genem801-blog1 · 4 years
Journal 4.2
Editing was one of the things I developed starting the quarantine. It was because I needed to pass an online output of our scene, for our scene partners when the lockdown begun. I haven’t really started vlogging back then and I didn’t know how to edit. It was a requirement for Acting 2 when Sheila and I passed our video of our scene. I really searched in youtube on how I will be able to synchronize our individual videos. It was a fun experience for me, it was also what made me start vlogging when the classes were called off.
One value of an Atenan is MAGIS which is to do more. For me I haven’t done much MAGIS to my theatre making. I’ve never been in an org or a theatre group for my four years stay here in ateneo. Probably because I was too scared to join in one. In terms of performing in my major subjects, I always do my best when preparing ir rehearsing so that everything will go smoothly. Generosity is the Ignatian value, I really value. In terms of theatre making I try to understand every situation and I would adjust accordingly to what is needed and I give my whole self when it comes to performances.
For the first draft I think I really haven’t shown my values. The only thing that I was able to offer is my presence and some suggestions when we were doing the first draft. My suggestions helped a bit when making the group contract and of course my equivalents contributed as well. Also, when doing the first draft we did an improvisation when we were doing the confessions so all of us contributed to the first draft.
Not a lot has changed, but now we tried to show in our piece the rich and the poor.
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genem801-blog1 · 4 years
Journal 4.1
Our first week of devising was overwhelming, we had a lot of things to do not just in this subject but also in our other subjects. All of it were doable in a span of a week it was just quite stressful because the semester has just began.
Honestly, Kaya and Nicole just proposed our new piece when we met up and we just agreed to what they said. I think the only role I made was deciding what object I was going to use to record and do over and over again. All of us thought of an object in our house that we continuously use and decided to record it starting slowly going faster.
We easily agreed to what Kaya and Nicole proposed, there weren’t any disagreements. When deciding what object I will use, I just chose the things that I use daily.
As an ensemble member I feel that my strength is being able to pass in time or earlier what is needed. For me I am not a leader kind of person. I just like to go along with what the group wants, and of course what I think is also workable for me. I feel that I really need to improve on my communication skills, and boost my confidence, I get shy when I suggest things, thinking that it might not be good enough. I need to improve on those things for me to become better not only in becoming an ensemble member but also in life.
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genem801-blog1 · 4 years
Journal 3
For me theatre is when individuals join together to create art. It is what builds up theatre. Without the people theatre is nothing. I think what we are doing is theatre because we come in groups in our class, trying to make art collaboratively.
It is really different when doing theatre online. It is not the same as we would do live when we perform. I was having a hard time because as I said, I become shy when facing other people on zoom meetings, I felt pressured. Not like in live class, as we go on I feel more comfortable. I discovered that it can still work if we do it online, as I’ve said when we did the bricolage, we were able to make a collaborative work. With the help of our equivalents, we were able to devise a piece.
As I’ve said, i’ve been doing YouTube since the start of quarantine, what I like about it is the engagement our audience have. A lot of the comments were saying that our videos made their quarantine better and there are some that are really depressed, and they tell us in the comments that our videos lessens their stress. That was one of the things that kept me going as well. The fact that our videos has an impact to other peoples lives, it really melts my heart. YouTube is really different compared to acting. In Youtbe what I liked is that you don’t need to have a script, and you can just cut the errors you make and just say it again. In short, the editing is what mostly does the art and its quite easy. In theatre when we do acting, it is more challenging the audience are live and there shouldn’t be any errors when doing the play. What I miss pre-covid, was our class which was acting 2. We have already prepared the monologues and our scene partners at that time. When it was performance day, the lockdown started. It was really sad for me because I was really enjoying that class, and I was really getting along with all my classmates.
After Covid, honestly I want to continue YouTube since I’am already earning with the videos I make and I already have my audience who continues to watch our vlogs.
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genem801-blog1 · 4 years
Journal 2
I felt that we were working as one when we were doing the bricolage. When we started recording the flow just went smoothly. It was like, we did a script. We started giving our own confessions to each other then we randomly read each others confessions. After one person reads the confession, all of us listening gave our advices and opinions about the confession that was made. As I said, it went smoothly, from Nicole starting, then Sam, then Kaya and lastly, me. Before recording we were laughing about what we’re going to do but when we started recording all of us were serious and really got in the moment.
I enjoyed figuring out what we should do. We started not knowing anything, so we were just talking for thirty minutes. When doing the group contract we were also looking for samples and we wrote what we think applies to all of us. Then when we were doing the bricolage, there were a lot of suggestions made and it took us almost two hours to make up our mind. For me the process was fun. What was challenging for me was that I was too shy to speak up. I don’t know why, so I would give a few suggestions at a time. When doing the bricolage, that was the time I felt that I am part of the group, because I was able to contribute to what we’re supposed to do.
Honestly, I did’t feel anything when sharing our building blocks, we just laid out all our equivalents and chose similar words, then we came up with one new word that would describe all our equivalents. We chose empathy and compassion, which was common to what we wrote. Then we agreed to the last word which was growth. Making sense of it was quite easy since the words are a bit connected to each other.
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genem801-blog1 · 4 years
I really enjoyed doing the activities no joke. I was able to bring back memories and reminisce while doing the activities. I have discovered in these activities what I really want, and who I really am as a person. It really feels good helping people in need, and sharing your blessings to others. So i think I discovered that I like helping people.
Creativity is something unique within every person. It is a tool we can use to be successful in life. For me, it is hard to be creative all the time. Starting youtube, committing to posting videos twice a week, sometimes thrice, since April, was really hard. It is really difficult to think of a new content that no one has ever done yet. I had times where I really wanted to stop making videos because I do all the thinking and editing, starting is really hard. It really sucks when you put all your effort, but no one watches you. I’ve learned from this that If you really love what you’re doing, you won’t get tired of it even if there are no returns. For me, one of the keys to success is creativity and, hard work.
I really looked back at my whole life to be able to prepare for all of the activities. It was fun looking back. I was nervous at first when I saw the workload, but it went smoothly as I went through it. I was also worried because everyone is already done with it but I got more calm as I did the work. I think this affected my work a bit because I wanted it to finish quickly. 
I found the word generous to be pleasurable to create for. I really like the feeling of helping people. I posted for generosity, a video of a youtuber Mr. Beast. What he has done almost on all his content is to help people. This really inspires me to help others also, which I’ve done in some of our vlogs. The most challenging word for me is compassion, because the task was to put a written text by others and I really don’t know any texts I can use so I just researched for poems.
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genem801-blog1 · 4 years
Artistic statement
I care about relationships, community, and passion.
I believe in perseverance, compassion, and generosity.
Mission Statement: I want to create art that people enjoy and love. Works that will inspire others to help people that are in need.
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genem801-blog1 · 4 years
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