going to have to go on hold for a while. You leave in a week to Texas. You really wanted to meet up with Schlatt but your brother is super protective of you and you don't know how to go off without him noticing. Plus you also won't have time. So you decided to just ask your brother to stay an extra day so you can meet up with schlatt. You just won't tell him who. Walking up the stairs you see your brother on his computer.
“Hey Gaege can I ask you a question”
“Yeah what is it?” he turned around in his chair to face you.
“Can we maybe stay an extra day in Texas”
“I have some twitch friends out there I want to meet”
“No” is all he said turning around
“Why not I'm a big girl I can take care of myself” you started to walk farther into his room.
“I said no and that's that”
“Please Gaege” you tried begging
“You know why I don't like you meeting up with people without me”
“Then you can come with”
“Still a no plus I don't even know who your meeting with”
“I knew I shouldn't have moved in with you” you yelled walking back down the stairs. Walking to your room slamming the door. You can hear Gaege yelling back at you. “You would have been on the streets then” crying in your pillow. You hated how protective your brother can be sometimes. He was right though, without him you would be on the streets with no job. You're 21 years old and can't even be left alone without him there. His girlfriend is the only one that's allowed to be left alone with you.
You text Schlatt that you won't have time to meet up with him when you're in Texas. Hugging your pillow to your chest. Soon your phone went off. Looking at it, it was Schlatt replying to you. “That's gay” he replied. Laughing a little you just typed yeah and sent it. You get why your brother is protective; he doesn't want anything repeating from your past. Soon a FaceTime call was coming through. Seeing the name you answered.
“Hello” schlatt said
“What wrong”
“My brother is just a jerk is all”
“Why you say that”
“i tried to get him to agree to stay one more day so we can meet up but he wasn't having any of it”
“That's okay will meet soon”
“That's the thing he doesn't want me meeting anyone I'm not even allowed to be left alone with his friends”
“What why that's a little bit protective don't you think”
“Yeah he has a good reason though”he gave a curious look.
“Long story”
“I got all day”
Rolling your eyes “I also rather not get into it. It's a hard thing for me to talk about”
“Gotcha we'll find a way to meet I promise”
Smiling you rolled out of bed. Going to your desk you sit down in your chair. Putting your phone up against your computer screen. “It's just heartbreaking that I can't do anything”
“Why don't you just move out you a big girl”
“I would but my brother has done so much for me and I don't want to lose him because I moved out”
“Why would he be mad at that”
“Like I said he is protective doesn't want me going out and meeting people and living life”
“I really want to know why he is so protective like it's bad y/n you got to have some freedom”
“I do I get to travel a lot and I hangout with all his friends all the time”
“His friends”
“Yeah I don't have any”
“Wonder why” Schlatt sarcastically said.
“Well I got online ones”
“It's more fun hanging out in person”
“Yeah I know”
“I think that's why all the friends I do make online stop talking to me”
“That's fucked up”
“Yeah it is. It's okay I get it”
Soon you heard your brother coming down the stairs. “I got to go,” you said, grabbing your phone. “Aw fine talk to you later toots” waving bye you hung up the phone. A knock came to your door. “Come in” your brother opens the door leaning on it. “I don't like you slamming doors in my house” rolling your eyes “okay dad” you said in a sarcastic tone. “Why do you want to meet this person or people so bad” turning to look at him. “Because I want friends too Gaege” you're getting upset again. “Last time that happened you got hurt”
“I was a dumb teenager, I'm not a kid anymore, I know how to get out of a bad situation now” you tried to argue.
“Do you. You tend to hide things from me alot”
You started to cry “why are you acting like this not everyone is asseholes”
“They are to me if it involves you. I seen you so broken and I don't want to see that again you lived in an abusive relationship for three years y/n, three years you didn't come to me when you need help”
“I was scared he threatened me so many times. I was 16, Gaege I didn't know what to do”
“Who do you want to meet”
Staying silent afraid he would flip if he found out it was Schlatt. “Who please tell me” he sounded so calm. “Schlatt” you said. “Fine” is all he said walking out. What did he mean by fine you thought. At this point you had so many emotions going through you. You just cried your eyes out. Moving to your bed you cried yourself to sleep.
It was the day of your trip. You have been down a lot lately just upset with your brother. You made sure all your equipment was packed and your clothes. Driving to the airport you just stayed looking out the window not wanting to talk with your brother.
Making it on the airplane you just played on your phone texts Schlatt once in a while to help distract you. The flight wasn't super long; it was just Florida to Texas. Once landed you go grab your bags. Gaege leads you through a crowd. Seeing your brother's friends you walk up to them.
You so badly just want to jump out of this car and run to Schlatt's place. You knew better though. A notification went off on your phone looking down, you saw Gabby texting you. Looking up because she was sitting in front of you. Confused, you looked back down and opened the message. “You okay. You seem really down then normal” smiling at the concern she had for you. Typing away, you replied back. “My brother is just annoying me like a lot” looking back out the window you just watch the car drive past different buildings. Your brother and his friend was talking about video ideas they could do while we are over.
Another ding went off. Looking at the message she sent you. “What happened?” Sighing, you replied back. “I just really want to meet a friend but he won't let me. It's annoying how he is so protective I just want a normal life” you are just getting frustrated all over again. “If I can convince Gaege to take you shopping I'll take you to meet your friend” your eyes lit up. “Really?” Gaege was now looking up at you. “What you are excited about” you tried to think of a lie. Soon Gabby buts in “I was telling her if I asked you for permission that I can take her shopping there this new clothing store nearby the house” you gave puppy eyes. “Please I'll stay by Gabby the whole time” he sighed. “Fine” you jumped in joy “yay I need so many new things” you tried to play along like you were actually going shopping. Look at your phone and you text Schlatt really quick. “Guess why we can meet up but it can't be for long and my brother can not know about this ever” you looked back out the window with a smile. “When can we go” you asked out loud. “How about once we get to the house the boys are just going to be playing drinking games plus once we come back I can bring them all dinner how does that sound” Gabby said looking at Gaege. “That would be perfect actually” you looked at your phone ready to text Schlatt where and what time to meet. “Bet” is all he said.
Once to the house you put your stuff in the spare room you're staying in and get ready to head out. Walking up to your brother you hugged him “thank you I needed this” he hugged you back “please stay near Gabby” looking him in the eyes you nodded in agreement.
You and Gabby walked out of the house and got into her car. “Thank you so much you don't understand how much I appreciate this” smiling at her “You know I need to know who your meeting” she wiggles her eye brows. Blushing a little”I just a friend I stream with” you try to dodge the question. “That not what I'm asking I'm asking for a name” you signed out “His name is Schlatt” she gives you a look “A boy ooooo. If it was a girl I feel like your brother wouldn't be as cautious but a boy he will kill him then me for taking you then you for lying” looking out the window”believe I know” well will do everything we can do he doesn't ever know about this so that means we got to actually buy some clothes” smiling at Gabby you nod your head in agreement.
Pulling up to the mall you both get out. “Okay once the two of you meet I'll just stay in the mall you can do whatever you want but message me once in a while and meet back here in two hours you hear me.” Gabby held onto your shoulders making sure you understand what she is staying. “Yes ma'am” rolling her eyes as you guys head into the store. You sent a quick text to Schlatt asking where he is. Soon you felt someone pick you up “right here” you heard the person say. You recognize that voice. Turning around once he puts you down, you hug him. “Alright you know the plan all is on my way” Gabby said heading off.
“How did you convince your brother?” asked, still hugging you. “believe me I'm just as shocked as you are but to be fair he thinks I'm shopping with Gabby and have no idea I'm meeting with you” you told him “well then let's make the best of the time we got” taking your hand into his he started to walk out of the mall. “I'll take you out to dinner then will come back and just chill in the mall until you have to leave” he told you, opening the car door for you. Getting in he closed the door and walked around getting in himself. You made it to a very nice restaurant.
Sitting at the table the two of you just talked away about different things. Ordering your food and eating. You guys just stayed and chatted for a while. Enjoying each other's company. “I told you we were going to meet one day” he said to you. Smiling you replied back “Didn't think so soon though” he ended up paying the bill to your dismay. Getting up you both left to get back to the mall. “Thanks for meeting up on such a short notice” he smiled at you still keeping an eye on the road “of course I dropped everything to come see you” you gasped “you shouldn't have done that” you looked worried now. “it's okay it wasn't that big of a deal” you smiled looking out the window soon you felt his hand grab yours.
Getting back to the mall you two just walked around and soon you saw a Build a bear. Gasping you started to drag Schlatt there. You picked out a black bunny. Schlatt picked out an orange cat. You smiled. Happy he was joining you in getting one. Once filed with the stuffing you picked out the outfits. Schlatt dressed his with a sweater and shorts with little light brown boots the bear even had a little baseball hat on. I dressed mine in a little black dress and tiny black shoes. Schlatt yet again paid for both the stuffed animals.
Walking out of the store you grabbed your bunny and handed his to you. Confused you looked at him “that one's mine” he gave you a smirk. “Well now you have something to have that reminds you of me and I have one that reminds me of you” with the biggest smile on your face you guys went to do some clothes shopping for you so you came back with stuff not to look suspicious. With a couple bags and a stuffed cat it was time to meet back up with Gabby and leave Schlatt.
You had a sad face not ready to stop spending time with Schlatt just yet. He grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. “It's okay we will meet again I promise” he gave your cheek a kiss. You started to blush crazy. Smiling at him not knowing what to say Gabby came up. “Alright time to go” nodding your head as you looked at Schlatt one last time. “Bye hope to see you again soon” he waved at you and you and Gabby left.
Once in the car Gabby looked at you “sooooo what did you guys dooooo” she said in a sing-song voice. “Um well we went out to eat then we went back to the mall and walked around we went to build a bear. Both of us got a stuffed animal and then I bought some clothes to not look suspicious and yeah. It was a lot of fun” you smiled through the whole thing. “Like the matching cat” she said looking at the road. Blushing hard, you hugged it tighter to your chest.
Picking up dinner for the boys you headed home. Walking in we set the pizzas down on the table calling the boys in. They rushed in grabbing slices. Your brother walked up to you. “How was the trip with Gabby” you looked at him “lots of fun Gabby even took me to build a bear see” you showed him the cat dressed just like Schlatt. “How nice of her, got any good clothes? '' nodding your head, you showed him the couple of bags you got. He hugged you from the side. “Glad you had a fun time” you smiled only if he knew.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Jock Jschlatt x reader
Chapter 4
It was Friday, the big state baseball game. Waking up at 6:30 to get ready before Schlatt came and got you. You did your hair up in a high ponytail and did light makeup. Slipping the jersey over your head you looked at yourself in the mirror. The jersey was pretty big on you. Turning around you looked at the back. It felt weird wearing his jersey to school, you thought. Hearing the car horn you grabbed your bag and ran out the door. Slipping in the car looking at schlatt. He has his whole baseball uniform on. The tight black pants and his other jersey. The only thing he wasn't wearing was his cleats. Even had his hat on.
“You look so small in my jersey,” Schlatt told you. Blushing, you looked out the window. Getting to the school you both go to the usual hangout spot. You are getting more comfortable with Schlatt's group of friends even becoming good friends with Minx's. “You are so adorable” Minx yelled, hugging you very tight. “You need to start wearing Jay's jersey more often” blushing hard trying to get away from minx. “You harass y/n too much” Schlatt spoke, pushing Minx's off of you. wrapping your arms around Schlatt's stomach hoping Minx wouldn't try and pull you away.
You held schlatt the whole time knowing very well that if you let go minx is going to steal you away. The bell rang. Schlatt wrapped his arms around your waist and started to carry you to class. Blushing hard. Getting to class he put you down.
School went on like normal until lunch. Schlatt wanted to do some practice so the whole group went to hangout at the field today. Schlatt packed you a lunch to eat while he was practicing. Sitting on the bench watching Ted throw him the ball and hitting it. He packed chicken nuggets and a bag of chips with a soda can. You can't forget the price of cake he packed for you as well. Eating your food with a smile you watch everyone play a game of baseball to help Schlatt practice for the game tonight.
Schlatt pitches with such strength it scares everyone when they go up to hit. Laughing every time one of them screams from almost getting hit with the ball. Schlatt could hear your laughing so now he actually tries to hit them with the ball. The look of pure evil in his eyes. Ted goes up and sees it. He felt like death was about to come to him. Throwing the ball Ted screams so loud and so high pitch you would think it was a girl. Laughing so hard at them you almost choked on your cake.
After a little bit they all took a break. Everyone slouched or layed on the floor tiered. Schlatt on the other hand seemed fine. Walking up to you he squats down to eye level with you. Taking a chip from your bag. “You found me leaving bruises on everyone so funny didn't you” he spoke taking a sip from your drink. “Yeah they all screamed like little girls it was so funny” you laughed a little leaning forward slightly. Schlatt put his hands on your thighs to balance himself so he didn't fall. “Ted was the funniest” you said. Ted looked over at you with an evil eye. “He throws like a million miles per hour,” he said. You laughed at his comment. “I bet it wasn't that bad,” you said. Soon Tommy got up pulling his shirt up to show his stomach now with a big circle bruise forming. “That is what he did to me” it looked bad. “Jay!” You said in a harsh tone “that is why too hard” he just shrugged his shoulders. “They deserve it” he said. “What if I was out there and you hit me you would feel so bad” you said to him. “I wouldn't throw as hard either so” he argued back.
“You were doing this on purpose,” Ted gasped. “Not at first I was actually pitching how I would in a real game but after hearing y/n laugh at all of you I may have actually been trying to hit you with my strongest throw” Schlatt admitted. “You were laughing at us” Ted looked at you. “Hehe, maybe just a little. You guys got scared way too easy” you try to defend. “He got me real good on my back” minx came in showing her back. Right in the center was an even bigger circle than the Tommy's was. Bruised really badly. Gasping you gave schlatt a death glare. “Why do you do that?” you asked him. “I didn't like some of the things she was saying about you so when she was running I threw as hard as I could at her. I didn't mean to hit her, it just happened as a bonus” he said, taking another chip from your bag. “That is so rude what did she say anyway it can't be that bad” schlatt ended up blushing really hard thinking back to what she said. Minx came and sat next to you telling you what she was saying to him. “I was telling him all about how we are going shopping this weekend and how I get to see you in all kinds of cute stuff even a bathing suit and how your body is going to look so cute in it from you cute little hips holding up the bottoms and how your ass is going to hangout of it just in the right way. Oh can't forget her boobs, man those are going to look so amazing” now you were a blushing mess. “I don't want to go shopping with you anymore” you are scared of Minx. “Wait no don't do that we have to goooooo” she now started to hug you upset.
Schlatt coughed a little, “can I join?” he asked. You went to answer but Minx's beat you to it. “No girls only,” she told him. You went to speak again but Schlatt butted in. “That's not fair you can't have her the whole weekend I was going to take her out” now the two started to argue. “You two shut up,” you said. They looked at you in shock. You never yell at them to stop arguing. “We can take the whole group and spend the day all together” you said “fine” the both said at the same time now upset they don't get you all to themselves. The bell then rang. Packing up the lunch you had, Schlatt put it back in his bag. “Let's get you to class” he told you, holding out his hand. You took it into yours and walked with him. “So the game isn't until 5 so i'm taking you home with me so I don't have to drive everywhere to come get it and stuff.” He said. You got scared. You're going to his house and going to have to meet his parents and older sister.
“Oh okay” you said in a quiet voice. “What's wrong?" he asked. “Just um scared to meet more new people. It's only been a week and I have met so many” he pulled you into a side hug. “It will be fine, my parents aren't that bad compared to my friends” he reassured you.
After school Schlatt took you to his house. Once there you stayed sitting in the car scared to get out. Schlatt opened the door for you. Looking at him he can tell you're scared. Taking your hand in his he dragged you out of the car. Holding on tight to his arm you both walked up to the house. Opening the door, Schlatt had you walk in first still holding onto your hand. It was a pretty big house. Very clean as well. “Home!” Schlatt yeld out. He walked into the kitchen and there stood his mom baking what looks like chocolate chip cookies. Your eyes widen in hunger, Wanting one. Schlatt looked down at you and saw what you're looking at. Picking one up he handed it to you. Grabbing it you mumbled out a thanks. His mom finally turned around. “Oh my you must me y/n heard lots about you” she said with a smile. With both hands full you couldn't wave at her. You did try to hide behind Schlatt but he was stopping you from doing that.
“You must be a shy thing, don't worry, you don't have to say anything. Jay, what time is the game again?” his mom asked. “5 you got a couple hours” “oh goodie I can finish the rest of the treats for your friends.” she turned back around, starting to work on what she was doing. Schlatt then started to walk away but before he got too far you were able to snatch another cookie. Now in the living room his dad sat watching TV. “Dad this is y/n” schlatt introduced you” his dad looked up at you with a smile on his face. “Nice to meet you y/n. Ready to watch the game?” He asked you. You couldn't find your words so you hid your face into schlatts arm. “She's shy,” Schlatt said. “No problem, I'll get her to speak soon enough,” his dad replied.
Soon the two of you were walking up some stairs. Leading you to the farthest door to the right. Opening the door you both walked in. His room was spotless. You didn't think he could have such a clean room. You go over to his bed and sit down. He went to his desk and pulled out his homework from today. “You got anything for me to do? I don't have homework” you asked. He turned to look at you. “I got a Wii you can play on,” he said. You got excited because you always wanted to play video games but you could never afford any. He got up and set the Wii up for you. Handing you the controller he opens a cupboard up. Inside had lots of different games. “What you want to play” you saw Mario Kart and picked that on our. He took it from your hands and put it in for you. “There you go if you need me I'm just doing some homework.
You played for a while losing every time. The controls were hard. Soon you felt the bed dip behind you. You were to focus to see what schlatt was doing. Soon felt arms wrapped around you and his head on your shoulder. “ Your shit” you heard him say. “I've never played video games before,” you said. He looked up “really?” “Yeah my mom can't afford that kind of stuff” he nodded his head in understandment. “After this game we got to go” he told you.
You all got into his parents car heading to the school. Once arrived, Schlatt went off to the locker room and followed his parents to the bleachers. His mom was carrying a bag full of different treats. Soon we sat next to the whole friend group and Schlatt's mom just started to hand out ziplock bags full of different baked goods. The group cheered happily about the treats. She then finally handed it to you. So excited you started to munch on all the treats. The game soon started. Watching the game you watched in aw. You only ever saw Schlatt practice and never actually play. Every time he was up to bat he was hitting so far, getting a couple home runs. His pitching was even better, getting out almost every player. He was so amazing and his butt looked great in those tight pants. Soon it was the last hit of the night and it was schlatt. They were already one by the score but you still wanted him to hit this and win the game by that. Soon he hit the ball and it went flying in the air landing outside the fence. A home run. He ran all three bases making it back home. The crowd went wild his team tackled him in a big group hug, they one the first game of the year. They now get to go compete at the next place.
Coming out you ran and gave him a big hug. He hugged you back. Soon all his friends came up high fiving them. He kept one of his arms around you the whole time, keeping you close. Soon his dad yelled out “I'm buying dinner let's go to In and Out. '' Everyone cheered ready to go eat some food. “You did amazing, Jay” you told him. He smiled down at you kissing the top of your head. “let's go eat, I'm starving” he ran into the locker room to grab his stuff and we went on our way.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Sitting at your computer you are about to start a stream with a few others. One being Schlatt. You get so excited every time you guys get to do a stream together. You're always so shy though, having a hard time talking to him sometimes. Starting the live you do your intro waiting for all the fans to pile in.
Seeing everyone in discord you jumped in. “Hello y/n” Ted said in a sing-song voice. “Hi,” you said back. “So what we have planned you just told me to join in discord” swagger said. Jackmanifold jumped in “I thought of doing a big you laugh you lose live stream” you smile at his excitement. “The rules are different then my normal ones. This time we have to make each other laugh” he said.
“I don't think I've ever heard y/n laugh,” Schlatt said. “Really I hear it all the time,” Ted replied to schlatt. “I bet it's an ugly laugh that's why she never laughs in front of me” you were shocked by his words he never talks bad about you ever even in a joking manner. “I don't think I do,” you tried to argue. “Then why have I never heard it then” he asked. “Ummmm… I don't really know maybe because you're not that funny” you kinda lied at the end you find him hilarious but you're always so shy and quiet he probably just never noticed you laughing at him. “That's a lie and you know it,” he said. “Alright you two let's start the challenge before the live goes on too long” Jack butted in. “I have a wheel here of all are names and who ever it lands on has to try and make the rest of us laugh”
You start to get nervous you don't even know where to begin on making people laugh you only know dark jokes. “Alright let's see who it's going to be” Jack spun the wheel. It goes around a few times until it lands on your name. Of course, just your luck. “Well I'm not good at this,” you said. “Just try, I know you can do it,” Ted said to you. “Okay I'm sorry for any jokes I speak. What's a depressed kid's favorite thing to do” you asked. Everyone said what. “They like just hanging around,” you said, trying not to laugh at yourself. All their eyes widened. “That was dark,” swagger said. “Yeah I only know dark jokes” you said trying to hide your face in embarrassment. “You need so much help mentally” Schlatt said.
The game went on and you just kinda stayed quiet the wheel has yet to land on you again. Thankfully. You wanted to die from the amount of embarrassment you are feeling. “Y/n you have yet to laugh come on there has to be something to make you laugh” Jack said. “I should just go, I'm just embarrassing myself more and more” you go to the end stream and discord. “Ha pussy” you heard schlatt say right when you hit the end call. Why was this upsetting you so much? You tell dark jokes all the time and you never have a problem other than people questioning your sanity. Like just hearing schlatt make rude comments to you and not finding your stupid joke funny now leaving because you just couldn't laugh. Everything started to get overwhelming.
A notification happened on discord you go look who's it from. Ted's name came on screen asking if I'm okay. “I don't know just some reason my anxiety is hitting hard after I told that joke” you send to Ted. It didn't take long for him to reply “that's weird it was a pretty funny joke even if it was dark.” He replied back to you. Smiling to yourself makes you feel better. “Weird question” you send
“What?” he replied. “Do you know why Schlatt is being so mean he is never this mean to me” you send scared he will poke at you for asking about schlatt. “No I don't. Why do you ask anyway” he replied. Scared you didn't know how to reply.
You put your fingers on the keys and started to type away just to get it over with. “Well, how do I put this? I really like Schlatt a lot and he was always so nice to me and mean to others I thought maybe he liked me too or something I don't really know” you hesitated to send. Taking a deep breath you sent it. It felt like forever for Ted to reply back. “Aw, how cute. I wish I could help but I don't even know Schlatt can be very private sometimes but you're right it's weird how all of a sudden he just starts to be mean to you. He hasn't said anything about you since you left.” He replied to you.
Starting to tear up from frustration and emotions. You don't really understand why you're feeling this way. Just wanting him to like you back. You decide to take a break on live streams and social media maybe it's your anxiety taking over. “I think I'm taking a break from everything for a little bit. My anxiety is going crazy and I need a few weeks to myself and maybe try and figure out this whole Schlatt thing” you sent to Ted. Taking a deep breath you start to shut everything down and leaving discord up to see when Ted replies back. Waiting for him you start to write a little letter for all your fans so they know you're taking a break for a few weeks. Posting it on all social media he sighs out looking back up at your monitor. “Please take a break if you need it. We will talk everyday you're gonna keep me updated on your little crush, life got it” you can almost hear him say this in a sassy voice making you laugh a little to yourself.
Closing discord you turn off the whole computer and monitors. Getting up you walk into the bathroom ready for a nice shower. Hoping to calm your thoughts. Right before you step in you hear you phone go off. Checking it to see who texted you.
Schlatt❤️: Why did you leave the stream today?
Toots: my anxiety got to much
Schlatt❤️: you want to talk about it?
Toots: Not really
Schlatt❤️: well I'm here if you want to talk
Toots:okay :l
You turned your phone off and hopped into the shower. Feeling the hot water poor over you. Enjoying the warmth your head went to your message just barely with schlatt. Why does he care all of a sudden? This is so strange it's making you upset. Turning off the water you got out. Drying off you looked at your phone. You wanted to see if schlatt replied. You wanted to text him so bad to come over so you could hug him and cry. You wanted to do so much but just couldn't do it.
Getting dressed you grabbed your phone and went into your room. Sitting on your bed you finally decided to turn your phone on to see if he texted back.
Schlatt❤️: I think you do
Taking a deep breath you turned your phone off leaving him on read. What do you say at this point? That you're in love with him and you want to hug and kiss him to make everything better. Soon your phone went off again.
Schlatt ❤️: don't leave me on read
You smile at that. But you still couldn't text him. It just felt so wrong.
Schlatt❤️: dumbass answer me
Soon your phone started to ring. He was calling you. Panicking, you threw the phone. Thankfully It landed at the end of the bed. It went silent. Sighing in relief. You went to grab your phone but it started to ring again. You decide to just get it over with and answer the call. Before you could say hello Schlatt started yelling at you. “What the hell you kept leaving me on read then didn't answer the call. You should be ashamed. I'm trying to me a nice friend and you do this what the hell is going on” tearing up you broke down crying feeling bad for being so mean to Schlatt. “Oh wait don't cry sorry didn't mean to yell at you please calm down” he started to freak out not knowing what to do.
“You…. So…. Mean….stream” you cry out only a few words. Barely being able to breathe from all the crying. It just wouldn't stop no matter how hard you try. “Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be I was just joking around please stop crying” you sniffled out finally being able to calm down a little. Once you can breathe again and only tears fall once in a while, you speak. “I'm sorry I don't really know what wrong my emotions are all over the place my anxiety is hitting pretty hard” you try to explain but leaving the part out of you just want to date the man. “It's okay, is there any reason why your anxiety is so bad?” he tried to help but he just can not know. “No” is all you said. “You want me to come over and we can watch a movie to distract you” your eyes widen. Staying silent you had no idea how to answer. Finally you just agreed. “Perfect I'll be over in 15 minutes or so” he hung up the phone. Now what are you going to do? Your crush coming over your face is a mess from crying so hard. Getting up you grab a few blankets and head to the living room. Placing them on the couch you go put some popcorn in the microwave. Waiting for it you pull out your popcorn bowl and some salt. Once it was done you pulled it out and poured it into the bowl. Putting salt all over it. Taking it to the living room you place it down on the coffee table. Turning on your TV you waited for Schlatt to come. You started to bounce your knee. Anxiety taking over your body. You were so lost in thought you didn't realize the door knocking. After a few seconds you snap out of it and went to answer the door.
Schlatt stood there with two bags. Letting him in. “I brought snacks and drinks,” he said, placing the bags on the table. “That was nice of you” you told him. He sat on the couch patting the seat next to him. He walks over sitting next to him as far as you can without him noticing. He did notice and didn't like it so he grabbed you shoulder and dragged you into his side. Laying a blanket over the both of you he turned on your favorite movie. Your eyes widen from shock that he remembered your favorite movie. You grabbed the bag of snacks and seen it had all your favorites. Looking at Schlatt on shock. “What?” He asked lifting and eyebrow. “You remembered all my favorite stuff” you said to him. “Yeah of course why wouldn't I” he said. “I don't know just people don't usually remember these things about me” you told. “Well I remembered” he said. A smile grew on your face. “thank you,for everything your so sweet to me” I told him. “Yeah well maybe that's because I like you” your eyes grew wide. You didn't know what to say or do just stare at him in shock. He just rolled his eyes smashing his lips into yours. You relaxed a little and kissed back. Pulling away you buried your face into his chest embarrassed. You can feel him laugh a little. Smiling to yourself you spoke into his chest. “I like you too” feeling him wrap his arm around you. “I know” is all he said. Looking up at him “how” he smiled at you. “You are way more obvious than you think you are '' blushing you turn to the TV trying to hide your face from him. He pulled you close to him. You enjoyed being so close to him. This was exactly what you wanted.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
As of right now I'm only doing Jschlatt until I feel more comfortable with writing I'll go into more fandoms
I'll write almost anything so send
I won't write smut (I just don't know how to later on I'll try)
Give a little bit of details on the request so I have something to work with (ex: Schlatt x reader going on a date at a theme park)
Please let me know if there is anything I can do better I'll try my best. Dyslexia sucks so I can't write well but I love doing it so please help me the best I can and if there is a fandom you want me to write for (I got to know it though) I'll try my best to write for it just got to give me time.
Thank you, Bunny
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Jschlatt x pregnant reader
You waddle down the Aisle full of baby clothes. Looking at all the cute little outfits. Schlatt leaning on the cart following behind. He wasn't too pleased about having to go out when he can stay home and work on projects. You on the other hand were tired just laying around wanting to go out and do some baby shopping. Being 32 weeks pregnant and everything hurting it was only fair you got what you wanted. So Schlatt took you shopping. Once in a while you would see a cute onesie and throw it in the basket.
Schlatt rolled his eyes after like 5 onesies were in the cart. “You want to get something other than onesies like shoes or pants the kid needs pants” Schlatt told you. Turning to look at him, your big baby bump pushing the cart away. “I can get MY baby whatever I want”
“I'm paying” he whispered out hoping you didn't hear him. You did and you got pissed. Walking away upset now Schlatt knew he messed up this time. Chasing after you he stopped you before you got too far. You couldn't go fast anyway, your feet hurt too much. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, I'll get you whatever you want, let's just finish baby shopping” he tried to plead. Nodding your head in agreement you walked back to the baby clothes picking out more onesies.
One thing Schlatt hates about this whole baby thing is your mood swings. Whatever he says or does you always get sad or mad at him. So he tries his hardest to keep you as happy as possible. “Look it's a Winnie the Pooh hat I have to get it” you showed Schlatt. “Very cute toots” He smiles at you. But it's worth it seeing you this happy. “The little guy is going to be so stylish,” he said. You smiled at him grabbing a pair of tiny black converse.
If there's one thing Schlatt notices is you get things for the baby in your style. He doesn't even think you notice you do it. Once you finish up you are ready for some food. Looking at Schlatt who was carrying all the bags out to the car you give him your puppy eyes. “What” you question. “I want food more or less pad Thai please” opening the car door and putting all the bags in the car. “Fine we can do that” you jumped in the car all happy.
Getting your food you head home. Schlatt is just ready to be done today. You tire him out sometimes but he wouldn't change that for the world. “Let's get you and the little guy comfy so I can go do some work,” Schlatt said, putting all the stuff on the floor dealing with it later. “Awwww but I want to eat my food and cuddle with you” he looked at you with loving eyes. “Okay we can do that I guess no work today” he took you to the couch. Sitting down you cuddle up to Schlatt and start eating your food. He turned the TV on and turned on your favorite show. Happy you can spend time with him and the baby. He put his hand on your tummy smiling to himself when he felt the little one kick his hand.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Request bored here
Master list:
Jock Jschlatt x reader part one, two, three ,four
Jschlatt x innocent reader here
Jschlatt x pregnant reader here
Anxiety (Jschlatt x reader) here
Our Secret here
Jschlatt x reader short story 1 here
Jschlatt x famous streamer here
Jschlatt x depressed reader here
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Jock Jschlatt x reader
Chapter 3
Next day came. Schlatt and y/n made it to the school. Schlatt walked ahead slightly from his long legs. Y/n tried to keep up the best she can but with her little legs it's hard. Making it to a little corner where the wall is lined with windows. The group from lunch yesterday was all there. “You're all here early today what's with that” schlatt spoke fist bumping Ted. They all started to talk about all kinds of random stuff y/n felt awkward being there she almost decided to walk away.
Right when she turned around she ran right into someone. Looking up it was a girl with long purple hair and very pretty makeup on. “Sorry” y/n whispered out. “It's alright cutie” her thick Irish accent came through. “What did you just call her?” Schlatt questioned, a little pissed. “um cutie what's wrong with that” the girl walked up to him.”No one but me calls her anything think that” he got up in her face. Y/n tried to get in-between the two so they don't fight. Her hands went on Schlatt's chest to push him away. “Please no it's just a name” y/n spoke quietly to schlatt.
“You're just so tiny” the girl squealed, grabbing y/n and bringing her into a tight hug. “Minx I swear-” Schlatt soon got cut off by Minx dragging y/n away. Y/n looked back at Schlatt with scared eyes. He was about to go after them until Ted stops him by dragging him over to the corner where a couple of them are looking at a laptop. “You gotta see this” Schlatt just rolled his eyes.
Minx ended up rambling to y/n on how cute she was and how she wanted to do her makeup and dress her up. Y/n just wanting to get back to Schlatt not really wanting to be near someone she doesn't really know. The bell ringing and y/n got so excited to be able to leave. “Um, I have to go to my English class now,” she said, slowly walking away. “I'll walk you” minx links her arm around y/n and walks her to her class. Y/n getting dragged along once again by her.
Minx sees Schlatt waiting outside the door to the classroom. “What are you doing here?” Minx said in a harsh tone. “Class” Schlatt bluntly said. “Really? That's unfair why do you get a class with this cutie?” Minx gets close to Schlatt's face. “I didn't choose to do that” Now the two start to fight again. Y/n grabbed Schlatt's arm and dragged him in class so a fight didn't break out. “I don't like fights” y/n said once they got into class. “We weren't going to fight,” Schlatt tried to reassure her.
Once class had started and they had free time to work on their assignments Schlatt walked over to his seat next to y/n. “So who is Minx?” y/n asked schlatt. “She's a friend in the group she's in cheer too” y/n nodding her head in understandment. Looking at her laptop she couldn't stop thinking about how mean schlatt was to her. Was he like that just to her or to everyone? He was usually quiet when y/n was around so she didn't know if he was. She was so in her own thoughts she didn't realize Schlatt was poking her to get her attention. Once she realizes it she looks at Schlatt “you good you went all Spacey on me.”
“Yes just thinking” is all she said
He was a little worried about her but went back to writing.
Later on lunch came and Schlatt took y/n outside with him. In a nice grassy area a group of kids were. She saw Minx there and hid behind Schlatt. Holding onto his shirt so she doesn't get pulled away from him. Minx spots y/n immediately and jumps up to talk to her. Schlatt put his arm out pushing Minx's away from y/n. “No stay away”
“Because she clearly is scared of you”
“No she's not”
“She is you got to be calm with her”
The two kept going at it. Soo Ted walks up behind slowly taking you away from the two. “They will bicker with each other forever” Ted told y/n. She just nodded her head watching the two. Soon she sees Schlatt's eyes lit up. Walking away from Minx's. He walks up to y/n. Pulling his backpack off his back he digs through the bag. Pulling out a jersey he handed it to y/n. “Wear this Friday to school” he told her. She looked at it and noticed his last Name in bold on the back. “Why?” she asked him. She continues to study the jersey waiting for his answer. “Because on Fridays everyone wears their school jerseys and the girls of the guys who play wear one of theirs and I want you to wear mine.” hugging it to her chest she smiles. “Okay I'll do that”
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Jschlatt x Innocent reader
First off before we start I will be posting soon a request bored for anyone who wants me to write something. Next is I'm not very good at writing I have dyslexia so it's hard for me sometimes so sorry if something doesn't make sense but yeah.
“Hello guys welcome back. Today I'm going to be playing Minecraft. I'm hoping to finally finish my cherry blossom house. It's so close to being done.” You said to the camera. Chat talking about things to add to your house. Launching up the game you get a dono. Any new stuff animals you bought. “Yes actually” soon you're pulling up a new teddy bear that says My princess on it. “My friend sent me this isn't he cute I haven't decided what to call him yet” putting the bear down you continue on playing Minecraft.
Later on another dono came through. Which friend gave you the bear laughing at the message you look at the camera dead on. “It's a secret he would kill me if I told” you purposely said he so the chat could go wild. “I don't know why the bear says my princess though because I'm a queen but eh what can you do” you commented out on the chat still going crazy at the fact the bear says my princess. “Also I see you guys spamming bunny ears no not today guys I only wear them when you get the goal and you haven't done that yet.” Soon you see a call come in from discord. Rolling your eyes, you answered it. “What” you say. “Hello to you,” Schlatt responded. “Anyway what's up” you replied. “Well I seen you streaming and decided to come ruin it”
“Of course that's what you do best” rolling your eyes at the camera to show the annoyed expression you had towards schlatt. “You know it sweetheart” he winked at you. Blushing hard at that you try to play it off. “So your not a princess huh I couldn't find a queen one but I don't think it fits you anyway” schlatt points out that he was the one that got the bear for you” chat went crazy with different responses like omg schlatt and Y/n are together or ew gross would rather have schlatt single.
“Look what you did now, chat is going crazy” he laughed out loud amused at what he did. “Well I didn't care if people knew that I gave you a stuffed bear. What was wrong with that? Don't you like stuffed animals you always beg me to buy you one” he was right but you didn't want you fans or even his fans to know he buys you things. “Guys we're not dating, calm down” you said to chat. You could hear Schlatt laughing. “I just wanted a calm stream playing Minecraft'' you flip you screen to show just your face.
“I think I'm done with Tonight guys. I know it wasn't long but someone had to come and ruin it” you look at the screen where Schlatt's facecam was.”
“That's what I do best, toots. Well maybe now we can have alone time” Schlatt wiggled his eyebrows.
“We have alone time all the time. What makes this different?” you asked clueless to what he said. Chat going crazy trying not to have schlatt ruin your innocents.
“Oh sweetheart we do now? I don't ever remember us having a special time alone” he smiled an evil smile.
“I'm confused now” you said reading chat hoping they would tell you what he means. All your reading is most everyone saying nooo.
“Maybe I should show you but you'll have to turn off the live stream. I don't want anyone hearing or seeing” now at this point you're so confused. “Okay?” You go to turn off the live stream when you hear Schlatt start laughing so hard. “Someone please explain what's going on” once Schlatt catches his breath he replied to you. “I was messing around with you. Damn you're so innocent it drives me insane” you puff out your cheeks mad. “I'm not innocent”
“Okay prove it say something perverted”
“Ummmm….” You start to blush crazy. “No that's not appropriate” you try to defend. “You're so innocent” crossing your arms. “What ever I'm ending the live for real this time” you go and click end live and now it's just you and schlatt.
“So like can I come over”
“For what”
“To show you what I mean” you look at him confused. “I guess” he jumped up so fast off his chair it fell. “On my way” and soon the screen went off. You look at your husky who was laying on the floor by your desk. “That man will be the death of me” you turned off your whole set up and went to the living room waiting for schlatt.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
I have so many ideas for stories to write but I have no idea if anyone even wants to read them.
And I've never wanted to write for somebody so much so why Jschlatt idk but here we are.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Jock Jschlatt x reader
Chapter 2
The next morning came and she saw she had a text from schlatt. Opening her phone she read the message. “Be ready by 7 I'm picking you up” she looked at the time and saw it was 6:46 she jumped out of bed and hurried and got ready for the day. A car honk was heard and y/n looked at the window seeing Schlatt’s car waiting. Y/n picked up her bag and ran out the door. Walking up to the car she opened the door. “Good morning” y/n greeted schlatt. “Morning, you know you're in trouble right” he said, staring her in the eyes. Y/n pit her head down in shame.
“I'm sorry. I really did try” y/n said. Schlatt kept looking ahead at the road. He looked pissed “if you were trying you wouldn't have typed Chicken nuggets are the best” he told her. “It was chicken nuggies are the best” she corrected him” he shot her a glare. Y/n shut up really quick. The rest of the drive was quiet. Once they got to the school the two went right for the library. Sitting down at the table, Schlatt pulled out a laptop and handed it over to y/n. “That's yours I got it for you last night” y/n eyes grew wide “no I can't take that it's to much money”
“And just take it you need it”
She opened it up and it looked so new. Y/n was so excited. Schlatt told her the password to get in. Once all logged in, Schlatt had her start working on her assignment. He was working on his own just waiting for when y/n needed him.
Once the bell rang, the two walked to class together. Schlatt sat back in the back and y/n was in the front. “Alright class you guys can sit anywhere and work on your essay. Just please don't be too loud” mis Carlton said. Schlatt stood up and walked to y/n. He sat down right next to her. “Don't you have friends you want to sit with?” y/n asked. He rolled his eyes at her “well I need to help you don't I that's the whole point of me being here” y/n nodded her head in agreement.
Y/n just looked at the screen getting frustrated cause she didn't know what to write. Schlatt noticed and looked over. “You got at least write something”
“I can't I don't know what to write this whole assignment is stupid”
Y/n throw her hands up in frustration. “I'm not smart for this,” she said.
“You are you just got to try” schlatt pulled the assignment paper out to help look over it so he can try and help y/n out.
Y/n walked out of the classroom frustrated on the whole thing. “Y/n get back here you can't leave the classroom without permission” the teacher yelled out to her. “Mis Carlton let me deal with her,” Schlatt told her. “Alright then but be quick I can get in trouble for taking you out of class” Schlatt nodded and ran to catch up to y/n.
He saw her walk into the girls bathroom. Walking fast he walks in. “Y/n” he yelled out. He could hear crying in one of the stalls. Walking up to it he knocked. “Go away” y/n shouted. “I did not come all the way into the girls bathroom just to be pushed away” schlatt sat down in front of the stall. “I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on” he could hear her sniff a little. “I just don't understand it. No matter how many times someone explains it I just don't get it. I hate English and I wish we didn't have to learn it” y/n explain through the sniffles. “Is there anything you do understand in language arts?” he asked. “I love to write. I can write stories but I only know how to write what I want. I can't write argumentative writing. Or how to spell. Or where you should add periods and when sentences are too long I just like to write” y/n opened the stall door with tear stained cheeks. Schlatt pulled her into a hug. “I don't want you to fail because of me, that was so unfair,” he rubbed her back. “I'll find a way so we both pass” he whispered out to her. “Now let's go back before we get into trouble” y/n nodded and they headed out of the girls restroom.
Back at the classroom y/n went to sit at her seat while schlatt went to the teachers desk to talk to her. Y/n watched closely waiting for something good to happen for once in her life. Soon she saw Schlatt nodding his head in agreement then started to walk back over to y/n. Y/n panicked looking at the laptop like she wasn't trying to spy on their conversation. “You're not that smooth I saw you staring” he said sitting in his seat next to her. “So we made an agreement for you. You have to write a 8 page short story about whatever as long as it's school appropriate and you're getting graded on punctuation and spelling still. It will still follow a rubric she is going to whip up real quick” schlatt explains the whole thing soon adding. “You're lucky she can't really do this but she wants you to pass but still put work in so yeah” y/n eyes grew wide in excitement. “And I'll check it all and help fix all mistakes so you can get a good grade on it”
Y/n jumped into schlatts arms “thank you” she whispered out to him. He hugged her back with a small smile. “Of course now get to work so I can help fix it” nodding her head fast she started to write away. Not much longer the bell rang dismissing the class for next period. “Met me by the lunch room for lunch,” Schlatt told y/n. “Yes sir” she said, saluting while starting to walk away. Getting to her next class period math she sat in her seat. Soon a girl walked up to her. “What with you and Johnathan I saw the whole thing happen during last period” the girl slamming her hands down on the desk. “Ummm he…he got forced to help me on my assignment” the girl scoffed “yeah right just so you know Johnathan is mine you hear me only cheerleaders and jocks are meant to be together not retards with jocks.” Soon the teacher walked in making the girl leave to go sit down. This made y/n very upset because she is allowed to talk to anyone plus she's smart maybe. Her thoughts start to run wild. And start to make her sad realizing she isn't actually that smart. She's barely passing math. Failing English extremely. And don't get her started on science passing by a hair with a D-. The only classes she was good at were culinary and drawing. History was kinda okay with a C. Man, maybe the girl was right.
Lunch came and y/n was so hesitant to go meet schlatt in the lunchroom. Maybe she would just lie if he asked where she was. But then again she might die but missing because he can get very pissy about things. So she went even if something bad will happen to her as long as Schlatt wasn't mad at her. Making it there she sees him standing waiting. It wasn't hard to miss him; he was a Giant for only being 17. He saw y/n walking up. “Alright let's get lunch” he said, starting to walk away. “Ummm I think I'll pass today, I'm not that hungry” y/n spoke out. Schlatt raised his eyebrow. “I know for a fact you didn't eat breakfast so you gotta eat something now” he said.”no really I'm okay” he looked her dead in the eyes he could see she was lying. “You're lying, why won't you eat?” he asked. “Man you're too good at reading me fine. I don't have money so I only eat dinner because that's all we can afford alright "Schlatt raised his eyebrow. “I'll just pay”
“NO, please You've already did plenty for me. Plus I need to lose some weight so it just helps” Schlatt grabbed her arm and dragged her to the lunch line, placing her in front of him. He kept his hands on her shoulders so she wanted to leave. “Your eating I've if I have to force it down your throat”
Once they got up to the register Schlatt paid for both meals to y/n dismay. Walking out with their food y/n soon notice the girl from math class staring her down. Feeling scared she hid behind Schlatt following him to a group of people. “What up bitchs” schlatt yelled out to the group. “Sit” he told y/n. Y/n sat down next to him eating her meal quietly until someone said something to her. “The names Ted what's yours” y/n looked over to see a boy with glasses on holding his hand out. “Umm… y/n” she said in a whisper, scared to talk to someone she doesn't know.
“Nice to meet you, welcome to the group” Ted announced. Now the whole group was looking at y/n she started to get super scared so she shoved her face to the closing thing and it so happened to be Schlatt’s arm. “So you have been missing because of your new girlfriend that's low” someone said across from her. Y/n slowly peaked out to see who said that. Some kid who was clearly a freshman said it. Before y/n could say anything about the two not being a couple schlatt bet her on it. “And so what” y/n eyes grew wide when he didn't even correct him about them not dating.
Right when he said that a girl from earlier came up to the group. “Heyyy boys so I was wondering if I could speak to you Johnathan” schlatt looked at her up and down. “No” is all he said to her. She looks pissed now. Y/n slowly backed away accidentally running into Ted. Ted leaned down to y/n ear. “You good” turning her head she sees Ted looking down at her. Whispering to Ted “she kinda was really mean to me earlier” Ted stood up almost making y/n fall “hell no. No one is mean to anyone to the group” y/n was shocked by the way he reacted. Schlatt looked so confused by all this. “What the hell is going on” he asked “this bitch try to threaten our girl and I don't stand with that”
“I just met you, what do you mean our girl” y/n spoke confused. Schlatt stood up fast, now pissed. Getting in the girl's face “what did you say to y/n” the harsh tone he used even scared y/n and it wasn't even detected to her. “You little bitch you said shit you're going to pay” soon schlatt cut her off. “Your not going to do anything you hear me I find out and your life is screwed”
The girl just walked away pissed. And now a very confused y/n. Schlatt sat down and continued eating his lunch. So much has happened today y/n doesn't even know how to react to it all. The group went back to their conversation and y/n just sat eating her lunch not knowing what to say in any of the conversations.
The school day is now over and y/n sat in her spot watching the baseball players practice. They had state games starting on Friday. This was y/n favorite part of the day because she got to see Schlatt in his tight uniform. His pants shaped his ass perfectly. Y/n shake her head, getting that thought out of her head. Schlatt had her take a break from working on the English assignment. So she just sat and watched. She didn't even pull her sketchbook out. Earlier conversation popped up in her head. Why didn't Schlatt defend the fact they're not a couple? It confused her so much. This whole day was so strange. Her thoughts got cut off when she heard her name. Looking up schlatt stood there all sweaty drinking from a water bottle. “Sorry wasn't paying attention what you need” schlatt raised his eyebrow in question at her. “Practice is over dummy”
“Oh then let's go” grabbing her bag the walked to the locker room. She sat out side waiting for him to come out. Soon popping out the started to walk to his car. “You have been off since lunch you okay did that bitch say something again” he asked question. Y/n looked up at him. “No not that just lots going on today”
“Yeah but I can read you like a book your very easy to tell that your lying”
“Well when that boy in your friend group said I was your girlfriend you didn't really defend the fact we're not even dating it just confused me”
“What you don't want to date me” schlatt smirked
“NO. I mean yes. I mean, I'm just going to shut up now”
Laughing he put his arm around her shoulders “it's just easier not to fight Tommy he is a small freshman with to much personality sometimes”
“Oh. That makes sense sorry I shouldn't have even thought about it just shocked me that's all”
“We only just started talking like two days ago so give it time maybe I can take you on a date after a while”
Y/n eyes lit up “really?..... I mean cool”
Schlatt laughed again “let's get you home” he opened the passenger door for her. She got in waiting for him to hop in as well. They drove to y/n place before she got out schlatt stopped her. “I'm picking you up again same time got it. Alright see you tomorrow” y/n waved goodbye and walked to her appointment door. He made sure she got in before driving away.
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