georgianarowle · 7 years
Do you think your parents are expecting a baby any time soon?
“Without a doubt. They will have to wait a long while though.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
Do you have any tattoos?
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georgianarowle · 7 years
do you regret marrying Drew?
“I don’t regret marrying Drew. I do regret that it happened so soon, but I know he cares about me and that we will be stronger together.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
“Unless you are here to help me take measurements, this can wait.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
Drew shot up out of bed when he heard her hit the floor, leaning over her side of the bed and smiling down at her with a short laugh before falling back against the pillows. “Because Georgi. Married people sleep together, and our parents are insane and could barge in at any moment. Then we’d have to listen to three hours of them ranting about how we’re not even trying to give them grandchildren, which would be terribly unpleasant even though we’re not.”
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“Shouldn’t they be leaving us alone? If we’re scared our parents will burst in any minute, I don’t think anyone would want to have sex,” She grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her hip where it had slammed into the floor. She sighed and stood up, ready to get back in bed. Even with a king size bed, she was finding it hard not to sleep on the very edge. She hadn’t slept in the same bed as someone in months, let alone someone she wasn’t actually sleeping with.
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georgianarowle · 7 years
Georgi moaned as she rolled off the side of the bed. “Ow,” she said, blinking from her spot on the floor. “This isn’t working. Why don’t we have another bed?”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
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georgianarowle · 7 years
“I’m fine with that, but if my mom asks we’ll have one by twenty three. That keeps her mildly content for at least three years while we either climb to the top or come up with a way to stall for longer.” Drew stated, knowing his mother was completely obsessed with the idea of grandchildren. “Merlin, I almost forgot we have a honeymoon eventually. Mom was so upset school was starting so we wouldn’t be go anywhere immediately. I guess we’ll just have to have a movie and pizza night at home.”
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“That’s so soon,” Georgi grimaced, knowing that would not be long enough for her, considering she wasn’t even sure how long it would take them to consummate their marriage. It probably wouldn’t take three years, but they would see. “We still get to move into our new house though. It’s almost a new adventure.” She smiled at the suggestion of pizza night. “Sounds good, but I insist we get Italian style pizza, not the fast food type.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
Drew shook his head, looking down at her with a soft smile. “I don’t think it’s bad to say that, it’s been a hectic day. We have a whole lifetime together now though, so I’m not too mad to give our mothers this day to enjoy. I mean the next time we’ll see them this happy is when we have children. So hopefully not anytime too soon.” He joked, beaming at her.
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Georgi pulled a face. “They’ll be waiting a long time. I’m not having children until my career is well established,” she said. Ideally, she would wait until after she became Head of the Department of Mysteries, but she knew if she didn’t have children by the time she was thirty her parents would start to get pushy.  “At least we’ll be out of their way and living on our own soon enough,” she said. “And I’ll get to eat whatever I want again too.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
“They’re nothing if not persistent.” Drew said with a short laugh, shaking his head. He too, turned serious at her words.·“Maybe the day I become Minister will be the most important day of my life. But I’m pegging this as the best, and that’s a far better title for a day to earn, in my opinion.”
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Georgi smiled slightly and looked down. “I’m glad you feel that way.” She was quiet for a few more moments, before looking back up. “I’m also glad that I could grab a few spare moments with you, even if it’s here on the dance floor. Everyone has been hounding me since I woke up this morning. Is it strange to say I’ll be happy when this is over?”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
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Character Aesthetic | Mikhailov Wedding
“… and, I believe as my six year old self said, all you have to do is say yes.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
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Mikhailov Wedding
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georgianarowle · 7 years
“Oh well, thank goodness all those years of lessons with Lya were good for something.” Drew answered with a smile. “Hate to make you look bad on what our mothers have reminded me four times is the most important day of our lives.”
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“Only four times?” Georgi raised an eyebrow. “I’ve heard it at least ten times today.” The light smile slipped off her face. “I’m not sure they’re right. Surely the day you become Minister and I become Head of the Department of Mysteries will be the most important day of our lives.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
Georgi smoothed down her dress and smiled nervously up at Paisley. “This is happening. Merlin, you look so gorgeous. You’re gonna outshine me.”
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georgianarowle · 7 years
“Well now. You’re a better dancer than my father at any rate,” Georgi teased, smiling at him as the first few measures of music played.
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georgianarowle · 7 years
“I’m glad you could make it,” Georgi greeted.
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georgianarowle · 7 years
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