geographikworld · 2 months
Astronomers Find Distant Planet Covered with Hot Boiling Water
Log out 7 minutes HOT BOILING WATER!!! Have you ever happened to come in contact with this disastrous liquid? I’m not talking about the lukewarm water that you shower with, I’m talking about boiling water, fresh off the stove. If you have, well… well. I mean, you’d know that it’s no child’s play. Now imagine a place, like a real place covered with this boiling water, and no, this is no fiction,…
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geographikworld · 3 months
Iceland has always been a place of awe and wonder, where people go to draw inspiration, a land of tranquil beauty. However, this beautiful palace has been plagued by what some might consider a majestic yet disastrous wonder of nature: VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. ‘BLACK DAY’ Photo by Clive Kim on Pexels.com On Sunday, January 14. 2024 in Iceland, there was a catastrophic eruption near the town of…
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geographikworld · 4 months
Are you a LOVER of Science fiction? Then this is for you. You might also just be a novel reading addict. You will definitely enjoy this story. Join Magdalene on her thrilling adventure through the woods and a bear encounter, leading to an almost Grizzly murder, see what I did there? I really hope you learn a lot from this story, I sure did. TRIGGER WARNING: Contains Violent Scenes of Bear…
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geographikworld · 4 months
How To Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com WHAT IS CARBON FOOTPRINT Have you ever the word Carbon Footprint and wondered what it was? You might have read posts, articles, and watch videos, and it’s like, everywhere you hear climate change and global warming, you also hear carbon footprint, but you never really knew what it meant. It’s okay. I totally get it because I was once like you. Honestly, without…
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geographikworld · 4 months
Into The Desert I
Photo by Greg Gulik on Pexels.com INTRODUCTION Deserts are some of the most unique and fascinating places on Earth. Unbelievable right? Their vast expanses of sand dunes, and rocky terrains, accompanied by extreme temperatures ranging from hottest to coldest, are a true testament to the resilience of life in the face of adversity. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or simply curious about…
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geographikworld · 5 months
ALL ABOUT BEARS I: Introduction to the "Bear Series"
Checkout this post to learn more about these fascinating creatures.
BEARS Bears: Man has always been fascinated by these beautiful yet deadly creatures. Bears are magnificent creatures, belonging to the family Ursidae. They are known to be one of the deadliest creatures in the world. Despite this, man though afraid, still ventures into the wild to study these amazing creatures. A lot has been discovered about these creatures, and a lot is still a mystery. TYPES…
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geographikworld · 5 months
Polar bears are vulnerable creatures and if nothing is done, these creatures will go extinct. Live sustainably and l save them.
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geographikworld · 5 months
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Here are some interesting facts about Antarctica you probably never knew
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geographikworld · 5 months
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geographikworld · 5 months
Climate Change and Its Impacts: Is Earth Safe?
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Many of us have heard of Climate Change. We have heard that the climate is changing, but we still don’t know what this actually means. We don't know what this means for earth and its inhabitants. So, let’s start by defining Climate Change.
Climate Change in layman’s terms is the change in climate. Climate change is the change in Earth’s climate over a long period of time. When I say this, I don’t mean that Earth has one particular climate. No, Earth is made up of various climatic types. I mean that all the climate types on Earth are changing.
Now that we know what Climate change is, let’s look at the meaning of climate. If we don’t know this, then we won’t be able to understand the full concept of climate change. Climate is the average weather condition of a place over a long time, usually 30 years. This means that it will take a long time before you can say that the climate of a place has changed.
Want to learn more about Weather and Climate, subscribe now to get notified once my online courses on Weather and Climate are out with an exclusive discount. FYI, it’s coming out sooner than you think.
Now that we’ve successfully know what climate and Climate change means, let’s take a look at the Some of the impacts of Climate Change are:
This is one of the key effects of Global warming. Due to this increase in temperature, we find out what all we have to do to work up that sweat is a miniature task or even nothing sometimes! We find ourselves experiencing heat waves like never before; we find ourselves having to walk with an umbrella all the time, to protect our skin from the scorching heat of the sun. We also find ourselves applying more sunscreen than ever! These are just a few of the impacts of temperature rise. Another group of organisms that temperature rise is affecting are marine creatures. Most of the excess heat from greenhouse gas emissions is absorbed by the Ocean, yes, the ocean. This leads to a rise in ocean temperatures. This in turn affects marine ecosystems, from coral bleaching to... To keep reading, click https://geographikworld.wordpress.com/2023/11/30/climate-change-and-its-impacts-is-earth-safe/
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geographikworld · 5 months
The natural world is full of wonders that have captivated humans for centuries. From the towering mountains to the deep blue oceans, the Earth is a treasure trove of natural beauty and awe-inspiring phenomena. Its awesomeness can also be found in the starry night sky, exhibiting a rich uniqueness of twinkling stars. Some of these magnificent wonders are seen below:
This is one of the most historical natural wonders of the world. The Grand Canyon is situated in Arizona, USA. A lot of us must have heard of the Grand Canyon, with some wondering what it is. Well, let’s start by defining a Canyon. A canyon is a deep narrow valley with steep sides. It is usually accompanied by a river flowing through it. Now that we’ve gotten that cleared up, you’ll probably be wondering why it’s called the Grand Canyon. It is called the Grand Canyon because of its immense size and grandeur.
BRIEF HISTORY: The name "Grand Canyon" was coined by a one-armed civil veteran, John Wesley Powell in 1871. The Grand Canyon was formed as a result of tectonic activities. It was carved out millions of ago by ....
To continue reading, clickhttps://geographikworld.wordpress.com/2023/10/22/wonders-of-the-natural-world/
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geographikworld · 5 months
NATURE: Our home And Haven
Nature has always been a source of awe and inspiration for human beings. From the vast expanse of the oceans to the towering heights of mountains, nature has the power to captivate and mesmerize us. But beyond its beauty, nature also has the power to heal and rejuvenate us.
Spending time in nature has shown to have a positive impact on not just our physical health, but also on our mental wellbeing. It can improve our mood; help us to relax, meditate; inspire us, and even strengthen our immune system. In layman’s terms, a small amount of time in nature can make us happy.
In addition to its beauty and healing powers; nature also helps us to learn more about our physical environment, how we fit into our ecosystem, and our role in it. Its rich beauty and diversity can also motivate us to care for our environment and work towards protecting what’s left of it.
What is Nature? Nature is the world around us. it is the universe. The trees we see, animals, soil, air, and sky are all nature.
On this page, we’ll be covering all things nature; from the sands in the desert to the ice sheets at the poles. You’ll also get an insight into the atmosphere: the sky, weather and climates, and the wonders associated with these places. Bonus tip: You’ll also get downloadable useful guides on how to interact with the natural world, llike going for a walk, stargazing, as well as help others interact with the natural world.
Hello, and welcome to Exploring the Wonders of NATURE...
“Nature is not a place to visit. It is Home.”
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geographikworld · 5 months
How Do Day and Night Occur? The Science Behind It
Have you stared at the sky and noticed it getting dark? You might have noticed the general atmosphere getting darker, and you know that nightfall is approaching. Have you ever wondered how it happens? It happens slowly so sometimes we don’t even notice it. Take for instance, you wake up by 4:00 a.m. and start getting about your daily chores, it’s still pretty dark. You clean your house, cook,…
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geographikworld · 5 months
Climate Change: How to Save Earth.(With FREE downloadable guide)
In the previous post, after looking at a couple of things, we came to the conclusion that Earth is not safe. You must be wondering what you can do to save Earth and make it safe for you and everyone else. There are so many ways to contribute as an individual and help stop this climate change. Some of these ways include: CARBON FOOTPRINT: The key way that you can help to fight this climate change…
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geographikworld · 5 months
Interesting Facts About Bears
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geographikworld · 5 months
Polar bear Peril #climatechange #polarbears #arcticmeltdown #sealevelrise
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geographikworld · 5 months
Climate change: A call to action @Geographikworld
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