suzen23smith · 2 months
Ed: First impressions are very important.
Roy: Well, you married me anyway.
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suzen23smith · 2 months
Angsty RoyEd headcanons of my own devising
Roy considers Ed to be the source of half his faith. In humanity, the military, anything, honestly. When Ed is gone, Roy’s ability to slide into a depressive, apathetic slump is increased by 507% 
Ed has a pathological weakness towards wanting to be around Roy 24/7. He knows it isn’t healthy, and it’s something he curbs pretty well. But sometimes he feels that pull and he knows it’s time to spend a little time away from Roy 
Roy basically has a canon drinking problem; we all know that. But he purposefully buys really hard, harsh stuff. It’s almost like this desire he has to punish himself while punishing himself. If it makes him cough, vomit, or feel like shit, even better. Punishception
Ed is very suggestible when he gets drunk, and something he’s never told Roy is that several people have tried to take advantage of that before. It’s never gotten all the way to sex that he can remember, but he has foggy memories of some hot and heavy moments and dark alleyways that he never planned on
Following that, Ed has a secret fear that if Roy ever decides that he wasn’t Ed’s first, that he wasn’t special, then nothing between them was special and he’d just up and leave 
Roy sometimes has a very, very hard time reading Ed. Roy’s poker face is canon legendary, but it frustrates him to no end when Ed has something really weighing on his mind and he just won’t say a word about it. He can tell something’s wrong, but he feels like he’s slammed into a wall after that
Ed once brought Roy a cup of coffee with no sugar in it and Roy was devastated 
Ed secretly calls his red coat ‘The coat of emotional neutrality’, and sometimes when he puts it on he stares at himself in the mirror for a few minutes and tells himself that he will not cry for any reason today
That’s another thing. Roy cries so much when people can’t see him. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night next to Ed and he just can’t keep it in anymore 
Ed has heard his quiet sobs more than once, and hasn’t said anything yet because he’s not sure what’s the best thing to say. He will sometime, though. He will say something. 
He will make Roy happy, he will fix everything, he will, he will…
Once when they were having an argument, Ed nearly lashed out and hit Roy in the face. They’ve discussed his motives and Ed has promised never to do that again with a copious amount of sincerity, but somehow Roy just…could never quite let that go in his mind. There’s always that tiny, nagging cautiousness, especially when they argue 
Ed can tell, and it tears him apart. He’s terrified of fighting with Roy for just that reason. Not because they’re fighting, or because it’s probably a stupid reason, but because somewhere in the tiniest crevice of his mind, Roy is afraid of him
Roy has tried innumerable hairstyles, some of them such spectacular failures that Edward has been driven to tears. Sometimes they’re tears of laughter, sometimes not 
Roy is scared of his own ability to be jealous and possessive. He’s aware of it and he’s usually good about stifling it, but sometimes they’re at a bar and someone stares at Ed in that way and he feels something hot and ugly twist in his gut
Roy never quite understands why Ed continuously says, “Thank you, for being so nice to me.” He assumes it’s just Ed reflecting on his painful childhood and the way he was treated as a youth, but Ed hasn’t told him the reason yet 
The reason is that if Roy weren’t nice, even if Roy was cold and hurtful and abusive, Ed would come back to him. Ed has put an emotional chain around his neck and given Roy the key, and he’s just praying that he never has a reason to wish he had it back 
Ed is always, always tortured by his own emotional vulnerability. He still worries, even after years of being together, that Roy will spot someone better, grow tired of Ed, and leave him 
Roy knows, and every New Year silently dedicates his future to proving him wrong. 
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suzen23smith · 3 months
I think part of what I love so much about shipping RoyEd, especially with massive au's and crossovers, is that people interact with Roy first right? And he's a smarmy charming asshole military guy who's also actually intelligent but acting like he's not to cover for his conniving ass plots. So clearly the thought is "oh he's for sure the one to keep an eye on here."
And then you look at Ed. Motherfucker would deny God's existence to his face, is a cataclysmic event given human form, has the worst language seen outside of a dockyard, and is so blindingly brilliant he makes other people's life work seem meaningless and childish with how easily he can comprehend and even improve it.
And Roy seems like a normal fucking dude in comparison, especially since let's be honest, he was pursued by Ed, and like... How do you resist 1) someone that insanely amazing and breathtaking 2) someone who has no regards for boundaries because they've already dissected your feelings and thoughts and decided this is gonna happen hell or high water and false refusals won't stop this train.
One of my favorite aspects of those two is that Roy, for at least a while, looks at Ed as "gremlin child with nukes for hands" while the rest of the military looks at Roy like that and it makes everything about them coming together into a relationship all the more hilarious
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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[DannyMay2020] Day 10: Corruption
I skipped a lot, im so sorry but i dont really know how to conceptualize the prompt ;w;
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suzen23smith · 3 months
What’s hilarious to me about Danny is his unmatched ability to go from a genuine cinnamon roll to the most petty little shit you’ve ever met
Take Vlad for example, I was rewatching DP and their first interaction was pretty cordial? Danny’s all “yes, Mr. Masters” and sweet smiles
Like just look at that, the face of politeness
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Compare it to how he is for their interactions after the nemesis reveal and…
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He literally gets the guy’s mansion blown up in a government raid
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Flashes his crown jewels on live television???
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Danny should get a fucking Oscar with this “wimpy kid beat up by the mayor” act
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Just look at his smug face amid his latest blackmail !
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The famous internet dating and cat line
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Most rude, snarky, pain in the ass imaginable-his parents themselves probably don’t even have a clue how much of a little dickhead their kid can be, he’s even got the whole school convinced he’s just the harmless Fenton boy, I love it
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suzen23smith · 3 months
Have you Ever Read Your Own Work For Pleasure?
Hey, hey you. It’s easy to forget why we write our stories when we’re deep in the editing and critiquing phase. Remember: your story was written to be enjoyed. 
Take some time out of critiquing your work, turn off your critical eye, and read your story for pleasure. 
Enjoy your work, enjoy the only story ever written to perfectly suit all of your tastes, and fall in love with your own writing again.
You’ve worked hard, you deserve it. And, if you understand why you wrote your story, and understand how your story is supposed to be enjoyed, maybe that editing will get a little easier. 
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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A smooch to bring in the new year, courtesy of hime1999.
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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Good night Roy papa!
(Führer Mustang immediately hitting the hay after a long day at work, Edward and Reyn followed suit)
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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RoyEd Week Day 2: Soulmate AU
Okay, so for this AU, everyone has heterochromia, and the color of your right eye matches the color of your soulmate’s left eye, and vice versa. That way, when you face each other, your soulmates’ eyes are a mirror image of your own. Multiple people can have your corresponding eye colors and can potentially be your soulmate. However, Roy is pretty confident that he’s just found his, seeing as how Edward is the only person alive who has a golden left eye and a black right one. 
Keep reading for the full summary:
Throughout his life, Roy gets a lot of attention due to his unusual eye color. Seeing as how no one else has possessed a golden eye since the fall of Xerxes (or so he believes), Roy concludes that this is the universe’s way of telling him that he doesn’t have a soulmate. He eventually meets Edward of course, but while their eye colors do match up, the idea of them being soulmates… it just can’t be true. 
While Edward is under Roy’s command, Roy has him wear an eyepatch over his gold eye whenever he is in public. That way, rumors won’t spread about who Edward’s soulmate might be. (I think the covering of one eye would be somewhat popular in this society, particularly among those who reject the idea of predestined soulmates and instead wish to seek out their own romantic and platonic connections. When you look at your soulmate with both eyes however, you are able to gain an innate understanding of their emotions. The eyes are the windows to the soul, as they say.) 
Edward spends the following years in denial about Roy being his soulmate, and as he searches for the Philosopher’s Stone, he also secretly searches for someone else who could possibly be his other half. He comes up empty handed however, and over time, he finds himself developing feelings for Roy. 
Sometime before Roy loses his eyesight, Edward reports to him in Central. For the first time, Edward refrains from wearing his eyepatch because he lost it somewhere along his travels. However, when Edward goes to meet with Roy, Roy refuses to speak with him without his eyepatch on. Roy also avoids looking Edward directly in the eyes, and Edward notices this. Because Edward is looking at Roy with both eyes for the first time since they first met, Edward can finally see into Roy’s soul, and he realizes that Roy is actually afraid to look at him. 
Edward gets angry because he realizes that they could have had this profound emotional connection this entire time, and Roy denied him of that. Also, Edward has come to almost resent Roy for forcing him to hide a part of who he is. 
Roy did this both to protect Edward, and to prevent something from happening that could maybe make it more difficult for himself to reach his ultimate goal. But also, Roy did it because he simply can’t bear the sight of Edward. It makes him sick to his stomach to think that Edward is destined to be with a monster like him. Whether Roy realizes it or not, he wants Edward to hate him. He wants Edward to love him. He wants to punish himself for his past mistakes by denying himself of this bond that he was destined to have. 
Edward realizes this, and he tells Roy that punishing himself accomplishes nothing. Roy is just hurting himself. He is hurting Edward too on an emotional level, and maybe if he looked Edward in the eyes sooner, he would have realized that. 
When Roy and Edward part ways, they still aren’t on good terms. But later on, when Roy chooses to use the Philosopher's Stone to regain his sight, Edward understands that Roy is breaking away from his previously held mentality. Roy is not forgetting about his mistakes, but he’s leaving the past in the past, and he’s looking forward and seeing what he can do to make a better future. And maybe in that better future, Roy will finally be willing to share his soul with Edward. The end.    
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suzen23smith · 3 months
Sometimes I think that before getting married, Ed didn't really think of taking Roy's name as an issue- or that he doesn't really want to make a fuss of having 'Mustang' etched into his mailbox placate. (They are living together already so what's the issue?)
But then he wasn't really expecting anything either, when they were filling out their marriage paperwork and there it is, written Elric-Mustang instead of General's family name replacing it entirely.
"It's a gift from your late mother and I have no right nor the intention on taking it away." And Edward just cry
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suzen23smith · 3 months
roy starts withdrawing more and more as he notices himself aging and ed doesnt understand why cause hes literally never been more attracted to this man 😭🥰
Roy, lamenting about his greying hair and wrinkles: How could the literal human sunshine I call a husband love me now that I'm not pretty anymore!?
Ed, whenever the light hits Roy just right and brings out the silver in his hair, remembering he can't just jump his husband in public:
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suzen23smith · 3 months
okay so i am mostly neutral about most fma ships (i find most of them interesting because all the characters are so fucking good, but i don't have a lot of specific ships that really stand out to me) but like. i gotta come here to say.
the royed people are really fucking onto something. especially when they play up "i was a horny teenager going through puberty and discovering sexual attraction in a very volatile time and this man was handsome, powerful, and an absolute bastard, but also he treated me like an adult with adult opinions and my entire sexuality may or may not have been strongly influenced by the formative experience of mustang slapping me across the face"
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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It’s giving first kiss 🥹
Happy 520! ♥️💙
Reference used below!
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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"What? Cat got your tongue?"
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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My sunflower, does it ever tire you to keep looking at the sky? Lay it down Lay it down I'll carry you home
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suzen23smith · 3 months
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You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm comin' like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm comin' like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
You can't, you can't, you can't
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suzen23smith · 3 months
Ed: I hate to disagree with you, but—
Roy: Please. You love to disagree with me. It's your favorite thing to do.
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