gendryamas · 9 months
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by @welt-verbessererin
Love and Monsters AU
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @welt-verbessererin
And They Were Neighbours
Like an asshole, Arya's new neighbour only ever sweeps his side of their shared stairs.
Even though she's pissed at first, she decides to kill him with kindness. She starts sweeping both sides of the stairs, accepting his packages when he isn't in and even bringing over home-baked cookies.
By Christmas Eve, the stairs aren't the only thing they're sharing, and Gendry happily gets up early to clear away the snow -- all of the snow-- so he can come back to bed for a bit.
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @thatsaysalotalotalot
We've Got Our Love to Keep Us Warm
Gendry's first Sevenmas in Winterfell isn't going to plan. He's cold, colder than he's ever been, and while the snow is as beautiful as Arya described, it's also cold, damned cold, especially for his Southron blood.
Add to that the fact that he and Arya aren't ready to tell her overprotective family that their relationship has recently changed from best friends to something far more exciting and far more intimate. And keeping that secret is growing more and more challenging.
Things take a turn for the better when Arya spirits him away to the family's cozy cabin in the Wolfswood for some much needed private time. Suddenly the north doesn't feel nearly as cold.
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @katlyn1948
“You know damn well, for you, I would ruin myself a million times over,” Arya whispered into Gendry’s ear as his arms embraced her a little tighter. The curls at the base of his neck had grown and she couldn’t help but fiddle with the strands as they stayed locked in a finite caress.
Their time together was dwindling, yet she couldn’t bear to part from him. How cruel the world was for him to leave again, only for her to stay behind and watch as he said his goodbyes. Every time she thought it would get easier, yet every time a little piece of her heart broke. Soon, it would be left in a million pieces that only he could fix.
“I have to go now, Arry.” His voice was smothered as he nuzzled the space between her ear and shoulder.
“Just a little longer,” she pleaded, her voice cracking under the emotional turmoil.
“They’ll wonder where you’ve been.”
“Let them.”
That was the thing about their illicit affair, how gloriously wonderful the clandestine meetings and stolen stares had become. A secret language only they could speak when their eyes would meet from across the room. It was a sanctuary just for them, their very own garden of Eden. But it was marred with lies and deceit. Only one single truth stood out, that she was irrevocably in love with this man.
“You’ve worn it again, the lavender.” He growls into her ear. “You know I love the lavender.”
A wicked smile played across her lips as her fingers crept up into the mass of curls atop his head, “Picked it just for you.”
“I want nothing more than to take you up against the wall. To make you scream my name like you’ve done a thousand times. To make you quiver in unadulterated ecstasy. But, love, if they find you down here with me, I’ll be gelded, and you’d be sent to a convent.”
She hated how right he was. They had been meticulous to leave no trace of their affair behind. Outside of their perfect garden, it was as if they didn’t exist. “If we must. But do not let it be days until I see you again. These last few have been nearly unbearable.” She pulled from his arms so she could look up into his cerulean eyes.
“They have me listed at the docks, inspection. I’ll be there for three days.” Again, another piece had broken knowing she’d be cold until he returned.
“Look, you’ve made an idiotic fool in love. Thought I’d never see it.” He wiped the single tear that fell from her glistening eyes before placing a soft kiss on her wanting lips, “I’d ruin myself for you, too.”
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @super-nerd-stark-angel
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @super-nerd-stark-angel
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @aryasbadbenergy
Joining Dr. Seaworth’s lab as an undergraduate is no joke. When he asks his two greenest students to stay late the night before winter break to finish their research proposals, they can’t say no. Even if a blizzard is forming outside. Even if Arya has a six hour drive ahead of her. Even if Gendry has never seen snow before tonight. It doesn’t take long for the blizzard to snow them in. Gendry wouldn’t mind if he could have at least been stuck in his dorm room. Christmas wasn’t really his thing. But when Arya’s bottom lip quivers when she says she might miss Christmas, he’s determined to make Christmas for her. Only to stop her from crying, of course.
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @aryasbadbenergy
Joining Dr. Seaworth’s lab as an undergraduate is no joke. When he asks his two greenest students to stay late the night before winter break to finish their research proposals, they can’t say no. Even if a blizzard is forming outside. Even if Arya has a six hour drive ahead of her. Even if Gendry has never seen snow before tonight. It doesn’t take long for the blizzard to snow them in. Gendry wouldn’t mind if he could have at least been stuck in his dorm room. Christmas wasn’t really his thing. But when Arya’s bottom lip quivers when she says she might miss Christmas, he’s determined to make Christmas for her. Only to stop her from crying, of course.
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @mslizzieforbes
Prince Gendry comes to visit Winterfell
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @mslizzieforbes
Prince Gendry comes to visit Winterfell
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @katlyn1948
song: One Grain of Sand by Ron Pope
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @katlyn1948
song: One Grain of Sand by Ron Pope
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @welt-verbessererin
Gendry saw the article about people sharing their beds with strangers for money and scoffed. Lunatics, the lot of them.
He is humbled pretty quickly when his landlord raises the rent a month later to an amount that normally would've forced him to move out. But he can't stomach the idea of returning to Cape Wrath and imposing on Davos and Marya.
There's no second bedroom to rent and despite everything he's read about, he doesn't think anyone is gonna pay him to sleep in his tiny kitchen. He fishes the newspaper out of the trash...
Arya is determined to make it in the big city without her parents' money. But even though she's working three jobs, she can't really afford the studio she's been living in for much longer.
Luckily, she's been wanting to meet new people anyway, and having roommates would be killing two birds with one stone. Viewing after viewing, however, she gets turned down. In the end, she is just adventurous and desperate enough to reply to someone who works nights and is offering half his king size bed...
After ascertaining that the guy is in fact, not a psychopath, Arya moves in. Their schedules work out so that they basically never share the bed, which both are grateful for since they have been attracted to each other from day one.
For months, everything is going great, until both of them are off work for the Christmas Holidays and have to spend time at the apartment --and in bed-- together for the first time and temptation comes calling...
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @welt-verbessererin
Gendry saw the article about people sharing their beds with strangers for money and scoffed. Lunatics, the lot of them.
He is humbled pretty quickly when his landlord raises the rent a month later to an amount that normally would've forced him to move out. But he can't stomach the idea of returning to Cape Wrath and imposing on Davos and Marya.
There's no second bedroom to rent and despite everything he's read about, he doesn't think anyone is gonna pay him to sleep in his tiny kitchen. He fishes the newspaper out of the trash...
Arya is determined to make it in the big city without her parents' money. But even though she's working three jobs, she can't really afford the studio she's been living in for much longer.
Luckily, she's been wanting to meet new people anyway, and having roommates would be killing two birds with one stone. Viewing after viewing, however, she gets turned down. In the end, she is just adventurous and desperate enough to reply to someone who works nights and is offering half his king size bed...
After ascertaining that the guy is in fact, not a psychopath, Arya moves in. Their schedules work out so that they basically never share the bed, which both are grateful for since they have been attracted to each other from day one.
For months, everything is going great, until both of them are off work for the Christmas Holidays and have to spend time at the apartment --and in bed-- together for the first time and temptation comes calling...
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @thereluctantbadger
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @welt-verbessererin
When you break up but the trip is non refundable
No one had seen the separation coming, not after ten years. But it had happened and it had thrown not just the ex couple off, but their families too. After having somewhat adjusted to their new single lives, they receive an email reminder about their upcoming, non-refundable three week dream vacation to the tropics. 
Stubborn as they are, neither is willing to pass up the opportunity; so almost a year after breaking up, Arya and Gendry find themselves not just sitting next to each other on a 12 hour flight, but sharing a deluxe beach cabin with their own private pool and exactly one queen sized bed.
They soon discover that little has changed: Gendry still prefers to sleep naked and Arya still never stays on her half of the bed.
Old feelings soon resurface and they start a game of chicken to see who will break first and make the first move. And neither of them plays fair.
In the end, their patience pays off and they spend the last days blissfully reunited, wondering why they even broke up in the first place.
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gendryamas · 9 months
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by @welt-verbessererin
Modern AU reunion and return to Winterfell
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