gayowulf-sims · 9 days
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It's the 20th birthday of The Sims 2, and a rather bittersweet day for my Supernatural Legacy: The final passing of Generation 2 with the death of the spouse, and the toddler birthday of the Generation 4 twins.
But the song will go on. The song will always go on.
(Oh and for anyone wondering: The pink-robed witch is the Gen 3 heir. The guys holding the kids are his husbands.)
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gayowulf-sims · 4 months
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Contrary to popular belief, I do occasionally post things! Here's a dorm I whipped up for my supernatural Legacy
Featuring the 4t2 Castle Kit conversion by @lordcrumps, which I only just recently acquired and am, therefore, obsessed with.
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gayowulf-sims · 5 months
12.5 GB on my main profile
2.6 GB on the profile that is my attempt to make TS2 as much like Castaway Stories as possible
For some weird reason the Castaway profile loads so much faster than the main profile... I wonder why? The world may never know.
ok reblog this with how big your mods folder is. I want to see who on simblr has the biggest mods folder.
i'll start, mine is 21.7 GB i am aware that's somewhat small for simblr :D
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gayowulf-sims · 10 months
We need to make our own mod manager, like CKAN for Kerbal Space Program.
Sometimes I wish downloading TS2 CC was as easy as the Steam workshop...
Imagine, just click "subscribe" and bam, it's in your game.
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gayowulf-sims · 1 year
Hey, I've got maybe a silly question but it's been vexing me - in your screenshots of Imperium, you've got the beautiful stained glass windows from the cathedral in your reception hall. How did you enable them to be bought or placed? Thanks!
Not silly at all! I'm afraid I don't remember all the details as it's been quite a while since I've played TSM, but I think you have to enable testing cheats (guide for that is here). You might also have to enter the "buydebug on" cheat to get the menu to show up, but then it's just another catalog section.
One very important caution that I do remember, though: Once you place the windows (or anything else from buydebug), you cannot delete them! You can undo, but once the game is saved they are there forever (I think you can still move them, though).
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
Sim with my a raging to play, I cannot to kill her.
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- Secrets Post #003, January 12th, 2008
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
...Define "active". I post at least a couple times a year!
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Hey everyone! I’m glad you stopped scrolling to check out what I have to say. 💙
My name is Mel (she/her) and I’ve recently started a new Sims 2 custom ‘hood loosely inspired by a few different BACC rulesets. It’s all I’ve been playing, non-stop, every chance I’ve gotten, for over a month now… and I’m showing no signs of losing interest. I’m clearly a bit obsessed with this game.
I’ve followed a few Sims 2 Simblrs since falling down this rabbit hole but I’m looking for even more blogs to follow. If your Simblr is primarily Sims 2 content I’d love to give it a follow! Custom ‘hoods, pre-mades, rotational players, legacy players, modern day, medieval… I want it all!
Feel free to follow, like, reblog, yell at me in the comments… I wanna hear from you and meet your sims! Also please check out other people that have reacted to this post. Sims 2 deserves so much more love on this platform.
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
Thank you for the excellent guide! I will give this a try... once I can conjure up enough space on my rather crowded hard drive.
One piece of info that may be helpful for the one simmer who found pink soup in their game on Ubuntu: I've recently come to learn that, when using games with Wine/Lutris/Proton, neither the game nor any of the files it needs to access should be on a Windows-formatted partition (usually in NTFS format). My current working hypothesis is that it's due to differences in the way Windows vs Linux handle file permissions, but I don't have concrete evidence for that yet.
This appears to not just be an issue with TS2; I did some tinkering around with Hades a while back and when I tried installing on my NTFS drive, the game would crash before even starting up. When I put the game on an EXT4 drive but kept the save files on NTFS the game would start but have a delightful error message about being unable to access the save files. And when I put everything on EXT4, it worked perfectly. (That said, it's not a universal problem because I've been successfully playing SimCity 4 in Linux on an NTFS partition for like fifteen years and it works fine.)
This may not be related to the pink soup problem—I'd expect a more dramatic failure than pink soup—but given the track record of other games we should probably stay away from Windows partitions.
Installing TS2 on Linux Ubuntu
I have finally got my act together and written out how I installed TS2 on my Linux Ubuntu system.  If there are any major spelling issues, like random \][;] throughout the document, I apologise.  One of my cats was attention seeking by walking over the keyboard as I was typing… I do think I managed to delete all of his contributions though!
Download it here
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.  Hopefully others find it helpful!
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
I'll go ahead assume that "SimCity 4 disaster" was a typo and not a slander against one of my favorite games of all time, considering that SC4 came out before TS2 😛
BUT, I simply cannot pass up an excuse to pitch SimCity 4 to the world. So, have a recent-ish picture from my screenshots folder selected more or less at random:
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If you're a TS2 player who likes building custom neighborhoods and houses but procrastinates eternally on decorating said houses (yes this is a callout post @ myself), give it a try! The SC4 modding community is just as vibrant as for TS2 -- maybe more because there was never a clear successor so a lot more people simply never left.
Anyway if anyone has questions about SC4 (even if you just use it to make TS2 hoods) feel free to ask! I've been playing this game since... 2007 I think? so you might say I know my way around it.
I know logically the Sims 2 was a massive triple A game with the money to get endorsements from people like Paris Hilton but also she’s so quirky indie game coded. With the incredibly bizarre but charming storylines of all the pre-made sims, the absurd amount of cross compatibility and attention to detail, the weird but endearing sense of humour in everything from the animations to the descriptions of each and every little aspect of the game, the most insane fucking glitches and code held together more by thoughts and prayers than any sort of integrity… idk it just doesn’t feel like a Big Corporate Game the same way Sims 4 does, and even Sims 3 felt toned down and more focused on big triple A features like Open World and realism than the fucking insanity the Sims 2 had. I don’t know if that is a sign something horrible happened to the game industry or if it’s just the Sims 2 being the best video game of all time ever and being unable to be toppled, but either way it’s interesting
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
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...Huh. Not what I expected to be honest; I figured it would just crash.
Interestingly, the cars do actually follow the shape of the land, but the paths of the roads. And I've got no idea what's going on with the shading.
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
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Anyway never mind the pirates, here’s a kingdom I’ve been playing for quite some time. It’s called Imperium and I’m very pleased with how some of the buildings have turned out so I figured I’d share a few.
The story behind Imperium is that I completed every Kingdom Ambition on platinum and then was like... okay what next? Obviously the answer is ALL OF THEM AT ONCE!
So I took my wizard-turned-monarch Anduin Magnus from the final kingdom of the run and sent him off to found Imperium. I used the “New Beginnings” ambition (instead of “An Eternal Kingdom” since I wanted to keep working on achievements) and cheated myself 80 Quest Points to achieve all of the following:
Place all buildings
Annex all foreign territories
All heroes to level 10
All heroes §10,000+ (on hand)
Maximize all kingdom aspects
All heroes have legendary trait
All heroes friends with each other
All heroes married
Platinum on all quests
Easy goals, right? I finished with 12 QP left, so I guess I judged that just about right!
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
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Who’s got two thumbs and finally acquired Pirates & Nobles THAT’S RIGHT IT’S ME
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
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Anyone know how to fix these two problems? Most* of my custom 2-story windows have one or both: The lighting between the “inside” and “outside” sides of the window is reversed, and the window doesn’t allow light in the room.
*Including every single medieval-style 2-story window I have which is seriously putting a damper on my cathedral plans.
Seems like this should be easy to fix, but I’ve never edited anything but skintones and sim/neighborhood data in SimPE before.
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
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If you guessed GIANT JACOBAN CATHEDRAL, congratulations! You are good at guessing things that are very easy to guess.
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A current WIP. Any guesses not that it’s hard to figure out?
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gayowulf-sims · 2 years
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A current WIP. Any guesses not that it’s hard to figure out?
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gayowulf-sims · 3 years
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WIP redesign of the Beaker house in Strangetown. Decided to really lean in to the castle vibe. (What? I like castles).
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gayowulf-sims · 3 years
This is a delight
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I had Opinions on Nervous Subject over at Maxis Shenanigans
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