getyourbandzup · 5 years
The Impact of a Family
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“The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, struck me as a very heartfelt book that defines the meaning of family. It’s a representation of what a broken family looks like and how much of an impact parents have on their kid’s lives. Rex was a drunk, RoseMary was strong yet helpless and the children had to end their childhood a bit early to become an adult figure to one another. The way the novel ended was satisfying in my opinion because everyone came to peace with Rex’s death. During the novel, Rex always seemed to give such a hard time for his family when all they wanted was to be was at peace. Themes used in this novel were family and society and class. I chose those two themes because I believe that's what the book really focuses on the most. Family because of the Walls family. No matter how dysfunctional they were they still put up with one another. Society and class because of the very distinctive difference there was between lifestyles. The Walls family grew up homeless but later on, the kids grew up to become stable. A prime example of this theme would be Jeannette. “I was sitting in a taxi, wondering if I had overdressed for the evening when I looked out the window and saw Mom rooting through a Dumpster.” (Walls, 1) This shows the difference between their lifestyles but also leaves the readers questioning why two members from the same family are living two different lives. The Well’s family is so dysfunctional but yet they still felt the need to stick together. I mean I understand they had to since the kid is supposed to depend on their parents to supply them with a home and food but they continuously failed to do so. Family plays a huge role in how you’re going to grow up to be in the future and that had the biggest impact on the kids lives.
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getyourbandzup · 5 years
the broken home
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In the novel “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, the foundation of the novel is built on family and a symbol of that foundation is the glass castle itself. The ‘glass castle’ is a castle that was supposedly meant to be built when Rex SUPPOSEDLY finds gold to begin the construction of the castle. Obviously, it was clear while reading the book what Rex was telling his children about the glass castle was a dream that wouldn’t come close to reality. To Rex, the glass castle meant hope. Rex’s only goal throughout the novel was to find gold so he can support his family, but his goal was unrealistic. He was too busy chasing something he couldn’t have, he began to convince his children otherwise. Jeannette and Brian themselves began to start digging a hole in their front yard for the glass castle. “once he finished the Prospector and we struck rich, he’d start to work on our Glass Castle” (25) But as I said the ‘glass castle’ was figurative and was a symbol of hope for them to live in luxury. What’d Rex end up doing to the hole? He filled it with garbage.
To the children, the Glass Castle was a lie Rex continued to feed them. I feel like the lie affected Jeannette the most since she really believed that one day she would give her family the glass castle but as of result, the dream didn’t make the cut. It was clear the glass castle had a huge impact on Jeannette because at the end of the novel when Rex was lying on his deathbed,  she said “And I’ll build the Glass Castle, I swear it. We’ll all live in it together”(238) Jeannette said that because she wanted her father to know she will live his legacy and dream on forever even though the glass castle never came to be.
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getyourbandzup · 5 years
2D or 3D?
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In the novel “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, It’s clear the foundation of the book is built on the hardships of a family. Each character has a different struggle whether it's an adult or child and this particular family, the Wells family, shows more struggle in the parent's life rather than kids. This is mainly because of how egocentric the parents Rex and Rose Mary can be. For example, the man whom everyone wants to run away from the most, Rex Walls, who portrays nothing but a drunken attitude to the kids would be considered flat in my opinion. Rex showed no initiative to do the things he's been saying he's going to do. In other words, he’s all talk and no action. Like when he got a job and failed to keep it because of not showing up, and then later came to the conclusion of asking Rose Mary to ask her mom for money.
“Goddammit, Rose Mary! It's not like we're asking for a handout," he yelled. "She'd be making an investment." Grandma was always lending us money, Mom said, and she was sick of it. Mom told Dad that Grandma had said if we couldn't take care of ourselves, we could go live in Phoenix, in her house.” (43 Walls)
So this indicates how often Rosemary mom lends them money because of the lack of effort Rex makes to keep his job and himself in check for his family. “ "Are you saying I can't take care of my own family?" (43 Walls) No Rex, you really can’t. I feel as though, yes Rex may have many talents such as being bright in math or having a creative mindset, but that doesn’t disregard from the fact he doesn’t use those talents to help his family become stable. In regards to a complex character, Jeannette portrays many traits which make her round. In the very beginning of the novel, Jeannette showed how responsible she was because of where she ended up in her life. She followed her dreams, went to college, and now lives with her soon to be fiance. She also portrayed the role of a leader since she was always there for her sibling and mom when she failed to be a motherly figure. “ “If you want to be treated like a mother," I said, "you should act like one." ” (138) This shows a turn in norms as Jeannette takes the role of a mother at such a young age which gives her many traits as a young female. Therefore, I believe Rex is flat because of his lack of effort and Jeannette is round because of how much responsibility she obtains as a young female.
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getyourbandzup · 5 years
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The novel, “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Halls is based on the life of the main character, Jeannette, who faces struggles with her homeless family and her harsh upbringing as a child. In the first chapter “A women on the streets” it shows a glimpse of Jeannette’s life which is, for the most part, heartbreaking and complicated. The chapter begins with Jeannette sitting in a taxi on her way to a party as she looks out the window and sees her mother “rooting through a Dumpster.” Now for a child to see their own mom scrummaging through garbage and not doing much to help seems bad but Jeannette's parents are very complicated. Jeannette is stable living on Park Avenue with her husband while her parents are both homeless struggling to keep warm and find food. Now Jeanette isn’t rich but always asks them if they want help.
“I'd tried to help them countless times, but Dad would insist they didn't need anything, and Mom would ask for something silly, like a perfume atomizer or a membership in a health club. They said that they were living the way they wanted to”
Jeannette feels so embarrassed towards her parents being homeless. And honestly, why wouldn't she be? If my parents were homeless while I was living on Park Avenue, why would I tell anyone that? My first instinct would be to get them to live with me but if my parents refused my money and have accepted being homeless what am I supposed to do? See, Jeanette tries to talk to them but they’ve accepted it. SO the real question is why can't Jeannette accept it too? BECAUSE ITS EMBARASSING. Your parents are meant to be your idol, but if they’re homeless how do you expect to look up to them.  “ "You see?" she said. "Right there. That's exactly what I'm saying. You're way too easily embarrassed. Your father and I are who we are. Accept it.” (Walls, 4)  If you want to make a change in something, for example standing up for your rights, but you know it can’t change, how do you accept the fact you can’t change it even though you have the power to do so? Acceptance is hard but I feel as if Jeannette’s mother lacks in seeing Jeannetes point of view in things. When she says “that’s simple enough” its really harder than it seems. In order to stop living in embarrassment, you must learn to embrace it. How do you embrace your parents being homeless?  My point is I feel as if it's not just “simple enough.” Jeannette's parents both refuse to take money because they’ve accepted their life and have denied change. Eventually, Jeannette must learn to accept it and stop feeling bad for having a home and being surrounded by luxury. But there's always going to be a part of her that will always worry about her parents because being homeless is not a goal neither acceptable.
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getyourbandzup · 6 years
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“Tracing my stretch marks like lessons from pre school”
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