Mr. Schuester, I have a small request for glee club this week. I'd love to perform Defying Gravity if at all possible.
That’s quite a big song, Kurt. But hey, as long as you’re ready and practiced plenty, I’m perfectly OK with hearing it. When we meet Wednesday, you can perform it then. 
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Coach hasn’t said anything about the Glee Club. Just because you obsess about her doesn’t mean she spends every waking minute figuring out new ways to destroy you and the Club. Also, why are you even on Tumblr? It’s creepy.
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Maybe not to her students but to the staff. 
If you have a problem, come to my office and discuss it in private with me, Santana.
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Mr. Schuester. Quinn Fabray, I'm in your Spanish class. Lets get straight to the point, I wanna join your Glee club. You look like you could use another member..or a few.
Yes, Quinn. That’d be great! I’d love to have you. How about you join us Monday for our practice and we can all get to know you? Three Cheerios on the club would help to even things out.
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On our first performance. Everyone did fantastic and I can’t wait for our next one. 
On the bad side, Sue Sylvester, cheerleading coach, is on to us. I’m not sure why but we’re going to do our best to ignore whatever she’s planning and keep practicing. I’ll see all you guys in the choir room soon.
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TAGGING: Finn Hudson, Will Schuester
LOCATION: Mr. Schuester’s Office
TIME: January 31st
NOTES: Finn comes to Mr. Schuester’s office to suggest Brittany as a glee club member but little did he know she already told the teacher she’d be auditioning. 
Finn wiped his hands against his jeans as he walked into the choir room and placed his backpack onto the ground. He peeked to see Mr. Schue in his office, knocked lightly on the door. He wanted to talk to him about Brittany and dancing, since he wouldn't mind having her for his dance partner.
Will was working hard to try and get his glee club started right. He was attempted to gather more students but there just wasn't that much interest for it. Technically, he had to blackmail Finn to join. On the bright side, he was about to have a baby and that was something he could always be excited for. At the knock at his door, he looked up from his document of song choices and smiled at his student. "Hey, Finn. Come in," He said while gesturing towards the chair in front of his desk.
Finn nodded as he sat down in the chair in front of him. "Hey, thanks." He said before he let out a breath and rubbed his hands together a bit. "I know, that we've been kinda struggling with getting new members and I know that I already offered Brittany to come in as a dancer since she's great at it and to be honest, we need a great dancer."
Will closed his computer just a bit as he rested his elbows against the desk. There was guilt that always settled at the bottom of his stomach when he talked to Finn since he really was a good kid. "Yeah, I talked to her and she didn't seem too interested." He said while opening his computer to see if he could glance at her grades. "She did consider it though. Even was willing to come in for an audition." He let him know, not quite knowing if it was supposed to be a secret or not.
Finn was fine until he heard that she was willing to come in audition. "She never told me that, then again why would she." He added softly as he ran his hand over his face. "Thanks Mr. Schue." He gotten up from his seat and opened up the door to his office.
Will furrowed his brow slightly as he noticed the change in his voice. "Wait, is everything ok?" He asked, still concerned with whatever was going on with him. Finn was still a student that he was always willing to help out.
Finn swallowed some as he glanced back at him. "Yeah, she came over the other night, told me that it was a maybe but I dont recall her willing to come in to audition." He paused a bit. "Has she came in to audition?"
Will opened his mouth slightly, regretting his words since he had no idea how their relationship was. "Oh. I'm sorry, Finn." He told him, unsure of what to say next. "No, she mentioned maybe coming by next week and I said the door's always open. Is there a problem? Did you not want her here?"
Finn shut the door as he shook his head and sat back down. "Dont be, Mr. Schue." He said, chewed on his bottom lip as he talked and furrowed his eyebrows some. "No, no there's not a problem and I do, want her here. I wonder why she said next week when.."
Will focused on Finn as she nodded slightly. "When she said maybe?" He questioned, wondering the same thing as well. "I think you should talk to her about it. I'm sure there's an explanation. Are you guys close?"
"Last night." Finn said as he looked at him and nodded as he gotten back up. "Yeah, I should. We're, close. We're next door neighbors, so we grew up together."
Will felt sympathy for him and got up as well. "Hey, don't be upset. Go talk to her, don't do anything rational. Alright?" He asked him while walking out with him. "If you're close, then I'm sure you guys can work something out." He said while eyeing his reaction. "You sure that's all?"
Finn nodded as he gave him a small smile. "I promise." He said, slipped his hands into his pockets after he opened up the door once more. "Yeah, Im sure we can." He shook his head. "I'm fine, thanks Mr. Schue." He walked out of the office and grabbed his bag before he went to find her.
Will sighed softly as he heard him and watched him go. Although he said he was fine, he was still worried and a bit concerned for him. Will went back to his office and settled in his seat. He glanced at the girl's grades and furrowed his brow. It was a mix of A's and D's. Weirdly, the A's were in the most difficult classes. He leaned back in his chair while hoping both of them turned out fine.
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For our assembly Friday, our very own Tina Cohen-Chang will lead our group with Hung up by Madonna. I’ll continue to do choreography in the meantime but let’s do our best these next practices.
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Oh please be Hung Up! I would love to sing that song!
How about we go through it, and then you can lead the group with your vocals?
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Hi Mr. Schue, I was thinking maybe we can do a Madonna number? Nothing to risky, but I think it'd be fun to do.
Hi, Tina! Madonna would be a great choice. Hung Up or Into the Groove would definitely be my choices for the assembly. I’ll get back to you guys on that.
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Here’s a message from your glee club teacher, Mr. Schuester.
“Alright guys, I know we’re a small group. But, I think it’s time for a challenge. Principal Figgins said we can perform in the next assembly so now it’s up to you guys to decide what song to choose. Submit your suggestion in my office mailbox. It’s also a chance to recruit more members. Don’t forget to keep spreading the word, and lets get pumped!”
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Hey Mr. Schue, I was thinking maybe Brittany? She's a great dancer and we need some more dancers.
Hi, Finn. Brittany? Pierce? I’ll see if I can catch her one day after Spanish class. Thanks for the suggestion, you’re doing great!
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