gaysharktime · 5 years
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gaysharktime · 5 years
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no clue what to do with these bois so ill leave em here
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gaysharktime · 5 years
Happy Halloween!!!
Joyce: Ooh! Wolverine! How scary!  Will: I’m Edward Scissorhands.  Joyce: I don’t feel comfortable with you going trick or treating with scissors. Why don’t you go as Edward Spoonhands?  Will: Mom it’s Halloween, not Hallowuss. 
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gaysharktime · 5 years
Write while tired, they said.
It will help your productivity, they said.
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gaysharktime · 5 years
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gaysharktime · 5 years
everyone who reads this post will get some big spicy joy within 24 large minutes (hours)
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gaysharktime · 5 years
Reblog if you’re bisexual, support bisexuals, or want all racists dead
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gaysharktime · 5 years
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Just a reminder
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gaysharktime · 5 years
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gaysharktime · 5 years
being dumb and bi is in now. if you’re dumb and bi you’re basically the coolest person on earth
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gaysharktime · 5 years
those posts criticizing common writing patterns in fanfiction are so fucking harmful and they ruined me
so like yknow what??? People tell you to avoid “smirk” and “chuckle” as descriptors because no one does those things (???) but then when I need to use those words I have a ten minute crisis about how I’m a shitty writer. So heres my unwarranted writing advice: If you want your characters to smirk and chuckle fucking let them and don’t let anyone tell you that no one smirks or chuckles because I do both on a daily basis whenever I tell a shitty pun, bye 
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gaysharktime · 5 years
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some roddy-o love
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gaysharktime · 5 years
So you’re telling me that Joe Keery just released his debut album, which could easily be one of the best bodies of work someone has produced in all of 2019, yet all people can talk about is the new haircut? You’re telling me that some of these people deliberately go to his social media accounts to harass him, telling him they won’t listen to his album because he cut his hair? Telling him he’s not handsome anymore, trying to destroy his confidence and his self-esteem?
Last time I checked, someone’s qualities and talents weren’t defined by hair. The album he just released is good, really fucking good- And I’m not saying this just because he plays Steve; let’s face it, sometimes actors pursue music as a side thing and they fucking suck, but this isn’t Joe’s case. He’s amazing as a musician, he plays several instruments, the lyrics are great and his voice is good too. He’s fucking talented. He deserves recognition for the music he is putting out. So if you’re one of these people who hate him for getting a haircut and are actively trying to boycott his music, just know that you don’t deserve him, not as a musician, not as an actor. You’re not a fan, you never cared for him; chances are you only saw him as a poster-boy or something. And you’re a bully too, please grow up.
Thx for coming to my TED talk, if you got this far please don’t forget to listen to Joe’s album Twenty Twenty, I promise you won’t regret it. It’s got those psychedelic, progressive vibes that make you feel nostalgic for things you haven’t even experienced yet in life. It’s awesome. AND SO IS JOE.
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gaysharktime · 5 years
Everyday is like. Endure Emotions and Complete Tasks. Can I die
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gaysharktime · 5 years
scooby said ‘’ruh roh’’ 
shaggy said ‘’zoinks’’
velma said ‘’jinkies’’
daphne said ‘’jeepers’’
what did fred say
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gaysharktime · 5 years
Also steve was tortured by Russian military dont tell me he doesnt have ptsd dont dismiss the fact he has ptsd you cant do that you just can’t okay
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gaysharktime · 5 years
All you Billy haters preaching about toxicity, yet you conveniently leave out the part where you more than likely participated in other fandoms featuring "toxic" characters that were given ample redeeming arcs and eventually became better people.
Daryl Dixon? From the very beginning he was established as a racist bully who seemed like he was not above getting violent with a woman. He and his brother were planning on robbing the other survivors, he defended his racist brother who beat the shit out of a minority character, and he came close to hitting Carol. Now he's a beloved character who people obsessively hope will get together with Carol.
Dean Winchester? I love my dorky hunter, but let's be real, he was initially prejudiced towards ANYTHING supernatural (usually prior to any incriminating evidence, or lack thereof), and he had absolutely NO PROBLEM punching his brother when he was upset. Now he's a hero with sentimental relationships with various supernatural entities, and he's learned to use his words more than his fists when it comes to a disagreement between himself and his family.
Sherlock Holmes? You can argue that his social handicap was to blame, but let's be real.....half the time he knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he made snide comments or put his friend's personal lives on blast. He was smart enough to know that his words could be hurtful, it was just easier to hide behind his status as a "fully functioning sociopath". Let's also not forget that he committed treason against his own country (and his brother) because he was too wrapped up in his own selfish goal. Granted he eventually learned how to balance empiricism with sentiment, but not before he caused a number of problems.
Tony Stark? Love my sassy tech geek, but he was definitely a work in progress. Narcissistic, no regard for the role he played in another person's personal life, self-absorbed, and often callus. It took being held prisoner and tortured before he finally saw the truth about his role in the world, and how much influence he had in other people's lives. Now he's a beloved hero who sacrificed himself to save the universe.
My main point? Each of these characters were given a genuine opportunity to learn how to be better people. Sometimes it's trial and error, but the bottom line is someone was showing them a better way.
The song "Jim's Theme" from Treasure Planet sums it up perfectly:
And how can you learn what's never shown?
Yeah you stand here on your own
They don't know me
Cause I'm not here
Until Billy is given a proper chance to LEARN, until someone steps in and teaches him to be better, and shows him that he has value outside of his degree of usefulness to others, he's not going to be redeemed. But if no one steps up to take on that responsibility, then what? Should he be left to his fate because it's more convenient?
Billy grew up in a violent household, he's been conditioned into thinking that aggressive behavior is normal and that obedience is mandatory. His only parental influence for so many years was an abusive father. He's become an extension of his father's personality, and he hates himself for continuing the cycle, but he has no idea how to break it.
Let us also keep in mind that his attempt at getting any level of maternal affection involves some Freudian bullshit where a middle-aged woman only shows interest because she's a bored housewife who is excited about the possibility of riding a teenager's dick. Billy's been led to think this shit is normal and Karen Wheeler gets off scott-free because she's a woman and women can't be sexual predators right? If she was half as smart as she thinks she would've seen right through that facade.
But if the genders were reversed, and it was Mr. Wheeler and his buddies checking out Heather......you all would've lost your goddamn minds. But since Billy is a boy than it's not that bad.
Also.....she fucking enabled her middle-aged friends to ogle a teenage boy.....just let that sink in for a moment.
We stans are not romanticizing abusive behavior, we're looking past the exterior to get to the root of the problem. We see Billy for what he truly is: scared and in constant pain.
Side note: Hes not a goddamn racist, the evidence does not support, and no I will not take constructive criticism because most of you are just fixated on a hollow argument because that is your ONLY argument.
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