gcdabandoned · 5 years
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you.✧ I would physically hurt you.✧ I would attack you unprovoked.✧ I would manipulate you.✧ I dislike you.✧ You annoy me.✧ You scare me.✧ You intimidate me.✧ I hope I intimidate you.✧ I pity you.✧ You disgust me.✧ I hate you.✧ I’m indifferent toward you.✧ I’d like to get to know you better.✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you.✧  I’m unsure what to think of you.✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you.✧ You are my friend.✧ You are my best friend.✧ You are my mentor.✧ I look up to you.✧ I respect you.✧ You are my hero.✧ You inspire me.✧ You are my enemy.✧ You make me happy.✧ I want to protect you.✧ I would fight by your side.✧ I consider you an equal.✧ I think you are beneath me.✧ I think you are above me.✧ I would lie for you.✧ I would lie to you.✧ I would sleep with you.✧ I would sleep by your side.✧ I would hug you.✧ I would kiss you.✧ You are family to me.✧ I would die for you.✧ I would kill for you.✧ I would trust you with my life.✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging.✧ I would trust you with a secret.✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret.✧ I love you (platonically).✧ I love you (romantically).✧
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
✧ Oliver
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you.✧ I would physically hurt you.✧ I would attack you unprovoked.✧ I would manipulate you.✧ I dislike you.✧ You annoy me.✧ You scare me.✧ You intimidate me.✧ I hope I intimidate you.✧ I pity you.✧ You disgust me.✧ I hate you.✧ I’m indifferent toward you.✧ I’d like to get to know you better.✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you.✧  I’m unsure what to think of you.✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you.✧ You are my friend.✧ You are my best friend.✧ You are my mentor.✧ I look up to you.✧ I respect you.✧ You are my hero.✧ You inspire me.✧ You are my enemy.✧ You make me happy.✧ I want to protect you.✧ I would fight by your side.✧ I consider you an equal.✧ I think you are beneath me.✧ I think you are above me.✧ I would lie for you.✧ I would lie to you.✧ I would sleep with you.✧ I would sleep by your side.✧ I would hug you.✧ I would kiss you.✧ You are family to me.✧ I would die for you.✧ I would kill for you.✧ I would trust you with my life.✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging.✧ I would trust you with a secret.✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret.✧ I love you (platonically).✧ I love you (romantically).
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
♀ ( for heaven, duh)
text meme | @ghosstts
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
[text]: i can’t see you anymore.
[text]: think of it as a blessing. nothing good ever comes from being around me
[text]: i’m sorry
[text]: don’t call this number again
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
“ did you really have to be that honest? ” “ every time i see you i just feel more alone. ” “ you changed me. ” “ was this all just a joke to you? ” “ i don’t want to know. ” “ can we start over? ” “ you make me feel so insecure. ” “ i don’t know if i can love you. ” “ every time i wake up i’m reaching for you … but you’re never there. ” “ of course it meant something! ” “ stop yelling! ” “ i gave up on you a long time ago. ” “ you think i care about you? cute. ” “ did you just forget about me or something? ” “ i still need you. ” “ i wanna say that there’s still hope but sometimes things just don’t go your way. ” “ you said you would keep trying! ” “ no, you ARE strong. ” “ you promised me! ” “ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” “ i gave you everything i had. ” “ your eyes can be so cruel … ” “ i can never do anything right can i !? ” “ i want my life back. ” “ stop crying. ” “ you should go. ” “ don’t come back. ” “ does hurting me make you feel good or something? ” “ just stop it. ” “ i was never in love with you now leave me alone! ”
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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THE LIGHTS WITHER INTO DARKNESS, and that’s his cue. he uses the cover, three minutes before the bombs detonate beneath the stairs, to find his weapon of choice, fingertips playing over his options for a breath before they find the cool metal that feels just right. he wastes no time navigating his way through shadow back to the center of the floor, and the lights go up—the crowd looking on in horror at the monsters spilling into the ballroom. it’s mindless as he fires—one … two … three … fourfivesix—and he loses count, lost in the carnage and the animalistic RED of his vision. the machine gun clicks, waving its white flag until he locks another magazine in place and whips his aim toward the presence he senses at his back. he doesn’t register the face until he’s already spoken. “ —one step closer and i’ll put so many holes in you your family will mistake you for a turkey and swiss sandwich at the funeral. ”
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if teddy hadn’t already been on a hair trigger, don might have stopped to roll his eyes. of course the kid had some snappy line prepared. if don had really wanted him dead, he probably could have killed him before he’d stopped talking. might have gotten taken down by the reactionary pull of the trigger and the ensuing machine gun spray but his point stands. they’d be having a talk about that later. “ease down, kid. i’ve gotten this far without getting shot tonight, i’d like to keep it that way.” he takes another step forward, confident that teddy will have recognized his voice by now, and takes stock of the man in front of him, brow furrowing. “looks like you can’t say the same. you’re hit, teddy.”
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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“You can bash against your chains all night.”
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
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I want a name.
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. for vic
text symbols | @rcthlcss
[text]: how did you get this fucking number
[text]: just because i didn’t smother you in the hospital doesn’t make us friends
[text]: don’t message me again. you’re gonna get us both killed.
0 notes
gcdabandoned · 5 years
drunken confession.
your muse is drinking with mine and has been given the chance to question my muse anything they want to know. some may be triggering, others won’t. send me a 🍻+ the question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer.
“ what’s holding you back in life ?”
“ is everything alright? ”
“ when did you choose to give up ?”
“ what’s the kinkiest thing you have ever done ?”
“ how many have you slept with ?”
“ what’s your biggest secret ?”
“ do you believe in love ?”
“ what’s the meanest thing you have done ?”
“ what scares you more than anything ?”
“ have you ever considered running away ?”
“ do you love me ?”
“ what’s your dirtiest fantasy ?”
“ who hurt you ?”
“ what made you this way ?”
“ is there anyone special in your life ?”
“ why are you always smiling ?”
“ what lie have you told that hurt someone ?”
“ if you could do anything in world, what would it be ?”
“ who are you, really ?”
“ is there anything you regret ?”
“ what’s your biggest regret ?”
“ tell me about your first kiss ?”
“ what is your deepest, darkest fear ?”
“ is there anyone you regret kissing ?”
“ have you ever cheated, or been cheated on ?”
“ what is the most embarrassing thing in your room ?”
“ who have you loved, but they didn’t love you back ?”
“ is there something you have never told anyone ?”
“ when was the last time you cried ?”
“ how come you keep running away ?”
“ have you ever made someone cry ?”
“ if anything, what makes you hate a person ?”
“ what takes for you to fall in love, trust someone ?”
“ do you believe in true love ?”
“ what have you done that people would judge you most for doing ?”
“ do you regret letting me close ?”
“ is there someone you have a crush on ?”
“ what is the strangest place you have ever had sex ?”
“ tell me your most awkward date story ?”
“ do you ever get scared ?”
“ what do you really think of life ?”
add your own for further development.
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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gcdabandoned · 5 years
THE  TEXAS  CHAINSAW  SERIES   sentence starters !
this was made using dialogue from the first six movies.   trigger warning for mentions of violence, murder, animal death, gore, drug usage, incest , ableist and misogynistic language, nsfw themes, and everyone just generally being assholes.   feel free to edit these as you please.
 “ i heard you, but it don’t mean much. ”
 “ a dog will hunt. ”
 “ you’re so dead you don’t even know it. ”
 “ what kinda sick shit is this? ”
 “ oh, you just hush. ”
 “ i promise you, you and i are gonna have some fun. ”
 “ what if i were to turn you loose, what would you give me? ”
 “ don’t call me darling, dammit. ”
 “ no, please! no! ”
 “ that was for your own good. ”
 “ do you think all i wanna do is kill you? ”
 “ back up, pig fucker! ”
 “ i’m starting to think you like wasting my time. ”
 “ if that’s what you want, it’s up to you. ”
 “ i wonder whose tongue this is? ”
 “ what are you doing to yourself? ”
 “ today i’m gonna use my tongue in ways the lord never intended. ”
 “ you’re just trying to scare me into leaving. ”
 “ they take the head and they boil it, except for the tongue. ”
 “ how mad at me are you? ”
 “ you don’t need to be walking these roads alone at night. you should get in. ”
 “ stop, you’re scaring me. ”
 “ no talking until after i say grace, asshole. ”
 “ i’m gonna ask you nicely one more time. ”
 “ yeah, you gotta watch it getting into cars with strangers these days. ”
 “ people shouldn’t kill animals for food. ”
 “ you have to get out of here. ”
 “ oh my god, i’m way too stoned for this. ”
 “ it’s easier to resist at the beginning than the end. ”
 “ man, it’s hot in here. ”
 “ please stop your damn bellyaching. ”
 “ i smell bullshit. ”
 “ you’re gonna get killed doing that. ”
 “ you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. ”
 “ i think you’re chasing the wrong tail, buddy. ”
 “ i’ve got a perfect willingness to die. ”
“ you stay away from me, you fucking animal! ”
 “ there’s more work to be done, lets get it over with. ”
 “ you know why i’m here. ”
 “ get your sweet little ass back in the dirt until i say otherwise. ”
 “ look at me, i’m not a dope smuggler. ”
 “ you can’t get cancer from not having sex. ”
 “ i hate when this happens. ”
 “ guess i’m falling apart on you, honey. ”
 “ do you fuck all of your cousins or just the ones you find attractive? ”
 “ that was beautiful form. ”
 “ son of a bitch smells just like a slaughterhouse. ”
 “ the only thing you’re gonna catch in this water is disease. ”
 “ oh, he’s weird looking. ”
 “ what’re the chances of a brainless bitch like you knowing how to use that thing, huh? ”
 “ hey, what the shit? ”
“ it’s too much, i’m gonna be sick. ”
 “ where you headed, man? ”
 “ are you ashamed of your country? ”
 “ what are you afraid of, that they might try to fuck you? ”
 “ hell’s exactly what they raised. ”
 “ there’s roadkill all over texas. ” 
 “ fine, i lied, but it’s not my fault they were stupid enough to believe it. ”
 “ i guess that’s what brains look like. kind of like lasagna. ”
 “ keep your voice down. ”  
 “ what you do is your own business. ”
 “ boy are you dumb. 
 “ well, first i’m gonna kill you. it ain’t no fucking biggie. ”
 “ your little ass is gonna be in big trouble. ”
 “ how’d you get stuck way out here? ”
 “ i did it for us. ”
 “ are you afraid of a little blood? ”
 “ you beautiful bastard, you. ”
 “ i just thought of something so cool, what if we got into a wreck, and we crashed into the car in front of us and we all died. they could write a song about it. ”
 “ they live off fear, they thrive on it. ”
 “ the saw is family. ”
 “ you wouldn’t lie to me, would you? ”
 “ well lookie here, we’ve got ourselves a killer. ”
 “ you’ve never had a date in your life you’re so ugly. ”
 “ how often do girls blow their heads off in this shit hole town? ”
 “ that was so not cool. ”
 “ i have a question for you. ”
 “ you’re not scared, you don’t know shit about being scared. not yet. ”
 “ you better rocket, cowboy. ”
 “ promise you won’t hurt me. ”
 “ on a list of bad ideas, that one is way up there. ”
 “ i’m sorry, but we’re all gonna die. ”
“ you just keep sweet talking me, dumpling. ”
 “ that gun’s no good. ”
 “ you think i give a god damn what happens to you? ”
 “ you can’t do it alone. ”
 “ put down the weapon, don’t be stupid. ”
 “ there could be dead people buried all around us and we would never know. ”
 “ you really think you’re something in that outfit, don’t you? ”
 “ it is my fault. ”
“ there comes a time when every boy becomes a man. ”
 “ come on and take a sip, you gotta have something to build up your strength. ”
 “ i’ve got a mind to slit your damn throat. ”
 “ i like that skin of yours. ”
 “ after the glory, here comes the shame. ”
 “ the old way, with the sledgehammer, see that was better, they died better that way. ”
 “ that’s it. don’t call me dumb. ”
 “ i’ll tuck you in special every night. ”
 “ this is bullshit, i have rights. ”
 “ quiet! you act like a pack of hounds. ”
 “ how are you an expert on the dumbest shit? ”
 “ you figure it out, it’s your life. welcome to the real world. ”
 “ i don’t want to fight anymore. ”
 “ what if they’re a murderer and they want us to follow them? ”
 “ ladies love a man in uniform. ”
 “ you got one choice, sex or the saw? ”
 “ i oughta blow your fucking brains out right now. ”
 “ get back in there! get your ass back in there. ”
 “ you think this is a party? ”
 “ i’ve never seen anybody die before. ”
 “ basically if you’re buried right your skin turns into poison crisco. ”
 “ i think you have a beautiful voice. ”
 “ please, you can make them stop. ”
 “ you blasphemous bitch! ”
 “ he’s a really bad man. ”
“ what’s it gonna be,  you gonna be the motherfucker who eats, or are you gonna be the poor sorry motherfucker who gets ate? “
 “ this is your lucky day. ”
 “ how about giving me a hand, asshole? ”
 “ i just wanna go home, okay? ”
 “ turned traitor for a piece of tail. ”
 “ i had to do it. i used you. ”
 “ can you believe we didn’t know each other yesterday? ”
 “ you shut your cock sucker, you son of a bitch. ”
“ you’re a lot tougher than i thought. ”
 “ i told you, i’m a bitch. ”
 “ are there people in those bags? ”
 “ if you get too hot, you can always take your clothes off. ”
 “ you’re gonna get in my way. ”
 “ i’m sorry, sweetie, i got a big mouth. ��
 “ you expect me to do this by myself? ”
 “ you can’t make me go back there. ”
 “ i ain’t finished with you yet. ”
 “ you just figure out how to do it and do it. ”
 “ they just get dumber and dumber, don’t they? ”
 “ i should have listened to my old man and went into real estate. ”
 “ please, don’t let them kill me. ”
 “ you like this face? ”
 “ what the fuck is wrong with you people? ”
 “ get that thing off my cutting board. ”
 “ i ain’t got no fear left. ”
 “ you’re embarrassing me in front of company. ”
 “ i always get yanked into this shit. ”
 “ shut up, you bitch hog. ”
 “ okay, could you relax, because you’re not helping. ”
 “ you brought this all on yourself. ”
 “ try to speak plain, it saves time. “
 “ i really wish you would call me ____. ”
 “ do i have to do every damn thing around here? ”
 “ how bad is it? i can’t feel it. ”
 “ do you mean talk or dance around the real subject with chit-chat? ”
 “ you don’t understand nothing. ”
 “ we’re on our own now. ”
 “ excuse me, you mind getting the fuck out of my way? ”
 “ we’re not even having fun yet. ”
 “ could be worse, at least we’re not as bad off as those people in the body pit. ”
 “ i just can’t take no pleasure in killing. ”
 “ you’re all gonna pay for your sins. especially you. ”
 “ i believe you, i might be the only believer you’ve got. ”
 “ just some things you gotta do. don’t mean you gotta like it. ”
 “ hard ass, me? maybe a semi hard ass but i’ve got a soft heart. ”
 “ i’ll take you back to hell. ”
 “ okay, miss priss, cut that out. ”
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