geekdemoiselle-blog · 7 years
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From Albert's Loveaholic story. I have so many ideas about where things should go from here, with both of them tipsy...
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 7 years
I finally deleted the app. They seem to have shifted DtL away from normal events and new routes, and it seems unlikely to change. It's a shame because I was really eager for Kondo's route and my beloved Takasugi.
I feel the same, Cybrid should focus on Dtl more before releasing another app. I've played A LOT of otome games but Dtl really stuck with me, It's not too much to ask for just a bit more content...
I wish they would do both! There is certainly an audience for both. Let me give you my money, already!
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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MC definitely doesn’t need to exacerbate her Juliet qualities, but I am super into that ladder business and the lilac color scheme. Hopefully I have enough items saved up to fully clear the event…
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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At last some good luck on my grab bag, and Giles is...hmm in full on sexy Giles mode, yum.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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I have some kind of devil infection right now that has reduced me to sulking under a blanket with yarrow and mullein tea and wondering how the hell I will lead the crucial choir practice tonight, but this changed my day, and maybe my life, significantly for the better.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
Wow, seems like Cybird really, really listened to this thread in creating Robert's route? We now have the kingdoms of Alder and lost Bergenia as well as the introduction of Rayvis.
More interestingly, lots of excellent statecraft here, especially in the deal with Byron. When Sid brings info, MC questions sources and motivation. Robert helps with ideas based on his experience, but MC more than pulls her weight and acts like a future Queen. Even with strangers, she behaves authoritatively and seems ready to face her new role.
This is fantastic. Bravo Cybird.
If you're desperate to know more about Robert's past and the other countries in MidCin clap your hands
Because I am
Hey, hey @cyikemen ;) are we getting any Robert any time soon? Or maybe a map or something of the MidCin world, that would be fab 🙃
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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He smells like threshed barley and sake! Oh Takasugi, I love him so.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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I wasn't thaaaat into the last event, because it had the same weird rushed AU problems as the school days stories, so the MC seemed to be choosing vampirism really casually. (Premium ending: you lose your immortal soul to a bite-happy creature you met A MONTH AGO. Thanks, Cybird. Really.) But vampire Giles could turn me after a few days and probably have my enthusiastic consent, so... Plus, I bet vampire Albert will be adorable. Praying for some talented artists to take that on!
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
Nico's a little... undisciplined to be trusted in command. Like, Byron would be wondering how he's suddenly embroiled in three new wars with heads of state he's never even spoken to.
You know Stein's military troops are badass because they don't even bother going to war wearing armors. XD
I know! I had that thought too! Like why do Albert and Nico never wear armor?
Maybe they’re more of commanding officers …?
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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RFA Magazine Mockups! {{I also have a Society6 account now!}}
They were supposed to make magazines about the charity parties and benefits lol – i guess everyone did little edits on each other’s covers too hhhhahaha V’s approval stage:
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
I like the idea of a sweet seasonal treat like the apple galette in Giles's storyline since we know he loves sweets!
Fall Dates with Suitors
Just weird ideas of things you could do with your favorite suitor!
Albert: You and him would take a walk (or hiking) and breathing the crisp air. Perhaps a scenic trail in the woods? Later on, you’d attempt to teach him how to knit a scarf and give him one with the Stein embroidered on it.
Alyn: In the morning, you’d go apple picking with him for fun. He’d tease you by holding apples too high from your reach, and later he would help you bake a pumpkin pie.
Byron: You’d spend time making cute fall decorations like kawaii scarecrows or leaf wreaths. Then, he’d take you on a hot ajr balloon ride so you could see all of Stein and Wysteria from above, plus a beautiful sunset.
Giles: The whole morning would be spent smelling different scents of candles that were ordered specifically for you by him. You’d pick your favorites and Giles would order them around the castle. Later that evening, he’d take you on a hay ride under the moonlight.
Leo: He’d take you to a fall festival in town and you would walk around holding hands and checking out everything from the limits time stands to the musicians. That night, he’d surprise you with hot spiced cider, which you would share.
Louis: You’d come up with the idea of making a pinecone bird feeder, so that’s what you two do, you cover it with peanut butter and bird seed. Later, you’d take the pumpkin seeds from the fresh pumpkins and bake them for Louis.
Nico: He’s all about giving you the most exhilarating exprience as possible. First you’d go on a wild adventure through a corn maze. You’d get lost but have fun. Then you two would make candy apples at home and lick caramel off each other’s cheeks.
Robert: You and him woukd go outside and collect colorful leaves with vibrant reds, spicy oranges, bright yellows, and warm browns. After, he’d bake you pumpkin bread and you’d curl up together.
Sid: You would pick out a pumpkin together with him and spend the day carving it carefully with him. He’d tease you and distract you. Afterwards, you’d spend then night in a cozy embrace, watching a movie.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (via thecreativechristianap)
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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I need an Albert garden avatar to inflict various costumes on, stat.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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I need an Albert garden avatar to inflict various costumes on, stat.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
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*huge smile* Giles and his promises.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
Just adding my two cents on the "bureaucrat" thing. Because these stories come out of Japan they are probably using bureaucrat to mean the kind of powerful court functionary common in the Imperial period. Mind, if bureaucrats are so powerful I have to wonder why the Princess only knows ONE and doesn't have to deal with any others in her day to day.
Byron's Ever After Route Rant
***SPOILERS*** I feel the need to rant here because I’m actually pretty furious at this route. Ok, so in the EA, the Princess holds a ball for the people’s approval in response to Byron’s father’s request. During the ball, two bureaucrats sneak out and rig the voting so that she loses. Albert and Nico realize that the voting is rigged and go to tell Byron but he makes it seem like he knew it was. That frustrated me, because if he knew why didn’t he do anything? And even if he didn’t, it’s common sense to put someone in charge of surveilling the ballot box and he didn’t. Byron makes it seem like he has a plan, but he better have a damn good one. Anyway, MC loses and goes to her room. Once in her room, the bureaucrats burst in and order her to leave. They yell that it is an insult for her to stay and that she must leave all the gifts Byron gave her and cut all ties with Stein. This next part is why I’m really furious. MC accepts and uses the excuse that the bureaucrats “have all the power” in Stein. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!!!! In the era that it takes place, the nobility was influential but had NO power against a royal. If a King wanted to, he could order for their execution or exile and a noble couldn’t do a damn thing about it. This made it so easy for a king or queen to be a tyrant. THIS is why Byron’s father easily rose to a tyrannical rule. So, the bureaucrats had NO right to demand her to leave. They did threaten Byron but do you think it would have been easy to target him? He is a king with a large army and Albert by his side, he is NOT an easy target. For them to target him is laughable. MC might be an easier target since she is in a foreign country and alone in her room but there are Knights everywhere. If she had screamed, they would have come running. So no, they had no power and no true leverage over their safety. The second part that made me furious is that MC just did what they asked. The entire time I was reading that, I kept shouting “ASSERT YOURSELF” in my head. I actually grew really angry at this and began shaking. I like MC’s character and don’t really like opposing her but- ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! MC is the Princess of Wysteria, she is the representative of Wysteria. What the bureaucrats did is a huge insult against a monarch from an allying country. In this time period this would be a huge shame and would warrant the beginning of a war, in that time period I would assume it would be worse. MC may not be a blue blood but she is a royal and has authority in Wysteria. By just letting them walk over her in that scene, she pretty much let them disgrace her country. She could have raised her chin and said that she had been invited to stay by Byron and could only be told to leave by him-one royal to another. She could have also pointed out that as bureaucrats they had NOTHING-no power or leverage-against Byron and that he had invited her to stay. I would have done that and would have been more confrontational. Their threat against Byron was weak and laughable, I actually rolled my eyes at it, and they have no real authority when it comes to challenging a king. Let’s face it, in the time era that the game is set, the people have NO power against a king. The bureaucrats can have terrorist attacks and hide behind closed doors but they can not do shit against an actual Royal. MC could have shown the true might of Wysteria and yet she just left silently. It’s really frustrating sometimes how non-assertive she is. There are times when you have to look at the devil in the eye and swear your holiness. MC is a monarch and more than capable of denying their request to leave if they just burst into her room. She needs to stop letting things happen and do something about it. MC and I are different because you all know how I can get. You all know that I am a little too trigger happy when provoked and would have raised hell on those bureaucrats…heck it’s a good thing I really wasn’t chosen as Princess because I might have become a tyrant. My problem is that, if a person tells me I can’t do something, I find it is my birth right to say “fuck you” and do it anyway. Not that I have a problem with authority, but rather that I hate being told I “can’t” do something. Anyway, this scene really made me furious and I felt the need to write a REALLY long rant.
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geekdemoiselle-blog · 8 years
*clapping* More Robert and more geography, yes please!
If you're desperate to know more about Robert's past and the other countries in MidCin clap your hands
Because I am
Hey, hey @cyikemen ;) are we getting any Robert any time soon? Or maybe a map or something of the MidCin world, that would be fab 🙃
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