gengarkae · 4 years
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While playing Skyrim for my Switch I found a chest on the Throat of the World with Link's Sword, Tunic, and Shield! This is so cool! A+ Nintendo!
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gengarkae · 4 years
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I just had a job interview and I thought the manager was some crusty old dude, nope! This 20 something hot guy came around the corner and I INSTANTLY started sweating!
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gengarkae · 4 years
Uh #alexhirsch I know you worked with Pokemon a bit, but is this Bill Cipher in Pokemon Sword!?
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gengarkae · 5 years
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I really did not like what they did to Scar and his song in the live action Lion King
Watching it just made me feel nostalgic for the original, so I drew this!
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gengarkae · 5 years
Can't believe my nephew has never seen the Lion King!! @duskyanimations
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gengarkae · 5 years
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Shiny things~
My SO, my best friend @gengarkae ‘s and my Pokemon OCs find some Nuggets by a stream! What will they do with them?
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gengarkae · 5 years
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King Ghidorah has always been my favorite Godzilla kaiju 
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gengarkae · 5 years
I named my Deadric war ax. I can be savage, but after Endgame, this hurts even more.
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gengarkae · 5 years
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For my best friend, @gengarkae, who wanted a Boris! Sorry it took so long, been so busy ;;
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gengarkae · 5 years
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Drunk Dusky! @duskyanimations drunk game night!
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gengarkae · 6 years
Story Time
Haven't been on here since I got a new phone. Lol story time! So I put a Rhydon in a local gym yesterday in Pokemon Go and was feeding it berries while playing today. I saw Dusky drive by with Dusty in th passenger seat and then there was a Lapras in the Gym! They put her Lapras in the gym but didn't feed my Rhydon! So I called Dusty...
Dusty: "Hello?"
Me: "Y'all couldn't have fed my Rhydon!?"
Dusky and Dusty laugh and come back to the stop and feed my Rhydon! Lol it's the small things that make your day a little bit better!
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gengarkae · 6 years
I can't wait either!! These games are the best!!
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okay so you can tell im pretty excited for the Spyro Reignited trilogy.
Spyro and I go wayyyy back, and i am so stoked for this!!!
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gengarkae · 6 years
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I know my posts are not as popular as Dusky's, but after watching a Tale of Two Stans again (for like the millionth time because Gravity Falls is amazing!) I noticed some parallels between the Pines brothers and me and my own sister that I want to address. Let me go on the record here and say no, my sister and I are not twins, we look a lot alike but are about in actuality about 10 years apart. What I want to talk about is how different 2 siblings can be so similar but so different and how that makes a difference. My sister and I grew up the same way. However my parents moved my family to another area so we did not go to the same school. That shows in both of our education skills. How drastically different we are when it comes to our education. My sister is freaking brilliant by my standards. Even after all the set backs she has been through, being hit by a drunk driver, financial ruin from stufent loans, and countless other set backs, she has a bachelors in engineering and gets to blow stuff up for a living. She also has to do all the equations to make sure nobody gets hurt and everything goes as planned. She makes bank and deserves every cent because she has worked hard to get where she is!! Now me, ha! I'm struggling to get my associates in art while working part time at a farm store... yeah I'm a real winner! But the main thing I wanted to say is when Stanley Pines is out in the hall listening to the principal talk to his parents and brother the principal says that one is a genius and going places and the other is going to scrape barnacles off boats. That part hit me hard because that happened to me in real life. No I'm not scraping barnacles off boats, but when my dad was talking to one of his buddies, his buddy made the remark, "Well you got one daughter that your proud of and another that lives at home who won't move out of this State." They didn't know I was listening at the time and still don't. And for the most part he is right. I probably won't get to move out of the state I live in and will probably be here for the rest of my life, but what hit me the most is the fact that he said that my dad wasn't proud of me. Almost every time my parents visit my sister they cone back saying how proud they are of her, and go on and on about it. Not once have they ever bragged about me. I haven't done anything to be proud of in my life and probably never will. So yeah I know how you feel Stan. But it's ok. You don't have to be extraordinary for parents' love! That's the best part. They love you for who you are and how you turn out in life, even if you end up scrap g barnacles or working in a farm store your entire life. #gravityfalls #siblings
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gengarkae · 6 years
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Lol I love our conversations! We were talking about Skyrim. Dusky is the pink. #duskyanimations
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gengarkae · 6 years
I just want to curl up in a ball!
When your week is so progressively BAD that you keep telling yourself, "Well! At least nobody or nothing died again today!"
I'm not going to say that it can't get worse than it has, because it definitely can get worse. Trying to stay positive!
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gengarkae · 7 years
GengarKae A12 and Tony Stark B12 please and thank you hehe
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Oiiii girl ;)hope you enjoy heh
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gengarkae · 7 years
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Dusky and Dusty got me a Growlithe for my birthday! My favorite Pokemon! Thank you Dusky and Dusty!! @duskyanimations
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