empathies · 3 years
The worst kind of abuse is emotional abuse. The wounds of physical abuse can be seen and healed, but a victim of emotional abuse silently suffers his whole life. The scars are though invisible, but the pain is immeasurable and unutterable.
My Mind
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empathies · 3 years
As they say in movies "Love is a friendship that has caught fire. But what if you have to veer off the path to remedy your soul and still you brood over for the pinch of blood.
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empathies · 3 years
Oh dear! It's time to cut the ties!
And say the silent goodbyes!
That you gotta have to hide!
What pain, you keep inside!
Now you break your own heart!
Can't show what's inside!
You can't let your demons spill!
Save him from that pain, that kill!
It's time you escape the reality!
Because you got no time for clarity!
O, dear! It's time you go silently!
All went astray!
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empathies · 3 years
The stitched lip sister now spills out from her silent room; the moments of misery made her strong inside out. The unheard pain is still running through her body.
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empathies · 4 years
There are so many people in this world who can give you flowers to impress you for a certain period of time.
There are so many people who can make your life bloom without a couple of flowers.
You need to choose the latter.
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empathies · 4 years
Oh life, where is your Myrtle? Aren't you tired of this heave and sway? Let the mist leap at the sun and the moon to harvest another night.
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empathies · 4 years
I have lost my mental energy, the spark inside me isn't igniting like it use to be. These little lesiure moments are bothering me. I want to nuture, shine and rise but my surroundings circumstances are pissing me off. The life is becoming like a lazy cattle laying in a horse stable.
- The night beneath the stars
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empathies · 4 years
After all these years I have learnt one thing in life. When the world pushes you to your knees, your are in the perfect position to pray. Only Allah can save you in that condition.
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empathies · 4 years
I have no more vigour to touch another soul in this lifetime after I have touched her's.
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empathies · 4 years
There was a time when this date, 28th of June, used to be full of wishes, joy, and excitement for me, but now it feels like the freedom to breathe is AWOL. Afterall another year closer to my death and my creator. The time neither stops nor returns for anyone. I no longer like to bang the balloons and blow the candles in contrast to en-light more wax to my life.
Those who are still wishing me, I appreciate their generosity of spirit (smiley)
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empathies · 4 years
All These Years!
All these years of my life, I've been chasing something. Either they were my feelings, sometimes they were my friends, sometimes they were the grades, most of the times it was the root of all evils money, and finally, I crave for the inner PEACE, What I have learned about the life so far is that this "Chase" thing is never going to end. I need to recall the purpose of my existence and stop chasing now because It's the best time to follow the path which will lead me to the life of eternity.
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empathies · 4 years
One of those days when you're so damn afriad of yourself that eventually you don't want to hurt yourself and others to avoid falling harder. Just more scared that how you will react with the situation...
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empathies · 4 years
In this selfish world there she's waiting for the right moments to find my scars attractive but not trying to let me hear the sound of her lonliness.
- The days of Lockdown
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empathies · 5 years
I heard the bold souls murmuring about the efforts we need to put when we love someone. Giving up without a fight is like we never wanted it to rain. But what if you reach to a proffer where you're in no condition to crouch anymore?
- QuarantineDays
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empathies · 5 years
Someone asked me what should I wish to Allah about my life partner?
I replied: Please pray that you marry the one who doesn’t leave you when it gets tough...
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empathies · 5 years
Today she asked sitting idly, what even is love? Lost in his thoughts; he murmured, A sense of belonging we all needed.
The Last Moment
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empathies · 6 years
Basically, we all are here looking for an escape. But we do not find the door of escape. So we settle for the possible form of escape. Nothing can be fulfilling. Nothing can be perfect but we cannot be perfect either. Life is full of imperfections and so are we.
My Imperfect thoughts
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