gemmamariano · 2 years
“That is a good way to describe them actually. Though certain flavors I stand by being good over others. Looks like sometime I’ll have to return the favor in making dinner and introduce you to the American staple. Might leave you with some regret but it feels mandatory.”
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Gemma chuckled. “It really does feel like something I should try. Somehow American food culture is filled with the type of food that falls into that category though.” She had to admit that most of the staple American foods she had actually enjoyed, though the absence of more healthy variants was definitely noticeable. 
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“No you’re right. Where have you been hiding this place? I’ve lived here like my whole life.” Macy took another sip and settled into her chair. “You would be correct. But you look like you could too. What’s going on?”
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“Only just found it. Apparently the owner is from Italy too, I met him at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago.” Gemma chuckled before taking a small sip. “Not much, really. Just a bunch of little things, you know. They always sneakily pile up until the stack becomes a bit too -- unstable, I guess. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.” 
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“Mmm,” he held up a finger as he finished chewing his last bite before responded. “Your ego can be sincerely inflated. That was amazing. Then again the most homemade meal I have had in three weeks is when I put the hot pocket in the oven instead of the microwave.”
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“Thanks.” She chuckled at his comment as she turned back towards the table. “What exactly is a hot pocket anyway? It sounds like one of those things that are so bad, that they’re actually good.” 
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“Well that depends,” he leaned over on the service counter of the truck. “We have to account for spill factor. How steady of a hand do you have when eating?”
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"Steady enough, but I am wearing a white blouse, so I’d definitely pick the safer option.” Gemma chuckled.
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“So either you really enjoy my cooking, or you’re being very polite,” Gemma stacked his empty plate onto her own as she moved towards the kitchen counter. “Regardless of the truth, I’m just going to assume it’s the first for the sake of my ego.”
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“What would you recommend someone who has about twenty more minutes of lunch break left before she has to hurry back to work?” Gemma questioned as she leaned against his food truck.
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“See? I told you this place has the absolute best coffee.” Gemma noted after her first sip of the fresh cup of coffee. It was the closest thing to the coffee she’d been used to, so it had been an immediate win when she found the place. “Figured you could use a good cup.”
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gemmamariano · 2 years
Text || Emmy & Gemma
Emmy: See, that is the whole point! I want people to know that lawyers can still be badass while also being sexy. I want to show the world that they're not all old crusty white guys who are only looking out for themselves and pretending like they actually do give a fuck when they don't.
Gemma: So just for future reference, what do I need to get myself into to get to hire you as my lawyer? Cause I definitely do not want a crusty old white guy to represent me. I definitely want a hot, impressive woman to be my lawyer.
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gemmamariano · 2 years
Text || Emmy & Gemma
Emmy: I mean, I tend to get pretty busy on the regular but considering this is just one day out of the ordinary and it only gets like this every few months I should be able to handle it. Oh no, I can't do that. The bigger end cause is worth it. I still want to be a kick ass lawyer in the future who fights for humanitarian rights.
Gemma: How could I possibly tell you to look out for what you need when that's what you're working for? At least you're a hot, badass lawyer. How many people can really say that, huh?
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“You know, just some really manly man stuff,” he put some roughness in his voice as he joked. “Both. Well it only hurts if I don’t keep my head perfectly still.”
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“Ah, yes, of course.” She chuckled. “So no strenuous activities for you for the foreseeable future then? That’s unfortunate, I had such fun plans.” 
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gemmamariano · 2 years
Text || Emmy & Gemma
Emmy: Well, you know when you're an aspiring lawyer things are apparently a lot different than working in a museum... I've put way too much blood, sweat and tears into this to back down now though! I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and try not to cry into my coffee.
Gemma: Oh, really? That makes sense, yeah. Is it just one day? Or is every day like this? Cause if that's the case, a career change -- no matter how hard you worked -- might still be the best option.
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gemmamariano · 2 years
Text || Emmy & Gemma
Emmy: Meetings, Gemma! Back to back to back to back meetings! I'm totally going to die.
Gemma: You should definitely come work with me, we rarely have meetings. Let alone back to back to back to back. What even is the use to them?
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gemmamariano · 2 years
Text || Emmy & Gemma
Emmy: Work! And I wish the solution were that easy but it's not!
Gemma: It totally is, though. What's making you so busy that you're going to be dying?
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gemmamariano · 2 years
Text || Emmy & Gemma
Emmy: I've seen my schedule for tomorrow and I'm already dying.
Gemma: Work or personal? Cause if it's the first, just quit and come work with me :)
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“I’m not trying to be more awkward than usual. I just haven’t been able to move my neck for two days.”
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“What the hell did you do?” Gemma chuckled. “Does it hurt or is it just stiff?”
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gemmamariano · 2 years
texts | luke + gemma
Luke: Did you know they're still sending coupon books in the mail?
Gemma: There are coupon books? I thought coupons were part of magazines and shit, not an entire book on its own?
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gemmamariano · 2 years
“Oh absolutely. I think some people would have gotten so into it but overall everyone would have been annoyed. I like this attire much more.”
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“Can’t say I’m surprised.” Gemma laughed. “I do think those pyjamas would’ve been much more comfortable. I did see someone in a onesie, and I have to be honest, that does sound quite appealing at this point.”
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