ganbarxby-blog · 6 years
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“Hmmm? I guess? I’m sure Dia wouldn’t have mind helping you just a little. Of course, I wouldn’t have been upset if you hadn’t known. After all, we haven’t hung too closely till lately with the other members of Aqours.” 
Kanan decided to let it go. Her eyes pulling away from the younger girl. Her eyes focusing on the bento in her hand and the sea as their view. After all, no matter what the case, she just had an incredibly cute girl give her food! Not that this was uncommon as of late due to her surprisingly new found popularity back at school. 
Of course… she wouldn’t dare let either Kurosawa know about this either… The cute girl part or the bento part. Dia would probably interrogate her if she mentioned that she had Ruby give her a bento and called her cute over it. While Ruby might get the wrong idea if she mentioned how she had classmates offer her food and other things quite often… 
“Anyway Ruby-chan. I know my break isn’t too long for me to thank you properly for this lunch. But if you’d like and don’t mind waiting until we’re closed for the day we can go get a proper dessert at the cafe! How about it? We close in about a hour or two so I understand if you wanna do it another day. But I’d really like to properly thank you!”
Quickly, Kanan realized how selfish that seemed to sound. She didn’t want the poor girl hanging around for a couple of hours just because of some obligation to pay her back. Though she really did want to hear Ruby’s answer…
“A-Actually we can put it off for another day. I’d really feel bad if I made ya hang around and wait for me.”
❈ —⋮⋮⊰
         “I suppose that is true, b-but we used to           be close back then, right? I know after all           the stuff with Oneechan and Mari-chan                      happened... P-p-pigiiii!          G-gomen. I just... I guess I just missed you.”
        Mentally Ruby was beating herself up for saying stupid things like this. Kanan must be thinking that she’s being weird after mentioning it. Everything was better now, after all. There was no reason to dwell in the past. Or maybe she was getting a bit obvious about her stupid crush that never left after all these years... She really hoped that wasn’t the case.
         “eh? O-oh I don’t mind. Really! I just          don’t want to get in the way of your work.”
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Hearing Kanan say that she wanted to spend some time with her made Ruby’s heart jump out of her chest. She knew it was just Kanan being the friendly person that she was and that she shouldn’t get her hopes up, but she wouldn’t help but feel a bit excited at the thought of just the two of them hanging out again-- even if Kanan still only saw her as a little sister.
         “We can hang out today! I can help          you finish your work, if t-that’s okay?          You must be tired after working all day          so I don’t mind. I’ll do my Rubesty to                    help you however I can!”
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
i uh. did something. so. mhm.
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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Herro it has definitely been a while! I am going to make an effort to actually be here coming this new year! I have been writing Ruby A LOT on twitter and fanfictions. I love her character. I feel bad for neglecting her blog but with college and stuff, I haven’t really been on tumblr at all except for my art blog... Anyways feel free to like this for a starter! I’m looking forward to the new year <3
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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Ehe..... Very neglected account whoops. Ive mostly been rping on twitter nn... If you’d like a starter like this post?
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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Hey I have my rules and about stuff updated HERE if yall wanna read it! Much appreciated especially if you want to interact!
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
         “Then it’s decided, zura!”
Watching Ruby pull away, she couldn’t help but smile warmly at the other girl’s cute expression, giggling at the way her face lit up like a firework at the suggestion. Even though they saw each other practically everyday because of their school idol work and with thankfully being in the same class and school together, Maru missed it just being the two of them. They had no room for long periods of one on one time like sleepovers and planned get-togethers like they did in middle school, high school being suddenly so much more demanding. So, being caught up on school work and temple duties, she definitely wouldn’t want a chance for them to do this slip by.
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         “I don’t mind either, just as long as I can spend time you too, Ruby-chan!            Both of our houses are very spacious with a plethora of things to do; mine            just has the added pros and cons of being an old temple.”
❈ —⋮⋮⊰
        “True... Maybe we should just go to           your house then? I know Oneechan          won’t mind me staying over. Plus you          always come to my house. I’d be nice          to see your place again after so long.”
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        Honestly Ruby also just wanted to get away from Dia for a while. She loved her sister dearly but sometimes the older girl was just so overbearing. The last time Hanamaru slept over, Dia was watching them as if they were up to no good. She knew that her sister meant well and that she was only like that because she loved her so much, but that didn’t make it any less annoying especially now that Ruby was growing up.
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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❈ —⋮⋮⊰
    “Ruby is really excited to spend more time with everyone!”
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
          She couldn’t help but giggle and blush as her best friend gave her a sweet eskimo kiss, returning the gesture with a grin lighting up her face. Her chest swelled with joy hearing Ruby’s words and just felt warm and fuzzy inside. She could never explain the sense of safety and happiness she gave her everyday, whether when they were just chitchatting or having cute moments like this, but she knew that she loved it and wanted it in her heart forever.
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             “And Maru wants to stay with Ruby all day as well! We could talk to Dia                or my grandma and see if we can have a sleepover, if you want?”
❈ —⋮⋮⊰
      “Oooh a sleepover? Yes please!”
   Ruby’s eye lit up at the idea as she pulled away and looked over her best friend. It’s been a while since they have had a chance to sleep over at each other’s places, more because both of them were so busy now with all their school activities and stuff. High school was definitely more time demanding compared to middle school. Ruby was just glad that the two of them went to the same high school so they could still see each other on a daily basis.
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     “I don’t mind if it’s your house or       mine, as long as I get to spend       lots more time with Maruchan!”
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
She couldn’t help but feel slight concern over Ruby’s assurance. Surely a plaster would fare much better than merely sucking on a wound. Yoshiko soon returned to her earlier pose; she figured it wasn’t any of her business, not with their impending live looming over everyone’s heads.
“…If you insist, Ruby. Don’t overwork yourself so close to our next live; it would be a great shame if one little demon were to fall ill. I guarantee we’ll finish in time, we have three demons working on costumes after all.” Clumsiness aside. Reassurance wasn’t her strong suit, needless to say. 
…Requesting to change back wasn’t a bad idea. With her costume practically complete, she didn’t mind sitting back down to return to her workload. Not to mention, holding up both arms grew tiresome after a while. Yoshiko glanced at the half-finished clothes on her side of the desk.
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“…Also, tell me when you’re done looking over mine. I’d like to change back soon.”
❈ —⋮⋮⊰ 
      “Just one more thing... And done.”
     Ruby sighed, wiping her forehead to get the sweat off her face. Doing all these details was to time consuming and it didn’t help that flustering herself caused her to injure herself like that. Geez, sometimes she wished that she could be less clumsy.
      “All done, you can change back now.       If you could just hang the outfit and put       it there when you’re done. I’m going to       go to the kitchen and grab some snacks                for us.”
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       More like Ruby just wanted a chance to relax herself for a moment. She got to flustered so easily... it was so embarrassing. She really wished she could be as cool and collected as Yoshiko was. The girl seemed to do better when she was alone however. She delicately placed cookies onto a plate and got some iced tea for the two of them. She carried the tray back to her room and knocked on the door.
        “Can I come in?”
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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by  さこもち
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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“If our eyes are shining with hopes, we can see it ~-~-~-~ In this distant train station, something is waiting for us…”
    An Independent & Semi-selective roleplay blog for Kanan Matsuura from Love Live! Sunshine
                                 ~   Multifandom & OC Friendly  ~
Ask ~ Rules ~ About
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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Geez my inactivity here is so bad. Poor Ruby deserves more love.... College started up again so I’m a busy busy bee NNGH.
Feel free to like this for a starter. It’s long weekend rn so I’ll get to things
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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Ehhh sorry I haven’t been avaiable to do responses here! I got busy since I started working. nngh. I will try to be here soon
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
Ruby’s staring and subsequent compliment reddened her cheeks somewhat. Her reaction prompted Yoshiko to look away, albeit to hide her own confusion at what just occurred. She wasn’t sure how to respond - returning the sentiment seemed the most polite, even for something out of the blue.  Besides, the chuuni wasn’t lying by admitting it.
“…Oh? I must thank you for that compliment, my little demon.” Spoken while lifting both arms higher for easier access. “Of course, your sentiment is mu-”
Ruby’s unexpected shriek, however, stunned her for a good second or two. She immediately stepped around to face the redhead, who evidently hurt herself, judging from the finger in her mouth. …Admittedly, Yoshiko wasn’t at all familiar with tending to others’ wounds; all that came to mind were plasters from a first aid kit. Better than nothing, in all honesty.
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“…Are you okay Ruby?” Her hands instinctively held the other girl’s shoulders. “Did you prick your finger? How bad is it?”
❈ —⋮⋮⊰
         “Ruby is okay... Don’t worry...”
       The girl chuckled nervously, sucking on her finger for a few more seconds before taking it out and wiping away her spit. Well that was embarrassing. It definitely didn’t help the already flustered girl calm down one bit.
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          “It happens often... Ehe... I            can be quite clumsy mmm....            At least the dress is all done.”
        Ruby got up, still fiddling with her finger a little. She definitely pricked it a lot harder than she usually did, more because of how jittery she had been moment before. Damn her for being so easily flustered! Oneechan always scolded her for being like that, not that Dia was one to talk. Dia was the exact same way when she was younger. Brushing off the thought, she gave Yoshiko a gentle smile as she looked over the finished outfit.
       “There! Perfect~Thanks again          for coming over. Getting this          one done really helps lessen          the stress... Mouu... So close          to the next live!”
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
Putting on the costume took her no time at all; the buttons on the top helped immensely, while the skirt’s zipper fastened without fuss. The sleeve ribbons weren’t in the way of her arms, and felt rather soft to the touch. Movement felt comfortable as always, likewise for the fabric; a perfect fit, in her opinion. A minute or so of admiration passed, after which she heard Ruby’s voice.
“I’ve already finished changing. It’s safe to come in!”
 Yoshiko saw nothing wrong in allowing her to enter; in fact, she was about to approach the door to let her in just before the other girl asked. She took several steps back to allow enough room for a closer look. The chuuni lifted both arms up by her sides whilst standing still; second nature during fittings by this point.
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“…And with that, how does it look?” Accompanied by a small twirl to show off every inch. "My human form can comfortably move, and the fabric is quite soft. It was easy to put on, too. A perfect fit in Lady Yohane’s opinion.”
❈ —⋮⋮⊰
      “Wow... Yoshiko-chan is gorgeous...”
    Ruby blurted out in awe without watching what she was saying. Emerald eyes just stared at Yoshiko with a pink blush dusting her cheeks. Sure she had seen Yoshiko wear plenty of girlish clothing for multiple lives but-- she had no idea what it was but Ruby couldn’t help but stare.
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     She finally forced her self to snap out of it. Her face grew a brighter shade of red as she felt the heat rising to her face. The sudden relation of what she said finally hit her and she quickly turned her head so she couldn't make eye contact.
      “R-ruby j-just needs to fix this little part right here....”
    Her hands hesitantly reached out touch Yoshiko’s side near her stomach where she noticed it was a bit loose with her stiching. She tried to put a safety pin in but her hands were shaking so bad from how flustered she was and she accidentally pricked her finger. With a loud “Pigi!” she put her finger in her mouth and turned away again.
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ganbarxby-blog · 7 years
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がんばるびぃ! | つきこ [pixiv] https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58808274
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