geraldcomstrat476 · 4 years
Blog Post 7: Learning From Documentaries
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The documentary that I chose to go with was LA 92 on Netflix. Some of the major elements used in this documentary used were the tons of clips that took you back in time from 1965 and then to 1992 while going in-depth with was going on in Los Angeles during this time. What made this documentary different from the majority of others made is that this one did not utilize present day insight. Normally during documentaries have some narrating and cutting between flashback clips and modern day perspectives on the incidents, this one did not. All the interviews and vocal clips were from the period of time in which they took place. I found this unique because it really made me feel as though I was there, as if I was an adult who could fully comprehend what was going on. This film immediately caught my attention. There was a scene within the first minute of the film where there were recordings of police being dispatched to a call and there was discussion over the cop radio where the officer said things along the lines of “two male n****** and four male n******”, being used to describe suspects. I’ve never seen a documentary that came out so blunt and aggressively.
Something else that really caught my attention was the music and sound effects that were utilized. There were police sirens blaring throughout the film that were well timed. It seemed as though every time the pace of the film began to lull you, there was a loud sound effect not to far behind. Also one thing that stood out was with there were rapid clips and images being shown at a fast rate the music switch to classical where you could hear the violin very prominent in the background.
In my next presentation, I want to use more real authentic quotes and insights from consumers that I found online. If there’s an issue that I’m working on where something is being “fixed” whatever my solution is I want to find unprovoked quotes from consumers that either highlight or support my suggestion. I felt like when there was a particular issue in this film where someone is speaking on an issue supporting clips were clips being played with the audio from the interview.
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geraldcomstrat476 · 4 years
I recently purchased a service for a resume designer to go refine my resume. In the past, I did my own editing but at receiving constructive criticism I decided to pay for the service. After googling different options I opted to contract someone through this service called ‘Fiverr’. I was a little skeptical because I remembered how that website was structured years ago where customers were only charged five dollars for the service, and in life, you get what you pay for. I was surprised to find that the website evolved into a platform for freelance workers to market their services at rates that they were comfortable with. 
The package and merchant that I opted to go with cost $110 which after some research I found to be a fair market value. One thing that stood out to me about the freelancer that I found on this website was his username ‘HarvardCV’ where he claimed to be a Harvard grad, so I decided to look into his reviews where I found that his previous clients had nothing but positive feedback, this put me at ease about my purchase.
One thing that really stood out to me about this merchant compared to the others on the website was the package that he offered which was very relevant to today’s landscape. He offered to not only revise your resume, but he would also write your cover letter and optimize your LinkedIn profile as well. This package exceeded my expectations.
I couldn’t have been more satisfied with the service that I received. He even offered revisions if there was something that you weren’t pleased with as well as critiques to increase your appeal to hiring managers.
The pricing is reasonable, but I believe that with everything going on most people may not be willing to pay for something that they believe that they can do themselves. For promotion, I believe that it could be marketed through a different platform such as a personal website to make look more professional, and the benefits of paying for marketing space on YouTube (where people watch interview tip videos) would be more than worth it as well.
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geraldcomstrat476 · 4 years
After reading the first two chapters of The Creative Habit it really made me evaluate my creativity process and I realized that I did not have one. There are ways that creative thoughts enter my mind and things I try to do to get the thoughts going, but there is no consistency to my method. Even though something may work that doesn’t mean that the next time I’m stumped I will use that particular method again. I really feel like showers help me think, but the problem with that is I cannot control where my thoughts go. I become focused on irrelevant things. The worst thing for me to do is to sit alone and wait for a creative thought to arrive, I begin to fill my head with thoughts to keep myself entertained. The best I could do as far as forcing out creative thoughts is to focus on the problem while completing other tasks.
I’m most creative when I view something as a challenge. If there’s a competitive aspect to it. I believe that the thoughts are more free flowing at those times. Competition brings out the best in me. I'm more focused because I hate to lose at anything that I believe I’m capable of winning.
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geraldcomstrat476 · 4 years
Blog Post 3
•Are there certain types of messages that you’ll respond to while driving?
When was the last time that you sent a text message while driving?
•How often do you travel abroad?
Where and when have you traveled over the past 3 years?
•How many pictures on average do you post on Instagram per week?
How many pictures on average do you post on Instagram per day?
•Where do you do your shopping for food, clothing, and essentials?
What percentage of the time do you make your purchases at locally owned stores?
•What went into your decision to buy your current phone?
Why would motivate you to change your phone type?
•When do you usually eat sweets?
What types of sweets do you like, and how often do you eat them?
•What stores have the best sales, are
Are you willing to pay full price for most products or do you wait for sales?
It is important to ask the right questions because you never know what kind of answer you can get from the right question. The right questions provide an opportunity for the person answering to provide you with unexpected details.
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geraldcomstrat476 · 4 years
Facts vs Insight
Fact: Issac Newton developed a theory for gravity.
Insight: I began reading a biography on the accomplishments of Issac Newton.
Fact: The Earth is not flat.
Insight: Greek geographer Eratosthenes is on record disputing the consensus belief that Earth is flat.
Fact: Chidozie is my legal first name.
Insight:  Chidozie means “God has repaired (fixed).” in the Igbo language.
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geraldcomstrat476 · 4 years
It’s a Peloton, Not a Sprint
Since mid-March the entire country has been dealing with a pandemic that is unlike anything most people have ever encountered. This has caused many people to be put out of work, and thousands of businesses to be shut down. To slow the spread of COVID-19, gyms throughout the country have closed and reopened leaving many people who pride themselves on maintaining a certain physical standard without any alternatives. 
That’s where Peloton comes in. Peloton is a company that blends fitness with technology. They offer exercise equipment such as bikes equipped with software that is able to help users track their progress. Using videos and developing a community of other product users has made Peloton a fixture in fitness. This product resonates with customers because it is able to tap into the social media wave that is so influential in a lot of people’s buying decisions. Being able to track your progress and share it with others has allowed Peloton stay ahead of competition and build a network.
I believe that the team of brand researchers found that when it comes to fitness people prefer not to go at it alone, and when Peloton was established its network it allowed its users to compete with fellow Peloton owners and also utilize a an app that provides motivational messages along with videos with an instructor so that Peloton users are able to have workout to follow along with.
However, there are people that shy away from technology and a product such as this one which tracks a ton of data would likely scare them off. There are also those who are not into this type of fitness regimen. Nevertheless the model that Peloton is using to promote their product is a great one and I believe it will have longevity because of it.
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