gashaponofmuses · 2 years
First Meeting / Icebreakers
“Hi, I’m ______.”
“Oh fuck! Are you okay?”
“Crap! Sorry about that! Wasn’t looking where I was going. Here, I’ll get you a new jacket…”
“Need a ride?”
“How are you?”
“Seems like we’re gonna be stuck on this train for an extra three hours.”
“What’s your name?”
“Thank you.”
“You just saved my life!”
“Move the fuck out of my way.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Would you like anything?”
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Do I know you?”
“Uh, that’s my spot.”
“Oh, God, sorry! Let me buy you a new one.”
“Is that your dog? He is so CUTE!”
“Here, take my seat. You look tired.”
“Checking in?”
“Can I sit here?”
“May I buy you a drink?”
“I can spot you, if you want.”
“How’d you even get stuck in a locker, anyway?”
“Can you turn it down?! Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“Hi, I’m your new roommate.”
“I think I found your dog. Is he yours?”
“You look cold, take my jacket.”
“Hey, I think the mailman gave me your mail by mistake? [Name], right?”
“You’ve had a guy/girl over every night this week! And you’re really loud when you play video games! You know how I know? I know because I live below you!”
“So, your kid apparently punched my kid in the face.”
“Bride or groom?”
“Can you switch seats with me? I can’t see!”
“Okay, look, if you’re gonna be airsick, aim the other way.”
“[Sir/Ma'am], if you don’t stop being rude to me, I’m going to give you decaf.”
“Don’t drink that! I saw some guy slip something in there.”
“Hey, is he bothering you?”
“Don’t give up your day job.”
“…Dude, your fly’s down.”
“I think you have the wrong number.”
“I’m [muse’s child]’s teacher.”
“[Muse’s child/younger sibling] was in my yard again!”
“Get out of here! This is my hiding spot!”
“SHUT UP. And learn to stay on key.”
“Good Evening/Afternoon/Morning/Day/Night.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Is this seat taken?”
“Here you dropped this.”
“You remind me of someone.”
“Will you be taking this?”
“May I take your order?”
“How are you?”
“You look familiar, have we met before?”
“Be careful next time.”
“Hey, could you help me?”
“Help me!”
“I’m so sorry!”
“Are you alright?!”
“I know we’ve never met, but I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I may have seen you before…”
“Hey! Watch it!”
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“Have we met…?”
“Were you at that one party?”
“Remember me?”
“I know you don’t know me but I love your shirt.”
“Quick, pretend to look like you’re talking to me.”
“Hey, is that your dog?”
“Service takes forever here.”
“Don’t mean to sound cliche, but do you come here often?”
“I wouldn’t sit there if I were you.”
“This is gonna be a long plane ride.”
“Can you turn that music down?”
“People are trying to sleep!”
“I’m your new neighbour.”
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Be quiet!”
“Is that your son/daughter?”
“I’ve read about you.“ 
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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Eri was more than happy to give the raven her pebble she found. She just kept it cuz it looked nice, but she had no value in it. But now she found someone who would value it! And that made her happy she went and kept it all this time.
The little girl tilts her head to the side. “Find another home for my family? You mean me and Papa?” she asks, a little confused. “You don’t need to if that’s what you’re meaning. Papa had this house built to stay off the.. grid! And so the heroes can’t find him! And I like this house! It’s big and it has room for guests!” the little girl giggles.
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“Eri, why don’t you go show Sasa some of your drawings? I’m sure he might like to see..” Shigaraki pipes up, standing next to the winged man.
Eri nods and bolts off into her room to go find her sketch book. She had so many, it may take her a bit to find!
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“Don’t take it personally that Eri didn’t accept your gift.. She’s very.. Hmm. I don’t want to use the word ‘traumatized’ but her care takers that abused her would give her gifts to try and keep her put.. So she associates when someone gives her a gift, that they’re trying to win her over and make her do things… But.. I don’t think she took it that way for the most part.. She usually reacts badly to gifts being given to her unless it’s me.”
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      That checks out. He can only do so much, but Sasa would totally be the type of man who would look high and low for a good house for these guys. Whether he can afford it or not--he’d do his best. Good thing she refused honestly, this idiot would totally turn himself broke as hell. He just nods a bit, completely understanding why this is basically the ideal home. Literally no one on his team or the heroes in general knew of this location, and it’s a really decently sized place. And she’s happy, and so was he. That’s most important to him.
      He watched her run off, waving to her before he’d sit back down on the couch. Keeping the stone she had given him in hand. Rubbing his thumb over it, very pleased to have a new shiny thing to his collection. Especially a new shiny thing from little Eri. He will cherish this forever, just like the gift Shigaraki had given him. He will cherish it all forever.
      Sasa shook his head immediately--he didn’t take it personally at all. But hearing a bit about her, what they’ve done to keep her ‘happy’....He’s so happy that she’s now here in better hands. Bizarre as that is, at least she was getting honest and true love from her new dad. It really warms his heart. “I weally hope not.. Rather not make hew uncomfowtable with me....”
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      He’s sort of fidgeting on the couch now. Keeping his wings tightly against his body. He didn’t want to take up space, even when no one else was sitting with him. He’s trying to be a good guest. “The wuvs you tho much..it’th tho pweciouth, you weally make a wondewful fathuh..”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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“I… I don’t mind waiting,” he replies to her, coming to sit down by her side. “I’ve tried soup kitchens.. It never works. They tell me I’m too young to be by myself and tell me to go to my parents and stop stealing from food from people who really needed it,” he explains to her, beginning to sob a little bit.
He rubs at his eyes with the back of his hands and calms down. “S-sorry… It’s been rough..” That was probably an understatement. He’s been through Hell.
“My name is Tenko.. What’s your name, ma'am?” he asks her. He hoped she wouldn’t offer him a hand shake, it was always so awkward to turn it down. If only he knew how to control his quirk!
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     Ah...that definitely made sense.
     It’s cruel to think, but she could see how they would interpret the child’s intentions to such a selfish act. But the boy was so thin, is it really that common of a thing for kids to do here? Living with mortals have thrown her into a loop, but the fallen angel has been humbled ever since she fell here. From a once very gluttonous and selfish angel to really thinking over morals and values in things. Her bag full of bread crust for example was very nice in her eyes.
     She looked to the small boy and ever so gently pat his head. There’s no way he’s lying..and if he was--then yeesh he’s one HELL of a liar. “I-I’m so sorry..we’ll figure it out. Maybe they’ll let you once we go in together. And if they only give me one soup, I’ll give that to you. It’ll be okay in the end, I promise.” She spoke softly, wanting to at least ease the boy’s worries.
     “My name is Pekora. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She bowed her head in greeting, smiling to him. Honestly her best guess on greeting kids is just to do what mothers would. Smile and wave. She hasn’t really seen adults who would shake their hand, feels too business like to her. Since Pekora doesn’t really have a watch, let alone a phone, she mostly looks to the sky or try to spot some kind of clock nearby. She’s pretty sure she only has a couple of minutes left to her break. “Here, you can have the rest.” She said as she hands him the pan. “My shift ends in about an hour. I’ll come right back here as soon as it’s over, okay?”
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Tenko gazed up at her… Kind of surprised that she’d even share her food. Usually when he tried to get someone to share, they’d push him away and deny him the food. But when you were starving, he tried anything to get a bite..
When the food was offered, the boy reached out and carefully took the ripped piece and scoffed it down. The child was scrawny and by the way he scoffed it down.
“Th-thank you…” he speaks timidly, with hardly any voice. “No one’s shared their food in forever.. I was getting so hungry..”
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      By gods, this poor child is going through so much she bet! Oh lord above, why bestow such hardships onto someone so young? Surely he hasn’t done anything to receive this sort of treatment..well, she has heard of certain children acting despicable in their own right, but this child doesn’t seem to be of such nature. But who knows, she can’t bestow such judgement so quickly.
      She scoots over a bit, inviting the other to sit beside her while he scoffs down the food. Poor thing, she wished she could offer him more. “That’s horrible..” Thinking it over, Pekora gently scratched her cheek. “..If you’re able to wait a bit longer, my shift will end soon. Perhaps we can find a shelter somewhere that offers some soup.” She spoke softly, looking to the boy. It isn’t much probably, but she’d gladly accompany him so that they could give him something to eat at least.
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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“Tomura is very nice.. He’s my only family now. And he’s treated me better than anyone else.. Even when the heroes had me.. The heroes are nice.. But Tomu is very special to me. He adopted me.. And he’s a single father too..” Sometimes Eri wondered if he had any interests in anyone else. He never really spoke of love or anyone else. But sometimes, she hoped one day Tomura would find someone.. Wouldn’t that make him happy?
She blinks and smiles, looking at what he had to offer. “Oh, I don’t want to take any of those things from you. If you keep them on your person, then they must be special, enough that you carry them around,” she replies and gives a small bow. “But thank you though! If you want.. Hold on.”
Eri scurries off, running past Shigaraki who was sipping a drink. She make out with a black shiny pebble. She then offers it to him. “I found this one when my and Papa were on a beach. it was black and shiny and smooth so I kept it! But I’d like it to have a better home..” she speaks, as if the rock had a life of its own.
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      Sasa can’t help but admire this. A soft smile on his face as she spoke so fondly of him. How interesting it was that even when she was with the heroes, the one who impacted her the most was the super villain himself. The king, so to speak. The mention of him being a single father, he couldn’t help but tilt his head a bit. Just like her, he hopes whoever Shigaraki deems as the one would make him the happiest person alive. That much he can at least wish him for. While it won’t change his mind on things, perhaps in that he can have some happiness with Eri in the mix too. He’s got a lot to fight for with just her, actually. Probably treasures her more than a pirate would for their gold.
      His wings lowered slightly when she didn’t take his offering. As much as he liked the items, he really did want her to go ahead and take one. But she wasn’t wrong, a few of the items at hand were very unique and nice to him. Nodding his head to return her bow, he puts them back into his coat pocket. He watched her run off, blinking for a moment before he’d look to Shigaraki, his expression itself just wondering what she was possibly planning to do. Once she returned, gosh did his feathers poof slightly out of pure excitement from the pebble. He immediately adored it, Sasa even froze when she offered this beauty to him. Looking to her with surprise before he’d slowly accept it, taking it in his hands and looking at it. Rubbing his thumb over the pebble, a blush on his face and everything before he’d smile to her and bow in thanks. He’s really happy with this gift.
      “...th...thank you tho muchthh...perhapth..I can help find a nither home fo’ youw family..” There’s gotta be something he can do. He’s no good at so many things, but he really does adore them and he REALLY wants to show that he cares for them immensely. How he’s going to do that though, he isn’t sure yet.
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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Tenko gazed up at her… Kind of surprised that she’d even share her food. Usually when he tried to get someone to share, they’d push him away and deny him the food. But when you were starving, he tried anything to get a bite..
When the food was offered, the boy reached out and carefully took the ripped piece and scoffed it down. The child was scrawny and by the way he scoffed it down.
“Th-thank you…” he speaks timidly, with hardly any voice. “No one’s shared their food in forever.. I was getting so hungry..”
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      By gods, this poor child is going through so much she bet! Oh lord above, why bestow such hardships onto someone so young? Surely he hasn’t done anything to receive this sort of treatment..well, she has heard of certain children acting despicable in their own right, but this child doesn’t seem to be of such nature. But who knows, she can’t bestow such judgement so quickly.
      She scoots over a bit, inviting the other to sit beside her while he scoffs down the food. Poor thing, she wished she could offer him more. “That’s horrible..” Thinking it over, Pekora gently scratched her cheek. “..If you’re able to wait a bit longer, my shift will end soon. Perhaps we can find a shelter somewhere that offers some soup.” She spoke softly, looking to the boy. It isn’t much probably, but she’d gladly accompany him so that they could give him something to eat at least.
      Man, they really caught her during her lunch break. She had a yakisoba pan at hand, having already taken a bite out of it before he had tugged on her sleeve. Man, this was her only food too..
      What kind of angel would she be though, ignoring this boy in need! She’d curse herself to the grave. While this will definitely be a bit of a trial, Pekora attempted to rip off a portion for the little one. Giving him the bigger half, “H-here.. Are..are you lost?” She asked, looking to the boy for a moment before looking around. Did they lose their parents maybe? Or perhaps he ran off too far for them to find him. Lord, please watch over this boy!
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Tenko gazed up at her... Kind of surprised that she'd even share her food. Usually when he tried to get someone to share, they'd push him away and deny him the food. But when you were starving, he tried anything to get a bite..
When the food was offered, the boy reached out and carefully took the ripped piece and scoffed it down. The child was scrawny and by the way he scoffed it down.
"Th-thank you..." he speaks timidly, with hardly any voice. "No one's shared their food in forever.. I was getting so hungry.."
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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As the door to the classroom slid open, his head lifted, eyes bleary from staring at test papers, a mixture of black, white and red text, each been given the care and attention they needed for corrections and grades.
Didn’t recognise this one, the red tipped pen was placed down and his attention fully given, unsure what this could be about.
“You’ve found him, what do you need?”
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      Ah, lucky he didn’t have to spend the day looking for him. How unusual--perhaps it’ll actually be a decent day for him.
      All that aside, he bows his head slightly to him in greeting. Grabbing one of his long, floppy ears as he walks in to have a seat. Rather risk any sort of possibility of accidental bumps or brushes, anything that could trigger his quirk..
      “It’s...i-it’s a pleasure to meet you..My name is Unlucky, I am the Head Inspector of the Korean Heroes division known as SPOON. I came here in hopes to perhaps lend a hand to the heroes here as well as possibly giving my younger heroes an opportunity to work among the students here..I wanted to know if the professors would be open to the idea, I rather hear everyone’s opinion on the matter, since it’s been..rather difficult for quite some time for us. And I rather not put on such pressures on anyone if they aren’t up for it..”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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      “P-pardon me..um.. I’m looking for a Aizawa..?”
      He spoke in a quiet, pretty nervous tone. While his Japanese was rather rusty for the most part, the head inspector at least knows enough to hold a conversation decently well. Otherwise, the rabbit-man just looked so damn nervous all the time. Holding onto his arm, head lowered slightly, and was very much keeping his distance from anyone.
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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“Oh Minos…ya I guess yer right I just don’t wanna mess things up ya know.”
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      “Oh? Can I ask who you’re getting a present for?”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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Ranma is just squatting on top of a fence. “…I wonder what kind of gifts people like…does it matter what I can get for them or no?”
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      “I mean, it doesn’t matter, usually. But to some people it depends on their taste.”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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Did Ivan for @gashaponofmuses. I know NOTHING except for what I am told about him from Goob. But I absolutely adore Ivan.
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
Tenko gently tugs at the stranger's arm. Then points to the food they were eating.
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      Man, they really caught her during her lunch break. She had a yakisoba pan at hand, having already taken a bite out of it before he had tugged on her sleeve. Man, this was her only food too..
      What kind of angel would she be though, ignoring this boy in need! She’d curse herself to the grave. While this will definitely be a bit of a trial, Pekora attempted to rip off a portion for the little one. Giving him the bigger half, “H-here.. Are..are you lost?” She asked, looking to the boy for a moment before looking around. Did they lose their parents maybe? Or perhaps he ran off too far for them to find him. Lord, please watch over this boy!
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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“You have a little brother?” she asks him, tilting her head to the side. “I’ve always wanted a brother or sister… But I’m an only child. And Papa doesn’t want another child.. He says I’m special and that’s why he took me in. But no one is as special as I am,” she states a little bit of happiness in her tone. Glad Shigaraki found her special enough to adopt her.
“I like to bake and help Papa.. Also spend time with my care takers and Papa’s friends. They’re very nice.. Bailey is my teacher, and Dina is my care taker! They’re really fun!” she beams.
“But you collect shiny things? Like rocks and gems? Those are very pretty,” Eri adds with a little nod.
      A small nod to answer her question. He wondered on how he could show her. Maybe he could borrow Shigaraki’s phone and find videos of his brother’s performances. Hearing her small wish however, it had him frown a tad. Really wish he could help with that, but..well, it’s probably best to keep it to one kid rather than have more. Especially with everything that’s going on right now. The world isn’t as safe as it was.. If ever..
      Least she seemed a little happy with knowing that she is indeed special. My gods she is absolutely precious! He nods again in agreement, what a special and wonderful little lass she is! “You have a wondewfuw famiwy..”
      At the mention of shiny things, even just hearing or thinking about them had him pretty excited. His feathers even fluffed but only slightly as he nods with a smile. He didn’t have any of those rocks or gems on hand, but digging around in his pocket, Sasa pulled out a couple of marbles, bracelets, and a bunny keychain. “..you..can have one if you wan.”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
In the super hero world, you could see all kinds of folks of many different kinds. Falgore, who was abandoned due to his looks, never judged one based on their looks. He knew someone of the bizarre and even scary looking people, had the kindest hearts.
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“Oh! Ya’ kinda looked like ya’ got that ghost look to'ya. But I’m glad you’re not ah dead man then! I ‘unno what corporeal means, but I am assuming that means yer’ alive.”
Falgore extends his gloved hand to meet Ivan’s. Giving it a energetic and firm shake. “Nice ta’ meet'cha Inverted! M'names Falgore. I’m sort'a a thief. But uuuh my targets are usually rich folks or scum bags!”
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      “Oh--my apologies. It means I’m physically here.” He then chuckled softly as he felt so silly, “I really should’ve just said ‘alive’, that would have been better.” What an interesting fellow this bird-being was! This world, it felt familiar to him though..things felt heavier than usual. He had to think for a brief moment on which world he’s in exactly, but being sure not to end up ignoring the poor guy while he’s in thought. Smiling at Falgore as he gave quite the handshake!
      “Falgore! A pleasure indeed. Aaah, you are much like the stories I’ve heard a couple of times. A Robin Hood, I believe they called him.” Though he proooobably keeps the loot to himself? Who knows, maybe he also gives it to the poor. “I’m the Guardian of Hope and Salvation. I do everything I can to come to those in need, or whoever the God, E, sends me to.” Though he..hasn’t heard from his God in a while. So he has mostly been wandering about all by himself.
@gashaponofmuses (For Ivan)
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“Hey, you look like some kinda magician or something! Or maybe a ghost? I’m not sure! Ya’ look pretty neato!”
      Oh--what an interesting fellow!! So they’re one of the few curious ones who’d just flat out approach him? That’s always fun, mayhaps they’ve grown used to strange creatures of all sorts of shapes and sizes! That always makes things much easier than having to calm down a poor soul freaking out over his looks alone.
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      “Why hello!” Ivan spoke with a bit of glee in his voice. Tipping his hat to the other in greeting, “I’m somewhat like a magician, yes! A ghost however..people have wondered if I was before, but I assure you I am quite corporeal.” He extends his hand out. May as well shake hands to prove that he is definitely no spirit. “Mr. Inverted. A pleasure to meet you.”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
E watched his creation squirm under the pressure of the questions it gave. Nothing would divert the god again, not this time, it was keeping mental note after mental note of the actions Inverted had taken while in their possession. “YES. I AM.” it replied at first to it’s guardians query, E was listening carefully as they began what it thought would be excuses.
The further it’s creation went the more E’s logical mind seemed to run into gaps, errors that could not possibly happen. The gods false head tilted unnaturally as the features started to soften on it’s face, it’s markings unfurled and began to flow on the texture of what could be called skin.
Ivan could see it’s face flicker through sceneries, of planets, of worlds, of situations that only shown for mere milliseconds as E tried to unearth the memory. It was harsh in how bright and vivid the colors that flashed was within such a time before it became a black void once more. The face still locking onto the guardian.
“HOSTING.HOSTED.” it’s many voices remarked, hesitating only for a moment before it stated “YOU ARE DELUSIONAL, INVERTED.”
It hovered it’s free hand over the guardian almost like it was going to trap a bug.
      Ivan wasn’t too bothered by the sudden light show the god was emitting. Though it did confuse the guardian briefly. What were they searching for? For what reason did E had to search? He knew the god could see all, even if they didn’t report anything back to them, E would always know whether they were deceiving them or not. But he dared not question them, just letting them take their moment to search.. Whether he’s used to this or not, it was always pretty damn scary whenever E went back to that void with only it’s face. This giant mass standing in complete silence until it would finally speak.
      “...D-Delusional??..” Well now Ivan knew that sort of feeling where your heart sinks so far into you. He couldn’t believe it--what did it mean delusional?! He saw them die!!
      Ivan went from being so happy to see someone he knew--not even just that--seeing his own creator before him. Seeing someone who could easily get them back. Now he's..he’s so angry, but he wanted to hear what E had to say. His expression practically pleading for an explanation on what E meant. But the more the God spoke, the more Ivan was..both concerned and extremely confused. What in the world did E see?
      “My Integrity..? Broken? E, I’m sure  you know we recognize your search pattern, let alone how impossible it is to lie to you, despite Kite’s efforts on occasions..” The guardian struggled as he tries to keep himself composed, but this was far too much for Ivan to piece together. “I’m hardly making any sort of excuse..It’s as I just told you--we went through the tournament as you commanded..and the end result was..terrible..I lost everyone--I tried contacting you but there was nothing. I finally see you here and you speak as if everything I said never happened.”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
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The god was as always inhumanly still, the only real body language that could be discerned at the moment was the twitch of fingers with anticipation, but as Ivan had felt the energy surrounding E was overpowering. Entering what seemed to be a space that was not only thick but oppressive and heavy, two white eyes scanning over hope and salvation.
a chorus of voices just above a whisper as he had brought Ivan closer. “OF COURSE IT IS I, MY GUARDIAN.” 
It spoke, the intonation as always unclear in which way E was feeling as of that moment. “WHAT OTHER BEING WOULD IT BE OTHER THAN YOUR CREATOR.” it questioned to the guardian.
“BUT ENOUGH QUESTIONS FROM YOU, INVERTED. I AM GOING TO ASK HOW IT IS YOU HAVE EVADED MY VISION AND WHAT IT IS YOU HAVE DONE WITHIN MY ABSENCE. ANSWER AS YOU WILL.” For once it’s expression seemed to become less uniform, the mockery of a face within the cavity of it’s check becoming scratchy. The intricate ever swirling markings that adorn it’s body becoming tightly compressed spirals. “FOR EVEN IF I KNOW YOU WILL TELL YOUR TRUTH AS THERE IS NO REASON TO KEEP YOUR SECRETS. I WILL KNOW WHEN YOU ARE LYING AND I WOULD ADVISE NOT TO LIE TO YOUR GOD.”
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      “....I’m... not s--”
      He couldn’t even finish his thought. Ivan hasn’t really seen his creator act in such a way before. Not even to Kite. There has been that annoyance one would have, almost like a tired father would feel around his rambunctious children. But this air was far more serious than what he’s used to. As much as he wanted to look around, he could only keep his attention towards the God for now.
      What other being indeed.. There’s no way there could be two Es...right?
      The whole thing still confused him greatly. He always thought he was the only one in all dimensions--never would he imagine finding a counterpart in all his journey. So then, is it possible that there’s a counterpart to E as well? Perhaps he’s witnessing it as he speaks. Perhaps this is the one and only E in the end..
      Ivan..really does get so distracted in so many questions. Looking to E as he is trying his best to comprehend all of this. Why was he threatening him in such a way? Speaking to him as if he had committed a crime of some sort. “....My Lord, are you..speaking of what happened to the others..?” He spoke softly as he removed his hat, keeping it close to his chest as he tries to speak,
      “We didn’t anticipate what would happen. We were hosting a tournament, we all had our responsibilities, and I was tasked to bring in the contestants for the game. I..I really should’ve looked into it more, or spoken with Ms. Jury--I..I know it’s all my fault.. I’m so sorry..”
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
Mistaken Identity (Closed)
For @gashaponofmuses​
The universe goes on, ever constant, never stagnant. Stars die and become reborn like clock work. Cities, kingdoms, vast civilizations raise and fall all the same and yet E was there for it all. Keeping the flow and constant of it all working together…of course with some help with the smaller things it would not think of bothering to answer to.
The gods body jittered and shook for one moment, positioning their “head” with a slight tilt as it fixated on one singular being it recognized. One that had been hiding from them for far too long and only now just revealing themselves…
 the deity spoke with mimicked mouth movement, before it brought up the guardians at their disposal. Ripping their consciousnesses from the bodies they inhabited, they showed surprise at first when summoned.
The many voices E had spoked through rattled through all of them.Life gave a furrowed brow “But for what reason, we are all in the middle of the tasks you had provided us–” E had put up one hand to signal Life to be silent before continuing.
The voices slowed initially before speeding up, the god giving a quick gesture with his hands. Within seconds the three were not only there spiritually.
Death had an obvious frown on his face for once unsure of the gods message “This is…not like you” They began before their button eyes were centered downward “What obligation is big enough for your attention if I can ask?”
Chaos scoffed “of course you’re not going to tell us and act cryptic…”
E did not give much of a chance for more comments from his creations, the face within the void blanked out for just a moment. Flickering through scenery to scenery of other worlds for seconds at a time focusing on the familiar feeling.
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Suddenly it’s face flickered back into view as it had reached where it wanted to be, seeing the monochrome pocket dimension and a singular being that sits blissfully unaware of it’s presence. E could not and would not be able to tell how long it has been since he had access to this realm since the incident.
Their bliss would only last for those brief seconds before a giant hand reached out to the smaller being putting a strain on them. the environment around them seeming to buckle due to the power E was exerting over this space.
Layers of voices range out as two white eyes locked onto them.
      Blissful Loneliness.
      This has been the feeling he’s sat onto even more so than usual. He hasn’t even began to take a sip of his tea, solemnly staring at the liquid in his cup as he thought back on the guardians. On the events that happened. Everything that lead up to the now. He hasn’t even seen his creator in so long. At the moment, he felt like he lost his entire family. It’s..unsual perhaps, to think that the only family he has left now is a counterpart of himself and his brother.
      He really hoped he could get his family again somehow. He misses them dreadfully so. Each passing time he felt smaller and smaller, even his pocket dimension, which was once a quiet city, has grown more...smaller. Emptier. Why bother with it right now--all he can think about was his friends.
      Before he could ponder any further on what could be done, suddenly he was ripped out of his own home. His own space so effortlessly--what was happening!!
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      When he finally came to, finally seeing the culprit--oh man he couldn’t believe what he’s seeing for one bit.
      “...E..? Is that really you? Are you really--” The guardian was shaking at this point, he could barely hold onto his cane. Excitement? Relief? He isn’t really sure--right now he’s honestly glad to see someone else he’s so familiar with. But the way E felt, this energy was suffocating.
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gashaponofmuses · 2 years
@gashaponofmuses (For Ivan)
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“Hey, you look like some kinda magician or something! Or maybe a ghost? I’m not sure! Ya’ look pretty neato!”
      Oh--what an interesting fellow!! So they’re one of the few curious ones who’d just flat out approach him? That’s always fun, mayhaps they’ve grown used to strange creatures of all sorts of shapes and sizes! That always makes things much easier than having to calm down a poor soul freaking out over his looks alone.
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      “Why hello!” Ivan spoke with a bit of glee in his voice. Tipping his hat to the other in greeting, “I’m somewhat like a magician, yes! A ghost however..people have wondered if I was before, but I assure you I am quite corporeal.” He extends his hand out. May as well shake hands to prove that he is definitely no spirit. “Mr. Inverted. A pleasure to meet you.”
@gashaponofmuses (For Ivan)
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"Hey, you look like some kinda magician or something! Or maybe a ghost? I'm not sure! Ya' look pretty neato!"
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