gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Matt Clark Garden Edit
Matt Clark Garden Edit from thegardenbmx on Vimeo.
Clark came together with this edit filmed over the the summer. Some awesome stuff throughout this part! Can't wait to see what is in store for the future.
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Josh Menard Interview
We met up with BMX team rider Josh Menard to catch up on where he is at right now and his plans for the future! 
First off, where you at right now? Seems like you’ve been all over lately.
Right now I be steady mobbin’ Lake Tahoe. Beautiful place, if you’ve never been I’d suggest checkin’ it out. Snow pretty much year round if you ride the patches in the summer and we got some of the best street spots out only an hour to three hours away.  Sacramento, Frisco, Reno and many more perfect spots to bmx!
So how was the winter out west? Enjoying the cali women and snow?
Well this is my first year living out here and it is amazing. Tahoe is known for its epic powder days and that’s what is all about. When the powders gone and the spring rolls around the mountains maintain easily a 20 foot base so the parks are like video games. The women are all right. In Tahoe they say “Its not your girl its your turn”. But I’m siked to check out all those socal hunny dips, they aren’t ready for nardington.blogspot.com!
You put out an edit for the Garden a couple months ago. Any plans for the future with footage or coverage?
Yes I believe I did put an edit out. Plans for future footage and coverage are a definite. I recently actually broke my cranks and stem so once my bikes back in business you will be seeing a lot of footage throughout California. My grandparents actually are giving me an old RV V8 van that im going to live in, in September. I am going to get a gang together and live throughout  Cali filming and chillin, cant wait for that. But plans for this spring/ summer are going to be just a lot of bike trips to Sac and Frisco. I recently met a west coast homie named Matt Greear from Sac that kills it on a skateboard and snowboard. Be lookin out for some Garden footy of the west coast fool killin it on the deck! But  he is going to show me all of the illest spots around. I’m siked on that.
It seems like you’ve been into the VW scene lately as well. What are you whippin?
Yeah that’s true I love VW more than anything. Ever since I was a youngster I always wanted a GTI. So not I’m whippin’ a 02 JTI. Which is a GTI with a front end swap with a Jetta. I purchased the whip from a good good homie that use to work for the Garden. If anyone is interested in buying it its up feeler now to. Make an offer.
I heard your sister is a body builder now…what’s good with that?
Honestly yes she is. Her and her boyfriend have been working out everyday for who knows how long and now she’s JACKED! It runs in the family my brother Shawn Race aka Pittsfield's finest is a giant too. He has won multiple lifting competitions in his day. I guess I was just the kid that didn’t really ever work out or try to get jacked. But I’m definitely happy for my sister for putting in all that work to become a “body builder”! Shout outs to all the family Hannah, Brittany, Jacob, and Shawn all some real true O.G.s.
How are your insane dogs, Dallas and Lacey? Any recent kills?
There chillin Dallas was living up in Burlington, VT with me for a while just being a G. Lacy has been good to there both now living with my old step mother Gail Broderick. They are in very good hands still chillin. Shout outs to the pups for putting in work since day one.
When you coming back east?
I don’t know. Probably this summer for a month or two to film some shit with the homie Dom Newell. I love ridin with Dom cause he pushes me to put work in and has always been the best at filming/ shooting photos. Hes the realest OG out there ! Gotta come back and visit the shop to make sure Bags and Bills snitch asses are still holdin it down.
Shout outs to all the homies for always bein there for me!
Dom, Frank, Mr. Hill, Duby, Eric, Jaryn, Jake, Adam, T-boner…(needs to get back wit it), Albert, Zakk, Muffinman, All dem New York niggas, Tom L, Jeff Martin, Blou, and all the Tahoe and Vermont homies. 
Also Shout outs to Family Mom and Dad your both G’s! Love you more than anything.
Here is an edit Nard put out at the end of last summer
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Awesome new little montage of our team rider Brian Eddy killing it!
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Garden 10 Year Anniversary Party Photos
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Thanks to everyone who has supported us over the years and thanks to all who came out and celebrated with us! 
Photos: Jay Morris
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Jake Seeley at the Texas Toast Jam
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Jake is out in Texas for a few days and participated in the Texas Toast Jam. Here he is going through the gauntlet of death course. Jake ended up being the third one to make it fully through the course!
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Nike Chosen Skate/Snow/BMX
Skateboarding -- NIKE CHOSEN trailer 
Tune in on June 2nd and find our how your crew can be chosen to live like a pro. RSVP http://on.fb.me/jRfE2j
Snowboarding -- NIKE CHOSEN trailer
Tune in on June 2nd and find our how your crew can be chosen to live like a pro. RSVP http://on.fb.me/jRfE2j
BMX -- NIKE CHOSEN trailer
Tune in on June 2nd  and find our how your crew can be chosen to live like a pro. RSVP http://on.fb.me/jB0UKD 
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
California Top 5's With Chris Wilke
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As most of you may or may not know, Chris Wilke has been enjoying the beautiful sunny days of California the past couple weeks escaping the cold rainy spring time weather of Massachusetts. Wilke took some time off from his busy days of exploring what California has to offer to give us his top 5's.
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5 expectations you had of California before coming out:
- All sun, all the time.
- Babes in bikini's, everywhere
- Babes on rollerblades, everywhereEndless spots
 - Is In-N-Out really that good?
5 things you love about being in California:
- No humidity
- In-N-Out
- Amazing spots
- Pretty ladies
5 things you hate about California:
- The fact that I don't live here
- Smells funky at times
- Lots of shady people
- Angry skateboarders
- Lack of parking
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5 famous people you would like to see during your stay out here:
- Nathan Williams
- Charlie Sheen
- Audrina Partridge
- Lindsey Lohan
5 things that make you wish you were back home:
- Family
- The Garden and it's family!
- My homies!
- Hot Dog Ranch
- Pitty spots
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5 of your favorite places to eat in California:
- In-N-Out
- Eggs etc.
- Banzai Bowl
- Omega $3.49 breakfast
- Chipotle
5 of the best moments while staying at OSS house hold:
- Catfish in general
- Weird Kanode stories
- Tony licking my face
- Watching Catfish scare everyone
- Being in the presence of Gabe Brooks
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5 people you could ride with everyday in California:
- Everyone
- At
- The
- House
5 people you would like to thank for making this trip possible:
- Mom
- Dad
- Jake Seeley
- Adam22
The Garden
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
On the Grind
Our dude's Tyler Dadak and Matt Clark put together a quick little edit of them both killing it on a flat rail right outside Tyler's household. There's lots of really good stuff in this. They are progressing so quickly! I can't wait to see whats next from these guys.
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
New JSLV In!
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We just got a huge shipment of JSLV product! T-Shirts, hoodies, crewnecks, snapbacks, fitteds, tanktops, and stickers. Come down to check out the product and get some because it always goes fast! 
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Jaryn Pierson Recovery Interview
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Photos by Dom Newell
Jaryns been out of the game for quite some time now but he's all healed up and going harder than ever. In this interview he talks a bit about how he survived his down time, what we can look forward to seeing from him in the near future and much more. Click below to check it out. Enjoy!
What are you doing right now?
-Workin too much and not gettin paid enough.
You recently just recovered from a pretty serious knee surgery, how did you survive those long six months of down time?
- Well I was in the middle of finishing community college/transferring to legit college so that whole process took up a lot of time, all the while still going to school full time. Other than that just stayed busy making music, chillin with the krew, cooking, and reading weird shit.
How exactly did you injure your knee?
- The final blow came at the Common (RIP). I was just pedalin into the pyramid like I've done a million times before and my cranks snapped right before I hit it, which basically cause me to get bucked up and over that thing and then landing on my feet over the bike. I was tryin to avoid the jewels from hittin the frame so the pressure from holdin myself up basically blew my knee out. As sad as it is, the Common skate park is gone. I know that you had more of a love for that place then anyone.
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What are you going to miss most about the Common and why?
- The Common was the best worst skate park. The combination of carving around rats and lack of terrain made it a breading ground for talent (and disease). Mainly I just enjoy skateparks that are really basic, even a few manual pads can keep me satisfied for weeks if I'm not tryin to film. When you have nothing to ride you have to continue to learn new moves if you want to keep enjoying yourself, rather than spending time cruisin' around a beast park lookin for lines.
Your currently all healed up and back on the bike doing what you do best, what are some things we can expect from you in the near future footage or coverage wise?
- Been filmin' a little bit here and there when I have time. I'm trying to get my summer schedule up here in Burlington all figured out so I can come back to the Pitt every few weeks to film. Hopefully have some sort of chiller edit out in a few weeks or something, or possible a route 7 trip edit with the Garden team...who knows.
Where do you think you would be today if you never got into riding little kids bikes?
- Either drunk in a gutter, or further along in college, its hard to say.
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Your a man of a very strict daily routine, what would you say is typical day is for you?
- I mean lately shits been crazy with the whole school ending/new job/moving/hittin the Pitt/shit. I hate it. Having a schedule keeps my shit together. Casual day tho would basically be like wake up, coffee&NYT, work for a bit or volunteer at BikeRecycle, cook a fat meal (been feelin the grill lately), drink a tallboy and then pass out.
Read any good books lately?
- Been so busy haven't had much time to dive into anything other than the newspaper and magazines. Just finished up a few books about farming though, and I always make sure I have something by Malcolm Gladwell layin around to pass the time.
What are your faviorite things about being in Pittsfield, MA aka the hood?
- The people. Berkshires are the best, especially in the summertime.
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Any shout outs or people you would like to thank?
- Gotta shout out to the Garden first off, we'd all be jocks if it wasn't for Matt and Big BIll. After that idk, ma dukes and my pops, PBR, the whole Garden Krew, Seeley, Dom, Wilke, Nard, Mastroni for always bein on the filmin grind, Burner aka Burnout aka Slapshot, Frank, Ty Bob & Rob, Yak Attack, and anybody else whose hooked me up or picked me up. Also to Rich who i have yet to meet for hookin it up with the Stranger grassroots program, gotta get some shit done for that soon. Word Up!
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Quade Quick Flick
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Team rider Quade came by the shop today and showed us a couple new photos he shot with Joey Stracener. Make sure to keep an eye out for Quade around Pittsfield killing it as usual!
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Flash Back Friday
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Jaryn Pierson at his roots stunting on the MTB.
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Cult Completes In-Stock
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We just got all of the new Cult completes in stock! Both the CC01 and CC02 and are available in all the colors. Come down and check them out! These bikes are decked out with awesome Cult components as well as a similar geometry to their pro-level frames.
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
New Decks:Real, Anti-Hero, Krooked!
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We just got a huge package with all the new DLX Distribution products in today! Fresh decks from Anti-Hero, Krooked, and Real and a variety of Spitfire Wheels. Also we have the new Real Skateboards DVD, "Since Day One"
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Jesse Pause Welcome Edit
We're stoked to have Jesse on bored! He's a young shredder from Cheshire, MA that's been leaving his mark all over the street of the Berkshires lately with his technical grind maneuvers. Here's an edit put together by Jake Seeley to prove just that. Enjoy!
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Jaryn Pierson Back in Pittsfield
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Jaryn Pierson back from knee surgery slanging them bars!
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gardenma-blog-blog · 13 years
Changing Things Up
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We recently decided to change things up a bit with the Garden BMX team. The Garden is a tight family and is trying to keep it more local. We want to put my focus and help towards the local kids that support and kill it the most in the Berkshires! With all that being said we've decided to part ways with Garrett Reeves, Muffin Man and Alex Magallan. On good terms of course! As of now the Garden is Jake Seeley, Chris Wilke, Mike Mastroni, Matt Clark, Louie Delsonno, Brian Bastow, Alex Platt, Josh Menard and Jayrn Pierson.  And the Flow team will consist of Tyler Dadak, Brady Handford, Nick Roy, James Johnson and our newest rider Jesse Pause.
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