cresslunasart · 4 years
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Xenotober Day 4: A Vision.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Xenotober Day 3: Daybreak. It’s a little late, but better late than never. ^^
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Xenotober Day 2: Duty.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Xenotober Day 1: Hero.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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With this guy, the whole existing series is complete. Yep I didn’t draw that many. X’D
He was drawn shortly after Jo last year and his name is Niebel. He’s a King much like Jotunga and Lauvia. Seeing a pattern here? I’m drawing all nine present-day rulers first, though I threw in a Sleipmir for variety’s sake.
His element is Fire, but that is obvious I think. X’D He’s also a tabby cat, though his title is ‘‘Fire-Tiger’‘.
The Yogami (and Mir) are a species of shapeshifting animal people, initially inspired by the Youkai from InuYasha and the Sura from One Last God Kubera.
I think I’ll add more background to future works featuring Celestial Chronicles, like the character’s official references and all. For now I’ll leave it at tidbits like above.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Decided to toss some older works here. This is one of the last artworks I made on my old (non-screen) tablet. Autumn 2019.
This is one of my first, if not the first Celestial Chronicles character. He’s been around since like 2014, starting off as an InuYasha fan youkai before moving into an original universe. His name is Jotunga, though I call him Jo all the time, and he’s my fluffy cuddly boy. Who cares that he’s 221cm (7′6″) tall.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Another work from around May I’ve never posted here.
It’s the latest entry in my Celestial Chronicles OC series, as I haven’t worked on it since May. I’ve been struggling with the next OC’s design.
His name is Lauvia, and he’s a fabulous smol bean. He’s like 163cm (5′4″) in a society where average heights easily reach 180-200cm. (5′9″ - 6′6″) Of course I didn’t add his tail to his overall height. 
Lau’s character can be summed up as prideful, sarcastic with a good dose of sass, and slightly vain. He’s also a king and a good one at that, not necessarily kind.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Commission I drew for @anilede​ of her Zora OTP. <3 
It was finished back in May, but I’ve only gotten around to uploading it here now. It’s my first ever commission (and possibly the last for a while), and I’m also happy with the result.
They were fun to draw! And upon looking at it again, I feel Saidah’s jewelry and draped fins turned out pretty well. I was meh about how they looked initially ^^; I guess looking at something again after a while often softens up the perceived flaws.
Ovonre belongs to @anilede​ and Saidah belongs to Araime_Flowers on Twitter.
My commissions are no longer open at this point. ~
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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My recentmost piece, finished just yesterday, and one I’m very proud of. 
It’s fanart of my favourite webtoon, One Last God Kubera, and my favourite character from said webtoon. That character is a feels train, and I tried to portray that a bit in this drawing... so many questionable choices were made. 
There are details for fellow fans, can you spot them?
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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A piece I made last month for @anilede. It was her OC, Ovonre’s, 10th anniversary at April 3rd, and I wanted to celebrate it by drawing the handsome squid. 
This piece also marks my first time of doing a full-render with my current tablet and Clip Studio Paint. I’ve pushed myself to my limits with this one and experimented around a lot to find the brushes and methods I liked.  I do wish I knew about layer locking and clipping when working on this one, though. Some parts would have been so much easier.  To be fair, I did know about layer locking, but it wasn’t perfect in SAI so I figured it wasn’t in CSP either.  I’d have uploaded it on here much sooner, but Tumblr didn’t let me upload it till today.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
Commissions: CLOSED
Commission information below:
You can request commissions here on Tumblr too, just send me a private message with the form from the deviantArt journal filled out. 
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Ragami ship art with my Ragnar (pink) and @anilede ‘s Amivia (green). I love our Twili and our ship. 
Don’t they make such an adorable couple with all that hair? <3
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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One of my Twili OC’s. Auriss’ son in law actually. ~ 
His name is Reiga and he’s a famed acrobat... until an accident happened. He’s Ragnar’s (main Twili in avatar) father. 
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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The youngest of Mimir’s numerous offspring, Sleipmir. <3
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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An older drawing I made last spring/summer-ish. Still love it to this day and I have no idea how I did the shading rofl. 
This guy’s name is Fornio, and he’s one of the members of my dragon pantheon. <3
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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Twitching and glinstening silver scales coil around the rocks in the cave you happen to find yourself in. You feel very small, and every instinct in you screams at you to flee. You feel like a rodent being observed by a hawk, its gaze ever focusing on your trembling body. You heard about this guy before. The predator. The Alpha Serpent. You shiver, catching glimpses of eyes and glinstening teeth in the shadows. Was that the sound of drool dripping to your left? Other Serpents. All ready to tear you apart at a moment's notice. You don't want to entertain the idea there might be one breathing in your neck at this moment. Or more than one. Glowing ice-cold eyes meet your gaze. There's a knowing smirk on his face. He knows he has cornered you. He knows you have no choice. Then he utters the words you've been dreading the entire time you've been in this cave. Words you can't say no to... not if you want to avoid a fate worse than death. ''Do we have a deal?''
I love it when I get to draw Mimir. <3 Truly one of my favourite OC’s overall.
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cresslunasart · 4 years
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I’m late to the tumblr art party, but I’ve decided to post here too. <3 Here’s Auriss, one of my Twili OC’s. She’s a graceful grandma nowadays, but she used to be a looker back in the day. She worked as a circus dancer before retiring. ~
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