gearchronicles · 6 years
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gearchronicles · 6 years
Danganropa Re:Birth Class Trial One Transcript
I didn’t find any translation on the Class Trial of the video that Miwashiba posted yet, so I did one.  
【DRRB】ダンガンロンパ-Re:Birth- 裁判(前編)【非公式二次創作】.
And well heads up, while I did try my best shot on translating this, I have never really translated anything before yet, did no proof checking, or grammer, or an y other kind of checking yet (because it’s 2 am and I’ve been sitting on this since 6pm non stop), and it’s a rushed one person project I just did for fun.
You should only use this if you absolutely have no idea what they are saying, and even then only as a reference. I have no actual confidence in my japanese, if you could even call it that. I just barely managed roughly translate what they are saying. Sentences in { } mean that I actually have no idea if that’s what they are saying or not. Well it still should be possible to get the gist of the trial with thsi transcript... I hope. 
Also I can’t actually read japanese properly so I did this mostly by ear. Segments with Fujimori thinking are not translated because of this. Since it’s not voiced. Please do bear in mind it’s almost 3 am and I didn’t go over this script over yet. If you’re asking yourself why I used their first name instead their last name (except Koga). I have absolutely no idea.
Danganronpa Re:Birth Transcript -Opening- -Menu- -Class Trial Start- Monodora: Well now then...! I shall give simple explanation for the first Class Trial! Monodora:  In a Class Trial the one [Who did it] will be deduced and you'll vote on the culprit based on that conclusion. Monodora: If you can come to the rightful conclusion on who the blackend is, only the blackend will be punished... but if you by chance make the wrong person the blackend... Monodora: Everyone besides the blackend will be punished, and the left blackened will obtain the right to Graduation and will be allowed to graduate from Kaiho Acedemy! Monodora: Ah, and futhermore. Be sure that during Voting time to vote for someone. The person who didn't vote, shall be punished too, okay Monodora: Well then! It's the awaited start of the Class Trial! Ayumu: Well... it s-started, but... Kasumi: That is, it's just like what that Drago said that you'd understand, right? Aren't your ears rotten? Maiko: Man-! It's not the time to be insulting each other. If we don't cooperate, we won't find the culprit, you know! Misuzu: It's just like you said. ...First off, in order to discuss logically, we should start with laying our emotions aside, how does that sound? Akira: Do we have time to take things so leisurely? Let's quickly find the culprit and return... Kego: If we can find them by chattering, {that's not what makes them blackend} ? Arumi: Monodora killed, in order for us to participate in a Class Trial... isn't that what could've happend? Monodora: How rude! I wouldn't do something like that! Monodora: {After all, it's way funnier to look from an absolute and safe position after all! I wouldn't need to manipulate the results after all!} ? Maiko: Uwah... he really has bad tastes. Koga (Horse): If Monodora that bastard didn't do it, then that means the culprit is someone within our circle, doesn't it! Koga (Deer): Ehhh~ I don't want that... {I'd rather have this conclude fast...} ? Kazuomi: I'd be grateful if it went like that, but I don't think it will, right. Ayumu: That's right... Now since the Class Trial opend, I think the culprit plans to escape like that and go to the outside. Ayumu: In exchange for our lives... right. Kasumi: I- I don't want that! Kasumi doesn't want to die yet! Kasumi: Ah, but if I died then I wonder if I can become an existence like [those childs]/[them]...? ((I think Anoko refers to children? Considering her profile I she talks about ghost though)) Mikoto: That's not going to happen. Let's already start the Class Trial. Kasumi: Uhh--! W-What, it's fine even if you don't glare! Narumi: But, but- I haven't done something like a Trial yet. How do you do it? Nico: Over there, there's a person who seems to know how to. Kego: Miss Himuro... if you look at me that much, I'll  get embarrassed. Kego: Underground citzien, {because they continue to keep shut} are undergound, you see. Kego: Now in a situation {like that, (stopping to act undergound like can't be)/(I'll lose my right to be undergound right)} ((Truthfully I'm not entirely sure what he says here, 6:39 revisit)) Narumi: J-just in what kind of world did you live in...? Seishi: That's right... even if you say Trial, we don't have any {knowledge or experience}. Seishi: For starters, {it's important to talk first.} After that, I think it's fine if we take turns to organise our information. Seishi: If we do that, we should be walking directly into the truth. Marin: That's true. If we talk about the most important thing- Marin: Why did Saisai die, that's it right- Aruma: Well that's- it's fine to think that you're talking about Rokudo-chan, right? Misuzu: About the death? I think it's fine to talk (from a point where we can (continue)/(move forward from))/ (from a more advanced position). ((I think she means that they can skip the part about why he died)) Seishi: No, we should make sure everyone has the same level of information. Seishi: {So that we can make sure that the culprit doesn't say something like only they didn't know. That kind of development can happen too.} ((??? I think he says something along these lines)) Koga (Horse) : That happens quite often in Drama's right! Kazuomi: Well {reviewing the case}, starting from there is fine too I think. Misuzu: Yeah that's right... I'll {reflect} ((I actually don't know the last word she said)) Seishi: Well then, let's review what everyone know's about Rokudo's case. Ayumu: *thinks in words I can't read* Ayumu: *continues to think* Ayumu: *more thinking* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Misuzu): On [Rokudo-sans's corpse] was... Second statement (Misuzu) : evidence left that his head was hit, right? Third statement (Akira): That's what was written in the Monodora Files too, right. Forth statement (Narumi): The time of murder was... during [{Night}] wasn't it? ((I'm not sure about the highlightend word, but considering how the trial goes the murder occured somewhere after midnight)) Fifth statement (Aruma): But Rokudo-chan... Sixth statement (Aruma):  why was he killed during nighttime in the [boy's bathroom]? Seventh statement (Kasumi) : If you say stuff like he "suddenly wanted to move his body", that's not going to happen right...? Eighth statement (Marin): Surely someone called for him- Ninth statement (Marin): cornered him, and was firmly [strangled by hand], right? ((I'm not sure if it says struck down, strangled, hanged, or something else, I'll go with strangle)) Ayumu: *thinks* -Circles through the bullets and replays debate- -Shoots [strangled by hand]- -Ayumu "No, that's wrong"- -Debate BREAK!!!- Ayumu: No, Seiji-kun wasn't killed by being strangled by hand. Marin: Eh? The murder method- it wasn't firmly strangling him by both hands? Ayumu: It's just like the Monodora Files say, {on the back of Seiji-kun's neck there were traces left of something thin and fine that strangled him} (yeah i don't understand the second part at all) Ayumu: That's why..., that he was strangled by hand, I don't think that happend. Marin: I see- Right, if the hands are small, it'd be hard to {wrap them around} his neck, too. Nico: I don't think it's decided that the culprit is a {} person. ((Yeah it's always the important words that I don't know orz)) Kazuomi: But you know, that thin and fine like thing. Inside the male's bathroom, there didn't seem to be anything thin like that. Ayumu: I looked here and there, and there wasn't anything like that. Maiko: So within Saiji-kun's proximity, there wasn't a weapon like thing? Kego: If that's the case, where do you think the culprit found that thin like thing? Aruma: {Close by}, there was something seemed like a rope. Aruma: But it's so long and thick... {if it was an Amateur, I don't think an amateur would use it}. Narumi: Inside the dining hall there were noodles, but I don't think anyone would use them. Narumi: Normally, nobody would use them to strangle someone right? Kasumi: You're the scary one for being able to think something like that up... Seishi: Not quite, even if we weren't able to find that thin and fine thing nearby facilities, Seishi: You all should have seen something like that at least once. And it's even closeby. Ayumu: *thinking* Ayumu: That weapon that we've seen somewhere... Answer One: *Still can't read* Answer Two: Own Room Answer Three: *Something japanese* -Ayumu "That's right!"- Ayumu: Inside our rooms! Narumi: Our rooms... was there something like that in our rooms? Seishi: Not quite, if we were to talk about in more detail, it was inside the decor, right. Ayumu: Yes. Kazuomi: ...Ah you're talking about our weapon-set aren't you? Misuzu: The weapon-set... the thing we received together with our videos from Monodora, right? Ayumu: That's right. Everyone, won't you please recall once more what the content of the weapon-set was. Kazuomi: Inside the weapon-set were... A knive, rope, hammer and a {small bottle}, weren't there? Maiko: ...Ah! That rope! Ayumu: Right... If it was the rope that was included with the weapon-set, I think we should {reconsider, because of the evidence left on Saiji-kun} Seishi: {It's fine enough} and the lenght is excatly 1.5 m long. In order to wrap it around a neck, I think that lenght is more than enough. Mikoto: During the investigation time, I ran around and looked at all facilities, but... Mikoto: Just like the other say, a rope that was long enough to be used as a weapon to strangle Rokudo, only the one inside the weapon-set could have been used. Mikoto: That's why, I think we can confirm that the weapon that was used was that rope. Misuzu: Running around investigating... you want to say that you looked around such a large perimeter during such a short time...!? Mikoto: What? It's not like I'm saying something impossible, right. Maiko: I do have some confidence in my stamina, but... Maiko: even so investigating, while running around every facility, I think that's pretty impressive. Maiko: Itsuki-san, when you have to do something you sure do! Mikoto: If you have time for {useless banter}, use that to proceed the discussion instead. Maiko: Eh--- it wasn't {useless banter} though. Ayumu: Umm... Then, we can agree that that was Saiji-kun's murder weapon, right? Seishi: That's right. Should we review the murder next? Seishi: The next thing we should consider next is... the murder location, shouldn't we? Misuzu: We want to confirm the location where Rokudo-san died, isn't that so. Narumi: The one's who watched over the male's bathroom were - Samejima-chan, Koga-chan, Todoroki-chan, weren't they? Kazuomi: Yeah. We wouldn't have stayed quiet if someone tried to erase evidence, alright. Kazuomi: That's because, I vigilantly stayed watch after all! It's fine to be relieved. Seishi: That's true... Then we will have those three speak now. Seishi: What did you see, and what did you notice. It'd be nice if you told us. Koga (Horse): Well it can't be helped alright! Be grateful and listen to my words! Koga (Deer): Why is Uma-kun (Horse) always like he is looking at others from above? Koga (Horse): Shut up! Those who have {strong flesh}, are always at the top! Narumi: Uma-chan (Horse) is more like flesh to be eaten isn't he? Aruma: Well I'll do something about it. Ayumu: *thinking* Ayumu: *thinking* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Kazuomi): Rokudo was found in the [male's bathroom] late at night. Second statement (Aruma): Did Rokudo-chan go to the male's bathroom on [his own volition], I wonder? Third statement (Koga (Deer)): That's the only way, isn't it? Fourth statement (Aruma): No, not quite, it could be... Fifth statement (Aruma): did someone call him out there? Sixth statement (Koga (Horse)): That does sound possible! Seventh statement (Kazuomi): But you know... Eigth statement (Kazuomi): There wasn't [anything suspicious] like that in the bathroom, right? -Shoots [anything suspicious]- -Ayumu "That's wrong!"- -Debate BREAK!!!- Ayumu: ...No, I found something that suspicious inside the male's bathroom. Aruma: Oh my? Was there anything like that? Ayumu: It's this. Marin: Well this is, a letter? Ayumu: Yes. It was in the trash can, mixed with the other garbage. Nico: So, is that letter the one which summoned Rokudo-kun? Maiko: Ah... I see! Maiko: Then just like Aruma-chan said, Saiji-kun was called by someone, isn't that so? Ayumu: No... this Letter is indeed used to call someone to the male's bathroom. Ayumu: But, the receiver wasn't Saiji-kun. Kego: Hm, if it wasn't Mister Rokudo, then to whom exactly is this Love Letter addressed to? Ayumu: Samejima-san. You knew about this Letter, didn't you? Kazuomi: Ah...!! Koga (Horse): Ehhh!? You bastard were the culprit!? Kazuomi: Y-You're wrong! Why should it be me!? Koga (Deer): {So noone would notice that you'd get rid of the evidence, you volunteered to stand guard didn't you} Kazuomi: Nghh---!! Kazuomi: I didn't say that! The whole time while I stayed watch, I was asleep! Akira: Is that your weak excuse? (Is something that weak your excuse?) Seishi: Fujimori-san. I think it would be fine if you told everyone it's content. Ayumu: Right. So... Ayumu: [Regarding the motive video, if you want more information, it's hidden inside the male's bathroom's locker.] Ayumu: This was written inside the letter. Misuzu: The motive video... That is the video we received from Monodora, right? Narumi: What was it? There was a continuation to that video!? Kego: Then, the one who sent that letter was Monodora? Ayumu: No... the name of the one who sent it wasn't on it. Ayumu: But, even though we can't determine who sent it, Samejima-san, receiving this letter, you went to the male's bathroom, didn't you? Kazuomi: I'm telling you, I didn't go there... Mikoto: If you say that you didn't go, isn't it weird that this letter was in the bathroom's trashbin? Mikoto: You... if you're lying you should be prepared {for the consequences.} Kazuomi: Ngh...!? Misuzu: Please wait just a moment. Koga (Horse): Ehh? What is it, do you have any complaints? Koga (Horse): No matter how you look at it Samejima-san is suspicious! Misuzu: No, I think it would be too rash to determine that Samejima-san went to the bathroom just based on that letter. Misuzu: I mean... we can't deny the possibility that someone else threw that letter away on purpose. Nico: And that is for what reason? Seishi: From the information that we've gathered, perhaps in order to draw suspicion on Samejima-san and  avert suspicion away from themself. Misuzu: That is right. That's why we shouldn't blaming Samejima-san without evidence or concrete proof. Nico: That {Neet} over there, {} you seem to be awake every night, don't you know something? Akira: Hah? Since when did I develop that kind of rotten {habit}. Akira: Even if I was awake, if I was in that windowless room the whole time, I wouldn't know about anything that happened elsewhere, you know... Akira: {While everyone was collecting evidence}, I was in that room the whole time, you know. Narumi: So you really were all alone, weren't you. ((You're really a Hikkimori, Shut In)) Misuzu: If you don't have any concrete evidence... shouldn't we think about an other possibility then? Kazuomi: Heh... it's just like Aisaka said. Kazuomi: That's what I said from the beginning that I didn't go! Kazumi: If you want proof, there is some... Kazuomi: If you say that, say it {more straight forwardly}. Kasumi: If you want proof, there is some!! Kazuomi: Uwahhhh!!? Nico: Don't raise your volume so suddenly. {Those poison like rotten eyes, shall I turn them around...?} Kasumi: Ihhh! Wh-what...! Even though I was just about to tell you about the proof...! Kasumi: If you say you don't want it, then I wont tell about it! Ayumu: Uh-- no, that's not the case! Ayumu: That's why... Izumo-san, won't you tell us about it? Maiko: Yes, that's right! Bullying is not good! Kasumi: Uhh.... uh.. I... I saw it. Kasumi: Kasumi saw Samejima last night. Kazuomi: Ngah! Koga (Horse/Deer): W-What did you say-!? Mikoto: I wonder if that's the truth. Kasumi: What's with you! Kasumi dosen't have a reason to cover for that {half assed, thick skulled ape} Samejima! Kazuomi: Who are you calling {half assed, thick skulled ape}!? Seishi: Well... it's true that we asked around who went around during nighttime. Seishi: But, at that time, why didn't you tell us about it? Kasumi: Hii--- B-because... Kasumi: Then you all would look at Kasumi with those blaming eyes...! Ayumu: W-we didn't have any intention of that though... Seishi: A..hahaha... I'm sorry. Well anyway I'd like you to continue, if that's alright. Kasumi: I, I understand... Kasumi: Ihi... hihihihi.... you better listen to Kasumi properly.... Kasumi: You better be careful, because if you anger those children, even Kasumi can't lend you a hand...! Seishi: Ahahaha.... I'll take note of it. Ayumu: *Thinking in process* Ayumu: *More lines thought* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Kasumi): In order to play with those children, Kasumi always goes outside at night... Second statement (Kasumi): And last night, ((Kasumi)) saw [Samejima Figure]...! Third statement (Kazuomi): And was that really me!? Fourth statement (Kasumi): It's the truth! I wouldn't tell somelie! Fifth statement (Kasumi): The one who walked towards [the gym], {Kasumi} really saw them! Sixth statement (Kazuomi): But it's not like you saw how he walked towards the male bathroom! Seventh statement (Kazuomi): If there's [no other evidence] that I went to the bathroom, then... -Shoots [no other evidence]- -Ayumu "That's wrong!"- -Debate BREAK!!!- Ayumu: ...Not quite, there's proof that Samejima-san went to the bathroom with high probability, that's left within the bathroom. Kego: Hmmm... there was something else than the Letter? Ayumu: Yes. Ayumu: That is... the locker. Kazuomi: The locker? What do you want to say? Ayumu: If Samejima-san went to the bathroom, then- no, Ayumu: He should be able to remember. About the locker door, that {was wide open.} Aruma: The Locker's door which was open... It was the one where Rokudo-chan was inside right? Ayumu: Yes. About the Locker's door state before the incident, Yodagawa-san should know about it. Seishi: Hmm... that Locker's door, when I investigated it before, it was closed shut. Seishi: {Except that the door wouldn't budge, it was in a beautiful state.} Marin: If that's the case- why was the Locker open then-? Koga (Horse): Wasn't it in order to hide the body inside of it!? Koga (Deer): That's it~! Mikoto: Koga, you're annyoing. Shut up. Koga: ... Kazuomi: Wait a second! Just because that locker was open, why would it be my fault!? Ayumu: That locker, it wasn't just closed. Ayumu: The hinge, it was in a bad condition. Kazuomi: The hinge...!? Ayumu: Yes. That's the reason why the door wouldn't unlock that easily. Seishi: My strength as one boy, I couldn't open that door. Narumi: But still, Samejima-san just has the "strength of one boy" too. Ayumu: No... if it is Samejima-san there would be a possibility. Akira: And that reason is? Ayumu: *thinking* Answer One: SHSL Karate Fighter Answer Two: SHSL Akaido Fighter Answer Three: SHSL  Fighter -Selects Answer One [SHSL Karate Fighter]- -Ayumu "That's right!"- Ayumu: Samejima-san is the SHSL Karate Fighter, isn't that right? Ayumu: Using that talent's physical strength... it would be possible to open the door without much problem wouldn't it? Kazuomi: Huh...!? Akira: That's right... that he {even wears an outfit fitting to such a tick skull/ physical idiot} Kazuomi: How is that even related!? Maiko: But, there doesn't seem another boy with that kind of strength, right? Maiko: Suprisingly, there might be another girl who could thought! Seishi: Just like I said before, I couldn't open it. Kego: I wouldn't do something so uncool, like forcing a door open. Akira: I am... just like you see. Koga (Horse): He can't carry anything that's heavier than a puppet! Marin: Ahh-! Your forcast seems quite downcast, right! Ayumu: A, ahaha... well. Ayumu: Between the boys who could open that Locker's door... After all I think only Samejima-san could do it. Kazuomi: Ngh.... Mikoto: Samejima, I just told you didn't I? Mikoto: If you're lying, you are better prepared for the consequences. Kazuomi: ... Ayumu: Samejima-san... Ayumu: I'm going to borrow Yodagawa-san's words... If we talk about it, we should be walking straightforward to the truth. Ayumu: That's why, won't you tell us about what really happend? Kazuomi: ... Kazuomi: ...I went. Ayumu: Eh? Kazuomi: Last Night... I went to the male's bathroom. Nico: So you really went there, huh. Kasumi: See! It's exactly what Kasumi said! Kasumi was rigth, e... ehehehe... Ayumu: That is, after you read that letter, was it? Kazuomi: Yeah. Kuzomi: It became nighttime, and I went to take a shower. Kazuomi: As I went out of the shower... that letter fell out nearby the door. Kazuomi: Probably, it was from the {doors slit}. Nico: Eh... So, you went just like the letter asked you too? Nico: I think {even a coward like you}, can be cute. Just kidding. Nico: Just a moment... isn't your {pride} a bit too low? Kazuomi: J-just leave me alone! It's {about my weak point after all!} Kazuomi: I thought I could've been from that Monodora... Kazuomi: But when I went to the male's bathroom, there was noone there. Seishi: Not even Rokudo-kun? Kazuomi: Yeah... he wasn't there. Seishi: Hmm. Then that means, it was before the crime happened that's when Samejima-san went to the male's bathroom, huh. Kazuomi: Well I wouldn't know about the time, anyway I opened the Locker then. Mikoto: Your motive video, is it so important for you? Kazuomi: At the very least, it's nothing I want others to see. Kazuomi: That's why I thought if there really was that Video {I thought about retrieving it.} Aruma: Then that means, what kind of secret was it? Kazuomi: ... Kego: Heh... Mister Samejima. If you keep quiet you won't be able to tell us anything. Ayumu: If it's impossible to speak about... Kazuomi: ......... {perfomance, }.... Ayumu: Eh? Kazuomi: My performance, it {}... Narumi: Is that something to be embarrassed about? Kazuomi: Ahh!! It's embarrassing! It's extremly embarrassing!!! Kazuomi: On a level where I'd die!! Ayumu: T-That bad... is it? Kazuomi: That's why I wanted to retrieve it at all costs! Seishi: I see... That's why you opened that Locker, even though it's bad state. Kazuomi: But... inside the Locker, there wasn't any continuation of that video!! Kazuomi: Then I though that it was some kind of prank... I got extremly irritated, threw that Letter into the trash and went back. Mikoto: So that's your take on it huh. Kazuomi: I just told you the truth, so it's fine right. Ayumu: Uhn. Thank you, Samejima-san. For telling us the truth. Koga (Horse): Is that truly the truth? Ayumu: Eh? Koga (Deer): Couldn't we think of another posibility...? Koga (Horse): The truth is Rokudo was there first and found that video!! Kazuomi: Guh...!? Misuzu: Koga-san, do you want to say that Samejima-san is telling a lie? Koga (Deer): After all~ {Even if you gather all the evidence~} Koga (Horse): I think the only culprit could've been Samejima after all! Seishi: I wonder about that? It is possible that someone else entered the crime scene. Koga (Horse): That's why I told you! It could be possible that he didn't open that locker in order to search for that video, but to hide the corpse! Kasumi: That's true... It's just like Koga says... Kasumi: That's what the children are saying too... that Samejima is the culprit! Kazuomi: I've only told the truth! Nico: Well then... why didn't you tell us right away? Nico: If you would have told us from the start, we wouldn't need to be so suspicious about you. Kazuomi: That's because... if it was found out that I was at the crime scene, I'd be marked as the culprit. Kazuomi: And I didn't want to talk about the video after all... Kasumi: That's why, isn't the reason why you hid that because you are the culprit? Kazuomi: You're wrong! That was really not me! Kazuomi: I wouldn't do something like killing Rokudo!! Kasumi: The way you're getting angry about it... {on the contray doesn't that make you suspicious!} Narumi: Uhmm, what should we do? My mind is swirling around--...? Maiko: So it has become a discussion of wether we should believe Kazuomi or not? Kego: Well, if Mister Samejima is truly the culprit, then it'd be fine to just vote. Misuzu: However we can't be certain that Samejima-san is truly lying, is rushing the voting time really fine...? Aruma: {If it isn't the blackened}, then we'll be the one to die you know? Nico: But if we look at how Samejima-san has acted so far, it seems rather like that he had told us a lie rather than the truth you see. Maiko: Kazuomi-kun you did deny that you went to the bathroom at first... Kazuomi: W-what's wrong with this kind of atmosphere... Kazuomi: It just looks like, {you believe} that I'm truly the culprit! Akira: Well no matter how you think about it, that's how it is. Akira: Just until now {it looks like you're repeating the same routine} Kazuomi: Ugh...!? Nico: Well... isn't it fine to just vote? Koga (Horse): {Just let us get over this already, and let's end this!} Misuzu: No, shouldn't we talk this through a little bit more... Kasumi: What are you talking about...! {If you want to increase this unpleasent atmosphere then...} Kasumi: I can't bear that!! Ayumu: *Thinking* Ayumu: *More thinking* Ayumu: *Why isn't this voiced* Ayumu: *Well at least I got an excuse to not translate this* -Flash Anagram start- First letter: Ko Second letter: I Third Letter: So Fourth letter: Ku [Rules] -Ayumu "That's it!"- -COMPLETE!!- Ayumu: Everyone please wait! Ayumu: The voting, can you please wait for it a bit longer? Kasumi: W-what's with you. Fujimori are you Samejima's ally? Ayumu: That's not what I'm saying... but with this kind of information, I don't think we should start voting yet. Aruma: If you say it like that, is there anything that you're curious about? Ayumu: Everyone, won't you please remember this school's rules once more? Misuzu: Rules? Akira: If a murder occurs and one become's blackened, if you get caught they'll be punished and be executed. Akira: Are you talking about this rule? Ayumu: That's right. Ayumu: If you get caught as a blackened, there is a rule that you'll be executed. {A simple rule like that anyone could understand} Nico: That is only if they are caught isn't it? Nico: Just like Koga-kun said, {being shown the video, what then...?} Akira: {Realistically}, there's the possibility that he called {him to the crime} Ayumu: Even so... the fact that that evidence was at the crime scene, you'd get caught. Ayumu: *thinking* Answer One: *I'm trying my best you know* Answer Two: *But stuff I can't read* Answer Three: *That's just impossible* -Answer One- -Ayumu "That's right!"- Ayumu: Well, the Letter Samejima-san got that was thrown into the trash bin in the bathroom, Ayumu: If Samejima-san's name was written on it, something so easy to {figure out}, would he truly just leave it at the crime scene? Seishi: That's true, there was proof that {Samejima-san was in the bathroom.} Seishi: Stuff like the Letter and the Locker, isn't that so. Mikoto: If by chance Samejima truly went outside to commit a murder... he would have tried a little bit harder to conceal the evidence. Mikoto: That's why, {he should've burned or hidden the letter somewhere}, so it wouldn't reach the eyes of others. Mikoto: ...but he didn't just think about it, that kind of possibility exist too, though. Kazuomi: Not even I am that stupid! Misuzu: That's right... {now that we see more than one possibility, I think it's foolish to start the voting.} Mikoto: So we're starting to guess who the culprit is again... Marin: Uhmm... The outlook has become quite gloomy again... Marin: I want to quickly {ask Otengi-sama again} Narumi: But is there even another suspicious person? Seishi: We need to discuss who could be suspicious once again. Kasumi: Kasumi can't think of anyone else but Samejima... Nico: However...{} Kego: The one who are to be doubted are, the assembled men's here, that means every boy is suspicious right now. Seishi: If we think about the current information, right. Maiko: The male's bathroom... only boy's can enter it rigth? That's a rule isn't it? Akira: I didn't do it. Koga (Horse): I too didn't do it. Kazuomi: Well, I didn't do it either, alright! Marin: That's quite bad! Everyone is saying that they didn't do it! Misuzu: Well if the culprit said that he was it, then he'd get punished after all. Misuzu: Well then... the one's who {are targeted right now} , won't we just let them talk? Aruma: Truly, I think that's good. Aruma: The dogs who are lying... I'll throughoutly reeducate them alright...! Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Misuzu): [The crime scene: The male's bathroom]... Second statement (Misuzu): can only be entered by males, so I think the probability that the [culprit is male] is high. Third statement (Kasumi): So besides Samejima, is there a boy who entered the bathroom? Fourth statement (Narumi): Tsuchiya-chan [didn't leave his room], so it's not him right! Fifth statement (Nico): Because he is a {Shut-In}, on the contray he should have been quite active. Sixth statement (Aruma): Sakuma-chan is a DJ, so he's quite active at night too. Seventh statement (Marin): This sister thinks, the one's who should be fast asleep during that time are Set-chan (Deer-chan) und Uma-chan (Horse-chan), isn't that so? Eigth statement (Marin): Mitssun seems to [be talking to his puppets] before he goes to sleep, that's the kind of image I get. Ninth statement (Nico): Huh... that's kinda {creepy}. Tenth statement (Misuzu): Well it seems the {these are all that are [under the suspicion] of killing Rokudo-san} -[Under the suspicion] shot through- -Maiko "That's wrong!"- -BREAK!!?- Ayumu: Eh? Maiko: ... Misuzu: Kagura-san, what do you mean that "that's wrong"? Maiko: There aren't only five suspicious people. Misuzu: Eh? Aruma: Yodagawa-chan, Koga-chan, Tsuchiya-chan, Sakuma-chan, Samejima-chan, that's five right? Narumi: Rokudo-chan died after all, so there is no one else is there? Maiko: No. There is one. One more boy. Akira: The phantom sixth player? Kasumi: As if there a miracle like this would just happen!? Maiko: That you all wouldn't know is natural! After all... Maiko: Because the one is the one, who hid the fact that he was a boy after all. Maiko: Isn't it so, Fujimori Ayumu-kun? Ayumu: Uh...!! Kasumi: Eh? Ahh! Fujimori, you were a boy!? Marin: Ehh-! Ayumu, you were a boy all along! Marin: Sister couldn't tell at all- Koga (Horse): But hey wait! While looking at us like you had nothing to do with it, you doubted us!! Koga (Deer): Uwah...! Scary~ Human's are scary~ {Sniff sniff} Mikoto: While the others didn't know about it, why did you know about it? Maiko: I heard it directly from Ayumu-kun. Maiko: When we investigated the gym. Misuzu: That's true... that day the one who investigated the gym were Fujimori-san, Yodagawa-san and Kagura-san, those three. Maiko: Yes. When we went to the gym, Seishi-kun looked into the boy's bathroom, and I and Ayumu-kun were to look into the girl's bathroom, that's what we said. Maiko: Once I took his hand to drag him into the bathroom, he took away his hand. Maiko: At that time Ayumu-kun talked to me about how he actually was a boy. Misuzu: I see... because of the rules entering the bathroom of the opposite sex is forbidden, so he had to tell you the truth, is what you're saying. Mikoto: So concering this information, Fujimori won't you say something about it. Ayumu: ... Ayumu: ...there's nothing. It's just like Maiko-chan says. Ayumu: I am a boy. Mikoto: Is that so. Misuzu: Monodora were you aware of this? Monodora: Of course! The student's information even {}, are known to the headmaster. Monodora: Fujimori Ayumu-kun is proper {} boy. Akira: If you knew, why didn't you say anything... Monodora: Just like Tsuchiya-kun said, if you don't ask I won't answer! Monodora: And futhermore, in this world there are a lot people with different hobbies, right? Ayumu: You're saying this, even though you know that's wrong... Kazuomi: You... have a hobby pretending to be a girl. Misuzu: N-no, it's just like Monodora said, everyone has a different kind of sensevity on how far hobbies go... Misuzu: Fujimori-san! There's nothing to be bothered about by it! Ayumu: That's why, I'm telling you that that isn't my hobby aren't I! Monodora: Puyahahahahaha! Now that your shocking secret has been revealed, should we get changed? -Outfit transformation scene- Ayumu: Eh? Ayumu: So there was such an uniform as well... Monodora: Well of course there is? Even I won't do something so lowly. Monodora: Well since I wasn't asked, I didn't tell either! Ayumu: *shocked thinking* Kego: Now that we know that Miss Fujimori is Mister Fujimori, that only increased the suspects, didn't it. Kasumi: No, if we talk about the most suspicious one, wouldn't that be Fujimori? Kasumi: After all, since he hid that truth, isn't it because he did something suspicious? Ayumu: N-no that's wrong! I didn't do something like that! Marin: But, why didn't you tell anyone else? Ayumu: Well that is, there are a lot of reasons, but mainly because I didn't find a good timing for it... Seishi: Thinking about how we met the first time, you already had the female appearance right? Ayumu: Yeah, Yodogawa-san said I had such a cute and female like name, I panicked and couldn't correct him either... Ayumu: And just like that, I greeted everyone like that. Kazuomi: I believe you. Kazuomi: Fujimori cleared {the doubt about me}. He's trying to seriously face this trial after all. Misuzu: I too, think it's weird to suspect Fujimori-san just based on that. Misuzu: Just like Sakuma-san said, the other boys could have entered the crime scene too. Kego: Hmm, {} Kego: If you asked me, the change from cute girl to cool boy is the only thing that happened. Ayumu: {Even if you say that to me like that,} Nico: Is that wrong? Ayumu: That's wrong! Ayumu: A-anyway I'll apologize right away from not being honest about my gender. Ayumu: But even if you knew that I was a boy... it's not like the other's suspicion have been lifted yet. Ayumu: That's why let's continue talking, while adding me to the suspect list. -Kasumi "You're being {trapped}"- Kasumi: What are you talking about, the way you tackled this, the one who is steeped in sin the most... Kasumi: Fujimori, that's only you! Ayumu: Eh? Maiko: Hey Ayumu-kun. Maiko: The one who's least likely to be found out in this case, it's only you right? Maiko: I mean, if you kept shut about your gender, nobody would've doubted you. Akira: Well that's true. Akira: Choosing the boy's bathroom as the crime scene, {the one most likely to choose it is} Fujimori isn't that so. Aruma: If you say it like that, it's kinda convincing. Narumi: Uhmm, I might have started to think like that too... Ayumu: T-Thats... Kasumi: That's why the one who should be doubted the most is... Kasumi: Fujimori!! That's not wrong is it!!? Ayumu: I didn't do it... I... Ayumu: Saiji-kun, I didn't kill him... Koga (Horse): Well you're only saying it after all!! Akira: So- isn't there a more logical response to that. Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* Kasumi: See, since you're not saying anything at all, that means... -Seishi "That logic is faulty, you see"- Seishi: Hey Izumo-san. Kasumi: Uhe!? W-what is it? Seishi: You're trying to push Fujimori-san as a culprit, but is there something that you have that can confirm your suspicions? Ayumu: Eh? Kasumi: Th-That the fact that Fujimori hid his gender is enough proof isn't it? Seishi: Fujimori-san gave you a good reason why he did so, didn't he? Seishi: And besides that? Could it be that there isn't anything? Seishi: If there's nothing then... it's boring to hear you{r tantrum}. Kasumi: Ih... B-but... Kazuomi: It's just like Yadogawa-san says. Don't you believe what Fujimori-san says? Kazuomi: Up until now, Fujimori's deductions only have saved us from the wrong choice! Koga (Horse): Well that was only an act to deceive us from thinking that he is the culprit! Koga (Deer): I don't want this~ Humans are scary~ Misuzu: Not quite... By unraveling the mystery, we draw closer to who the culprit is. Misuzu: If Fujimori-san is the culprit then, his deduction up until now {feel kind of weird} Aruma: That is because he had confidence that his true nature wouldn't be revealed wasn't it? Narumi: Uhuh! If the flow kept going that the culprit had to be a boy then, Fujimori-chan definitely wouldn't have become a suspect! Akira: Yeah that's right. Fujimori himself has been quite quiet since then. Ayumu: ... Mikoto: {}. {Being suddenly doubted to be the culprit, it's not like that wasn't likely though.} Mikoto: It's just like what we said earlier for Samejima, dropping those kinds of hints... Mikoto: And then believing that one wouldn't be suspected, is something that's quite {}. Ayumu: I can't refute that... Kasumi: What? Are you guys going to be Fujimori's allies? Seishi: Well Allies or not... Coming to that conclusion through logic {are the white's duty} is something I am saying. Seishi: Instead of being consumed by one piece of information, I wonder looking for other possibilities  isn't a better solution? Seishi: Well I don't plan to {give you some weird/misleading} hand though. Kasumi: N-no matter what things you say... Kasumi: Kasumi doesn't think that she is going to stop looking about evidence that might be able to pin the blame on Fujimori after all! Ayumu: *thinks* Ayumu: *thinks* Mikoto: Fujimori. Ayumu: Eh? Mikoto: Do you think that it's fine to continue like that? Ayumu: hu... Ayumu: There's no way that I would think like that! Mikoto: Right. Then get that messy brain organized. Mikoto: {And face it straighforwardly.}  In order to change something, you need to walk forward. Ayumu: ...! Ayumu: Itsuki-san, thank you. Ayumu: *thinks* Ayumu: *thinks* Ayumu: *thinks* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Kasumi): The fact that Fujimori hid that he was a boy, isn't that the truth? First Counter (Seishi): Well that's because everyone around him saw him as a girl, that he couldn't tell anyone that he was a boy... he said so himself didn't he? Second statement (Maiko): But if we wouldn't have realized that he was a boy, {we couldn't make sure that he would be a suspect too.} Second Counter (Misuzu): Fujimori participated with his logical deductions. If he truly was the culprit wouldn't that be weird? Third statement (Narumi): But the male bathroom only boy's can enter so, and Fujimori is a boy after all... Third Counter (Kazuomi): It's true that he could've been at the crime scene, but we still haven't found evidence that he was indeed there! Fourth statement (Koga (Horse)): It's fine already, just let's get the voting starting! After all the culprit is going to be Fujimori after all! That's why he has been so quiet the whole time! Fourth Counter (Mikoto): If you keep pushing at him from above, there is no evidence that you couldn't have been the culprit either. Fifth statement (Azuma): However there was no [other suspicious place] other than the male's bathroom, was there? -Shoots through [other suspicious place]- -Counter side "We're going to shoot down that statement!"- -Debate BREAK!!- Ayumu: No, the only suspicious place isn't only the male's bathroom. Aruma: Eh? Was there somewhere else? Ayumu: The female bathroom. Ayumu: Before the incident happend, the place where something changed was the female bathroom! Aruma: W-what did you say? Kasumi: What are you trying to say with that? Kasumi: Rokudo's death is unrelated to the female bathroom isn't it? Seishi: Not quite, we can't say that for sure yet. Kasumi: Hhii-- Seishi: Fujimori-san is talking about the {something important} inside the female bathroom isn't that so? Narumi: Oh... besides the {} , he's talking about that right? Ayumu: Right, however when I began investigating, I looked at it again the cart was in a slightly clean state. Misuzu: Then that means--- {it was used for something, is what you want to say?} Ayumu: That's what I believe. Ayumu: Hey Maiko-chan, the one who told me about {that thing}, was Maiko-chan wasn't it? Ayumu: This information isn't wrong is it? Or did you move {that thing}? Maiko: Uh, no, I didn't touch the cart. Ayumu: I see, then it's fine to think that that's the truth isn't it? Maiko: Yes... Akira: But even so... that's not proving that this is related to this trial at all is it? Seishi: Well then, is there someone who touched that cart? Kasumi: ... Maiko: ... Narumi: ... Seishi: It doesn't seem that way. Seishi: Since noone {is taking responsibility for that}, couldn't that mean that that cart too can be seen as evidence in this case? Mikoto: If that's the case... Mikoto: It becomes that one of the female's is the one who did it. Asuma: Ehh? Marin: Ohh? And why is that so? Mikoto: Just like only boy's can enter the male's bathroom, only girls can enter the female bathroom. Mikoto: The one who used that cart can only be a girl. Narumi: H-How should we know about that? Narumi: Yodagawa-san is a girl after all... isn't that how it can turn out too? Misuzu: While I can understand that wanting to avoid doubting eyes. Misuzu: The only one who has such hobbies... I do hope it only remains with Fujimori-san. Aruma: Well I'd welcome it. Ayumu: *thinks* Marin: Uhm, but still to say that that cart was used to kill Saisai, that wasn't determined yet, right? Nico: Truly, it could have been used for another purpose after all. Kasumi: Y-yeah that's right, if it was used for something else there's nothing special about it after all. Kego: Humm, but earlier nobody responded to Mister Yodagawa's question. Kego: That means. There's a high chance that it was used, isn't there? Kazuomi: That's right! And that's after you all suspected that only boys could be the culprit... Kazuomi: Now that you stand on the same level, there's nothing you can say! Misuzu: That's right. On this ground called Class Trial, you are already in a position to be doubted that's what you need to confirm with yourself. Misuzu: Futhermore you need to clearly convey that you're not the culprit with your own words and speak the truth. Nico: Eh... There's a weird doll thinking that it's a human, trying to push us to start the voting and blaming others to be the culprit. Koga (Deer): She's clearly talking about us isn't she? Koga (Deer): uhuhuh, the way you worded that was cruel... Even we are trying our best... Nico: {Even though you're not telling us your name, thinking you could get away with that, aren't you a bit too full of yourself} Koga (Horse): Shut UP! The truth is we're trying to {cope with the death}! Koga (Horse): If we forget the way the dead one thought, that's too what a true bully is right? Nico: Ah... {the fact that you think about the deceased, I wonder if I should compliment you on that.} Akira: Well anyway... from here on... what are we gonna do? Seishi: Obviously, we're going to keep discussing. Seishi: The theroy on who the suspect is from one of the girls. Kasumi: That's why, Kasumi didn't do it! Narumi:  It's not me either! Marin: Sister isn't it either! Ayumu: Uwah!? Stay calm, one after another! Kasumi: Fujimori please be quiet. Ayumu: Ehh!? Why only me!? Seishi: Oh my, oh my. This situation has become quite {fickle} hasn't it? Seishi: Well if it's Fujimori-san, he's going to be alright. Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* -Class Trial Intermission-
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gearchronicles · 7 years
Final Fantasy 14 Code Giveaway
Since I already redeemed one of the GameStop promotion Code for my account and just bought Pokemon Sun/Moon, I have one leftover code for the Final Fantasy XIV Promotion. I’ll give away the “whole” code, meaning all promotion items will be included for this giveaway. (You get one code at GameStop which will split into 6 different codes. And since I’m too lazy to split that one code, whoever wins get that one code.)
For anyone who’s not aware this includes:
-Titan Mask
-Inferno Mask
-Chocomoppel Mount 
-Butler Outfit
-Maid Outfit
-Holo Prism Wings
Sidenote: This code is only for european accounts and cannot be used for non-european accounts. 
Also as most of you are probably are aware Final Fantasy XV will be released next week so I might get another extra code. And I might need to buy a steam card too, so maybe I’ll end up with 3 extra codes.
I’ll pick one person randomly, so in order to enter just reblog or like this post. No multiple reblog please.  
On the 30th I’ll pick a winner and send the code to their ask box.
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gearchronicles · 8 years
Level-5 Vision 2016
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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inago kirino kariya son
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gearchronicles · 8 years
All characters revealed.
Apparently this team is not Raimon Eleven but Inakuni Raimon Eleven? 
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FW (2nd Year) - Inamori Asuto (CV: Ayumu Murase) FW (2nd Year) - Kozoumaru Sasuke (CV: Yuuki Kaji) FW (3rd Year) - Goujin Tetsunosuke (CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi) GK (2nd Year) - Umihara Norika (CV: Mei Kayano)
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DF (2nd Year) - Hiyori Masakatsu (CV: Yuka Terasaki) MF (2nd Year) - Okuiri Hiro (CV: Natsuki Hanae) MF (3rd Year) - Michinari Tatsuya (CV: Ryouhei Kimura) DF (2nd Year) - Bansaku Yuuichirou (CV: Takahiro Sakurai)
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DF (2nd Year) - Iwato Takashi (CV: Kenta Miyake) MF (2nd Year) - Hiura Kirina (CV: Souma Saitou) MF (2nd Year) - Hattori Hanta (CV: Haruka Tomatsu) 
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Inakuni Raimon Eleven Coach - Chou Kinun (CV: Yuuichi Nakamura) Raimon’s Queen/Empress? - Mikado Anna (CV: Rie Takahashi)
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Seishou Academy FW (1st Year) - Haizaki Ryouhei (CV: Hiroshi Kamiya) 
Outei Tsukinomiya FW (2nd Year) - Nosaka Yuuma (CV: Jun Fukuyama)
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                     ~Greatest Forward Combination~
Hakuren FW - Fubuki Shirou (CV: Mamoru Miyano) Hakuren FW - Fubuki Atsuya (CV: Mamoru Miyano)
So many great seiyuu.
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gearchronicles · 8 years
If you haven’t heard about the current events in Germany already, there has been a shooting in the Olympiapark Einkaufszentrum (shopping mall)! 
Please stay clear from both the area and U-Bahn stations (underground stations) - the shooter is still on the move and allegedly fled to one of the stations. All trains are shut down so please stay safe. If you are a tourist it’d be better to return to your accommodation. 
I can’t believe that this is happening again but let’s not create panic and not jump to any conclusions before receiving any official information. 
Praying that the situation will soon be brought into control, my thoughts are with all affected!
May this world have mercy on us :(
(Die Situation sollte wirklich nicht auf die leichte Schulter genommen werden, wenn ihr es könnt geht bitte nach hause und seid heute bei euren Liebsten. Passt auf euch auf!) 
UPDATE: The police is asking everybody to stay in their homes now as they have yet to confirm the number of attackers as well as their current location. Again please stay safe!
ANOTHER UPDATE: The central train station as well has been closed for now! Do not spread speculations, for precise information it is best to check the official Twitter of the Polizei München. As of right now the situation still is rather unclear. Their apparently are 3 confirmed deaths (not 100% sure tho) and many injured. For all those who can not return home or to their accommodations there is the hashtag #offeneTür on Twitter for those in need for shelter. Even hotels (e.g 4 seasons) are offering their help. Steer away from public places and most importantly DO NOT SPREAD INFO, PICTURES, VIDEOS OF WHAT THE POLICE IS DOING RIGHT NOW! This only aids the attackers who have still not been located and this we need to prevent at all cost!!
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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The Tales of Link Worldwide Facebook page revealed yesterday that a new 6* hero will be gracing us with his wings presence in the Ares Realm, starting in early Summer.
Dhaos from the previous Ares Realm is also scheduled to return.
Be sure to level up your heroes, unlock their passive abilities, and continue to fuse and evolve gear so you and your friends will be ready to challenge the next Ares Realm!
An English “Tales of Link” trailer has also been released. You can check it out on their Facebook page. Don’t forget that the Facebook campaign ends on 5/29, and we’re still quite far from the final goal! Tell everyone you know to like their page and also to like and share the campaign post for free Hero Stones.
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gearchronicles · 8 years
Love Love Peace Peace, Old women making bread
Peace Peace Love Love, Some man in a hamster wheel
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gearchronicles · 8 years
tbh that akward situaton where you’re still always on tumblr but have’t posted anything since a year
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gearchronicles · 8 years
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a very important powerpoint
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gearchronicles · 9 years
Hello?Considering that I haven't posted anything lately I'm quite suprised that I got an ask that isn't a virus haha
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gearchronicles · 9 years
Whenever someone mentions unravel and your inner anime and inner gamer make you confused.  
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