soadm · 2 years
Stories of a drunk man
Hi, this is the stories of a drunk man. I welcome you all to my tumble account. I hope you all have been well. 
Before i give you a proper introduction, i have a few things to say; this is my first time on tumblr. I have no idea what am doing. I have no expectations. All i can say is that am on a journey, a journey in search of that which i cannot see yet i know is missing.
Mine is going to be a pecular introduction, for it is needed on the journey we are about to udertake. And in this introduction of self, I will not reference words like man, woman, rich, poor, tall or short, for they hold no sway to where we are going. 
Hi, I am i loss, i am fear, i am doubt, i am selfishness, i am pride. I am empathy, i am resilience, i am love, i am empathy, i am compassion. I am hate and i am love.
Nice to meet you
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