gentlexgilbert · 8 years
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
Name: Return to the past Tag: Returntothepast
The witches have decided to give the team an experience that they will never forget.  To send everyone to experience the wonder’s of the Titanic.  Everyone.  Time frame’s are twisted and even though everyone will survive and reach a lifeboat…it is just a matter of how much will they be tested…And will all make it back or will some be left in the past. Now they are still themselves but to those around them they are cast in their new characters. The Characters that remember who they truely are are Elena, Stefan, Kathrine, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy.
Elena (Rose DeWitt Bukater): Gentlexgilbert Stefan(3rd Class Passenger)(Jack Dawson):  Tyler(1st Class Passenger)(Richard Dewitt): Katherine Pierce-as herself (1st Class Passenger):  Caroline(1st Class Passenger) (Lila Mayson): Rebekah Mikaelson(1st Class Passenger)(22 year old Molly Brown): crazyauntierebekah Jeremy (1st Class Passenger)(James Bukater):  Damon (3rd Class Passenger)(Jared Dawson) : charismaticxdamon Klaus(1st Class Passenger)(Caledon ‘Cal’ Hockley): Elijah(1st Class Passenger)(Marcus Hockley): nobleassassin Bonnie(2st Class Passenger)(Emily Smith):  Alaric(Captain Edward James Smith): Kol (1st Class Passenger)(Jared Hockley): Esther(1st Class Passenger)(Rosalie Hockley) Finn(1st Class Passenger)(John Hockley):  Matt (Sailor): To be apart of this verse please reblogg this and add your name to the character and follow everyone in the verse please :D
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
I have returned. Anyone care to thread.
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
Name: Return to the past Tag: Returntothepast
The witches have decided to give the team an experience that they will never forget.  To send everyone to experience the wonder’s of the Titanic.  Everyone.  Time frame’s are twisted and even though everyone will survive and reach a lifeboat…it is just a matter of how much will they be tested…And will all make it back or will some be left in the past. Now they are still themselves but to those around them they are cast in their new characters. The Characters that remember who they truely are are Elena, Stefan, Kathrine, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy.
Elena (Rose DeWitt Bukater): Gentlexgilbert Stefan(3rd Class Passenger)(Jack Dawson):  Tyler(1st Class Passenger)(Richard Dewitt): Katherine Pierce-as herself (1st Class Passenger):  Caroline(1st Class Passenger) (Lila Mayson): Rebekah Mikaelson(1st Class Passenger)(22 year old Molly Brown): crazyauntierebekah Jeremy (1st Class Passenger)(James Bukater):  Damon (3rd Class Passenger)(Jared Dawson) : charismaticxdamon Klaus(1st Class Passenger)(Caledon ‘Cal’ Hockley): Elijah(1st Class Passenger)(Marcus Hockley): nobleassassin Bonnie(2st Class Passenger)(Emily Smith):  Alaric(Captain Edward James Smith): Kol (1st Class Passenger)(Jared Hockley): Esther(1st Class Passenger)(Rosalie Hockley) Finn(1st Class Passenger)(John Hockley):  Matt (Sailor): To be apart of this verse please reblogg this and add your name to the character and follow everyone in the verse please :D
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
Name: Return to the past Tag: Returntothepast
The witches have decided to give the team an experience that they will never forget.  To send everyone to experience the wonder’s of the Titanic.  Everyone.  Time frame’s are twisted and even though everyone will survive and reach a lifeboat…it is just a matter of how much will they be tested…And will all make it back or will some be left in the past. Now they are still themselves but to those around them they are cast in their new characters. The Characters that remember who they truely are are Elena, Stefan, Kathrine, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy.
Elena (Rose DeWitt Bukater): Gentlexgilbert Stefan(3rd Class Passenger)(Jack Dawson):  Tyler(1st Class Passenger)(Richard Dewitt): Katherine Pierce-as herself (1st Class Passenger):  Caroline(1st Class Passenger) (Lila Mayson): Rebekah Mikaelson(1st Class Passenger)(22 year old Molly Brown): crazyauntierebekah Jeremy (1st Class Passenger)(James Bukater):  Damon (3rd Class Passenger)(Jared Dawson) : charismaticxdamon Klaus(1st Class Passenger)(Caledon ‘Cal’ Hockley): Elijah(1st Class Passenger)(Marcus Hockley): nobleassassin Bonnie(2st Class Passenger)(Emily Smith):  Alaric(Captain Edward James Smith): Kol (1st Class Passenger)(Jared Hockley): Esther(1st Class Passenger)(Rosalie Hockley) Finn(1st Class Passenger)(John Hockley):  Matt (Sailor): To be apart of this verse please reblogg this and add your name to the character and follow everyone in the verse please :D
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
I'm back. Anyone care to thread
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
It would be full time a little bit of a drive. But that would make up in the salary ...I would be starting out at 35k per year! If I get it of course.   Anyways Go me  :)
Anyone want giddy Elena like this for a starter. Oh hi by the way  :)
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
I don’t know if any of you guys know about this already, but there’s this awesome little drunk post ‘translator' that takes normal text and mangles it - you can even choose how drunk you want your post/character to be! 
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
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It's been about three days now, and I already have 300+ followers, which is absolutely unbelievable. I didn't know so many people would be interested in this account, but I guess they are. So, thanks to everyone who's following/interacting with me. I appreciate it. This is a good account to go on whenever I just need to relax. Replies come easy most times, so yeah. I'm happy. And, I wanted to do a thing for people, so here you go. 
reblogs & likes; you can reblog it as much as you want.
must be following me; don’t unfollow afterwards, that’s rude.
ends on may 23 at about 6pm (EST).
must get at least 10 notes.
     FIRST PLACE (one person)            —— 50+ icons of a faceclaim of their choice      SECOND PLACE (two people)            —— 35+ icons of a faceclaim of their choice      THIRD PLACE (four people)           —— 25+ icons of a faceclaim of their choice
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
Who would like a starter? :). I am here due to me loosing my temp job :(
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
Good morning Mystic falls
Does anyone want an starter ?like or message me
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
She turned to stefan. "You have always been there for me. And I realised I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you will have Me"
"I want to marry you. stefan salvatore"
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{Stefan turned to look at Elena in disbelief, a small smile soon creeping up across his lips.}
"I wasn’t expecting you to say that.. Why may I ask?"
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
So I did it .....Again
I created a sideblog rp account for Gabriella Montez from High School Musical ….Yea. So if your followed by me its because its the main account for my Gabby :)
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
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Elena loved being at the family cottage. She hadn’t been here since she was little. But now, being back when she was being hunted by an Original Vampire.  It had a totally different feel to the place.  She heard a voice behind her and she jumped a little and she saw Stefan.
"Hey"She said as she didn’t know how she was going to even protect Jenna from all of this …Klaus said he would use her family to get to her.   One way or another she would be his.  And then his brother Elijah had compelled her so she wasn’t allowed to leave the town borders. She was trapped. "Hows Jer settling in?"She asked.   Even if she had to, she would sacrifice herself for her family. With out a second thought.
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
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"I will be fine"she said as she was drunk and walking a little tipsy.  "Just keep the door closed on the way out"She said as she looked down as she just about lost it ...Being back here...why did she go back to the boarding house.  If  there was one thing she knew is that it wasn't going to be easy packing up Damon's things. But Stefan had left town and was gone, and the boarding house left to her... she had to clean up his things.  "I'm ..Elena"she said smiling a litle bit and opened the door.
"don't leave"
"I can’t stay." Jackson looked at her. "I just wanted to make sure you got home okay after that creep who was harassing you."
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"I’m Jackson, by the way."
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gentlexgilbert · 10 years
Reunions- idxnthaveachoicebaby
Elena had just returned from the funeral and she entered into the empty house she and Damon had rented together.  She probably thought it best she start packing things up around the house and she was going to move back home with Alaric....This was to weird...But she welcomed it right now.  She would have had Jeremy back than Alaric. But, what happened ...couldn't be changed. 
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She had spent the past few hours with a bottle of wine...or three and packing...Elena had completed about 5 boxes of glasses and still had a whole lot more to go. This was just one room...they had like four ...And what was she going to do when she got to her and Dam..... She took another gulp of her wine...
Feeling tipsy a little bit she put the box in the living room and she quirked her head a little when Elena heard the door open and she looked at the area from who was entering. "Show yourself"She said half drunk....Even though with being a  vampire if the person wasn't one already...she would have the advantage.
0 notes
gentlexgilbert · 10 years
To go forward - chantdebonheurforbes
chantdebonheurforbes started following you
                            Text: 911: Where are you ....? Damon's ... oh... She sent the text and looked around and tried to process what had just happened. After witnessing what she had with Damon and she was on her way as she had found herself at Caroline's doorstep. "Care be home"She thought mentally. Every fiber in her being wanted to turn her emotions off.  Every one....
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