(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPc5-bBA9UI)
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf4aSxDvlPw)
Love this song
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I thinks I鈥檓 going to start working out again
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You know when you are being ignored and you can鈥檛 figure out what you did wrong...
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Charging a Sigil
Write it on a flammable surface and set it on fire (I favour bay leaves)
Carve it on a candle and let the candle melt (you can pick the candle colour according to the spell/wish)
Carve it on a surface with a pyrograph/something hot or carve it on something and put it close to fire where it can charge up.
Draw it on a firework and set it off.
Draw it at the bottom of a tea light and put the candle back in.
Draw it on a windchime and hand it up.
Make prayer flags with the sigils on them, or a simple flag that鈥檒l blow in the wind.
Draw it on something light and non-polluting and let it go with a gust on wind.
Draw it on a balloon and pop it.
Draw it on a paper kite and let it go in the wind.
Draw your sigil on a soluble material and let is dissolve, it鈥檒l also charge the water or draw it at the bottom of your cup and it鈥檒l charge both the water and sigil.
Draw it on something non-soluble like a rock and let it soak or even throw it in the river;
Draw it on yourself when taking a shower and let it wash off.
Draw it on the shore where the water will wash it away.
Draw it on something from nature (so as not to pollute) and bury it.
Charge it with a crystal grid/previously charged crystals
Draw it on the earth.
Draw it on the leaf of a plant.
Place it in the sun or moonlight and let it soak it up.
Draw it with a glow in the dark paint.
Draw it on something that鈥檒l disappear like fog on a mirror, lemon juice, ultraviolet pen and such.
Your own Energy:
Meditate on your sigil by focusing on it while you direct your personal energy into it.
Have it near you or on you during sex or masturbation.
Draw it on yourself and dance, sing, workout.
Have it on or near you during extreme pain or emotional states (anger, joy, sadness, etc.)
Draw it with your blood/drop some blood onto it.
Place it on a charging device (phone, computer)
Place it on speakers and blast music that matches the intent
Sing/Play an instrument to it
Draw it on the sole of your shoes
Draw it on/near a grave/with grave dirt/anything symbolic of death
Post it on a website such as tumblr where likes charge it and reblogs cast it.
Draw it on paper and tear it up
If you have your own way of charging sigils, do tell me, I am curious, and I鈥檇 like to add to the list, since this is in no way the only ways of doing so.
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daily astrology pictures
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I want a pet puff puff
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Thinking about drawing a kelpie
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Check our Facebook Page
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Today is a new day and I believe that it will be better than yesterday.聽
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Okay so today and for the past week my emotions have been on a weird and stressful roller coaster.聽
First: They have been happy then really severely sad, angry and then suicidal/triggered.聽
I have had 0 energy to do anything. I will sleep for 10 hours and still be exhausted.聽
I have no idea what is wrong with me and I am trying to just avoid thinking about it but I鈥檓 scared that it鈥檚 going to get to the point where I hurt myself and I am keeping myself out of the house because I don鈥檛 want my emotions to drop when I鈥檓 alone in my house.聽
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People need to stop disrespecting the teacher, I understand she is a little stricter than our normal teacher and she doesn鈥檛 seem to know what she is doing but she is a substitute. She is only here to help us gget through our educations, yes she may teach in a manner that you do not agree with but suck it up. You decided to take this class and new you鈥檙e complaining because you don鈥檛 like it, maybe you should have researched what it entailed before enrolling in it. 聽Our teacher is doing the best with what she is given it鈥檚 not her fault she was given a shitty group of students.聽
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Do people not know what kind of damage this does, this is the reason we are destroying our planet, it鈥檚 not that hard to put stuff in the trash, and worse literally all of the things on that beach could have been recycled.聽
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p l e a s e
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I usually go through weeks of thorough productivity, I鈥檒l get a lot done, I鈥檒l finish projects I鈥檝e been procrastinating on for months and I will get so much accomplished. My only issue is keeping up with this productivity. At some point I get frustrated or discouraged and I will just give up on the work I need to do, I need to find motivations to keep on working at a higher level then I usually do. 聽
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For my school project I have to make a website should it be Wicca/Paganism themed or art/music?
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Promoting body positivity for both genders would revolutionize the nature of acceptance in our society, especially for younger generations who learn from their highly social environments.
Sydney Maki聽(Feminism Provides Body Positivity for Everyone)
I will raise my children someday on this, both genders will be equal in my house and they will be raised with respect for both.
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