genzenweek · 10 months
Are we still allowed to participate even though this was a 2020 event? Do you care if people still use these prompts and tag this blog? Or would you prefer them separate?
feel free to use the prompts if you want! No need to tag either, it's not like we own them, if anything I'm very happy to know they still inspire you to make genzen content :) But I don't think we'll be reblogging anything on here anymore for the sake of it just being about the 2020 event and avoid confusion.
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genzenweek · 4 years
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Genzen day 7: au @genzenweek
I've been working on this au for a bit, I wanted to go for something in the arctic because I love drawing me sum big coats :)
I didn't want it to be too different from canon, but I also didn't want it to be too similar. In this universe demons are known as snow demons, (creative, I know.) And they're immune to the cold, and, like in canon, get obliterated by the sun. So they are usually active during blizzards, which some demons can cause with enough power. Big bad guy muzan is of course the most powerful, and can create blizzards quite often. Snow demons are damaged the same way as regular demons, except instead of just regenerating, their wounds freeze up into a crystallized state to heal, if their arm gets chopped off, they'll need to hurry and reconnect them before the wound closes up, or they'll need to melt the ice and reconnect them. (Via warm water and such.)
Genya is a half-demon, like canon, he eats other demons to grow stronger, but everytime he does, he grows small ice crystals on his body, which gradually makes him colder, the colder he gets, the less energy he has. This can be solved easily, though, being next to a warm place like fire can warm him up, and melt the crystals, kinda like how nezuko sleeps to recover. Genya becomes a half-demon after being wounded by a snow demon and practically freezing to death after trying to fight it off. He wasn't entirely unsuccessful, though, because he managed to do a decent amount of damage to the demon by biting and kicking it, he didn't have much else to fight with, because zenitsu had left to gather firewood and he had a box cutter on him. Zenitsu makes it back in time to ward the demon off, but not quick enough to help genya. Long story short genya manages to absorb the demons power right on the brink of death and his wound heals, leaving him immune to the cold, and saving him from hypothermia. (His power is similar to how nezuko is immortal, but the more blood she loses, the more tired she gets.)
Zenitsu doesn't know this yet, as he can't hear his heartbeat anymore, so he gives Genya his coat and sits with him, planning to die with him, since he didn't have enough confidence to travel alone, and he relied on Genya. (Similar to how he claimed he was gonna die in final selection in canon, and didnt see much going for himself.) Genya wakes up and zenitsu is left dumbfounded by the fact that genya was alive despite him being unable to hear his heartbeat. When zenitsu finds out that genya has become part demon, he grows wary, and hesitates, wondering if it's a trap or not, although genya proves himself later by protecting him, as it goes.
They work together to track down muzan and save their town from the blizzards, which have destroyed countless homes, including Genya's, which leaves him alone, and with no supplies. (Sanemi is still alive, but is nowhere to be found yet) they encounter tanjiro and the squad later on, tanjiro trying to help nezuko, and inosuke wanting to be able to live without blizzards. Tanjiro's family died to muzan, like in canon, and nezuko is a demon, like in canon. (Didn't change much here)
There's probably alot of plot holes but I didn't think that far ahead and I'm tired. I'm also not a good writer. Feel free to give your own perspectives!
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genzenweek · 4 years
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Genzen day 6: kisses @genzenweek
A kiss goodnight
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genzenweek · 4 years
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Genzen day 5: fashion @genzenweek
Shhh no one tell them they don't have faces they can't know
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genzenweek · 4 years
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@genzenweek day 6 : kisses
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genzenweek · 4 years
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GenZen Week Day 4 Sound and Taste
I’ll say it now idk if I will do day 5 and 6 because nothing comes to mind but I’ll do day 7 because there is au I wanna draw
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genzenweek · 4 years
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Genzen day 4: sound
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genzenweek · 4 years
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i have fallen deep into the goth x pastel gays trope and i can't get up
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genzenweek · 4 years
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GenZen week Day 2 Swap
at first I was planning to draw my swap verions of them but they aren’t that great lol
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genzenweek · 4 years
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swing dancers au because i DO what i WANT
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genzenweek · 4 years
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GenZen week Day 1 First Impressions
Heyy I’m not dead and I will do genzen week don’t worry
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genzenweek · 4 years
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Genzen week day 7: free day
Flustered girls 😳💞
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genzenweek · 4 years
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last minute entry for genzen week day 7: free day/au !! 
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genzenweek · 4 years
This announcement is a few hours late (depending on your timezone), but, today's officially the end of Genzen Week 2020! We thank everyone who participated whether they drew something, wrote a fic, shared headcanons, or simply interacted with the posts!
We're thankful to have managed to draw attention with this little event, and we thoroughly enjoyed it in the end! Late works will still be reblogged in this account until October 3rd, and our Ao3 Collection will always be open!
Once again, thank you for participating!!
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genzenweek · 4 years
GenZen Week Oneshot!
Day 7 - Free day/AU 
Pokemon trainer AU
Zenitsu was more or less used to Tanjirou dragging them into more trouble than he personally bargained for on their journey as Pokemon trainers since meeting the fire and water type trainer. At the beginning the blonde was just happy to finally have a friend, rival, and travel partner all in one boy with red tinted eyes and hair… Now, after months of living with said boy’s nature as a trouble magnet the electric and sound based trainer was more resigned to his fate.
And hey, at least with Tanjirou he had company? In the boy, his pokemon, and his ever expanding list of rivals turned friends that they would routinely bump into along the road.
Like Genya.
Genya Shinazugawa was a tall and intense punk girl, with a scar on her face and her black hair cut into a wild mullet-hawk. Her pokemon were primarily dark types and those that could use projectile attacks, to match her own skills as a sharpshooter and aggressive appearance. The fact that came as the most surprising to Zenitsu was that Genya was the younger sister and (if she succeeds at her dream) successor of sorts to their region’s Wind Gym Leader, Sanemi.
The pair’s scary first impression and ferocity in battle certainly proved their relation to any who heard of it. Far better than Zenitsu did with his older brother Kaigaku, who’d taken over their Grandfather’s Thunder Gym recently. Most laughed when they compared the blonde to his brother.
Zenitsu didn’t really blame them, he knew he and his team were far from threatening to look at.
Jangmo-o and Noibat would be intimidating once they evolved, being dragon types and all, but… Well. That probably wasn’t happening anytime soon with how skittish and non-confrontational the blonde teen was. It really didn’t help that both lines evolved later than most pokemon too.
Emolga, Whismur, and Yamper were more cute and cuddly than anything. And while the Galvantula it came from and the circumstances that led to him owning a Joltik was and will forever be one of the craziest and most horrifying experiences of the thunder trainer’s life, Joltik himself was a tiny and affectionate little ball of fluff.
Genya meanwhile had her Drizzile or Morgrim out with her more often than not, who were strong and cool looking. She also used a Poochyena, Galarian Zigzagoon, Cacturne, and - to round things out nicely - a Deino. How she lost a battle against Tanjirou with that beast of a team the blonde will never know.
Just like he was baffled by her joining them on their journey, empathizing with him over the redhead’s trouble drawing tendencies and odd bouts of confusion at strange things, and eventually asking him out on a date.
How he’d caught a girl like her’s attention is beyond Zenitsu, but he’ll accept fortune when it comes to him - rare though that is. Genya is that rare blend of scary and adorable - like her team’s pokemon really - that he just can’t resist but was too shy to ask out himself. Having her ask him out was a blessing that he was all to glad to receive.
Even if he has no clue why she likes him so much in the first place.
A month into their dating, after meeting up with Tanjirou’s rival/boyfriend Inosuke and being asked about their relationship, Zenitsu gets an answer to this question from Genya herself. (Though it’s spoken to and for the wild Emboar of a trainer.) “Why wouldn’t I like Zenitsu? He’s thoughtful and cute, adorable really. Like his pokemon.”
The comparison makes him blush.
Zenitsu is an electric/sound based trainer and Genya is a dark/sharp-shooter based trainer. Genya is also a girl in this one because why not?
I actually really like this AU so I might flesh it out more later.
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genzenweek · 4 years
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Genzen week day 6: Kisses
I wanted make them kissing but uh, this came out enjoy
And have this bonus
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genzenweek · 4 years
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@genzenweek day 7 : free day..
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