gasnie · 5 years
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Mario Peixoto, Limite, 1931
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gasnie · 5 years
When I rode him, I felt like the goddess of sex. I bounced up and down with his hands secured on my waist. Nothing existed apart from his expression of ecstasy, his muscular chest and my own deeply sexual pleasure, filling every cell of my body. Time had a different dimension as every touch, sound and movement of his penis resonated and ecoed in me.
"Oh, yeh, baby, ride me, I'm all for you."
He had always mixed desire with this strange sense of safety, where I felt like anything I did would be met with love and acceptance.
In those moments, the Hell beneath me was closed. There was only a hard member, a sculpted chest and the face of my lover, my only, my sweetest.
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gasnie · 7 years
Give birth to me once again. I want to meet you once again. I want to see the beautiful ocean once again.
Mushi-shi, ep 21
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gasnie · 7 years
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gasnie · 7 years
Carpe Diem
I recently heard this sentence in a random song: “I can wait,because I have a whole life to fill.”, it struck me and stayed with me for days. How cold I have never thought of this? How could I have lived in dread of tomorrow, when there is uncountable tomorrows in front of me. Isn’t a day just a pearl on the very long string of life’s necklace? If nothing happens or if just one thing happens, even if it’s something very deep inside of me, doesn’t that make me hold a diamond in my hand? Why chase the body instead of making use of it? Why chase the world instead of profiting from its abundance? In a battle, there is always a side that loses, I wish to give up on it.
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gasnie · 7 years
You are prime matter, who am I? The looking-glass in your fingers. I become all that you display- The mirror to prove your existence.
Rumi, You are the drop, and the ocean
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gasnie · 7 years
I know so many words to express my feeling and yet I feel like I know not how to make a single sound... I wish to scream, but will I really if the wind is the only one to hear??? My heart is if as locked up, reclusive, cut off from the sight of the vast sky above. Do I have a name if no one utters it??? Ohh, the sahara of my soul, when will it be appeased?...
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gasnie · 7 years
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I have become mad, but I will never become free. "J'ai trouvé l'éternité."
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gasnie · 7 years
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Untitled (?)
Zdzislaw Beksinski
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gasnie · 7 years
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tell me, would you be mine?
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gasnie · 7 years
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Medusa 1597
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gasnie · 7 years
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gasnie · 7 years
“There were poisons so subtle that to know their properties one had to sicken of them. There were maladies so strange that one had to pass through them if one sought to understand their nature." (about being love-struck)
-The Picture of Dorian Gray
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gasnie · 7 years
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gasnie · 7 years
We were watching it together. - Is it this interesting? – I asked after a few minutes of a pretty boring interview with a dietitian. He raised his eyes from the coloured screen and gazed at me. - No. It is not interesting at all. –he said, and resumed on watching the show. – But it's still much more interesting than my life.
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gasnie · 7 years
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gasnie · 7 years
In the presence of the Other, light is shed upon my body; more and more details can be observed… Words that I didn’t have, surface; eyes that I didn’t know, look at an unknown world- I love looking at your heart, be close to me!!
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