I have sat in on these games with the same Darkfriends. The only one who seems to be out of line with civility is Demandred. He has an itchy Balefire-finger.
There are Darkfriends in the Unreasonably Attractive Fandom! Darkfriends! 
It seems their first target is Cards Against Randland. Who knows what will come next??
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I know it is little early for America but may be Europe wants to play CAR WOT Pack too. Join at
password - randland
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It's only one bloody, actually. But I'm glad you think so highly of me.
What are your top ten favorite Wheel of Time characters in order?
Let me think….
1. Probably Mat?? I’m honestly not quite sure about my very favorite
3. Moiraine always and forever
5. Bryne. Gareth bloody bloody Bryne.
6. Nynaeve yesssss
8. Minnnnn
9. Lan (please don’t die)
10. Asmodean always makes the list
I’m sorry I tried but I love them all equally I took forever trying to decide on the order and I ended up not doing any of the last five justice please don’t kill me
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Glad to know someone appreciates how I handled Gawyn when he was being petulant.
“Look,” Gawyn said, “perhaps I was hasty, but I have an important task. You need to listen to me.”
“And if I don’t?” Bryne asked. “If I instead throw you out of my camp for being a spoiled princeling with too much pride and not enough sense?”
- The Gathering Storm, ch 24, “A New Commitment”
Gareth Bryne doesn’t have time for your idiocy, Gawyn. 
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It isn’t a very good way to go, I assure you.
Not Siuan, oh god, why Siuan.
Had to pause i’m crying.
And Bryne, to have this, too, after the Compulsion 
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New game! Let the forces for the Light triumph!
Password: shortpasswordsareforweaklings
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Anyone up for what appears to be our nightly game of cards?
I’ve set up a game here. The password is “helpicantstopthinkingaboutsyntax”
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The General has found his pipe! Also a shout out to the cutest corgi in the background.
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((I never signed up for this Borderlandian winter! This -15 cold is a curse!))
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So, I was able to get a game up and running! Come here and play!
Password: gareth
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These...are all true. I have nothing to argue with. Have you by any chance been spying on myself and asksiuan?
Siuan Sanche and Gareth Bryne for the married life meme :)
omg this is gonna be fun
leaves their dirty clothes on the floor:
Gareth is a busy man, so sometimes he’s in a hurry and leaves a shirt or something on the floor. Siuan sees this, and starts leaving all of her clothes on the floor too. Gareth gets home to see three dresses and a pair of his boots (that Siuan must have borrowed, Light knows why) in that same pile. Five seconds after Gareth picks up his shirt, Siuan comes in and starts cleaning up her stuff before Gareth can bend down to grab a dress off the floor.
forgets to run the dish washer:
Gareth forgets, Siuan “forgets.” Same goes for unloading the dishwasher once it’s finally used.
pumps gas for the car:
Gareth. Bc he thinks Siuan would mess it up and spray gasoline everywhere. “It happened ONCE, Gareth,” Siuan protests. She huffs and gets back in the car.
drives when they’re going somewhere:
Siuan. She’s got an amazing sense of direction. Gareth thinks she just carries a compass everywhere and hides it. (She does, but she doesn’t ever need to look at it.)
rearranges the furniture:
Siuan. She does this whenever she gets upset. Gareth has no idea why. Siuan once put the coffee table right near the hallway. She bumped her shin on it three times before moving it back. Gareth hasn’t run into any of the furniture yet, despite increasingly odd arrangements.
falls asleep with the TV on:
Gareth. He likes to watch the news at night, but his work days get really long sometimes so he falls asleep as soon as he sits down on the sofa. Siuan just grabs a blanket and cuddles up to him, grumbling about her back aching in the morning. It doesn’t.
gets to use the bathroom first:
Siuan. She loves to take baths. Gareth doesn’t really get it; showers are so much faster. Siuan’s baths start taking so long that she leaves the door unlocked so that Gareth can come in and shave in the mornings.
decides the temperature for the ac/heater:
Siuan. Gareth doesn’t really have a preference, so Siuan just does whatever she likes.
sets up holiday decorations:
Siuan tends to go overboard with the decorations. It catches Gareth off guard every year. One morning the house is the same is always, and that afternoon there are lights on the house outside and a tree in the living room and tinsel all over the house and Gareth is seeing Nutcrackers everywhere??? The cat ate some tinsel. Siuan is fighting to keep more tinsel out of the cat’s mouth.
leaves the lights on:
Neither. Both of them are very careful about not leaving lights on in unoccupied rooms. It’s silly to be so wasteful. It just drives the electric bill up.
uses the bathroom with the door open:
Siuan, because everything takes her forever. She doesn’t wear a lot of make up or anything, she just likes to take a long time for her baths and such. So she figures she might as well let Gareth come in there too.
fixes the plumbing (or calls the plumber):
Gareth fixes it himself, but Siuan is always the one to discover any leaks and point them out. Sometimes she’ll sit with him and hand him tools as he works.
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To make an attempt at your fishing metaphors, I would remind you that people change like the tides. Yes, my pride smarted for...quite some time, I must say that it was a valuable lesson to not stand in your way but to stand at your side.
*Gareth laughed softly* It has certainly served us both better in that regard, I would say.
I must thank you, Moiraine Sedai. You helped ensure that Siuan had someone that she could trust when the rest of the White Tower fought her at every step. Also, you should know that she holds you in the highest regard. Even if she does only dole out compliments when the sun rises in the west.
She nodded and chuckled.
"Ahh Gareth, this is why I was so accepting of the union between you and Siuan. You understand her completely and what she is and isn’t willing to do on a semi-regular basis. There is no need to thank me, we only did as the Wheel expected and thus our success, no matter how long coming, was ensured."
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Well, the Light does bless me indeed then! A straight answer from a weaver of nets that even Aes Sedai can't untangle. 
*Gareth's brow furrowed* I never could fathom why the Yellow Head was called the Weaver, when I've noticed many Blues have a much better way of speaking in circles to confuse simple soldiers like myself.
So... Gareth Bryne Siuan, really? Better than that young footman Cal I suppose. Hmm?
Gareth Bryne may be the most stubborn man I’ve ever had to humiliate in public, but fishguts, despite that he’s so.. solid. Reliable. Like the boat that has gotten you safely home to port through a sudden storm. Mostly because he’s too stubborn to sink. 
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*Gareth bowed to her*
While you may have been following as the Wheel willed, you didn’t try to fight your place in the Pattern as most do. That alone is worthy of thanks.
Light be praised that we have you both on our side. I am grateful that I do not have to face you, or Siuan, as enemies. That would be…dangerous, I fear.
I must thank you, Moiraine Sedai. You helped ensure that Siuan had someone that she could trust when the rest of the White Tower fought her at every step. Also, you should know that she holds you in the highest regard. Even if she does only dole out compliments when the sun rises in the west.
She nodded and chuckled.
"Ahh Gareth, this is why I was so accepting of the union between you and Siuan. You understand her completely and what she is and isn’t willing to do on a semi-regular basis. There is no need to thank me, we only did as the Wheel expected and thus our success, no matter how long coming, was ensured."
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Those accursed twistings of truth that you are so fond of, I would imagine. You are an Aes Sedai to your core after all. But, I think that is why I am so fond of you in the first place. You are true to your convictions above all else. *Gareth laughed slightly while lighting his pipe*
I'm just glad that I can accompany you on this journey.
So... Gareth Bryne Siuan, really? Better than that young footman Cal I suppose. Hmm?
Gareth Bryne may be the most stubborn man I’ve ever had to humiliate in public, but fishguts, despite that he’s so.. solid. Reliable. Like the boat that has gotten you safely home to port through a sudden storm. Mostly because he’s too stubborn to sink. 
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Now Siuan, tell me what you really think. Anyway, I'd say that you are the stubborn one.
So... Gareth Bryne Siuan, really? Better than that young footman Cal I suppose. Hmm?
Gareth Bryne may be the most stubborn man I’ve ever had to humiliate in public, but fishguts, despite that he’s so.. solid. Reliable. Like the boat that has gotten you safely home to port through a sudden storm. Mostly because he’s too stubborn to sink. 
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At least you get a chapter that's as long as some books.
I’m on the last book of the Wheel of Time series. I’m getting really depressed because all of the people I know and love are going to be dead to me soon.
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