gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
I stopped writing for a long time because I had no confidence. I'm going to come back soon because maybe coming back will help me. I saw that I have 131 followers and I'm excited that's a big deal to me. 31 people have been interested since I quit. I'm gonna try I promise.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
This is actually why I haven't been writing.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
Anonymous said:
bruh you should totes write a hybird ot6 fic. don’t give a fuck about the plot just pure teeth rotting fluff.
Pairing: AH OT6 (lads-centic)
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mild language
Summary: Michael definitely was not expecting a literal explosion of...
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
The Sun
For Chase<3. It’s been too long since I wrote Rayvin for my little Bruv.
Ray remembers clouds.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
i also really lost my confidence as an rt writer.. im friends with so many good writers for rt and everyone is so nice i just constantly feel like im in everyones shadow, you know?
so, if i dont write much... its usually that or school
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
hey guys!
things have been tough lately but i promise within the next few days to a week i WILL post something new
i promise
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
A/N: Chase has made it 8 months. 8 whole fucking months! It’s insane and I’m so proud. He likes Burnvin.
If one more person told him how to do his job, he was going to murder them. In front of his phantom.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
Hey guys! My girlfriend and I are going to be writing a King AU together! I just reblogged the teaser. I hope we get work on this started really soon I adore this AU. 
so, keep an eye out for that. \o/
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gavinthe-free-blog · 10 years
This is a teaser an Achievement Hunter King Let’s Play AU Chase and I will be writing. The teaser was written by me.
based on malluis’ royalty au.
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
     The King, the Primus, looked out over his kingdom from his favorite balcony. The view had always been marvelous, but now with the overcast sky making everything a dull slate grey, the view was cold.
     His wife, his Queen, was still asleep. Today it would do nothing to disturb her. Everything would change today. He could feel it. There was no reason to wake her, to hasten her distress.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
A Good Friend
It had been weeks since he'd actually been the first one to talk to Gavin. Michael was so fucking tired with himself of it, too. He'd really only been talking to Lindsay on a regular basis. Even at work, he'd been a bit quieter than usual-- it wasn't like it was on purpose though. It was accidental, and even so, he felt like the planets biggest jackass. 
He just kept... putting it off-- He's probably pissed that I've been such an asshole, anyway. He'd probably put in Gavin's head that he didn't want to be his best friend anymore. Team nice dynamite wasn't a thing anymore. That Gavin was no longer his boi.
But none of it was true. Gavin was his best damn friend on the planet. And nothing would ever change that-- not for a second.
It made him sick that he'd been acting like anything else. He knew-- He just knew he fucked up. So he got home from work, and showered, putting on his slow mo guys shirt and his hoodie, before he got his ass in his car and drove.
So, he went to Geoffs, his hand shaking and his eyes on the ground. He felt like he was choking-- suffocating on the weight of how much of an asshole he felt like. He knew it was probably a smaller issue than he felt like, but right then? it felt huge.
He'd done nothing but accidentally ignore Gavin for weeks, he'd shut him out without meaning to-- he'd blown him off and christ did he feel like the worlds worst best friend.
So as he went quietly to Gavin, standing outside the door, trembling from head to toe-- he couldn't easily tell himself it was okay. It wasn't-- It wasn't, it wasn't, it just really fucking was not.
But when Gavin opened that door, and smiled at him widely. 
For a good twenty minutes, Michaels just kept saying sorry and tryign to explain-- all of the words coming out shaky and garbled.
Gavin only said over and over to forget it
but Michael hated that it happened
why would he forget?
Eventually, however, Michael slid into place beside Gavin, and grabbed an xbox with one last steadying breath. Gavin looked over at him and smiled "Are you ready to just get back to how things were now?"
Michael took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."
"Going to stop saying sorry for something I was never mad about?"
"Probably not, but, for now yeah."
"Good, come on boi, we have things to do." Gavin grinned, starting up the game.
And it all felt so overwhelmingly average that Michael almost did forget that he was an asshole. It was nice, but when he got home, all in all, he'd hurt a friend, and he might never actually forgive himself. 
At least Gavin could
At least Gavin still held that fucking perfect love of Michael as his best friend in him.
One of them had to love Michael.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
Griffon had been out with someone, and Millie was at her friend's house. Gavin was sitting on the couch with Geoff, watching whatever it was that was on, and not particularly giving an actual shit about it. But while they were watching, a movie trailer came on, and immediately after seeing it, Gavin looked over at Geoff, and tilted his head down a bit.
Geoff looked over and caught his eyes and groaned. "Oh come on. Are we really gonna go see it?"
"Yes Geoff, we are."
it was fantastic. They watched the movie, and Gavin really enjoyed it. He hardly actually looked to see Geoff's thoughts. 
But at the end-- when he watched one specific scene, he felt like something in his chest had been torn out. Like hew was hollow now, and it was more painful than anything he could imagine.
So when they got home, Gavin gave Geoff this hopeless hug, and just stayed there-- Luckily, Geoff understood, and held him close to him.
"I've got you Gav."
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
Distressed wailing/// why are you so cuuuute? And ur a great author btw I'm melting into a pile of fluff
!!!! wow oh my gosh... thank you so much!!!
i've been having the worst week on the planet this was such a nice message to come back and see!
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
i just hit 100 followers!!!
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
A Very Good Week 9: Proposal
Ryan left the bathroom after making sure every hair was in place and that his suit was straight and the roses all were perfectly arranged. Ray had chosen them, and he knew that the boys all needed a few minutes to hide around the restaurant, so when all of them texted him saying they were in place, he went out to Gavin, 
"There you are, Ryan." Gavin said, and ryan could feel that he was relieved to see him. He set the roses down in front of his boyfriend, and felt his pocket, making sure the ring was still there and that everything was ready.
"Yeah, here I am love. I had to make sure everything was gonna be perfect for you." he gestured to himself with a smile, and kissed Gavin softly. 
Gavin smiled into it, and hugged his boyfriend. He held on until Gavin let go and gave him a look. "So, what am I missing?"
Ryan smiled. This was his chance. "close your eyes, Gavin." he smiled, pecking his lips again. 
Gavin nodded, and sighed, smiling before he closed his eyes.
"I really love you, Gavin. You balance me out, and hell if I would ever get a wink of sleep if you weren't around... Gavin, I ah... I'm sorry you were confused all week. I told the guys, and, they're gonna join us after you tell me what you think but..." he took Gavins hand, and gently slid the ring he'd taken from his pocket while he spoke onto his ring finger. "I'd... Like to spend the rest of the time I've got with you." he said.
Gavins eyes opened, and he promptly looked down at the simple ring that Ryan had given him. It had one, gorgeous emerald set on a silver band.His chest tightened. Yes. His answer was yes, but how did he get the words to come out?
He wheezed, and hugged Ryan tightly, starting to cry. Ryan only held him, and waited for him to calm down.
It took a few minutes before Gavin murmured "Yes" and buried his face in Ryans neck. 
The boys all came out and joined them only moments later. Ryan had waved them over, and as they sat, he held Gavin, smiling a huge, elated smile. He was so excited-- he loved Gavin so much he thought his chest would explode every time he thought about it.
Now, he was glad to know that it was the same on both ends of the rope.
That night, Gavin curled up in Ryans arms, crying still, but laughing and smiling and kissing him.
He was in awe, and he fell asleep in awe.
He woke up warm, and safe, and so happy he never wanted to move from the spot he was in.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
A Very Good Week 8: Waiting
Notes: aaaahh!! it's getting close! the part is getting close!!
Gavin arrived at the time Ryan told him at work. They'd kissed, and ryan lingered a bit more than normal. It left Gavin's lips buzzing all day. He'd rushed home with Geoff to get into a nice button down and dress pants. Then, he had Geoff take him to that address, and when he saw just how upscale the restaurant was, he almost passed out. He went in and up to the table. The man at the podium asked him what reservation, and he said "Haywood" and he was led to a booth, a corner one with lots of room. It was confusing to say the least, and he didn't even know an upscale place like this would have this, but he assumed anything was possible.
He waited in the seat, and he felt like it was years. Where was Ryan? where was he?
His heart raced as he waited for him, and after what felt like a year, but was really more like half an hour, Ryan came up, with a bouquet of roses in his hand and a smile in his face.
"there you are, Ryan." Gavin smiled widely.
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gavinthe-free-blog · 11 years
A Very Good Week 7: What The Hell?
Notes: only 2 more! I'll probably go to bed after those 2 go up, tbh.
Michael and Ray took him to Michaels the next day. On the way there, Michael put his arm around Gavin and said "I really hope that Ryan is good to you, Gav." he said softly. Gavin was so entirely done with feeling this out of the loop. It was driving him wild that he had no idea what this was about.
Before he could question them, he got into the pool with the two, and watched them floating around and kissing and generally they just messed around.
Eventually, Ray floated up to Gavin and smiled. "everything's good with Ryan right?" and Gavin almost snapped right then.
"Why does everyone keep asking me! Ryan and I are fine! Stop asking because the answer really won't change!" he almost shouted at Ray, who gave him a sympathetic smile.
"I hate to give you this answer, but, You'll see why we're asking soon enough. Michael has a card to give you that'll give you more answers tomorrow though." Ray nodded.
When they got out of the pool, they went inside, and Michael handed Gavin the card when he was dried off. Inside it, written in Ryans handwriting was an address, and underneath, it said Dress Well. 
Gavin snickered a bit and went home, sending off a "Night Ryan, I love you." before he went to bed, excited to see what this had all been about this whole time.
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