gayvyre · 2 hours
People act like they know what "Life Before Death" and "I will protect those I hate" means, but at the mere thought of someone who actually makes the pain personal that shit is out the window and they'll string together excuses as to why this instance actually means the death penalty is okay (because they're uniquely qualified at identifying who's deserving/capable of life/redemption and no one else has every mistakenly thought their violent vendettas weren't unjustified).
Yes this is about Moash.
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gayvyre · 3 hours
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gayvyre · 3 hours
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her 💞❤️💞❤️
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gayvyre · 19 hours
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pride month let's gooo
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gayvyre · 2 days
Spin the Wheel for a random Stormlight Character
Look them up here if you need to but beware of Spoilers!
Have fun~ 8)
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gayvyre · 2 days
the light eyes don't spend enough time apologizing to bridge four for the bridges. like i respect dalinar and adolin and renarin and jasnah for the changes they make, but they should be on their knees repenting for those mistakes. instead they just point out to kaladin how fucked up he is while continually asking him to take on more responsibility. they treat him like a person when he is functioning and don't really deal with him when he is not, despite the fact that their fucked up system is why functioning is so difficult for so many of bridge four. idk, i know they are trying their best but it has real capitalist boss energy, like they are inconvenienced by the trauma inflicted by sadeas and when anyone asks for acknowledgement or reparations the best they come up with is that they can't go back and that there are more pressing matters at hand.
i want one of them to one time set aside their problems and try to meet any of the bridge crews where they are, to listen for one moment to the suffering that happened. even if they are not directly responsible, they need to start interrogating the system of privilege that let something so horrible happen. might help them in their debates over how to handle the parshendi if they acknowledged that their lifestyle has always been built upon the suffering of others
when someone is competent they are just expected to keep being competent, regardless of what has made them that way, and i think that there is cruelty in that. i want dalinar to take one second to not be the bondsmith, looking toward the future, and instead be a human, and sit with his men, and just listen
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gayvyre · 3 days
well if i were in that situation i simply would have done something different (<- spoken of a piece of media about a person progressively isolated and stripped of agency by forces far greater than they until the only path they feel they have to tread—erroneously or otherwise—is one that they previously never would have chosen)
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gayvyre · 3 days
that moment when you cross the point of no return with a character should be accompanied by a specific chime i think. like 🔔 congratulations! this one has been installed in the Permanent Collection and you will never stop thinking about them as long as you live
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gayvyre · 4 days
Stormlight 5 has been completed at 491,000 words.
Brandon Sanderson: The last book [Rhythm of War] was 460,000 words, and it was the longest they could print at the time, but we were able to squeeze a little extra by going and being like, “Alright, how big can we literally physically get it?”
They said somewhere around 489…so we’ll see… we are squeezing every bit of space into this book that we can.
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gayvyre · 4 days
silly stormlight textposts
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gayvyre · 4 days
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"Kaladin Blues". Was feeling a bit down so I drew Kaladin at the beginning of his bridgeman days. Likes and reblogs appreciated for sulking Kal.
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gayvyre · 5 days
renarin month
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gayvyre · 5 days
there's this specific kind of "bad"/unsympathetic victim narrative that i'm obsessed with when it's executed well, where someone's trauma response is to become increasingly destructive and selfish, at first in the hope that there will be consequences - that someone will follow the broken, bloody trail they're leaving behind them and try to stop them - because that will mean that they've been seen. that someone has finally noticed them, acknowledged their pain, and done something about it. but then, when those consequences never arrive, or are too easily brushed aside, they realise that they're enjoying being in control (or the illusion of control) for once far too much to stop, and start to buy into this delusion they've begun to construct for themselves, where what they're doing is Justified, Actually, because of what they've endured to reach this point. they've long since crossed sunk cost fallacy event horizon. to look back now would be unbearable. which is, of course, when the consequences they cannot so easily ignore arrive, and they're forced to reckon with the fact that they've mistaken the grave they've been digging for a great and gleaming tower, the crumbling walls of which are now starting to collapse inwards on them. it's such an inevitable but compelling tragic route to go down.
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gayvyre · 5 days
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gayvyre · 6 days
i talked to the butcher and he said i'm his favorite lamb he's ever slaughtered. and when i mentioned your name he didn't even remember slaughtering you
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gayvyre · 6 days
I’ve been thinking about Raboniel telling Navani that she surprised her... she sure did, and it was not the only time.
I feel like she also took Raboniel by surprise when they sang the rhythm of war together, and Navani took her hand.
The Fused are not gentle; they’ve lived through thousands of years of war, and thousands of years on Braize hunting and torturing the Heralds. They wouldn’t even have had a physical form on Braize. They acquire physical forms upon returning to Roshar, but do they strike you as the kind to let anyone near? That’s more than enough time to have completely forgotten how wonderful an act of tenderness can feel. What were her thoughts when Navani took her hand as they sang? Much to think about.
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gayvyre · 6 days
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happy pride to all da MILFs out there
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