venomous-qwille · 1 day
Feeling super torn up at the moment. A long time ago, when GITM was small, I gave blanket perms for people to make NSFW content. At the time, I genuinely thought I would be fine with it. Generally I just want people to have fun with characters and I didn't want to gatekeep stuff when I can just, you know, curate my own space and not look at the content that people make that I don't like.
So that's what I've been doing for the last half a year, not looking at stuff I dont want to and I thought that that would be fine. But, I'll be real, it's eating me the fuck up. I hate the idea that people I dont know are making this stuff en masse, even when I can't see it. Just knowing it exists feels bad. And I hate that I feel this way. I don't want to be the kind of person that tells people 'no you cant do XYZ', these feelings clash hugely with how I identify myself. I wanna be live and let live. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, its fine right?
But fuck. Lately its just been giving me this constant low level anxiety. I know I wont rescind the perms- I feel like that would be super shitty- especially after so many people have put so much effort into creating this content. And I don't know if I'm still gunna feel this way in a year or whatever. If I was fine with it before (when it was just a couple of people I knew personally) shouldn't I be fine with it now? What changed? Is it possible for my feelings to be valid and for them to be unfair at the same time? I'm trying so hard not to make my feelings other people's problem.
I don't know man. This post is the classic, felt cute might delete later. I just needed to shout these thoughts into the void.
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notemaker · 1 day
Mha chapter 429 Spoilers! Deku hugging ochaku mirrors exactly ochako's hug when Deku's 'heart' went out of control back all those chapters ago. In both cases, both their hearts were out of control because of someone else. Izuku because of Katsuki and Ochako because of Toga. Again, they're mirrors. They've been mirroring each other for a long time. Izuku knew exactly what to say, because he literally understands. He really does. Now, I absolutely loved the tenderness of the scene. The 'hey, you can let the ugliness out, I'm here, it's okay. You can let it out." Izuku has been dealing with his own closed-off heart for a long time, and we still haven't seen HIM open up properly. I'm not sure how the manga will handle it, IF it will. But it feels like there's something missing, for Izuku's character to round up. I vote for Deku vs Kacchan 3, a reversed of 'The only one that can accept Kacchan's feelings is me'
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"I'm sorry" (don't hurt me-)
"I'm sorry" (I love you -)
"I'm sorry" (don't leave me-)
"I'm sorry" (I'm scared-)
"I'm sorry" (I need you but I don't want to admit it-)
"I'm sorry" (please stay-)
"I'm sorry" (are you upset with me?)
"I'm sorry" (please hold me-)
"I'm sorry" (please don't yell-)
"I'm sorry" (I'm bothering you, I'll go-)
"I'm sorry" (you're not upset but you're quiet and I must have done something wrong-)
"I'm sorry" (I need help but I don't want to bother you-)
"I'm sorry" (I shouldn't have bothered you, but I need someone-)
(eta: why does this have 50 notes WHO HURT YOU DO I NEED TO FIGHT THEM?)
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azmemedaddy · 2 days
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mechieonu · 2 days
something about the togachako fight feels so PARTICULARLY vulnerable. the violence, the gore, the spitting, screaming honesty, the grief, oh my gosh, the GRIEF. toga realizing that jin is fading away at the same time ochako hugs her close has done horrible things to my brain. i just want to grab hori by the shoulders and shake and ask what the FUCK was the inspo for them
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spiralingemptyness · 2 days
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I finally fucking finished it
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Yess i have a spiral sketchbook 😒😒😒
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lassocounty · 22 hours
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It'sa pocketcar
I dint kno who was gonna be the victim here so um amputated levi i guess yay
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no-place-to-be-happy · 24 hours
@hazbmymhotel here!
What if
What if Mordecai, Husk and Rocky were passing around catnip in a blunt like weed
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"Do any of you know what a three-way kiss is???"
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choppedcupcakekid · 2 days
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ravenquing · 17 hours
watching the last episode of downfall right now...
Brennan Lee mother-fucking Mulligan, you asshole bastard
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
are you gonna take me to momma??? NOSHIR NO
im fucking sobbing
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lovesex27712 · 2 days
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I like every woman, I never care what her body looks like.
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friedpoliticians · 10 hours
yeah I hope you do well in life..
but I also kinda hope you get tetnis HA!
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haasmaxxing · 1 day
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teaboot · 9 months
BRUH a dude I know from work came in for the first time in months and I thought he looked different but couldn't figure out why?? So I asked if he'd changed his hair and he was like "BITCH I GOT TOP SURGERY"
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