geoffchan · 11 years
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geoffchan · 11 years
Project proposal & spacs 1
Project name: Untitled
Project justification (problem solve): The main interface will be parallax scrolling, which mean if you click on a navigation, it won't bring you to a new page. Instead it will redirect you to a certain point of the same page. At the very top of the page will be a large image with the project written in the middle, it will act as the home page of a typical website.
At first, I was planning to use video background, however, after exploring a little, video background may not be the best idea, since it has to load and when ever internet connection is not perfect, the video starts getting laggy - which will ruin the general feelings. The website will be laid out like a mini version of the actual exhibition - using the preview photographs and photographers' profiles. Doing so, I will be incorporating grid layout in the website. Following current trend, this website be leaning toward minimalism. There wont be a great amount of information, just enough to attracts audiences' attention, as well as answering their basic quistion.
The site will be very fluid, the display and layout will change according to the screen width. Desktop version and tablet version will almost be identical. The main chages will be from tablet to mobile and mini tablet.
Project aims: To create a website with desk top/lap top, tablet and mobile interface. The website is created for an exhibition showcasing 5 photographers' photographs collections. The website will include basic information (times, location, maps, dates etc.), as well as profile of photographers, and preview of several photographs.
Stake holders: Various artists, sponsors, visitors, and organizers/event managers
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geoffchan · 12 years
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Mock up 1
This is a blue print of a sewage system in a particular area that is not decided yet. Even though this is a map of a sewage system, players are not actully going into the sewers, that won’t be appropriate. Instead, they must use their problem solving skills to locate different streets and sewers.
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