gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/27✨ Happy Friday!! It's gonna be a good one! Death: 🔹End Of A Cycle 🔹Metamorphosis 🔹New Beginnings Looks like we've got ourselves a repeat visitor, once again. The first thing I want to remind you of is that Death Very rarely refers to physical death. So, today, focus on things that may be coming to a close or an end in your life. This could be in reference to relationships of any kind, habits, addictions, jobs, education, etc. Death brings with her, the closing of one door in order to allow for another the space to be opened. As painful as closing one chapter of your life can be, it is important for growth. Sometimes we outgrow the things in our life without knowing it. And this keeps us from developing further because, when we've sucked all that we can out of something, but hang around, it does nothing for us. So, as hard as it might be, look at the end of these things as an opportunity to grow as a person. If you lost your job, take this time to reevaluate what it is you that you want tondo with your life and set your course on your new path. We have to do our best to make the most of some bad situations, and sometimes these situations end up as blessings in disguise. Turn a shitty situation to your benefit. After all, the best crops grow on a bed of manure. 🔹 Have a beautiful day!!💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2y8aBUg
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/24✨ Happy Thursday! Hope you're all okay! 2 of Pentacles: 🔸Balance 🔸Multitasking 🔸Adapting to change Looks like we have a repeat visitor! Today, I just want you to think about your life and balance. That's right you don't even have to do anything, not really. But just think about what a balanced life means to you. In regards to work, home, family, friends, etc. And how can you make sure to keep yourself on that track once you figure it out? Food for thought! 🔹 Have a great day! 💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2vOXMxl
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/25✨ Happy Wednesday!! Good morning! The Fool: 🔹Innocence 🔹Spontaneity 🔹New Beginnings Approach Evey day like a fool. Today, do something different. When you get up and ready to start your day, or continue your day, try to do something unplanned. Whether you're stuck inside or have to be out, try something that you wouldn't normally do. Breaking up routine is a good way to break up the monotony that can come with self isolating. And trying something new opens you up to new ideas and experiences. Life if full of limitless possibilities, but because we tend to approach every day with a plan or a routine, we closed ourself off from the other things that life has to offer. So, approach today like a fool, and go into without a plan. Or better yet, plan for no plan. 🔹 Have a beautiful day everyone 💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QL2QKv
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/24✨ Happy Tuesday!! I hope you're all staying safe! Judgement: 🔹Reflection 🔹Inner Voice 🔹Judgement All in due time. The time for rebirth is almost here. But, in order to go through this process and make it out ready for a new you, you must first look back. You have to look back and ask yourself if you've come to terms with everything that's been dragging you down. You don't have to be proud of the things you've done in your past, we've all made mistakes, and no one is a saint. But, you do have to give an honest evaluation of yourself and the things you've done. Only after being honest with yourself can you move on to that next stage of your life. Carrying parts of you that you have not come to terms with will only serve to weigh you down and hinder your growth. So, rise up and confront yourself. Have a heart to heart with the person in the mirror and ask what you need to come to terms with before you can move on to your next stage of life. 🔹 Have a beautiful day, inside and out!💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QIJCoS
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/23✨ Happy Monday! Wheel of Fortune: 🔸Fate 🔸Cycles 🔸Change You know, trying to determine what life has in store for us is kinda like trying to tell a cat what to do. You might have some success, but 9 times out of 10, it's going to stare blankly at you and then knock over your favorite mug. That's just life. Now, this isn't to say we should ever stop trying to understand what the universe has in store for us. But, we should temper our expectations. The world works in mysterious ways and we definitely don't have as much control over it as some might like. And I'm here to say, that's okay! It's okay to relinquish control and ride the wave of life. You can't dictate everything, sometimes you have to just take a seat, and enjoy the ride. 🔸 Have a beautiful day! 💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39cCyHt
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/22✨ Happy Sunday! Hope you're all well. 2 of Pentacles: 🔸Balance 🔸Multitasking 🔸Adapting to change Life is never going to stay the same forever. It would be very difficult to go through life with a singular mindset for the entirety of it. Change and adaptability allow us to grow with the world. Childlike naivety and optimism is lovely, but it's not always helpful since the world can often be a serious and dark place. But, that doesn't mean you should do away with it completely, keep that optimism. Though as you mature and grow with new experiences, you learn to filter your optimism through a lense of realism. Maintaining a serious persona is necessary for business and professional life, but it doesn't always make you the most enjoyable person to be around. So, take some of that childish joy and allow yourself to relax from time to time. With age, you learn that there is a time and a place for everything. Balance is key. You don't have to be just one thing. You can have a pinch of this and a sprinkle of that. So, as you go about your day, think about what you might need to rebalance in your life, and working on that balance could help you in your life, all around. 🔸 Have a beautiful day!! 💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2J5CRcr
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/20✨ Happy Friday! I hope everyone is well! Sorry this is kinda late today, working in a grocery store so it's been busy. The Chariot 🔹Travel 🔹Control 🔹Willpower So, we have yet another pandemic themed reading today. I know we all just want to get back to normal, but the fact of the matter is that we're in the thick of it and I'm gonna try to give some tarot guidance when I can. At the moment, you might feel like you don't have a lot of control over your life. There's social distancing, some places mandatory. Quarantine. Scarcity of food, for multiple reasons. People out of work. And the list goes on. There are tons of reasons to feel afraid, and to like you have a lack of control. So here's something to remember. Control what you can. And I mean in a healthy way. If you're at home, make your personal space perfect for you, make it comfortable. Set a schedule for yourself. Meal prep, organize EVERYTHING. And with this too, the list goes on. You have more control over your life than you night think, especially right now. This is a quote that not everyone will agree with, and that's fine, but I think there's something we can all take from it: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Not everything is meant for you to control or change. So, focus on what you can. 🔹 Have a beautiful Friday 💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2xUlJ77
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/19✨ Happy Thursday!! The Moon: 🔹Anxiety 🔹Intuition 🔹Illusions Gonna keep it short today! In a time of fear and uncertainty, I cannot stress how important it is to LISTEN TO YOUR INTUTION. Now, of course, when it comes to certain things, listen to the proper official sources. But in more personal matters, follow your intution. When you aren't sure about something, this is not the time for snap judgements, because everything may not be exactly as it seems. Now is the time to make calculated decisions based on factual information, and when it calls for it, intuition. I know, I've said it alot, so I guess it's the word of the day now! When the sun sets and the moon comes out, the illusions, fears, and fantasies of our minds come out to play. And it can be hard to tell what's real, and what's not. For the sake of this argument, let's pretend the sun has set and we're living under the light of the moon until further notice. So please, act accordingly. 🔹 Have a beautiful day, whether you're at work, at home, or both! 💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33wTLdt
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/18✨ Ace of Pentacles: 🔸Prosperity 🔸Determination 🔸New opportunity Like the dawn after a long dark. The Ace of Pentacles represents prosperity in the physical realm. This means health, wealth, business, etc. This is a more than welcome card with all that we have going on around us. And even though it may not be telling us that all will be back to normal right away, it's a reminder to appreciate what we do have. To those of us who are still healthy, to those in quarantine, and to those working, it's a reminder that while we may not be in the best situations at the moment, there are others that are in even worse shape. And if we can think about it, we will realize that, yeah, we could be in a much worse situation. It's easy to take for granted the normal things in life, like working, and hell just breathing properly, until we can't anymore. But now that we see that those things are not as assured as we thought, we can see their true value. Though you might not be wealthy, or even at optimum health, today, try to appreciate what you do have, just a little more. 🔸 Have a wonderful day, and keep safe all!💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33qCxye
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/17✨ Happy Tuesday! Stay strong! Strength: 🔸Focus 🔸Bravery 🔸Compassion 🔸Inner strength 🔸Independence Rarely is strength only physical. Strength can be defined as "the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure." While that definition is meant to be taken literally, in regards to physicality, I believe it works just as well for inner strength. Strength is many things. One of those is knowing what needs to be done and doing it. Another is staying strong in the midst of a struggle, the eye of a storm. Now more than ever, is THE time to embrace your inner Strength and remember that you are stronger than you might believe. Don't let panic or hysteria take you. Use your head and follow your heart, they'll help you stay calm and centered, even when you're surrounded by chaos. YOU are the embodiment of Strength, you just have to be ready to accept it and the responsibility that comes with it. 🔸 Have a beautiful day, and please stay safe, whether you're at home or at work. 💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39YWX3Y
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/16✨ Happy Monday! Let's keep things moving! 2 of Swords: 🔹 Stalemate 🔹 Indecision 🔹 Difficult Choice Hope you all don't mind if I ramble on for a bit 😅 Today, you might find yourself faced with one, or multiple difficult choices. Decisions that you might not have had to make before might be right in front of you, awaiting your verdict. Now it's true, you can't wait forever to choose. But you also don't want to rush. It's like a balancing act, making a proper decision at the right time. However, one truth remains, you will have to make a choice. Otherwise it will be made for you. The key is, not choosing what others think is best for you (without consideration). This is a choice that you will have to live with whether you make it or not. So why not have a think, and choose what you consider to be the best option. Even if it all goes pear shaped, at least you know it was because of your own actions. Though that's not much solace when things go wrong, it is. Because you had the power to get yourself into that situation, with your own decision making, which means you damn well have the power to get yourself out of it. In the end, you have the power to change the course of your life, for the better or the worse. The choice is yours. 🔹 Have a beautiful day! 💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2UegoPu
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨ I hope this reading serves to comfort at least one person in the midst of the madness. 🔸 Cards (Left to Right): 🔸 Judgement - Reckoning 🔸 3 of Pentacles - Collaboration 🔸 The Devil - Excess 🔸 Ace of Cups - Empathy 🔸 4 of Cups - Apathy 🔸 The Hermit - Solitude 🔸 The Star - Hope Interpretation: 🔸 Whatever your outlook on how things are in the world today, one fact stands, the world today is not the same that it was yesterday, and ignoring that isn't going to change it. But, if we embrace it, we stand a better chance of working together to ensure that our present circumstances don't continue on until they become our future. And that starts with not giving in to panic, and greed. It's understandable to be worried about having enough, especially right now, but we have to remember that if we take more than we need, we deprive others of they're bare essentials. That goes for those who would profit off of the panic and misfortune of others. All I can say to them is that they know who they are, and they know what they're doing is causing others to needlessly suffer. What we need is to care about our fellow humans as much as we care about ourselves. This is an everyday thing, not just something new for times of crisis, but it's even more necessary now. Treat others as you wish to be treated, we're all in this together. And if you see others struggling, while you're able to help, please do. Think of how you'd want someone to help you or a loved one in need if they were able. As I said yesterday, if you find yourself in quarantine, don't see it as detention, see it as a necessary vacation. Use the time to work on yourself and practice self-care. Finally, have hope. It's such a simple thing to say, but it means so much. Sure, things are bad, and they will most likely get worse before they get better. But they WILL get better. We have to look towards the future and not dwell on the present. It's the only way we'll make it out with our sanity in tact. 🔸 There's a little message from me in the comments if you'd like to read it. Hope you all stay safe and take care of yourselves. Sending my love your way. 💕 🔸 #tarot #witch #selfcare #havehope #messageoftheday — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33rBnCH
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/14✨ Happy Saturday! I hope you're all staying safe! The Hermit: 🔸Solitude 🔸Introspection 🔸Contemplation So, I've been feeling really tired and wasn't going to make a post today. Buuuut, when I pulled this card this morning, I felt like I had to! It is important to take time for yourself and recuperate after living life in general. It is normal to retreat inside yourself to think on what you've learned and experienced, and just to have quiet time with yourself. Now, I'm not a doctor or a medical professional, so I'm not going to give you any advice on quarantine, this or that. But I will ask that you all please use common sense, especially now. I will however, speak on how quarantine doesn't have to be a terrible thing, or better yet, how to make it LESS terrible. If you find yourself in said situation, trust me, I understand the stress that comes with not being able to work if you get sick. As someone who works retail, it's on my mind too. But I will say that it is a great opportunity to take time for yourself to work on things that you may have felt you were unable to di before due to other obligations. There are more material things such as picking up an indoor hobby, or catching up on your long Netflix queue of course. But there are also things such as working on a solid self care routine, fixing your sleep schedule, getting back into meditation, and the list goes on. Just because you are dealt a shit hand, it doesn't mean you have to play a shit game. Take what you're given and make the best of it. Your sanity will thank you. 🔸 Stay safe everyone!!! 💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2xFtCNN
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/13✨ Happy Friday the 13th! Guess we've got a fitting card for the day. Death: 🔹End Of A Cycle 🔹Metamorphosis 🔹New Beginnings So, I go months without pulling this card for a reading, then I pull it twice in the same week. When the cards have something to say, they let it be known! To take some from I said earlier this week, death is about ends and new beginnings. When this card appears a chapter in your life is coming to an end, and a new one is about to begin. Now, rarely is the card about literal death. But it could mean a big change is coming soon. So, keep an open mind and an open heart to change. Don't fight it when you feel it coming, because even if it's painful, it's in your best interest to see it through and ride the wave so to speak. Fighting change is only going to keep us behind and wallowing in negativity. The change is going to occur whether you're ready to accept it or not, so why not go with the flow and see what happens next? 🔹 I hope you all have a beautiful day!!💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2U0x4Kg
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/12✨ Happy Thursday! Almost Friday! Wheel of Fortune: 🔸Fate 🔸Cycles 🔸Change And so, the wheel turns. Life is full of cycles. Nothing stays static forever because to change is to grow and/or make room for others to grow and change in turn. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us of this fact. Sometimes it can be helpful to remember that there are things at work that propel this wheel forward so to speak, and they do not require our input. The world is going to keep spinning whether we want it to or not. So, don't try to stop it. Some things aren't meant to be controlled by us, it's important to understand that you don't have to and you CAN'T control everything. Worry about what you can, and let the world take care of the rest. Keep that in mind and see how much better you feel. 🔸 Have a beautiful day!!💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Qai1fZ
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/11✨ Happy Wednesday!! Happy hump day! 9 of Swords: 🔹Fear 🔹Anxiety 🔹Nightmare Anxiety is one hell of a thing. On the one hand, if we carry it around with us, it'll be like a sword in our back. With every step, it digs deeper and deeper. And there's no relief. On the other hand, it can be useful to keep that around. It's all about how you carry it. If you keep your anxieties in mind, but do what you can not to let them interfere with your life too much, you can benefit. Anxiety can be useful at times. Not the majority of the time of course, but it can keep us on edge and aware in certain situations for one. But understanding and acknowledging them allows us to begin working on minimizing them. It doesn't help anyone to try to ignore these anxiety and fear. Working on minimizing and understanding them allows us to learn and grow from them so that we may better know ourselves. This is not to minimize the effect of anxiety disorders in any way. They are valid and can be life altering. But in regards to general things like fears, and worries that we all feel throughout our lives. So today, take some time to focus on yourself and look at your fears and anxieties, and ask yourself how you're carrying them with you. Are they like swords in your back, or do you carry them at your side, nearby, but innocuous. They say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Maybe there's something to be said about that. 🔹 Have a beautiful day!💕💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2vWNmff
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gemini-tarot · 5 years
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✨Card of the day: 3/10✨ Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is doing well! Justice: 🔸Truth 🔸Karma 🔸Balance 🔸Cause & Effect Keeping it short and sweet today! What goes around, comes around. Today, take some time to think about what you're trying to receive from the world, and how what you put out has a direct impact on that. Keep that Golden rule in mind, do into others as you would have them do into you. There's enough negativity in the world, let's spread some love. 🔸 Have a beautiful day!💕 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IAPuMl
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