gh0stgirl333 · 1 day
Not an overhaul girlie but this was some good soup
Punished!Overhaul who's so clingy and desperate to get to his old man AND his Quirkless Darling. He basically just kept them confined in the base and would just stare at them, barely interact with them apart from touches here and there. He always insisted on not getting you filthy and keeping you in a pristine environment, rarely touching you without gloves. You were a prized specimen.
Now though, he's lost all sense of shame and is no longer the germophobe he once was. He's insisting to Nagant about seeing you and once she complains to AfO, she allows him to see her just so he'll shut up and stop trying to run off to find you. Breaking into your place is easy, and all she has to do is stand watch and let him get whatever he's feeling for you out of his system so he'll actually LISTEN to her.
He keeps rambling about bringing you to the boss, remembering some random offhand comments that he'd said to him when he was younger. "Chisaki, you ought to try loosening up every once in a while. You don't have to go to the hostess clubs with the other guys, but you're bound to be pent up after all this time. If you can get over that fear of germs, I'm sure you'd enjoy it. A man's got needs, even ones like you."
He wishes he had his hands back so he could finally know what you feel like without his gloves on. Now he's just burying his head against your chest, your neck, wrapping his legs around you while Nagant has to hold you down to keep from running away. "I won't let him go too far," she insists, though her voice is cold and apathetic. "He just needs to be with you for a little bit. I'll tell him he can do more with you once he does what I need him to do..." Her voice lowers to a whisper so Overhaul can't hear--not that he would be listening, he's too busy mumbling to himself and losing himself in your warmth. "I'm lying. Once he helps me finish my mission, I'll dispose of him. He won't come back, okay? If you could help me, he'll be more likely to do a better job. Just play along with his obsession, maybe be a little affectionate. I'll make sure to stop him if he tries to go too far."
When he feels you rest your hand on his back, he gasps and you instinctively pull away. You remember how poorly he used to react if you tried to touch him: immediately slapping your hand away and forcing you to sanitize, berating you for not wearing gloves to avoid contaminating yourself, stripping you and scrubbing you raw, staring intently while making you brush your teeth for ten whole minutes and inspecting your mouth after you tried to bite him in a fit of anger.
But this time, he just whines and squeezes his thighs around you. "Do it again," he pleads. "Touch me again, please, please, I need...Boss, you were right...I enjoy it, I want it...____, I want you..."
He smiles way too widely when he feels you hesitantly put your arms back around him, stroking his hair, letting him nuzzle and kiss you. Nagant nods, satisfied at how well you're playing along. You can feel him getting hard and rocking against you, making shallow breaths as he tries to chase whatever is happening to him. Fuck, the boss really was right about finding someone to help release this...this feeling. He doesn't care about filth anymore. All he cares about is his old man and his ____.
Nagant warns him that she's not going to let him do anything that requires taking his clothes off, but that doesn't matter to him. He just keeps going with his clothes on, desperately rutting against Darling until he cums with a low moan of your name. He can't even enjoy the afterglow for too long because he winds up falling asleep with a content smile on his face.
Nagant carefully moves off of the bed and contacts AfO to let him know that things are still on-schedule (he'd advised her to spend the night at Darling's place and then make their way to where Izuku was last sighted). She glances at you and Overhaul with pity as you fall asleep with tears on your face and your arms still wrapped around him.
The next morning, she has to really struggle to get him to leave with her. He's trying to break away from her grasp to get back to you, insisting on bringing you to the boss. But you and Nagant both manage to calm him down and promise that once he finishes his mission, he can come back and the three of you will go to the boss together. You even manage to sell it to him with a kiss to his cheek, and he has a small strange smile on his face. His voice sounds too innocent and genuinely sweet when he says goodbye for now. "I knew I was right to keep you. I'll come back as soon as possible. I promise."
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gh0stgirl333 · 2 days
Dabi gonna have poor doc on eggshells with some reverse psychology type beat she’s gonna be thinking he’s gonna snap at any moment
Just finished binge reading thief HOLY SHIT
The latest chapter got me scared for doc I’m excited for the next chapter your writing is 🔥
Thank you ❤️
Honestly every time I finish off on a cliffhanger like that, I’m immediately like how am I going to too Dabi’s shit behaviour next chapter? LOL but this time I’m going a different route. He’s actually gonna be kinda nice, and it’s gonna freak doc out more 😂
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gh0stgirl333 · 2 days
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Oh to be trapped by shigaraki
I very selfishly want more 😫
What would everyone’s reaction be specifically how would MC handle this shit
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Taking Care, Taking What's Mine - A "Play Nice" Commission
Summary: A Play Nice AU Chapter, in which, rather than taking the high road and trying to build a real relationship with the girl he's been sextorting for weeks, Tomura Shigaraki baby-traps her instead.
CW: Quirkless!AU, Dub-Con, Smut, Extortion, Baby-Trapping, Forced Pregnancy, Love-Bombing, Manipulation, Power Play, Possessive Shigaraki, Yandere Shigaraki, Morning Sickness, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
AO3 Link
A/N: Happy fucking Father's Day readers!! Lmao! I got this AMAZING commission a while ago to write an AU of my AU (a fanfic writer's dream come true honestly), of Shigaraki baby-trapping MC and well, while it took longer then I meant it to to come out, I'm so glad that I could post it on Father' Day of all days lmao.
Anyway though, this was so much fun to write. Shigaraki has been on the journey of bettering himself for so long in Play Nice now, it was a total blast returning to form and writing him nice and scummy again.
I'd love to do more of these honestly, so as a reminder: I give discounts on Commissions that take place in my AU's.
Play Nice, Burnt Bridges, Step by Step -- all of them. They're super fun for me to write and most of the heavy-lifting of ideating and plotting has already been done for them, so I'm happy to write fics like this for cheaper. :)
Anyway, enjoy some forced parentification on this day of dads. xD
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“Hey, hey— are you alright?”
She lifted her head from where she’d been resting it against her gym locker, the coolness of the metal being the first thing to even remotely ease the headache she’d been fighting for the last three days. 
“Yeah, of course,” she tried to force a weak smile as Nejire approached her, clearly concerned, “Why do you ask?
The captain was dressed in her practice suit. And she quickly realized that so were all the other girls, most of them already making their way out the doors to the pool deck. She was the lone straggler who hadn’t even managed to undo her uniform tie yet. Nejire looked over at these girls, and then back to her, wordlessly demonstrating why that should be obvious.
She laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head, “Okay, I guess I’m feeling a bit under the weather today…”
And that was the understatement of the century. She felt like absolute shit . Piling on top of that stubborn pounding in her head were a pair of really sore tits, a lethargy that stuck with her no matter how much vending machine coffee she chugged, and cramps that had shot straight out of hell and directly into her uterus.
But to be honest, she couldn’t complain too much about these ailments. In fact, she was pretty damn relieved. These were all her tell-tale signs of PMS. They were a little worse than usual this time around sure, but if that was the tradeoff for the relief of not being pregnant, she’d take it in a heartbeat. Her period was only one day late at this point and it had all but paralyzed her with fear.
Of course in retrospect, the fear did seem a bit silly. After all, Shigaraki’s creepy family doctor had warned her there might be some changes.
“I never start patients new to birth control immediately on a Long Acting Reversible Contraception,” he explained, “Especially not teenagers.”
“Why not?” she demanded, “It’s reversible, right? It’s not like you’re tying my tubes or anything.”
“No, but you never know how your body is going to react to the hormonal shift. You could develop acne, weight gain, hair growth—”
“I don’t care about that superficial stuff.”
“... Migraines, blood clots, depression,” he continued, looking at her pointedly.
She looked away, feeling a bit stupid for interrupting him now that he’d listed the more serious side-effects.
“I’m not saying you have to stay on the pill forever. But give it a few months, see how you feel on it. It can help us better determine which long-term birth control is best for your body without any unnecessarily invasive procedures.”
She shuddered at the very thought of being stuck in this set-up with Shigaraki for months. She hoped he’d get bored of her sooner rather than later.
Well, on the brightside, at least this sketchy-ass doctor seemed to be as interested in looking under her skirt as she was having him down there. However, this still left the ever so pertinent issue of:
“Okay, but there’s still the issue of getting the pills. No pharmacy is going to give me these without signed parental consent.” She had the always convenient Japanese purity culture to thank for that.
Ujiko simply smiled and pulled out a wheel of birth control pills from his medical bag right then and there.
“Consider these the same as this appointment,” he said, cupping his hands over hers and placing the wheel firmly into her palm, “ Off the record. ”
And then the rest of the “appointment” had descended into one of extremely thinly-veiled intimidation that bizarrely enough, she’d relied on Shigaraki of all people to save her from. By that point, she’d been scared so shitless she had very little argument left in her to try and reason him into just giving her the damn IUD.
The regret of not standing her ground on the issue did hit her later that night on the train home. Particularly when she thought over the fact that the way they were keeping these pills off the record was by having her pick up her refills through Shigaraki. The idea of giving him even more power over her like that made her feel sick to her stomach. And yes, while logically she knew that he had just as much motivation to keep her from getting pregnant as she did (she had a feeling All for One would not take too kindly to his star successor knocking up a lowly commoner such as herself), she still just had a bad feeling about the whole thing.
So she’d resolved herself on her first refill day to completely lay into Shigaraki for any level of tomfoolery he may get up to in this situation. There would be no forgetting, no being too busy to pick up the pills for her, absolutely nothing. She was ready to rain full fire and brimstone on him if there was even a hint of bullshit.
But to her surprise (and relief), she hadn’t even crossed the threshold of his bedroom before he was tossing a new pack to replace her wheel with. Simple and nonchalant, and then he was just as quick as always to badger her about getting her clothes off already, get on the bed already, break up with your boyfriend already.
It was the same old, same old — for better or for worse. Even if she couldn’t trust Tomura Shigaraki himself, that action had at least ensured that she could trust his own desire for self-preservation.
And that was better than nothing she supposed.
Back in the locker room, Nejire asked her, “Do you think you’re coming down with something?”
She smiled at her friend, joking, “Nothing I don’t come down with every month.”
Nejire tilted her head in confusion for a moment before the lightbulb visibly lit up in her head.
“Ohhhhh,” Nejire nodded sympathetically, “Yeah, Aunt Flow can be a real meanie sometimes, huh?”
She laughed, then winced as the action worsened the throbbing in her head,  “Damn it— you can say that again.”
Nejire’s brows furrowed and she brought a hand to the small of her friend’s back, “Hey, why don’t you take this afternoon off?”
She looked back to her, surprised, “Oh no, I couldn’t…”
“Sure you could!” Nejire chirped, “And honestly, you probably should. We’re working on our weakest strokes today. I had you down to work on your fly.”
Visible dread filled her as she thought about doing that much undulation in her current state.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Nejire laughed, “Seriously, go home. We’ll miss you, but we love you too. So we want you to take care of yourself.”
She debated a little more internally, one other loose thread dropping into her mind’s eye.
“If I do… Do you mind—”
“I’ll let Mirio know,” she shot her a wink as she clarified, “ After practice. I’ll let him know you just need the peace and quiet.”
She smiled at Nejire, genuinely grateful. This. This right here was what made all of the bending over backwards she did to fit in and please others worth it. To be cared about by such a good person. 
The warmth of that care stayed with her all the way out to the school gates, where she was then immediately filled with dread upon realizing that she’d need to go in one of two directions depending on where she was going after school: the train station home, or the walk to Shigaraki’s.
And just which direction she was scheduled to go today.
She let out a long groan, anguished and loud enough to startle a couple members of the going home club that passed her. For once though, she didn’t care about her reputation, she was too focussed on what a goddamn nightmare she was falling into.
She pulled out her cellphone with a sigh. Yes she knew the effort was probably futile, but damn her if she didn’t at least try.
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Yup. She could’ve seen that coming from a mile away. She sighed as she shoved her phone back into her bag and started the very slow trek over to Shigaraki’s. 
“Wow, you weren’t kidding,” Shigaraki said as he looked her over his doorway, “You look like shit.”
She shot him a wholly unimpressed look as she shoved past him into his bedroom.
“Yeah, I fucking told you.” 
Shigaraki, surprisingly, didn't have anything to say about her tone, even with her brusqueness towards him being more than usual. He just watched her drop down face first onto his bed and curl her legs up into her chest.
She sighed at the slight relief the position gave her. While dealing with Shigaraki’s antics was about the last thing she wanted right now, she supposed that at least she could be grateful for how much closer his apartment was to her school then her own home was. It saved her a good fifty-minutes of white-knuckling a train stanchion to keep down her groans of pain. Now at least she could get the relief of laying down much sooner.
If only for a little bit.
“What’s going on?”
She bristled at Shigaraki’s voice, the unwelcome reminder that she wasn’t going to be able to truly relax right now. And while there didn’t seem to be any entendre or even impatience in his question, the fact that his voice was getting closer to her was enough to make her suspicious.
“My head aches, my back aches, my boobs ache — everything aches,” she grumbled down into his sheets, “And I feel like I’ve been donkey-kicked straight in the uterus.”
“You start your period or something?”
He didn’t sound sarcastic when he asked it, not that typical boy way of asking any time a girl did something they considered “moody”. It was a genuine question. But it irritated her all the same. 
Everything seemed to be irritating her these days.
“About to,” she answered, “It’s like a day late, but it’s definitely coming.”
She felt the bed shift a bit as he sat next to her.
“Are you nauseous at all?”
Her brows furrowed, a bit confused by the interest.
“I guess a little,” she answered, because even though it was mild, there was a certain turn in her stomach that wasn’t unlike motion sickness, “But honestly, I think it’s just from the pain. This has been going on for like three days.”
“Have you taken anything for it?”
She could’ve laughed if she wasn’t so annoyed by the reminder of all her futile attempts to alleviate this. Because of course he was looking for a quick fix so they could fuck already.
“I’ve taken everything for it,” she groaned, “Nothing’s working.”
He just hummed in response, and then she could feel the sheets behind her dip a bit as he repositioned himself. Into what orientation, she wasn’t sure. She was about to turn her head back and ask him what he was doing when she felt his hand featherlight across her hip.
And between her legs.
“No, Shigaraki please,” she whined, pulling he knees closer into her chest, “I’m not kidding, I’m seriously in a lot of pain—”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Tell that to your hand then,” she snapped as his fingers tried to wiggle their way between her clenched thighs.
“I mean I’m not doing anything for me. This is for you.”
“Oh is it now,” she deadpanned.
“I’m not gonna fuck you,” he insisted, more irritably this time, “Orgasms help with cramps, right?”
She stilled, sufficiently stumped by that particular statement. Because yes, she could say from experience that they absolutely did. She’d spent many a nasty period with her fingers latched to clit to chase that particular path of relief. 
…but why the hell did Shigaraki know that?
She gasped as she suddenly felt the gentle roll of her clit under three fingers. Apparently, in her moments of distracted deliberation, Shigaraki managed to push his hand past the plush lock of her thighs and under the hem of her panties.
“Sh-Shigaraki…” she whined, pushing her elbow blindly and weakly back towards him.
He caught it gently in his free palm and, rather than trying to pin or strain it in whatever which way he desired, like usual, he just held it there. Didn’t even hold it in place really, just shielded himself against its determined path towards his ribs.
“I’m serious,” he said, uncharacteristically soft, “I’m trying to help you.”
She finally mustered up the strength to — despite how much her aching abdomen hated her for it — turn and glower at Shigaraki.
“No funny business?” she pressed.
He settled his own flat expression on her, “When have I ever been funny?”
More times than she’d like to admit honestly, but she got what he was saying here. He was a pretty serious, straightforward person on principle. He didn’t bullshit, he didn’t pull cheap tricks, and, shockingly enough, he didn’t typically lie. Frustrating as it was, Tomura Shigaraki was pretty much always unapologetically himself and he always did what he wanted.
So if he said that he was doing this to help her, then she supposed that she didn't actually have a lot of reason to distrust him.
Plus, his fingers hadn’t stopped their soft, but affective ministrations between her legs, and the pleasant sparks of heated relief they were sending through her were undeniable.
She turned back onto her side with a sigh that was half-exasperation, half pleasure.
“Fine,” she said, throwing back quickly before he got too victorious, “But fuck around and I’ll kick you.”
Shigaraki just chuckled, a soft throaty sound that shouldn’t have sent the chills up her spine that it did, “Yeah, yeah…”
In one motion, careful not to jostle her too much, Shigaraki both pulled her back and scooched himself closer, until her back was nestled snug against his surprisingly firm chest and her head laid in the crux of his bicep.
With this new closeness he was able to be a bit more deliberate with the angle and pressure he used to rub at her swollen sex. And, while she hated to admit it, the increased blood flow between her legs was causing the pressure within her to build quite a bit faster than usual. Enough so that it had her letting go of the tension in her neck and joints — the automatic stress reaction she had to any of Shigaraki’s displays of intimacy — and letting the weight of her head drop fully into his embrace.
A shuddering sigh left Shigaraki at that clear relinquishing of control, of the way she truly let herself lay back and relax into him. It gave him the encouragement he needed to enjoy her to the fullest extent that he wanted her as well, burying his nose deep into her hair. 
He started to stroke wider circles around her, the flats of his fingers never leaving her clit, but now allowing the tips to dip softly into her entrance. He didn’t push them in at all past his first knuckles, just enough to catch some of that growing wetness and spread it all across her fluttering lips.
“A-Ah—” she gasped out, “Sh-shit…”
“Like that?” he rasped, hot against her ear.
She bit her lip, nodding needily, “Mm— Mm-hmm…”
He groaned at the response, doubling down on that motion as he started to stud long, hot kisses down the back of her jaw and neck. The feeling, so gentle and intimate and good in combination to the way he worked her sex, had her unconsciously rocking her hips into his touch, and back into his own.
Vaguely through the haze, she could feel the familiar outline of his stiff cock against the cleft of her ass, but shockingly he didn’t try to grind it against her for relief. If anything actually, when her own hips moved unconsciously back against it, he actually shifted his own hips away, anglind them down so his erection pushed into the bed instead. As if he didn’t want her to feel it, that he was concerned about her feeling pressured by its presence.
She didn’t have the chance to think too much into that though, not when his fingers were coaxing her closer to the edge by the second. The mess between her legs was obscene at this point, through teary eyes she could see the overflow of it spreading wide across her thighs and pooling down in the sheets. 
“God look at you, so fucking wet,” he groaned, lips having made it down to her shoulder and staying there so that he could have a better view of her writhing under his touch, “You needed this, huh? Fucking needed me…”
She buried her face into his arm to muffle her moans, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of an answer, but also not wanting him to stop.
By some act of God, Shigaraki didn’t push for that answer either. She wasn’t sure why he’d abandoned his typical demands and taunts, didn’t threaten to stop until she gave him the verbal submission and begrudging praise he always wanted. Nor did she stop to think about why, she just let the gratitude course through her, spurred further and wider by the waves of heat rushing through her body, threatening — promising — to overflow.
Shigaraki could feel that axiomatic tension in her body, the boiling point it promised, and sped up his hand to stoke the flames.
“You’re close aren’t you? Oh yeah, you’re close…” his kisses turned to nips at her neck between progressively more demanding growls, “Gonna be a good girl and come for me?”
Fuck, hearing those last words spill from his mouth should not have done what it was doing to her. But it was speeding up her peak, and it was speeding it up audibly.
“Yeah, yeah that’s good, really good. Let it go. Go ahead, be a good girl and let it go.”
She cried out, her arching back forcing her face forward and mouth unmuffled as finally, finally her body went blissfully loose, the pain of the past few days overtaken by waves of heat and pleasure. One after the other, her hormone-driven sensitivity wrung out multiple orgasms, and his frantic fingers were happy to work her through each one until she was begging him to stop.
“Good girl, yeah, yeah, just like that. That’s a good girl,” he continued to praise, returning time and again to that phrase he could feel her getting unconsciously excited over, “That’s my good girl…”
It was just a few blurry moments of consciousness after that. She was pretty sure she whined something like “too much” to him at some point, and he whispered back something that she was sure was just utterly debauched right back. Or maybe it was sweet nothings, he had really favored those by the end of this escapade after all. 
Whatever it all was, she supposed it didn’t matter. All that mattered in those seconds of labored breaths and fluttering lashes was the beautiful bliss and relief that finally overtook her body. That allowed her to immediately fall asleep in his arms.
Shigaraki held her there for a long time after. He raked his eyes greedily across her body, letting himself carve every detail deep into his memory. He knew he didn’t need to, not anymore. Her boyfriend, her parents, hell, whether or not she got into Todai with him, it was all a non-issue now. There was no reason for him to lose this anymore. She wasn’t going anywhere in life without him. He was going to be able to revel in this sight for the rest of his life now. And he just couldn’t believe how lucky he was for that.
He chuckled a bit at that. Well, maybe lucky wasn’t the right word. This was all by design after all, weeks of very deliberate planning and deception. It was just like he’d always been taught. It didn’t matter what hand you’ve been dealt — and Tomura Shigaraki had certainly been dealt a shit hand in a lot of ways — a real winner made his own luck. 
Sensei would be mad, Shigaraki knew that much. Everyone would be mad in fact, but he didn’t care. He was just following the fundamental lesson Sensei himself had instilled in him the day they met. 
Take whatever you want, and fuck all the rest.
Several minutes into hearing those sweet deep breaths of unconsciousness from the beautiful girl in his arms, Shigaraki finally peeled his fingers away from her cunt.
And slid a wide hand up to cradle her tummy.
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It was dark when she woke up, not a single one of Shigaraki’s many monitors or television lit the windowless room. That was odd for a couple of reasons, the first of which being that the overhead lighting had definitely been on when she’d dozed off. The second of which was that any time Shigaraki wasn’t preoccupied with helping her study or studying her, he was chronically attached to at least one screen, if not multiple, so it was more than a bit odd for him to have zero on. The reason for the lack of blue light however became quickly apparent as her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness.
Shigaraki wasn’t here.
She was totally alone in his room, alone and tucked into his bed. Had he gone to the bathroom or something? But then why would all the lights be off? It seemed like he’d probably been gone for a while. Weird…
She threw off the covers and flipped her legs around with much more ease than she’d done anything over the last three days, much to her relief. However long she’d been out, the sleep had clearly done her some good. The pounding in her head and pelvis had finally ceased, perhaps just in time for her to actually start her period. She did feel some dampness between her legs after all. Although…
Her face heated up as she remembered the much more likely cause of that.
Damn it, she thought with a groan, dropping her head into her hands. She couldn’t believe that she actually let him do that to her, for her. He was going to get entirely the wrong idea from it. The idea that she might actually like him and want to spend time with him, that there was some kind of connection between them that extended past the time she was required to spend with him to keep him satisfied. And she absolutely could not deal with that.
Being his little sex toy was one thing. A demoralizing thing, yes, but a manageable one. She’d seen the way Shigaraki treated things he objectified — games and magazines and the like. He got bored of them quickly. And if she was one of those things in his eyes, then eventually he’d get bored with her too and she’d be free.
If he was attached to her though? Had found connection in her and a desire to keep her in his life? She didn’t even want to consider that nightmare scenario.
She made her way out into the hallway, looking up and down from the empty bathroom on one end of the hall to the top of the staircase on the other. She didn’t have to contemplate the lack of presence on this floor for long though, when she heard Shigaraki’s voice echoing up from downstairs, talking emphatically to Kurogiri, she assumed. 
She couldn’t hear exactly what he was talking about, but whatever it was, he was being particular about it. “Don’t overcook” and “perfect” were a few of the words she managed to catch, so it was about food, maybe? The accompanying sounds of sizzling pans and clanking cookware would certainly support that. As would the smell that suddenly hit her.
It wasn’t an unpleasant smell by any means. In fact, it was salmon, one of her favorites. But for some reason at that moment, the smell hit her with a particular intensity that made her feel overwhelmed.
And really fucking nauseous.
She just barely made it to the toilet at the end of the hall, not even fully down to her knees by the time she was emptying her stomach into the bowl. It wasn’t just a brief moment of sickness either. The bouts were loud and long, she was sure that it echoed throughout the entire apartment. It left her red-faced, skin covered and hair clumped with sweat, not to mention still gagging long after she had nothing left to gag on.
A hand she barely even noticed came to rest on the small of her back in the midst of it all. It was only in the aftermath, spent and dry-heaving that she could process the fact that it was Shigaraki, kneeling at her side, patiently stroking small circles into her clammy skin and encouraging her softly.
“Let it out. Just let it all out.”
She groaned once she finally seemed to have a solid thirty seconds of dry, steady breath. And Shigaraki used that respite to nudge a glass of water into her hands.
She didn’t argue or agree, just took it from him with shaky hands, tossing half of it just into her mouth to swish around and spit the remaining bitterness from her tongue.
 “Drink some of it too.”
She nodded shakily, still too drained and disoriented to be irritated with his telling her what to do, or suspicious of the fact that he was being so nice. 
And still, as she took entirely too long to finish the rest of her water with timid little sips, he just knelt on the ground with her, moving the hand on her back to rest on her knee, thumb rubbing circles into the spot where a bruise would undoubtedly form. 
Finally, after a long, silent stretch, she managed to croak out, “W-What time is it?”
“Only seven,” he answered, “Kurogiri’s got dinner almost ready downstairs. Seared salmon, brown rice, avocado salad—”
She whined, shaking her head roughly at the very implication of food.
“Don’t like salmon?”
“I-I do… It’s just—” she gagged a little as she remembered that smell that had set this all off in the first place, “Th-The smell right now. It’s too much…”
“Oh yeah…” he nodded understandingly, muttering something to himself that she couldn’t quite make out. It sounded kind of like, “Heightened” and “Read about that…”
Her brows furrowed a bit, frustrated and confused. She was getting the feeling that he was really not telling her something.
Shigaraki just waved her off, “No, that’s fine, that’s fine. Salmon’s not the only thing he made. There’s sauteed spinach, wakame tofu soup, toasted—” 
Jesus Christ, was Kurogiri cooking for an army down there or something? 
Well, whoever it was all for, and as delicious as it all sounded in theory, imagining those foods in practice right now was making her feel sick all over again.
“Mm-mm, Mm-mm!” she whined, shaking her head again.
She didn’t want to risk opening her mouth right now, lest she blow chunks all over the front of Shigaraki’s shirt. Although wouldn’t that be a nice little serving of karma for him…
“You need to eat something,” he insisted, more lecturey than she’d ever heard him, but with a strange gentleness to his voice as well, “And you need to drink some more too. You’re totally dehydrated.”
She shook her head more emphatically at that, which only resulted in her falling forward into his chest. 
He caught her before she could fall any further, scolding her not too harshly, in fact, a bit whimsically, “Is this how you’re gonna be the whole time?”
She pulled her head back to look at him, a confused furrow in her brows that brought the corners of his lips up.
“It’s not a bad look on you to be honest. All weak and petulant,” he brought a hand to pinch lightly at her cheek, “It’s kinda cute actually.”
Her eyes narrowed, finally feeling her stomach steady enough in her to be annoyed. He chuckled, just as amused and endeared by this look as the last. 
“Well how about okayu?” he offered with a patronizing little lilt, “And maybe some ginger tea?”
He clearly wasn’t going to let this go. And infuriatingly, he was right not to. She definitely was in no shape to go home on this empty stomach. 
She sighed.
“Yeah… Yeah okay.”
Going at her own shaking, snailish pace, Shigaraki helped her up onto her legs, pulling her immediately into his side as he led her back towards his bedroom. Normally she’d protest, stick an elbow right into his ribs and storm on ahead of him, but honestly she needed the help right now. So she sucked it up and let him lead her back into his bed. 
But that didn’t stop her from eying him suspiciously as he propped his pillows up behind her and tucked her back in under his comforter, the overall way he doted and fretted over her, even stopping to look back at her one more time from the doorway before he returned downstairs to give Kurogiri the new marching orders.
She dropped her head back against the pillows when finally alone, a bad feeling settling heavier and heavier in her stomach. This was beyond weird, the way he was acting. Sure, the guy was overbearing and constantly demanding of her attention, stupidly needy even. But doting? Not only willing but eager to put her needs ahead of his own? Caring deeply about her actual well-being and not just what he wanted to be her well-being? This was all way too out of character for him.
“…You can tell me. If he bothered you, I mean. N-Not just the Doctor either… If um… If anything’s bothering you.”
She sighed at the memory. Alright, maybe she wasn’t giving him enough credit. He’d shown at least some capability and even interest in her wants and well-being, he wasn’t a complete monster.
But still, all of this? The cooing and the caring and the, erm, servicing even that he’d done? It felt like too much. Like she was missing something really key about it all.
Like something was wrong .
Whether she ended up getting lost in that train of thought for long, or Kurogiri had already had some okayu whipped up downstairs, she wasn’t sure, but she was startled by how quickly it seemed that Shigaraki returned with a breakfast tray in hand. She cocked her head as he set it up over her lap, this was a lot more robust than she was expecting, and, she realized as she examined everything on the tray, a lot more stocked as well.
There was okayu, front and center for her, yes. But also on the tray was another small bowl of soup (looked like the wakame that Shigaraki had mentioned, a thing of plain yogurt (the really fancy kind that came in the glass jars), a glass of orange juice…
And a little dish of four pills. 
Painkillers or antiemetics maybe? They looked more like vitamins…
“Go ahead and start with the okayu if you want,” Shigaraki explained as he climbed up into the bed next to her, “But I want you to try and get some of the wakame and yogurt down too…”
As he settled down, his legs flush with her own, he continued to rattle off instructions and explanations for the rest of her tray, sending her mind completely spinning, faster and faster, like a goddamn Gravitron.
And she was ready to get the fuck off.
“...if nothing else though, take the vitamins. You need the folate, calcium, iron, and the omega-3 especially, since you don’t want the salmon—”
“Okay, stop, stop, stop !”
Shigaraki paused, having the audacity to look at her like she was crazy for snapping. 
“Jesus—what the hell are you even talking about Shigaraki?!” she demanded, “What’d you say, folate? What? What is all this?”
He cocked his head, clearly playing innocent. Whatever this was, he was clearly enjoying the slow unraveling of it all.
“What’re you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about!” she snapped, “All this attention and doting and food stuff! What the hell is this all about?!”
He just smiled back at her, taking in how pretty she looked, even when mad (especially when mad sometimes), God, to think that this really was his forever now. He wondered if they had a girl, how much she’d look like her. He hoped a lot…
“I just want to make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need…”
He reached over then, spreading his hand flat against her stomach.
“ Both of you .”
She froze.
No, he couldn’t mean—
She tried to speak, tried to ask what the ever-loving- fuck he was talking about, but her mouth had seemed to go dry. She tried several times to open and wet it a bit, but every time she did, it felt like her throat was closing too. It took at least four desperate attempts for her to finally force out one rasped:
“... what? ”
Shigaraki’s grin widened, and he started to rub circles gently across her belly.
“You’re gonna look so cute, all big and round with my kid,” he giggled suddenly as he remembered something, “Oh, and your tits too. I wonder how big they’re gonna get…”
She stared at him, unblinking, unbreathing. Everything but un-fucking-existing.
He couldn’t be serious. He was fucking with her. He had to be fucking with her!
“Th-That’s not funny.”
His grin evened a little, not disappearing outright, but settling away some of its blissful excitement into something more coyly victorious.
“I said it already,” he reminded, “When have I ever been funny?”
She shook her head in disbelief.
“N-No. No, no, no this isn’t— there’s no way—”
“I’ve got the tests ready when you need to pee, but I think it’s pretty clear. These are all the symptoms I read about.”
“No!” she insisted, “N-No, no— this is, it’s my period! It’s just a day late, it’s not—!”
He chuckled, “I know the symptoms can be similar, but come on. When’s the last time you’ve hurled like that thanks to your period? And the sensitivity to smell? You know this is different.”
Crumbling, every argument she could possibly think of was crumbling to dust before she could even get the thought fully formed. And cruel, vicious reality was more than happy to take its place.
“B-But my birth control pills…”
“Fertility pills,” he explained, his splitting-grin returning in full, “I would’ve preferred to get Clomid from the doctor, but it looks like the over the counter stuff and tracking your cycle worked just fine.”
Her stomach dropped. Pieces of memories, peculiar behaviors and nagging thoughts she’d had over the last two months falling into place. How there were stretches of times where he’d cancel their sessions, only to insist they make them up a few specific days in a row. How he wanted to go multiple rounds a lot those days. How he’d stopped wanting blowjobs from her entirely. How he seemed to only want to fuck her from behind or with her knees pressed hard into her chest, positions he could fuck her the deepest in.
And how he’d have her stay still with his cock buried in her after he came. 
Back then, she just thought he was being weird and pervy. And in a way she was right.
Horribly fucking right.
Shigaraki shifted his legs away from her so that he could bring his head down to her lap, laying his cheek blissfully against her belly. 
“Was so easy,” he hummed against her skin, “Like your body was just waiting for me to knock you up. Waiting for me to make you mine…”
His hands moved across her body, one coiling behind her back so that he could pull her tighter into him, the other lacing his fingers through her own. The fingers on her trembling left hand.
“Both of you, forever,” he growled happily, a predator who had finally and definitively sunk his teeth into his prey, “All mine.”
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gh0stgirl333 · 10 days
Good now make sure gojo stays alive for my sanity🥲
Infinite Rewind
Gojo Satoru x reader
Synopsis: Instead of dying, you are sent 13 years in the past, but this isn't your face. "Let's cut the shit." The white-haired kid grins. "Who are you and what're you doing in Suguru's body?"
Word Count: 18.1k
(Warnings: slight yandere, death, murder, inaccurate Tokyo geography, blood, violence, mild gore, obsession, unhealthy relationships, child abuse/neglect, time looping(?), fem!reader)
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First, you saw a monster. 
It was big and horrible—nasty teeth. You heard screaming. People. Running as fast as they could away from the creatures. Pain. 
And then, you saw a bright, clear sky. 
The sun was blaring down at you. It was so hot. Wasn't it December? How was the sun out at night? 
"Hey, you good?" 
A girl is looking at you. Short brown hair. She's peering down at you, wearing a high-school uniform. How is she wearing all black when the weather is so hot? 
When you don't respond, her eyes squint. 
"Suguru, are you okay?" 
That's not your name; your mouth moves faster than your brain.
"I-I'm fine." That wasn't your voice. It was deeper. More masculine. What the fuck happened to your voice? 
The girl gives you another strange look but you're too busy freaking out over your new voice. Your hands are different too. A completely different skin tone, larger. 
And then you're fumbling with your pockets, clothes you know you didn't buy. The girl is calling for you again but you're too busy pulling out a fucking flip-phone and looking into the black screen, the only thing you have for a mirror. 
Purple eyes stare back. These aren't your eyes. This isn't your nose. This isn't your hair. This isn't your face. You blink. He does too. You open your mouth. So does he. You pinch your cheek. In the reflection, he winces. 
Oh, you just fucking bodysnatched someone. 
Ten minutes later, you conclude that your name is Geto Suguru, you are a 16-year-old boy, the year is 2006, and you attend a religious academy. 
"You're finally acting normally again." The girl-newly discovered as Ieiri- says. "No more weirdness." 
You don't blame her, considering you grabbed her by the shoulders, asking ridiculous questions like: what year is it, who am I, why am I here, who are you, am I dead, is this Hell, etc. For a teenage girl, she took your outburst well. 
"Sorry," you say and by now you've gotten used to your voice, "it must have been the stress from studying." 
She just hums, continuing to walk beside you. Though, Ieiri had a point. You were definitely calmer, and it was mostly because you figured it out. 
You were dreaming. 
You were lucid dreaming, to be more precise. Your brain was conjuring up a weird setting and you just happened to be placed in another person's body. You heard about this happening before. You were just so freaked out because this was the first time anything like this had happened to you. 
An impulsive part of you wants to tell Ieiri that this is just a dream, but you've heard weird things happen after a lucid dreamer tries to break the illusion. It's best if you just let it just play out and see where this goes. 
“Hm?” You ask. And Shoko rolls her eyes. 
“For the mission you have this evening. Special grade. Sounds scary.” She says, her sarcasm evident. 
Mission? Special grade? You don’t know what those words mean but it sounds like a school field trip. Shoko takes your hesitance as something else. 
“Ah,” she says, “so you forgot.” 
“I didn’t.” You reply on instinct. 
“I expected this from Satoru, not you. You should stop hanging out with him, he’s starting to rub off on you.”
You give a sheepish laugh, and it’s enough to quell her questions. 
She leads you into the school, all through the winding halls and through an office door. You couldn’t be more grateful, it’s not like you would have known where to go. It’s a teachers room. Two people are already inside. 
“Wait, for once, I’m early?” The boy with sunglasses asks, voice dripping with amusement. He’s leaning dangerously on a chair. You stare at him. You’ve never seen someone with white hair before. It can’t be real. 
“He forgot.” Shoko pipes up and the boy cackles. 
“That’s hilarious. I’m starting to rub off on you.” Ah, this must be Satoru. 
You give a nervous smile. “Haha, yeah.” 
The boy stops rocking in the chair. Three pairs of eyes look at you. Your uniform feels itchy.
“Gojo, stop making such a ruckus.” The man, presumably his teacher, gruffs. "You two got the briefing yesterday. Do your job and for the last time do not leave your assistant manager behind again." 
Gojo groans, and you delve into more confusion. Before you can say anything, the kid is hopping out of his seat before lazily striding out the door. Shoko and the teacher look at you expectantly. 
Oh, you were supposed to follow him. 
Not wanting to make a scene, you catch up to Gojo. He's tall, his footsteps are long and wide. But you're tall now too, so it's easy to keep up with him. This new body of yours has a lot of pros. 
"Yaga's so annoying," Gojo suddenly says, "constantly nagging us like that. It's not our fault the assistants can't keep up." 
What should you say? You clear your throat. 
"He just wants what's best for us." 
Wrong answer. 
"Where'd that come from?" He snorts. How charming. "I know you agree with me. You're just tryna' act like the nicer one, again. It's starting to get a little old." 
Is that how 16 year-olds talk? Rude, but also strangely off-putting, like he can see straight through you. Or more accurately, he can see straight through Suguru. How close are these two, anyway? 
Why did any of these questions even matter? This is a dream! You need to wake up already. 
On the campus grounds, a sleek black car waits outside for you two. Along with a miffed man in a black suit. This must be a very rich school for a field trip to have a chauffeur. Where were you two going again?
Gojo hops in the back, taking one of the window seats. You take the other. In your own body, you would've fit nicely. But Suguru's legs are long, and the spacious car feels cramped. You should've taken the passenger seat. How do tall people live like this? 
The ride is quiet. Out the corner of your eye, you catch Satoru type away on his flip phone. A moment later, yours beeps. You still have no idea how to use Suguru's phone or his password, so you ignore his message. Satoru groans. 
Quickly, you learn that Satoru has a very low attention span. When looking out the window gets boring, he bugs the chauffeur. When the chauffeur ignores him, he starts bugging you. 
"Hey heyyyy," Satoru says, "when this is all over, we should go to that new ice cream place. Like you said, we should." 
You look at him. "Uh, sure." You say. 
"And you should pay for it, 'cuz you said you owed me last time." 
Fine, whatever. "Sure thing." 
He grins. You can't see his glasses, and it makes his smile even more unnerving. This kid. 
This doesn't feel like a normal field trip at all. Why did you stop in front of some rackety house that looked as though it were about to collapse? You turn back to the only adult in the vicinity, but he's out too. He takes out a lighter and a cigarette. In front of impressionable children, too. Wonderful. 
"I'll wait out here." He says, though his tone is uncaring. "Since we're out in the country, there's no need for a veil. Do your best." 
Veil? What? Gojo's already going off again and you've already decided to be his chaperone, so you follow. You reluctantly trail behind him. Feet crunch the leaves. The house grows bleaker and bleaker. 
"Okay, I have a plan!" Gojo exclaims when he gets through the squeaky door. He's so loud, can't he be quieter? "I check upstairs and you check the ground floor and the basement. Got it?" 
Check the house? Were he and Suguru electricians in training or something? That still wouldn't explain why a grown man decided to drop off two teenagers in front of a creepy mansion. And why in God's name did Gojo want to split up?
"I-I don't think that's a good idea," you say, "shouldn't we try to stick together?" Or, better yet, leave. 
He clicks his tongue. "Ugh, you're so lame. Not like Suguru at all." 
Wait, what did he say? You're about to call out to him when he climbs up the stairs, disappearing from view. Unbelievable. 
This kid was starting to get on your nerves. Enough, you were leaving. You could have a nice dream where you met and fell in love with Zendaya, not babysitting some teenager, whilst possessing another person's body. You were going to wait outside with the man and hope your dream finally came to an end. 
Except, you couldn't go outside. The door was gone. 
It-it was right behind you, right? The entrance was right behind you. You couldn't have gotten turned around so quickly? What the hell happened? Or maybe you had gotten turned around? Considering how distracting that Gojo kid was, you might not have realized it. 
You look around the house. Looks like it'd been abandoned for a while. There's dirt on the shelves. Chairs were toppled over and left to rot. The wooden floorboards dangerously creaked beneath you. Just what had happened here? 
There's no patio door. No door leading to the outside. At the same time, you hadn't explored everything yet. Each door led to a room. The only door that didn't, led to a basement. And no, you weren't going down there. 
When you got back to where you started, you noticed something had changed. 
There was a person. Seated right at the base of the stairs? 
Gojo? Was he done with urban exploring? Maybe he knew the way out. He stands up, reaching to his full height, then higher, then higher. 
Gojo was tall, but this thing was taller. Gojo was human. This thing wasn't. 
What the fuck you can only mouth because your voice is stuck in your throat when it takes a shaky step towards you. It's a black husk of a figure, too skinny but too tall and twitching fingers. You don't know how you could've mistaken this for the kid. 
Another step. You're running, back into the house, leaping over the fallen shelves and creaky floorboards. It gives chase, and you can hear it groan behind you. It's deep and rumbly and terrifying. It just motivates you to go faster. 
It's slower than you. That's good, but it seems to realize this. You can barely celebrate your advantage before something heavy is smashed into your back, sending you toppling to the floor. You and wooden chair crash on the ground. 
It hurts. 
Everything hurts. 
Dreams aren't supposed to hurt. Because this wasn't a dream. 
This was real. You were stuck in the year 2006, stuck in another person's body, about to get mauled by a monster. 
You were going to die. 
You aren't even fighting anymore. How pathetic is that? The shock numbs your body as the thing grows closer and closer, all you can do is reach your hands up, protecting your face. 
And then the creature explodes. 
An implosion. It's skin and bones twist in a way no one should. There's a shriek, something wrong and high and inhuman before it's gone. Like it never existed in the first place. 
After all that, he's still smiling. Like the cat that just caught the mouse. 
"I guess we're not pretending anymore, are we?" Gojo asks, stretching his arms. "That's good. That game was starting to get a little boring, anyways. Now, then." 
He folds his glasses, tucking it on his uniform. Blue, his eyes are. As blue as a clear sky. 
"Let's cut the shit." The white-haired kid grins. "Who are you, and what're you doing in Suguru's body?"
Contrary to your belief, Gojo Satoru is a good listener. 
There's never an interruption. Not even once. Every once in a while, he nods, a hand on his chin. It's probably because he can't interrupt. You just keep going on and on. Word vomit. 
He only speaks when you pause to catch your breath. "So you are from the year 2017, and you went back in time to body-snatch someone. I had a feeling your technique had something to do with possession." 
You look at him warily. "Wait, you knew this entire time?" 
You two hadn't moved from your earlier spot. You were still sprawled on the floor, still feeling the adrenaline surge through you. Gojo had transitioned to squatting on the floor. He scratches his neck, still so casual. 
"I have good eyes. Don't worry about it." He shrugs. "Anyway, you seem pretty harmless, and as annoying as it is not having Suguru around, I doubt killing you would do any good." Why is he being so nonchalant about murder? Is this kid really sixteen?
"I think we gotta' just wait around until your technique reactivates." Gojo whistles. "2017. That's like a decade away. I wonder what happened for your technique to show up." 
You blink, trying to remember the date. 
"It was Christmas Eve..." You glance at him. "And then I was here." 
He thinks for a moment. "Yeah, I got nothing." Of course. 
He sighs, before sprawling on the dirty floor, belly up. You grimace at his antics but choose to keep your mouth shut. 
He doesn't seem very worried. At the most, he looks mildly inconvenienced. Why isn't he worried about his friend? 
When you ask him, he just snorts. 
"Sorry, but you're not that scary. Besides, I don't have to worry about Suguru. He's strong." 
Well, that's nice to know, but one other thing still bothers you. 
"You speak so casually to me," you mutter, "You know I'm older than you, right? I'm 22." 
He laughs. "22? Damn. You're old, man." 
"That isn't old!" You argue. "You have no concept of age since you're just a teenager." And why did he assume you were a man? Oh right, you were trapped in a teenage boy’s body. Of course.
"I mean, technically, I'm older than you, right?" Gojo ponders with a grin. "If you're 22 in 2017, that makes you what—11 in 2006?" 
You say nothing because you have a feeling that if you continue to argue with him, he'll just drag you down to his insanity. 
"Technique, you've said that a couple of times." You look at him. "That's what you call your 'powers', right? Does Geto have one too?" 
"Yeah," Gojo says, "but you can't use it. You have zero cursed energy. Honestly, it's at the same level as a plant. A bit lower than regular humans. It's a little impressive, actually." For one second, could he stop being so condescending? 
"What's his technique?" You ignore his comments. "Could it be related to how I got here?" 
He gives you a look over. "I doubt that, but Suguru's technique is curse manipulation. Uh, you remember that thing you saw earlier." You nod. "Yeah, he can control and absorb them." 
He sounds pretty awesome. You look at your hands. Not your hands. Geto's hands. They're paler than yours, and a lot longer. This isn't your body. Your soul can feel it. You can feel the guilt too. 
'I'd give it back if I could,' you think, 'I just don't know how.' 
Gojo's getting up. He stretches. He was lying on the ground but you can't see a speck of dirt on his uniform. 
"Okay, then. No use mopping around." He grins down at you. "Maybe Yaga can do something about you. Let's get you back to jujutsu tech." 
You blink up at him. His hand is outstretched, reaching out to you. He's still grinning that insufferable grin but his eyes have slightly melted. 
"Okay." You say, barely touching his fingertips. "Let's-" 
And then Gojo's gone. And then, you're standing. And then it's cold. 
You're wearing a coat; weren't you wearing a uniform before? There's no clear sky. It's nearly dusk. 
You were standing on the sidewalk, where people bustled all around you. You fumble through your jackets, putting out a phone. An actual iphone. You flick on the screen. 
December 24th, 2017, 7:06.
Holy shit, you were back. 
Was it because you touched Gojo? That makes no sense, but how could you explain anything else that happened so far? God. You rake a hand through your hair. Your hand. Your hair. You can't believe how much you missed yourself. It felt so good to be back. 
Your mind is spinning, you had no idea what the fuck just happened.
For now, you just wanted to turn your mind off and grab a drink. 
You know there was a bar not too far from your location. Along the way, you pass by the bustling town. There's a couple walking side by side, giggling over something you couldn't hear. Right, it's the 24th. You remember your empty bed with no one to share it with, and you cement your desire to drown yourself in alcohol today. 
Your self-pitying session is almost how you nearly miss him. His shoulder brushes past you. You're about to apologize when you hear his voice. It's familiar. 
It used to be your voice. 
It's all there. Black hair, but it's longer this time around. Of course it is, he's had years to grow it out. He's tall, he must've grown since highschool. His broad back is the only thing you see, you're almost afraid to reach out to him. 
He freezes like you've shot him. When he turns around, it's like looking into a fractured past. He looks older, no longer a youthful teenager. You should have paid more attention to his eyes, how scrutinizing they were, how condescending his fake smile was. All that you could think of was that it was actually him. 
"Do I know you?" He tilts his head. "Apologies, but my girls and I are quite busy." 
You don't notice the two young ladies beside him until Geto points them out. Teenagers, maybe just around the age when you first met him. He was a father now. 
You're so swept up by the emotions that you barely notice they've continued walking. You stumble behind, ducking behind the alleyway they went into. 
"Wait! Geto!" You call. "Please! We need to talk!" You still needed your answers. You didn't know care how desperate you came off as. 
In hindsight, you should have noticed that they looked more annoyed than worried about a stranger chasing them across the street. 
The one with the ponytail scoffs. "This one talks an awful lot. How annoying." 
Geto sighs. He leaves his daughters, finally standing in front of you. This is what you wanted, right? A chance to talk to him. 
Still, you can't help but feel wrongness within you. His smile is off. 
"Most monkeys are just that, unfortunately." You don't move. You can't. Not when he places a hand on your skull. "I suppose it'd be humane to put this one out of its misery." 
Geto Suguru crushes your skull. And then you die. 
Again. You died again. 
This is the second time Geto has killed you. Fuck, you should've realized. 
"Back again, Greeny?" Gojo asks. 
He and Suguru were sitting outside in the grass. Satoru's holding up a few playing cards. You look at Suguru's hands and find yourself doing the same. 
Not again. 
"What year is it?" You ask warily. "And what did you just call me?" 
Gojo grins with teeth. You remember he compared you to a plant before, didn't he? He's so clever with nicknames; someone should give him an award. 
"Welcome back to 2006!" Gojo beams. "It's only been a couple of days since you left. And why are you so grumpy? I'm the one who just lost a player." 
You weren't grumpy, you were pissed. You figured out what's been going on with you, and it's all because of the asshole you're possessing right now.
The look on his face when he killed you. Like you were nothing more than an animal. A monkey. Now, you feel a lot less guilty about possessing his body. 
At least you figured out two things. You know how your technique works. Whenever someone kills you, you are sent back in time to take over their body. But you can go back whenever you touch Gojo, or perhaps just another sorcerer. 
Secondly, you have access to Geto's memories. 
It didn't happen the first time you died. It must have been because the kill wasn't direct (from Getos curse, rather than himself), but milliseconds after Geto split your skull in two, your brain was overwhelmed by his past, his present, as well as his future. 
Geto was set to die on December 24th, 2017. At the hands of his best friend, Gojo Satoru. 
Fuck him. Let the bastard die. You didn't give a shit. 
You reach over to touch Gojo's arm, ready to leave. He pulls back with a snicker. Ugh, the brat must've figured out your technique, too. 
"Stop messing around." You tell him. "I need to go back to my timeline." 
"Sure, sure," he says as though speaking to a time traveler is just another Tuesday. "But first, finish the game with me." 
"No." You tell him before leaning out even further. He isn't moving away anymore, but you still can't reach him. Fuck, he must've activated his technique. 
Despite your annoyance, you decide to keep the future away from Gojo's ears. He doesn't need to know that he'll be the one to kill Suguru. He shouldn't. Not at his age. He's just a kid. 
"Just one game! I promise!" He pleads. "Then I'll let you go. Suguru never lets me beat him, I want an easy opponent to boost my ego." 
You roll your eyes, but you settle down, picking up the cards. You already know the rules; you have Geto's memories, after all. 
It's silent, save for Gojo's humming. When you place down your King of hearts, you ask:
"Hey, is my cursed energy different at all?" You ask.
"Not really." He squints. "Wait, it has grown a little. Aw, Greeny sprouted!" 
So, every time you die, your cursed energy increases. That, or your cursed energy, increases every time you time travel. It doesn't matter either way. Does this mean you can use Geto's technique now? It couldn't hurt to try, right? 
There's a demon-no, they're called curses you know that now- floating beside you, just a little ways away. Small. Barely fourth grade. You stick your hand out, calling out Geto's power. There's a pull, a rush of energy. 
A blue ball drops into your hand. 
"Holy shit." Gojo leans forward. "So you can use his techniques." Surprisingly, there's no wariness in his voice. Just awe. 
"Yeah." You breathe before glancing up at him. "Shouldn't you be focused on your cards?" 
He shrugs, tossing the cards away. "What cards?" 
You sigh before staring at the ball. Well, you captured the curse. All that's left to do is swallow it, right? You can do that. You open your mouth. Gojo is still staring. You scowl. 
"Look away." 
He rolls his eyes. "It's not like I haven't seen you do this before. Well, not you, the guy that you bodysnatched." 
Ass, you keep that in your head as you hold your breath. You swallow the ball down. 
Instantly, you choke. 
It's horrible. Like a rotten carcass on the highway, oozing blood and oil and pus. You start dry-heaving, suffocating, spit dribbles down your chin. Nothing comes out. You've already absorbed it. The taste of a cursed spirit no one knows. Like swallowing a rag that was used to wipe up vomit and shit. Exorcised. Ingested. Exorcised. Ingested. Exorcised. Ingested. Exorcised. Ingested. 
"Is it really that bad?" Gojo observes you. "That guy swallows them down, no problem." 
Because Suguru was used to this taste. He was used to the responsibility. The hoarding mass of distraught absorbing a curse comes with. It was a disgusting art. Something he'd perfected to mask for years. Until he couldn't take it anymore. 
Fuck, you might have lost your mind, too, if you kept having to eat this. To protect people who were happy you failed. 
You snapped out of it. Suguru's memories were affecting your own. That's probably a sign that you need to get out of here. No way would you be sympathizing with someone so monstrous. 
"Hopefully, I never do that again." You slowly recover, wiping your spit away with your hand. You lean back on your hands, exhausted. 
"Something I've always wondered." You call out to Gojo. "What did Suguru ever think about someone possessing his body." 
Gojo laughed. "Funny thing. He never knew." 
"What?" You look at him. "No gaps in his memory? Nothing?" 
"Nope," Gojo said, "he remembered what happened in the house, but he thinks he did everything. And then he said something weird." 
You perk up at that. "What did he say?" 
Gojo tilts his head. Then, he shrugs. 
"I forgot." Typical. 
You pinch your nose bridge. "So, did you tell anyone else about...this?" You gesture to yourself. 
"Wait, you're supposed to be a secret?" You look at him in alarm. "In my defense, I didn't know, but I haven't gotten the chance to tell anyone. After the mission, Suguru and I went to the arcade, and then I kinda' forgot about it." 
Well, at least Gojo's arrogance works in your favor sometimes. You can't let anyone know, especially anyone connected to the higher-ups. From Geto's memories, you know they don't like anything new. It's best to stay under their radar. 
"Good, well, from now on, we're keeping it a secret. Got it?" 
"What are you two keeping a secret?" A new voice pops up. You jump. 
You know him—at least from Geto's memories. Haibara beams at you. He looks so alive in the sunlight, smiling and with bright eyes.
He'll be dead within a year or so. 
Gojo takes advantage of your shock. "The bodysnatcher wants me to promise that I won't tell anyone that a curse-user is possessing Suguru's body." 
"What the hell? You just promised that you wouldn't tell anyone!" 
"Uh, technically, I didn't promise anything yet." Gojo retaliates. "But okay, fiiiiine. I won't tell anyone....except for Haibara." You groan. 
"What's going on?" Haibara's smile fades. "Wait, Gojo, is this not Geto? Is this person actually a curse-user!?" 
"I'm not a curse-user." You correct. "I'm not a sorcerer either, for the record." 
"You just used a curse technique to travel back in time to take over someone's body." Gojo enunciates. "Sounds like a sorcerer to me." 
"Wait, you're a time-traveler, Mr. Not-Geto?" Haibara asks and you are genuinely impressed he's able to keep up. 
"The name’s Greeny, Haibara." Gojo supplements. Haibara nods, still a bit unsure. 
"So...do we fight Greeny?" 
"It's not my name." You get ignored. 
"Nah, it's all good. Greeny's harmless. Just a weakling, don’t worry about it." Rude, but you don’t think you’d want Gojo to take you as much of a threat, not after knowing what he can do.
"Oh, okay!" Haibara instantly relaxes. The kid's really trusting, huh? 
"Okay, fine, but no one else can know, got it, Gojo?" This promise doesn't matter. It's not like you're planning on returning to the past anytime soon. As soon as you return to the present, you are leaving Tokyo and escaping the night parade of 100 demons. Fuck that. You don't want to die again. 
He waves you off. "Yeah, yeah."
He's so insufferable. You don't know who's worse: the genocidal maniac or this brat. 
"Give me your hand. I want to go home." 
Haibara looks confused. "Wait, why does Greeny need your hand?" 
"It's how the curse technique works," Gojo explains. "Greeny gets sent back in time, and then my true-love's touch sends him careening forward into the future." You frown at his comment, but he turns to you before you can say anything. 
"Which reminds me, Greeny: ever figure out how your technique works?" 
No way are you telling a kid that their best friend killed you....twice. Instead, you just shrug. 
"Haven't figured it out yet." 
Gojo stares at you. "Huh." He responds. "Well, if you ever figure it out, lemme' know." 
Sure you will. You hold up your hand. Gojo, finally holds his own up. Out of the corner of your eye, Haibara waves. And then you're back in your own body, on December 24th, 2017, 7:06 pm.
You waste no time. You push at the crowd, squeezing through the hoards of people. You need to get out. You need to leave before the death parade starts, before you're trapped in that terrifying cycle of death again. 
You need to leave. 
Exorcised. Ingested. 
No no no. Shut up. This wasn't you. This was Geto's memories. 
Exorcised. Ingested.  
You need to leave. 
Exorcised. Ingested. 
You need to survive. 
The taste of a cursed spirit no one knows. 
You stop, right there in the middle of the sidewalk. People glare, cursing as they move around you. They don't know this place will be a bloodbath in a matter of minutes. They'd all die. But you could stop it. 
If only if you hadn't accessed Geto's memories. If only if you hadn't eaten that damn curse. If only if you hadn't sympathized with a murderer. Maybe you'd have the courage to escape your future. 
But you'd felt that taste. Horrible. If you eat enough, you could go insane. If you were lonely enough, that would do it too. 
The taste of a cursed spirit no one knows. No one except for you. 
At 8:06 the screams start. The monsters come out to play their song. You close your eyes, forgive Suguru, and you die once more. 
For once, when you open your eyes, Gojo isn’t there with you. 
You’re still on the campus of Jujutsu tech. Suguru was just about to grab his soda from the vending machine. You finish his job. The can feels cold. It feels refreshing on your tongue. It’s a momentary distraction to the fact that you have no clue what you’re doing. 
You understand your cursed technique, but you still struggle with the application. Fuck, what did you do? You were utterly fucked. You’re playing a dangerous game. If you died- if Geto died- here, what would even happen? 
 The worst part is that you can’t even think of the hypothetical because there’s no other choice. You needed to do this. To not only save the people in Tokyo from the Night Parade, but to also save Geto Suguru. The man who has killed you three times now. 
Geto’s dissent starts to worsen at Riko Amanai’s death. If you could prevent that from happening, you could probably change history. But Geto’s true fracture begins with the curses themselves. They were rotting him from the inside.
You grimace, but you have to do it. You have to eat every single curse that Geto couldn’t swallow down himself. 
One was coming up. In less than an hour, Yaga will call you and Gojo for a mission. It’ll be a special-grade grave-type curse. Dispatching it will be simple, but Geto would be the one to exorcise it, ingesting the screams of all that the curse devoured. You needed to prepare yourself for that. 
Maybe you should save some of this soda to wash the taste off later. 
“Geto!” Someone cheers, you jump, but Haibara’s already poking his head around the wall. He grins. 
“Hey! Oh, you’re not Geto, aren’t you?” He tilts his head. “Greeny?” 
“Keep your voice down,” you whisper, “wait, you can recognize me?” 
He nods, after checking to make sure no one’s around, he says, “yeah, your eyes are different? It’s hard to explain.” He tells you. 
Huh. Interesting. 
“You’ve been gone a while.” Haibara beams. “It’s been a few weeks. I’m glad you’re back, Gojo was starting to get cranky.” 
It’s probably because he had no one to mess with. Poor him. He has all your sympathies. Ass. 
“I’m glad to return as his punching back.” You mutter. 
Haibara shyly shuffles his feet. 
“So, are you really from the future?” He asks. “Was Gojo telling the truth?” 
You nod. “Haibara, you haven’t told anyone, right?” 
“Of course not!” He instantly says. “Not a soul. Not even Nanami, and I tell him everything! Your secret’s safe with me.” 
“And Gojo, too! I know he doesn’t look very trustworthy, but me and him have kept it under wraps.” 
Reluctantly, you can’t help but agree with the kid. Gojo is annoying, but so far, he hasn’t done anything super harmful. 
“So anyway, Greeny.” He clears his throat. “Considering you’re from the future and all. Would you mind telling me what my future will be like?” 
You blink at him. He takes it as a sign to continue. “Nothing much! I just wanna know what I’ll be doing in 2017. Will I finally be a grade 1 sorcerer?” 
You think of Geto’s final memories of Haibara. A child burying another child. 
“Sorry,” you lie through your teeth, “but I didn’t know you in my future. Again, I’m not really a sorcerer.” 
Haibara nods, disappointed but still very excitable. He asks you about other things about the future, and you try to answer to the best of your ability, but you can’t shake off his dead glass eyes, staring at you from the morgue. 
“Another thing, we should have a code word.” Haibara exclaims. 
You blink. “A code word?” 
“If we ever meet in the future,” he explains, “y’know, in 'Groundhog’s day', he has to keep explaining what’s happening repeatedly? In order to prevent that, we should have a secret word between eachother so I instantly know who you are.” 
Not the same exact situation, but it sounds like exactly something a child would come up with. You indulge him anyway. 
“Okay, what did you have in mind?” 
“Well, it can’t be anything too crazy, or we might attract unwanted attention.” Haibara puts a hand on his chin in serious thought. You smile. 
“Got it! If you ever see me, just yell ‘brocolli head’ really really loudly. Then I’ll know.” Haibara chirps. 
“Wait, why broccoli head?”
“Because broccoli heads are green!” Haibara chirps happily.
You’re starting to learn it’s best not to question his logic.
You nod, very amused. “Sure thing, Haibara.”  
Someone calls out his name. He jumps before he waves to you. You watch as he joins with Nanami. They talk about something you can’t hear. Haibara laughs and you decide it would be a shame if his laugh was lost to death. 
Gojo finds you eventually. You can’t hide from him forever. You were walking into the school when he caught up with you. He’d ran there. His breath was slightly ragged. 
“Greeny, couldn’t get enough last time, huh?” You shoot him a look. 
“What are you talking about? Doesn’t matter, we need to go, the missions coming up.” 
Gojo’s smile dips ever so slightly. “How’d you know about that?” 
It’s probably not a good idea to tell the guy's best friend that you’re possessing that you’ve unlocked his memories. 
“Haibara told me.” 
“Ah,” He replies, “let’s go then.” 
The car ride is different this time around. Less tension. You aren’t as confused. Gojo is seated quietly beside you, watching the scenery go by. The assistant is too preoccupied with belting the radio to notice Gojo's words. 
“Figured it out yet?” He asks. “Your technique.” 
He's persistent about that answer, isn't he? You're sure the only reason Gojo cooperates with you is because he thinks you're inhabiting Suguru's on accident. How would he react if he knew you were doing it intentionally? It's best not to get on the strongests’ bad side. 
“Oh, not really, but I think it’s random. I can’t seem to find a set pattern. Maybe Suguru calls out to me, somehow?” 
“Maybe.” Gojo replies. His time is flat. Anxiety flips through your stomach. 
“You’re different this time around,” Gojo says. 
“Am I?” You ask. “I guess I’m just more determined today.” 
He gives you a look over. "Oh yeah? What for?" 
"The curse. I'll exorcise it, today." 
You don't know how you wanted Gojo to react to that, but you're still disappointed when he turns back to the window. 
"Do whatever, Greeny." 
In the end, you do swallow the curse. You manage to hold your gags in this time. 
It's worse than before. It makes sense. This curse was first-grade. Stronger. In terms of taste, it was like curdled blood and mold. You were so grateful for that soda. 
Gojo only watches with a tilted head. 
"You're getting better at that."
You give a weak grin. 
"Practice makes perfect," you reply, "do you think I'll get strong enough to absorb a special grade soon?" 
He doesn't like your question. You can see it in his stiff expression. 
"Maybe. Why do you want to swallow up curses, anyway? Last time you were here, you were practically begging to go back." 
His response wasn't exactly hostile but far from his usual playful attitude. You knew you'd have to confront this eventually. Despite how nonchalant he acted, it's clear Satrou doesn't enjoy watching someone prance around in his friend's body like this. If he starts to dislike you, it could rupture your entire plan. You need his cooperation, more than anything, to save Suguru. 
A little bit of the truth. Just a bit. It can't hurt, can it?
"Curses taste horrible," you say, looking at the ground. You can still taste the remnants of it, "it's the worst thing in the world. I can't even explain how wrong it feels to eat one. I thought...while I'm in his body...I could maybe help Suguru a little. I could ingest the curses in his stead, so that way, he still gets to absorb it." But it'll lessen the trauma it has on his mental state. 
You can't see how Gojo feels about that. Those glasses of his cover everything. But you know he's staring at you. The six eyes are taking you apart, observing you whole. 
"Did you know Suguru in the future?" He asks. 
"I didn't." The man that killed you. The man that will keep killing you. And you'd forgive him each time. 
Another beat of silence.
Finally, he just sighs. "You're the kind of person who'll jump in front of a truck to save a kitten, right?" 
You give a sheepish laugh.
"That isn't a compliment, by the way. You're just really reckless. And maybe stupid, Greeny." His tone isn't mean. 
"My name still isn't Greeny." You tell him. 
"Oh yeah, what's your name, then?" He's reverted back to that teasing lilt, and it almost makes you relax if you don't note the curiosity underneath. 
So far, you've been lax giving away information regarding the future, but you don't think you should continue that. What if you're too careless and the future changes in a way you didn't intend? A name, personal information, that could be way too dangerous. 
"Actually, just call me Greeny. I like that name a lot better." 
"You complained about it all the time, though?" Gojo argues. 
"It's starting to grow on me." You grin. "Grow? Get it, because you compared me to a plant and-"
"Stop stop, you really are an old man." Gojo groans. You just grin wider. Then, you grimace.
“I can still taste it.” You complain. “I’d kill for a cigarette right now.”
“I caught our assistant manager smoking a while back,” Satoru suggests. “Maybe you could go and beg him for one.”
You toss him a look. “Suguru doesn’t smoke, and I’m not giving a teenager a nicotine addiction.” You have found lighters inside Suguru’s pockets, but you have a feeling it isn’t for his own cravings.
"Hey, could you do me a favor?" 
He gives a wordless hum.
"Maybe after this, could you take Suguru out to a cafe'? I can taste the aftertaste of the curse." You shudder. "Just get him something to wash it down." 
Also, Suguru couldn't go back to his dorm after this. Suguru dissented because of his fractured relationship with everyone, not just with Satoru. You'd try to bridge the gap between him and his peers as much as you can. You go through Suguru's flip phone, asking Shoko if she wants to join the two. 
When you're done with that, you snap the phone closed. 
"Okay, I'm done here. You two have fun, okay?" You raise your hand. 
Gojo just huffs, amused. "Sure sure. By the way, someone wanted to thank you." 
You blink at that. "What?" 
He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it."
He gives you a high-five, and then you're back in 2017 in your own body. 
Temporarily. So far you figured out that you get sent back an hour before the night parade happens. 8:06. Considering you have a couple more minutes to kill before you’re killed, you reach into your pocket for that cigarette you’ve been craving. You pick the first out of the box, cherry burns just out of corner of your eye.
You notice things now. The children giggled to their parents. Old couples gingerly held hands with sweet smiles. You'd save them, but first, you need to save Suguru. 
And do really do that, you'd have to save Riko. 
Easier said than done. You could go back in time, but you can't really control when to go back in time. It's been random, but your trips are typically two days away from each other. You can work with that. 
But in order to get to Riko's death, you'd have to die...a lot. Absorbing curses made Suguru lose his mind, but how well would you fare with dying over and over again? 
Someone looms over you. A woman. She's pretty, with short hair and bangs. In her hand, she holds a bag of chips. 
"The vending machine gave me an extra." She gives a laugh. She kind of sounds like you. "Would you like one?" 
"Oh." You take it. "Thanks." 
"Don't mention it." She trots off into the crowd. You watch her.
A stranger's act of kindness. She didn't even know what would happen to her soon. You grip the bag, it crinkles in your grasp. 
It didn't matter how well you'd fare with dying over and over again. You'd get over it. So many innocent people depended on you. You can't just abandon them like this. 
You're the kind of person who'll jump in front of a truck to save a kitten, right? It's aggravating how accurate he is, honestly. 
The screams start up again, and you forgive Suguru. 
It takes a few cycles to finally reach the day Amanai Riko is assassinated. Whenever you deem yourself too early, you often accompany Gojo on a mission and exorcise a special-grade curse. Your overall plan is working, bit by bit. Each time you return, Suguru's memories swarm you. Each curse he remembers as less painful. 
It's why you get worried when you get there a little too late. 
"Something wrong?" Riko asks. 
You've stopped in the middle of the hallway, and of course, they're looking at you strangely. You know this place. Tengen's barrier is just an elevator ride away. Suguru, Riko, and Miss Kuroi were all almost there.
Fushiguro Toji has already arrived. 
In the first timeline, Geto leads the girls all the way down to Tengen's barrier. He puts his trust in Gojo. Of course, he would. They're the strongest. And in the end, Gojo does kill Toji. 
But the kill comes too late. Riko still dies, and the fracturing happens. 
You thought you'd have more time. If you had arrived a bit earlier, you could have fought with Gojo, and the chances of defeating Toji would have significantly increased. 
What do you do?
"What's the matter?" Miss Kuroi asks. She's supposed to die today, too. 
"Sorry, ladies." You smile. "But I need to go back for him." 
You don't answer their calls, running back up the hallway. The sun's bright, shimmering beautifully in the sky.
It contradicts the blood dripping all over the stone floor. 
Gojo's lifeless body is draped across the rubble. It's a horrifying sight. Eyes that were once like the sky are just this empty blue. A dead sea. He isn't breathing. You know, if you touched his wrist, you wouldn't feel a heartbeat. 
"Hate to break it to ya', but the Gojo kid's dead." Toji's right behind you. You can feel him grinning. 
You know Gojo isn't dead. At least, he won't be dead for a while, but seeing the boy who used to tease you, annoy the shit out of you, laugh at you, be so....it made you freeze. Falter. 
You were wasting time. 
"Sorceror killer." You say after a minute. You almost can't bring yourself to turn, to look at him. The man who kills Gojo. The man who could've killed Suguru, but chose not to. "You certainly live up to your name." 
Toji's grin widens. The only man in the world with zero cursed energy. It'd be awe-inspiring if it weren't so terrifying. 
It's funny. You weren't afraid of dying, not anymore. You were afraid of failing. Failing when you were so close, when victory was just a blink away. 
"The flyheads." You mention to the swarms of curses all around you. "That's really smart." It gives you an idea or two. 
You have Suguru's memories, but they aren't always concrete. You just have snippets. A general idea of what happened within a certain event. It makes sense. Humans can't remember everything. 
But regarding the memories of Suguru and Fushiguro, everything is crystal clear. It's almost like you were there when it happened. 
It also means that you know Suguru, at this current level, won't be able to defeat Fushiguro. 
But Suguru doesn't need to beat the sorcerer killer; he just needs to hold him off. 
Currently, Suguru's body contains 368 curses: 3 special grades, 24 grade ones, 33 grade twos, 103 grade threes, and 205 fourth grades. 
You release all 368 of them. 
In another timeline, these curses would look to you as something to devour. Today, these curses have a new target. 
It won't stop Fushiguro. You're not dumb enough to think that. But it should give you time. Hopefully, it'll be enough time. 
Your knees hurt when you collapse next to the corpse. Gojo's so beautiful, even when he's dead. 
"Gojo." You shake him. Nothing happens. "You need to wake up. Gojo." 
Nothing happens. You don't know what caused Gojo to become the strongest, Suguru wasn't there. For once, you are blind to the past. 
"Riko needs you. Wake up. You-you need to go and save her and Miss Kuroi." 
His body's so cold, and you know he's dead because when you touch his skin, you don't wake up in the present. You push against his body, and he falls limply right back to place. You're sure this sight will haunt you for the rest of your life. 
"Satoru." You beg. "It's Greeny. Please, please, please wake up."
 Nothing happens. 
Everything happens. 
The brightest blue you've ever seen. It's heavenly. A glow that warms and chills your skin. It takes a while for you to see again. When you do, Satoru is standing. 
Somehow, his eyes are even brighter. You don't think you're looking at a teenage boy anymore. 
You're sitting in front of God. 
"Greeny." he states, voice flat. "You're late." 
You manage to smile.
You’ve seen Satoru fight before. He’s always calm, body relaxed as he practically floats in the air. Those fights differed from Suguru’s memories—post Satoru’s awakening. There’s always this twinge of desperation. An aftertaste of bloodlust.
But seeing it for yourself is something else entirely. Even with Suguru’s heightened senses, you still can’t follow him. He’s barely a mirage. One milisecond you can see a blue flash, the next you see nothing.
It's barely a fight. Not this time around. Fushiguro is completely unmatched. There's a flash of purple. And then, it's over. 
Fushiguro is in shambles. You didn't realize he was human until he started to bleed and shatter. Parentage over labor. It's sobering, in a way. 
Satoru's mouth moves. You're too far away to hear anything. They stand there for a few more seconds until Fushiguro slumps. Then, he falls.
You wonder when you got so desensitized to death. 
Gojo stands there. You should let him compress, but the clock is ticking. You need to do one more thing before you can let Suguru go. 
"You need to go." You say when you're close to him. He doesn't acknowledge you. "Riko's about to enter Tengen's barrier." 
He looks at you right then. His eyes. They're so bright, but they're strangely lifeless. Like he can't process you, your words. 
"I can see you now," he says, "it was so foggy before, but now, you're crystal clear." 
Six eyes look at you. You don't think you're hiding behind Suguru's face anymore. 
You clear your throat. 
"Gojo." You remind him. "Riko. You need to stop her." 
He blinks back into focus, rising from his high. 
"Oh," he says after a moment, "right." 
You stop him before he can walk any further. You hold out your hand. 
"You and Suguru." 
For the first time in a while, Gojo hesitates to send you back. You wait a couple seconds longer. 
"Yeah," he finally says.
His skin still feels cold. 
This death is a lot more painful than the others. 
The curse that's holding you is more intelligent than its predecessors. It keeps you alive, tearing at your skin, feasting on your flesh. Blood is everywhere. You scream until it rips out your vocal cords. It's almost a mercy to just die. 
You forgive Suguru. 
Time skips a lot faster now. 
You stand in 2006, four months after the death of Fushiguro Toji. It takes a second for Geto's memories to kick in. What you see makes you nearly cry in relief. 
Gojo and Geto made it in time. You can still remember the tears spilling down Riko's cheeks, the smile on her face when Geto asked her if she wanted to go back. They were safe. They were home, with each other. 
You did it. You actually managed to pull it off. 
But you can't celebrate, not yet. From what you can gather from Suguru's memories, Geto defects after four years. You've just held off the eventual. 
It's nearly the middle of December. The air feels a bit chillier. You stay on that bench where Suguru once occupied. He was finishing his lunch. Usually, he'd eat with Satoru, but Satoru wasn't on campus these days. 
Right, you weren't finished with your work, yet. There was still one other issue. Suguru went on missions alone these days. Swallowing curses, letting them fester and rot in his body. It's isolating and grueling work. You might have been able to help him with the absorption, but your aide won't be enough to prevent his eventual downfall. 
You'll have to deal with his natural isolation. To do that, Suguru will have to make friends with people who aren't Satoru. 
Suguru does have friends, but he's the closest to Satoru. Considering Satoru is getting busier each passing day, Suguru needs to broaden his horizons a bit. 
It's a good thing this school is filled with such colorful characters. 
Haibara and Nanami were sitting in the back of the school. From Geto's memories, their dynamic was interesting. Haibara was definitely more outgoing than the two, but Nanami seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. They looked out for each other, in that way. 
Ah, Shoko was there, too. You haven't seen her since your first day. Her hair's grown longer. It lightly brushes her shoulders now. The cigarette in her hand burns a cherry red. 
Your reaction is rooted in Suguru's instinct than anything on your part. You reach out, taking the cigarette and stomping on the embers. 
"You shouldn't smoke in front of kids." You tell her, hoping she didn't read too much into your action.
Shoko scoffs, but to your satisfaction, she doesn't take out another one. 
"We're just one year below you." Nanami retaliates, but he looks more at ease now that the cigarette's out. 
"Did you finish lunch already, Geto?" Haibara asks kindly, then he takes a closer look. "Greeny?" 
You suck air through your teeth, giving Haibara a scathing look. Instead of looking exasperated, Nanami looks confused. 
"What's Greeny?" Nanami asks, and Haibara weakly laughs. 
"It's-uh-my new nickname for the tree that's growing over there!" He wildly points to something just behind you. "'Cuz it's so...green!"
"Of course." You note the hint of affection laced within his tone. 
"When'd you get back?" Haibara recovers with eagerness. 
"Recently." You grin. "Nice to see you again." 
"You saw him this morning," Nanami interjects, and you shrug. When he frowns, you know you pulled off a perfect Suguru impression. 
Suguru melds into the conversation perfectly. Haibara says something funny, Shoko and Suguru agree, Nanami disagrees. It's a lovely little cycle that ends when Nanami grumbles and picks himself up to go. Shoko starts to follow suit when you stop her. 
"Your hair's nice." You tell her. 
She hums, grabbing a strand to study it. You can see hints of dark circles beginning to form under her eyes. She looked livelier when you first met her. Curses have been popping up left and right since Fushiguro's death. Everyone is overworked, but Shoko looks like she's getting the brunt of it. She's one of the only people who can use RCT on others, and there aren't many healers on her level. All of the strongests share one thing in common it seems. 
"Pretty soon, it'll be longer than yours," Shoko replies. You smile in response. 
"Where are you going?" You ask. 
"Dorm," she replies, "I'm behind on paperwork." 
You had a feeling she always was. You gave a look of sympathy, but misery loves company. 
"I have some work too," You 'remember' the piles of papers lodged on Suguru's desk, "Maybe we can do it together later. The cafe right next to campus? It'll be my treat." 
She looks at Suguru. Her eyes are a pretty color. 
"Sure." She shrugs. "see you then." 
You feel your heart thump twice in your chest and decide that your work here is done. 
Haibara stares at Shoko's disappearing back. The forehead flick comes from both you and Suguru. 
"That hurt." Haibara whines. 
Good, you inwardly think. 
"Sorry." You tell him. He rubs his head, and you wonder if this is how kicking a puppy feels like. 
Luckily for you, Haibara recovers quickly. 
"You've been gone for a while." Haibara tilts his head. "What happened?" 
You can't exactly control your technique, it's more like it has a mind of its own, placing you exactly where you need to be placed. Instead of answering, you sigh, leaning against the wall. 
"Timeline gimmicks." You tell him tiredly. "It's hard to explain." He frowns, but he takes it as an answer.
"Do you know when Gojo's coming back?" You ask. "I think it's time for me to go back again." 
In previous time travels, you and Haibara tried to see if any physical contact would be enough to send you back. No matter how many times you two high-fived, shook hands, or even held hands. Nothing worked. Only Gojo Satoru could activate your technique. It must have something to do with the amount of cursed energy another person has. 
“He should be getting back later this evening.” Haibara muses. “But I’ll be happy to keep you company!”
It's nice to hear him chatter. If you'd let him, he'd go one and one. But you like hearing him talk about his sister. Apparently, she’s also a sorcerer, and his affection for her makes you smile.
"You remind me a lot of her, actually." He tells you. "Even though, y'know, you're a man." It's enough to get a laugh out of you. 
“Do you have anyone in your family who can see curses?” Haibaracasks.
“No,” you answer honestly, “at least, not that I can tell. My dad never spoke of curses or strange powers when I was growing up.”
You think he would have said something; after all, you two were too close to have secrets from each other. Your father was a single man, who took to raising you himself after your mother passed away. He often said you had her laugh.
“Maybe you’re one of a kind,” Haibara suggests.
You agree with him.
Gojo finds you before you can find him. He comes up to you with a grin and a wave.
“Hey, long time.”
His sunglasses are tilted down. You can see his eyes. They’ve lost the mania he had in his fight with Fushiguro. You’re relieved at that. You still can’t shake off that strange thing he said to you.
Wordlessly, you raise your hand. Satoru frowned.
“You wanna leave so soon? You just got here.”
“I’ve been here for hours,” you tell him, “also, you aren’t very concerned that someone is using your best friend’s body as a puppet.”
“He’s been through worse,” Satoru tells you off with a wave. Some friend.
“Let’s go to the arcade,” he suggests.
“Do that with Suguru.” You tell him. “I’m not hanging out with a high schooler.”
“Right right, my bad. I keep forgetting you’re an old man, Greeny.”
“22 is not old,” you say with exasperation, “didn’t your birthday just pass? You’re just five years away. I’ll see your attitude change, then.”
He grows quiet. You feel like you messed up somewhere.
“How did you know about my birthday?”
Fuck, you keep forgetting about keeping Suguru’s memories a secret. It takes everything within you to just relax.
“Haibara told me,” you say, “blabbermouth. You know him.”
“Oh.” Gojo replies. “Huh.”
You shuffle your feet. Distantly, you wonder what shoe size Suguru wears.
“How did your mission go?”
“Horrible,” he’s instantly back to his usual self, whiny and complaint, “and the curse was so ugly too. It was oozing goo everywhere.”
You frown. “Sounds gross. But you won, right?”
He doesn’t even answer. You secretly admire his sheer confidence. You certainly weren’t that when you were at his age.
“How’s Amanai and Miss Kuroi?” You ask.
“Safe.” He tells you. “The higher-ups weren’t really happy with us after that; pretty sure all these sudden missions are punishments.” He frowns. “But they’re fine. Miss Kuroi officially adopted her, so she’s a Kuroi now, too.”
You smiled. You already knew all that, but it’s nice to hear it.
“You saved them,” he says.
You laugh, “I didn’t do a thing.” You tell him. “You and Suguru did all the heavy lifting. I just caused some property damage.”
“You did.” He replies. “I don’t know how, but things always manage to work out whenever you’re around.”
You don’t like how he phrases that, but you don’t react.
“You think so? Maybe I’m lucky.” It’s supposed to be a joke of some kind. Neither of you laugh.
“You really don’t know us in the future?” He asks.
Maybe you should’ve asked Shoko if you could have a cigarette.
“I really didn't,” you say, “Honest, I—I have no idea what’s happening. I’m just as lost as you. Hopefully, I can figure out how to control my technique, and you won’t have to see me again.”
You never stopped feeling guilty for doing this to Suguru. Controlling him. Forcing him to laugh with his friends, make decisions based on your feelings rather than his. But you’re so close. You promise yourself that once you fix everything, you’ll never cause someone this much pain again. No matter how many times they kill you.
Satoru’s fists tighten. He looks even more upset at your response.
“That’s not what I—” He cuts himself off. You wait. Satoru says nothing more.
“You’re annoying.” He tells you in the end. It’s clean and cut, but it sounds like him. More confident, less wavery. “And stupid too.”
You can’t help but smile.
“Thank you. Am I done entertaining you now? Can I go?” He grumbles, holding up his hand.
“Yeah, sure, Greeny.”
You forgive Suguru.
Something’s wrong.
You can feel it. Something’s wrong.
You look through Geto’s memories. There’s nothing. Everything’s going as it should be. Everything looks perfect. Then, why do you feel so wrong?
Currently, Suguru was finishing excorcising a curse. You absorb it, swallowing down the remnant like it’s a pile of rusted nails but even the disgusting taste isn’t enough to wash away the feeling of dread.
The walls of the hospital was empty. The auxillary managers had already cleared everyone out by the time Suguru had walked in. Maybe it was the silence that added to your stress?
You walk out. Nothing changes. One of the managers comes up to you with a clipboard.
“The curse was exorcised.” Suguru tells them. “It wasn’t first grade, it was special grade. It was still disposed of.”
He curses, scribbling something down on his clipboard.
“The wrong information again.” He hisses to himself. “If we keep doing this, someone will die. We need more people, we’re way too stretched out.”
Those words are familiar. Hold on.
“Wait, what day is it?” You ask the frazzled-looking manager.
Offhandedly, he responds. He says the date so casually, and yet his mere words feel like a bear trap, tightening on your leg.
No. You should have had more time. Why weren’t you given more time?
Nanami and Haibara have probably already been dispatched. You go through Suguru’s phone, finding Haibara’s contact. It doesn’t go through. Nanami doesn’t pick up either.
You won’t make it in time. Even using Suguru’s curses, you won’t be able to reach them until it’s too late. Suguru’s memory of that day is muddled and dark, but Haibara’s dead corpse laying on the examination table. The pieces of him that Nanami could bring back.
You wouldn’t be fast enough.
He picks up on the second ring.
“...What’s up?”
“It’s Haibara.” You spit the words out as fast as you can. “Satoru, you need to go and get him right now, he isn’t going to make it—”
“—Greeny?” The exhaustion in Gojo’s voice is gone. You can hear something rustle behind him.
“Satoru, listen to me.” You beg. “Haibara and Nanami were just dispatched on a mission, but Yu isn’t going to survive it. It wasn’t a second-grade curse; it was a first grade. Please, you have to go and save him before it kills him.”
It’s silent. It feels like hours have passed when you know it’s just three seconds.
“We’ll talk later, Greeny.” The line clicks.
You’ve lost the trust of the strongest.
The future has changed when you get to campus. Haibara’s status is still alive. Barely. But he’s still there. Shoko’s currently taking care of him.
Nanami remains quiet the entire time since he returned with Haibara’s battered body. The only thing you can think of to offer comfort is to pat his shoulder. He barely even registers it. It’s more for you than for him. You’re self-soothing, taking care of something else, so you don’t have to recognize your own panic.
If Haibara dies, right here, on this day, everything can change. Everything can go back to the way it was in your original timeline. Haibara, with his sunshine, smiles, and bright eyes. His death is so important, and you can’t even think of him right now.
Gojo Satoru knows you’ve been deceiving him.
This is bad. So very bad. If he starts to suspect that you know more than you let on, he might deem you enough of a threat to kill, regardless of whether or not you’re in Suguru’s body. It’s not like that hasn’t stopped him before.
Gojo Satoru is selfless. He’s selfless enough to kill his best friend, if he thinks it will save everyone.
But if Gojo kills Geto here and now, would that really be bad?
You’d lose your path to the past, but the threat to your life would be over. Even if you did die in Suguru’s body, at least the people of Tokyo will be spared the Death Parade. You’ll still get what you want. And it will be much easier than your current plan.
Nanami shuffles behind you and you instantly snap out of it. That wasn’t you. It couldn’t have been you. That same lack of apathy when Fushiguro died in front of you.
It seems like dying over and over again caused you to lose bits of your humanity.
Shoko comes out. Nanami stands up, a tall ball of nervous energy. Shoko removes her mask. Her dark circles have grown even more prominent. She’s only 17.
“He’s still alive.” Nanami sags. “But he isn’t responsive. I’ve done all that I can.”
She looks at Nanami, and then she can’t anymore.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” Nanami rasps, the most emotion you’ve ever seen from him, “don’t apologize. It was my fault. I should’ve taken better care of him.”
You swallow. It wasn’t his fault, you wish you could tell him that it was yours.
You wonder what Haibara’s younger sister looked like. A spitting image of him, perhaps. Shorter. Darker hair, bigger eyes. Their smiles would look identical. What would she look like when she’s told her brother died doing the profession he forbade her from doing?
You can’t do that to her. You can’t be the reason she loses her brother the second time.
You’re not sure if a God is even out there. How could there be? What kind of entity would do something like this to you? Still, you sit on that bench, right outside the room where Haibara’s body lay, and you pray for a God.
Gojo’s footsteps stop right in front of you.
It’s hard to get the words out. For a minute, he just stands there.
“Did you exorcise it?” You finally ask.
You lift your head up to look at him. Even in his school uniform, he’s regal to look at. Like a warrior of the sun, blessed by the moon, sent to vanquish beasts and monsters.
Now, his blood-soaked sword is pointed at you.
Make it quick. You can only think. Just make it quick.
“Not here.” You say.
Nanami was still shaking. Shoko was right beside him. So you stand, you drag yourself away from Haibara’s fading presence, and Gojo follows behind.
It shouldn’t be this pretty outside. The sun is bright, and the sky is clear. There should be rain. Enough rain to drown the Earth.
“I figured out your technique a while ago, y’know.” You don’t look at him. You can’t. “Dying. Death activates your technique. Each time you die, you’re sent back 12 years in the past.”
You grip the fabric of your uniform until your knuckles turn white. Satoru’s cruel enough to continue.
“But I never got why your soul kept possessing Suguru’s body. It always felt kinda’ random. Unless he was the one who was killing you. Over and over again.”
“Gojo. Stop.” You beg.
“That’s how your CT works. Every time you’re murdered, you go back in time so you can kill them when they’re at their most emotionally vulnerable moment. It’s a pretty powerful technique, all things considered. I might not even stand a chance against it. Assisted suicide, never expected that from you of all people.
But you never do. Each time Suguru kills you, you just come back and try to save him and everyone else your hands can reach. I can’t get why you did that.”
He steps in front of you so you can see him. The God that he is.
“Let’s cut the shit, Greeny. Tell me what future is so bad you’re willing to die over and over again to prevent it.”
The worst outcome you could have ever thought of was standing right in front of you.
Satoru was demanding to know his future.
And...you couldn’t.
You’re taking in a shaky breath. It’s not enough oxygen. The sky was close to crumbling, and you still couldn’t breathe.
“There’s nothing to know.” You try. “There’s nothing, I’m fixing it—”
“—by Suguru killing you, or is this considering killing yourself, now?”
“You don’t understand.” Your voice is cracking, so high-pitched that even Suguru’s vocal cords can’t keep up. “You don’t get it. You can’t.”
“Then help me understand.” His voice is as ragged as yours, he steps closer, you step back. “Tell me why my friend would do something like this to someone.”
It clicks right then. Satoru’s anger isn’t directed at you.
No, it’s directed at Suguru.
It’s even worse than you thought.
“He—he was better than me. He was supposed to be the best out of all of us. I wanna deny it all that I can but—but I can see the proof right here in front of me. And—And I don’t—” His voice breaks too much to continue. 
You’re breaking, too. How many times have you been doing this, over and over again? All alone, with no one to support you. To comfort you.
The words are right there, threatening to bubble out. It’d be so easy to tell Satoru everything.
And maybe you would’ve, but then you looked at him.
Despite how disingenuous Satoru acted, you knew he was kind. The kindest person you’ve ever met. He’d sit there and listen, and he’d break every bone in his body to help. That’s just how he was.
Satoru was selfless, he was selfless enough to kill his best friend here and now if it meant he’d save the millions in Tokyo.
You can’t put another burden on the strongest.
You can’t do that to a kid.
“It—it isn’t him.” You manage to spit out. “He isn’t doing it on purpose. It’s not his fault.
It’s the curses. They were too much for him; they overtook his body. Suguru couldn’t control them anymore.”
He says nothing. It’s like you’ve put a spell on Gojo somehow, freezing him in place. Satoru can’t do anything but stare at the talking puppet that’s his best friend.
“He lost so many people.” You continue. “Riko, Miss Kuroi, Haibara. He couldn’t take it. It was too much. His body succumbed to the curses, and they took over Shinjuku. That’s how I keep...”
It’s okay to lie like this, you justify to yourself. Because the Suguru, you know—the one with fake smiles, beady eyes, and a broken expression—isn’t the one that Satoru knows. They’re two completely different people. Years—timelines—apart from each other. They aren’t the same.
Even then, you forgave both Sugurus a lifetime ago.
You’d get on your knees if you know that would make a difference. You’d plead and beg and cry if it would get Satoru to drop it. In the end, you can only stare at him.
“All I’m asking is that you trust me.” You whisper. “Believe that I’m making this right. Please, Satoru?”
His eyes. You can’t tell what he’s thinking. He’s gone quiet and dull. The same look he had when he fully awakened his technique. The day he became God.
But he’s not a God. God’s don’t cry.
He leans ever so closely until his head rests on your shoulder. His body shakes.
“You’ll save him, right?” He asks. Gone, is his aura of confidence and resilience. He’s nothing more than a shell. If you feel something stain Suguru’s uniform, you say nothing about it.
You smile anyway.
“I will.” You tell the truth. “I will save him.”
You think of something morbidly funny.
“I’ll die trying.”
His shoulders shake with quiet, genuine laughter, the kind that’s wet and sticks to the top of your mouth.
“That’s fucked up, Greeny.” He whispers.
You hum, reaching up to pat him on the back. It takes another minute before he gathers himself up. His eyes are shiny. Satoru blinks it away.
“Haibara will be okay.” He says with such conviction. “I’ll take care of him. I’ll take care of Suguru, too.”
He doesn’t get it, not yet. He doesn’t understand that Shoko and Satoru and Haibara and Nanami need him. He’ll get it soon, though. You managed to put Suguru on the right path.
For now, it’s all you can do. 
“I know you will.” 
He scoffs, right then. 
“You’re really annoying, you know that? Next time, don’t piss me off like that. Just tell it to me straight.” 
Rely on me. Lean on me.
“I’m sorry,” you say and you truly are, “I won’t leave you in the dark from now on. I guess I just forgot that I had a friend in 2006.” 
His eyes get a little brighter. “It’s actually 2007—” 
“Shut up.” He laughs and it sounds like him again. 
You reach out your hand and his grin fades, the tiniest bit. He mirrors you, regardless. 
This time, you hesitate.
“You should learn how to be selfish every once in a while.” You tell him. “I won’t fault you if you’re selfish. I don’t think anyone will.
He doesn’t answer that, but his touch is finally warm.
It hurts. It hurts so much. Blood seeps into the pavement. You can hear the curse laughing. It sounds like him.
You forgive Suguru. 
It’s today. 
You can feel it. You don’t even have to look at the date to know.
The catalyst for December 24th, 2017.
Suguru’s already dressed. You’re currently standing in front of a shotty mirror, watching your reflection.
He looks tired. His smile’s a bit muted. You notice a scar you hadn’t seen before. An unregistered special grade curse, Suguru’s memory gives.
He’s different from when you saw him a year ago, but there’s still a spark in his eye. You cling to that hope, as hard as you can.
You step out of the room. It isn’t Suguru’s. He’d rented accommodations with an older woman and her son for the mission. Their place smelled like home. It made your stomach turn.
She smiles when she sees you coming down stairs. She looks kind; she has the eyes of a mother. You’ll never understand how a person who raised children could do something like this to another.
“Mr. Geto.” She chirps. “I’m so glad you’re awake! Would you like anything to eat?”
“No, I’m fine.” Better get this done sooner than later. “I should be heading back now, anyways.”
Suguru had already absorbed the curse tormenting the village last night. You can feel the sticky aftertaste in your mouth. He should have left the village yesterday, but the people were insistent he stayed one last day as thanks, feeding him all they could.
Now, it’s obvious that it was a way to butter him up for today.
Her smile grows a bit nervous. She shuffles her feet a bit.
“If it isn't too much.” She starts. “The head of our village asked if you could look at something.” Her eyes darken into disgust.
You fight to keep your smile.
“Of course. Please, lead the way.”
It’s worse than you ever could have imagined.
You’ve seen this play out so many times in Suguru’s memories. He reminisces about this moment a lot. Because of that, you knew this scene too, like the back of your hand.
And yet, seeing two children huddled together on the floor. Nothing could prepare you for that.
The village head is saying something. The woman who Suguru roomed with is yelling at the scared kids, but you can’t hear any of that.
Their clothes were dirty and ripped. Their cheeks were hollow, and they looked like they hadn’t eaten for days. Himiko’s eye looks swollen.
The twins.
The first time you saw them, they stepped aside and let Geto kill you. There’s something oddly poetic about you being on the other side.
They tremble as they continue to look at you, flinch whenever that woman raises her voice. They must think Suguru’s here to kill them.
They’re too young to think like that. They’re too young to see the horrors of this world so soon.
It’s a mistake to look towards the end of their cell. Dirty water and dog food.
How could a human do this to them? How could a mother do this to them?
You feel red. It coarses through your blood, your veins, your soul. It feels like there’s lava right underneath your skin. Shuddering, tittering anger.
There’s more than enough fire to burn down an entire village.
‘Suguru,’ you think to your companion, your tormentor, ‘I think I’m starting to get it now.’
You reach for the bars of the cell. The twins shrink away.
“Ah! Mr. Geto, you musn’t get too close to them—”
“I’ll take them.”
“What?” The head of the village asks.
“The children.” You straighten yourself up. “I’ll take them off your hands.”
It’s pointless to do anything to these people. They’re delusional enough to think that they’re in the right. By torturing these children, they’re protecting their own. It’s fear. That’s all it ever was. Even without a curse, it’ll fester on and on until this village is nothing but abandoned homes. There’s no point to punish these people any further.
If you look at the adults a bit too long, you’re afraid of what you’d do, even without Suguru’s interference. Instead, you focus on Himiko and Nanako, looking into their wary gazes. Their hands are so tiny. You could protect them with your own.
When you got out of this backward village, you’d find them something to eat.
You go to Shoko first.
She looks surprised to see the twins. You can’t imagine why. Still, her voice is calm when she speaks to them, setting both of them up in the clinic room. Since you got them into the car, Nanako and Himiko seemed to calm down. Himiko even told you the name of her doll.
A little while later, Yaga comes for a visit. He’s the principal now. Usually, his voice is filled with gruff, but he’s oddly gentle when he speaks to them. Nanako cracks a shy smile.
You can’t escape the ‘we’ll talk later’ look he gives you. Inwardly, you sympathize with Suguru. But a harsh lecture is better than being branded a murderer.
He hasn’t come by, yet. With the twins aided for, you decide to go find him yourself.
Walking through campus feels a little nostalgic. The grounds of the infamous jujutsu technical college are a bright green. It’s summer again. You’ve met so many colorful characters since your time here. You’ve only seen snippets, mere seconds of their lives, and yet it feels like an entire lifetime.
He’s sitting on a bench when you finally see him, nursing a drink. He doesn’t acknowledge you. You have to roll your eyes at his childish behavior, plopping down beside him.
“Hey.” You say first.
“Heard you adopted two kids,” Satoru says, “Never thought Suguru would be a teen mom, but here we are.”
You laugh, light and breathless. The sky is so pretty today.
“I don’t think he’d have it any other way, personally.” You respond.
He reminisces on your words.
“This happened before too?” He asked.
It did. It was a lot less of a happy ending, however.
“Yeah,” you say regardless, “he took good care of them last time. He’ll do the same in this timeline too. I’m sure of it.”
And this time, he’d have help. Shoko, Satoru, his teachers. They’d all be there for him. Suguru’s memories haven’t changed yet, but you know the future you step into will be a different one.
“In any case, I’m glad I got to see jujutsu tech one last time. It’s a beautiful campus.”
“You act like you’re leaving,” Satoru says, uncaring. “You’ll just come back again next month. Or next year.”
You play with your fingers.
“I...won’t be doing that from now on.”
He pauses. Then, he looks at you.
You can’t gauge his reaction, but he doesn’t look happy. You find this a bit hard to swallow.
“I fixed the future.” You smile at him. “I finally did it. Suguru won’t break. Himiko and Nanako won’t lose their father. You won’t lose a friend, anymore. There’s no reason for me to keep coming back. You’re all free.”
You phrased the last part as a joke, but Satoru isn’t laughing.
“Wait, you’re leaving? You’re...leaving leaving.”
You nod. “I can’t believe it either.” You still can’t believe you accomplished everything you set out to do. A task that seemed so impossible, now you’re standing on the other side of it.
It wasn’t truly over. Not really, but you were able to get Suguru through the worst of it. Now, you were sure Satoru and Shoko would take up your mantel, pushing Suguru through the finish line. Just like he’ll do to them.
Satoru’s quiet.
“You seem happy.” He notes.
“Well, I did just save everyone, I think I deserve to feel a little good about myself.”
For a moment, you want to ask if it’ll be okay to visit everyone in the future. To see how Shoko and Suguru and Satoru are doing as adults. You stop yourself. Of course, they wouldn’t want to see you. You needed to stop being so greedy.
This, was more than enough.
“Will you at least tell me your name?” Satoru asks.
“You know I can’t do that.” You tell him with a smile.
“Right right.” He laughs, it sounds hollow. “Time travel, bullshit. Makes sense.”
“I’ll miss you.” You tell him.
He straightens himself up.
“I’ll miss you too, old man.” He responds. “You were a lotta’ fun to mess with.”
For once, you aren’t offended by the old man’, comment. If anything, it feels somber.
“Can I ask for some advice?” He suddenly asks. “Y’know what they say, ask the old and wise or whatever.” Okay, now he was starting to push it.
“What is it?”
It’s his turn to shuffle with his fingers.
“What would you do if...there’s something you really want, but no matter how fast you run, you just can’t catch up to it?”
You glance at him. He looks earnest. Did something like that even exist for Satoru?
“Something I can’t catch up to?” You ponder out loud. “I guess I’d have to make a big enough ruckus to where it has no choice but to look back.”
He frowns. “That makes no sense. You’re growing senile.”
You laugh. You’ll miss this brat.
You wish you could stay more. You wish you could ask about Haibara, and Shoko, and Nanami, but the clock is ticking.
Suguru’s getting impatient.
“Bye, Satoru.” You reach out your hand.
He scrutinizes it, before clasping it within his own.
“Yeah, Greeny.”
Within a blink, you’re back again in the middle of Shinjuku. December 24th, 7:06 pm.
It’s the same as always. People bustle around you. Children’s laughter. Everything always repeats itself, but you don’t think you can ever get sick of it. You’ll savor this peace for as long as you can.
You reach into your pocket, flicking out a lighter and the first cigarette of the box. You don’t know why you always chose this one. Despite outmaneuvering time itself, perhaps it’s within human nature to follow what’s written stone.
You’ve relived this hour so many times that you can list everything that happens. Down to the exact minute. 7:08- a little girl wearing a red dress walks by. 7:09- a lady with short hair catches your eyes and smiles. 7:14-an old man and woman bicker with each other as they pass you by. 7:21- A little dog sniffs the bench you sit on. 7:34- Two schoolchildren run past you, babbling. 7:45- five construction workers grumble out their grievances. 7:58- a businessman talks loudly on the phone.
You wait. You sit on a bench and wait until 8:06.
Five seconds after 8:06. Twenty seconds after 8:06.
The clock clicks to 8:07.
You were expecting to feel something else. Celebration. Elation. You half-expected to cause a scene and jump for joy right there in the streets of Shinjuku.
None of that comes. There’s just a feeling of relief. A weight presses you down, and you slump in your seat.
It was over.
It was finally over.
How long do you stay like that? Hours? Days? When you feel like you can finally breathe again, it’s only 8:12. Time travel warped your sense of time.
You stand up, stretch, feel your bones crack and pop. In the second timeline, you wanted to get a drink to drown your misery of nearly getting killed by a curse and being alone on December 24th. It felt like a lifetime ago when being single was the worst of your problems.
Honestly, you’d stay celibate for the rest of your life if it meant you wouldn’t have to go through that ever again.
Tomorrow, you’ll decompress and devolve into hysteria over what happened.
Next week, you’ll check yourself into therapy.
Today, you decide to go home and sleep for a couple hundred years.
You must look like a zombie with the way you wobble down the street. Physically, your body is perfectly fine. You’ve suffered no bruises or cuts. Even the numerous times you’ve been killed leaves nothing on your skin.
Mentally, you’re in shambles. The indomitable human spirit within you is snuffed out.
The stairs to your flat is your last enemy that you must vanquish before you can reunite with your adoring bed. You cling onto the railing with dazed eyes. You don’t see the curse until you’re right before it.
Distantly, you wonder how often you’ve passed a curse and didn’t even realize it. It’s almost instinct to reach out with your hand, intent on absorbing it.
Nothing happens. You remember you aren’t Suguru anymore.
It’s a grotesque-looking thing. No eyes, too many hands, a gaping mouth. It turns and looks at you.
Strange. Its’ smile mirrors the one in the abandoned house.
Adrenaline. You feel it coarse through your veins, meld into your bones, explode in your skin. You’re stumbling back, nearly tripping down the steps in your haste to get away.
It screeches. Loud and clear and angry and you can almost feel its teeth chomp on your leg, ripping your muscles and skin to mere tatters.
You’ve died before. You’ve been skinned alive before. You’ve been eaten before. Yet, it all amounts to nothing compared to the fear you feel at the thought of the curse catching you.
It can’t have been nothing more than a third grade. If you were taller, larger, special-grade, you could have killed it immediately. But you weren’t, not anymore, you were at the same level as a plant. Useless. Helpless.
A dead man stumbling, tripping, running.
The streets were quiet. You supposed that meant there’d be fewer casualties. But it didn’t make you feel any better. And even if there were people around, no one would have been able to help you.
Your brain isn’t working as clearly. Fear is the only thing that guides you. You’re reduced to a rat scampering through a maze. Sooner or later, that rodent reaches a dead end.
The alleyway was blocked off. You felt the rough brick wall scrape your hands and even the feeling of your raw skin couldn’t assuage your heart pumping in your throat. When you whirled your head back, it was right there, and you knew you were dead.
I might kill you, if it’s feeling generous. It might cut your legs off and watch you bleed, if its feeling kind. It might eat you, if it’s a decent curse.
It shouldn’t be happening. You fixed it. You were supposed to have fixed everything. But clearly you didn't. There must have been some piece of the puzzle that you forgot. Just one thing and if you go back and fixed it, everything would be okay. You forgive Suguru—
You don’t see what happens. One moment, the curse is there. The next it isn’t.
“Those things are so annoying.” The newcomer complains.
No, not new. You know him.
You blink. He grins. It’s kind. A toothy smile that warms.
“You alright?” He asks in sympathy. “Curses are pretty scary, aren’t they? Are you hurt?”
It’s him. You weren’t in 2006. You were in the present, here and now, and he was here with you.
He actually made it.
“Ma’am?” He asks.
It wasn’t intentional. You just blurted it out, the promise you made to him. It was a decade for him. Mere hours for you.
“Um, broccoli head...?” And then you instantly regret it.
Haibara Yu takes a minute, eyes squinting like you just grew a new head.
Then, he gasps.
A few minutes later, you’re seated at a restaurant. Haibara has not shut up.
“—I—I can’t believe it? It’s actually you! I thought I’d never see you again ‘cuz Gojo said you weren’t gonna be around anymore, and—and then suddenly you pop up outta’ nowhere—not that I’m complaining— but—”
“—Haibara.” You interrupt. “Please, slow down.”
He stops himself, right when the server comes with drinks. He shoots the waiter a smile, and then he’s back on you.
“Sorry.” He scratches the back of his neck. “I—I got a little excited. And nervous. It’s just...well, I didn’t expect you to be a girl.”
That might have been your fault. Both Haibara and Gojo kept referring to you as a man, so you decided to roll with it. Earlier, you would have justified it by insisting the less they know about you, the better. Now, you just think you were being petty.
“So, how you’ve been? A whole decade...” You murmur to yourself.
“Fine! But what about you?” Haibara asks, concern etched into his eyes. “Where’d you go?”
Wow, he was actually worried for you. Despite being in Suguru’s body, you didn’t really feel like part of the group Shoko, Gojo, Nanami, and Haibara were part of. You felt like an outsider, being somewhere you didn’t belong. It's because you were an outsider. Nevertheless, it’s nice to know one person missed you.
“This might be a little hard to believe, but I just came back to 2017 two hours ago.”
Haibara gapes.
“Wait, so to you, that whole thing happened, today?” You nod. He leans back in his chair.
“Holy fuck.” You laugh at his awe.
“Thanks for saving me, by the way.” You change the topic. “From the curse.”
He waves it off. “I was just paying my debt. From what you did for me all those years ago.”
Ah, Gojo must have told him. Oddly enough, Haibara doesn't seem all that perturbed that he shouldn’t exist currently. At the same time, it feels just like Haibara.
He’s different from when he was younger. Taller. The baby fat is gone. His face is more built, just like the rest of his body. His eyes are less round, but they haven’t lost the spark. A few scars here and there, but he’s all in one piece.
You weren’t able to see what he looked like as an adult from Suguru’s memories, he’d never grown up. But now, you can see it for yourself. You can see the active change you made in his life, to his life.
“Yu—” He says seriously. “My friends call me Yu.”
A smile twitches on your lips.
“Tell me about everyone.” You scoot your chair closer. “You, Suguru. How is everyone doing?”
He perks up at that, clearly delighted to be talking.
“Great! Everyone’s doing great! You should totally come visit the school, sometime. They’d love to see you. Uh, even if they don’t technically know you, but I’m sure they’ll love to meet you!” He rambles, and it’s nice to know he hasn’t changed from his younger self.
“Let’s see, Kento’s teaching the first years. I teach the second years—”
“—You’re a teacher?”
He nods. “We all are! Except for Shoko, but she has her own thing going on. Anyway, Mimiko and Nanako have become second-grade semi-sorcerors. Isn’t that incredible? I’m just a first grade semi-sorceror, and at their young ages too! But Suguru wasn’t surprised, he kept saying his girls were prodigies. Oh! You probably want to know about Suguru too, right?”
You nod. Even if you hadn’t done anything, you don’t think that would have stopped his enthusiasm.
“He’s a teacher too! At least, for right now. Yaga’s been wanting to retire, and there have been talks of Suguru becoming the next principal. Principal Geto has a ring to it, right? Oh, and Shoko is currently planning the wedding. You’ll definitely be invited, of course! She said I could bring a plus-one. Oh, and—”
It goes on like that for hours, you think. Not that you mind. You listen to Yu babble on and on about his friends, his students. He talks about Nanami’s recent baking addiction, Shoko’s new office cat, Suguru’s favorite tea pot. It’s a never-ending surge of information.
Eventually, you catch on to the fact that he’s deliberately leaving someone out.
"Yu?" You interrupt him while he's talking about the prank the fourth year pulled on Nanami. "What about Satoru? What's he up to?" 
Maybe you were overthinking things. Haibara likes to talk; perhaps he forgot to exclude someone else's story in his rants. But then, he grimaces. For the first time in this entire conversation, Haibara is reluctant to talk. 
"Satoru is..." He winces, and your hands turn into fists. 
No. No. You were supposed to save everyone. Why hadn't you saved everyone? 
A warm hand grips your own. You'd been shaking. 
Yu gives a soft smile, and you remember he's no longer younger than you. 
"He's not dead." He assures you, but his smile fades. He straightens himself up, and his hand pulls away. 
"Satoru defected from Jujutsu tech. We don't know where he is." 
What? You must have misheard him wrong. Satoru wouldn't do that. That's not like him. This is some sick joke.
But there's no teasing grin on Haibara. His face is grave. You hate it more than anything. 
"It happened when he was a fourth year. No one really knows what happened. Suguru refuses to say anything about it, but I think he's just as confused as the rest of us. It came outta nowhere." 
Yeah, it definitely came out of nowhere. It's so random. Why would Satoru do that? The last time you saw him, he was so happy. He was smiling; he teased you. What happened? It made no sense. 
"So, you haven't seen him for nine years?" You ask. "Not even a glimpse?" 
Yu shakes his head. "Nothing but his residuals. That's how we know he's still alive." 
Nothing computes in your brain. None of it made any sense. You saved Suguru. That was supposed to make everyone happy, including Satoru. Why would he turn around and do this? Defecting made no sense.
"We've actually been tasked to execute him. Since he’s been branded a curse user, all four of us. " Yu laughs with no humor. "Isn't that insane? I don't think any one of us could even fathom doing that, even if it were possible." 
It wasn't possible. Gojo was the strongest. Nothing could go toe to toe with him. Once he put his mind to something, no one could stop him.
But maybe you could. 
You're shutting that idea down immediately. You were done. You were done with dying and time-travel and strange powers. You wanted it all to be over. It'd be so easy to thank Haibara for the nice meal, to go home and sleep this entire day off. Satoru dug his own grave, he can go lay in it. You weren't responsible for someone else's actions. You wouldn’t. You can’t do that another time.
You're the kind of person who'll jump in front of a truck to save a kitten, right?
You hate that brat so much. 
You close your eyes. Take in a breath. Then, you open them. 
"Haibara?" You ask. "Did Gojo tell you how my technique worked?" 
He shakes his head. You grimace because convincing him might take a while.
"Okay, well, I'll need you to do a tiny favor for me."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Oh, you're back already?" Satoru says casually, turning back to gaze at you. "I just left today. How did you convince Haibara to snap your neck? That guy cries after killing a mosquito.”
You’d caught him just as he was leaving campus. Yu’s body was less athletic than Suguru’s. Your breath was slightly ragged, pulled down by minor exhaustion.
It doesn’t weigh down your frustration for Gojo Satoru. The biggest pain in your ass you’ve ever met.
“Shut up.” You snap. “Just answer the question.”
“We haven’t seen each other for a year and that’s how you react?” Satoru ignores you. “That’s mean, Greeny. How ‘bout we discuss my treason over steak. Haibara can pay.”
“Satoru.” You beg, “Why are you doing this? What’s the point? Why is everyone happy with their life except for you?”
That seems to get him. His posture stiffens ever so slightly. You can see him work his jaw. He finally drops his act.
“You didn’t have to come back, y’know.” He murmurs quietly. “You could’ve just stayed in the future. Like you said, Greeny, everyone’s happy with their life. 4 outta’ five. That’s a passing grade.”
For once, you wish you could possess him. You wished you could open his brain and peer into his memories until he finally made sense.
“I could never leave you behind like that.” You say the truth just as quietly. “I’ll die a thousand more deaths than do that.”
He smiles. It looks genuine as it looks painful.
“Yeah, I know. I know you, Greeny. Always gotta’ play hero.” He gives a bitter laugh. “That’s why I defected.”
You stare at him. He’s a fourth-year now, even taller than before. You aren’t equal to him anymore in this body, now you’re starting to think you never were.
“Satoru.” You start because what he’s saying can’t be the truth. Your heart broke and broke. “Did—did you leave—did you leave everyone for a decade just so I’d come back? Why would you do that to yourself?”
He doesn’t say anything. Then, he steps forward, just a bit.
“It’s your fault,” Satoru says like it’s instinct to blame you for his actions, “this was your idea.”
What’s he talking about? And then memories of the two of you sitting on that bench just outside of campus.
What would you do if...there’s something you really want, but no matter how fast you run, you just can’t catch up to it? So that’s what he meant. You were an idiot.
“That’s not fair, Satoru,” you say regardless, “I—I never—I couldn’t expect you’d do this.”
“What choice did I fucking have, Greeny?” There’s rapid steps and he’s in front of you, desperate and wild. “You—you just left me here. You left me alone and I couldn’t even look for you because I know nothing about you. Your face, your eyes, your hair, not even your fucking name! How’s that fair?”
It’s true. It’s all true. As much as you tried to claim you tried to make everyone happy, you only focused on Suguru. And Suguru’s happiness enlisted space from the strongest. In a different timeline, things would be different between them. A button he never left behind. Words Satoru never said. That timeline held too much pain and suffering, so you scrubbed it from history. In this rendition, everything was changed. Suguru had Shoko. Yu had Kento. Who did Satoru have?
You saved Suguru in this timeline. But to save him, you neglected Satoru.
Satoru must have known. He must have known you intentionally distanced Suguru from him, but he allowed it anyway. Satoru’s selfless like that. Too giving. Too Godlike.
But he’s selfish too. Purposefully demeaning himself so he could get one more glimpse of you, uncaring if you went through hell for his sake. Too taking. Too human.
Once, you told him that if he was selfish, just once, you wouldn’t fault him. What a liar you are.
You forgive Satoru.
“I’m sorry.” Haibara’s voice is like your own. You step closer. His infinity lets you in. “I’m sorry Satoru. I didn’t mean to leave you alone.”
It’s hard to wrap him in a hug. The brat’s too big. He sinks into your touch like a tiger, filled with dangerous claws, retracted just for your sake. He shakes the tiniest bit; even now, he’s keeping himself as a pinnacle. If you hear a sniffle or two, you don’t comment on it.
It’s why your heart breaks to tell him the truth.
“I can’t give you my name.” You whisper in his ear. He pulls back. He doesn’t look at you.
“Yeah, I know. I know. time-travel bullshit—”
“For now.” You add. “I can’t do that for now.”
Three pairs of eyes look at you. You’re not hiding behind Haibara anymore. You’re not trying to.
“December 24th, 2017. 8:06. Tokyo Skytree.” You look at him. “Can you wait until then?”
For you, it’d only be an hour. For Satoru, it’d be a decade.
You expect him to reject it, to yell at you. You decide if he wants to be selfish; you’d let him.
“If you don’t show up, I’ll turn evil.” You laugh. His grin widens and he’s back again. “I’m serious. I’ll take over the world. I’ll throw the biggest temper tantrum ever.”
“You’re such a brat.” There’s no hostility in your tone. “I will. I promise.”
‘I’ll save you,’ You promise in your head because he’s too prideful to hear it.
“Is it still possible for you to go back?” You ask, the wariness present again. “The higher ups haven’t taken any action against you, right?”
He shakes his head.
“I think Yaga might yell at me, but other than that.” He shrugs. “They’ll decide it’s teen rebellion and sweep it under the rug.”
You laugh again. Satoru shoots you a toothy grin.
When you reach out a hand, Satoru mirrors you. He clasps your hand in his. For once, you wonder how they’ll feel on your own.
“See ya’ later, Greeny.”
A blink. Satoru’s gone. Your hand is empty, and you’re standing in the streets of Shinjuku once again.
December 24th, 2017. 8:06, at the top of the Tokyo Skytree.
Why did you decide on that date and time for all the places? You were so fucking stupid. You needed to stop being so poetic.
It’s already 7:12 when you’re desperately waving down a taxi. The driver looks disinterested when you blubber out the location. When he tells you it’ll cost extra because Sumida City isn’t part of his route, you’re more than happy to fork over the money.
It’s already 7:35 when you stumble through the interiors of Tokyo Skytree town. It’s crowded. Fuck, it’s December 24th, of course people would be out and about.
At 7:44, you finally reach the observational building. And then you hit upon a snag.
It’s closed.
Renovations, the sign reads, accompanied by an irritatingly cute drawing of a cat, please come visit us next week.
Would this excuse be enough to satisfy Satoru? You’re only human. Surely he’d understand if you couldn’t make it because the entire building was shut down.
Or wait. Was this Satoru’s doing?
You look up at the tower. Lights were still on and flickering. No crowds. No people. No prying eyes.
Let it be known that you’ve never trespassed before, until you met Gojo Satoru.
With a guilty conscious, you step over the line. You justify it by convincing yourself you were saving the world because you know Satoru wasn’t joking a decade ago.
The elevators still worked. Thank God. Yet another hint he’s paving the way for you. You made the location, but it feels like you’re a mouse stuck in a human-designed maze. Even though you set up the game, he’s still managed to rig it.
You land on the first deck at 7:52. At 7:56, you reach the second observational deck.
It’s empty. You’ve never seen the skytree so empty before. Not a single soul is here except for you. Your footsteps echo across the floor. Were you early?
Out the corner of your eye, there’s a post-it note stuck on the window. A hand-drawn arrow. Up ahead, there’s another one.
You follow the next, and then the next. All the time you don’t know how to feel about him doing all of this just for an encounter. Something bubbles in your stomach. You’re pushing it down.
You follow the post-its until there’s one placed right on top of a door.
Authorized personnel only. Why does this brat continue to test you?
But it’s already 8:03; you’re far too deep to complain.
A service elevator greets you. If you press the button, it’ll take you all the way up to the broadcast equipment, the top of the Tokyo Skytree.
It’s different from the past two elevator rides. The service elevator isn’t all that polished. The wheels squeak a little too dangerously at times. It’s slower, too.
That’s bad, because now you’re starting to think.
That familiar feeling boils within your stomach, again. You’re anxious. It’s strange to say, but meeting Satoru through Suguru, meeting Satoru through Yu, it felt like you had a protective shell around yourself. You were free from his judgement, only invoking curiosity.
If you show yourself to him, how would he react? What would he say? Would he get angry that you made him wait a decade for such a blunder? Even worse, what if he doesn’t get angry?
What if—what if he’s disappointed by you?
Cold feet. It freezes your toes. You want to go back. You want the elevator to go back down, you want to go home and hide away.
But you promised Satoru. He deserves answers.
Pathetic answers are better than no answers at all.
Instead of your soul being protected by a sorcerer's body, it’s protected by your own. You’d steel yourself for whatever comes next. You could melt after.
It’s windy up here. That’s the first thing you notice. Icy wind cuts at your face and your eyes squint so they don’t dry out so quickly. It’s colder, too; your jacket is nice protection, but nothing helps your vulnerable hands.
But the view. Oh, what a view.
The sea of twinkling lights shines from the city. The sun has set, leaving Tokyo to do nothing but shine. She’s gorgeous like she’s picked the stars from the sky, burying them within her own soul. You could stay there forever, if she let you.
It’s 8:09. Satoru was late.
Or maybe he just wasn’t planning to show up.
You lean away from the railing. It’s just like him to make huge gestures and at the last moment, ditch everything. The balloon in your lungs deflates ever so slightly.
And then, you can feel hands.
Around your shoulders, caging you in. Large and warm despite the icy air. You know these hands. They’re familiar, even a decade later. His chest presses up against your back. His face settles in the crook of your neck.
His laugh tickles your ear, and you aren’t so cold anymore.
“Caught ya, Greeny.”
(“Did something happen to you, back there in the house?”
"Hm?" Suguru asked.
They were wading through long grass and overgrown weeds. Satoru glances at his friend. Suguru looks fine. His cursed energy has gone back to normal. That's probably good.
"You were just acting weird," Satoru said, "I mean you fell on your ass in front of a curse. Embarrassing."
Suguru huffed, a red hue across his cheeks. "Shut up, don't remind me."
'So he remembered,' Satoru thinks, 'didn't expect that.'
They're almost to the car when Suguru speaks again.
"Actually, I did feel a little strange," he says, "I felt like I wasn't really all there. There was this voice, guiding me along."
"Really?" Satoru shivers. "So like possession? How scary!"
So the entity within Suguru was a bad thing after all. He should try to get rid of it if it ever comes back. It might take a complex spell or something-
"Not really." Suguru said. "It's hard to explain, but it felt....nice."
"Nice?" Satoru echoes.
And then it's quiet again.)
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gh0stgirl333 · 11 days
I’m excited for some dark megumi I feel like there isn’t enough of him
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E-boys Ruined my Life: Toxic! Megumi Fushiguro x Fem Reader
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“Coke on his nose, blade on my thigh, man I think this guy's trying to plan my demise.”
Pairing: toxic! Megumi Fushiguro x female reader
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Series Summary: You had a crush on Megumi for so long, you hoped you would meet him again. But now, as you stand before him, you realize that Fushiguro Megumi is not the same kid as he was at fifteen- he was taller, broader and far more handsome than ever.
And a whole lot more meaner to you.
(Based off a fic I wrote in 2021 for Megumi on my older writing blog)
series warning: college/non-sorcerer AU, Dark content, nfsw, smut, 18+, aged up Megumi, fem!bodied reader, toxicity - toxic megumi, childhood crush to "lovers", situationships, heavy angst with "happy ending", smut, coercion, dubcon, noncon, mean dom! Megumi, sub!reader, misogyny, slut-shaming, depraved Megumi, mutual pining (is it really? is it??), manipulation, alcohol and drug use, gaslighting, drugging, implied baby trapping.
main masterlist||taglist link
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Chapter 1: Love at First Sight
synopsis: Being friends with the older tour guide as a first year has a lot of perks; new friends, a popularity boost and crossing paths constantly with your high school crush after many years apart, Megumi Fushiguro
Chapter 2: Party Hard, F☆ck Harder
synopsis: Disappointed that Megumi hates you, you decide to attend the freshman party to get over him. And end up needing his help after getting drugged… in more ways than one.
Chapter 3: Pattern Recognition
Synopsis: Nobara notices two things; One, you’re in love with Megumi and Two, Megumi’s budding obssession with your affection.
Chapter 4: I Don’t Do Drugs
Synopsis: Megumi realizes you would do anything for him, and decides to utilize this information to his advantage, much to Yuuji’s disappointment.
Chapter 5: Sugar Rush
Synopsis: it’s evident you can’t live without Megumi, and so you cave in to his demands against all advice to stay away from him
Chapter 6: S♡x Addict
Synopsis: Your grades begin to suffer due to Megumi’s insatiable urges and his inability to keep his hands to himself.
Chapter 7: Whirlwind Situationship
Synopsis: Eventually, Megumi grows tired of you and breaks off everything, devastating you completely.
Chapter 8: Revelation
Synopsis: You’re finally getting your life back together and doing well in school again. Meanwhile, Megumi realizes he can’t function without you.
Chapter 9: Relapse
Synopsis: You return his sweater to get closure  But Megumi himself isn’t ready to let his own feelings for you, as twisted as they are, go
Chapter 10: I’m not the Right one
Synopsis: Left alone to spend your fifth marriage anniversary for another year, you finally gain the courage to get divorce papers. Megumi, however, reminds you that he owns you. Permanently.
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author's note: i missed writing for fushiguro! please comments, reblogs, likes and asks are welcomed. if you are a minor, please refrain from interacting with this fic.
taglist (please turn on your mentions in 'settings' before filling the form.): @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @ilybbg @cockonoi @Rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @GenAwi @getonite @anxious-chick @reiners-milkbiddies @gh0stgirl333 @raven-nevra
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gh0stgirl333 · 12 days
Barbarian Bakugo is my fav type
You, a mere farm girl, has found herself living a nightmare after hearing countless town rumors of a barbarian society moving west. A quiet girl in a quiet town is faced with many shocking discoveries in a matter of two days.
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the day was hot, miserably so. the sun beating down on your bare back with an unrelenting warmth, making your work twenty times harder. The sun even warmed up the dirt and stone lying underneath your bare feet, working the fields barefoot was already hard enough, the burning sensation under your feet made it no easier.
You couldn't remember the last time you had water, or any form of nutrition. They didn't bother feeding the "low class" likes of you anymore, field and cattle workers, endlessly working for the sake of producing cash crops and cattle for the village. It wasn't slavery, they couldn't call it slavery as it had been outlawed for years now in this kingdom. Even so, you were paid dirt and were treated as slaves always had been.
you worked and worked and worked night and day, in every season of the year for the "sake of the village" they would say, you among a small group of farm workers lived in a small barn out back, with no insulation or form of bathroom. you shared one room between sixteen workers a small space not fit for even two.
Every day, all day, you would find yourself in a similar situation to this one, in a small sack of a dress covered in dirt, knees on the ground with your hands enveloped completely in dirt either pulling weeds from the ground or planting small seeds for potatoes or carrots or the occasional beet, with the hot sun beating down on your back, heaving and panting. just like you always did, you dug through the soil, pulling out weeds, your bare feet digging into the dirt behind you, burning with the heat of the sun. you were humming an old lullaby your mother used to sing before she died, peacefully doing your work no matter how hot and miserable you should be.
your humming came to a halt when you heard a burst of girly young giggles echo through the field off in the distance, the village girls. They would sometimes come out here for fun, either to make fun of the workers or to run around the fields, the owners didn't care so neither did you, if the rich kids liked the farm than so did their parents, meaning more money for everybody but you. You found yourself envious of their freedom in life. They didn't have to work, not like you did. You were about the same age, yet they were dressed in pretty sundresses with bows in their hair, while you were reduced to something akin to a potato sack, hair tied back in plain looking ponytail, they were plump and round and beautiful while you stayed frail and skinny and sickly looking.
You found yourself staring at them, hidden among the plants and crops, unseen by their unfocused eyes, it was easy to just drift off, to imagine yourself giggling with them, being part of their group, gossiping about the town rumors. It was a nice thought. unachievable, but nice.
"Did you hear about that foreighn kingdom conquering west?" they giggled to each other, clearly not noticing you tucked behind the corn rows. You had yet to hear anything about any foreign kingdom, then again you were fairly uninformed, your only news coming from your colleagues or your boss, who spoke to you once or twice a month. The two other girls let out false-sounding gasps, intrigued.
"I know right? My father speaks about the towns they've conquered. Apparently, it's brutal, they leave no survivors and burn the fields and town. " The girl's giggles became hushed and quiet as she went on, listening intently with wide eyes, you sat behind the plants. They were smiling as she said all of this, wasn't this supposed to be sad, be awful? how could they laugh at the destruction of so many towns? So many lives?
"My mother has been talking about the same things! Apparently, a couple survivors tried to come into town, and the guards sent them packing though. Good thing too, they looked dirty. dirt belongs in the field, not in a home." she brought her hand to her lips and let out a giggle, the rest followed suit while you stared. You couldn't tell if they were being serious, they lived ina different world, that much was obvious.
"Ive heard stories! How they kill the women and children in front of their families, burn down homes and villages, apparently their leader is the worst of them. The biggest and strongest and meanest" she snickered in a disgusting, prissy rich way.
"We dont have to worry of course, they would spare us, father would pay them all the money in the world. Its the low levels who should be worried." They all erupted in giggles at that one, and all looked towards your fellow workers, pointing at their clothes and matted hair and dirty hands. You were apart of the "low levels" as they had said, you hated that. And you hated these girls for making you feel less than them just for not being born with a roof over your head.
You scowled at them, now hating them with all of your energy. Maybe it was best that you stayed away from them, it makes sense why you aren't part of their clique, why you never would be part of their clique. Fuck them, and their high-class prissy fathers. You let out a sigh and tried to back up, wanting to disappear among the plants, accidentally cracking a stick with your bare foot and letting a hiss. All of their heads snapped towards your hidden spot.
"Who's there?" The snooty one with the high pitched nasally voice screeched out. You slapped your hand over your mouth, inching back as fast as you could without making noise, the owners of the farm would beat you if they knew you were eavesdropping on the high class girls.
"Its probably one of those workers" the other hissed, poison laced in her tone.
"Come out freak! you like listening on our conversation?" You ran as they yelled for you, abandoning your seeds and work. Their taunts followed you, however eventually their voices quieted and you were left with the shocking information that a foreign barbarian kingdom was migrating west. You were west, and so was your village. They were moving towards you, especially if the survivors from a raid were close enough to walk on foot to your village, they had to be close.
By the time the sun went down and all the workers were in the servants quarters you were able to ask your questions, the younger workers knew nothing, but the elderly and middle aged were willing to tell the stories from their younger times of the war. You had never taken a history class, or any class at all for that matter so you had no clue about anything they would say, you hadn't even known that there was a war.
They were foreigners who lived among the trees and the mountains, known for brutal manslaughter, they weren't human, that much a clear. They were giant apparently, after and stronger and larger,ith predatory instincts and habits, they were like animals. . They even lived longer. The eldest of the women here had been in one of the village raids all those years ago, they killed her entire family while she was hiding in the closet, then burned her house down, leaving her with burn scars all over her body. They told stories of torture and theft and assault, and the worst part about it was that they had no motive other than bloodlust, they looted homes, but they never demanded money or women or crops. Nobody knew what they wanted, they never told the towns their demands, they would just come and go, leaving fire and death in their dust.
The fact that they were approaching closer and closer as the days ticked by, left you shaking.
Mentions of their brutal leader left you even more fearful, as he preyed on the weak. Tearing out the throats of innocents and ignoring pleas or cries for help. You were weak. Like all those he has killed.
You went to sleep that night hoping that it was all just rumors, silly townsfolk gossip that the girls made up to fill the boredom and free time.
needless to say, you didn't sleep much that night.
When you woke up,the quarters were empty, you shared a bed with four other people, so waking up without the company of another was quite jarring. At first, you jolted out of bed, terrified of missing the morning work, knowing it would surely receive you a beating. However the others would wake you up if you had not arisen with the rest, and it was still quite dark outside, so that simply hadn't made any sense. looking around, the room was in a state of disarray, the beds oddly moved around, the thin blankets strewn about, and the little belongings that all of you had were either gone or thrown around the room. What had happened while you were asleep, and more importantly, how had you slept through it?
then, the smell of smoke hit you.
Thick and heavy it brought bile to your throat, this wasn't a forest fire or campfire, this wasn't something where empty air was burning, this smelled like meat, like flesh and bone being burned. you gagged, covering your mouth and nose with the thin fabric of the blanket. you stumbled out the creaky door of your quarters, coughing and trying to block the smell out, but were halted in your tracks.
Fire. Fire everywhere. The farm, the house, even the forest around. The only thing left untouched was the animal barn, thank god. Your eyes widened as you took in the sight of acres of land ablaze, weeks and weeks of work lit with slivers of red and yellow light. The warmth radiating off of it burned your face. were you dreaming? this must be some form of a dream.
dream or not, you were in danger.
Once you were able to get over the initial shock of your home being literally lit on fire, you tried to tune into any other noises than the crackling sound of flames. Anything to hint where you should go, where you should run. You had never left this farm, your mother was a slave here before it was outlawed, and you were born into the work, forbidden to leave. Not once had you stepped foot into town, and you certainly have never left the town. You didn't know where to go.
Then you heard it, the screams. people, so many people screaming, you didn't know where to go, but it would be in the opposite direction of wherever that was, whatever was making that noise. So, with a very impulsive decision you ran away from the screams, into the direction of an empty winding dirt road, you tried to think logically, if you could find someone then you could follow them and figure out where to go.
The quiet running was harsh on your bare feet, sprinting down the empty dirt road as quietly as you could was not easy for somebody medically unwell and malnourished. However, there would be much time later to sulk over achy bones and pained feet. Was there anybody even here? you could still smell the stench, although it was getting softer. However, you still clutched the cotton blanket in your hand. Your pace slowed as exhaustion kicked in, and to your luck, you heard voices. Not quiet and soft like the ones you were used to, loud and boisterous. men.
you found yourself frozen on the trail, listening in on the conversation as best as you could you inched to the side of the road, trying to hide among the trees. They looked strange, not dressed all properly like the owner of the farm or the village girls you had seen. Their clothes were woven in a precise ay you had never seen before, jewels and beads hung from their hair and necks, chests bare and blood splattered.The more you stared, the weirder and weirder they looked, too large, too muscular, their voices too harsh. inhuman sounding.
"The towns already a fucking gonor, chief said to wait to set the forest on fire till he was done in the homes" One of the Men laughed out with a menacing cackle, his shoulders shaking, the others seemed too happy, too excited to be starting fires. They were up to this.
"Those guards were a riot though. All tough until they realized we weren't going down "Please spare me!" and "We'll let you in we swear!"" the other mocked in a high-pitched voice. They laughed along as they mocked the guards of your town. As they walked down the road, getting closer and closer to you by the second, you were now able to see blood all over them, splattered on their strange clothing. Your breath hitched as they passed you, still hiding in the bushes by the side of the road.
Thank god they hadn't seen you, whoever they were, they clearly would not do you well. Two giant men conversing about arson and the death of the town guards were not anybody you wanted to mess with.
The realization hit you like a brick. These were the foreign raiders from the east. How were you so stupid, how had you let yourself forget in the span of a couple hours? They were tearing your town apart just like the others before. That's why your farm was ablaze. Thats why your Coworkers were gone. Thats why you heard screaming.
Your breath hitched as a couple tears left your eyes, you clutched the blanket in your hand, oh god, your town was going to be one of many trampled and raided beyond repair. your knees began to quiver along with your hands, you were a gonor. you had to run. now.
Stumbling back from the shock of the realization, you turned to quietly make your way further down the road, away from the town, away from those men. They were far enough that they wouldn't hear your quiet footsteps, you were sure of it. So you held your breath and pulled away from the tree, staying in the dark.
However, while your footsteps were quiet as a mouse, the same white blanket that had brought you comfort just moments ago had doomed you, when you had maneuvered away so focused on the quietness of your footsteps, you had failed to notice that delicate cotton blanket had gotten snagged on a tree branch. pulling away from you and causing a loud snap in the branches. Your breath hitched as you stared at the tree with wide eyes, stumbling back and letting the blanket free from your hand. You sent a glance at the two men who had been meters away, praying for their hearing to be weaker than their muscles.
They were instead, standing feet away from you, staring directly at you.
A whimper escaped your lips as you backed away in fear, turning on your heel and making a move to run directly backwards. Not before the taller of the two could reach out and grab the collar of the sack you called a dress, yanking you back and knocking the wind out of you. before you knew it you were lifted off the ground with one arm by the collar of your dress, staring in terror as the eight foot tall man in front of you looked down with excited eyes. He flashed a smile with all too sharp teeth, sending you sprialing into endless fear.
The other said something in what sounded like a foreign language, not something you would ever understand. Before you could move, the larger of the two bendy down and smelled the air right next to you, with that his smile dropped and the two locked eyes. Some kind of realization hit them as well, while you remained unknowing and absolutely terrified.
"well, looks like we missed one, didnt we?" he questioned with a deep voice, the fear alone sent your heart into a free fall, beating out of control. you couldn't breathe, your lungs pulsing in and out against your will as panic flooded them. spots clouded yourision as the man continued to say something, and with one breath you felt your consciousness slip out from under your feet.
you woke up lying on the hard feeling of cement stones, the stench from the fire before worse than you had ever smelled it, sending you into a fit of coughs. Squinting your eyes open, you were able to see small cottage-like buildings, you were in the village, weren't you? You were in the square judging by the large open space of square stones. with heavy eyelids you tried to unblur your vision, and as you did, you found that cold sense of panic enveloping your bloodstream yet again. red, red everywhere. you were sitting in a puddle of it.
Silently freaking out, you pushed yourself up with weak limbs, trying your best to stand, you couldn't remember what had happened, but you were still alive, that's what was important. looking around none of those men were near, but the fires were. should you even bother running? would they come back and catch you. there was blood soaked through your dress, your head ached, and you found your bare feet wet with the blood of the townsfolk.
you found yourself dry heaving due to the stench, tears escaping your eyes, all while stumbling around the square in the meantime. your attention was immediately drawn to the high pitched screaming of what sounded to be a girl. finding the sound with your eyes, it was one of the girls from the farm, white bow still tied in her hair. She was lying on the ground, a pool of blood lying at where her head had met the stone just moments ago, her hands were up above her head in a shield-like motion.
"Please! Please! I can pay you anything you want! Money and jewels or crops I swear I am no commoner! I just need my father! Please!" she screamed up, your eyes panned up from the girl lying on the ground to a man. not just a man, a giant. at least ten feet tall with arms a width larger than your head, he had icy hair that seemed to stick out in every direction like an explosion, and eyes. oh god. his eyes were red as the blood surrounding him, piercing and raging more so than anything you had ever seen. He was looking down at her like she was a bug ready to be squashed, with such hatred that you could swear he had a personal vendetta.
This was him, this was the infamous leader that was ever-so talked about. and he exceeded expectations, this man was a walking nightmare, fear itself packed into ten feet of muscle and blonde hair. You hadn't even realized his plans until his foot came down on her head, and with a crunch, the screaming came to an abrupt halt.
For the third time in two days, you found yourself frozen, staring at somebody you would never dare to talk to. And for the third time,they were staring right back at you.
The giant man flicked his boot as red splattered on the ground next to him, all while still staring at you, he let the girl's wrist go, and dropped her body to the ground with a thump. he made slow strides to a frozen little you, each step sending shivers down your spine, as you stumbled back, finally able to move, he was already inches in front of you, leaning over to be face to face.
You didn't bother running, learning from your mistakes that running results in nothing and you still get caught. Instead, you met his eyes for a moment, finding something else deep down. He was leaned over, bent down on one knee, inches away from your face. this was it, you give up. you're dead.
you squinted your eyes closed, deciding it would be best not to look as you met your inevitable death, face to face with the grim reaper himself, you chose not to stare him in the eye. peacefully accepting your fate. You waited for impact, waited to feel something hit you over the head or knock your kneecaps out. You waited for something, anything to end your miserable existence.
but it never came.
your hands quivering, your heart pittering in your chest at five hundred beats per minute. tears running freely down your cheeks, catching dirt and blood on the way down. A hand gently met your face, cupping your cheek, You peeled your eyes open to meet his own piercing crimson globes.
And to your surprise, the man smiled. not like the smile the others gave you, not like a predator bearing its teeth, but a genuine smile, one that you had only ever seen worn by your mother.
"Pretty" he grumbled out, an accent hanging over his voice. it was deep and gravelly and powerful. his giant hand came up to touch your cheek and wipe your tears away, wiping dirt and blood off with his fingertips. This hands could crush your neck with ease if he wanted to, but he wont. Why wont he?
"Why are you doing this?" you sobbed out, finding every last ounce of fight left in you to pull back from his touch and defiantly meeting his crimson gaze once more. your breathing shallow, you felt at risk of feinting once more. He tilted his head with a questioning grunt, and you decided to play your luck once more.
"Why do you raid my village, what have you to gain? You sobbed in his face and his smile shifted and morphed slowly into a frown, he cocked his head even further, his face twisting up into confusion.
"This is not a raid, we do not raid. were not cruel. " His gruff voice continued to send shivers down your spine, yet his words let rage flow through your bones. hundreds dead, maybe thousands, all of your friends, and family even, probably also dead. and this "wasn't a raid" according to him. you couldn't find it in yourself to care that he was twice your height, and quadruple your strength, you wanted to hit him so hard that he would feel it for days, even if it meant breaking your wrist.
"Theyre all dead, why? We have done nothing." You couldn't believe you were talking to one of them right now, you could barely believe that you had the courage to even muster a word, let alone a whole conversation. His hand found your waist, the other touching your face once more. What the hell was happening? surrounded by blood and death and this man, no, this thing was touching youso lovingly. the shivering of your hands threatened to come back again as you held his gaze.
"We look for our mates, and we prove that we are strong enough to be worth your time." The second the words left his mouth youwere once again reminded that he was anything but a human, they were creatures of nature, you'd seen squirells and horses and cows find mates, never humans. but you were stupid to think he was even remotely close to a human. the words had your face twisting in distress, and you stumbling back, your consciousness threatening to slip from under you once more.
"mates?" you questioned, voice wavering with uncertainty. this could not be happening, you could not be talking about love surrounded by bodies on top of bodies in a burning town with a man who wasn't really a man and instead a foreign alien like giant creature.
and with those words your eyes rolled back into your skull and your consciousness slipped through the cracks of the stone, you fell forward and the man was glad to catch you. standing up with you in his arms was a triumphant moment for him, finding his mate as a real, as a king was a monumentous occasion. you were his, undeniably his. he had finally found you.
katsuki bakugou had finally found his mate.
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gh0stgirl333 · 13 days
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Every post you make got me in a chokehold
TW: yandere, noncon/dubcon, angst, unwanted pregnancy, blackmail, ish-baby trapping
part one
fem reader
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You went cold and forgot how to breathe.
When you got to the kindergarten, they told you his father had already come and collected him early. All looking at you as though you were crazy, assaulting the daycare workers with your hands in a bruising grip, shaking her by her shoulders—demanding she tell you where he took him. 
She spilled the name of some family restaurant down the road and said he’d wanted you to join them there. The poor thing was on the verge of tears when you let go.
Rushing out, you all but ran down the streets before pushing yourself through the doors—cold-sweating and swivel-eyed—in a panic, scanning faces with his name coming out weak under your breath. 
With your vision spinning, you felt faint before you heard it.
“Mommy! Mommy! You’re here! Look! I’m King of the castle!” he shouted, and your peeled eyes snapped to see him up high in a bright red plastic tower.
But before your shoes could hit the soft foam of the playground, you were intercepted by something larger.
“He’s fine,” he said under his breath, catching and stopping you in your beeline, holding you by the waist. “I need to talk to you.”
Something old and instinctive didn’t bother paying him heed—as if forgetting how to speak, you just ignored him in favor of pushing past him, eyes glued to the sight of your son blissfully unaware, playing with other kids with an oblivious smile on his face. But his grip was stronger than your instincts, firm enough to keep you still but not enough to hurt you, even when you tried twisting yourself free.
“Come on,” he urged.
You were about to sneer something, finally looking at his face—that face you hated—but the bark of curse words got held back.
“Look around you. Let’s not cause a scene.” The wild animal within went silent while your eyes flickered around at the surrounding picnic tables where families were having their dinner. “We can talk outside. My assistant will look after him.”
You didn’t feel much inclined to listen, but still, even though it made you hate to fold on his behest—reluctantly, you accepted the sense of what he was saying. Looking back at your son still laughing up in his tower with cinched brows. You didn’t want to scare him when he didn’t know what was going on, even though you felt the need to scream at the very top of your lungs.
You allowed him to lead you outside, but as soon as the fresh air welcomed your rigid state, you were at once whipping around and pushing him away. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” snarling at him. “How fucking dare you?!”
“Calm down. He might still see us,” he hushed, hands raised in halfhearted surrender, casting a nod to the glass walls separating you from the frivolity inside. “Let’s just talk rationally.”
“Rationally?!” you scoffed in a shout, eyes still manic. “You fucking kidnapped my son, you psycho-”
“You wouldn’t answer my texts or calls,” he snubbed. “He’s my son too-”
“Fuck you,” you interrupted to return the favor. “If you fuck with me on this, I swear I’ll ruin you.” You had a finger raised at him, breathing furiously—looking down-right mad—sweaty and disheveled from your run with your face twisted with such a state of frenzy. “I’ll tell everyone how I got him in the first place!”
Despite the threat, he didn’t seem all that fazed. 
“Think about it…” he said calmly, much in contrast to you. “Who do you think people will believe? A teenage mom abusing her son for a paycheck or his estranged father wanting to provide for him?”
You blanched, and before anything else made it out—whether it be more rage or something else, he was already further silencing you.
“Not to mention… the trial would be gruesome, and Junior would have to grow up with it always hanging over his head—is that really what you want?”
You look at him, and you still can't believe it. How could it have turned out like this? You’d been perfect only a month ago before he’d shown up at your apartment.
You thought you’d sent him on his way for good that day, but only now did you realize he had no plans to leave you alone.
“Come, let’s talk in the car. It’s cold, and you’re not dressed,” he ushered, taking your arm again where you stood, stunned and still, trying to wrap your head around his threats. Letting yourself be led into the black vehicle standing perfectly parked in its neat white rectangle.
You both got in the back with enough room to battle your homey sofa nook at home.
“I don’t want this to get ugly,” he started anew—his voice still so irritatingly calm, unfairly so. “I just want to see my son-”
“He’s not yours,” you croaked, feeling the situation slip from your fingers—battling a drumming heart, shifty breaths, and the mean sting of tears welling up in your eyes.
“If you try and keep him from me, I’ll sue for full custody. And given I’m the only one out of us who isn’t a pro-bono case and the only one with any future that isn’t managing a register, I’d say I have a pretty fair shot at winning.”
You can’t keep from bursting out crying then, overwhelmed by the fear of losing the only thing that mattered and the pure disgust of the man who’d given it to you. It felt like everything was tearing—your whole life—crumbling before your eyes.
“Don’t cry,” he soothed, his hand coming to drape your hunched shoulders where you held your tears. “I don’t want to take him away from you…” His attempt did little to comfort you, but the next words had your heart grasping for what little hope they offered. “And I’m not going to either.”
You looked at him through the hurt of swollen eyes, tears still falling while he wiped them away with the course pad of his thumb—rubbing your cheek affectionately. In any other circumstance, you’d surely slap him, but right now, all you could do was listen.
“I’m buying a house,” he revealed, still holding your cheek and gaze. “Fit for a family. Safe neighborhood, good school district, giant backyard.” The list went over your head—it was all too surreal to register. You couldn’t even fathom what he was getting at until, “I want the two of you to come live there with me.”
Stunned, you remained completely silent until the tears dried, and he let go of your face. 
“You don’t have to say anything right now.” He reaches across you and fetches the seatbelt before coming back over you to click it in place. “I’ll go get Junior and drive you home. Just stay here.”
You do as suggested and stay seated as he pops his door open and leaves—feeling all but cemented in place as your thoughts go tumbling around and around as if caught in a rip curl. When Junior jumps in beside you, a farfetched smile is all you can offer. Thankfully, he’s so enamored by a toy he’d gotten to notice much of your state.
When your door opens again, you’re led out and onto your neighborhood street. The fresh air does little to clear your mind. Feeling all but feverish as you hold Junior's small hand in yours while the man of your nightmares smiles all too fondly at the two of you.
“I’ll come pick you up after your shift on Monday.,” he says decidedly—cheerfully as he ruffles Junior’s hair enough to make him giggle. “Bring the rascal with you, and he can pick his room first.”
You weren’t planning on staying. You were never planning on staying—certain you would leave the second the opportunity to skip town arose—you just need to scramble the money together first. 
But the house was huge… nothing you could ever dream of, and while it made you desperate with grief, you couldn’t deny it either… Junior really loved having a dad.
It nearly brought sick to your throat to call him that. It was a shot through the heart every time you heard Junior’s boyish call, squealing with giggles, saying “Daddy, daddy, daddy-”
None of it seemed right to you. Seeing his bright smile, now at the age where a new tooth fell out every other week—looking so goofy as he proudly shows the two of you the new one he’d just knocked out playing soccer at school. “Mommy, Daddy, look!”
What’s worse is that you can't even deny how good the man you hate is at it all—spoiling him with gifts and making him laugh—giving piggyback ride after air-plane flight after tickle-fight and a game of tag and hide’n’seek. 
And it’s not just the easy stuff. He’s good at the shit that used to make you go crazy—putting him to bed, getting him dressed, making him eat the right stuff, and not just scuffle down candy. It’s as if the two of them have developed a secret language you’re not a part of. If Junior weren’t a toddler, you’d even suspect he’d been bribed and told to do his best to make you lose your mind. But no, it’s just reality.
The man you live with drives and picks your son up from school as if he’d done it since he was born, goes with you to meet the teacher if and when he gets into trouble and helps the two of you pick out the right shoes—shoes that you can now afford, thanks to him.
“I thought I might sleep in the master bedroom tonight.” He says, leaning against the frame in the doorway.
You’d been living there a month now. He’d been generous enough to sleep in the guest room up until now.
You don’t know how to deny him. It feels as if anything you might say would just be ignored or threatened until you eventually took it back. You didn’t want him in your bed—you didn’t want him in the same house—in fact, preferably, you’d want him to be six feet deep in the dirt.
You end up not answering. But he’s used to that by now. 
“I get it…” he says, taking steps into the room you’d wrongfully thought was your safe space. “You don’t trust me.” He sits down at the edge of the bed and reaches out across the sheets. You’re too late to pull your feet to yourself before he has one in his hand. He doesn’t do much but stroke it. “But you can.”
The sincerity in his eyes makes you want to gouge them out. It’s all been some cruel joke ever since you moved in—all the pleasantries and presents, as if trying to distract you from the past. Your wardrobe is chockfull of it, and so is Junior’s room—filled to the brim with lies.
“I’m never gon’ hurt you.” Another lie. “I did you wrong once, and I’ll spend the rest of my life makin’ up for it.” 
You want to shake your head, laugh in his face—anything to reject it. But you’re terrified of what he might do if you didn’t play along. The threat of losing Junior is enough to make you cooperative.
“I know I’ve not been fair—pushin’ you into all of this so fast.” He gets down on his knees on the floor as if praying, right down beside you. “I took advantage of a vulnerable situation ‘cause I’m an impatient asshole—but I promise you—” He takes your hand in both of his. “If you give me the chance, I’m gon’ make our lives together like somethin’ outa’ a fuckin’ fairytale—all that happily ever after shit and more, just like you always wanted.”
The kiss he presses upon your knuckles beckons goosebumps to rise all across you. All his words feel like a bad script read by an even worse actor—in fact, this whole thing feels like a prank. And still, it doesn’t surprise you—he’s been laughing at you ever since you were children.
And now, laughing still, only with a fucking ringbox in his hand.
“I want Junior to see us as a united front. I don’t want him askin’ question why we ain’t sleepin’ in the same bed, why we fight behind locked doors, why you cry in the bathroom.” 
He pops the black velvet lid and reveals something so outrages it almost looks tacky lying there in a plush bed of red silk.
“I want us to be happy.” He picks the little thing out and holds it up between his thumb and index, still holding your hand in the other. “I want us to be real.” You can almost see your life flash before your eyes as it threatens your ring finger. “Let’s make us real.”
You don’t say anything as he eases the tiny hoop on, sliding it all the way back until it sits snugly right at your knuckle—dazzling in the dark. A tiny tear slips down your cheek—equally dazzling.
He played some with the digit—a smile on his face. 
“Looks good on you, Mrs.” As he calls you by his last name you almost shake the ring off as if it burned to wear, but it all gets lost when he rushes forward and locks his lips with yours.
You yelp against his mouth, kept from turning away by the large hand holding your jaw, threatening to seize your throat and squeeze. You remember how it had felt. You don’t want more of a reminder, so you intercept his tongue with yours before he forced it down your throat.
He groans at the warm welcome, and your entire body shudders in memory.
You hadn’t let anyone touch you since that time five years ago. It had left a poor taste in your mouth, and the hunger for it had never come back.
You choke it down now as he climbs on top. 
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji
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gh0stgirl333 · 17 days
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PLATONIC! takemichi x teen! reader
summary... takemichi thought the letter from the philippines was from manjiro sano but instead of him it was his daughter..
warnings... angst, hurt/no comfort, death, manila timeline, name is jealous of takemichi, mentions of blood, guns, mention of child neglect, teen!reader
an... this is my first time writing angst so bear with me! lol
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takemichi stood in front of the broken and abandoned building
he lets out a shaky breath and ventures into the building with one goal in mind to find mikey
takemichi hoped over a crumbled ledge 'this will be the first time ill see mikey's future self!'
he then took the broken stairs that had metal rods poking out from the bottom and littered trash on top, 'I wonder how he turned out? maybe he hasn't changed..'
takemichi pants from all this climbing and walking he had to do, he rubbed his sweat away from his forehead "these ruins are huge!"
'... when I meet him.. what will I even say..?'
takemichi didn't even realize how this meeting would be a huge mistake for him in the near future...
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takemichi whipped his head around to the sound of his name being called
mikey- ..no someone else was sitting on a large scrap pile, looking at him with a sad smile on their lips
"mikey?" takemichi asked hesitantly
the teen[!?] in front of him gave out a light laugh, yeah.. that wasn't mikey, whoever this was, looked, like mikey but much more feminine. she shared the same empty dark eyes and had somewhat of the same facial features as mikey..
"are you.. takemitchy hanagaki..?" she tilted her head to the side and spoke with a soft-spoken voice, ..he almost missed it
he swallowed the saliva that had built up in his mouth and answered "yes..that's me- but..uh its 'takemichi' "
her frown turned back into that light smile "really? dad always calls you 'takemitchy' "
takemichi's eyebrows raise in shock "dad?"
she hummed "yeah.. manjiro ..manjiro sano?"
takemichi started to tear up and quickly rubbed them away with his wrist, he didn't want to cry in front of mikey's kid.. ugh why was he so emotional from seeing her?... was it because she looked a lot like him..?
she rested her cheek against the palm of her hand and kept that same soft smile "huh, you really are the crybaby that my father described, haha"
the way she had said it wasn't one of mockery but admiration
"don't worry, me and you share that-- being a lot more sensitive, I would always cry over little things too" she mentioned
takemichi blicked a couple of times--almost cartoony-like-- and he lightly chucked at that fact
but her light smile that held warmth faded away into a frown much like mikey's.. they just looked so alike..
" I brought you here to stop my dad from getting you to do him a 'favor' " she spoke in a gloomy tone
"a- a favor?" takemichi questioned
she didn't elaborate on this 'favor' she got up and stood upon the scrap pile-- the light from above shown down onto her and a jingle from her red and black hanafuda earrings that he only now noticed
"my dad is still in japan, with my uncle.. I was the one who wrote you that letter to get you to come here"
"huh?! why? what wa-" takemichi was stumbling over his words and failed to notice how the younger sano had made her way right in front of him with a heavy frown
she stood tall in front of him with her hands in the pockets of her black pants, she gave him a nasty glare
from this glare alone takemichi shivered, the younger sano glared at him like he had done a horrible sin
takemichi wanted to shout, he wanted his answers answered! he wanted to know if mikey really killed mitsuya! he wanted to know why he-!
the younger sano grabbed a fist full of the front of his shirt and slammed him down onto the dirt below, crouching over him, with her knee slammed into his stomach he wheezed from the air getting knocked out of him so harshly. takemichi guessed that [he doesn't even know mikey's kid's name..] strength was mikeys genes passed down to this sano... damn! that hurt.. !!
takemichi finally comprehends that a gun has been shoved against his cheek in a threatening matter
"WHY ARE YOU ACTING SO- SO OBLIVIOUS!? LIKE YOU AREN'T THE PROBLEM!??" she yelled in his face, this was a complete one-eighty of her personality
takemichi's eyes filled up with tears and he looked away from her and saw a gun lying in reach
she looked towards the direction of the gun before looking back at him and digging the gun farther into his face-- he winces at this
"you gonna kill me? grab that gun and shoot me before I blow your damn brains out" the sanos voice lowered
takemichi didn't even realize he had his eyes shut tight before he opened them. the feeling of droplets falling onto his face
he looked up into the dark eyes of the younger sano, they were filled with so many tears, and more fell onto his face
"you- you.." she hiccuped "why the hell ..does my dad have so much admiration for you..?"
"huh? why are you so.. special to him!?" she shoved the gun harsher into his cheek
"why- why.. couldn't he look at me like that?.. why does he hold more love for you! then me!!" she blurted out "what did you do for him? huh!? you- you left him!.. you-I.."
takemichi couldn't say anything to the crying teen above him, those empty eyes showed the broken sadness within
"please lets.. lets ta-"
the younger sano fell over when blood had splattered onto takemichi's face
the gun falling out of her hands
"are you ok!?? takemichi!!? did mikey hurt you?!" naoto yelled while holding his own hands on his gun
takemichi looked over at him with shock and then whipped his head to the side to see the younger sanos body on her side with three defined bullet holes, blood soaking her white sweater
"sano!!" takemichi screamed as he leaped to hold up her body from the dirty ground, "takemich! don't go near..him..?"
naoto paused from running to takemichi and looked at the person who takemichi was trying to stop the blood from escaping their body
naoto's heart dropped at the sight of...a teen.. in takemichi's arms. naoto then had looked down at the gun that he assumed manjiro sano was holding... the lock safety was active..
naoto felt sick..and dizzy..
"sano! sano!!" takemichi screamed, holding the younger sanos cooling body.. he looked at his blood-soaked hands and clutched the sano's body close while screaming with agony
she violently coughed up blood that is filling her throat "t-takemitchy..? can..can I call you that..?"
"yes, yes..sure! sano..oh my god.." takemichi cried, his hot tears spilling from his eyes, rolling down his cheeks and onto the younger sanos forehead
takemichi shakenly brushed away the tears from her forehead, smudging blood into her hair in the process
"e-everything is going to be o-ok! sano-"
"[name].. that's m-my name.. please c-call me that.." she coughed
takemichi finally got to find out mikey's daughter's name... he just wished it was in a better circumstances..
"okay.. [name]- im so..so sorry..I can't- I can't stop the blood..!"
she gave out a quiet laugh "why ..are you so w-worried about me..?"
takemichi couldn't answer that...
"the..'favor' m-my dad want..ed from you.. was to kill him" [name] shakenly explained
takemich's breath hitched, "he.. killed- cough! -  all the old..members of t-toman.. he w-wanted it all to 'end' .. he was going to leave me...takemitchy.. I didn't want.. him to leave me.. I-I.."
she coughed again making her body shake in pain in his hands
"shhhh..shh.." takemichi cradled the crying sano in his arms, rocking her gently back and forth
"I-I thought.. if..if I could kill you you would..n't be able to k-kill my dad! and m-maybe..maybe he would focus a-all his attention on me!.. and-and.."
"shhh.. it's ok.. it's ok.." takemichi whispered and hugged her body closer resting his cheek on the top of her head still rocking her gently back and forth
she used her last strength to clutch the front of takemichi's shirt for comfort before sobbing, hiccuping, and coughing blood onto him
"takemitchy..your hand is.. so warm...."
"[name]?? [name].. please.. answer me" takemichi sobbed
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taglist ... @kokoch4n3l
:D soooo...? uh how was that? did I do a good job at writing angst? ngl this DRAINED me to write lol, maybe ill just stick to fluff
anyway did you guys catch any easter eggs in my story? ig their kinda of like parallels ??? i dunno how to name them..
154 notes · View notes
gh0stgirl333 · 18 days
The last line got me biting my lip god damn
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BONUS — sugar baby bunny
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chapter summary: how Maya's first day on the job would have gone if she had been nosy or, Izana and his sugar baby bunny
chapter warnings: dark content 18+, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals and medical treatment/conditions, canon typical violence, gang activity, dehumanization, drug addiction(c*caine), drug addiction recovery, drug withdrawals, withdrawal symptoms, abuse of power, murder, non-graphic torture, blood and gore, panic attack, blackmail, alcohol, slight sugar baby-sugar daddy dynamic, suggestive themes, possessiveness, gold digger!oc, guns, vomiting, threats, very fast-paced, making out, kissing, implied smut, suggestive themes, slight bondage, implied virginity loss, collaring(?), open ending, not edited
word count: 20 493
masterlist | previous | bonus 2
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Izana stares up and down at his new doctor in charge of the night shift. She's young. Wearing blue scrubs and a white doctor's coat on top and sneakers on her feet. Her long curly black hair is clipped behind her head with a black claw clip. She's got pale skin, delicate features and light freckles and is looking at him with these big blue eyes. How cute. Honestly speaking he was expecting another old lady. "Kaneko... Maya..." He reads off her ID badge clipped onto the breast pocket of her white coat
She's holding a tray of food which is dinner, a few shorter stray curly strands falling in front of her eyes. Cute. "Yes... That's me" She says with a soft smile and places the tray of food in front of him "I'm the new psychiatrist in charge of the night shift"
Izana watches her every move and then smiles at her. "Nice to meet you, Doctor Kaneko, I'm Kurokawa Izana" He scans her up and down again "You're quite... young... how old are you?"
"22" she answers without hesitation
Oh. She was young. "Just out of college, I'm assuming doctor"
Maya nods. She's cute. Izana can't help but think she reminds him of a little bunny. Izana leans forward, his gaze lingering on Maya as he studies her intently. "So, Maya," he says, his voice smooth and curious, "what brings a young, bright thing like you to a place like this?"
Maya's eyes widen in surprise at the question, caught off guard by Izana's sudden interest in her. She fidgets with the edge of her coat, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh, um, well," she stammers, unsure of how much to reveal, "student loans... and no one wants to hire a fresh graduate"
Izana can't help but notice the nervousness in Maya's demeanour, her vulnerability only adding to her charm in his eyes. He leans back in his chair, a playful glint dancing in his gaze as he listens to her response. "Ah, the ol' student loans trap," he remarks with a mock sympathetic smile that she catches easily "I've heard that story one too many times."
Most of the sugar babies Ran, Rindo and the other guys had were with them for that exact reason. Student loans. Maya sure seemed like sugar baby material. She was cute and young. Seemed pretty sweet and the clingy type as well. "At least there is no interest" Maya says with a little laugh, clearly trying to appear more welcoming
But Maya didn't need to seem welcoming. Her pretty face was enough for Izana to feel captivated. Izana chuckles softly at Maya's attempt to lighten the mood, her laughter ringing like music to his ears. He watches her closely, his gaze lingering on her delicate features, the way her eyes sparkle with warmth and kindness. "You have a point there, Doctor," he replies, his tone smooth and velvety, "but sometimes, the cost of those loans can be much higher than we anticipate."
Maya's smile falters slightly at his words, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. She senses something beneath Izana's charming facade, something dark and dangerous, but she pushes the thought aside, unwilling to dwell on it. "Oh well. At least I'm not unemployed" She says
It's cute. She's so cute. Fucking adorable.
Maya leaves not too long later as she needs to collect the trays from the other patients and is called by the hospital director for something. Izana watches her go with a predatory gleam in his eyes. He can't deny the allure of her innocence, the way she carries herself with such naivety. But beneath that veneer of sweetness lies a vulnerability that Izana finds all too enticing. He pictures her as a bunny, a creature of soft fur and wide, innocent eyes, navigating the treacherous terrain of the psychiatric hospital with a naivety that both intrigues and enraptures him. As Izana sits alone in the suffocating silence of the room, shadows swallowing the corners, his fixation on Maya grows into something more sinister. She exists in his mind like a fragile doll, her innocence a tempting facade that belies the darkness lurking beneath. It was funny. He's meeting her for the first time today and he already can't get enough. "shit" he says, laughing a little to himself like he was a schizophrenic
As Izana reflects on his current situation, memories of Mikey's stern words echo in his mind. Mikey, his little brother, had always been the voice of reason, the one who urged Izana to confront his demons head-on. And Kakucho, their trusted ally, had echoed Mikey's sentiments, pushing Izana to seek treatment for his addiction. It had been a bitter pill to swallow, the realization that even someone as powerful as Izana was not immune to the clutches of addiction. But Mikey had been adamant: addictions were a weakness, a stain on their family's honour that could not be tolerated.
So here he was, confined within the walls of Sunshine Grove, stripped of his power and reduced to nothing more than a patient in need of treatment. It was a humbling experience, one that forced Izana to confront the demons that had long haunted him. It had been a total of a month since he was admitted here. It hadn't been bad... It was just the fucking medication that was the problem. He stares down his left arm with the iv in it. Apparently whatever medication was being given to him was essential to his recovery but he really fuckin' hated it. He felt like actual shit. Tired all the time, sleepy as shit. He hated it.
Oh well. At least now he had a pretty doctor to look at. He can't help but smirk at the thought of Maya, her presence a welcome respite from the sterile walls and clinical atmosphere of the hospital. Despite his initial reservations, there's something about her that intrigues him, something that stirs within him a sense of forbidden desire. As Izana waits for Maya to enter the room, he finds himself lost in thoughts of her, his mind conjuring images of her delicate features and gentle demeanour. It's a dangerous game he's playing, allowing himself to be drawn to someone like her. But it's fine. he figures. Sooner or later, Maya comes back for his tray, holding an IV bag in one hand. A replacement for the empty one he's connected to. As she's setting it up it looks like Maya wants to ask him something. "you look like you want to say something" Izana says
Maya pauses in her task, her brows furrowing slightly as if she's debating whether or not to voice her thoughts. Izana watches her closely, the smirk still lingering on his lips as he anticipates her response. Finally, Maya sighs softly, her gaze meeting Izana's with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "I couldn't help but notice," she begins hesitantly, her voice soft but steady "Your file that they gave had a lot of things blocked off... Is there a reason for it?"
Izana cocks his head. "things like what?"
Maya hesitates, her lips parting as if she's unsure how much to reveal. "Well," she begins cautiously, her gaze drifting to the floor before returning to meet Izana's, "it's just... your medical history, for one. It's heavily redacted, and there are some notes about your background that seem... unusual. And also for the thing you're here for"
Izana's eyebrows raised in mock surprise, though inwardly he was amused by Maya's curiosity. "You don't know what I'm here for? But you're my psychiatrist"
Maya flushes slightly at the implication, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "Well, yes," she admits reluctantly, "but... they haven't exactly been forthcoming with the details. It's... unusual, to say the least."
Izana's smile widens at Maya's response, a sense of satisfaction coursing through him. It's clear that Maya is out of her depth, her curiosity piqued by the mystery surrounding his presence in the psychiatric hospital. But as he watches her squirm under his gaze, Izana can't help but feel a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience. Maya may be just a pawn in his game, but she's also a human being with her own fears and vulnerabilities. Pushing aside his misgivings, Izana leans back in his chair, his smile morphing into a more reassuring expression. She won't judge him. She's probably encountered many people like himself here who were probably in worse condition. "cocaine addiction" he tells her
Maya's nerves are palpable, her hands trembling as she struggles to maintain her composure in the face of Izana's questioning gaze. She swallows hard, her throat dry as she searches for the right words to say. "So... You're not a convicted criminal?" she asks tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana's eyes narrow slightly at her question, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. He may not be a convicted criminal, but that doesn't mean he's innocent. Still, there's no need for Maya to know that. "No, and why does that relate to this?" he responds, his voice firm and commanding.
Maya's stomach churns at his response, her mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. She knows she's treading on dangerous ground, but she can't help but feel a sense of obligation to uncover the truth. "The second floor is where patients admitted for addiction stay," she explains, her voice trembling slightly, "you're on the fourth floor, where the convicted criminals who claimed insanity are housed."
The realization hits Izana like a ton of bricks, his anger simmering just beneath the surface as Maya's words sink in. He clenches his jaw, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggles to maintain his composure. "Oh," he mutters through gritted teeth, his gaze fixed on Maya's trembling form.
She looks like she might be sick, and Izana's frustration only grows at the sight. Without a word, Maya reaches into her pocket and retrieves a piece of gauze, her hands shaking as she gently places it over the insertion site of Izana's IV. He watches her silently, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sends a shiver down her spine. As Maya begins to remove the IV, applying pressure to the wound as she withdraws the catheter, Izana remains silent, his mind swirling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was here for addiction. Not because he got caught. So why was he on the third floor? "Keep pressure on it for a few minutes," Maya mumbles as she finishes dressing the wound, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana nods curtly, his eyes never leaving Maya's retreating form as she gathers her things and prepares to leave the room. But before she can make her escape, Izana's voice cuts through the silence like a knife. "Doctor... If this is what I think it is..." he begins slowly, his words hanging in the air like a threat.
But Maya shakes her head, her eyes wide with fear as she hurries out of the room, leaving Izana alone with his thoughts. He stares at the closed door for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities, before reaching for his flip phone and dialling Kisaki's number.
As the line rings, Izana can't help but feel himself get angry.
Someone had to pay.
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How Maya ended up back in Izana's room after that was beyond her. She's pressed into the side of an older man with slicked-back purple hair and black highlights. He forces her to keep looking ahead as the hospital director and the nurse in charge of this floor are tortured. Maya isn't able to speak or even move. The man holding her isn't doing so in a painful way nor is he being mean. Rather he's being an odd mixture of condescending and sweet. "I'm Haitani Ran by the way" He says as if they met at some coffee shop "I'm Izana's childhood friend. We met in juvie"
Fucking figures.
Maya's blood runs cold at the revelation, her mind racing with the implications of what she's just heard. She swears she's heard his name from Chifuyu before whenever he talked to Kazutora about the recent news of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Had Maya really gotten herself caught up with Japan's most ruthless gang?
No way. No fucking way.
In front of her by the bed, Izana is putting on a new set of clothes, changing out of the hospital uniform like nothing is happening. Ran chuckles as he watches Izana change, his gaze briefly darting towards Maya before returning to his friend. "You know," he says, his tone light but with a hint of mischief, "your little doctor is quite adorable. Think we could keep her around?"
Izana lets out a hearty laugh, a grin spreading across his face as he meets Ran's gaze. "You're kidding, right?" he replies, his amusement evident in his voice but then he hums and looks at Maya up and down as if contemplating something "Well she is pretty..."
Maya shifts uncomfortably under Izana's scrutiny, feeling increasingly like an object rather than a person. The air around them feels charged with tension, and Maya can't shake the feeling that she's become the subject of some kind of twisted game between Izana and his friend. Ran's chuckle breaks the uneasy silence, but Maya can't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the pit of her stomach. Izana is buttoning up his shirt while a guy with a scar across his face is beating the hospital director's face in and walks over, looking up and down at her. "I have to say, I was contemplating whether or not you should be on the floor with them..." Izana gestures to the hospital director and the nurse on the bloody floor "But today is your first day, yeah doctor?"
Izana cups her cheeks and Ran lets go of her. He's staring down at her with this crazed, almost obsessive look in his eyes. "You haven't done anything wrong after all... You came and told me right away what was wrong" Izana speaks to her the same way one would talk to a child
Izana's fingers linger on Maya's cheek, his touch sending a shiver down her spine as she struggles to maintain her composure. She can feel his gaze tracing every contour of her face, his eyes drinking in every detail with an unsettling intensity. "You have such a pretty face, doctor," Izana murmurs, his voice low and seductive. "It would be a shame to see it tarnished..."
Her breath gets stuck in her throat. Maya thinks she might either throw up, faint or die of cardiac arrest. She's nervous and scared and doesn't know what is going to happen to her. The hospital director was trying to exact revenge on Izana due to something. She wasn't really listening. Maya didn't know. She didn't care. Right now, she was terrified and unable to think about anything else. Unable to tear her gaze away from Izana's intense stare, Maya feels a sense of vulnerability wash over her. His words linger in the air, suffocating her with their weight, and she struggles to find her voice amidst the chaos unfolding around them. The hospital director's screams echo in her ears, a grim reminder of the danger lurking just beyond the walls of Sunshine Grove. Maya knows she's in over her head, caught in the crossfire of a world far darker and more sinister than she ever could have imagined. As Izana's fingers trail down her cheek, Maya flinches involuntarily, her skin prickling with unease. She can sense the power he holds over her, his presence casting a shadow over her every thought and action. "tell you what, hm... You're clearly a good doctor... Honest... Sweet—"
"easy on the eyes" Ran butts in, cutting off Izana
Maya's cheeks flush with embarrassment, her pulse pounding in her ears as she struggles to maintain her composure. She knows she's caught in the middle of something far beyond her control but she needs to keep calm. Izana glares at Ran then looks at Maya again. "How about, in exchange for you being the sweetest doctor ever... You work for me and I spare your life" Izana says
She opens her mouth to speak, to assert herself, but no words come out. Instead, she finds herself gasping for air, her vision blurring as her heart races uncontrollably. It's as if the walls of the room are closing in on her, suffocating her with their oppressive weight. As Maya's panic intensifies, her knees buckle beneath her, threatening to send her crashing to the floor. In a swift motion, Izana reaches out, his strong arms wrapping around her to steady her trembling form. His touch is cold and unwelcome, sending a shiver of fear down Maya's spine. With Izana's support, Maya struggles to remain upright, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fights to regain control of her body. She feels utterly powerless, trapped in the suffocating grip of her own fear. Izana's grip tightens around her, his touch suffocating and possessive. Izana's arms wrapped around her, his touch cold and unwelcome against her skin. "You're trembling, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Are you afraid of me?"
Maya struggles to form coherent words, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and terror. "I-I..." she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to be afraid, sweetheart," Izana coos, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "I'm not going to hurt you... unless you give me a reason to."
Maya's heart races in her chest, her pulse thundering in her ears as she struggles to comprehend the gravity of her predicament. Ran is laughing at the whole scene. Her panic is something amusing to them. "Aniki, I think Kakucho killed the guy" another guy with purple hair styled in a mullet says and Ran looks over
"My bad..." Kakucho mutters "I got carried away"
Izana turns his head to see the mess on the floor but Maya doesn't look. She really doesn't want to but clearly, Izana doesn't share that same sentiment and forces her to look. Izana's gaze locks onto Maya's, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. "Do you want that to be you?" he asks, his voice low and menacing, as if daring her to defy him.
Maya's breath catches in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggles to find the words to respond. Fear grips her tightly, its icy fingers wrapping around her throat and squeezing the air from her lungs. "I-I..." Maya's voice falters, her words barely audible above the chaos surrounding them.
She wants to scream, to beg for mercy, but the words die on her lips, suffocated by the weight of her fear. Izana's grip tightens around her, his touch sending a jolt of terror coursing through her veins. "Answer me, bunny," he growls, his voice laced with menace. "Do you want to end up like them?"
With a frantic shake of her head, Maya manages to whisper, "N-No..."
Everyone in the room is looking at her. She feels panicked. Maya wants to go home. She wants to go back to her bed. Never did she think that her first day on her job would be like this. How the fuck did she end up surrounded by members of the Tokyo Manji Gang? Izana's lips curl into a mocking smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement at Maya's distress. "Oh, bunny, I didn't realize you were so sensitive," he taunts, his voice dripping with condescension. "But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you... as long as you play nice."
There is a short moment of silence before the guy with glasses, Kisaki, is calling someone and Kakucho is cleaning his hands of all the blood. "Tell me you agree and you'll live" Izana murmurs, continuing to force her to look at the dead body of her former boss and the nurse in charge of the 4th floor
Maya's heart pounds in her chest as she struggles to process the surreal situation unfolding around her. The weight of Izana's words hangs heavy in the air, filling her with a sense of dread, unlike anything she's ever experienced before. She feels a surge of panic rising within her, threatening to consume her entirely. All she wants is to escape, to run far away from this nightmare and never look back. But as she looks around the room and sees the hardened expressions of Izana's associates, she knows that there's no way out. With a trembling voice, Maya manages to whisper, "O-Okay"
Izana's smirk widens at her plea, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Good girl" he purrs, his tone laced with malice.
"Keep calm, sweetheart," Ran interjects, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We don't wanna have to knock you out."
With a trembling breath, Maya tries to steady herself, her hands shaking as she clutches onto the edge of the nearby table for support. She can feel the weight of their gazes bearing down on her, each one filled with a different shade of menace and intrigue. Izana's eyes linger on her, his smirk morphing into a predatory grin. "You're doing well, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice dripping with false praise. "Just remember to play nice, and everything will be fine."
Maya nods weakly, her stomach churning with unease. So she's led out of the hospital and into a car worth just as much as the student loans she has to pay off and they take her home. "I'm sure you know calling the police will be embarrassing," Rindo tells her as they stand in front of her door "so unless you're interested in embarrassing yourself, go ahead"
Maya's heart sank as Rindo's words hit her like a cold splash of water. She knows he's right. "Rindo be a little nicer" Kakucho mutters to him
Rindo shoots Kakucho a glare before turning back to Maya with a forced smile. "Sorry about that, sweetheart," he says, his tone slightly less abrasive "We're just trying to avoid any unnecessary complications. You understand, right?"
Maya is fiddling with the sleeve of her white coat, unable to do anything but nod. "get some rest, we'll be in contact" Kakucho says
The next morning, Maya gets an email that all her loans have been paid in full.
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"tiny" Izana says as he barged into her house alongside Kakucho hours later
"Uh, what are you doing here?" Maya manages to stammer out, her voice trembling with nerves.
Izana's grin widens, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "We just wanted to make sure you got our little gift," he says, his tone almost playful. "And to see if you're settling into your new life nicely. Your loans have been paid"
Maya's in loungewear, sweatpants and an oversized shirt. She's trembling. Oh how grateful she was that she showered already. "Y-You paid them?" She asks, watching as Izana looks at the array of picture frames on one of her walls
Izana's grin remained, his eyes still alight with mischief as he turned back to her. "Of course," he replied, his tone almost nonchalant. "Consider it a token of our appreciation for your cooperation... And of course, we're buying your silence too if you couldn't tell"
Maya's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to process the implications of his words. She knew she was entangled in something far beyond her control, a web of danger and deceit spun by Izana and his associates. "I-I don't know what to say," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana's grin widened, his demeanour almost mocking. "No need to thank us, bunny," he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "Just remember who's looking out for you now."
Izana's gaze swept across Maya's living room as if he owned the place, his expression filled with casual entitlement. He wandered around, examining the decor and pictures on the walls with a detached interest, while Maya stood frozen in place, feeling like an intruder in her own home. Kakucho, on the other hand, watched Maya with a hint of remorse in his eyes, his expression tinged with sympathy. He seemed uncomfortable with the intrusion, but powerless to stop it. "Sorry about this, Maya," he muttered softly, his voice barely audible over the silence of the room.
Maya forced a weak smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to maintain her composure. "It's okay" she replied, her voice wavering slightly. But inside, she was anything but okay.
She was terrified, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. "As cute as this place is..." Izana says sarcastically from inside her room "It's tiny as fuck"
Maya's smile faltered at Izana's comment, her anxiety rising with each passing moment. She felt exposed, vulnerable, as if Izana's mere presence had stripped away any sense of safety she had left. "Yeah, well, it's home," Maya replied, her voice tinged with defensiveness.
She wished she could muster the courage to stand up to Izana, to demand that he leave her alone, but fear held her tongue captive. After what she saw last night, what happened to the hospital director and the nurse, Maya knows better than to say anything against Izana. He emerged from her room, his smirk still firmly in place. "Well, lucky for you, bunny, you won't be spending much time here anymore," Izana remarked, his tone dripping with mockery. "We've got plans for you."
Izana takes a seat on the couch and says "Get me a drink"
At the same time, both Maya and Kakucho say "no"
Maya's heart raced as she and Kakucho spoke in unison, their voices firm and resolute despite their trembling nerves. She knew that giving Izana alcohol while he was still recovering from addiction was not only irresponsible but dangerous. Izana's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flash of irritation. "What did you say?" he demanded, his tone sharp and demanding.
Maya swallowed hard, her hands shaking as she struggled to maintain her composure. "I said no," she repeated, her voice trembling but firm. "It's not a good idea for you to drink right now, Mr. Kurokawa."
Kakucho nodded in agreement, his expression apologetic as he glanced between Maya and Izana. "She's right, Izana," he interjected, his voice calm but firm. "You're still recovering, remember?"
Izana's gaze hardened, his jaw tensing as he stared down at Maya with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You're playing a dangerous game, bunny," he warned, his voice low and menacing. "But fine, I'll indulge you... for now."
It was dumb for Maya to be like this especially when these guys were literal killers, gangsters and whatnot. She knew she was playing a dangerous game by standing up to Izana, but she couldn't ignore the voice of reason within her. Despite her fear, Maya remained steadfast in her decision, her resolve unwavering even in the face of Izana's menacing glare. She couldn't afford to compromise her principles, not when the stakes were so high. Kakucho's gaze softened as he regarded Maya with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You're brave, doctor," he murmured, his voice tinged with genuine respect. "But you should be careful. Izana doesn't take kindly to being challenged."
Maya nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for whatever consequences her defiance might bring. Izana is holding a picture frame he picked off one of the tables, looking at it with amusement. "Tell me, how long have you known Matsuno Chifuyu?" Izana asks
She feels sick. "H-He doesn't have anything to do—"
"—to do with this, yeah I know," Izana says and chuckles "Why would I do anything to him? He's a former member after all"
Maya furrows her brows at Izana's words. Her mind raced with confusion and disbelief. Chifuyu, a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang? It was a revelation she couldn't fathom, a stark contrast to the kind and gentle demeanour he always displayed. She didn't think he was a gang member. How the fuck would a gang member pass high school and then run a pet store and listen to fucking girls generation? How was the boy she fell in love with in middle school affiliated with the gang whose scrutiny she's currently under? "I-I don't understand," she stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Chifuyu wouldn't—"
Izana's laughter cut through her protests, his amusement evident as he tossed the picture frame aside. "Oh, he's not with us anymore, sweetheart," he explained casually as if discussing the weather. "But he used to run with the best of us. We go way back. He was... First Divison Vice Captain, huge position until he left after he finished high school"
Maya's mind reeled at the implications of Izana's words. She had known Chifuyu for years and had trusted him implicitly. But now, faced with the harsh reality of his past, she couldn't help but question everything she thought she knew about him. "I-I had no idea," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Chifuyu never mentioned anything..."
Izana's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, now you know," he replied, his tone laced with amusement. "And now you're one of us, doc. Welcome to the family."
Maya thinks she's going to be sick. "I don't... I..."
No words are coming out. "What Izana means is that we would like you to work exclusively with us..." Kakucho says noticing Maya's panic, quickly jumping to do damage control "Izana is sick recovering and we can no longer trust anyone with continuing his treatment... You have proven to be... innocent and the best choice"
Maya felt trapped, her options shrinking as Izana and his associates painted her into a corner. The weight of their expectations bore down on her, suffocating her with the realization that she had little say in the matter. "I-I guess I don't have much of a choice," she murmured, her voice trembling with resignation.
Izana's grin widened, his eyes alight with triumph. "Smart girl," he remarked, his tone dripping with satisfaction. "You won't regret this, bunny. Welcome to the family."
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"Financial control" Maya mutters as she looks around the new apartment
There are large floor-to-ceiling windows lining an entire wall and the place is already furnished. On the coffee table are shopping bags with logos of expensive brands on each. "hm?" Kakucho says curiously
Maya looks around in awe as she mindlessly says "Where someone takes charge of all finances to foster dependency, is a form of abuse aimed at gaining power over the victim's financial resources and independence"
Kakucho's brow furrows in confusion as Maya's words hang in the air, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and apprehension. "What do you mean?" he asks, his tone cautious.
Maya shakes her head, trying to compose herself as she struggles to articulate her thoughts. "I-I mean, it's just... this," she gestures around the lavish apartment, the extravagant furnishings, and the branded shopping bags. "It's all so... overwhelming."
Kakucho's expression softens with understanding as he takes in Maya's apprehensive demeanour. "I know it's a lot to take in," he says gently, "but we want you to feel comfortable here. Consider it a gesture of appreciation for everything you're... doing for us."
Maya nods, though her mind still churns with uncertainty. As she gazes out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the bustling city below, she can't shake the feeling that she's stepped into a world far beyond her control. "Financial control, huh?" Izana says as he's lounging back on the couch "That's not what I was aiming for but now that you said it, I might take it into consideration"
Maya's heart sinks as Izana's casual response confirms her worst fears. She realizes now that she's truly trapped in a web of manipulation and coercion, her every move scrutinized and controlled by those around her. "I-I didn't mean..." she starts, her voice faltering as she struggles to find the right words.
Izana chuckles, a cold edge to his laughter that sends a shiver down Maya's spine. "Relax, bunny," he says, his tone deceptively light. "I was just teasing... for now."
Maya forces a weak smile, though inside, her anxiety continues to gnaw at her. "Izana..." Kakucho says with a frown "You said you'd stop scaring her"
Izana's grin falters slightly at Kakucho's reprimand, though the mischief in his eyes remains. "I'm just having a little fun, Kakucho," he replies, his tone dismissive. "No harm done."
Kakucho's frown deepens, but he doesn't press the matter further. Instead, he turns his attention to Maya, his expression softening with genuine concern. "Sorry about him," he says, offering her a reassuring smile. "He's... not always like this."
Maya doesn't really believe Kakucho but she nods anyway. She knows better than to trust the assurances of those entangled in the murky world of the Tokyo Manji Gang. As she watches Kakucho's friendly demeanour and Izana's playful banter, Maya can't help but wonder what ulterior motives lurk beneath their facade of friendliness. She forces herself to push aside her apprehensions, knowing that she has little choice but to play along for now. After all, she's seen firsthand the consequences of defying Izana and his associates. "Now c'mon, take a look at what I got you" Izana gestures to the bags on the coffee table
Izana directs her attention to the bags on the coffee table. She approaches cautiously, her suspicion mounting with each step. With a hesitant hand, she reaches out and grabs one of the bags, her fingers trembling slightly as she pulls it closer. As she peeks inside, her eyes widen in surprise. The bag is filled with designer clothing, each item more expensive than anything she's ever owned. Maya's mind races with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she's grateful for the gesture. On the other hand, she can't shake the feeling of unease that accompanies such extravagant displays of wealth. "Wow, thank you," Maya murmurs, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I-I don't know what to say."
Izana chuckles, his grin widening at her reaction. "Consider it a welcome gift," he says, his tone almost jovial
Maya picks up a small Vivienne Westwood bag, unwraps the box and all the other packaging and sees a... A lighter? "I uh... I don't smoke" Maya says slowly, holding up the small silver heart-shaped lighter
She had seen it a bunch of times online. It was cute but no reason for anyone to spend a whole bunch of money on it when the contents inside were the same as any other lighter. "Oh yeah I know," Izana says dismissively "But I saw it and thought you'd look so cute on my lap while I'm in a meeting and lighting a cigarette for me with it—"
"You also can't smoke" Maya shuts it down immediately, her cheeks flushing pink from Izana voicing out his daydream
Izana's laughter only grows louder, echoing in the room as Kakucho shakes his head in bemusement. "Well, there goes that fantasy" Izana quips, his grin widening mischievously
Maya exhales a nervous laugh, relieved that the tension seems to dissipate, at least for the moment. "I suppose we'll have to find another way to make use of it" she says, trying to inject some lightness into the situation.
Izana's eyes gleam with amusement as he considers her suggestion. "Indeed," he agrees, his tone suggestive, making her cheeks flush an even darker shade of red
Kakucho clears his throat, interjecting with a hint of impatience. "Let's not get carried away, Izana." he says, shooting a warning glance at his friend.
Izana's grin widens, but he relents, setting aside the lighter with a playful shrug. "Fine, fine" he concedes, though the mischievous glint in his eyes suggests he's only biding his time
Then, with a flourish, he produces a Cartier jewelry box from his pocket, revealing a delicate bracelet nestled inside. Her eyes widen a bit at the sight of the bracelet. She recognizes it from her online browsing—a love bracelet, renowned for its distinctive locking mechanism. It was pretty popular but also pretty fucking expensive. "And this is also for you. From me, personally," Izana declares, taking Maya's wrist and fastening the gold bracelet "I noticed you wear gold jewellery so I got you gold"
Maya watches in silence as Izana locks the bracelet around her wrist. "Y-You really didn't have to" she murmurs, her gaze fixed on the shimmering gold bangle, unaware of Izana discreetly pocketing the golden screwdriver-like key.
As Izana steps back, admiring his handiwork, Maya tentatively flexes her wrist, feeling the weight of the bracelet. "It's beautiful" she concedes, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Despite her reservations about Izana's intentions, she can't deny the allure of the elegant accessory. Izana's grin widens at her response, a glint of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "Glad you like it," he says, his voice laced with amusement. "Consider it a token of appreciation for being such a good sport."
Maya's smile falters slightly at the reminder of her precarious position. She knows accepting gifts from Izana only further entangles her in his web of influence. But for now, she chooses to focus on the fleeting sense of gratitude that accompanies the gesture. Kakucho watches the exchange with a knowing look, his expression unreadable. "Well, now that we've got that sorted," he interjects, breaking the momentary silence, "shall we eat?"
"Yes, let's eat" she agrees, relieved by the distraction.
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As the sun begins its descent beyond the towering skyline of the city, casting hues of orange and pink across the horizon, Maya finds herself drawn to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the apartment. She stands by the glass, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before her. The vibrant colours of the sunset paint the sky with an ethereal glow, bathing the city in a soft, golden light. For a fleeting moment, Maya allows herself to be captivated by the beauty of the scene, the worries and uncertainties of her new reality momentarily forgotten. But as the last rays of sunlight fade into the twilight, casting shadows across the room, Maya's thoughts return to the daunting challenges that lie ahead. She knows she can't afford to let her guard down, not with Izana's watchful eyes constantly monitoring her every move. "If you ever need anything we're in the penthouse. You can just come up" Kakucho tells her
Kakucho's casual mention of their residence in the penthouse suite above jolted Maya out of her reverie. "Wait, you guys live here too?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise.
Kakucho nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, we're just a floor above," he confirmed, his tone calm and collected. "If you ever need anything, we're right there."
Maya's heart skipped a beat as she processed the implications of their proximity. She hadn't realized that they had secured her an apartment in the same building they resided in. The realization sent a shiver down her spine, the boundaries between her personal and professional life blurring in a way she hadn't anticipated. Before she could fully digest this new piece of information, Izana interjected with his trademark nonchalance. "We own several buildings in the city," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "This one just happens to be one of our properties."
The weight of Izana's words settled heavily upon Maya, their implications sinking in with each passing moment. She felt a growing sense of unease, a nagging suspicion that she was more deeply entangled in Izana's world than she had initially realized. "Thank you, Kakucho," Maya murmured, her voice tinged with gratitude, though a knot of anxiety still tightened in her chest
Kakucho's phone rings and he steps away for a moment. Izana takes that moment to walk over to her, standing next to her as he stares out the large window. As Kakucho stepped away to take the call, Izana seized the opportunity to approach Maya. He stood beside her, his presence imposing yet strangely captivating against the backdrop of the city lights. "Quite the view, isn't it?" Izana remarked, his tone casual as he leaned against the couch by the window, his gaze fixed on the sprawling cityscape below.
Maya nodded, though her attention remained divided between the breathtaking scenery and the enigmatic figure at her side. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, she couldn't shake off the unease that settled over her like a heavy cloak in Izana's presence. "Yeah, it's... impressive," Maya replied, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as she stole a sideways glance at Izana.
Izana chuckles. "If you don't like it I can get you another." He says it like it was nothing "new apartment, house, bungalow, mansion, beach house..."
Maya's heart skipped a beat at Izana's nonchalant offer. The idea of being handed another luxurious residence as if it were a mere trinket left her feeling unsettled. "Uh, no, that's not necessary" she replied, her voice tinged with unease.
Izana's grin widened at her response, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Suit yourself," he said, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. "But just know that the offer stands. Anything you want, just say the word."
Maya forced a tight smile, though inside, her mind churned with apprehension. The notion of having access to such extravagant wealth at her fingertips was both exhilarating and terrifying. She couldn't help but wonder what strings were attached to Izana's seemingly generous offer, and what price she would ultimately be expected to pay. "Oh..." Izana murmured seeing something he hadn't noticed earlier
He walks over, closer to her, taking hold of the two pendant necklaces she was wearing. Both were gold. One was a coin pendant with a flower in the center and the other was a butterfly. "these are cute" he hummed, examining both
Maya's breath caught in her throat as Izana approached, his proximity sending a shiver down her spine. She watched in silence as he delicately inspected the two pendant necklaces adorning her neck, his fingers tracing the intricate designs with a casual familiarity. "Yeah, they're just something I picked up..." Maya replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her cheeks flushing pink under Izana's scrutiny.
Izana's lips curled into a faint smirk as he continued to examine the pendants. "Interesting choice," he murmured, his tone contemplative. "They suit you."
Maya offered a tentative smile, though inside, her heart raced with apprehension. She couldn't shake the feeling that Izana's interest in her accessories went beyond simple admiration. There was something calculating in his gaze, a hunger that made her skin prickle with unease. Izana lets go of the coin pendant and holds the butterfly one, admiring it for a moment. "real gold, yeah?"
Maya nodded nervously, her eyes fixed on Izana's hands as he examined the delicate butterfly pendant. "Y-Yes, it's real gold," she confirmed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Izana's grin widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Nice," he remarked, his tone almost playful. "I like someone who appreciates the finer things in life."
Maya forced a weak smile. Izana tugs lightly at it. "take it off"
Maya's breath catches in her throat at Izana's command, her fingers instinctively clutching the butterfly pendant as if it were her lifeline, her thin fingers wrapping around Izana's tanned ones. "W-Why?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously between Izana and the necklace.
Izana's expression remains unreadable as he meets her gaze with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. "Just because" he replies smoothly, his tone laced with an underlying threat, easily prying his hand out of hers
Maya's breath catches in her throat as she surrenders the necklace to Izana, her fingers trembling slightly as she releases her grip. Without a word, he takes the pendant from her hand and deftly fastens it around his own neck. She watches in silence, unable to tear her gaze away as Izana adjusts the pendant, his expression unreadable. Maya's eyes widen in surprise as Izana removes the gold chain from around his own neck. She watches in astonishment as he delicately places it around her neck, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her veins. "A trade, yeah" He murmurs as he fastens the chain around her neck
Maya's heart races at Izana's words, her mind struggling to process the implications of his actions. "But why?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper
Izana's smirk returns, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Consider it a symbol of our... partnership..." he replies cryptically, his tone laced with intrigue. "A reminder that we're in this together now."
With a final adjustment, he secures the chain in place, his touch lingering against her throat for a moment longer than necessary. As Izana steps back, his grin widening, Maya's mind races with conflicting emotions. She feels the weight of the gold chain around her neck, a tangible reminder of the bond forged between them. But beneath the surface, a sense of unease gnaws at her, a whisper of doubt that refuses to be silenced. "Izana, I..." Maya begins, her voice faltering as she searches for the right words.
But before she can articulate her thoughts, Kakucho returns, his expression unreadable as he takes in the scene before him. "Everything okay here?" he asks, his gaze flickering between Maya and Izana.
Izana's grin remains firmly in place as he nods, his tone casual. "Just making a trade" he replies, his eyes never leaving Maya's.
Kakucho's eyebrows furrow slightly, but he doesn't press further. Instead, he offers Maya a reassuring smile before turning his attention to Izana. "We should get going," he says, his tone indicating that the conversation is over.
Maya nods, her mind still reeling from the exchange. As they prepare to leave, she can't shake the feeling that she's entered into a pact with the devil himself
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There are certain things Maya never thought she'd experience and waking up in a huge apartment was one of them. She was never able to sleep in new places very well so she watches the sunrise through the floor-to-ceiling windows of her new bedroom, still lying in bed. As the first rays of dawn pierce through the glass, casting a warm glow across the room, Maya lies in bed, her thoughts drifting as she watches the sunrise. The vast expanse of the cityscape stretches out before her, its towering skyscrapers bathed in the soft light of morning. It's a breathtaking sight, one that fills her with a sense of awe and wonder, even amidst the turmoil of her current circumstances. But beneath the surface, a knot of anxiety tightens in Maya's chest. She can't shake the feeling of unease that has plagued her ever since she first stepped foot into this opulent apartment. It's a stark reminder of just how far removed she is from her old life, a life that now feels like a distant memory. As she lies there, lost in thought, Maya can't help but wonder what the future holds. She knows that she's entered into a world fraught with danger and uncertainty, one where the stakes are higher than ever before. Her new phone buzzes. Along with the designer clothes and jewelry, Izana also bought her a new phone.
[5:34 am] hey bunny you up?
Maya can't help but turn a little red. It sounded like a typical booty call text and that probably wasn't even what he was texting her for. She knows she shouldn't read too much into it, but the playful tone of Izana's text sends a wave of mixed emotions coursing through her. Despite her reservations, Maya can't deny the pull of curiosity. With trembling fingers, she types out a response.
[5:36 am] Yeah. What's up?
As she hits send, Maya can't help but wonder what Izana has in store for her. She knows better than to let her guard down around him, but there's a part of her that can't resist the thrill of the unknown. Almost immediately, her phone buzzes with a reply from Izana.
[5:36 am] I'm hungry come make me food you're a good cook and I'm tired of kakucho's cooking i need variety
Maya's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red as she reads Izana's message. Despite the casual tone, she can't help but feel a sense of unease at his request. The idea of cooking for Izana in the early hours of the morning feels both surreal and oddly intimate. Nevertheless, Maya knows better than to refuse him outright. With a resigned sigh, she begins to type out a response.
[5:38 am] Sure, I can make you something What do you feel like eating?
As she sends the message, Maya braces herself for Izana's reply, her mind already racing with ideas for what she could whip up in the kitchen. Despite her misgivings, there's a small part of her that can't deny the satisfaction of being able to provide for him, even if it's just through a simple meal. Maya waits anxiously for Izana's response, her heart pounding in her chest as she anticipates his reply. A few moments later, her phone buzzes with a new message from him.
[5:40 am] Surprise me
Maya's brow furrows in frustration at the vague response, but she knows she has no choice but to comply. With a resigned sigh, she throws off the covers and swings her legs out of bed, steeling herself for the task ahead. As she makes her way to the kitchen, Maya's mind races with possibilities. She sifts through the ingredients in the pantry and refrigerator, her thoughts spinning as she considers what she could prepare for Izana. Despite the early hour, Maya finds herself strangely energized by the challenge, a sense of determination driving her forward. With practiced efficiency, Maya begins to gather the necessary ingredients, her hands moving deftly as she sets about preparing a meal fit for a gangster. As the aroma of pancakes and brewing coffee fills the air, Maya can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her. Despite the unusual circumstances, there's something comforting about the act of cooking, a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of her new life. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Maya puts the finishing touches on Izana's breakfast, arranging the food neatly on a plate before carrying it over to the table. As she sets the plate down in front of him, Izana looks up at her with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he says, his tone teasing as he surveys the meal before him. "I must say, you've outdone yourself, bunny."
Maya can't help but smile at his words, a sense of pride swelling within her chest. Despite her initial apprehension, she's relieved to see that Izana seems satisfied with her efforts. As he digs into the food with gusto, Maya watches him with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, wondering what other surprises her new life has in store for her. Maya isn't too surprised he has a key to her new place. After all, he lived just above in the penthouse and owned the building itself. "um... where's Kakucho?" she asks curiously, watching Izana eat
It's about 6-something now. Izana looks up from his meal, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Oh, Kakucho had some business to attend to," he replies casually, his tone betraying nothing. "Left bright and early, just like him."
Maya nods, though she can't shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of her stomach. She's become accustomed to Kakucho's presence, his calm demeanour serving as a reassuring presence in the midst of Izana's unpredictable behaviour. Without him around, Maya can't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, a nagging suspicion that she's once again at Izana's mercy. As she watches Izana finish his meal, Maya can't help but wonder what other secrets he's hiding, what other schemes he has up his sleeve. Despite her lingering doubts, Maya knows she has no choice but to play along, to navigate the treacherous waters of Izana's world with caution and cunning. With a heavy sigh, she pushes aside her concerns and focuses on the task at hand, steeling herself for whatever challenges lie ahead. "You haven't showered, yeah?" Izana asks as he sips his coffee
Maru shakes her head no. She's in sweatpants and an oversized shirt which was a huge contrast to Izana's silk pyjamas which probably cost more than her. "shower, be ready by 10. I have work and I wanna take you out for lunch"
Maya's heart skips a beat at Izana's directive. It didn't sound like a casual invitation; it felt more like a command. Despite the faint flicker of apprehension that flares within her, Maya nods obediently, her mind already racing with thoughts of what Izana might have planned. "Okay" she replies, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously
She knows better than to defy him, especially after she watched him and his friends kill her boss and co-workers last night. Izana flashes her a satisfied grin before returning his attention to his coffee. "Good," he says, his tone dismissive. "I'll see you then."
Izana leaves her apartment to go back to his own. Maya heads toward the bathroom to prepare for her unexpected lunch date, she can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at her insides. Despite Izana's outward charm, there's a darkness lurking beneath the surface, a reminder of the dangers that lurk in his world. But for now, Maya pushes aside her doubts, focusing instead on the task at hand. With a mix of apprehension and curiosity swirling within her, Maya steps into the shower, allowing the warm water to cascade over her, washing away the remnants of sleep and uncertainty. As she lathers soap over her skin, her mind races with questions about Izana's intentions and what this lunch outing might entail.
After hastily drying off Maya tries to figure out what to wear. It takes her a long time to decide what to wear. Izana hadn't exactly told her where they were going for lunch but he did say he had something to do first since it was still pretty early which meant he would be wearing a suit. So, she should probably wear something somewhat formal as well. She wears a light blue satin ankle-length skirt and a white off-the-shoulder blouse. Maya does her makeup and stares for a moment at her neck. There sits the gold chain Izana put on her in exchange for her necklace with the butterfly necklace. It was honestly a bit odd that he had given it to her but oh well. Maya wasn't exactly in a position to argue with him. She looks down at her wrist where the gold love bracelet is. Maya had tried to take it off last night but couldn't find the screwdriver for it anywhere. She didn't want to force it off and hurt herself so she just kept it on. Perhaps she'll ask Izana about it later.
Maya glances at the clock to find it's already 9:45. Checking her appearance one last time in the mirror, she grabs her bag, which was another one of the unnecessarily expensive gifts from Izana, and heads out the door. The elevator ride down to the ground floor feels like an eternity, each passing second amplifying Maya's nerves. As the elevator doors slide open, Maya steps out into the lobby, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of Izana. Sure enough, he's waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall with an air of confidence that sends a shiver down Maya's spine. "Right on time," Izana remarks, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he straightens up to greet her, wearing a suit just like she predicted "Shall we?"
Maya forces a tight-lipped smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she falls into step beside him. With each passing moment, she can't help but wonder what lies in store for her on this unexpected lunch date with Izana. As they stepped out of the building, right in front of the door was a black Lexus and one of the men from the night at the hospital. Shion, if she remembered correctly. He's standing with with his arms crossed over and a scowl on his face. "boss" Shion greets as he opens the back door of the car for Izana
Izana simply nods at him and Maya greets him with a weak smile. "huh, didn't know you'd still be alive" Shion says raising his brow
Maya's stomach churns at Shion's comment, a wave of nausea washing over her. She fights to maintain her composure, forcing herself to keep a neutral expression despite the discomfort gnawing at her insides. "Just lucky, I guess," she manages to reply, her voice barely above a whisper.
Shion's eyes linger on her for a moment longer, his gaze sharp and assessing, before he turns his attention back to Izana. "Where to, boss?" he asks, his tone curt and businesslike.
Izana settles into the backseat of the car, motioning for Maya to join him. "You know the place," he says casually, his tone betraying nothing of his intentions.
Maya slides into the car beside Izana, her nerves on edge as they pull away from the curb. After a few minutes of driving, she speaks up "uh, where are we going?" she fiddles with the bracelet he gifted her
"I have a meeting to go to then we'll go for lunch," Izana says as he undoes the button on his suit jacket "You can just stay in the car with Shion"
She can only nod as her unease grows with each passing moment. She nods silently, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The car glides through the bustling streets of the city, the rhythmic hum of the engine the only sound breaking the silence. "uh..." she decides to speak again, fiddling with the gold Cartier love bracelet "I couldn't find the screwdriver for the bracelet in the box last night while I was trying to take it off. Do you have it?"
Izana who is on his phone doesn't even look up as he says "hm? No actually. I left it in the box after I put it on you. Maybe it fell somewhere"
"Oh..." she murmurs, her fingers tracing the smooth surface of the bracelet. "I-I'll have to look for it later then."
But even as she speaks, a sense of resignation washes over her. Deep down, she knows that finding the key is just another impossibility in a world where she's already lost control.
But of course, Maya doesn't know Izana still has the screwdriver.
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"So... You guys fucking?" Shion starts a poor attempt at conversation while they sit in the car outside a large warehouse for Izana's 'meeting' to end
He's looking at her through the rear-view mirror. Maya's cheeks flush crimson at Shion's blunt question, her eyes widening in shock at his audacity. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze darting nervously around the car before settling on Shion's reflection in the rear-view mirror. "Uh, excuse me?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart pounding in her chest.
Shion merely shrugs, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Just making conversation," he replies casually, his tone laced with amusement. "You and the boss seem pretty cozy, that's all."
Maya's cheeks burn hotter with embarrassment, her mind racing as she searches for a suitable response. "uh... no we're not..."
Shion shrugs again. "yeah that was a stupid question. I just didn't know what else to say"
Maya lets out a nervous chuckle, grateful for Shion's change of topic. "It's okay," she replies, her voice tinged with relief. "I get it. It's just... I'm still getting used to everything."
Shion nods in understanding, his smirk softening into a more sympathetic expression. "Yeah, I can imagine," he says, his tone surprisingly gentle. "It's a lot to take in, especially with someone like Izana."
Maya's shoulders relax slightly at Shion's empathetic response. Despite his initial brashness, she senses a genuine sincerity in his words. "Yeah," she agrees with a small nod. "It definitely is."
Before Shion can respond, Izana reaches the car, his presence filling the space with an air of authority. Maya's heart quickens at his approach, her thoughts momentarily distracted from the awkward conversation with Shion. As Izana slides into the car beside her, Maya steals a glance at him. She furrows her brows seeing he isn't wearing his tie or suit jacket anymore, instead, they're hanging off his arm, the sleeves of his black dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows and the top few buttons are undone. Oh wow. Wow. Wow. He looks good. Maya's breath catches in her throat as she takes in Izana's appearance. Despite the casual attire, there's an undeniable aura of power and confidence emanating from him, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. She feels a flush rise to her cheeks as she realizes just how striking he looks, his rugged charm only adding to his magnetic presence. "Everything alright?" Izana's voice interrupts her reverie, pulling her back to reality. His piercing gaze meets hers, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
Maya clears her throat, forcing herself to focus. "Uh, yeah, everything's fine," she replies, her voice slightly breathless. "Just... thinking."
Izana quirks an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "About what, exactly?" he asks, his tone teasing.
Maya's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red at the implication of his question. "N-Nothing important," she stammers, averting her gaze to hide her embarrassment.
Izana chuckles softly, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Well, if you say so," he replies, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before turning back to Shion.
"Everything go well?" Shion asks
"yup" Izana answers simply "Now, let's get going. I'm starving." With that, he turns his attention to Shion, giving him a nod to start the car.
As the car pulls away from the warehouse, Maya can't shake the fluttering sensation in her chest. Kurokawa Izana is unfairly hot. How is it that older guys are always so hot? Maya's phone buzzes and her eyes widen realizing she forgot about Chifuyu. "answer it" Izana says
Matsuno Chifuyu, the guy who is the reason she is quite literally still alive because of and her first love. One sided love actually. Maya has been in love with Chifuyu since middle school. He was a good 5 years older than her and he didn't like her back. Due to all the things going on, she hadn't contacted him and of course, he was worried(she texted him maybe 100 times a day, obviously he'd notice if she stopped). Maya is about to decline the call but Izana takes the phone and answers it, putting it on speaker. She can't help but glare at him. "hello?" Chifuyu says
Maya is about to snatch the phone from Izana but he pulls back and just smiles teasingly. Chifuyu keeps talking on the phone while Izana mutes it and Maya keeps trying to take it back. "Give it back" She hisses as Izana moves to the other side of the car, his back pressing against the door
Izana just grabs her waist with one hand and then unmutes the phone. Immediately Maya stops trying to pull it out of his grasp and goes quiet, the only sound in the car being the hum of the engine. "Maya? Hello~?" Chifuyu says and Izana gestures for her to talk
Maya's eye twitches in annoyance. "hello" she answers back
"fucking finally. where have you been? You haven't texted me in two days!"
Izana's arm around her waist tightens. "I-I've been busy... I quit the hospital and—"
"After the first day?!" He cuts her off and Izana looks like he wants to laugh
Maya just glares even harder at him. "I got a better job. It uh... pays a lot better" She wasn't about to tell Chifuyu the truth
Kakucho had explained to her pretty vaguely that Chifuyu and Kazutora had left Tokyo Manji Gang years ago and probably just didn't want her to be afraid of them. They had retired and were good people, only a part of the gang before it became as big as it is today. Maya had no reason to feel betrayed. Chifuyu and Kazutora's past had nothing to do with her. "Better job? One that got you out of your tiny ass house? I even went to your apartment today to check on you but your landlady said you moved out"
Maya laughs nervously. "My new job pays me to be... closer" It wasn't exactly a lie
"c-close? Oh my god Maya don't tell me you actually took Kazutora's joke of becoming a sugar baby seriously?!"
Maya turns red at his words as she makes eye contact with Izana who has a mischievous smile on his face, very clearly enjoying this conversation. Chifuyu wasn't too far off though. She might as well be Izana's sugar baby. The only thing left was sleeping with him. "What the fuck? NO!" She replies quickly "I'm not sleeping with old men... A-And I have to go Chifuyu... I'll call you later"
Before Chifuyu can say anything, Maya grabs the phone out of Izana's hand and ends the call. Izana looks like he wants to laugh and Maya just glares at him. "You can't just do that" She says
"hm? and why not?" He asks with a smile
It's right then that Maya realizes while she was trying to get the phone from Izana she ended up in his lap and his arms were now around her body. Her face turns bright red. Shion whistles teasingly from the driver's seat and Maya pulls herself out of Izana's grasp, landing back on the leather seat. "You're so..." Maya pauses and then groans in annoyance, clutching her phone tightly
Izana just shrugs and starts fixing his shirt as Shion pulls into the parking lot of some high-end-looking restaurant. "Use your words, I don't know what that sound means" Izana says teasingly as he loops his tie around his neck
Maya rolls her eyes and then decides to not be so cautious about her words for a moment. "You're really annoying and childish"
What she said wasn't even that bad but Izana seemed like the person to get angry at any form of criticism, even sarcastic like the one she just said. Maya expects Izana to get angry but he doesn't. Instead, he laughs and says "hm, you think so?"
And so, Maya decides she should try and see how far she can push before Izana pulls out a gun on her.
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It lasts for months. Maya trying to get under Izana's skin and he just responds back in an equally teasing manner. At this point, his system has been completely detoxified of the drugs and he's doing much much better. At this point, Maya is very much a damn freeloader too. Izana just keeps giving her things and she's always attempting to be mean. Izana must think she's flirting or something.
Well... She kinda is. But then again, with a wallet like that, who wouldn't? Sure he tortured her previous employer right in front of her but what's bygones is bygones right? Maybe that made her a little morally grey but when you're fresh out of uni with no money and suddenly given a whole bunch all at once and your loans have been paid off, maybe living with a murderer and using his money isn't that bad. Right?
Maya is their therapist of some sort. Izana is paying her a lot to stick around and in this economy, she'd be stupid not to. Her rent is paid, and she never has to worry about food or money. Things are scarily comfortable so she hasn't let her guard down. Who knows when Izana will pull the carpet out from beneath her feet? He is very sweet though sometimes— Izana. Kakucho as well. Out of everyone though, Maya got along with Shion the most. They bonded over Izana being an asshole. "And so I told him, I'm not an escort. I won't go to your stupid fancy party just to make you look good" Maya says making wild hand gestures
She and Shion were in the car, both in casual clothes rather than the formal wear Maya had gotten accustomed to. Shion looks like a back street drug dealer in his all-black outfit with cargo pants and a hoodie and Maya looks like a high school with her basketball shorts and hoodie. There is fast food resting on the armrest between the driver and passenger seat and two drinks in both cup holders. "shut up you did not say that" Shion says as he picks up his drink "Am I talking to a ghost right now? Did Big Boss kill you?"
He reaches over and tries to make his hand go through her face in case he is talking to a ghost. Maya smacks his hand away and kicks off her sneakers so she can get more comfortable and shoves a bunch of fries in her mouth. "fuck off dude" she says then looks away "I didn't exactly say that but y'know... something along the lines"
Shion narrows his eyes. "pussy"
Maya gasps about to throw the entire pack of fries at him. "Take that back!"
It's about 12:30 am. Dark outside and not a person was in sight in the parking lot of the fast-food place. Shion apparently loved the place and she could understand why. They often took late-night runs and Shion being her 'driver' took her where she wanted. He at first did say it was boring but he figured that shopping and doing groceries was a lot less stressful than meeting with foreign mafia. After all, Tokyo Manji Gang was getting a lot bigger. "Anyways, Izana is fine now. Why does he keep you around?" Shion asks as he takes a bite of his burger
Maya shrugs. "Beats me. Overpaid escort I guess"
"Or maybe..." Shion says slowly with a suggestive tone raising his brows
"No" Maya shuts him down immediately, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment "I dunno why he keeps me around"
Shion just grins. "he likes you~"
"fuck off, what are you? 12?" Maya grumbles in annoyance "That scary man doesn't seem like he's capable of love"
"oh he is—" Shion is cut off when there is a knock on the driver-side window
They both screech at the same time. There stands Izana in a suit, his gun pressed against the glass. "OH MY GOD!" Shion screams louder than Maya
"DRIVE!" Maya screams
The mood in the car shifts from playful to terrified in an instant. Izana's expression is a mix of annoyance and amusement as he watches their panic through the glass. "Calm down, you fucking idiots," he says, his voice muffled but clear through the closed window. "Open the door."
Shion, still pale and shaking, fumbles with the lock and opens the door. Izana slides into the backseat, his presence dominating the small space. He puts his gun away, but the tension remains thick in the air. "What the hell are you two doing out here?" he asks, his tone deceptively calm.
Maya, heart still racing, struggles to regain her composure. "W-We were just getting some food," she stammers, holding up the pack of fries as evidence. "It's late, and we were hungry."
Izana raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "You know it's not safe for you to be out here like this without extra security," he says, his gaze shifting between Shion and Maya. "Especially you, Maya."
For some reason Izana using her name rather than the nickname she had gotten used to coming from him made her feel odd. "Yeah, boss, sorry. I didn't think—" Shion gulps, nodding fervently
"That's right, you didn't think," Izana interrupts, his voice sharp. "You're supposed to be her protector, not her playmate."
Maya looks outside the window to see multiple cars with multiple people standing outside in suits. Was something going on? She feels nervous and Izana's words about Shion being her protector made her wonder what he meant. "I-Izana is something going on—"
"Not right now, Maya" Izana cuts her off and looks at Shion "You should have known better. Do you not remember what was happening tonight?"
Maya feels nervous and a little frightened. Shion's face goes pale as the gravity of the situation dawns on him. "Boss, I—"
Izana cuts him off with a dismissive wave. "Save it, Shion. Get her back to the apartment. Now."
Maya feels her stomach churn with anxiety as she glances at the men outside, their serious expressions and ready stances indicating that something significant is unfolding tonight. She turns to Izana, her voice trembling. "Izana, what's happening?"
Izana meets her gaze, his eyes cold and unyielding. "Business," he says simply, his tone leaving no room for further questions. "Go back to the apartment."
Maya nods, swallowing her fear. Shion starts the car, his hands still trembling, and they drive off, the silence between them heavy with unspoken words. As they make their way back, Shion's grip on the steering wheel tightens. "Maya, I'm sorry," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. "I messed up."
Maya shakes her head, trying to offer some comfort. "It's okay, Shion. We didn't know."
"No, it's not okay," he insists, his voice strained. "Izana doesn't take mistakes lightly. I put you in danger, and that's not something I can easily forgive myself for."
They reach the apartment, and Shion parks the car, turning to face her. "Stay inside and lock the doors. I'll be downstairs, keeping an eye out."
Maya nods, stepping out of the car and heading into the building. As she rides the elevator up to her floor, her mind races with thoughts of what could be happening and what kind of trouble Izana might be dealing with. She tries to shake off the worry, reminding herself that Izana is capable and resourceful. Once inside her apartment, she locks the door and leans against it, taking a deep breath. The opulence of her surroundings feels starkly at odds with the tension and fear coursing through her. She walks over to the large windows, looking out at the city below, the lights twinkling in the night. A sense of isolation washes over her as she realizes just how entangled she has become in Izana's world. The luxury and security come with a price, and tonight she had glimpsed a piece of that cost. She wrapped her arms around herself, wishing for a moment of normalcy, a life where she didn't have to worry about the dangerous games played by men like Izana.
The night had been going well. Or well at least she thought it was. Oh god, Maya hoped Shion wasn't in trouble. It was just a harmless outing after all. They were just getting food. Maya's fingers tremble as she reaches for her phone and texts Izana.
[12:54 am] don't be mad at Shion I was the one that insisted
Izana just leaves her on read and it makes Maya even more anxious. She isn't sure if she or Shion are in trouble. She hopes they aren't. But at the same time, Maya isn't sure when she got so used to this violent life. It was bad. The minutes stretched into an eternity as Maya anxiously waited for a response from Izana, her eyes flickering to her phone every few seconds. The silence from him was deafening, and her mind raced with worst-case scenarios. She paced the length of her living room, her nerves frayed and her thoughts jumbled. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, she sank onto the plush couch, trying to calm her racing heart. The city's lights glittered outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but they provided little comfort. Maya's thoughts were consumed by worry for Shion and the potential consequences of their late-night outing. Her phone buzzed, breaking the silence, and she snatched it up with trembling hands, hoping for a message from Izana. Instead, it was Shion.
[1:05 am] Don't worry about me Just stay inside
Maya sighed in relief, but it was short-lived. The uncertainty of the situation still loomed over her. She typed out a quick response.
[1:06 am] I will I'm sorry
She set her phone down and leaned back, closing her eyes in an attempt to steady her breathing. The night's events replayed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest. Despite her growing familiarity with this dangerous world, she couldn't ignore the fear that gnawed at her. Hours passed in restless silence. Maya couldn't bring herself to sleep, so she decided to distract herself with a book. She picked up a novel from the coffee table and tried to lose herself in the story, but her mind kept drifting back to Izana and Shion. The unease wouldn't leave her, and every noise from the city outside made her jump. As dawn approached, the first light of morning filtering through the windows, Maya's phone buzzed again. She grabbed it, her heart leaping with hope and fear. It was a message from Izana.
[5:47 am] Shion's fine. Don't do that again. No more late night outings Not anytime soon.
Maya let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. It wasn't exactly comforting, but at least it meant Shion wasn't in immediate danger. She quickly typed a response.
[5:48 am] I won't I'm sorry
She set her phone down and rubbed her eyes, exhaustion finally catching up with her. The adrenaline that had kept her awake all night was wearing off, leaving her feeling drained. She decided to take a quick shower, hoping the warm water would help clear her mind. As she stood under the stream, she couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. The luxury and security of her new lifestyle came with strings attached, and she was constantly navigating the fine line between safety and danger. Izana's world was one of power and control, and Maya was acutely aware of her precarious position within it.
Dressed in fresh clothes, Maya returned to the living room, feeling slightly more composed. The city outside was beginning to wake up, and she could hear the distant sounds of traffic and activity. She made herself a cup of coffee and settled on the couch, determined to stay alert and ready for whatever the day might bring. As she sipped her coffee, she glanced at her phone again, hoping for more communication from Izana. She knew better than to push him, but the silence was maddening. She decided to text him again, keeping it light and non-confrontational.
[6:15 am] Good morning Do you need anything today?
She waited, her heart pounding with anticipation. The minutes ticked by slowly, and just when she was about to give up hope for a response, her phone buzzed.
[6:22 am] Be ready by 9 We're going out.
Maya's heart skipped a beat. She had no idea what Izana had planned, but she knew better than to question him. She set her coffee down and began to prepare for the day, her mind racing with possibilities. Maya took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She glanced at the clock and realized she had just under three hours to get ready. She decided to take her time, knowing that projecting confidence and control was essential in Izana's world.
After another quick shower to freshen up, Maya meticulously selected her outfit. She opted for a mid-length black dress with a sweetheart neckline and white trim, paired with comfortable yet stylish heels. She knew that appearances mattered greatly to Izana, and she wanted to make sure she looked the part. Her hair was styled neatly, and she applied just enough makeup to highlight her features without overdoing it. By the time she finished getting ready, it was 8:45 am. Maya took a moment to collect herself, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She grabbed her phone, keys, and a small handbag before heading out of her apartment. As she stepped into the hallway, she found Shion waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall. His usual smirk was in place, but there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes. "Morning," he greeted her, straightening up.
"Morning, Shion," Maya replied, offering a small smile. She felt a mixture of relief and nervousness at seeing him again after the previous night's events. "Izana said we have plans today."
Shion nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Yeah, he's waiting downstairs. Let's go."
They walked to the elevator in silence, the tension from the previous night still lingering between them. As the elevator descended, Maya glanced at Shion, searching for any signs of what might be in store for them. He met her gaze and gave a reassuring nod, though it did little to ease her apprehension. When they reached the lobby, Maya spotted Izana standing near the entrance, his presence commanding as always. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, his expression unreadable. As they approached, he turned to face them, his eyes briefly scanning Maya's outfit before nodding in approval. "You're ready," Izana stated, his tone leaving no room for doubt.
"Yes," Maya replied, her voice steady. "Where are we going?"
"Brunch," Izana said with a cryptic smile, motioning for them to follow him "We're getting Kakucho first"
They stepped outside, where the usual sleek black Lexus awaited them. Izana opened the back door for Maya, a rare gesture of chivalry that didn't go unnoticed. She slid into the car, followed by Izana and Shion, who took the driver's seat as usual. The drive was quiet, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional soft clicks from Izana's phone as he checked messages. Maya's mind raced with possibilities of what this brunch might entail, especially after what happened last night. They stop at another large apartment building and a few minutes later Kakucho steps out and gets into the passenger seat at the front and Shion starts driving again. Maya hasn't seen Kakucho as much lately. He was busy according to Shion and Maya doesn't think she wants to know the details.
Evil doesn't rest is something Maya remembers reading some time ago. It seems it's true because even gang members can't have much time to rest. Maya can't help but wonder if she is their only connection to normalcy. Maybe that's why Shion lets her talk to him all informally even though he's 9 years older; Maybe that's why Kakucho lets her mess around with him; Maybe that's why Izana lets her spit out smart comments.
As they drove through the city, Maya reflected on the question Shion had asked her last night: why does Izana keep you around?
Izana kept Maya around for normalcy.
To feel a little less like a bad person.
Izana had long recovered from his addiction and didn't even smoke anymore, only drinking for leisure. Maya was a reminder of what it felt like to be a regular person, a tether to a world he could never fully inhabit but still wanted to touch.
When they arrived at their destination, an upscale brunch spot tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, Izana led the way inside. The restaurant was elegant, with soft jazz playing in the background and sunlight streaming through large windows. They were seated at a private table in the back, away from prying eyes. As they settled in, the waiter came to take their orders. Maya glanced at the menu, her mind still buzzing with thoughts. She ordered a simple meal, trying to gauge the atmosphere. The place was empty. "Do you own this place too?" She asks as Izana pours himself water
Izana hums. "Of course, bunny" Ah, he was back to calling her that "How else do you think I booked the place out? Is this the first time I've brought you here?"
As usual, it was only her and Izana together in the restaurant. Shion never joined them as he'd go do whatever errands Izana assigned him and Kakucho was never in the mood to 'third wheel'. Maya's thoughts were interrupted as the waiter returned with their drinks. She took a sip of her orange juice, the tartness a welcome distraction from her swirling thoughts. "I guess it is the first time," she responded, her voice carrying a hint of awe as she looked around the empty, elegant space. "It's beautiful."
Izana smiled, clearly pleased by her reaction. "I thought you might like it. It's one of my favorite spots. Quiet, private."
"Must be nice to have so many places you can call your own," Maya said, trying to keep the conversation light. "Do you ever get tired of it?"
Izana leaned back in his chair, studying her. "Sometimes. But it's necessary. In my line of work, privacy and control are everything."
She nodded, understanding the underlying message. In Izana's world, trust was a luxury few could afford. As their food arrived, Maya glanced at the beautifully presented dishes. Despite the tension and the ever-present undercurrent of danger, moments like these almost felt normal. Almost. "How's your breakfast?" Izana asked, cutting into his food.
"It's delicious," Maya replied, taking a bite. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Izana waved off her thanks. They ate in silence for a while till she spoke up again "Uh... What was last night about?"
Izana puts his utensils down and Maya immediately regrets touching the topic. "Maya..." Oh there he was using her name again
Maya had gotten so used to being called bunny by Izana that now it just felt wrong when he called her by her name. May puts down her utensils as well, looking at him nervously. "There is something I didn't account for when bringing you along places with me even if you were just in the car most of the time and the only places we went were restaurants..." Izana says cautiously
What did he have to be cautious about? Maya's pulse quickened as Izana's tone turned serious. She swallowed hard, waiting for him to continue, her mind racing with all the possible directions this conversation could go. The elegant surroundings and the quiet, empty restaurant suddenly felt like a pressure cooker, the weight of Izana's words bearing down on her. Izana sighed, leaning forward slightly, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her breath hitch. "Maya, being around me, being part of my life, it's dangerous. Last night, we had a close call. I underestimated the risks involved in keeping you close, even if it's just for something as simple as getting food."
Maya frowned, confusion and concern swirling in her mind. "What do you mean? What kind of close call?"
"There are always people watching, always enemies waiting for a moment of weakness," Izana explained, his voice low and measured. "Last night, we had a situation that could have escalated. You and Shion were vulnerable, and it was a mistake for me and Shion to let our guards down, even for a moment."
Maya's stomach churned. She hadn't realized the full extent of the danger she was in, or how her presence might complicate things for Izana and his operations. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to put anyone at risk."
Izana shook his head, a rare, almost tender expression softening his features. "It's not your fault, bunny. It's mine. I should have been more careful."
She shifts in place. "What exactly does this mean for me?"
"Someone put a bounty on your head, sweetheart... That's what it means"
Maya felt a cold chill run down her spine at Izana's words. The world around her seemed to narrow, the elegant restaurant fading into the background as the weight of the revelation settled in. Her mouth went dry, and she had to swallow hard before she could speak again. "A bounty?" she echoed, her voice barely audible.
Izana nodded, his expression grim. "Yes. It seems my enemies believe that getting to you might be a way to get to me. I underestimated how visible our connection had become."
Maya's mind raced. She had known that being around Izana came with risks, but she had never imagined something like this. "What... what are we going to do?"
Izana reached across the table, taking her hand in his. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the deadly world he inhabited and to the teasing and patronizing way he usually treated her. "I'm going to keep you safe," he said firmly. "You'll stay closer to me from now on. I'll increase your security. We need to make sure you're protected at all times."
Maya looked into his eyes, seeing a flicker of something she hadn't expected: genuine concern. Despite his ruthless exterior, it seemed Izana did care about her well-being. "Okay," she said, squeezing his hand. "I'll do whatever you think is best."
Izana nodded, releasing her hand and leaning back in his chair. "Good. For now, just enjoy your breakfast. We'll discuss the details later."
But even as Maya eats she can't help but feel sick. As they leave the restaurant, Shion and Kakucho are already back from whatever they had to do. It's as they're driving, Maya's phone buzzes with a text.
[10:54 am] watch your back, doctor
Maya stares at the text in confusion and then comes another.
[10:54 am] Izana won't be able to keep you safe forever
Instantly she feels her stomach churn and her mouth fill with saliva. "Shion..." she says weakly "Pull over"
He looks at her through the rearview mirror, Kakucho and Izana turning to her as well. "Maya are you okay?" Kakucho asks, furrowing his brow
Maya just grips her phone tight. "I'm gonna throw up, pull over"
The car comes to a screeching halt on the fairly empty road and she stumbles out of the car. She barely made it to the side before doubling over, retching violently again. Izana was beside her in an instant, holding her steady with an arm around her waist and hand holding her hair back. "Maya, what happened?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and anger.
She handed him her phone, still trembling and hunched over. He read the messages, his expression darkening with each word. "Who sent these?" he demanded, his grip tightening on her phone.
"I don't know," Maya managed to say between breaths. "It was a blocked number."
Shion and Kakucho are standing right by them, water bottle in hand. Izana trades Maya's phone for the water bottle and makes her drink. Maya took a few sips of the water, her hands shaking. Izana's presence was both reassuring and terrifying. She could see the fury simmering just beneath the surface of his calm exterior. "We need to get you back to the apartment," he said firmly, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any immediate threats.
Shion nodded and quickly moved to open the car door for Maya. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe," he urged.
As they got back into the car, the atmosphere was tense. Izana was on his phone, barking orders to his security team, ensuring every possible measure was taken to protect Maya. Kakucho sat in the front, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, while Shion kept checking the rearview mirror, alert for any sign of trouble. Maya leaned back in her seat, trying to steady her breathing. She felt a mixture of fear and guilt—fear for her safety and guilt for causing such a commotion. She glanced at Izana, who was now off the phone and staring out the window, his jaw clenched. "Sorry" she whispered, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her.
Izana turned to her, his expression softening slightly. "It's not your fault, bunny" he said, using the nickname that now felt oddly comforting
Izana pulls Maya over into his arms so she's pressed into his side. Maru looks up at him, sad-scared puppy eyes melting his cold heart. "shh~, c'mere" he murmurs, pulling her up so she's sitting across his lap
It felt nice being comforted by a man that was cruel to everyone else. Maya nestled into Izana's embrace, her anxiety slowly ebbing away as his steady presence enveloped her. She could feel the tension in his body, a coiled spring ready to unleash fury on anyone who dared threaten her. For a moment, she allowed herself to find solace in his strength, pushing away the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her earlier. The drive back to the apartment was tense, the atmosphere thick with unspoken fears and simmering anger. Maya stayed curled up in Izana's lap, her head resting against his chest. Izana's grip on her tightened slightly, a protective gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Shion and Kakucho. They exchanged glances, both aware of the gravity of the situation "shhh..." Izana hushes gently every time he felt her shiver
He holds the back of her head, pressing her face to the crook of her neck. Maru wraps. her arms around Izana's neck, clinging to him for comfort and security. Maya never thought she'd go to Izana for something other than money, especially after knowing everything he'd done, especially after watching him order his men to torture her former employers to death.
It was all because it was so nice being comforted by a man who was cruel to everyone else.
Izana pulls her impossibly closer to his chest. The tension in the car was palpable, each mile stretching the silence as they made their way back to the apartment. Izana held Maya securely, his thumb tracing soothing circles on her bare knee while his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Despite the chaotic swirl of emotions, she found herself relaxing into his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear acting as a grounding anchor.
When they finally reached the apartment, Shion and Kakucho quickly exited the car to ensure the area was secure. Izana gently shifted Maya, preparing to carry her inside. "It's okay," she murmured, trying to stand on her own, but her legs were shaky, and she had to lean on Izana for support.
"You don't have to be strong all the time, bunny," Izana said softly, lifting her effortlessly into his arms. "Let me take care of you."
Maya didn't protest further, resting her head against his shoulder as he carried her into the building. Once inside, they were greeted by a heightened security presence. Izana's men were everywhere, scanning the surroundings with keen eyes, their postures alert and ready for any potential threat. The usual quiet luxury of the apartment now felt like a fortress under siege.
Even in the elevator, he doesn't put her down, carrying Maya bridal style, no longer caring who sees. Izana carried her to the living room and gently placed her on the couch in his penthouse. "Listen to me, Maya," he said, his voice firm yet gentle as he kneeled in front of her "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. But you need to stay vigilant. Don't go anywhere without Shion or Kakucho or any of my top men. Shion, Kakucho, Ran, Rindo, Mochi— only them. Understand?"
Maya nodded, her heart pounding. "I understand," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Izana stood up and turned to Kakucho and Shion, who had just entered the room. "I want a full sweep of the building. No one gets in or out without my explicit permission," he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.
Shion nodded, his expression serious. "Got it, boss."
Maya watched as he moved with a sense of purpose, directing his men and checking the locks. Shion and Kakucho were by his side, their expressions mirroring his seriousness. She felt a pang of guilt for being the cause of such turmoil but reminded herself that Izana's world had always been dangerous. She was just more aware of it now.
Izana directs more of his men to her apartment as well to do a sweep of her place too. Maya just watches, fingers curled into her dress. Once it seems like Izana has given his men enough orders, he crouches down in front of her again down on one knee. It's an odd sight to see a man so powerful kneeling, let alone being kind. "How about you stay up here tonight..." Izana murmurs as he begins to unstrap her heels from her feet
He isn't asking but Maya tires to protest anyway. "You don't have to—"
As expected, he doesn't let her protest either. 
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A week passes like that. Maya stays in Kakucho's room and Izana refuses to let her leave the penthouse without any of them. Now, had she been your typical dark romance novel female lead, Maya would be begging to leave and get out. But no. Maya grew up all alone, having to provide for herself. Here, in this huge penthouse owned by scary gangsters with the country under their boot, she didn't have to lift a single finger. It was honestly amazing if you ignore the current threat to her life. 
During that week, Maya settled into an unexpected routine of luxury and security, a stark contrast to her previous life. She had her meals prepared, her every need attended to, and she could actually relax, albeit under constant surveillance. Despite the danger, she found herself growing more comfortable with Izana and his men, even if the circumstances were far from normal.
One evening, as she sat on the balcony of the penthouse, watching the sunset over the city, Izana joined her. He handed her a glass of wine, and they sat in companionable silence for a few moments. The orange and pink hues of the sky reflected off the glass buildings, casting a warm glow over everything. "You seem more at ease," Izana observed, taking a sip of his drink.
Maya glanced at him, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I guess I am. It's strange, isn't it? Feeling safe in a place surrounded by danger."
Izana nodded, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "Danger is relative. In my world, safety is a luxury we create, not something we find."
Maya pondered his words, understanding the depth behind them. She had seen firsthand the lengths Izana went to ensure her protection, and she couldn't deny the sense of security that came with his presence. "Thank you, Izana," she said softly, turning to look at him. "For everything."
Izana's gaze met hers, a rare, genuine warmth in his eyes. "You're welcome, bunny. But I must say this is my fault. I should have known the consequences of bringing a civilian along with me everywhere. Of course someone was going to put a hit on you"
Maya just shakes her. Of course, Izana was right but she wouldn't outright say that to him. "Also" Izana continues "There is a party on Friday. I'd like you to come with me"
And Maya agrees. What's the worst that could happen?
Later that night, as Maya prepared for bed, there was a soft knock on her door. She opened it to find Kakucho standing there, his usual stoic expression softened by concern. "Just wanted to check on you," he said simply.
Maya smiled, touched by his gesture. "I'm okay, Kakucho. Thanks for asking."
He nodded, lingering for a moment as if unsure whether to say more. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me," he finally said, his voice gentle.
"I will," Maya replied, appreciating the support from him and the others. She watched as Kakucho left, feeling a strange mix of emotions. This life of danger and luxury was a far cry from the one she had known, but she was adapting in ways she hadn't expected.
As she lay in bed, thoughts swirling in her mind, Maya couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. She had gone from a struggling therapist to a woman under the protection of one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the city. And yet, amidst the chaos, she had found a semblance of peace, even if it was fragile and fleeting.
The days continued in a similar fashion, with Maya growing more accustomed to her new reality. She found herself laughing more with Shion and Kakucho, enjoying their company despite the circumstances. Izana remained a constant, his presence both commanding and comforting. 
Soon comes Friday, the day of the party Izana was talking about.
Maya stood in front of the full-length mirror in Kakucho's room, adjusting the strap of the elegant dress Izana had chosen for her. It was a deep blue in the same shade as her eyes, accentuating her figure without being too revealing. The fabric felt luxurious against her skin, a stark reminder of the opulence she had been thrust into. "Are you ready?" Izana's voice came from the doorway. 
She turned to see him leaning against the frame, looking impeccable in a tailored suit. His eyes held a mix of pride and something deeper that she couldn't quite place. "Almost," she replied, taking a deep breath. "How do I look?"
"Perfect," Izana said, stepping forward and offering his arm. "Shall we?"
Maya took his arm, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. She was stepping into a world that was both fascinating and terrifying, but with Izana by her side, she felt an unexpected surge of confidence. As they descended to the lobby, Shion and Kakucho were already waiting, dressed sharply in suits. They both gave her approving nods, a silent reassurance that she was part of their inner circle tonight.
The drive to the party was relatively quiet, the tension in the air more anticipatory than fearful. Maya couldn't help but wonder what kind of people attended these events and what role she was expected to play. When they arrived, the venue was a sprawling mansion on the outskirts of the city, its grandeur illuminated by an array of lights. The driveway was lined with expensive cars, and elegantly dressed guests milled about, sipping champagne and exchanging pleasantries. Izana led Maya inside, his hand resting possessively on her lower back. As they entered the grand hall, Maya was struck by the sheer opulence of the place. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. Tables were adorned with lavish floral arrangements, and a string quartet played softly in the background. "Stay close to me," Izana whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "And remember, you're here as my guest. No one will dare harm you while you're with me."
Maya nodded, her heart pounding. She clung to Izana's side, observing the room and its occupants. There were people of all ages, mingling and chatting, but she could sense the underlying tension. This was not just a social event; it was a gathering of power players, each with their own agendas. As they made their way through the crowd, several people approached Izana, exchanging polite greetings and respectful nods. He introduced Maya as his companion, and she noticed the curious glances and whispers that followed them. "Izana, my friend," a smooth voice interrupted their progress. Maya turned to see a tall, impeccably dressed man with a predatory smile. "It's been too long."
"Takeda," Izana replied, his tone polite but guarded. "Good to see you."
Takeda's gaze shifted to Maya, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And who is this lovely lady?"
"This is Kaneko Maya," Izana said, his grip on her tightening slightly. "She's with me."
Takeda nodded, his smile never wavering. "A pleasure to meet you, Maya. I hope you're enjoying the evening."
"I am, thank you," Maya replied, her voice steady despite the unease she felt.
As Takeda moved on, Izana leaned in close. "Be careful around him. He's not to be trusted."
Maya nodded, grateful for the warning. The evening continued, a whirlwind of introductions and conversations. Maya did her best to remember names and faces, but it was overwhelming. Izana never left her side, his presence a constant source of reassurance. At one point, they stepped out onto a terrace overlooking the gardens. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the crowded room, and Maya took a moment to breathe deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. "Are you holding up okay?" Izana asked, his eyes searching hers.
Maya nodded. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm managing."
Izana smiled, his expression softening. "You're doing great. Just a little longer, and then we can leave."
Before she could respond, the sound of raised voices drew their attention back to the ballroom. Izana's body tensed, and he quickly led her inside, his demeanour shifting to one of alertness. As they entered, they saw a group of men gathered near the center of the room, their argument growing more heated. Izana motioned for Shion and Kakucho, who immediately moved to flank him, ready for whatever might happen. Maya stood close to Izana, her heart pounding as the situation escalated. She could feel the tension in the room, the eyes of the guests watching intently. Izana stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "Gentlemen," he said, his voice calm but authoritative. "Is there a problem?"
The men turned to face him, their expressions wary. One of them, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, spoke up. "Just a disagreement, Kurokawa-san. Nothing to worry about."
Izana's eyes narrowed slightly. "Make sure it stays that way. This is not the place for conflicts."
The man nodded, backing down. The tension in the room eased slightly, and the guests began to return to their conversations, though the air was still charged with an undercurrent of unease. Izana turned back to Maya, his expression softening. "Let's get out of here. We've had enough excitement for one night."
Maya nodded, grateful for the escape. As they made their way to the exit, she couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and exhaustion. The night had been a glimpse into a world she was only beginning to understand, and she knew it was just the beginning. It's as they reach the car parked outside the venue someone shouts for them to stop. It all happens too fast. You see a man in a trench coat pull something shiny. Her body moves almost on instinct as she pushes Izana out of the line of fire. The next thing she knows she's on the ground on her knees. 
Maya kneels on the cold pavement, the searing pain in her arm confirming what her mind struggled to process: she had been shot. Chaos erupted around her as Izana's men sprang into action, surrounding her and Izana with drawn weapons. She could hear Shion shouting orders, his voice a distant roar in the growing haze of her consciousness. She touches her arm and sees blood on her hands. She looks up and sees Izana staring down at her in shock. Maya thinks Izana is about to say something but before he can, she passes out. 
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The smell of antiseptic is something Maya got used to after staying in the hospital for a week. The sterile environment of the hospital room was a stark contrast to the chaos of the events that had landed Maya there. She lay in the hospital bed, her arm bandaged and elevated, the pain dulled by medication but still present. Izana sat beside her, his expression unreadable as he watched over her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice quiet.
Maya shifted slightly, wincing at the movement. "Sore," she admitted, her voice hoarse from disuse. "But I'll survive."
Izana's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "You saved my life," he said softly, his tone tinged with something akin to awe.
Maya shook her head, dismissing his praise. "I just reacted. Anyone would have done the same."
Izana reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Not anyone," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're special, Maya. You have a courage and strength that few possess."
Maya felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, a sense of validation she hadn't expected. She had always seen herself as ordinary, unremarkable even, but hearing Izana's praise made her feel seen in a way she hadn't before. "Thank you," she murmured, her eyes meeting his. "For everything."
Izana nodded, his hand lingering on her cheek. "I should be the one thanking you," he said, his thumb tracing a gentle circle on her skin. "You've changed everything for me."
Maya felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, a mix of gratitude and something deeper that she couldn't quite name. She reached out, taking Izana's hand in hers, their fingers intertwining. She's about to say something but then Izana pulls his hand out of her grasp. "Just before I forget"
In the blink of an eye, the gold Cartier love bracelet is locked back on her wrist. She hadn't even realized it was taken off. Maya raises her brow in amusement. "That's a priority for you?" She asks as he pockets the screwdriver
Izana just grins. "Of course it is bunny"
Maya laughs softly. "Keep the screwdriver safe, I couldn't find it last time and had it on for months"
Izana simply nods.
He doesn't give it to her. 
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A few days after Maya is discharged, Izana quite literally carries her to his room. While she insisted she could walk, Izana also insisted on carrying her. "Wait, why your room?" Maya asks as he sets her down on his bed
"hm, I thought it was time to give Kakucho his room back" Izana says simply as he removes his suit jacket
"Could've just left me in my apartment too" She tells him "it's literally right under this one"
Izana's eyes flashed with a mix of amusement and something more possessive as he hung his suit jacket on the back of a chair. "I want you close, Maya. You know that."
Maya sighed, knowing any further argument would be futile. Izana was nothing if not stubborn, especially when it came to her safety. She looked around his room, noting the minimalistic yet luxurious decor, a stark contrast to her own apartment. "Fine," she conceded, leaning back against the plush pillows. "But you're making a habit of this."
Izana's lips curved into a small smile as he unbuttoned his shirt cuffs. "Perhaps I am," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. "But it’s a habit I have no intention of breaking."
Maya watched him, feeling a mixture of exasperation and affection. The week in the hospital had been an emotional rollercoaster, and now, back in the penthouse, she felt a sense of surreal calm. Despite the danger, despite the chaos, she had found a strange comfort in Izana's presence. Maya sighed, knowing better than to argue with him. Despite the lingering pain in her arm, she felt a strange sense of security in his room. It was luxurious, just like the rest of the penthouse, but it also had a personal touch that reflected Izana’s taste—minimalist, with dark tones and high-end finishes. As Izana busied himself with something on his desk, Maya settled into the plush bed, sinking into the soft comforter. She felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her, the events of the past weeks catching up. Izana returned to her side, a glass of water in hand. "Here, take these," he said, handing her a couple of painkillers.
Maya took the pills, grateful for the relief they promised. She downed them with a sip of water, then handed the glass back to Izana. "Thank you," she murmured, leaning back against the pillows.
Izana sat on the edge of the bed, watching her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat. His hand comes up, slow and careful to cup her cheek and before she knows it, their lips have locked together. Maya's mind swirled with the mixture of sensations—Izana’s firm yet gentle touch, the warmth of his lips, and the undeniable chemistry that had been building between them. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the kiss, a momentary escape from the chaos that had become her life. When they finally pulled apart, both were slightly breathless. Izana’s thumb brushed against her cheek, his gaze unwavering. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he murmured, his voice filled with a rare softness.
Maya smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “I don’t know about that,” she replied, her voice shaky yet filled with sincerity. 
Izana leans in and kisses her again, this time more eager and a little more aggressive. Maya's pulse quickened as Izana's kiss deepened, his lips demanding and passionate. She responded in kind, her hands moving up to tangle in his hair. The intensity of the moment was electrifying, every touch sending shivers down her spine. Izana's hand slid from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. Maya felt herself melting into him, her worries and fears momentarily forgotten in the heat of the kiss. When they finally broke apart, both were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other.
“Izana,” Maya whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “What are we doing?”
Izana's eyes bore into hers, a mix of desire and determination. “What feels right,” he replied, his thumb brushing over her lips before he kisses her again
Maya's head swam with a whirlwind of emotions as Izana's lips met hers once more. The intensity of his kiss, the possessiveness in his touch, made her feel more alive than she had ever felt before. Every sensation was heightened, every touch electrifying, as they surrendered to the moment. As their kiss deepened, Maya's hands roamed over Izana's back, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt. His hands were no less explorative, tracing the contours of her body with a mix of tenderness and fervour. The world outside his room faded away, leaving just the two of them, entwined in a passionate embrace. It's right then that as they kiss, Izana takes her hands and starts wrapping something around her wrists. She pulls away. "I-Izana?"
"You're so pretty" He murmurs, a look of excitement in his eyes
Maya's gaze shifted between him and her wrists which he was currently tying together with his necktie, the ache in her shoulder now turned to numbness. When did he take his tie off? "Izana..." She tries saying as he loops the silk around her wrists once more
"Shhh..." He coos and presses a kiss to her forehead "It's gon' be fine. Won't be too rough with you, I know your shoulder hurts"
But it wasn't about the damn bullet wound and Maya wasn't sure how to explain it to him. "N-No wait Izana—" He finishes tying her wrists together and lowers her back onto the bed
Izana stops when he sees her panicked state. His fingers clench around the silk that binds her wrists together. "hm?"
Maya looks up at him, wide watery eyes. His heart melts. "I'm a virgin"
In an instant, the necktie is slid off her wrists but Izana makes no move to get off her. "Do you trust me?" he whispers, lips meet her cheek
With those four words, the months she has spent with Izana play through her head like a movie being played on fast forward. From the day they first met till now, Maya knows how absolutely scary most of the situations she was put into. Hell, she almost died too. Maya's heart raced as she looked into Izana's eyes, searching for any hint of deceit or malice. But all she found was sincerity, a genuine concern that made her want to believe him. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside her. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible
And Izana smiles, his lips meeting her's in another kiss.
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It's about 8 am when Maya wakes up. The night before had been... Eventful. Of course, that was one way to describe it. After Izana had taken her virginity they showered together. She's wearing her own pyjama pants but one of Izana's shirts that he didn’t bother helping her button up. Maya stares up and the ceiling, lying on her back as Izana lays next to her with an arm around her waist, still asleep. 
Maya couldn't help but feel a swirl of conflicting emotions as she lay there in the early morning light, wrapped in Izana's shirt and tangled up with him in his bed. She felt a strange mix of vulnerability and comfort, a sense of intimacy she had never experienced before. Part of her wanted to stay there forever, cocooned in this moment of peace and connection. But another part of her was filled with uncertainty, unsure of what this newfound closeness with Izana meant for their relationship.
As she gazed at him sleeping beside her, she couldn't help but marvel at the contrast between the man she had come to know and the one she had feared when they first met. Izana seemed almost... vulnerable in his sleep, his usual guarded facade softened by the peaceful expression on his face. Maya reached out, tracing the line of his jaw with her fingertips, memorizing every contour and angle.
Maya pulls her hand back and slips out of bed without waking him. Her arm was aching again and there was no more water in the glass on the bedside table. She cradles her injured arm to her chest as she walks through the empty penthouse toward the kitchen. Maya fills herself a glass of water and leans against the kitchen island as she drinks. The events of the past weeks replayed in Maya's mind like a movie, each scene more surreal than the last. She couldn't quite believe how much her life had changed since she first met Izana. From being a struggling psychiatrist to now being entangled in a world of danger and luxury, it was a journey she never could have imagined. As she stood there in the quiet of the kitchen, Maya couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her. Her relationship with Izana had taken a sudden and unexpected turn, and she wasn't sure where they stood now. Did last night change everything, or was it just a momentary lapse in judgment? "Oh well" she thinks 
Just as she's about the head back to Izana's room, something on the counter catches her eye. Oh. It was the screwdriver for the bracelet Izana gave her. Maya picks it up. She couldn't find hers for months after Izana put the bracelet on her. She stares down at the bracelet and then puts the screwdriver in place which then unlocks it. Just as she's about to pull it off, someone speaks up. "Kaneko... Maya...?" a voice says startling her
She turned around fast, the bracelet slipping off her wrist easily now that it was unlocked. Standing a little too close for comfort is a man with pale skin, black bottomless pits as eyes and black messy long hair. He stares at her for a moment and Maya attempts to take a step back only for her back to hit the counter. "huh..." he mutters, looking at her up and down, watching Maya cradle her injured arm to her chest
He crouches down and picks up the Cartier Bracelet off the floor. "Didn't think aniki would let you walk around the place so freely like this" he murmurs as he examines the bracelet
Aniki? Oh. "You're.... Sano Manjiro"
This was Izana's younger brother. The leader of Tokyo Manji Gang. "In the flesh" Manjiro says and looks at her "But I prefer Mikey"
She just nods, keeping her arm cradled to her chest and also trying to cover up her bralette which was exposed since she hadn't buttoned up her shirt before leaving Izana's room. "Nice to finally meet the girl that's got my brother's attention" Manjiro— Mikey— says
Maya lets out a shaky exhale. "Nice to meet you too, Mikey," Maya replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nerves churning in her stomach. 
She couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, especially from someone as formidable as Izana's brother. He exudes power in the same way as Izana. Although she can't help but notice they don't look alike at all. "Um can—"
"you know," Mikey starts, cutting her off as he fiddles with the bracelet "owners usually don't give their pets the key to their collar"
Maru furrows her brows at his words. "um... Excuse me?"
Mikey looks up at her with a smirk, his gaze piercing. "You heard me," he says, his tone casual yet filled with underlying tension. "You're wearing Izana's collar, aren't you?"
Maya's heart skips a beat, her mind racing as she tries to process his words. She glances down at the bracelet in his hand, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. "It's just a bracelet," she replies, her voice defensive.
Mikey raises an eyebrow, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Is it now?" he says, his smirk widening
He turns the gold love bracelet over and shows her the inside of it. Maya felt her stomach churn uncomfortably at the sight of what was engraved onto the inside. It was a common thing. Cartier offered a service that allowed you to get what you wanted engraved on the inside of certain rings and bracelets. But this certainly wasn't what she expected. 
Engraved on the inside of the bracelet is 
property of Kurokawa Izana
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notes: ngl, I'm not super satisfied with this chapter but oh well, it's a bonus anyway. It's super fast pace, I know but it's a bonus for a reason and I kinda lost interest in writing the smut so I just left it off. Have I ever mentioned I hate writing smut which is why none of my one-shots have smut. but anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)
special thanks to: @mysouleaten @yaya4thawin @piroporopo @reiners-milkbiddies @bontensbabygirl @tenjikusstuff4 @fairey555 @haikyuusboringassmanager @firstdivisiongirl @bakuhoethotski @xoxowhateveroxox @maraya-007 @dolfiins-art @short-cxke @milky-aeons @asirensrage @blueblazecrusade @brisssaaa009 @m-ilkiee
69 notes · View notes
gh0stgirl333 · 20 days
It begins…
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Monsters: Mikey Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 1: Warning Signals
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series summary: your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. and now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
chapter summary: being friends with Emma Sano is nice, until you get on the wrong side of the Sano brothers.
content warning: DARK CONTENT, NSFW, misogyny, alcohol/drug use, brief mention of violence, religious and purity culture themes, classism, slutshaming, p*rn mention, sexual assault, noncon, public initimacy, fingering (fem recieving), dacryphilia, gaslighting, manipulation, mention of vomitting, victim blaming.
r-18+ (not suitable for 17 and under)
word count: 10.1k words
note: this chapter has been edited and the storyline shifted to the original plan for the series. consequent chapters 2-5 will follow suit and vastly vary from the og series i posted before.
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KNOWING how big both the TENJIKU and TOMAN fraternities were on campus, it was a bit awkward being friends with the youngest sister of two of the most popular guys in this school.
Any where you two went, she would always be the center of attention. You didn't really mind being in her shadow because as long as you have her, you’ll be fine. People called you a lost puppy, riding on Emma’s cocktails just to get by in university.
They didn’t know how you both have self-care days where you would paint your nails, wear facial masks and watch “Mean Girls” or “Clueless” on her laptop because you weren’t allowed to watch it when you were young. Or how the both of you always have study dates with hot coffee and exchanging annotated notes so that you both remain at the top of your game. They don’t know about the secrets you both share and the trust you both have for each other.
You don’t have to explain anything to anyone.
Emma is a pretty satisfied girl. Her college tuition is paid for in full and her time here has always been smooth. As far as you knew, she grew up being loved by all three of her brothers and they doted on her to the point she thinks they spoiled her.
-You don’t think they spoiled her -okay maybe a little with the way she spends money, but everyone has a vice. Right?
You could tell she knew what familial love is with how sweet and kind she was to you when you opened up about your family troubles.
The only issue is that her two brothers, Mikey and Izana, have been at each other's necks for some years now. Mostly Izana inciting violence at Mikey and Mikey retailiating; it’s the number one concern in the Sano household the way those two fight and argue.
From what Emma told you, Izana’s provocative nature was the gasoline to Mikey’s volatile mental state, akin to fire. Even the littlest of things that no one would bat an eye for could incite a bloody brawl between them. And as they grew older, more people were involved in their petty rivalry, since neither Emma nor Shinichiro agreed to take their side.
Despite the looming hostility, Mikey decided to throw in the towel and agree for a truce. At first, Emma couldn’t believe it. Until two weeks had passed and they hadn’t fought.
"They haven't gotten along at a stretch like this, I tell ya!" Emma had said excitedly while selecting what she would wear that day. You let out a small smile as she tossed multiple clothes on her large bed. Being the youngest had its perks, like how her oldest brother, Shinichiro paid for her to have the biggest room in one of the dorms all to herself.
You heard that on the front, he had one of the biggest Motorcycle brands and behind all of that, his real business was handling the black dragons, one of the biggest gangs in Japan.
You wonder how Emma feels about her brothers' lifestyle, but judging from her huge wardrobe and expensive jewelry, you don't think it bothers her too much.
Not like you cared either. To you, she was just Emma. Nothing more or less.
The blonde haired girl swiftly turns to you with two options in her hand, a pink sequined dress and a white halter crop top and a pink mini skirt with ruffles at the bottom. "I need to look really good today, which one says 'I'm so happy my brothers are not at each other's necks for once?' " She asked animatedly.
You've never seen her this happy since you met her, unless Draken was involved and somehow it made you happier too. It must be nice to be so close to your family members all the time and be able to mend your relationship with them.
You've never had that. You don't think of your family much. You don't wish to either, ever since your father cursed you out for rejecting a marriage proposal from one of his friends to pursue higher education and your mother stayed quiet, complicit -all the while silently seething that all her training went down the drain. The first time you ever went against their old fashioned ideals after years of obedience was met with immediate punishment.
You don’t regret it, though. Because you wouldn’t have met Emma.
"The second one is a better choice." You said with a smile, gazing at her with adoration in your eyes. “The skirt ruffles makes your legs look good. Pair it with the white strap heels and you’re good.”
The blonde broke out into a wider grin, the clothes pooling at her sides as she rested a hand on her hips. “Look at you giving me fashion advice.” She teased lightheartedly. “I feel like a proud mother growing up!”
“I learned from the best.”
You both fall into a comfortable silence and you take that time to admire her. You’ve always thought Emma was gorgeous, from her bright smile, to the twinkling of her eyes when she’s mischievous, to her enthusiasm for life in general. It was a no-brainer that guys would gravitate towards Emma and try their luck into dating her. Eventually the threat of her brothers or the threat of her equally terrifying friends with benefits who just happened to be the vice president of Toman, Ken Ryugi, would be enough to back off.
You wished you were as likeable and as beautiful as she was. You were always too shy to do anything or talk to people, let alone guys that you liked.
“So have you picked your outfit for the party?”
You’re snapped out of the trance-like state to see Emma standing in front of you, her body so close, you could smell her vivienne westwood. “Me?” You asked her, your tone laced with confusion. “I don’t think I’m gonna go.”
“And why is that?”
You paused, trying to organize your thoughts on how to break this to her without ruining her mood tonight. “I don’t think…” you took a deep breath before saying. “Your brothers would want me there.”
There’s a shift in her look, so minor but you could pick out the way her smile faltered. You both knew that her brothers could be… weird around you. It was something Emma couldn’t understand for the life of her.
Izana was usually very displeased with your presence and makes it very well known he doesn't want you there with snide remarks and forgetting your own order. His friends, for the fear of him, wouldn't speak to you either. It took Emma angrily yelling at him for him to be civil towards you. But the second she turned her back, Izana would go back to his usual self, being rude and peppering it with little acts of violence like pushing your hand so that your drink spilled all over the floor and even pushed your laptop bag to the ground, destroying the device you saved money to buy for months.
Mikey was on the other end of the spectrum. He would ignore your very presence and talk to everyone else but you and the rest followed suit. You’ve tried to at least make small talk with him, anything but he would talk over you. You heard from other people that he’s the nice brother and he’s usually so easy going- you’ve seen it with your very eyes the way he interacts with Emma’s other friends, Hinata and Senju.
And it hurts you. You’ve had a crush on him for so long, longer than you even knew Emma, so you don’t understand why he’s acting so differently with you. Seeing him talk with other girls sweetly makes you green with envy, wishing that it was you. Craving for just a piece of his attention.
Maybe he just doesn't like shy girls.
Only some guy named Takemitchi would try and explain that they don't hate you. It was surprising, considering that you knew people like Hakkai - whom you attended the same confirmation class and high school with- and even he made no effort to at least speak with you whenever you came to the frat house or met on the road.
You stopped bothering to make either of the Sano brothers like you, so long as they let Emma keep hanging out with you. It was obvious that they hold some animosity for you when you’ve done nothing to them.
Before you could say anything, Emma pulled you up by your arm and dragged you off the bed towards her closet. “That’s a load of bullshit. There’s no way I’m leaving my best friend to rot in her room when there’s a Sano party going on.”
“Nope!” She cut you off stubbornly, before pulling out some clothes from her closet, trying to match them with your skin tone. Satisfied with the outfit she picked, she puts the clothes in your arms and practically shoves you into her bathroom.
“Don’t Emma me, (name). You’re going to take a shower and by the time you’re out, I should be back with a makeup kit that suits you.” You tried to speak again but she silenced you by pressing a finger on your lips. “We’re going to be the hottest girls at that party, whether they like it or not.”
“But these look very short-”
“Sorry, can’t hear you, bye!”
You sighed when Emma shut the bathroom door in your face, locking it so that you would do what she said.
There was no winning with Emma when she made her mind up. Might as well follow through with it.
YOU had no idea how big this party would be.
You've come to the Toman frat house before with Emma to see Mikey and Draken once, and admired how large and spacious the three story building was. Now imagine that large of a space being cramped up with nearly the whole school's population.
Somewhat, you’re grateful that the outfit Emma lent you was as short as it was. The house was so hot, you could faint from how stuffy it was.
You hold on tightly onto Emma's hand, intertwined with each other as the both of you push through the big crowd, ignoring the sweaty, drunk students as you headed for the stairs. She, being used to parties like this, was able to navigate through the raging crowd with some form of ease.
After a few more squeezes, you both finally make it to the stairs.
As you both climbed up, you could see different people, all having fun in their own way. You're rarely invited to parties, so this was still more of a nouveau experience for you. A girl is asking for a light, a tiny blunt in between her teeth until another person lights it up for her. You see some guy shotgunning another girl, before melting into a hot kiss, tongue melding with each other. Someone else is drowning shot after shot and a couple is practically dry humping for everyone to see, a poor excuse to dance with the music.
The obscene sight surprisingly doesn’t disgust you, knowing your background, it just makes you curious. How would it feel to try one of those things? Smoking? Drinking? Making out with someone? Emma had told you about her own experiences; as long as you took it easy, it could be fun. Her first time with anything was with Draken and he was always gentle with her, plus her brothers were fine with it, even making sure whatever she took wasn’t laced with anything.
However, you were taught differently. That your body is a temple that you should keep clean for God and doing any of these things will sully you.
You didn’t believe that as much as you did when you were younger, but you didn’t want to test your luck either in case it ended up being true. Besides, you would look like a complete moron if you tried anything with them.
You tried as much as possible not to make it obvious that you're staring, but that failed when you caught the attention of a tall silhouette smoking. Sharp golden eyes stared you down and you instantly looked away, not wanting to get in trouble with some random guy.
You've heard rumors about Toman or Tenjiku guys absolutely beating anyone up for just staring at them wrong. You don't want to be victim number seventy-five this year.
Finally, you both reached your destination; a room on the second floor where Mikey had asked Emma to meet him. The ground floor was always the place where non-members stayed, trashed and partied. The first is accessible to all members of Toman (and now, Tenjiku) to hang out, have a private party and smoke. The second floor is only for executives and their girls or sisters.
You're a bit worried for yourself as Emma spoke to the person guarding the door. Mikey never said YOU could come along with Emma. You're no executive. You're no girlfriend of their executives and you are definitely not related to any of them. You had told Emma to leave you on the ground floor but she insisted that no one would be angry with your presence.
You've suspected that Emma has been trying to hook you up with someone in either of the fraternities. She was always insistent that you at least get to know them.
"(Name) come on."
Without waiting for your protest, Emma yanked you into the rather pristine room that housed the executives. Your eyes drank in the sight briefly, thanking God that it wasn't filthy or smelly as you had imagined it. The execs were all playing a game of poker, with an orange haired girl -Hinata Tachibana, his girlfriend, perched on Takemitchi's lap, laughing at his bad luck.
Emma's eyes quickly scanned around the room for a brief moment until she saw her two brothers sitting side by side, both engrossed in the game. Mikey’s blonde hair is tousled, like he’s been running his hand through it repeatedly. His baggy white shirt is unbuttoned half way and slips down his shoulder, revealing a black tank top and large jean trousers. Izana is different, white hair falling across his handsome face, leather jacket discarded on the back rest of the chair, leaving him in only a tight red shirt and tighter leather jeans, various chains and accessories hanging from his neck. Two earrings dangle from his ears- you can’t remember the name or significance.
‘They’re really good looking. Really-’
Without a warning, she lets go of your poor arm and jumps on top of Mikey and Izana, tackling them into a hug. Cards fly as she squeezes them hard, to which they discard their initial anger of losing their deck and hugging her back.
"Emma, next time give us a warning, will you?" Mikey pouted. You thought it looked cute, but immediately discarded that stupid thought. The guy hates your guts, don’t think he’s hot. "You ruined my game."
"As if you weren't losing dipshit." Izana teased, his face more relaxed than you’re used to seeing. "She did you a favor. You were down to 100 chips."
"You were down to 50. Who's the loser?"
"Still you."
You could see a smile tug at the corner of her lips lift up as she stands up. "Finally glad that two of you aren't strangling each other for once." She said triumphantly, hands on her hips. Her voice has a pep to it. "Last time both of you were in the same room, it didn't end well."
"Doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it." Izana scoffed. Suddenly, his purple eyes left his sister's face and trailed onto you who just stood a few feet away, awkwardly. You watched in real time as his smile fell, his features darkening the moment he locked gazes with you.
Dear God.
"What is SHE doing here?"
His harsh tone made everyone in the room shift their attention towards you. Your blood ran hot with embarrassment, feeling Izana’s purple eyes scan you up and down in disgust while everyone else just looks at you. Mikey’s gaze burned holes into you as well, silently asking you what the fuck you were doing here.
It was obvious. They never wanted you here. This entire thing was a mistake from the beginning.
"I-I'm glad I could walk with you all the way here, Emma" you stuttered, lying through your teeth. You didn't like the way both brothers were staring at you, like they could walk over to you and wring your neck at any moment. "I'll go join the party downstairs now, so I guess I'll see you soon-"
Pulling away from her brothers abruptly, the blonde girl rushed over to you and grabbed your arm, halting your attempt at running away as she dragged you back in place. You cursed underneath your breath at Emma’s desperate attempt to try to get you to stay.
“Hold on, now (name). I’ll talk to them” Emma whispered reassuringly, before turning to her brothers and increasing her voice in full volume. "She's here with me, is there a problem?”
There was a tense silence in the room as everyone stared at you. Mikey's tone was ice cold as he directed his angry gaze at you, dark eyes scanning down your body. You shuddered when his gaze settled on your legs just briefly before snapping back at Emma’s face.
"Emma. When I sent you that text, I specifically said you should come ALONE."
You felt your heart twist in your chest at the emphasis of that word from none other than Mikey. He really hated you.
"Come on Mikey. This is ridiculous." Emma plead your case. You don't realize you're shaking until your friend squeezed your hand gently in an attempt to calm you down and you squeezed back, wanting this to be over as soon as possible. "Why would I leave her downstairs?"
"Because that’s where all the beggars like her stay."
Your eyes widened the second the words left his mouth, Emma following suit at his words. The shock was soon replaced by embarrassment as Izana looked at you with a devious smile on his face, continuing his verbal assault. "What? I was just making an astute observation. You did say she was poor, so am I really wrong?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you Izana-”
“Wait-” Mikey cuts in again, holding a hand to silence her, his eyes fixated onto your outfit, the wheels in his brain turning as he scanned your clothes from head to toe. You suddenly felt naked in the simple white top and jean skirt you wore, as he actually looked at you properly for the first time.
Your shyness is quickly short lived as his facial expression morphed from one of neutrality to nothing but pure rage.
“Is that the jean skirt I bought for you, Emma?”
Your heart dropped at how loud he barked, completely silencing everybody in the room. All eyes fell on you now, putting you at the center stage of attention. Emma quickly pushed you behind her, trying to shield you from their staring the moment she realized what was about to happen.
“Mikey, wait, I was the one who insisted she should wear it, not her.” Emma started to explain, her tone apologetic. “She had nothing to wear and i gave her those since you complained she dressed like a nun-”
“So you decided to dress her up like a cheap hooker instead?” Izana scoffed nonchalantly, his eyes flickering over to your outfit. “You know your clothes looks so cheap and washed out on her. She looks like she stands on the streets and asks for sex in exchange for money.”
Emma started to reprimand her brother when Mikey cut in again to join Izana in practically insulting you. “Come on Emma, look at your friend. One wrong move and she’ll flash her panties. Don’t you think she’s looking a bit too desperate?”
Your hand flies to the edge of your skirt, dragging it down to try and cover up your legs as the gazes of the men leering at your legs. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Mikey, who is quick to point it out. “See? Even your friend knows she looks like a hooker. She’s trying to pull your skirt down because she knows she’s guilty...”
Each word seemed to stab you in the heart multiple times. You quickly averted your eyes to the ground as he continued to berate you about your looks, tearing down your confidence bit by bit with each word until you're reduced into nothing but nerves and silent tears. Everyone was staring at you now, scrutinizing gazes drinking in the sight of your exposed flesh, snickering quietly.
Unwanted attention.
"Next time, she shouldn't dress like this if she wants to tag along with you…"
Emma’s voice rang through the entire room, anger evident in her tone. The two brothers sat there in silence, stunned at the kind of tone Emma had just used on them right now, as if they’ve never heard or seen her this angry in their life before. You could feel her tremble violently, her grip on your hand tightening as fury radiated from her body.
You were sure she’s holding back things to say with how badly she is shaking. Like she doesn’t want to say anything that she might regret saying. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it immediately, as if biting her words back.
"We're leaving."
“Oh come ON-”
Emma threw an arm around you and guided you out of the room amidst her brothers yelling at her to come back. Your friend is gentle with you, hiding your teary face from prying eyes as she leads you through the stairs. The loud music was enough to mask your uncontrolled sobbing, but it didn’t stop people with prying eyes from turning their gazes towards you, wondering what the hell happened to you.
You had never felt this embarrassed in your life. As much as Emma tried to comfort you on your way to her room, their words kept on reverberating in your head. You knew how hard it was to get out of that mindset and now, every confidence you worked for, has crashed down like a pile of cards. Even the way they looked at you made you feel so sick to your stomach.
You've been drilled into as a young child that you're dressed the way you're addressed and because of that, you have always made sure you looked modest enough. You were used to your brothers calling innocent girls whores because of what they wore, that they were asking for it.
And now witnessing it first hand just made you feel so dirty. From the way they looked at you, to how they spoke about your body. It made you ill to the core.
You’ve never been so humiliated in your life.
The two of you managed to walk back to Emma's room, since hers was closer. Her phone never stopped buzzing all through your journey, even when you got back to her room. You could see the pain in her eyes as she ignored each call, only worsening your guilt. You wished you had stayed back in the dorms instead of ruining her night; she was supposed to be having fun, not walking you back to your room prematurely because you couldn’t take criticism.
"You should pic-"
"No (name)." Emma was quick to assert as she helped you lay down on her queen sized bed, the soft surface. "You don't need to feel pity for them, you're the one they hurt, not the other way around."
You wanted to protest when she fell on the bed beside you, yanking her covers over you both and encasing you in a hug. "You don't have to worry about them. I just want you to feel better." She whispered in your ears, rubbing your back gently. "You looked good tonight."
You could only nod in response at Emma's affirmation, wanting to so badly believe her. You want to believe what Emma thinks about you but you just can’t when you feel like abject filth. Your lips began to wobble, tears rolling down your cheeks once again as their words rang in your ears.
Months of unpacking that trauma, flushed down the drain by a single action.
Emma didn't say anything in response to your fresh tears, she only hugged you tight and rubbed circles on your back to soothe you until you cried yourself to sleep.
   “YOU implied that she’s a fucking prostitute Mikey, what the hell did I misunderstand?”
You woke up with a start on hearing Emma’s harsh tone echo throughout the room.
You opened your eyes groggily, rolling the covers down a little bit to see what was going on. She was standing at the open door, changed into her pink nightgown, her hair cascading down her shoulder as she argued with someone in the hallways. You push the covers a little further to see who she was talking to, catching a glimpse of a blond haired male standing in the hallways, blocking the only source of light filtering into the room with his body.
“Don’t yell at me, I’m still your older brother.”
You perk up at his voice, instantly awake hearing his irritated tone. What was Mikey even doing in the female dorms by this time of the night? You glance at Emma’s sanrio clock on her nightstand that reads 00:00am. By now, no male student is supposed to be here, but knowing how influential Mikey is, he might have bribed the security to let him in.
His quiet sigh interrupted your thoughts and you turned your attention back to them, wondering what was going on. He started talking again, taking a tone much softer than before. “You’ve changed Emma. You blow me off to spend time with a stranger-”
“She is not a strang-”
“She is to me. You have enough friends Emma, what do you need this one for? What’s so fucking special about her?” His voice grows harsh again as he goes off a tangent about you. “You’re gonna get tired of her Emma. She’s a new thing but sooner or later you’ll get sick of her.”
Your heart broke at Mikey’s words. Is that what he thinks of you? This was supposed to be the easy going guy on campus that helped girls cross the street and everyone liked?
What did you ever do to him?
“Stop it!” Emma hissed underneath her breath, trying to keep her voice down but drive her point across simultaneously. “Stop talking about (name) like she’s a pet or a fucking toy Mikey. I care for her and I won’t stand you talking shit about her.”
“Em for fuck sake, just get dressed and get your ass back to the party.” Your jaw nearly dropped at how he’s quick to switch topics, ignoring what she just said. “Draken’s waiting downstairs and Izana’s gonna be pissed if you don’t come back.”
“You’re gonna ignore everything I just said right now, huh?”
“You and Izana can go fuck yourselves.”
“You can’t be seriou-”
Emma didn’t let him finish when she slammed the door in his face, turning the key as fast as possible. Her body sagged on the door, a quiet ‘god’ escaping her lips. Her silhouette stayed in that position for two full minutes before she walked to the bed again.
In silence, she laid beside you, wrapping an arm around your body and dragging the blankets over you both once again. You felt safe.
   THE next few days after the party were eventful.
Emma had spent them with you, hanging out in the library to study and going to your work place after a hard day at school, just sitting and talking with you when there was no customer around. You ended up in your dorm room or hers afterwards, eating the snacks you both got from shops around the school.
It was nice. Emma was usually busy with other things, so having her with you all the time seems so perfect. You enjoy the quality time you spend with her, really.
But guilt wouldn’t let you do so.
She had isolated herself from her friend group affiliated with either of her brothers, ignoring their pleas to at least talk to either Mikey or Izana. Hina or Senju would try to walk up to her on her way to class and Emma would outright ignore them. In a span of days, you’ve seen countless plushies, perfumes, expensive jewelry thrown into the dustbin, either from Mikey or Izana at the back of her dorm- their apology ripped letters ripped to shreds.
You had taken the time to piece one from Izana together and felt your heart bleed at his begging for them to “please work it out. We may not be siblings by blood but you’ll always be my little sister” and Mikey’s “Em I’m sorry for everything. Please let’s talk, I’ll listen to you.”
Your brothers had never done anything like that before. Usually, they would tell you to suck it up or even laugh at you for being too ‘sensitive’.
Then and there, you decided to talk to either of the Sano brothers in hopes you would mend their relationship. A naïve part of you thinks that this is the right thing for you to do; Emma has done so much for you, it’s time to return the favor.
You hadn’t told Emma what you planned on doing, knowing very well that it would make the poor girl far more furious than she was already. She would tell you that you have nothing to apologize for and get angry with you for suggesting to make peace with them, claiming you did nothing wrong.
The last thing you want is to escalate the issue. You just wanted Emma’s happiness.
You gripped the strap of your tote bag firmly, your eyes fixated on Mikey’s Chevrolet that was outside your department, possibly waiting for Emma to come out so that he would talk to her. Gathering all your courage, you walked towards the car and gently knock on the passenger’s seat tinted window to get his attention.
It wound down immediately, revealing the blonde haired man staring back at you with an annoyed expression.
“Are you trying to break my window?”
His rude tone made you instantly regret even trying to talk to him. Unfortunately for you, the decision was made and you stuck to it. ‘The letters, remember the letters’ You whispered to yourself. “I’m sorry Mikey I didn’t mean-”
You blink twice at his interruption, trying to make sense of what was going on. “Huh?”
“Only my friends call me Mikey and as far I’m concerned, you aren’t one of them.”
There it is. That same attitude of that night. It almost made you angry with the way he was talking to you. You had every right to walk away from him - he was the one consistently harassing you, not the other way around, so who does he think he is?
Instead, you took a deep breath, thinking about just being the bigger person and how you want to make peace with him, so that everything returned to normal. “Okay, I’m sorry about your window Manjiro.” You added politely. “Can we talk?”
He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously and you expected him to roll up his window and just drive away after that.
“Get in.”
You were shocked, but that quickly wore off when he opened the door for you to enter. You settled in quickly, snapping the seatbelt on after closing the door behind you.
There’s tense silence between the two of you as the car moved towards a more secluded part of the campus. You anxiously looked at your lap while he drove, wondering how you were going to start the conversation with him without instantly setting him off. Your gaze eventually drifted up to his face; from his half-lidded dark eyes to his straight nose, down to his soft pink lips.
You could see the resemblance between him and Emma, from their facial structure to genuinely good skin -not to mention they were both attractive. Despite his height, you knew a large amount of girls that crushed on him religiously, you included. You heard he treated any girl he was with, from his ex-girlfriends to his situationships, down to his one night stands with utmost respect and care. And despite everything he’s said to you, unlike his brother, he never hurt you violently or physically.
You just wished he was just as polite with you as he was with other girls. Maybe you could bring it up in discussions.
The car stops, bringing you back to reality. You realized that he had parked behind an abandoned class far behind the rest of the school. According to the university’s history, this was the first ever lecture hall that was built for the school, and eventually they decided not to renovate it as a remembrance from their little beginnings.
Or they didn’t want to spend any money on it.
Mikey switched the engine off, completely silencing the environment between the two of you. It is then that the realization hits you. You’re all alone with one of the most dangerous guys in this school, in a place where no one could hear you even if you scream. The thought makes you nervous, hoping to high heavens that Manjiro doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Well?” He asked, breaking the ice between the two of you. Mikey leaned back on the driver’s seat, turning to look at you. “You wanted to talk? Start talking.”
‘Okay. I can do this’ You whispered gently, exhaling through your lips. You can do this. “Mike- I-i mean Manjiro, I know it’s awkward, after everything that happened at the party and now it’s all a mess.” You cringed at the way you’re jumbling your words, this was not how it was meant to go. “We still haven’t resolved things yet-”
You’re taken aback by his shocked tone as if he didn’t remember what both he and Izana had said to you, but when he doesn’t elaborate further, you take matters into your own hands. “Yes. You both said some unsavory things to me that hurt me that day, and it made Emma mad.” You paced yourself, not wanting to start rambling again. “I also want to apologize for disrupting your party by taking those words to heart and if I have offended you in any way, please forgive me.”
There’s an unreadable expression on his face, as if he’s slowly processing all the words you had just said. You watched his reaction morph from surprise to blankness, nothing on his face, which scared you more than any other expression.
“Get out of my car.”
You quickly turned to the man, trying to understand what you had done wrong. This wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go in your head. You expected that Manjiro would be civil enough to at least apologize for his actions too or talk, not this.  “Wait, Manjiro, what did I say wrong-”
“You don’t even realize you’re the problem!” You nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden increase in his pitch as he bares out his frustration with you. “Em can never fucking shut up about how I need to apologize to you whenever I try to talk to her! It’s always about you, you, you! It’s frustrating.” he snapped. “Ever since you came into Em’s life, she just can’t help herself bringing you up. It’s always shit like ‘Oh, (name) is such a nice girl, you should talk to her, she’s a good listener.’ ‘Sorry I can’t come to the outings, I have to study with (name), you know she can’t go alone anywhere’ ‘Oh, this reminds me of (name), she can’t even say the word sex without hiding her face, she’s so innocent.’ She’s so fucking enamoured with you and we’re sick of it.”
You knew the brothers were extremely family motivated, but you had no idea that you were getting in the way of them spending time together. “I didn’t know...” Your voice shakes, tone apologetic as your gaze falls onto your lap. “I…I didn’t know I was causing a rift between you guys, I’m so sorry. I just want to make up for everything and put this behind us.”
A tense silence followed, and you didn't look up from your lap to look at Manjiro, still intimidated at his sudden outburst. You could understand their aversion to you, their family is quite close and their bonds intertwined; so for a stranger to barge in and attempt to tear things apart, even unknowingly can be frightening for them.
Not like you would know what it is like for family to love you.
Eventually, you feel Manjiro turn his gaze towards you, dark eyes scanning your figure until settling on you. You held your breath as he finally cleared his throat, turning his attention to you fully for the first time, ever as he began to speak.
“You want us to make up.”
His tone was plain, as opposed to how angry he sounded a few moments ago. Somehow, you feel weird, slightly more alert than before as he pauses again, goosebumps littering your skin. ‘What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel so scared as he’s staring at me?’ you questioned yourself, before shaking your head, clearing your thoughts. ‘This is Mikey I’m with. Sure, he’s intimidating, but he would never hurt a girl. He’s a good guy.’
You decided to push your odd feelings aside. You were here for peace, not to think ill of him, not especially when you have a soft spot for him in your heart. And you wanted it to happen by any means necessary. Maybe showing him you were not a threat to his place in Emma’s life would make him feel much better around you. “I know that you may not trust me, but maybe if you got to know me better, and I also got to know you and your friends, you’ll see I mean no harm.”
“Is that so? You want us to know each other better?”
It was slight, but you could hear it. The slight mocking tone in his voice and instantly you felt stupid. It was clear he wasn’t taking you or your request seriously as you hoped he would, opting to see right through you instead as he stared at you, his gaze lingering to your hands lying in your lap.
“I-i feel like you’re not taking me seriously-"
“If you wore a longer skirt, then I wouldn’t have gotten so distracted.”
You instantly felt self-conscious when you realized where his gaze truly was from that moment on, and started dragging down your skirt to cover the space between your thighs and socks. The action only seemed to annoy him. “This is my problem with you. If you knew it was short, why did you wear it then?”
“I thought it was cute-” You felt stupider, uttering those words, but before you could say anything else, Mikey cut you off. “I never said it wasn’t cute, (name). It’s a cute skirt. It looks good on you.”
Your heart jumps in excitement at his compliment, your entire body getting warm at his words. “Really?” You uttered shyly, letting your guard down as a small smile crawls up your pretty lips.
“Yeah, real cute. You’d fit as one of the actresses featured in the schoolgirl category on a porn site.”
Your smile dropped instantly as the words left his mouth. “I’m not a slut.” your voice trembled, but just like arguing with your father, it’s no use. He let out a loud scoff, his gaze flickering from your face to your lap, settling between your legs. “But you dress like one. So might as well just perform for me, hmm?”
Your body tenses as you feel a hot palm grab at your exposed thigh, crawling underneath your skirt. You quickly push his hand off your thighs, earning a somewhat shocked reaction from him, as if he’s not used to being rejected. “I’m not…” you start to explain to him, slowly reaching for the door in a bid to escape. “... I don’t do things like that-”
“Does it look like I fucking care?” The blonde man snapped back at you, his surprise giving way to annoyance and he started to grab at your thighs again, only to be brushed off by you, angering him further. “I know you’re not as “innocent” as you claim to be. Stop fucking pretending. I know you want this!”
“I said I don’t do stuff like that! Stop it!” You yelled back at him, frustrated that he can’t just take no for an answer. You try to pry the door open or undo the latch, only to discover that it was stuck and that there was no way out.
‘No, no, no, no…’
Your heart starts hammering loudly in your chest, dread filling your veins when you realized how alone and utterly fucked you are.
You’re beginning to realize that Manjiro driving the both of you to a secluded place in the middle of nowhere was most likely intentional. He must have planned this so that no one would hear you both.
“Manjiro open the door or I’ll- I’ll-” 
“Or you’ll what?” He spat back, dangling the keys before your very eyes before putting it somewhere you couldn’t see. “You wanna open the door so bad? Get the key from me then.”
You’re quick to react, lunging forward in an attempt to snatch the key for him. He easily resisted you grabbing at his body while laughing at your repeated screams to stop. It was like the more you begged and pleaded for him to let you go, the more he liked whatever game he was playing.
Your screaming did nothing to deter him from practically jumping on you and pinning your arms against your chest with one firm hand, a leg separating your thighs. You twisted and turned, trying to fight your way out of his tight grip but to no avail. He was heavy and stronger than you had imagined, holding onto you like you weighed nothing at all.
His other hand reached underneath your skirt, skimming through your panties, making you squirm in your position at the feeling. Panic rises against your chest as he pushes the crotch part aside, revealing your pussy. “Wait! Wait, please Manjiro, I’m a virgin-” you try to reason with him as he traces through a streak of your hairy vulva, curling a strand in one finger before moving to your clit.
“You don’t shave?” His tone is so casual, like he isn’t doing something very abhorrent and wrong right now. His question is left hanging in the air as his finger starts to slowly circle around your clit. "Not like I care, it's better this way, anyways."
You’ve never been touched before. You’ve never touched yourself there either. You grew up in a household that taught you that anyone who isn’t your husband touching you is wrong. Your body is a temple to be kept for your husband.
So when Mikey’s slow and sensual movement against your clit begins, your body nearly seizes up with sensitivity. A loud gasp escapes your lips, followed by heavy breathing, your body shuddering with something unfamiliar and electric, sending signals that you didn’t know how to respond.
He strokes you faster, rubbing your sensitive nub in circles that has your eyes glazing over and your hips moving to feel more of his touches, wetting his car seat and your skirt with arousal. Mikey watched with interest the way you closed your eyes tight, your head lolled towards the side as your chest rises and falls, quiet ‘oh’ leaving your lips. He started to take it a step further, leaning over to your neck and trails kisses from your pulse point, to your jawline. He moved up to your ear and his long tongue darted towards the shell, licking it.
“Manjiro-” You gasped at the foreign wetness, with each flick of his tongue, sending pleasurable shivers down your body to your very core. Encouraged by your somewhat positive response, he continues licking your earlobe, his teeth occasionally grazing the shell as his fingers progressively leaves your clit, gathering your slick between his two fingers and tracing the outline of your hole.
“Shit” he groaned, feeling how wet you were. “You’re so wet right now, I could just slide in your pussy with ease.”
You wanted to protest when you felt two thick fingers inch into your unused hole. You wanted to push him off you and run out of the car until you were far away from him. Every part of your mind, your heart, everything in you wants Mikey OFF you as he forces your hole to accept his fingers.
And yet, you couldn’t even scream, you couldn’t claw at his face to scratch his eyes out for doing this to you. No. Instead, you’re arching your back and breathing his name into his ears over and over again, your hands clenched tightly in his grip as his fingers stretched your pussy out. All you do is tear up and let this sick pervert lick the salt rolling down your cheeks off, before going back to kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear.
“You’re so pretty when you cry f’me. Come on, keep making those noises.” 
He curled up his fingers, experimentally looking for that spot as the burn graduated to a pleasurable stretch, repeated moans leaving your lips. He fingered you, progressively increasing his speed and pleasure overriding your senses as he circled his thumb over your poor nub, simultaneously with him curling up your g-spot.
Your body responded to his touches, lips kissing up and down your neck, licking your pulse point before sinking his teeth and mouth on it, making you gasp loudly.
Everything was too much. Your pussy tightened around his fingers, thighs trembling as he brought you closer to the edge. His lips left your neck and kissed up to your jaw, then the corner of your lips, pumping into you faster until you started to spasm.
“M-manjiro I-i feel, I feel- hngh-”
You arched your back uncomfortably with a strangled cry, soaking his fingers as your vision went blinding white. Your body trembled as he fucks and kisses you through your orgasm, shaking in his grasp until you fall limp on the chair, well spent.
You’re catching your breath as his fingers slid out of your pussy, a string of your cum connecting them. Manjiro looked at his soaked fingers with interest, before popping them in his mouth and humming to himself in approval. The sight feels so wrong to look at and you can’t find the strength to look away as he licked his fingers clean of your musky taste.
You don’t say anything when he let go of your wrists and adjusted your panties so that it covered your pussy. The blonde haired man climbed back to his seat, starting up the engine of his car again.
He doesn’t say anything when you start sobbing.
   “I GOT you food.”
You didn’t respond to Manjiro, hanging your face as tears rolled down your face. It’s the position you had assumed since he climbed off your body, something he couldn’t get you out. He thought that maybe if he got you some food, maybe you’ll ease up and eat.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Kissing his teeth, he entered back into the driver's seat before closing the door behind him, tossing the food at the back seat. You could tell from the way he was muttering underneath his breath that he was growing more annoyed with you. “Honestly, I don’t know why the hell you’re crying. You’re still a virgin. I didn’t force myself on you.”
You didn’t know what else to expect from him. That he would even offer you a shred of apology for what he did? The way his words are so callous, lacking any form of tact in the way he’s brushing off what he just did tore you apart.
Emma had painted this man as someone who would hang the moon and stars for her. Someone she knew she could call if anything was going to happen to her, who would fight through hell and back for her safety. She had told you of how he beat up anyone that touched her wrongly and how he would try to make her forget anything unpleasant. To Emma, Mikey was her knight in shining armor, her hero.
This was a man you had loved with all your heart. Manjiro was your first ever crush, and the more good you heard about him, not just from Emma, but from other girls too, the deeper you fell for him. You had admired him from afar, your heart set onto him as you hoped to be at least close to him. Despite everything, he was the sun in which everyone revolved around, the heart throb of your dreams.
But when you turn to look at him through your teary gaze, watching him rev up his car engine with a nonchalant expression on his face, all you see is a vile soul.
You felt sick.
“I’m going to tell Emma.”
Your voice was quiet, hoarse from all the sobbing but the anger was evident. There was no way you were going to let him get away scott free. You knew that the police would be as good as useless because you’ll have no evidence by the time you manage to file a complaint. The school authorities won’t help you either as Shinichiro Sano was one of their biggest benefactors and everyone in the faculty loved Manjiro despite his tendency to be disrespectful.
But if you told Emma, you know she’ll believe you. Even if the entire world was against you and for him, you would still be able to get her to take your side and stand with you.
You’re sure name dropping his little sister would make him scared at the very least. Mikey loved her to death, she had this perfect image of her sweet older brother that he has to uphold at the very least.
Without skipping a beat, he dropped his own phone straight onto your lap before continuing to focus on the road. Eyes wide, you turned your head to Mikey to see any form of reaction, even him flinching slightly.
Your mouth hung open at how he just blankly stared at the road ahead of him, his grip on the steering wheel normal as he drove you back to campus. As if he’s innocent, like he didn’t force his fingers into your panties and violate you.
His nonchalance irritates you; it’s as if he doesn’t care what you say or do to him.
“What?” you questioned him, wondering where the hell he dropped his humanity? Any other person would have reacted; begging you, threatening you or even giving a flimsy apology. “-why did you drop this on my lap?”
“You wanna call her? Go ahead.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Not like you told me no when I was fingering you.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“Then how does it work?” He cuts you short, taking a right turn to park outside of your faculty building. He puts the car in park before turning to face you. “You walk up to my car to ask me if we could talk, wearing that kind of skirt that gave me access to you. When I told you to get out, you didn‘t leave. You never told me to stop and you didn’t struggle. You know what you did instead?”
“Ah ah- Manjiro” he mocked you in a high pitched voice, making you cover your ears in humiliation, not wanting to hear anything from him. You wanted to throw up, ruin his car. You want the ground to swallow you whole, anything that would take him far away from you. “Ah, mmh Manjiro, mmh mhhh ah ah- you moan like a pornstar by the way. You seem like you enjoyed being treated like that.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but all you felt was bile rise up to your throat. A part of you nagged that he had a point; you never said anything that sounded like ‘stop’ or ‘no’ and how you positively responded to his touches. ‘You even orgasmed.’ A gnarly disgusting voice bubbles up in your head, in defense of Mikey. ‘It was obvious you enjoyed it. Every second of it.’
You tried to deny it. Try to block out that voice as you attempt to remember everything you were told about assault. You’re fighting a war in your head, against the intrusive voices as you picked up the phone to tell Emma. ‘She’ll believe me. She’ll believe me-’
“Face it. You’re just overreacting because you liked what we did.”
Those words were the final nail to the coffin. The phone lies in your limp hand, finger just above Emma’s line to call her. Everything that led up to this point involved your choices. To stay in his car. Not fighting harder. Never screaming no.
You let him dirty your temple.
Mikey spared you one more look, dark eyes scanning every inch of your crumpled form. He slides the device out of your hand, placing it back in the middle of his car before grasping your hand in his.
“Alright, stop crying.” he soothed in faux sympathy, thumb tracing over the back of your palm. “I’ll take you shopping and buy you new clothes, hmm? And I’ll buy you anything else you want. Okay?”
You should known better to believe him. After everything he has done to you, from consistently insulting you, to assaulting you and then making you feel guilty for giving him the opportunity to do so.
And yet, you’re nodding along, agreeing with him and letting his warmth engulf you. “Okay.” You said in a small voice, your free hand grasping the hem of your skirt tightly.
“Look at me.”
You felt another hand grasp your chin, forcing you to look at his face, dark eyes peering at your face. “I don’t like that look on your face.” You wince as his fingers tightened around your jaw, your heart hammering against your chest when he commanded you once again. “Smile.”
You don’t know what else to do. With Mikey, it’s like going to a war knowing fully well you would lose.
And so you do as you’re told. Your lips lifted at the corners forcefully and you gave your best smile. He returned it with a smile of his own, genuine to the point his eyes dilated.
“Good girl. You look so much better.”
Your mouth went dry at his statement when he withdrew from your body and unlocked the door for you. Deciding not to ponder on it, you reach for the handle to leave. You had a class in an hour’s time and you were supposed to meet up with Emma beforehand to return her laptop that you borrowed for her project.
You paused in your tracks, your hand hovering above the door handle. What else does he want from you?
“Your makeup is ruined. Fix it. You don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea that I hurt you when we were just playing with each other.”
Bile rose into your mouth once again at his words, but you hold yourself from doing anything that would set him off. You only nodded in response before opening the door and exiting the car. Tears threatened to escape your eyes as you hurried off to class, your throat burning with anger as you gripped both your tote bag and the food he had gotten for you, hard. Your body shook with each step feeling the intensity of his dark eyes burning into you.
You never touched the food, throwing it in the trash bin due to your appetite eluding you, replaced with a sinking feeling of pain and humiliation into your stomach. You don’t make it to the rest of your classes either, opting to lock yourself in a toilet, a loud cry ripping from your throat into your palms as your heart breaks into tiny pieces.
How could this have happened?
Bonus Scene:
MIKEY never tore his gaze from you as you disappeared into the building. Dark eyes watched as your ass bounced in that jean skirt you had worn today, nearly reviving the boner he had prior. He had to admit, notwithstanding his absolute disgust for you, you were a sight for sore eyes - pretty, naive, inexperienced and tight. So goddamn tight.
He’s never been with an inexperienced girl before. Not even when he lost his virginity in high school. It didn’t hurt that you also had the sexiest thighs he’s ever seen either, soft and doughy underneath his touch.
You weren’t as stupid as he thought -far from it. Mikey knew your strategy; picking your battles carefully. You’re rightfully afraid of both him and Izana. You were even more afraid of losing face with Emma, the only friend you managed to make here, which is why you came to him because you felt guilty for making her mad at them.
If played right, they could have you underneath their thumb like they do with the rest of Emma’s other friends. All this was to keep an eye on their little sister in the long run, to restore the natural order and balance that was their system. Family came first, then the gang, then their friends and finally, if they cared enough, their lovers. It’s a cycle that Mikey is used to, being the center of attention in Emma’s life and sharing that space with Izana. Even Draken knew that there are times he shouldn’t intrude when the two brothers are with her.
But you had no regard for the order of things. You just tried to insert yourself into his and Izana’s circles, as if you were somebody of any importance and not just another, a little gnat.
To Mikey, you deserved to be crushed like the annoying gnat you are. Seeing you cry and tremble underneath his touch, hearing you moan and beg him like a slut made him feel good.
Mikey looked at the building again before looking at his watch. He had to attend his criminology lecture by 3pm since he had a presentation today and it was already 1:30pm, having taken out time to talk to you. The frat member he gave his presentation to edit must be waiting for him at the coffee shop.
“I might not be able to meet up with ‘Zana.” He muttered, picking up his phone to dial him up instead. Finally, after the fifth ring, his line went through, his rough voice echoing through the phone.
“Mikey? What is it?”
Mikey could hear a bit of shuffling from the other end of the phone, and a quiet “Izana” spilling from a rather feminine voice, only for Izana to bark at the girl to shut up, effectively silencing her.
“Did I catch you at the wrong time?”
“No.” He grumbled. “Do you have any updates on Emma?”
“In a way, yes. I do.”
“In a way?”
“I have a feeling you’re not going to like my plan, regardless.”
Izana sighed from the other side of the line, probably sick and tired of the constant mind games Emma was playing with them and to be fair, even he was sick of it as well. Their little sister was easy to annoy but easier to please; so for her not to be as forgiving this time was frustrating. Mikey had played every game in the book he knew to please Emma and even Izana had put in far more effort than he cared to, but nothing worked.
“It involves her, doesn’t it?”
Mikey could hear the irritation in his brother's voice, but then again, if they wanted peace to reign and for Shinichiro not to get directly involved in this issue in your favour, they were going to have to play it the smarter way.
“Not like we have a choice. Emma’s attached to that girl by the hip. You’ll just have to trust me on this one.”
Also, it doesn't hurt to have a little fun on the side.
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author's notes: reblogs, comments and asks are highly appreciated. my taglist for all my fics are wide open, so do ensure to sign up. please be very patient with me as for updates, school has started and i may not be able to be consistent, but i will try my very best to finish this story this year.
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I do not consent to my works being promoted, published or translated on any site or social media without my permission.
taglist (please turn on your mentions in 'settings' before filling the form.): @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @ilybbg @merrymerrykiss @cockonoi @Rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @GenAwi @ryuguji-sana @nuyoo @getonite @anxious-chick @reiners-milkbiddies @kiwixpi @gh0stgirl333 @brisssaaa009 @fushiqruo @kawaiikoalagarden @damidamimongalam
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gh0stgirl333 · 29 days
Not the daffodils 🥲
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TWELVE — his dead girl's beach
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"Guarded and evasive, Mr. Kurokawa deflects introspection, avoiding confrontation of his inner demons. This avoidance hints at his discomfort with facing vulnerabilities and traumas, as he prioritizes projecting strength and control."—KANEKO MAYA'S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: Mikey thinks about the past while Maya tries to remember what she missed. Izana helps Kisaki choose an engagement ring.
warnings: dark content 18+, self-loathing, mental health issues, mentions of scars, mentions of burns, drug addictions, drug use/misuse, withdrawal mentions, mental breakdowns, emotional manipulation, stockholm syndrome, past noncon, infantilization, possessiveness, emotional incest, mommy issues, dehumanization, oral sex(f receiving), cunnilingus, fingering, implied multiple orgasms, slight hair pulling(m receiving), praise kink, dacryphilia, dom/sub undertones, overstimulation, aftercare, slight ooc!Kisaki, draken & og toman slander, mental health issues, depression, vomiting, toxic and unhealthy relationships, implied emotional abuse, past character death, past picture taking, implied voyeurism, scars, memory loss, kissing, smut, handjob, piv, no prep, dissociation, creampie, use of guns, blood and gore, depiction of corpses, major character death
word count: 20 446
masterlist | previous | chapter 13
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How do you put yourself back together? After breaking apart over and over, how do you put yourself back together? Maya has done it a bunch of times but...
What do you do when someone's taken a few of your shattered pieces with them?
It's not just her own brokenness she has to contend with, it's the pieces of herself that others have stolen away. Mikey and Izana, each wielding their own brand of manipulation and control, have taken parts of her that she may never get back. With a heavy heart, Maya realizes that she can't simply piece herself back together as she has done in the past. Those missing fragments, those stolen pieces of her soul, leave behind a void that cannot be filled by her own efforts alone. With a heavy heart, Maya realizes that she can't simply piece herself back together as she has done in the past. Those missing fragments, those stolen pieces of her soul, leave behind a void that cannot be filled by her own efforts alone.
The love she had for Chifuyu once seemed like a beacon of light in the darkness, a source of strength and solace amidst the chaos of her life. But now, tainted by the knowledge that his feelings may not match her own, she wonders if returning to him would only deepen the wounds that already mar her fragile heart. Would his embrace bring her the comfort she so desperately craves, or would it serve as a painful reminder of all that she has lost?
And what of the invisible scars that mar her body, each one a testament to the pain and suffering she has endured? The burn on her back may have healed, but the memory of the agony she endured at Izana and Mikey's hands remains etched into her very being. Will time erase the pain, or will it linger like the scar on her shoulder, a constant reminder of the violence and betrayal that has marked her existence?
Alone in the dimly lit master bedroom, Maya sits on the edge of the bed, her mind consumed by a storm of emotions. The silence weighs heavily upon her, a suffocating blanket that smothers any semblance of peace. In the midst of her turmoil, she is unaware of the faint creak as the door swings open, admitting a sliver of light into the shadowy room. Izana steps inside, his presence felt before he even speaks. His smile, devoid of warmth, watches her like a predator observing its prey. "Hey bunny," he says softly, his voice dripping with false concern. "Are you alright?"
She looks up, startled by his sudden appearance, her heart sinking as she meets his gaze. His eyes gleam with amusement, a silent mockery of her struggles. She forces a nod, unable to muster the strength to speak in the face of his calculated indifference. Izana moves closer, his smile widening as he takes a seat beside her. His touch, though seemingly gentle, sends a shiver down her spine, a cold reminder of his true nature lurking beneath the facade of concern. "You don't have to face this alone," he says, his voice honeyed with deception. "I'm here for you, bunny. Always."
Maya doesn't pull away from his touch, nor does she say anything. "hm... looks like you need to be taken care of more than me, bunny" He says with a small laugh
Izana moves himself so he's sitting with his back against the headboard and pillows. He gestures for her to come closer. Without hesitation, Maya crawls over and sits across his lap comfortably. She nestles closer to him, her head resting against his chest. It's a moment of vulnerability, of allowing herself to be vulnerable in his presence. Izana's lips curve into a satisfied smile as he feels her relax against him. He revels in the power he holds over her, relishing in the knowledge that she has surrendered herself to him willingly. As Maya settles against him, Izana gently runs his fingers through her hair, a gesture that feels both comforting and possessive. He relishes in the feeling of her body pressed against his, the subtle rise and fall of her chest against his own. "You know, bunny," Izana murmurs, his voice soft yet tinged with a hint of smugness, "you always seem to find your way back to me, no matter how hard you try to resist."
Maya's breath catches in her throat at his words. She knows he's right, knows that despite her best efforts to break free from his grasp, she always ends up back in his arms. "Izana," she whispers, her voice barely audible, "this... this isn't how it's supposed to be."
His grip tightens ever so slightly around her, a silent reminder of the power he holds over her. "But this is how it is, bunny," he replies softly, his tone tinged with a sense of finality. "And as long as you're mine, it's how it will always be."
Maya sighs and presses her face against Izana's chest. It had been about two and a half weeks since the whole ordeal. In total, she was held in this beach house for a month and 3 weeks. Izana is running his hands through her hair, the rough pads of his fingers scratching against her scalp. Izana was doing pretty well with the withdrawal. It seemed like having a different atmosphere really did help with recovery. Mikey is in the shower and the sun is still rising. It's way too early in the morning but they all somehow woke up at the same time— or well, Maya pretended to be asleep so Mikey didn't drag her to the shower with him. "You know..." Izana starts, resting his chin on top of her head "We didn't mean to get you addicted... we just got carried away"
Maya's heart sinks as Izana's words wash over her, the weight of his confession settling like a heavy fog in the room. "You just looked so cute high... You were clingy as hell..." He sighs, fingers trailing down the back of her neck, tracing the knobs of her spine "Sounded so cute every time you said my name so I just got carried away... Manjiro too"
Maya's mind reels at the realization of how easily they succumbed to their desires, how they let themselves be swept away by the intoxicating allure of her altered state. It's a bitter truth to swallow, knowing that their actions were driven by selfish impulses rather than genuine concern for her well-being. "I... I don't remember much of it" she admits, not looking up at him
Izana sighs, sounding almost remorseful. "Of course, you don't..." his tone changes quickly though as if remembering a fond childhood memory "You were adorable though... Could barely even sit up on your own and were so fucking clingy"
Izana's gaze softens as he watches Maya, a flicker of emotion passing through his eyes before he speaks again. "But hey," he murmurs, his voice gentle, "we took care of you, okay... You didn't die, isn't that what matters?"
Maya remains silent, her eyes downcast as she absorbs his words. She doesn't dare contradict him, knowing it would only lead to more conflict. Instead, she nods slowly, a gesture of silent agreement. Izana hums and runs his fingers through her hair again, glancing sideways as he hears the shower turn off. "There are some polaroids though... In case you wanna get a few glimpses of what happened during those 2 weeks" He tells her
Maya's heart clenches at Izana's mention of the polaroids, a mixture of dread and curiosity swirling within her. She knows she shouldn't want to see them, shouldn't want to revisit those moments of vulnerability and manipulation, but there's a part of her that can't help but wonder. "Maybe later," she mumbles softly, her voice barely audible as she tries to push aside the nagging desire to see the evidence of her own(possible) degradation.
Izana nods understandingly, though there's a glint of mischief in his eyes that Maya can't quite decipher. "Whenever you're ready" he replies, his tone almost teasing as he leans in to press a kiss to the top of her head.
Maya forces a small smile, though it feels brittle and fragile on her lips. She wonders how things were during those 2 weeks. The weight of the past hangs heavy on her shoulders, burdening her with questions and doubts that seem to have no answers. She wonders how everything spiralled out of control so quickly, how she ended up trapped in this web of deceit and manipulation. Izana's steady heartbeat beneath her ear offers a semblance of solace, a reminder that amidst the chaos, there are still moments of calm. Yet, even in his embrace, Maya can't shake the gnawing feeling of despair that gnaws at the edges of her consciousness. "Hey... Bunny..." Izana says holding her tighter against him "You're shaking"
Maya's breath catches in her throat as Izana's voice cuts through the haze of her thoughts. She hadn't even realized she was shaking until he pointed it out. "Sorry..." she mumbles, her voice barely audible as she tries to steady her trembling limbs.
She feels exposed, vulnerable beneath Izana's scrutinizing gaze, as if he can see straight through the facade she's been desperately trying to maintain. Izana's arms tighten around her, his touch both comforting and suffocating all at once. "Don't apologize," he murmurs, his breath warm against her ear. "Just breathe..."
Maya feels vulnerable and sad. She can't help herself right now. Tears well up in her eyes for a reason she isn't too sure of. She doesn't feel too good. As tears blur her vision, Maya's chest tightens with an overwhelming wave of emotion. She feels like she's drowning, suffocating beneath the weight of her own despair. Each breath comes harder than the last as if the air itself has turned to lead in her lungs. "Izana..." she whispers, her voice trembling with unspoken anguish. "I can't do this anymore..."
Her words hang heavy in the air, a desperate plea for release from the suffocating grip of her own mind. Izana's grip tightens around Maya, his arms enveloping her in a protective embrace. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within her
But Maya can't shake the feeling of isolation, the sense that she's adrift in a sea of darkness with no shore in sight. "I can't..." she chokes out between sobs, her voice breaking with the weight of her despair. "I can't do this anymore, Izana... I wanna go home..."
Izana's grip tightens around Maya, his embrace becoming suffocating rather than comforting. "Bunny," he murmurs, his tone stern even while using that vile pet name, "this is your home now. You belong to me, remember? You don't get to leave whenever you please. So no more talking about that and no more asking for it either... Understand?"
Her tears wet Izana's shirt, but he doesn't seem to mind. Instead, he holds her even tighter, his touch strangely comforting despite the suffocating weight of his possessiveness. "Shh, I know... I know," he murmurs softly, his voice a soothing balm against her turmoil. "Stop crying."
Maya sniffles, trying to silence her sobs, but the tears keep flowing, unstoppable as a river. "I-I'm sorry... 'm sorry..." she apologizes, her words choked with emotion. "I'm tired."
"You don't have to apologize for feeling tired," Izana reassures her, his voice calm and steady. He runs his fingers through her hair in a gentle gesture of comfort. "It's perfectly natural for you to be tired."
"Just... don't ask to go home again" he warns softly, his tone tinged with a hint of possessiveness as he squeezes her tightly in his arms.
Maya continues to apologize between trembling breaths, her grip on Izana tightening as if she fears he might slip away. Each apology feels like a plea for forgiveness for something she didn't even do, a desperate attempt to soothe the turmoil raging within her. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I just..." Her words dissolve into a choked sob, her entire body shaking with the force of her emotions.
Izana's arms remain wrapped around her, offering a sense of security amidst the chaos of her own mind. He doesn't respond to her apologies, instead choosing to hold her close, his touch a silent reassurance that she isn't alone. For a moment, Maya allows herself to forget the weight of her despair, to lose herself in the warmth of Izana's embrace. But even as she clings to him like a lifeline, she can't shake the nagging feeling of emptiness that gnaws at her from within. Each breath feels like a struggle as if the weight of her despair threatens to crush her from within. "I-I don't know what to do..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely audible amidst the turmoil.
She feels lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty, with no beacon to guide her to shore. The walls of the beach house seem to close in around her, suffocating her with their oppressive presence. "I can't... I can't do this anymore..." she murmurs, her words a desperate plea for release from the prison of her own mind
Izana's touch is a lifeline amidst the chaos, his arms a refuge from the storm that rages within her. He holds her close, tight, his touch is warm. "It's okay, bunny," he murmurs, his voice a soothing melody in the midst of her turmoil. "I've got you... You don't have to do anything... Just let yourself feel... Let it all out..."
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Maya's tears begin to subside, her sobs tapering off into soft, shuddering breaths. She rests her head against Izana's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear. "I'm sorry..." she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper, laden with exhaustion and remorse. "I didn't mean to... I just..."
Izana brushes his fingers through her hair, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Shh~, it's alright," he murmurs, his tone soft and understanding. "You don't have to apologize, bunny. You're just tired... You've been through so much..."
Maya nods weakly, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her breakdown that probably hasn't ended yet. She feels drained, emotionally and physically spent from the weight of her own despair. Maya didn't know what she was apologizing for but she kept saying it anyway and each time Izana just hushed her. "hey, hey... Look at me" He said and put a tanned finger beneath her chin, making her look up at him
She looks up at him, her blue eyes watery and sad. "Good girl" Izana murmurs, rubbing his thumb against the thin skin under her eye, fingertips brushing against her bottom lashes "I know you're tired, I know you've been through a lot but I promise... I promise everything will be okay from now on"
Izana presses a kiss to her forehead and then continues speaking. "Everything here is for you. The house is yours, the beach is yours... You'll never have to worry about anything again, hm. We'll take care of you"
As Maya gazes up at Izana, her eyes reflect a mix of weariness and vulnerability. His gentle touch beneath her eye elicits a soft sigh from her lips, a subtle reassurance amidst the turmoil of her emotions. She leans into his caress, finding solace in the warmth of his affection. "Okay..." she whispers, her voice barely audible, her words a whispered plea for comfort.
Izana's lips curve into a tender smile, his thumb continuing its soothing motion against her skin. "You're doing so well, Bunny," he murmurs, his voice a soft murmur that washes over her like a gentle breeze. "I'm proud of you. Me and Manjiro"
As the bathroom door swings open, Mikey emerges, his presence commanding attention even in the dim light of the early morning. Maya's gaze flickers towards him, momentarily distracted from the cocoon of comfort she finds in Izana's arms. Mikey's appearance is casual yet striking, his toned physique accentuated by the absence of a shirt, and his sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips. He runs a hand through his damp hair, ruffling the dark strands as he steps further into the room. "Morning" he greets, his voice low and gravelly from sleep, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he takes in the scene before him.
Izana's arms tighten around Maya. "Morning" he echoes, grinning lazily at his younger brother
Maya's heart flutters nervously in her chest. She shifts uncomfortably in Izana's embrace, torn between the conflicting desires that tug at her heartstrings. Mikey's gaze meets hers, a flicker of something unreadable passing between them before he breaks the momentary silence. "You alright, Maya?" he asks, his voice soft with genuine concern.
Maya isn't able to answer. She knows for a fact the moment she opens her mouth to speak she'll cry again. So instead, she presses her face against the crook of Izana's neck, clinging to him tighter. Izana's fingers gently stroke her hair as he speaks, his tone carrying a note of understanding. "our bunny had a little meltdown, Manjiro" he explains, his voice soft and patronizing.
Mikey nods, his expression softening with empathy. "Oh, poor thing" he murmurs, his eyes flickering with concern as he steps closer to them, laying a hand on the back of her neck "It's alright..."
Maya nods weakly, unable to find the words to express the tangled mess of emotions churning inside her. She feels like a child, overwhelmed and lost in a world she can't comprehend. But in the arms of Izana and Mikey, she finds a fleeting sense of security, a sanctuary from the storm raging within her soul. Izana's hand continues to stroke her hair in a soothing rhythm, his touch a silent reassurance that she's not alone. "Just rest now, little bunny," he murmurs, his voice laced with a strange mix of tenderness and possessiveness. "We'll take care of everything."
With a heavy heart, Maya allows herself to sink into the warmth of their embrace, seeking solace in the arms of those who claim to care for her. As Maya buries her face in Izana's neck, she feels a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through her veins. She's torn between the comfort of their embrace and the unsettling realization that she's become dependent on them for comfort. Izana's fingers continue their gentle caress through her hair, his touch both comforting and suffocating in its possessiveness. Mikey's hand on the back of her neck offers a sense of grounding amidst the turmoil raging within her. His words of reassurance are like a lifeline in the midst of the storm, anchoring her fragile sense of self amidst the chaos. But beneath the surface, Maya can't shake the gnawing feeling of unease that gnaws at her soul. She wonders how she ended up in this tangled web of manipulation and control, and whether there's any way out.
Yet for now, she pushes aside her doubts and surrenders to the warmth of their embrace, seeking refuge in the illusion of safety they offer. As she closes her eyes and drifts into the embrace of sleep, she knows that the path ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but for now, she allows herself to be carried away by the currents of their affection, hoping against hope that they will lead her to calmer shores.
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As Maya drifts into a peaceful slumber, Izana carefully lays her down on the bed and tenderly tucks her in, ensuring she's comfortable. Mikey observes silently from across the room, his gaze lingering on Maya's sleeping form as he buttons up his shirt. There's a moment of quiet between them, punctuated only by the soft sounds of Maya's steady breathing. Mikey's expression is unreadable, a mixture of concern and resignation playing across his features as he watches over her. "she doesn't remember y'know... Should've seen it coming but I think it's a little disappointing" Izana says "She thinks we did something crazy to her during those two weeks"
Mikey's expression tightens slightly at Izana's words, a flicker of frustration crossing his features before he composes himself. Izana's voice carries a note of accusation as he turns to face Mikey, his gaze piercing. "It's your fault she doesn't remember," Izana continues, his tone tinged with frustration. "You kept getting carried away, giving her more pills than she needed. Now look at her."
Mikey's tone is defensive as he responds to Izana's accusation. "I only did it because I couldn't help myself," he admits, his voice tinged with remorse. "She looked so... vulnerable. I just wanted to make her feel better, even if it meant going too far."
Izana just chuckles. "You get obsessed so easily, don't you?" He says amusement evident in his tone "My poor bunny thought all this time I was the one hurting her and giving her those pills when it was you that kept giving her more"
Izana is making fun of him now. Mikey's expression tightens, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features as Izana's words hit home. "It's not like that," he retorts defensively, his voice tinged with frustration. "I was just trying to help her."
Izana's laughter rings out, a mocking sound that echoes in the quiet room. "Help her? More like suffocate her," he quips, his amusement turning sharp and cutting. "If Kakucho hadn't stopped you, you would've ended up overdosing her. And that's huge coming from someone who doesn't even take drugs that aren't prescribed to them"
Mikey's jaw clenches, a surge of resentment bubbling up inside him at Izana's taunts. "I know what I'm doing," he snaps back, his tone defensive. "You don't need to lecture me. And stop acting like such a saint. You were the one that gave that to her first"
As tension simmers between them, the air thick with unspoken frustrations and resentment, they both know that their dynamic is far from simple. With Maya caught in the middle, their conflicting desires threaten to unravel the fragile balance they've managed to maintain. "Yeah, I did and I admit that. But I made it clear to her from the start what I wanted from her. You on the other hand you lying manipulative little shit..." Izana says insulting him but also looking impressed "Got 'er wrapped around your finger by playing the long game. Fuck, I don't have the patience for that shit"
Mikey rolls his eyes and says "Is that why you told her the truth? 'Cause you were jealous I got her heart first?"
Izana's smirk widens into a sly grin, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Maybe," he quips, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or maybe I just got tired of watching you manipulate her like a puppet on strings."
Mikey's expression darkens, his frustration boiling over as he meets Izana's gaze head-on. "You don't get to play the hero here, Izana," he snaps, his tone laced with bitterness. "You're just as twisted and messed up as I am."
The room crackles with tension, the air heavy with unspoken accusations and resentments. Maya's sleeping form serves as a stark reminder of the tangled web they've woven, each thread pulling them deeper into the darkness of their own making. Izana's laughter rings out once more, a cold sound that sends a shiver down Mikey's spine. "Maybe so," he concedes, his voice low and dangerous. "But at least I'm not the one lying to myself about it."
With that, the room falls into a tense silence, the weight of their shared secrets hanging heavy between them like a dark cloud. In the quiet stillness of the early morning, they are left to confront the truth of their own twisted desires, and the consequences that threaten to tear them apart. The silence stretches on, heavy with unresolved tension and unspoken words. Mikey's gaze flickers away from Izana's, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. He knows that Izana's words hold a grain of truth, but he can't bring himself to admit it.
Meanwhile, Izana reclines back on the bed next to Maya, a smug smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He watches Mikey closely, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. For Izana, this moment is a victory, a chance to assert his dominance and remind Mikey of his own shortcomings. But beneath the facade of confidence, Izana's own insecurities gnaw at him, a constant reminder of the fragile balance he's trying to maintain. Despite his bravado, he can't shake the feeling that he's losing control, that Maya's presence in their lives is a threat to the carefully constructed walls he's built around himself. In the midst of their silent standoff, Maya stirs in her sleep, a small whimper escaping her lips. The sound pierces through the tension, drawing both Izana and Mikey's attention back to her. "shh~" Izana murmurs, being uncharacteristically gentle in front of Mikey for the first time
Izana caressed her hair, leaning down till his nose was pressed to her cheek in a soft comforting manner. As Izana leans in to comfort Maya, Mikey watches with a mixture of frustration and resignation. His fists clench at his sides as he struggles to contain the storm of emotions raging within him. "You think you can just play the caring lover now?" he scoffs, his voice dripping with bitterness.
Izana doesn't respond, his attention fully focused on Maya as he brushes a stray strand of hair from her face. There's a tenderness in his touch that Mikey finds unsettling, a stark contrast to the manipulative persona he usually wears like armour. Frustration boiling over, Mikey steps forward, his eyes narrowed in defiance. "You're not fooling anyone, Izana," he says, his voice low and menacing. "We both know what you're really after."
Izana's gaze flickers up to meet Mikey's, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "And what exactly am I after, Manjiro?" he asks, his tone deceptively calm.
Mikey grits his teeth, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. "You want control," he snaps, his voice rising with anger. "You want to keep her all to yourself, like some kind of possession. Or I dunno. A fuckin' pet?!"
Izana's smirk widens, a flash of something dark glinting in his eyes. "And what about you, Mikey?" he counters, his voice dripping with malice. "What do you want?"
The question hangs heavy in the air, and the silence that follows is filled with tension and uncertainty. Mikey's jaw tightens as he struggles to find the words, torn between his own desires and the tangled web of manipulation that binds them all together. Mikey's gaze flickers between Izana and Maya, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. He wants to protect her, to keep her safe from the chaos that surrounds them, but he also knows that he's part of the problem. "I want..." he begins, his voice trailing off as he struggles to articulate his thoughts.
Izana's smirk deepens, a knowing glint in his eyes. "You want her, don't you?" he taunts, his words like a dagger aimed at Mikey's heart. "You want her just as much as I do."
Mikey's fists clench at his sides, his frustration reaching its breaking point. "It's not like that," he insists, his voice tinged with desperation. "I care about her, Izana. I don't want to see her hurt."
Izana's laughter rings out, cold and mocking. "Oh, spare me the act, Manjiro," he sneers, his tone dripping with disdain. "You're just as possessive as I am. Admit it."
Mikey's chest tightens with frustration, his jaw clenched as Izana's words hit uncomfortably close to home. He knows there's truth in what Izana says, even if he's reluctant to admit it. The weight of his conflicting emotions bears down on him, leaving him feeling trapped in a web of his own making. As Maya's soft whimper fills the air once more, Mikey's resolve wavers. He knows he needs to confront his feelings and the reality of the situation, but the thought of acknowledging his own possessiveness fills him with a sense of shame. With a heavy sigh, he looks away, unable to meet Izana's gaze as the truth hangs heavy in the air. Izana's voice breaks through the tension, his tone soft and gentle as he soothes Maya's restless slumber. With practiced ease, he reaches out to stroke her hair, his touch tender and reassuring. "Shh, little bunny," he murmurs, his voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the room. "It's alright. You're safe here."
Maya's whimpering subsides, her breathing gradually steadying as Izana's comforting presence envelops her in a cocoon of warmth. Mikey watches silently, a knot of conflicting emotions churning in his chest. He can't deny the sense of relief that washes over him as Izana calms Maya, but beneath it all, there lingers a lingering sense of unease. As the tension in the room eases, a fragile truce settles between Mikey and Izana, their silent standoff momentarily forgotten in the face of Maya's vulnerability. Izana is humming a soft melody into Maya's ear, and Mikey freezes at the sound of the familiar tune. "Izana..." Mikey says lowly, realizing exactly what was going on just from that damn song he was humming—
—Realizing exactly why Izana hadn't just killed her that night. "you're messed up..." Mikey says breathlessly "Majorly fucking messed up"
Mikey's voice cuts through the soft melody, breaking the fragile calm that had settled over the room. Izana's humming falters for a moment, his gaze flickering up to meet Mikey's with a hint of annoyance in his eyes. "And you're not?" he retorts, his tone laced with bitterness. "We're all messed up here, Manjiro. Don't act like you're any different."
There's a raw honesty in Izana's words, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurks within each of them. Mikey's jaw clenches, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggles to contain the surge of anger threatening to consume him. "You're pretending she's her" Mikey argues, clenching his fists
He can't stand the thought of Izana projecting his past onto Maya, using her as a substitute for someone who can never come back. Mikey can't stand hearing Izana hum the same melody Emma would to him after Shinichiro died. Izana's eyes narrow at the accusation, a flicker of defensiveness crossing his features. "And what if I am?" he challenges, his voice low and dangerous. "What if I need Maya to be her?"
Mikey's chest tightens with a mix of anger and pity, his gaze hardening as he meets Izana's defiant stare. "Then you're not just messed up," he says quietly, his words heavy with disappointment. "You're delusional. Maya looks nothing like her—"
"Oh, and she looks so much like that little shit, Hanagaki, yeah?" Izana shoots back
Mikey's chest tightens at the mention of Hanagaki Takemichi, his jaw clenching with frustration. "That's not what I meant," he retorts, his voice sharp with irritation. "You're twisting my words."
Izana's smirk widens, a flash of malice glinting in his eyes. "Am I?" he taunts, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Seems like you're the one who can't handle the truth, Manjiro."
Mikey's gaze hardens, his frustration mounting with each word Izana utters. "Don't play games with me, Izana," he warns, his voice tinged with anger. "You know exactly what I meant. Maya is not Emma"
Izana scoffs. Izana's smirk falters for a moment, replaced by a calculating glint in his eyes. "It was all fun and fine until Emma was brought up, wasn't it?" he retorts, his voice carrying a sharp edge of accusation. "You can't handle the truth when it hits too close to home, can you, Manjiro? So what if Maya doesn't look like her? I don't care. Honestly, she shouldn't look like her— Like Emma and that stupid bitch"
Mikey frowns but before he can say anything back to his brother, Maya stirs again, whimpering a little. They both watch as one of her hands comes up and fists the satin material of Izana's red shirt, grasping at it for dear life. Mikey's frown deepens, his gaze softening as he watches Maya's restless movements. The sight of her clutching onto Izana's shirt tugs at something deep within him, a mixture of concern and affection welling up inside him. "She's just a kid" he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
"She's 22" Izana interjects, pulling Maya into his arms
Mikey rolls his eyes. Okay so Izana could infantilize her as much as he wants but the moment he does it, it's wrong? Mikey's frustration bubbles to the surface, his brows furrowing at Izana's retort. "That's not the point, aniki," he counters, his tone edged with irritation. "You know what I meant."
Izana's smirk remains, but there's a flicker of annoyance in his eyes at Mikey's defiance. "Always so sensitive, Manjiro," he chides, his voice tinged with amusement. "But fine, let's focus on the present then. Maya is staying here, why I want her shouldn't be your business. Okay?"
Mikey's frustration lingers, but he relents with a heavy sigh, realizing the futility of further argument. "Fine" he mutters, his tone resigned
Izana expects Mikey to leave but he doesn't. Instead, Mikey climbs into bed with them on the other side of Maya and puts an arm around her waist, pressing his face into her hair. Maya, nestled between them, finds solace in their embrace, her breathing steady against the backdrop of their shared silence. Maya shifts slightly, instinctively seeking comfort from the warmth of their embrace, and Izana and Mikey hold her close, their arms forming a cocoon around her exhausted form. In the intimacy of their shared embrace, the tension between Izana and Mikey begins to ebb away. Izana brushes his fingers lightly over her hair, a subtle assertion of his presence in her life. Beside him, Mikey's arm around her waist speaks volumes, a silent declaration of his shielding stance. "Aniki..." Mikey murmurs
"do you miss her?"
After a moment of silence, Mikey speaks up again "Do you regret it?"
Izana's jaw tightens, a flicker of conflict crossing his features as he wrestles with his answer. His gaze drifts to Maya once more, her innocent slumber a stark contrast to the complexities of their shared history. "I don't know," he confesses, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Maybe... Do you think Emma's cursing at me?"
"100%" Manjiro answers, sliding a hand under Maya's shirt to feel her skin beneath his palm and the tips of his fingers
Mikey's response is immediate, his touch gentle yet possessive as he seeks solace in the warmth of Maya's skin. Izana watches in silence, his own thoughts swirling amidst the tangled web of their emotions. The intimacy of the moment is both comforting and suffocating, a reminder of the complexities that bind them together. "You really think so?" Izana murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper as he traces a finger along Maya's cheek, his touch feather-light yet tinged with a sense of longing.
Mikey's gaze remains fixed on Maya, his fingers trailing over her soft skin with a tenderness that belies the turmoil within him. "Yeah," he replies, his voice soft yet resolute "Maya probably hates us"
Izana chuckles. "no she doesn't."
Mikey's brows furrow at Izana's certainty, a mixture of confusion and disbelief crossing his features. "How can you be so sure?" he asks, his tone tinged with skepticism.
Izana brushes Maya's messily cut fringes away from her forehead. "she loves like a dog"
Mikey's eyes widen slightly at Izana's comparison, a hint of surprise mingling with the confusion in his expression. "Like a dog?" he echoes, his tone laced with uncertainty.
Izana nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as he watches Maya sleep peacefully between them. "Yeah," he explains, his voice gentle yet matter-of-fact. "She's loyal, forgiving, and loves unconditionally, no matter what we do."
The weight of Izana's words hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the quiet intimacy of the moment. Mikey's gaze softens as he watches Maya sleep, her features relaxed in the innocence of slumber. "she's like... hm... Like a stray dog on the street but... instead of begging for food she begs for love even in places she shouldn't..." Izana continues, looking at Maya fondly despite what he's saying
Mikey's brow furrows deeper, his mind grappling with the analogy Izana presents. "A stray dog?" he murmurs, his voice reflecting both contemplation and a touch of sadness. The comparison paints a vivid picture in his mind, one that he can't quite shake off.
—after all, abusive relationships come easy when loving like a stray dog.
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"Hey, how're you feeling now?" Mikey's voice is gentle as he takes Maya's hand and guides her onto his lap as he sits on the single-seat couch
It's early in the afternoon now. Maya had showered and was surprised to find that the door of the master bedroom connecting to the rest of the house was unlocked. Taking a chance she went out and found Kakucho in the kitchen cooking with Izana and Mikey sitting in front of the tv watching reruns of some anime. Despite having slept for a lot longer, Maya felt tired. But even then she forced herself to get out of bed and shower. She's wearing shorts and a random shirt that she's pretty sure belongs to Mikey. Maya settles onto Mikey's lap, his arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace. She leans into him, feeling strangely comforted by his possessive hold. "I'm okay," she murmurs softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she(almost reluctantly) nuzzles against his chest, relishing in the warmth of his presence.
Mikey's grip tightens around her, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he strokes her hair gently. "You're such a delicate little thing, aren't you?" he coos "You slept at night then had another nap in the morning 'n you're still tired. Kinda like a little baby"
Maya nods slightly, feeling a pang of guilt at Mikey's words for some reason, barely noticing how patronizing he was being. "I'm sorry," she murmurs softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to sleep so much."
Mikey's smirk widens, his tone taking on a hint of amusement. "Don't worry about it, baby," he says, his fingers tracing idle circles on her back. "You need your rest. We'll take care of you."
There's something in the way Mikey speaks, a subtle insistence that leaves Maya feeling simultaneously comforted and uneasy. She knows she should assert her independence once again, but the warmth of Mikey's embrace is too tempting to resist. Mikey continues to stroke Maya's hair, his touch gentle yet possessive, as if he's claiming her as his own. "You know, Maya," he murmurs, his voice low and coaxing as he repeats "you don't have to worry about anything when you're with us. We'll take care of you, make sure you're safe and happy."
Maya's heart flutters at his words, a mixture of gratitude and apprehension swirling within her. She appreciates Mikey's concern, but there's an underlying sense of unease nagging at the back of her mind. Still, she finds herself nodding in agreement, unable to resist the allure of his soothing words. "Good," Mikey says, his tone tinged with satisfaction
With that, he pulls her closer, enveloping her in his embrace as if shielding her from the uncertainties of the outside world. But then again, the only uncertainty here was him. But still, Maya nodded, finding comfort in his words despite the unease that gnawed at her. "Okay" she relented, allowing herself to relax into his embrace.
"That's my girl," Mikey said, his voice filled with satisfaction then repeated, "Now, just relax and let us take care of you."
That's my girl
Maya hates herself for being so weak for simple words. A sense of warmth washed over Maya, but beneath it, a nagging doubt lingered. "I know," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I still feel guilty for sleeping so much."
Mikey's smile widened, his fingers tracing gentle circles on her back. "You have nothing to feel guilty about," he assured her
Just before Maya could say anything else, Kakucho came over with two cups of coffee on a tray. She suddenly feels very conscious of the position she's currently in— sitting on Mikey's lap, wearing his shirt, nestled into his chest with his arms around her. Sure Kakucho has seen her in relatively... worse positions but, right now as she's still mad at him, Maya doesn't like it. Kakucho however, doesn't bat an eye because he in fact has seen much worse. He simply set the tray down on the coffee table, his gaze lingering on Maya and Mikey for a moment before he spoke. "Coffee's ready" he said, his voice calm and collected.
Maya nodded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she awkwardly shifted on Mikey's lap, attempting to create some distance between them. "Th-thanks, Kakucho," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Mikey chuckled softly, tightening his grip around her waist so she doesn't try to slide off. "Don't be shy, babe," he teased, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Kakucho doesn't mind."
Maya's cheeks grew even hotter at his words, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration swirling within her. She shot Mikey a pointed glare before turning her attention to Kakucho, forcing a polite smile onto her lips. "Thanks for the coffee," she mumbled, reaching for one of the cups with trembling hands.
Kakucho nodded in response, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He must think she wasn't mad at him anymore since she wasn't glaring at him. "Anytime," he replied, his tone gentle. "Let me know if you need anything else."
With that, he turned and walked away. Maya watched Kakucho's retreating figure, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the tension between them. Despite her attempts to appear calm and composed, Maya knew that her anger towards Kakucho had not dissipated. Mikey's arms around her provided a sense of security, but Maya couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. She shifted uncomfortably on his lap, her thoughts racing as she struggled to make sense of the situation.
"Are you okay, Maya?" Mikey's voice interrupted her thoughts, his concern evident in his tone.
Maya forced a small smile, hoping to conceal the turmoil raging within her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she lied, her voice betraying her true feelings.
Mikey studied her for a moment, his gaze penetrating yet oddly comforting. "You don't seem fine" he remarked, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back.
Maya sighed, feeling the weight of her emotions pressing down on her. "I'm just really tired" she mumbles, fingers wrapping around the hot ceramic cup
She doesn't think telling Mikey that she was mad at Kakucho was a good idea. She vaguely remembers Kakucho often getting in trouble and beaten by Izana because of her. Maybe she was really mad at him but Maya doesn't want Kakucho to be punished. Mikey's expression softened, his concern deepening as he studied Maya's tired features. "You should rest then," he suggested gently, his thumb brushing against her cheek in a tender gesture. "We can talk about it later if you want, but for now, just focus on taking care of yourself."
Maya nodded gratefully, appreciating Mikey's understanding of what she wanted him to think. She took a sip of the steaming coffee, relishing in its warmth as it spread through her body. Despite her exhaustion, Maya couldn't shake the lingering unease that tugged at her thoughts. As she leaned back against Mikey's chest, she couldn't help but wonder about the complexities of her relationship with Kakucho. Despite his past actions, Maya couldn't bring herself to harbour genuine resentment toward him. She knew that his intentions were often misguided, but somehow she felt he was almost in a similar situation as her.  Deep down, Maya knew that her anger towards Kakucho was born out of frustration and fear rather than genuine animosity. She feared the repercussions of her actions, knowing that any misstep could result in punishment for Kakucho.
Lost in her thoughts, Maya found herself clinging to Mikey's comforting presence, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace. As Maya nestled into Mikey's embrace, she caught sight of Izana entering the room, a cup of coffee in hand. His presence sent a shiver down her spine, reminding her of the tension that simmered beneath the surface of their interactions. Izana settled onto the sofa across from them with his own cup, his gaze flickering over to Maya with a calculating expression. "Feeling better, I see," he remarked casually, his tone devoid of warmth.
Maya forced a smile, trying to mask the unease that churned within her. "Yeah, just needed some... rest..." she replied, her voice sounding small in the vastness of the room filled with natural sunlight.
It's a beautiful fucking day outside. It seems like nature is mocking her. Mikey's grip around her tightened subtly. Izana took a sip of his coffee, his eyes lingering on Maya with an intensity that made her squirm uncomfortably. "Good," he said finally, his lips curling into a faint smirk. "You should take care of yourself, Maya. After all, you're the most valuable asset we have right now."
"I don't see how I am..." Maya replies, feeling kind of uncomfortable now
Izana chuckled softly, a cold glint flashing in his eyes. "Oh, but you are," he insisted, his tone laced with thinly veiled menace. "You have a... unique skill set that could prove quite beneficial to our operations."
"Aniki stop fucking with her" Mikey says rolling his eyes, guiding Maya's hand up and taking a sip out of her cup rather than getting his own that was sitting idly on the coffee table "he's just being stupid"
Maya felt a surge of gratitude towards Mikey for intervening, his protective gesture providing a fleeting sense of relief amidst the oppressive atmosphere. Izana's smirk widened, his gaze flickering between Mikey and Maya with a knowing glint. "Ah, but she's such fun to tease," he remarked casually, though there was a dangerous edge to his tone. "Aren't you having fun, bunny?"
"no not really" Maya says as Mikey continues drinking from her cup
Mikey's lips twitched into a faint smile as he took another sip from Maya's cup, his eyes never leaving Izana's. "See, Maya's not amused," he quipped, his voice laced with subtle defiance.
Izana's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of annoyance before he regained his composure. "Well, we can't have that, can we?" he replied, his tone taking on a mockingly pleasant quality. "After all, what's the point of having you here if you're not going to entertain us?"
Maya's stomach churned at Izana's words, a cold shiver running down her spine. She could feel the tension in the air, thick and suffocating, as the power dynamics between Mikey and Izana played out before her. "Have you ever considered not being an asshole?" Mikey asks his brother
"No actually but I'll consider it someday, Manjiro" Izana says teasingly, taking another sip out of his cup
Maya thinks this guy just enjoys being an asshole which isn't surprising. She would psychoanalyze him but her head is still a complete mess and she hasn't completely recovered from withdrawals to even want to think. "Anyway, I'm going back to Tokyo with Kakucho tonight. We're finalizing the deals with the Korean mafia, I'll be back in 2-3 days" Izana tells Manjiro
"Hm? Oh, do you need me too?" Mikey asks
"Nah, just stay here," Izana says "Kisaki said the fewer people involved in the deal, the better"
Maya's heart sank at the mention of Izana leaving, a mixture of relief and apprehension flooding her senses. She couldn't deny that a part of her was glad to have a temporary reprieve from his unsettling presence, but she also couldn't shake the nagging feeling that his absence would only bring more uncertainty and chaos. As Izana's words hung in the air, Maya found herself bracing for whatever came next, knowing all too well that the calm before the storm was often the most deceptive.
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"w-wait" Maya slurs weakly as Mikey sucks lazily at her clit
She just feels the vibration of his lips when he hums against her, his fingers thrusting in and out at a slow pace. Her fingers tighten their grip on Mikey's hair, torn between pushing his head away and pulling him even closer. He's pulling the nth orgasm out of her of that night. Izana and Kakucho had left hours ago and how she ended up like this was really beyond her at this point. Her thighs are squeezing Mikey's head as she breathes heavily, letting out a mixture of moans and whimpers of his name. "M-Mikey... 's too much" Maya slurs weakly, pulling more on his hair
He groans against her cunt and she whimpers at the vibrations that go through her. It feels good. Everything feels good. Mikey learned what her body likes and what it doesn't. Mikey knew how to make her feel good and it's both a blessing and a curse. When she seemed even a little bit angry or her mood seemed off, Mikey would slide right between her legs and work his magic to make her feel better even if it wasn't him that was the cause of her negative emotions/attitude. "you can do a few more f'me, baby" Mikey coos sweetly after releasing her clit
Just how can she say no when he's asking so nicely? His thumb makes slow figure 8s on her clit and her legs wrap tighter around his head as her eyes roll back. Maya's fingers grip desperately at the sheets, her body so torn between keeping him close and pushing him away. "hey baby, ya' gotta ease up" Mikey says as he uses his free hands to pry her legs apart "I know it feels good and as much as I love you squeezing my head like that, ya' gotta ease up"
Maya's whimper sounds more like a sob this time as his fingers speed up after he slides up her body, pressing his forehead against hers. His hand stays nestled between her thighs with a knee keeping her legs spread for him. "A-Ah Mikey!" She whines, her eyes filling with tears and immediately spilling like an overflowing sink, her hands desperately grabbing at his clothed shoulders
Mikey is looking at her with dark eyes filled with both adoration and lust. "you're such a pretty crier" He coos sweetly, his lips brushing against hers
His fingers are working expertly on her cunt in a way he knows feels good. It almost wasn't fair how good this felt, how good he was making her feel. "M-Mikey... I... I can't" she whines, her nails digging into his clothed shoulder
Mikey simply hushes her, looking down at Maya with a look that makes her stomach twist. "You can take it" he murmurs, voice laced with encouragement as his free hand brushes her messily cut fringes away from her sweaty forehead "You've done so well for me so far, baby. 'm so proud of you... Don't you want to make me even prouder?"
That wasn't fair. Mikey knew how weak praises like that made her. How could she not want to make him proud? How could she not want to make him happy? How could she not give in when he was looking at her so softly and talking to her in such a gentle tone? "'kay... o-okay... c-can do it..." Maya's words come out slurred as another orgasm approaches when Mikey's fingers start moving faster
Maya squeezes her eyes shut but Mikey suddenly slows the pace of his thumb on her clit. "hey. eyes on me. keep them open" He demands, the tone of his voice slightly changing from soft and sweet to authoritative and stern
She's gasping out for air at this point. Her body is overly spent and her mind is exhausted but she listens to him anyway, glazed blue eyes meeting endless black ones. "good girl. good girl. Now keep them open for me. I want to see your eyes when you come"
It feels like there isn't enough air but also too much at the same time. Maya has lost count of the amount of times Mikey has made her come. It feels like her brain is melting into a pile of mush and her nerves are on fire. But still, nothing hurts yet. She just feels so overwhelmed by pleasure it's simply too much. Maybe it's the combination of how he's touching her, how he's talking to her and how he's looking at her that makes everything just too much all at once. "Mikey... M-Mikey... 'm gonna..." She can't even finish her sentence
Usually, if Mikey was in the mood of being a little bit mean, he'd make her say it. But right now he's not feeling that way and instead encourages her. "shh, go ahead sweetheart. come for me"
So she does. Maya is trembling as she comes around Mikey's fingers, her nails digging into his clothed shoulders and tears running down her cheeks like an endless stream. Her thighs tense up and not once does she close her eyes because Mikey asked her not to. How could she deny him when he asked so nicely? Mikey's fingers keep expertly working on her cunt in just the way he knows feels good for her, helping her ride out her orgasm and simultaneously using his knee to keep her thighs spread. Her orgasm ends and Mikey's eyes are wide, looking at her with eyes full of awe. "M-Mikey, I... I can't" she whimpers weakly, trying to push his hand away from her cunt
Mikey just hushes her. "hm, but you looked so pretty... Your eyes look so pretty when you come"
It sounds like he's crooning at her. Or well, Maya thinks he is. She can hear her own heartbeat in her ears at this point. Everything feels like too much and she thinks if she comes again she'll really pass out. "Mikey—"
"C'mon baby, one more for me. I wanna see your eyes look like that again"
And just how can she say no when he's asking so nicely?
Maybe she does pass out or something because Maya doesn't remember how she ended up in the shower with Mikey. He's washing her hair and has a small smile on his face. She struggled to piece together the events that led her to this moment, the sensation of warm water cascading over her body and Mikey's gentle hands massaging shampoo into her hair. She turned her head slightly, her gaze meeting Mikey's as he stood behind her, gently massaging shampoo into her hair. His expression was serene, a small smile gracing his lips as he worked, his fingers moving with practiced care. "Mikey?" Maya's voice was barely a whisper, hoarse from disuse as she tried to piece together how she had ended up in the shower with him.
Mikey's smile widened at the sound of her voice, his touch gentle as he continued to wash her hair. "Hey there, baby," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "You passed out, so I thought I'd help you freshen up a bit."
Maya's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the realization that she had lost consciousness, her memory hazy and disjointed. He's practically holding her up or well somehow holding her up because her knees are weak. "close your eyes" he murmurs, hand on the knob of the shower to turn on the rain head shower above them
Maya obeys without a word and closes her eyes as he turns it on, warm water raining down on them both. Mikey runs his fingers through her hair as the shampoo is washed out of her hair. This entire thing feels oddly domestic and... She likes it. Maybe, just maybe, she can get used to this. It was horrible to be thinking that way. Giving in so easily. It was wrong but maybe after fighting for so long, after going through so much, she could. She should be allowed to right? It wasn't like she gave in after the first day. Maya fought for a month and 3 weeks. Sure she didn't remember two weeks out of that time but, she still fought for herself. Was it wrong to give in and give up? No, there was no one here to blame her for it when all they wanted from the beginning was for her to stop running.
Izana wanted her to stop, Mikey wanted her to stop and eventually, Kakucho did as well.
No one was going to miss her anyway. She was an orphan and had no friends. Chifuyu would move on from her death, the world would keep spinning and the sun would still shine.
No one will miss her and it would be okay because even if Izana is a sociopathic fucking asshole, Kakucho is a recanting bastard and, Mikey a liar— at least they're still here and at least they want her.
They want her and to Maya that's all that matters.
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"and where are you going?" Izana asks Kisaki who is being uncharacteristically fidgety
"Just... Need to pick something up" Kisaki says pushing his glasses up his nose "You can go on ahead, no need to wait for me"
The city of Tokyo is bustling in the early afternoon. Their meeting with the Koreans was later in the evening and everything for that was already taken care of. They could do whatever they wanted for now but it seemed Kisaki had something to do and whatever that was is making him jumpy and nervous. Kisaki Tetta, Tokyo Manji Gang's number 2, nervous? Oh, Izana needed to know why. Izana narrows his eyes, observing Kisaki's unusual behaviour with keen interest. He's never seen Kisaki like this before—usually so composed and calculated, it's unsettling to witness him so agitated. "Is there something on your mind, Kisaki?" Izana inquires, his voice deceptively calm as he studies his second-in-command. He can sense that there's more to Kisaki's sudden restlessness than meets the eye.
Kisaki shifts uncomfortably under Izana's gaze, his usual facade of confidence wavering slightly. "It's nothing, Izana," he replies, attempting to brush off Izana's concern with a dismissive wave of his hand. But Izana isn't fooled by the nonchalant demeanour.
"Nothing?" Izana repeats, his tone laced with skepticism. "You seem rather preoccupied with 'nothing.' Don't make me repeat myself, Kisaki. What's going on?"
Kisaki hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering away before meeting Izana's once more. "It's just a personal matter," he mumbles evasively, a hint of unease creeping into his voice. "I'll be back soon, I promise."
Izana's lips curl into a knowing smirk as he watches Kisaki's feeble attempt to deflect his inquiries. He may not have all the answers just yet, but one thing's for certain—whatever Kisaki is hiding, it's bound to be interesting. "Nope, I'm coming too"
"You're gonna get bored"
"I don't care"
To Izana's surprise, they end up at a high-end jewelry shop. Oh. Oh. Oh my god. "shut up you're proposing?" Izana has to resist the urge to laugh in Kisaki's face as the jeweller sets out designs of different engagement rings in front of them
Due to an unfortunate drunken confession some years back, the top members of the Tokyo Manji Gang knew about Kisaki Tetta's pining toward Tachibana Hinata. They laughed at him obviously because how in the world was Kisaki losing against Hanagaki-fucking-Takemichi who is an absolute loser and a literal moron with no fashion sense. Izana never let him live it down nor did Sanzu and Hanma. But now, it seemed that Kisaki was going to propose. It seemed like a stupid fucking idea in Izana's opinion but he won't voice that out loud because he wanted to see things crash and burn just for fun. Kisaki shoots Izana a glare, his embarrassment is evident in the crimson hue that tinges on his cheeks. "Shut up, Izana," he grumbles, though there's a hint of fondness underlying his exasperated tone.
The jeweller, sensing the tension between the two men, wisely decides to give them some space as they peruse through the selection of engagement rings. Izana leans back against the counter, folding his arms across his chest as he watches Kisaki with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. He never thought he'd see the day when Kisaki would be considering marriage, let alone to someone like Tachibana Hinata. "So, Tachibana Hinata, huh?" Izana remarks casually, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "Never took you for the romantic type, Kisaki."
Kisaki's expression softens at the mention of Hinata's name, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "She's different," he admits quietly, his gaze distant as he recalls memories of their time together. "She's... she's everything, Izana. I can't imagine my life without her."
Izana observes Kisaki's genuine affection with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. Despite his outwardly cold and calculating demeanour, it's evident that Kisaki harbours deep feelings for Hinata, feelings that Izana never expected to witness firsthand. It's a side of Kisaki that few have ever seen, and honestly, it's really fucking weird considering the supervillain type of shit Kisaki does. This was the first time they were even talking about girls in a way that wasn't vulgar and just plain wrong. This was odd and Izana isn't sure he wants to continue this conversation because he'll actually have a stroke if he hears any more of that cheesy-cringy bullshit. "Well, then," Izana says with a smirk, pushing himself off the counter in hopes Kisaki takes the hint and drops it "Let's find the perfect ring for your perfect girl, shall we?"
Kisaki's eyes light up at the suggestion, his earlier nervousness replaced by a newfound determination. Together, they sift through the array of rings, each one more exquisite than the last. "What about your uh..." Kisaki pauses trying to look for the right word to describe whatever Kaneko Maya was for Kurokawa Izana
Kisaki's question about Maya prompts Izana to pause, his fingers hesitating over the delicate jewelry. "My bunny?" he repeats, the term rolling off his tongue with a mixture of macabre fondness and possessiveness. "She's... special."
Kisaki watches Izana closely, sensing the underlying complexity in his tone. Kisaki doesn't even know why the fuck he's asking. It seems that no matter how smart he is, he still can't avoid or stop himself from asking these weird and awkward questions. "Special how?"
Izana's gaze flickers with a myriad of emotions—affection, frustration, and a hint of vulnerability. "She's... like a wounded animal," he murmurs, his voice tinged with morbid fascination. "Broken and fragile, yet resilient in her own way. It's quite amusing to see"
Kisaki nods in understanding, recognizing the depth of Izana's feelings for Maya beneath the veneer of detachment. "And what are your intentions toward her?" he asks, his curiosity piqued now because the only person Kisaki himself would describe that way is Hanagaki Takemichi
Izana's lips quirked into a rueful smile, his eyes distant as he struggled to articulate the complexities of his emotions. "I don't know" he admits easily
Kisaki listens in silence, his expression is contemplative as he absorbs Izana's confession. He understands all too well the struggle between love and control, the desire to both nurture and possess. It's a delicate balance, one that Izana seems to grapple with on a daily basis. Kisaki also feels really bad for this girl. From what he'd heard from Sanzu and Shion, this girl was going to literal hell. Oh well. It's not his problem. As long as she doesn't become an obstacle in his plans, he could care less what happens to Kaneko Maya. "You think Tachibana will say yes?" Izana asks him all of a sudden
Kisaki's thoughts momentarily shift from the enigmatic nature of Izana's relationship with Maya to the more straightforward matter of Kisaki's own impending proposal. He blinks, taken aback by the sudden change in topic, but quickly recovers. "Tachibana?" Kisaki repeats, his mind refocusing on the matter at hand. "I... I hope so." There's a flicker of uncertainty in his voice, a rare display of vulnerability from the usually composed second-in-command of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
This was a weird conversation to have, especially after everything but, Izana had insisted on coming along, they were having an extremely uncomfortable conversation. Not extremely but it was just fucking weird to have with Kurokawa Izana of all people. "Well, then," Izana says, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief. "Let's make sure she can't say no, shall we?"
Kisaki's lips twitch into a small smile, a glimmer of hope igniting within him at Izana's words. "Yeah," he agrees quietly
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Part of Mikey feels bad for Maya particularly when he sees her zoned out. But it is late in the afternoon, the sun is low and lighting up the master bedroom of the beach house in orange and yellow through the glass double doors leading out to the beach and he's lying on top of her, ear pressed to her sternum right where he can hear her heartbeat the loudest. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Maya isn't crying about going home anymore, neither is she under the influence of drugs to achieve that. Maya looks rather calm about being here which was a first. She'd been like that last night since after they showered together. Mikey was happy. He was so happy. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing backdrop to their shared intimacy, a reminder of the tranquillity that exists just beyond the confines of their secluded sanctuary. Mikey's fingers trace idle patterns on Maya's skin, his touch gentle yet possessive. He can't help but marvel at the sight of her lying beneath him, her features softened in the warm light. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, she seems at peace—no longer plagued by the torment of her past or the uncertainty of her future.
His heart swelled with a mixture of tenderness and guilt. He knows he shouldn't feel this way, shouldn't revel in the calm that comes from holding her captive against her will. But at this moment, with the world outside their little sanctuary fading into obscurity, it's easy to forget the consequences of their actions. Maya stirs slightly beneath him, her fingers tracing idle patterns against his back. Her eyes flutter open, meeting his with a gaze that's both questioning and vulnerable. "Mikey" she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
Mikey brushes a strand of hair away from her face, his touch gentle yet possessive. "Shh, it's okay," he whispers, his lips pressing against her forehead in a silent promise. "You're safe with me."
Maya doesn't say anything but her gaze doesn't shift from his eyes. She's just, looking at him. It feels nice. Mikey likes the way she's looking at him. He feels warm all over. It had been so long since someone made him feel like that. Her thumb brushes against his cheekbone and Mikey resists the urge to nuzzle into her palm even though he knows he can. "are you hungry? I can make you dinner" Maya says gently, her tone quiet
Mikey's stomach growls loudly in response to Maya's question, betraying his hunger despite the tranquillity of the moment. He chuckles softly, his lips quirking into a sheepish grin as he meets Maya's gaze. "Yeah, I could eat," he admits, his voice tinged with amusement. "But only if you let me help."
Maya smiles warmly, her eyes softening as she nods in agreement. "I'll think about"
Mikey's grin widens at the playful designation, his heart swelling with warmth at the prospect of spending more time with Maya in the kitchen. It's a simple gesture, but one that holds a deeper significance—a reminder of the ordinary moments that make life worth living, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Together, they make their way to the kitchen, their laughter mingling with the sound of sizzling pans and clinking utensils. And as they prepare their meal side by side, Mikey can't help but marvel at the simple joy of domesticity. "You're really forgetful, aren't you?" Maya asks him as he's stirring the pot since it was the only thing he was good at
"hm, how?"
"Izana and Sanzu are always reminding you to eat" Maya says as she's washing something in the sink
Mikey thinks for a moment. "yeah. They are"
"That's nice of them. Izana's an asshole didn't think he had it in him to be a caring older brother"
Mikey's expectations were shattered when Maya didn't react the way he anticipated. He had braced himself for her to hurl accusations of laziness or belittle him like others had done in the past, particularly Draken. But instead, Maya's response was one of understanding and compassion.
He had been prepared for judgment, for being seen as weak or incompetent. After all, getting out of bed had become an insurmountable task after Emma's funeral 12 years ago. Draken's absence during this time, despite his own grief over Emma's passing, had left Mikey feeling abandoned and forgotten. Yes, Draken was grieving too but, Emma wasn't just anyone to Mikey; she was his sister, his anchor in a world of chaos and the reason he hadn't gone completely crazy. And when she was gone, Mikey found himself adrift, lost in a sea of grief and despair.
Mikey's downward spiral had been rapid and relentless. He couldn't muster the strength to get out of bed, shower, eat, or attend gang meetings—even with Sanzu's persistent attempts to rouse him. It wasn't until Izana intervened that Mikey began to see a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Izana's arrival at the Sano household marked a turning point in Mikey's despair. With unwavering determination, Izana pulled him from the confines of his bed, coaxing him into the shower and gently tending to his neglected appearance. Mikey's hair was matted and unkempt after spending months in bed. Izana tried untangling his matted locks while Sanzu fed him. Izana salvaged what he could without shaving it all off and he ended up with short hair. Mikey threw up his food when he looked in the mirror and saw Shinichiro staring back at him.
Instead of admonishing Mikey for his self-neglect and vomiting, Izana offered comfort and reassurance in the simplest of gestures. Handing him a toothbrush with toothpaste.
Izana took care of him. When no one was there, Izana was the one that was still there. Izana took care of him alongside Sanzu. Had it not been for both of them, Mikey probably would have rotted and died in his room and no one would have noticed.
After months of radio silence when Mikey announced a gang meeting to get things back in order, no one was happy about merging Tenjiku with Toman. His so-called friends began to leave him one by one. They never let him explain himself, they didn't let him see Takemichi and they berated him for being around Izana who clearly had other intentions.
Sure Izana was manipulative, cruel and mean but Mikey was okay with that. Draken wasn't there for him when he needed him the most, nor was anyone else so why was everyone mad at him? Why did everyone else leave him while telling him he was the one to blame for Emma's death? Why was it his fault? It's not his fault. She died in his arms so why was everyone comforting Draken and not him? Why did everyone leave him? The memory of Emma's death weighs heavily on Mikey's heart, a constant reminder of the pain and loss that he carries with him every day. He can still feel her life slipping away beneath his fingertips, and hear the echo of her final breaths as they fade into the darkness.
And yet, amidst the turmoil and despair, there is one constant source of solace—the unwavering presence of Izana by his side. Despite Izana's harsh words and cruel demeanour, Mikey finds a strange sense of comfort in his older brother's presence, a reminder that he is not alone in his pain. "Yeah... Would probably die without him" Mikey says with a small smile
In return, Maya smiles. Maybe she knows. Maya looks like she knows Mikey isn't doing well and she just reaches over and brushes a stray black lock behind his ear tenderly. "do you psychiatrists have a 6th sense or something?" he asks playfully "At your graduation do they give you the power of telepathy?"
Maya laughs and shakes her head no. "I just know"
It was nice. Having someone around who understood. It was nice having Maya around and he hopes that her acceptance of the situation isn't temporary. Mikey leans over and presses a light kiss to her lips. She's smiling, he's smiling. Maya is looking at him with those pretty eyes of hers and he likes this so much. Mikey hopes things stay like this and Maya doesn't fall out of the illusion she's put herself into.
If Maya were to ever turn away from him, to reject the love he so desperately craves, Mikey knows that he would do whatever it takes to keep her by his side. Even if it means resorting to drastic measures—to drugging her and starting all over again. Mikey would do it all again without batting an eye. He'd drug her, bring her back through the whole cycle of addiction and withdrawals and be right there for her as a saviour. "Does it taste good?" she asks as he eats
Mikey just smiles and nods and asks her to feed him which she does without question. Mikey is happy. He's been feeling that way since she got here and nothing, nothing in the world will take this away from him. Not again. He'll cling to Izana, he'll keep Maya. Mikey could care less about the voice in his head telling him they'll leave. He doesn't care. Mikey doesn't want to feel sad anymore. He refuses it. Mikey wants to stay happy and be selfish for once.
If his happiness is at the cost of Maya's freedom, so be it.
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It's late. About 11 pm. Maya stirs from her slumber, her senses gradually awakening to the hushed stillness of the night. The soft rhythm of Mikey's breathing beside her lulls her back to consciousness, his presence a comforting anchor in the darkness. As she lies there, enveloped in the warmth of their shared bed, memories of the past few weeks flicker through her mind like fragments of a half-remembered dream. Since arriving at the beach house, her days have blurred together in a haze of sleep and solitude, punctuated only by the occasional interaction with Mikey or Izana. And yet, despite the tranquillity of their surroundings, Maya can't shake the lingering sense of unease that gnaws at her insides. Izana's presence looms like a shadow over her thoughts, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic existence. But for now, in the quiet stillness of the night, Maya finds herself grateful for the reprieve from Izana's torment. Sure, he's been mean and cruel in the past, but at least he hasn't hurt her recently. At least he hasn't forced pills down her throat or subjected her to his twisted games. In the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window, Maya watches Mikey's sleeping form beside her, his features softened by the gentle embrace of sleep. "so... pretty..." she murmured quietly, brushing a stray black strand of Mikey's hair away from his forehead
He's snoring and kind of drooling into the pillow but it's still cute. Mikey looks pretty. Maya's fingers linger on Mikey's forehead, tracing the gentle contours of his face with a tenderness that belies the tumult of her thoughts. In the soft glow of the moonlight, his features are softened by the embrace of sleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She doesn't understand how someone this gorgeous could be on Japan's most wanted list. For all his faults and flaws, Mikey is a paradox—a complex tapestry of light and darkness, kindness and cruelty, love and loss. And yet, in the quiet stillness of the night, he is simply Mikey—vulnerable and imperfect, yet undeniably beautiful in his own way. As Maya sits up, her gaze drifts away from Mikey's sleeping form, a flush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks at the realization of how long she's been watching him sleep. She chides herself inwardly for indulging in such a seemingly intrusive habit, feeling like an unwelcome voyeur in the sanctity of Mikey's rest.
Shaking off the unease, Maya reaches for the glass of water on the bedside table, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat as she takes a sip. The silence of the night surrounds her like a heavy blanket, punctuated only by the soft rustle of the bedsheets and the distant murmur of the ocean beyond.
Despite her best efforts to quell her racing thoughts, Maya finds herself unable to drift back into the embrace of sleep. She puts the glass back down and her hand knocks against the bedside table. "ow" she mutters, rubbing the back of her hand and turning on the small lamp
She looks over at Mikey hoping he didn't wake up from the sound. Relieved that Mikey remains undisturbed by the sound, Maya exhales a soft sigh and turns her attention back to the bedside table. The dim light of the lamp casts a warm glow across the room as she opens the drawer, curious to see what lies within. Inside, nestled amidst a jumble of miscellaneous items, Maya finds a small black box. She picks it up without thinking and opens it. Inside are... Polaroid pictures?
Maya knows what these are without even looking at them. These were the Polaroid pictures Izana was talking about. The pictures taken in those 2 weeks she has no memory of. Maya's heart skips a beat as she gazes down at the box of Polaroid pictures, her fingers trembling slightly as she contemplates what lies within. A sense of curiosity washes over her, tinged with a hint of apprehension, as she lifts the lid and peers inside. As she sifts through the photographs, a sense of wonder washes over Maya. The images are surprisingly tender and intimate, a testament to the unexpected romance that unfolded during those lost weeks.
Was this...
No way. Maya expected something crazy to have happened during those two weeks. She expected to see pictures where she was crying or something absolutely disgusting happening to her but no. None of that is in any of the polariods. Rather... Something else.
Maya's fingers tremble slightly as she gingerly lifts the first Polaroid out of the box, her heart fluttering in her chest at the anticipation of what she might find. But as her eyes land on the image before her, her breath catches in her throat, her cheeks flushing crimson at the sight of the intimate photograph. In the picture, she and Mikey are locked in a passionate embrace, their lips pressed together in a tender kiss. The angle of the shot obscures their faces, leaving only their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of the room. Mikey's bare chest is visible, the contours of his muscles highlighted in the dim light, while Maya's own form is shrouded in shadow, leaving her uncertain of her own state of dress. A wave of embarrassment washes over Maya as she realizes the implications of the photograph—that someone else must have been present to capture this intimate moment between her and Mikey. She puts the photo down back in the box and looks at the next. 
Maya's breath catches in her throat as she lifts the next Polaroid from the box, her eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected sight before her. In the photograph, she finds herself straddling Kakucho's lap, their bodies pressed close together in an intimate embrace. Despite the darkness obscuring her face, Maya can feel the heat rising in her cheeks at the sheer intimacy of the scene. Unlike the previous picture with Mikey, both she and Kakucho are fully clothed, a small relief amidst the whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. Kakucho's face is illuminated by a soft glow, his lips curved into a gentle smile that sends a flutter of warmth through Maya's chest. She can't help but notice the split in his bottom lip Her face remains hidden from view, shrouded in shadow, but Kakucho's expression is clear for all to see. She doesn't remember this moment, doesn't recall ever being in such close proximity to Kakucho in such a seemingly intimate manner. And yet, there they are, captured in a snapshot of time. She doesn't at all remember this and kind of hates that she lost this memory. Maya's heart skips a beat as she notices her index finger tracing the scar that mars Kakucho's face and his arms wrapped around her.
That was enough for her to look at. She puts it back into the box and picks up another which is of her and Mikey. Unlike the previous picture of them, this looks a lot more... Softer? No, cute would be the right word. Her face is visible for once and her pupils are blown out, eyes red-rimmed. She's clearly high in the picture. She's smiling— laughing— her lips smudged with lipstick and Mikey's face is littered with lipstick kisses. Maya puts that picture down after long minutes of just staring at it and picks up another.
It seems that this was of the same day. This next picture was just of Kakucho. It's his side profile. He's lying down somewhere with a cigarette between his lips, lipstick kisses littering his face as well and what looks like her hand tangled in his black locks. Maya turns as red as the lipstick and puts it back in the box.
The next picture makes her almost choke on her own spit. Her face isn't visible. Actually, there isn't anyone's face. It's just Maya's body and Izana's hand. She's fully clothed in it. Izana is barely in the picture, the only thing there is his hand that rests possessively on her chest, tanned fingers curled around her breast in a brazen display of ownership. She feels so shy looking at it. It's odd, she thinks, that Izana hadn't shown her this picture earlier, hadn't used it to mock her or make some crude comment. In fact, as she studies the photograph, a sense of curiosity overtakes her, a desire to understand the intentions behind Izana's actions.
Polaroids couldn't be copied, she realizes, which means this was the only copy there was. She could destroy it, erase it from existence, and yet, a part of her hesitates. Despite the discomfort and embarrassment she feels, there's a strange sense of intimacy in the image, a connection that defies logic and reason. Closing her eyes, Maya takes a deep breath, willing herself to calm the tumultuous storm raging within her. She knows she should feel outraged, should feel violated by Izana's brazen display of dominance. And yet, there's a part of her that can't help but be drawn to the raw intensity of his touch even through the photograph. Even with this picture, just like the rest, it's obvious someone else had taken it. 
She puts the picture back and picks up another. It was another one of her and Izana, this one in the living room and a lot softer compared to the last. Izana is lying on his back on the couch and Maya is on top of him. Her head is on his chest and his arms are wrapped around her. In this photograph, Izana and Maya are captured in a moment of rare vulnerability, their bodies entwined on the couch in the living room. Unlike the previous pictures, there's a palpable sense of intimacy in this one—a tenderness that belies the tumultuous nature of their relationship. It's as if time itself has stood still, freezing this fleeting moment of connection in amber for eternity.
As Maya continues to sift through the Polaroids, she discovers a series of images that range from intimate to erotic, each one revealing a different facet of her relationship with Mikey and Izana. Some depict tender moments of affection, while others capture more passionate encounters, their bodies entwined in a dance of desire and longing. But amidst the array of photographs, there's a common thread that runs through them all—the undeniable bond that exists between them, forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by the trials they have faced together. As Maya gazes at each image in turn, she can't help but feel a sense of awe and disbelief at the depth of emotion captured within each frame.
The problem, however, lies not in the content of the photographs, but in the absence of memory that accompanies them. Maya struggles to reconcile the images before her with the blank canvas of her own recollection, unable to recall a single moment of the intimacy they portray. It's a disconcerting realization, to say the least. Here she was, expecting to uncover evidence of unspeakable acts, only to be confronted with a series of tender moments that she can't even remember experiencing. Mikey and Izana had indeed taken care of her, as they claimed, but the extent of their efforts had been shrouded in a fog of oblivion. Closing her eyes, Maya takes a deep breath, attempting to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within her. On one hand, there's a sense of relief that the truth isn't as sinister as she had feared. On the other hand, there's a profound sense of loss at the realization that she had been robbed of the memories of those two weeks. "Baby?" She hears Mikey say, his voice groggy from sleep "Whatcha' lookin' at?"
Mikey's arm goes around her waist and his chin hooks over her shoulder. "Ah," he murmurs, his fingers tightening slightly around her waist. "You found them, huh? Izana must've left them there."
Maya turns to look at him, a furrow forming between her brows. "Why would he leave them there?" she asks, confusion evident in her voice.
Mikey shrugs, his lips quirking into a small smile. "Probably forgot about them," he replies nonchalantly, though there's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Or maybe he wanted you to find them."
Maya's gaze flickers back to the photographs, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties. What was Izana's motive behind leaving them there? Was it a gesture of remorse, or something more sinister? As she searches for answers in the images before her, Maya can't help but feel a sense of unease settle over her. The Polaroids offer glimpses into a world she can't remember, a world filled with intimacy and connection that she struggles to reconcile with her own fragmented memories. "I... I didn't expect to find... this. I'm... Trying to... make sense of everything." she mumbles, her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.
Mikey's grip tightens around her waist, his touch offering silent reassurance in the midst of her turmoil. "You don't have to make sense of everything, pretty," he whispers, his lips brushing against her ear. "Just take it one day at a time."
Maya is silent, trying to think— to remember but— "Don't think so hard, baby" Mikey says, pulling the box easily out of her hands and reaching over her to set it on the bedside table "Everything's fine. Let's just get to sleep"
Maya nods wordlessly, grateful for Mikey's reassurance. She watches as he sets the box back on the bedside table, her mind still swirling with unanswered questions and unresolved emotions. But as Mikey pulls her close, his warmth enveloping her like a comforting blanket, Maya feels a sense of calm wash over her. "Yeah, you're right," she murmurs, turning off the lamp before she snuggles closer to him, seeking solace in his embrace. "Let's just get some sleep."
Mikey presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his arms tightening around her as they settle back into the soft embrace of the bed. In the quiet darkness of the room, Maya allows herself to relax, the weight of the Polaroids and their implications fading into the background as she drifts off into a peaceful slumber.
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As the first rays of dawn filter through the curtains, painting the room in a soft, golden hue, Maya stirs from her slumber, feeling more rested than she has in weeks. The weight of exhaustion that had plagued her for so long seems to have lifted, replaced by a sense of tranquillity and contentment. Beside her, Mikey is still asleep, his features softened by the gentle light of morning. Maya watches him for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she recalls their conversation from the night before. After their first night together weeks ago, Mikey had confessed, in a sleepy murmur, that he hadn't slept that well in ages without the aid of sleeping pills. It had been a vulnerable admission, one that had touched Maya in ways she couldn't quite explain. Now, as she watches him sleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, Maya can't help but feel a surge of affection for the man lying beside her. Despite the tumultuous circumstances that had brought them together, there's a sense of peace and belonging that settles over her like a warm embrace. With a gentle sigh, Maya reaches out to brush a stray lock of hair away from Mikey's forehead, her touch light and tender. As her finger is about to trail down the side of his face, he suddenly grabs her hand and Maya gasps in surprise. Mikey's grip on Maya's hand is firm yet gentle, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. Startled by his sudden movement, Maya meets his gaze, finding a mix of emotions swirling in the depths of his dark sleepy eyes. "s-sorry did I wake you?" she whispers
Mikey's grip on Maya's hand tightens slightly, his thumb tracing circles over the back of her hand as he shakes his head slowly. "No, you didn't wake me," he murmurs, his voice still thick with sleep. "I was already awake."
Maya's heart skips a beat at the intensity of his gaze, the raw vulnerability that flickers in the depths of his dark eyes. There's something in the way he looks at her, something unspoken yet undeniable, that sends a rush of warmth flooding through her veins. For a moment, they simply gaze at each other, the air between them heavy with unspoken words and unspoken emotions. It's as if time has slowed to a standstill, allowing them to exist in this moment of quiet intimacy, where nothing else matters except the connection they share. Feeling emboldened by the silent exchange, Maya leans in closer, her breath mingling with Mikey's as she closes the distance between them. Their lips meet in a gentle kiss, soft and tentative yet filled with a depth of emotion that words could never convey. As they pull away, Maya finds herself lost in the warmth of Mikey's embrace, his arms wrapped around her in a silent promise of love and protection. In this moment, surrounded by the soft light of dawn and the gentle rhythm of their breath, Maya knows that she is exactly where she belongs—wrapped in the arms of the man she loves.
Or well, the man she thinks she loves. This is love, right? It has to be. Mikey makes her heart flutter, he makes her feel warm. So, it has to be love right? Right? Is it too soon to call this love? Too soon to surrender herself to the intoxicating allure of Mikey's embrace? Or is she merely fooling herself, grasping at the illusion of love in a desperate bid to fill the void within her heart? It has to be love. This is what books described love to be. So that's what it has to be. She has to be in love with Mikey. "So," he says, his voice lightening with amusement, snapping her out of her thoughts "what's on the agenda for today?"
Maya chuckles softly, the tension of the moment dissipating as she meets Mikey's gaze with a playful glint in her eyes. "Well," she begins, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, "I was thinking we could start with breakfast. And then, who knows? The day is full of possibilities."
Mikey's eyes light up and then go dark. She's pushed onto her back, Mikey's knee slotting between her thighs as he gets on top of her, pinning her to the mattress. "how about a little snack before breakfast?" He murmurs, the tip of his nose knocking against hers
Maya's breath catches in her throat as Mikey's sudden change in demeanour catches her off guard. Her heart races in her chest as she feels the weight of his body pressing down on her, his proximity sending a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins. His knee between her thighs sends a jolt of electricity through her, igniting a fire that smoulders in the depths of her being. For a moment, time seems to stand still as they gaze into each other's eyes, a silent exchange of desire passing between them. The playful banter of moments ago is replaced by an electric tension, thick with unspoken longing and primal need. As Mikey's breath ghosts across her skin, Maya's pulse quickens, her senses heightened by the intoxicating proximity of the man she yearns for. She can feel the heat of his body seeping into her skin, his scent enveloping her like a warm embrace. With a soft gasp, Maya surrenders to the magnetic pull between them, her fingers tangling in the soft black strands of Mikey's hair as she pulls him closer. In this moment, there are no doubts, no uncertainties—only the raw, unbridled passion that courses through their veins, binding them together in a dance as old as time itself.
As their lips meet in a fevered kiss, the world falls away, leaving only the two of them lost in the throes of desire. And as they lose themselves in each other, Maya knows with a certainty that transcends words—this is love, in all its messy, beautiful glory.
Mikey pushes his shorts and boxers down just enough to pull out his cock. Mikey's lips never leave her's as his hand pumps up and down his length to bring himself to full hardness. Maya brings her hand down and she does it for him. As soon as her hand wraps around his length, Mikey whimpers into her mouth and Maya thinks her head exploded. 
He sounds so pretty.
Sure she had heard him whimper before— many times actually— but right now he sounded so pretty. Maya feels a surge of warmth floods her body, igniting a firestorm of desire that consumes her from within. His vulnerability, his raw need, it's all laid bare in that single sound, and Maya finds herself utterly captivated by the beauty of it. Oh god, she wanted to hear it again. So when Maya tightens her hand around his cock, Mikey makes the same pretty sound. Her hand moves her and down his length, thumb brushing over the sensitive tip. She can feel Mikey's thighs twitch and the hand that is resting next to her head to keep himself over her grip the pillow tight. They're not even kissing anymore. Mikey is just panting against her lips, inhaling and exhaling her air. 
She has never done anything like this for him before. It was usually just him pleasuring her. She's never done this before but it's clear she's doing the right thing with all the pretty noises Mikey is letting out and all the precum dribbling out of his tip. Each of his sighs, each halting, excited breath, sent pleasant shivers through her body, pooling in her center. Oh her cunt was throbbing just by listening to the noises Mikey makes. Her eyes open as Mikey finally pulls away from her mouth, pressing his face into her neck instead, letting out small broken moans and breathy whimpers she just couldn't get enough of. "Maya~" he chokes out, voice all shaky
Just from the sound of him whimpering out her name had her head spinning. Oh, he just sounded so pretty. Mikey's thighs twitched and she could tell he was about to come. She speeds up the pace of her hand on his cock but he suddenly stops her, grabbing her wrist. "F-Fuck wait" he mumbles, pulling her hand off him "Wanna come inside you"
Her shorts are loose and thin and easy to push aside. Mikey does the same with her panties and hastily flicks at her clit making Maya choke out a whine. She was soaking without him even having to do much— just by listening to him her cunt is soaking. Mikey presses his tip to her hole and just when she thinks he's about to push in, he doesn't. Instead, he looks at her, eyes heavy with lust and desire but also a different kind of emotion. "Hey. I don't want you spacing out after we're done" He murmurs, tone stern "I want you awake"
She did that a lot—space out after sex. But she couldn't really help it. It just happened. Maya knows thinking of the psychological aspect of her issue will only bring her more unhappiness and pain so she doesn't. "Okay... Okay I w-will— ahh~" she choked out, a moaning slipping from her lips when Mikey used his cock to slap against her clit
He pushes in, inch by inch, sighing with his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Maya trembles at the feeling of Mikey sliding in with no prep at all. The stretch burns so good but it barely hurts which is always surprising considering how fucking huge he is. Mikey hooks her knees up over his hips and doesn't even wait for her to adjust to his length as he starts thrusting right away. Maya whimpers out his name shakily, eyes rolling back and legs wrapping around his waist. Mikey makes her feel good. Every fucking time he makes her feel fucking amazing because he knows her body and what feels good to her. "fuck fuck s'good baby" Mikey groans, rutting into her hard
The breath is knocked out of her legs and her head is up in the clouds. It feels so good. The slight sting of pain and the pleasure of him hitting each sensitive little spot inside her cunt each time. "Mikey, Mikey, Mikey—" she moans out his name like a desperate prayer
Both of them feel like they're falling apart. Everything feels so damn good. "f-fuck 'm gon' come" Mikey whimpers and Maya mumbles the same
He starts thrusting faster and Maya's hand comes down to rub shaky figure 8s on her clit. It feels so good she doesn't know what to do with herself. Mikey and Maya come with little cries and whimpers, trembling and twitching from the earth-shattering orgasms. Her head is spinning and fogging up as she barely even feels Mikey pull out or fix her panties and shorts back over her cunt. She didn't realize it until Mikey suddenly grabbed her face harshly, fingers digging into her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. Maya barely can look at him as she feels an odd fog wash over her mind after she recovers from her climax. His eyes bore into hers, intense and searching as if trying to anchor her to the present moment. "Hey," he says, his voice soft yet urgent, "stay with me, okay? Don't drift off."
Maya blinks, trying to shake off the disorienting fog that clouds her thoughts. She feels a sense of detachment creeping in, like she's floating away from herself, from the world around her. It's a familiar sensation, one she's experienced countless times before—after sex with either him or Izana. "Stay with me," Mikey's voice is urgent, his eyes searching hers with a mixture of sternness and desperation. "Don't go away, Maya. Stay here with me."
It's hard though. Maya feels like she's floating but Mikey doesn't seem like he'll let up. He had told her he wanted her awake before they even started. She should try for him, shouldn't she? Her hands come up, weakly holding his wrists. "that's it. that's it" Mikey encourages "Stay awake"
So Maya tries to focus on something. Something that will keep her awake like Mikey wants. Focusing on the dull ache in her thighs wasn't enough so she thought about Izana instead and how he was coming back later that evening. Somehow, that works. Not as well, but she's still somewhat conscious. "good girl. good girl. You're doing well. Just stay awake"
As she focuses on his voice, his touch, Maya finds a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a flicker of strength that fuels her determination to stay awake, to stay with Mikey, if only for a little while longer.
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Mikey often thinks about his past. From losing his mother— to permanently scarring Haruchiyo— to losing Shinichiro and then Baji— to losing Emma and then the rest of his friends. Mikey thinks he's been through a lot. It wasn't really fair. Perhaps tragedy was just in his blood. Genetic probably? His cheating father met his end in a car crash and his mother died of terminal illness still loving her unfaithful husband. Maybe this was genetic or a generational curse.
All Sano's face a terrible end and an even more miserable life. 
Had it not been for Izana, Mikey probably would have died. Mikey wonders if Izana is exempt from this curse as he did not take the Sano name nor was he Sano by blood. Izana was simply his brother because Mikey, Shinichiro and Emma said so. But did that exempt Izana from the curse? Mikey hopes it does. His big brother, his only family, didn't deserve to live miserably like he does— like they all did. But maybe that's what Maya was here for. She was like a dark in the light, someone who made the gross things in his head shut up for once. Oh did he adore her. "do you want to go out?" Mikey asks as they're watching tv
It's late in the afternoon. They've had their lunch and were just lounging around and Izana should be arriving around sunset. "hm?"
Maya is looking at him surprised. "outside?" She says the word as if she had never heard it before
Mikey nods and smiles. "uh huh. Outside. I remember you telling me you've never been on a motorcycle before. I wanna take you on mine"
Of course, she probably doesn't remember saying that but it doesn't matter. Maya's eyes widen with anticipation, her lips curving into a hesitant smile. "I... I'd like that," she murmurs, her voice tinged with uncertainty
Mikey grins and stands up, pulling her off the sofa with ease. He isn't concerned about her trying to run. After all, the double doors in the master bedroom has been unlocked for days now. "Alright, let's get dressed then"
Maya seemed to be a lot more excited about getting ready than actually go out and in Mikey's opinion, it was quite cute. It wasn't like he'd be taking her near non-Toman members. He couldn't have that. She wouldn't be safe. But it was cute seeing her pick out an outfit from her untouched clothes. She wears black jeans and a white crop top with this corset style lacing at the front and a black cropped cardigan. It was pretty new to Mikey considering he's only ever seen her in pyjamas or wearing his or Izana's clothes. She looks cute. Mikey himself gets ready too, watching her out of the corner of his eye as he puts on his leather jacket and gloves. He can't shake the feeling of protectiveness that washes over him, a primal instinct to shield her from harm, to keep her safe from the dangers that lurk beyond their doorstep.
In that moment, Mikey grapples with conflicting emotions. He isn't sure why he's thinking of this now but watching her clip her gold necklaces into place made him remember his conversation a few days with Izana where he had told him that Maya was just a kid and Izana replied that she was in fact not a kid but a 22 year old with a university degree. Mikey will admit that Izana was right with the implication that he was infantilizing her. 
Mikey may have been infantilizing her but at least he wasn't dehumanizing her like Izana.
At least he still treated her like another human being with feelings rather than a pet like Izana.
When Izana wasn't torturing her mentally, physically, spiritually— and any other way a person could possibly be tortured— he treated her like a wounded and sad animal from a shelter.
When Mikey wasn't emotionally manipulating her, he treated her like an abused baby he adopted from an orphanage.
He isn't sure which one is worse and which one is better.
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"Okay, when I'm going too fast, tap me twice" Mikey instructs as he fixes the buckle of the helmet underneath Maya's chin as she stands before him on the driveway
The visor is flipped up letting him see her pretty blue eyes. Maya nods in understanding, her gaze meeting Mikey's with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Got it," she confirms, her voice muffled slightly by the helmet.
Mikey smiles, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary as he adjusts the helmet strap. Despite the protective gear concealing her features, he can still see the glimmer of anticipation in her eyes, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She's beautiful, he realizes, in a way that transcends mere physical appearance. With a final pat on her shoulder, Mikey steps back, admiring the sight before him. Maya stands before him, her eyes alight with excitement. It's moments like these that remind Mikey why he's drawn to her—her resilience, her courage, her unwavering spirit that reminds him too much of— oh. No. Mikey shouldn't think of him right now.  "Ready?" he asks, a hint of excitement in his voice as he gestures towards his motorcycle, the engine humming softly in anticipation.
Maya nods eagerly, a sense of adventure flickering in her eyes. "Absolutely," she replies, her voice brimming with anticipation.
With a grin, Mikey swings a leg over the motorcycle, settling into the driver's seat with practiced ease. Maya follows suit, straddling the seat behind him, her arms wrapped snugly around his waist. As he starts the engine, the roar of the motorcycle fills the air, drowning out the sounds of the world around them. With a flick of his wrist, Mikey guides the motorcycle onto the open road, the wind whipping past them as they speed towards the horizon. For a moment, time stands still, and all that exists is the two of them, bound together by the promise of adventure and the thrill of the open, empty road.
As they ride along, the world seems to blur around them, the scenery passing by in a kaleidoscope of colours and shapes. Maya holds on tight, her heart racing with a heady mix of excitement and exhilaration. The wind rushes past them, tousling her hair and filling her senses with the scent of freedom. For Mikey, there's a sense of liberation that comes with the open road, a feeling of escape from the weight of his past and the burdens of his responsibilities. With Maya's arms wrapped around him, he feels a sense of connection and belonging that he hasn't felt in a long time.
They ride for miles, the landscape unfolding before them in an ever-changing tapestry of fields, forests, and winding roads. With each twist and turn, Maya's grip tightens, her trust in Mikey evident in the way she clings to him.
There's not a house in sight. Nothing near the beach house for miles. Maybe that's why Izana brought her here in the first place. So she would be completely helpless and nowhere to run to even if she somehow did manage to escape the beach house. No, he shouldn't think of that right now. He should think happy thoughts and hope Maya's fingers don't brush against the pistol concealed under his leather jacket. It was just in case after all. 
Despite the remote surroundings, Mikey focuses on the present moment, determined to make this ride a memorable one for Maya. He steers the motorcycle with practiced ease, navigating the winding roads with confidence as they continue on their journey.
As they ride, Mikey steals glances at Maya through the rear view mirror. He can't see her face due to the helmet but he knows she's smiling. He can feel the vibrations from her chest against his back with each giggle she lets out.  With each passing mile, the tension in his shoulders begins to ease, replaced by a growing sense of contentment. He knows that he should be vigilant, that danger could lurk around any corner, but for now, he allows himself to simply enjoy the freedom of the open road. As they round a bend in the road, the sun begins to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. The beauty of the moment is not lost on Mikey, and he finds himself smiling despite the weight of his worries.
For now, all that matters is the road ahead and the woman beside him, her trust in him evident in the way she clings to him.
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They make it back to the beach house. The sun is about to set and Mikey drags her to the beach behind the house to watch it. As they step onto the soft sand, the vibrant hues of the setting sun paint the sky in shades of pink, orange, and gold. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore fills the air, creating a serene backdrop for the breathtaking spectacle unfolding before them. Mikey leads Maya to a secluded spot on the beach, away from the prying eyes of the outside world. They settle down on the sand, side by side, their shoulders brushing as they watch the sun sink lower on the horizon. For a while, they sit in silence, lost in the beauty of the moment. The weight of their worries fades away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquillity. In this moment, it's just the two of them, sharing a rare moment of intimacy amidst the chaos of their lives. Mikey turns to Maya, his gaze soft and affectionate. "Thank you for coming with me," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
Maya smiles softly, her eyes reflecting the light of the sunset. "Thank you for bringing me," she replies, her voice filled with warmth and gratitude.
Maybe this was love, Maya thinks. It had to be. What she felt for Mikey(and maybe even Izana) was love. Mikey's presence beside her is both comforting and exhilarating. His warmth seeps into her, thawing the icy tendrils of doubt and uncertainty that have gripped her heart for so long. However, that doesn't last. "I..." Mikey says something then pauses for a moment "I'm sorry..."
Mikey's sudden apology catches Maya off guard, and she turns to him, her brow furrowing in concern. "What for?" she asks softly, her voice laced with confusion.
Mikey shifts beside her, his gaze fixed on the sand as if searching for the right words. "For everything," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. "For lying to you, for drugging you, almost making you overdose, for forcing myself on you weeks ago, for..." He trails off, his words fading into the gentle sound of the waves.
Immediately, it was like those rose-coloured glasses Maya had been wearing all this time had been ripped off her face. A sick realization overcomes her as she remembers where she was and why and how. The weight of Mikey's words hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the serene scene before them. Maya's heart clenches as she listens to his confession, each word landing like a blow to her chest. She feels as though the ground has shifted beneath her feet, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty and doubt. For weeks, Maya had been living in a haze of false comfort, clinging to the illusion of love and safety that Mikey had provided. But now, faced with the harsh truth of his actions, she can no longer ignore the reality of her situation. The memories come flooding back— the drugs, the manipulation, the violation— and Maya's stomach churns with nausea. Her mind races, grappling with the enormity of what Mikey has just admitted. How could she have been so blind, so naive, to trust him so completely? The realization hits her like a punch to the gut, leaving her reeling and disoriented.
Mikey's apology is feeble, his excuses flimsy and hollow. He tries to justify his actions with half-hearted explanations, blaming his behaviour on everything from his troubled past to his misguided intentions. But Maya knows better than to believe his lies. She sees through his facade, recognizing the manipulative tactics he's using to deflect responsibility and avoid facing the truth. "Maya, I didn't mean to hurt you," he says, staring at the horizon "I was just trying to protect you, to keep you safe."
Maya feels disgusted so quickly. Not in Mikey but herself. How had she let it get this far? How could she have let him, Izana and Kakucho stop her from running? How could she stop fighting? Had she really believed her own toxic mind when it told her there was no one waiting? Mikey told her Chifuyu was looking. He implied people missed her. Even if she was declared dead by the police shouldn't they welcome her back and help her? There was a reason Chifuyu left Tokyo Manji Gang after all. 
Oh Chifuyu.
How could she forget him? Even if he didn't love her back it didn't mean he didn't love her. Her feelings of romance may have been unrequited but her feelings of friendship weren't. Chifuyu missed her and she knew it. Kazutora too. He had to. They both had to. "I just loved you so much. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want you to leave me like everyone else did so I did all of that" Mikey confesses, unaware of what is going on in her head 
She gets up, slow and steady as Mikey's eyes are still on the horizon. She wouldn't stay here. Maya wouldn't let this illusion take over her life. She was only 22. Maya won't let her life be wasted by being a plaything for some crazy psycho brothers. Her life was her own and she'll decide when it ends. Slow and steady she starts making slow steps back. She doesn't know where she'll run but she will. Maya will run and she won't come back. They won't catch her this time. "Maya...?" He noticed she wasn't sitting next to him anymore
She starts taking quicker backward steps, her sneakers crunching against the sand. Maya is fast. She knows she's fast. She can outrun him. In theory, that is. But Sano "Mikey" Manjiro was no Olympic speed runner. He was a fucking gang leader. She can outrun him. "Maya" his voice quickly turns more stern as he snaps his head around to see she is already so far from him
Mikey gets up fast. "What do you think you're doing?" There's a look of both anger and betrayal in his eyes
Maya doesn't let her resolve waver. She will get away. "Maya I swear to fucking god, come back here right now" he realizes she's trying to run
Maya's heart pounds in her chest as she continues to back away from Mikey, her mind racing with fear and determination. She can feel his eyes burning into her back, his voice ringing out across the empty beach, but she refuses to falter. Every step she takes is a step closer to freedom, a step away from the suffocating grip of Mikey and Izana's manipulation. She knows she can't stay here any longer, trapped in this toxic cycle of abuse and control. She'll get out of here even if it means dying in the process. "Maya, stop!" Mikey's voice echoes behind her, filled with desperation and anger as she turns her back to him and starts to run
She can hear the sound of his footsteps pounding against the sand, getting closer with each passing second. But Maya doesn't slow down. She pushes herself to run faster, to outrun the demons of her past and the chains that bind her to this place. It's faint but she can hear Mikey start to come after her. "I SWEAR TO GOD MAYA! STOP"
He's yelling and the sound is chilling. Her footing is unsteady on the long stretch of sand, making her a little slower. It reminds her of when she first got to this beach house. When Izana ran after her. But she was under the influence of some shitty drugs back then. Right now, she's completely sober. Maybe Izana was right. She was a bunny or a rabbit after all. A rabbit like her surrounded by wolves either learns to hop fast or grow its own claws. Maybe at one point she did grow claws. But Kakucho probably shaved them down. "I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR FUCKING HEART MAYA!" Mikey yells
She hears a clicking sound far behind her but it's muted by the sound of her own heart pounding loudly in her ears. Her legs ache with exertion, the sand dragging at her feet with each step. She can feel her breath coming in ragged gasps, her lungs burning with the effort of her escape. But still, she pushes on, driven by the primal instinct to survive, to break free from the chains that bind her. Mikey is far behind her. She can hear his footsteps getting faint. She thinks she's done it. She has right?
Her body hits the ground after she hears a loud bang. After Maya hits the ground, she feels the pain. It's not the same way they show in movies. Getting shot didn't make her scream but rather everything felt too hot and her heartbeat was all she could hear now. She's lying face down on the sand, trembling, twitching from the sharp pain. She gasps anguished, and breathes heavily as her chest feels too hot. Her mind reels with shock and disbelief, struggling to comprehend what has just happened. The world around her blurs into a hazy blur, her vision swimming with darkness and light. She can feel the warmth of blood seeping from the wound, staining the sand beneath her in dark, crimson hues. With each ragged breath, Maya's chest burns with intensity, her heartbeat thundering in her ears like a drumbeat of doom. She tries to move, to push herself up from the ground, but her limbs refuse to obey, weighed down by the heaviness of her injury.
Mikey shot her and she was going to die. 
Oh, what a fitting end. 
Deep down as she was running, Maya knew Mikey would catch her. She knew Izana wouldn't rest till he got her back either. Maybe this death was necessary. Her death was necessary because living wasn't an option anymore. With her death, Mikey and Izana don't get to have her.
Maya had grieved her own death the moment she got to this shitty beach house. So it was okay that she was dying.
Izana and Mikey wouldn't be able to catch her and that was all that mattered.
She won. 
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"where is he?" Izana asks Kakucho as they stand over the unmoving body on the sand
"Inside with Sanzu" Kakucho answers
The beach is silent minus the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The sun will completely set soon and it will be dark. Izana is crouched over Maya's quickly growing cold body, staring at her face, making out a slight smile on her cold lips. He scoffs. Around him stand Ran, Rindo, Kisaki and Kakucho. All of them are silent. Izana's gaze shifts down to Maya. Even in death, she was gorgeous. Eyes shut, skin paler than usual, white top soaked red. 
Mikey shot her in the heart. 
Izana reaches over and brushes her hair off her neck. He notices she's missing one necklace. Mikey's name comes to mind but he doesn't say a word and instead pulls her gold butterfly pendant necklace off her. Maybe he shouldn't have been gone for so long.  "bury her and... plant daffodils on top" Izana orders, his tone casual despite the severity of the situation
Kaneko Maya was already declared dead. Getting rid of her body would be a easy task for Tokyo Manji Gang. Kisaki pushes his glasses up his nose and says "They'll die after a while. Daffodils aren't meant for this soil or this environment"
Everything here is for you. It's yours bunny he said to her earlier. His bunny's beach. His girl's beach.
Izana only smiles, flicking a curly strand away from her cold forehead. "That's alright. She wasn't meant for this environment either"
His dead girl's beach.
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"Why would a wolf look for love in the worn-down bones of a rabbit if not to eat her after gaining her trust?" —unknown 
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notes: um haha. this is technically the last chapter. after this is the epilogue which transitions into the canon storyline. I am also really sorry if this went too fast or isn't satisfactory. I tried my absolute best on this chapter. Also for the last quote, can someone plz tell me where it's from so I can credit it properly. I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)
to check wip in progress for the next chapter and other works, go here
visuals of what I imagined the polaroids to look like(Pinterest links below) in order of mention(WARNING some nsfw pictures below):
polaroid 1, polaroid 2, polaroid 3, polaroid 4, polaroid 5, polaroid 6
also vote on this poll for my next series
likes, asks and reblogs greatly appreciated
special thanks to: @highpri3stess @mysouleaten @yaya4thawin @piroporopo @reiners-milkbiddies @bontensbabygirl @tenjikusstuff4 @fairey555 @haikyuusboringassmanager @firstdivisiongirl @bakuhoethotski @xoxowhateverxoxo @maraya-007 @dolfiins-art @short-cxke @maraya-007 @milky-aeons @asirensrage
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gh0stgirl333 · 1 month
Guys it turns out I may have a shopping addiction…
It’s not just clothes either, it’s mugs, trinkets, books, funkos, random household items I do not need and for some reason socks(I am obsessed with funky socks I need to be stopped), toys teddies, baby clothes(my son nearly had more clothes than me). If I see it it’s going straight in my basket.
Being an adult and having money is hard🤦‍♀️
We have just moved and the amount of stuff we have sent to rhe charity shop is crazy (and there’s more stuff to go) but at least oht anime display looks pretty cool😏.
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0 notes
gh0stgirl333 · 1 month
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One Moment Was All It Took Part 5
Hello lovelies!!! I am sooo sorry!!! Almost two month later but Part 5 is herrreee. It is a bit longer so hopefully that makes up for it a bit lolol. Part 6 is getting worked on rn, prob the last chapter, max with have 7 parts. Then I'm onto other stories! Warnings!!! Dubcon/ noncon, previous noncon implied, captivity, kidnapping, stokholm syndrome brewing, panic attacks, reader gets into a bad mental space yall Hope everyone enjoys! Inspired by @envy-of-the-apple Soulmate HC
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Darkness was all around you.
It was cold and unfeeling; it felt as if you were in an abyss with no end in sight. Falling down forever, the feeling of weightlessness overwhelms your senses. The only sound you could hear was the rushing wind in your ears as you were plummeting through an endless void.
At first, you tried to scream for help, clawing your hands for anything to grab onto, but you soon realized it was pointless. Resignation at your fate settled in, and you closed your eyes, accepting the inevitable. The darkness enveloped you completely, wrapping you in its suffocating embrace.
Just as your body went limp, you felt hands gripping you tightly. You felt them everywhere.
Opening your eyes, you saw nothing still; the feeling of nails digging into your body was overwhelming. The sensation of being pulled in all directions was disorienting, and you couldn't make sense of what was happening. Panic set in as you struggled against the invisible force that seemed to be controlling your every movement.
Nails dug into the flesh of your thighs, your arms, and your chest, leaving painful marks in their wake. You screamed for help, but no sound escaped your lips as you were dragged further into the darkness. Blood seeped from the scratches, hands tearing more at you, as if trying to crawl into your skin. Screams of pain erupted from your lips, hands fighting at the unseen force, but nothing helped.
Losing strength in your body, you began to give in, the unseen force now gentle with your fighting now gone. It gave soft caresses over your skin, almost comforting in its touch. The darkness still enveloped you completely, leaving you feeling both terrified and strangely comforted at the same time. In the distance, you saw two orbs of light approaching. Upon closer inspection, they looked like they were two sapphires, glowing in the darkness with a bright blue hue.
In your weakened state, you reached out to touch them, hearing a voice call out your name as it gradually got louder.
Jolting awake from the nightmare, you felt two hands holding your shoulders, shaking you lightly. Opening your eyes while you sat up, you saw the very cause of your torment.
Satoru sat beside you in bed, the moonlight casting his body in a white glow. Snowy white hair tousled, and his blue eyes filled with worry. Even in the middle of the night, he was breathtaking. You never understood how one human could be so beautiful, especially one so rotten. One who did cruel things to you with a smile on his face.
He looked at you with such softness, his hands cupping your face as tears went down your cheeks. An attempt to comfort you from your nightmares, which have been happening nearly every night. The cold nipped at your bare shoulders, and the nightgown you had on did nothing to help.
"Shh, it's okay." He assured you, brushing your tears away with his thumbs. "You're okay."
His voice was thick with sleep and concern. Sniffing, you only nodded to him, not being able to talk because of the tight feeling in your throat. Your head rested on his bare chest as you allowed him to pull you close, arms tight around your waist.
When this all began, you never would have thought you'd find comfort in your captor. You'd laugh at the irony of it all if the situation weren't so dire. But here you were, finding solace in the arms of the man who held you captive, feeling a strange sense of warmth beside him as much as you tried to fight it. Your isolation and stress only made matters worse.
You were only human, after all.
Weeks, or months, you didn't know, of fighting him with no escape in sight brought down your walls of resistance. It was as if your attempts were child's play to him, with him always being one step ahead at all times. Now all you could do was cling to him for support. The Stockholm syndrome was real, and you were living proof of its power.
You held on to him tighter, desperate for a sense of security after your nightmare. He gladly accepted your affections, a hand rubbing on your back as he whispered soothing words into your ears.
Satoru's determination to break you slowly chipped at your resolve to the point he now let you roam the penthouse freely, of course under strict lock and key. He didn't yet trust you fully enough to let you back into the public. The penthouse was sleek and massive, a testament to the amount of wealth he had, with more rooms than you knew what to do with . It overlooked Tokyo, sitting high in the sky, with breathtaking views of the city. Your favorite was at night, when the lights of the city sparkled below. Every door leading outside was secured with a padlock, which only he knew the code for. He and he alone opened the front door or left it.
Even with the added freedom, you felt the solitude getting to you. It took a toll on your mental and physical health, apparent in the lack of sleep and constant anxiety that plagued your every waking moment. The only solace you found was in the moments of kindness Satoru showed, leaving you conflicted and unsure of your own feelings towards him.
Silence enveloped the room as you calmed down, your cries now replaced with sniffles. Sensing your calmer state, he pulled away from the embrace, a hand cupping your cheek. His eyes always seemed to glow, especially at night.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly, concern evident in his voice.
You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through you at his touch as he wiped your cheeks. The silence between you felt comfortable, like a safe haven in the midst of chaos. Of course, he had to ruin it by talking.
"Just a bad dream." You dismiss him, avoiding eye contact and pushing his hands away. Immediately, you distanced yourself from him on the bed, leaving his hand to reach out for you.
He only observed you as you tried to settle back down, his hand clenching on his lap and his fingers twitching to feel you again. After any nightmare or panic attack, you always clammed back up. Your walls were back up once you had a moment of clarity.
It was frustrating for the sorcerer. You were so close to letting him in; he could see it, but you always retreated away just when he thought he had made progress. Constantly, he had to chase after you, hoping to get a glimpse of the vulnerability you rarely showed. But he knew that breaking down those walls would take time and patience.
He was only doing this because he had to.
The next morning, you woke before he did, like always.
Sunrays barely began to peek through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Slowly, your mind fully woke up, with small yawns coming from your mouth. While your eyes adjusted, you watched him sleep beside you, tilting your head at the sight of him so peaceful. He lays there without a care in the world, an arm still around you, snoring lightly as he drooled onto his pillow. Fingers reached out to trace over his features lightly, his eyes twitching a little as he dreamed.
Shaking your head at your actions, you went back to getting out of bed, trying to wiggle out of his hold. Groans of protest escaped his lips, his brow furrowing at the loss of heat, his hand reaching for you on the bed, but he quickly fell asleep again. Putting the comforter over his shoulder, you quietly slipped out of bed and made your way to the kitchen to start making breakfast. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room as you moved about.
It wasn't that you necessarily wanted to cook for him. Satoru couldn't cook to save his life, and you found it helpful to have a routine to stick to; the consistency brought you some sense of stability. Going through the motions, you whipped together a simple breakfast. For moments like these, you could almost believe things were normal. Almost.
You were so focused that you didn't notice a certain white-haired man walking into the kitchen; he always managed to sneak up on you despite being so loud. His arms wrapped around your waist as you stirred the eggs in the pan, startling you with a jump.
"Morning." His breath fanned over your ear, and his head went to the crook of your neck. He was a bit groggy, his larger body leaning over yours as he kissed your shoulder. "You need help?"
"No, I've got it here," you replied, your voice calm as your heart beat in your chest frantically.
The forced intimacy was something you should be well used to, with how often he pulled you into his arms, but there was still a shiver down your spine at the contact. His large hands wandered over your stomach lazily, a natural response for the clingy man, as he always craved your touch.
You just let him do as he wished. The scar on your left hand is a reminder of what would happen if you pushed him too far. Looking at it, memories of trying to fight him flood your mind. In your rage, you tried to hit him over the head with a glass vase. To your surprise, it only broke just before making contact, with a large shard imbedding itself in your palm and traveling all the way to the other side.
Satoru laughed like it was a joke as you screamed, collapsing to the tile with your bloody hand clutched to your chest. He warned you that next time, he wouldn't be so forgiving. In your pain, he made sure to patch you up gently and clean up the mess. Acting as if it were a simple accident.
He always talked about possessing abilities—ones he couldn't show you because of the "soumate" bond. Ranting on about stories of curses and the rare people that were able to exorcise them, keeping sweet cilvians like yourself safe, as he said. Naturally, you thought it was more of his delusional thoughts.
That day, you were proven wrong. The sight of the vase shattering against an invisible force between the two of you was enough to dampen the fire inside of you. He wasn't human; that much is clear to you now.
Coming back to reality, you felt his hands hiking up your nightgown. His fingers were cold as they traversed underneath. The touch sent shivers down your spine, a stark contrast to the warmth you once felt from him. As his hands continued to explore, you resisted the urge to fight him.
His kisses along your neck and shoulders are harsher, leaving marks in their wake. Marks that would last for days to come. When they finally fade, it will serve as a reminder to make more.
"You'll be late." You remind him, inhaling a sharp breath as his grip tightens on your waist. You tried to reason with him now instead of fighting him, knowing it would be useless. A few times, you've been able to dissuade him, but you knew it would be a matter of time before he took you again.
The urgency of his movements made you uneasy. His hips are moving into yours from behind with a need, making you feel each inch of his hardening cock. Satoru simply ignores you, a hand pulling at your chest, knowing it was a sensitive spot. His actions were becoming more forceful, causing a mix of pleasure and discomfort to surge through you.
Staying strong, you put down your spatula and turn off the fire, putting a hand over his to stop his movements. Eyes looking over at him with a small frown to show how serious you were. He had a pout on his lips, his eye twitching at the interruption. He hated being told no and being denied.
"I'll be fine. I called off today." He explains, focusing back on the skin on your neck. "I figured we should spend more time together since I've been gone a lot lately; I want to get to know you more."
His considerate words were a contrast to his actions. Ignoring your attempts to push him away, he did what he wanted. Both of his hands are on your chest, twisting and pulling at your nipples harshly. Your attempts to stop him and to talk reason to him were futile.
Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you and picked you up, dropping you onto the counter behind him. He kneeled and slid your legs onto his shoulders in one swift motion, his head disappearing beneath your nightgown. Often, he liked to do this, being between your legs until your essence dripped down his chin and onto the bed. Once, he'd spend hours there, pleasuring you like it was his only purpose in life, not leaving until he had nearly made you pass out.
He couldn't get enough of you.
"Satoru!" You cried out, hands tangling in his hair as his tongue went in circles on your clit. "Satoru, please, not now."
Moans slipped past your lips, feeling the tension building in your core as he continued his skilled movements. The pleasure was overwhelming, and you knew you wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. He had a firm hold on your ass, nail digging in as he kept you in place when you tried to squirm away.
He had gone deaf to your pleas, lost in your taste and the way your body responded to his touch. He loved every second of it. Satoru was only focused on your pleasure, determined to bring you to the edge and beyond. With each flick of his tongue, you felt yourself teetering closer to the release you felt incoming.
Going between licks at your clit to tongue fucking you with a rhythm that had you gasping for air. The intensity of his actions sent shivers down your spine, making you arch your back in ecstasy. Your thighs squeezed around his head in an attempt to get him to stop his actions, but he only laughed, sending vibrations through your body that only heightened your arousal. His skilled touch was driving you wild, sending every nerve ablaze inside you.
With a final flick of his tongue, you reached your peak, crying out his name as waves of pleasure washed over you. He licked you clean, savoring each drop from you. Satoru finally released you, a satisfied smirk on his face as he looked up at you with dark eyes filled with desire. His chin dripped with your release, a smile on his face as he gazed up at you, his gaze filled with a mix of satisfaction and hunger. Turning his head, he laid kisses on your inner thigh, and one of his hands rubbed your leg as you calmed down from your high. Your chest is heaving, with a layer of sweat on it. The fabric of the nightgown stuck to your skin.
"Such a good girl."
Smiling still, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stood up. As he did, he began to pull his sweats down and let his cock free. It stood hard and erect, pre-dripping from the pink head.
Shame filled you, making you avert your eyes from his gaze.
In response, he only kissed your temple, letting you look away from him as he began. Guiding his member to your sopping entrance, he began to push in with no warning. The pain shot through you as he entered you roughly, causing tears to well up in your eyes. You tried to push him away, but his grip on your hips was too strong. Hands went on his shoulders, but he only tightened his grip on you, whispering in your ear that everything would be okay.
"Almost there, baby." He groaned into your neck while he stayed still, letting you adjust to his size.
No matter how many times you've been intimate with him, there was still a small amount of pain felt. You sobbed into his chest, hiccuping at the violation, with your arms moving around his neck. He held you close, comforting you with small kisses as the pain slowly subsided.
Felling you begin to relax, he experimentally thrust, gaining a small moan from you. His movements were slow and gentle, showing care and consideration for your comfort. As he found a rhythm, the initial discomfort faded away, replaced by a growing sense of pleasure.
The kitchen was filled with his loud moans and yours, even as you tried to muffle them to the best of your ability. His onslaught was relentless, the pace quickening as he became more consumed by desire, and the grip on your hips was near painful.
Opening your eyes, you looked past Satoru, your eyes blank as he continued to thrust. The eggs continued to cook with the left-over heat. Dust was on the cabinets; you'd be sure to clean them today. You noticed the clock on the wall stopped moving; you'd have to replace the batteries. The aroma of breakfast filled the room, mixing with the scent of sweat and desire.
You often let your mind wander during these moments, focusing on the sensations rather than the reality of the situation. Imagining yourself in your fiance's arms was one distraction you welcomed, but it was a dangerous game if you ever slipped his name. Your imagination could never mask what was happening, but it helped.
His noises filled your ears, as if to be a constant reminder of what you did to him. Grabbing your face harshly, he focused your eyes back on him. It's like he knew what you were doing—an emotion in his eyes you couldn't describe.
The varying blues of his eyes mesmerized you each time you saw them so close. It was like gazing into a stormy sea, both beautiful and terrifying. The intensity of his gaze made it impossible to look away, drawing you in despite the fear that lingered beneath the surface.
"You're mine," he growled, his grip tightening on your cheeks. The fear in your eyes mirrored the reality of the situation—no longer being able to hide behind daydreams.
Roughly, his lips met yours as if to claim you completely. His tongue explored every crevice of your mouth, leaving you breathless. Your legs tightened around him, nails sinking into his back, in response to a certain movement that hit a spot inside you. He finally broke from the kiss, returning his attention to your eyes. He could see from the look in your eyes and your drooling mouth that you were close, your body trembling in pleasure.
This urged him to move faster, with one of his hands moving between the two of you to rub at your clit. His fingers are rubbing in fast circles, the movement sending you closer to the edge. With each thrust, the pleasure intensified, building towards an inevitable climax.
The feeling of you around him was pure bliss, a sensation he would never grow tired of. The slaps of his hips on yours became more forceful, matching the urgency of your moans and the increasing pace of his movements. You clenched around him, your eyes rolling back as you felt your end coming closer. Satoru was not far behind, his face a bright red and his movements sloppy.
With a final push, he buried himself deep inside you, releasing a guttural groan as you both reached the peak of pleasure together. His cum filled you as your insides milked him for all his worth as his cock twitched inside you.
Panting for air, you held him close, legs shaking on either side of him from overstimulation. You felt his warmth fill you to the brim, spilling onto the countertops. As you both came down from the intense high, you shared a moment of silence.
He spent it in glee, and you spent it in contempt. You hated yourself for giving in. For not fighting harder. For succumbing to his touches. The fear and instinct to survive overpowered any sense of dignity or self-respect you had left. More tears silently went down your cheeks, mixing with the sweat and other fluids that coated your skin.
Giving you a softer kiss on the lips, he pulled back with a soft smile. With eyes filled with tenderness, you often thought he truly believed his delusions. His hands still rubbed along your body to massage the soreness that would come shortly; he was always too rough with you.
"Come on. We'll take a shower together." He said, he looked content with himself as he pulled out, earning a whimper from you. His shoulders were relaxed, and a sense of satisfaction was evident in his expression. He breathed slowly and deeply while he waited for a response, his fingers still trailing along your thighs.
You got the feeling it was more of an order than a suggestion; he did like the intimacy bathing together brought.
"You'll feel better."
Nodding to him quietly, you let him help you off the counter. Standing on shaky legs as you tried to walk to the bathroom. He only laughed at the sight, letting you continue to try and walk. Your legs only shook more with each step; you looked like a deer learning to walk for the first time.
For awhile, he let you keep trying to walk, only stepping in once you had nothing to support yourself with anymore. With ease, he picked you up bridal style, making jokes at your expense. He laughed when he saw the embarrassed expression on your face, digging in more.
The bath was relaxing, as much as you hated to admit it.
With plenty of soap filling the large tub, Satoru sat across from you. He talked on and on, focused on plans for the day as you wash yourself. Only humming in response to all of his questions and obviously avoiding speaking to him.
He noticed when you answered a question with another hum. With a roll of his eyes, he splashed you with water to catch your attention. Jumping in response, you splashed him back on habit, only for the water to slide down that damn force field of his as he smiled at you with a shit eating grin.
"As I was saying, babe, I think we should have a marathon. I saw a series you like has a new season out."
You can't stop yourself from rolling your eyes at his persistence, hands raised to scrub the shampoo into your hair. Eyes looking to the side of the tube to distract yourself, you still haven't gotten used to him trying to be so domestic.
"Fine, but only if we get the snacks I want," you retort, a little part of you looking forward to it.
You froze at the realization, frowning as to why you thought that. You hated him. Despised what he did to you and what he continued to do. Deep, deep down, despite how much you buried it, you felt a small connection forming with him.
Focusing again, you saw his gaze on you. You slapped his arm; your physical attacks always made contact, after all, when you saw where they were directed. He had been shamlessly oogling your wet, soapy breasts.
"Stop being a creep," you scolded, feeling a mix of annoyance and discomfort. You quickly covered yourself with one arm, hoping to put some distance between yourself and him as you scooted away.
"Stop being so hot then."
Slapping his arm again, just as hard, he gasped in shock, pretending to look heartbroken, his hand clutching his chest. He had red spots forming on his biceps from your hits against his pale skin.
"You're impossible," you muttered, glaring at his wide grin. Despite his inappropriate behavior, there was a part of you that couldn't help but find him charming in a twisted sort of way. If you had met under different circumstances, there might have been a chance you could have been friends.
"What?" He challenged, leaning forward with a mischievous glint in his eyes, clearly enjoying the banter between the two of you. "Gonna do something to make me stop?"
To further his point, his eyes focused down once more and then back up at your face, his eyebrows wiggling playfully. Lifting your hands up, you covered his eyes with your hands, blocking his view, much to his mock protest. Your palms were flat up against his eyes, not letting anything slip by .
"Not cool." His lips pouted, but he made no attempt to escape your grasp. If anything, he leaned into your touch, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. To your surprise, his hands sprang up over yours when you began to move them in an attempt to take them back. He pleaded with you for them to stay.
"Can… Can we stay like this for a bit longer?"
His voice was the softest you have ever heard, and the vulnerability in his tone caught you off guard. He'd always been playful and carefree, but in this moment, he seemed fragile and in need of comfort. It tugged at your heartstrings, and you couldn't help but oblige his request.
You don't know what came over you, but you found yourself moving closer to him in the tub. Continuing to offer him support as you both sat in comfortable silence, his hands still resting on yours.
The rest of the day went by peacefully. You'd even go so far as to say it was nice.
As he promised, the two of you relaxed on the couch to watch the show after breakfast and changed into comfortable clothing. He currently held you next to him, a blanket over the both of you. Regardless of your best efforts to avoid it, his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. You caved in after he persisted.
"I told you they would go that route; it only made sense!"
"You don't need to rub it in." He said it with a defeated tone, popping another piece of candy into his mouth.
The two of you had a debate about which direction the show would go when you saw the warning signs. It was obvious to you that the best friend would betray the main character in the end. You were just hoping you were wrong.
Sighing like a child, Satoru moved to get up; his phone had chimed with a notification. He glanced down at the screen, his expression turning grim as he read the message.
"Gotta take this, babe; keep watching."
You only shrugged at him in response, picking up the remote to switch to live TV as he left the room. Both of you had already finished the newest season; the sun is long set now. Browsing through the channels, you only saw a few reruns of old movies, the midnight crime shows you used to watch, and a late-night talk show discussing the latest celebrity gossip from a couple years ago. The room was filled with the soft glow of the TV screen, casting shadows across the walls as you settled in for another night of mindless entertainment.
Picking a random channel since nothing caught your interest, you moved to pick up a book you'd left on the stand beside the couch, turning on the small lamp to read instead. As you flipped through the pages, the sound of laughter from the TV faded into the background, replaced by the quiet rustling of paper. The familiar smell of the book brought a sense of comfort; books were often your only source of entertainment here since Satoru only let you use the TV when he was with you.
Minutes went by as you read to yourself; Satoru was still down the hall on the phone. You often saw him pacing the halls, shooting you a look to check in at times. Immersed in the book, you didn't pay him any mind; you were used to him constantly checking in on you.
Just as you began to relax, you heard the voice of someone familiar. Someone you thought you'd never hear or see again.
Looking up at the TV in shock, you saw the news station was on, showing an interview with your family. You'd forgotten Satoru didn't like you watching live TV, always mentioning he meant to cancel it. Now you knew why.
On the large LED screen, you saw your loved ones in tears, crying out over your disappearance. They looked devastated, pleading for your safe return. Your heart sank, seeing how distraught they were. Tears began to well in your eyes, your emotions overwhelming you.
A tight feeling in your chest made it harder to breathe; your breaths came in short bursts. Panic began to fill your veins, the book dropping beside you as you stood up. Your fiancé was now on screen. He appeared worn, exhausted, and shattered. A shadow of the man he once was, he gazed directly into the camera, his eyes filled with desperation as he whispered, "Please come back to me."
Your hands trembled as you reached out towards the screen, wishing to be with him. It had been almost five months since you'd disappeared; the only thing left of you was a ransacked apartment. Five months were spent alone with this man. This monster.
More panic filled you as your thoughts raced and your heart beat frantically in your chest. Your hands began to shake as you realized how long it had been. A strangled cry escaped your lips as you collapsed to the floor, arms wrapped around yourself, in a desperate attempt to calm your racing heart. The weight of the situation finally hit you, and tears began to stream down your face. You made sounds you never would have imagined—sounds that were hurting and broken.
Satoru ran back into the room once he heard your cries, coming back to find you shattered in pieces. It was easy for him to figure out what happened. He kneeled down beside you, gently pulling you into his arms and whispering soothing words in your ear. His presence did nothing to soothe you, only causing you to fight in his arms more. Pushing on him to get away from him, you felt like the room was caving in on you. His suffocating presence only made things worse. You needed space to process your emotions, but Satoru refused to let you go, holding you tighter. The more he tried to comfort you, the more you felt like you were drowning in your own despair.
Eventually, like always, you tired yourself out. Crying softly as he cradled you in his arms. Your chest still hiccupped, but you no longer screamed like you did before. Vocal cords are raw now and in pain. Your eyes are red and puffy from your tears.
"Why?" you whispered, the word barely audible through your hoarse voice. Satoru held you closer, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears of his own. You'd never seen him cry before; the hold on you is tighter than before.
"I love you."
His declaration only served to make you cry more.
Shaking your head, you continued to try and push away from him. You pleaded with him to let you go through your tears. The entire time, he peppered your face with kisses, declaring his love in between each one. He is desperate to get you to see through his words and actions. It was suffocating—his so called love, the look in his eyes he held for you, the intensity of his emotions palpable in the air around you.
"I can't let you go… Not ever…"
Hugging you close, he made you rest your head on his shoulder, his hand caressing your hair. Even now, he was rough. His hand gripped your hair a little too tightly, making you wince in pain. The position on the floor was uncomfortable for the both of you, but he didn't seem to notice or care. Too engrossed in his own emotions, he seemed blind to your discomfort.
Laying limp in his arms, your tired eyes wandered back to the screen where the interview continued. Seeing your loved ones, you felt that spark in you return—that will to fight— even as small as it was. 
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OOOhhh what will happennnn??~~~ I hope you guys liked this chapter. You saw how the dynamic worked with him now since it's months down the line. Will he fully break her? Will she try to escape despite her fears?? We'll findd outt
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gh0stgirl333 · 2 months
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I’m imagining one of the components of a secret relationship with Kyojuro and how your goodbyes look before he goes on a mission.
We all know how he is with Senjuro — he’s very reassuring and inspiring, always cheering his brother up and hugging him tight. So sweet and wholesome.
Then I’m imagining a movie-style cut scene to the sound of skin clapping hard, Kyojuro panting and groaning and sweaty. His goodbyes with you are not so much a farewell as they are a reminder of who you belong to, no matter the distance. It’s why his fingers dig into your hips, why he arches your back so he can hit that sweet spot deep inside you — he needs you today his name, to blubber it, until Kyojuro is the only word you know.
Plus, his goodbyes before missions serve another purpose: they’re a chance for him to fill you up, to put his claim in you and maybe give you a piece of himself to carry on, in the event he doesn’t make it back. Is it a little selfish? Perhaps. But again, you’re his whether his heart is beating or not, and he wants you to anyways remember it.
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gh0stgirl333 · 3 months
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Oh the angst 😩☹️
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A/N: After seven months, it's finally here. Part I of Giyuu's Bundle of Joy. This fic involved a ton of research and tears. I hope you all enjoy. Special shout-out to @squishybabei @kentohours @homo-homini-lupus-est-1701 @ghost-1-y and @xxsabitoxx for letting me bombard your DMs with endless snippets from this fic for feedback. Note that this is a multi-part fic, and it will be a non-linear story.
CW: explicit sexual content ☼ MDNI ☼ loss of virginity ☼ unprotected sex ☼ protective/possessive Giyuu ☼ canon-typical violence
January, 1915
The moon’s rays filtered through the sparse canopy of the trees from above, bathing that small portion of the forest in its silvery glow. There, about twenty paces ahead, Giyuu locked eyes on his target.
A demon; one he’d been pursuing through the dense forest separating his Manor from the base of a great mountain for the last several miles
The demon had yet to notice him, for it was focused entirely on its own prey — a human woman, who was frantically zigzagging as she ran in a desperate effort to evade its clutches. 
She was succeeding rather well in her endeavor, managing to dart out of the beast’s reach right as it snapped its sharp, deadly claws at her back. But the girl then miscalculated her movements and stumbled over something — whether it was a tree root or her own feet, he could not say — and she went airborne. For one, sickening moment, Giyuu feared he would not be fast enough to save her from falling victim to the demon he was readying to kill.
The girl squealed as she fell, just narrowly managing to avoid the swipe of the beast’s claws as they cut uselessly at the air where her back had been only seconds before. Something long and wooden flew from her hand as she sprawled across the forest floor – a broom.
Steps quick and even, Giyuu’s thumb flicked his sword free from its scabbard. Within seconds of him drawing his weapon, the Slayer’s blade sliced seamlessly through the demon’s neck, its head thudding pathetically to the forest floor before the beast could comprehend the threat.
He landed swiftly on the balls of his feet, the Water Pillar quickly shaking his blade free of the demon’s blackened, rotted blood before sheathing it at his hip. A quick job – that was how he liked it; free of fuss. 
Behind him, he heard the leaves coating the frozen ground of the forest shift and crack as the human girl he’d rescued rose to her feet. He grimaced; while helping rid the world of the blight inflicted upon it by demons was his life’s sole and true purpose, and one he fulfilled without hesitation, he was little more than a fish out of water when it came to talking to those he helped. 
The girl had yet to flee; Giyuu suspected she might be in shock, if not a bit simple, and he sought to prod her along. After all, the sooner she left the forest, the less likely she’d end up a demon’s meal and waste his efforts in preserving her life. 
“You should be fine now. Please return to your ho-,” The dark-haired Slayer’s words were cut off with a sputter as the head of the woman’s broom whacked him sharply up the side of his skull. 
Giyuu stood there for a moment, dazed and slightly confused as he turned towards the woman whose life he’d just preserved. 
The Water Pillar had not paid her much mind upon discovering her seconds away from becoming the slain horned demon’s newest meal, his attention having been entirely focused on eliminating his target. But now, without the distracting threat of a man-eating beast, he could see she was clad in the traditional attire worn by Shinto priestesses, though she looked far too young to have achieved such a status. Instead, she appeared to be much closer to himself in age. The front of her red hakama pants were streaked in mud and dirt from her fall, and several strands of hair had fallen loose from where they’d been gathered in a ribbon just below her shoulders. 
And she was glaring at him. 
“What are you?” She demanded, and the Water Pillar noted the faint tremor in her voice that she worked to conceal behind her defensive stance, her broom braced in front of her like a blade. 
A slow blink. “I am Tomioka.” 
It baffled him that he let his name slide so freely when he’d never been one particularly keen on sharing it. Yet, he’d thought that perhaps the exchange of names would get the wild woman before him to calm, and perhaps lower the sweeping tool —-
“What the hell is a Tomioka?” 
Giyuu wondered whether the — Miko, that was what young priestesses in training were called — had hit her head in the fall. “My name.” 
A faint dusting of red spread across the Miko’s cheeks as she realized the absurdity of her mistake, though she still did not lower her weapon. Rather, she jutted it towards him in what Giyuu thought may have been an attempt to be threatening. 
“And what was that thing just now, Tomioka? And what are you?”  Quickly, her eyes swept behind him, scanning. “Are there more?”
Idly, Giyuu wondered why he was bothering to indulge in such a silly conversation to begin with, chalking it up to the mere fact that they were still in a dark forest, with dawn still several hours away. 
The foolish girl would end up a snack for another demon if she did not turn around and go home. 
“It was a demon. I’d been tracking it for several miles when it stumbled across you. You can count yourself lucky — do not hit me again.” He cut off with a warning, eyes narrowing as the Miko drew the broom back up over her head. 
There was a tense moment as the two regarded one another, Giyuu’s eyes locked on the Miko’s trembling arm as she stared distrustfully back at him. 
The girl’s hands twitched as the broom cleaved through the air once more, but Giyuu knocked it easily away, sending the cleaning tool flying uselessly to the side where it rolled under a bush. 
“Are you finished?” Giyuu asked, irritation creeping into his tone as he stared coolly at the flustered Miko. 
“You’ve stripped me of my only weapon, so I suppose I have no choice,” the young woman sniffed, her tone as frosty as his glare. 
Giyuu grimaced. “You would not have lost the privilege had you simply done as I asked.” 
The Miko folded her arms stubbornly across her chest and glowered at him. “You would truly leave a woman defenseless in the woods? With nothing to protect herself?”
Giyuu scoffed. “You are not a woman; you are a menace.” 
The young woman’s mouth opened and closed several times as her face flushed several shades deeper. “Y-you!” 
A crack! somewhere in the woods made the sputtering Miko fall silent with a small squeak, and Giyuu was bemused to find that the woman’s hands shot to him for safety, when only moments before she’d tried to clobber him away from her. 
“You said that…that thing earlier was a demon, yes?” She whispered and Giyuu nodded, tense as his eyes swept through the shadowy line of the trees, searching. 
“Do you think there are more?”
“So long as we continue sitting here like a pair of lame ducks, more are bound to come sniffing.” The wary Pillar replied. “Which is why I suggest you return home — without bludgeoning me further.”
The young Priestess continued to cling to his arm, her eyes wide and anxious. Giyuu cleared this throat, and when the woman’s attention snapped back to him, he pointedly glanced down at her white-knuckled grip on the sleeve of his haori. 
“Apologies,” the Miko blushed, and her hands quickly relinquished their hold on his sleeve. She wrung her hands nervously before her. “Might you escort me back to my Shrine? It’s not far from here – less than two kilometers.” 
Still within his territory — albeit at the opposite end of the forest where is own Manor stood. He grimaced, but nodded stiffly. His efforts to save the woman’s life would be in vain if she walked away from him and straight into the waiting, eager claws of another beast that lurked in the shadows.
The Miko smiled brightly at him and offered her name. Giyuu elected not to reply, and the girl settled into step at his side, a small frown pulling at her lips.
“I’m sorry for earlier — for hitting you with my broom.” The girl — Y/N — said a short while later, the faintest trace of shyness in her tone. 
Giyuu did not think the apology warranted a response, and so he gave none, but the chatty little devil prodded him once more. 
“Did I injure you?” She gestured to the side of his head where her broom had caught him. 
Giyuu snorted, raising an eyebrow at her. “The day I am hurt by a mere broom is the day I retire from the Demon Slayer Corps.” 
Y/N hummed in contemplation. “And what exactly is the great and mysterious Demon Slayer Corps?” 
The Water Pillar’s eyes remained forward. “I should think the name is self-explanatory. There are demons who eat humans. We slay them.” 
Inwardly, Giyuu cringed at the harshness of his words. It did not happen often, but there were times when he wished he was better with them, when he wished he did not come off quite as aloof and callous — 
“You do not know how to talk to people very well, do you Tomioka-sama?” Y/N’s tone was not judgmental; it rather had a mild curiosity to it, as though she were merely commenting on the weather or the quality of a cup of tea. 
But the Water Pillar did not know how to answer her. Kocho once told him that others disliked him, but Giyuu wasn’t sure that was entirely true; after all, no one had ever said so much to his face. 
Then again, if the young shrine maiden’s words were anything to go by, then perhaps the Insect Pillar’s scathing assessment hadn’t been too far off the mark. 
“What even brought you into the forest so late at night?”  Giyuu did not know why the question needled at him, but he found the pressing silence of the trees more disconcerting than the Miko’s voice, and so he was desperate for the distraction. “And why a broom?”
Y/N herself seemed surprised at his sudden interest. “Night-blooming herbs,” she said plainly, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. “They are critical for certain rites and medications. And I cannot collect them any other time. The broom was for protection, obviously.” 
“I wasn’t aware shrines still performed rituals,” Giyuu pushed an errant tree branch out of their way, and ahead, faint lights began to swim into view. The Shrine. “Are you not a mere relic of a time long since-passed?” 
“I’ll have you know that we still perform basic cleansing rites for those in the village,” Y/N bristled. “And we provide medical aid, since there is no hospital nearby.”
She shot him a cold look. “Modern medicine would not have developed but for ancient practices such as ours.”
Giyuu frowned. He hadn’t meant to insult the woman. “Be that as it may,” he said flatly. “Demons prowl at night. You wandering into the forest none the wiser  is akin to you waltzing into their territory with a giant sign that says ‘Eat me.’”
Y/N grimaced. “Then what would you have me do? Neglect my duties?” 
He could sympathize with that. “No, I’m not saying you should forsake your obligations,” he furrowed his eyebrows at the thought. “Perhaps it is simply a risk you must take. But you should at least be aware of your surroundings.”
Y/N looked upon him with a miserable expression. “You’re of little help, you know that?” 
Giyuu only frowned, perplexed as to why she couldn’t understand the import of his words.
An awkward silence ensued, punctured only by the faint hoot of an owl. For that, the established swordsman was grateful; noise meant the absence of predators, which meant they were safe – for now. 
“You mentioned tracking the demon earlier – how long had you been doing so?” 
“A while.” 
The girl was relentless. “And you just so happened to track it here? Where it was conveniently chasing me?” 
“I patrol this region. Your rescue was nothing more than coincidence and luck on your part.” 
“My gratitude is endless,” the shrine maiden said drily. “Forgive me for not falling to the ground in prostration.”
At that, Giyuu fell silent and refused to engage in any further conversation. The shrine maiden, for her part, seemed to take his cue that he had no interest in her or exchanging meaningless pleasantries, and so she too, went quiet. 
The forest floor eventually began to slope gradually up, and before long, Giyuu found himself walking along a carved rock path that curved through the trees until it widened at a great set of stone stairs. At the very top of the steep incline, he could spot a great Torii gate.
Y/N turned to him with a beaming smile. “Allow me to introduce you to the Shrine." Tomioka opened his mouth to protest, but she quickly added, “You should at least know who it is you have dedicated your life to protecting.” 
“I’d rather not.”
But she was already leading him up the stairs, his wrist pinched delicately between two of her fingers. Realistically, Giyuu knew it would take him no effort to shake the woman’s hold and disappear into the night. But to his own bemusement, he allowed her to tote him behind her as though he were little more than a useless pet. 
The pair passed under the Torrii and into a sprawling courtyard. Though night sky was a deep, inky black, the perimeter of the courtyard was dotted with several stone lanterns -- toro -- each of which had been lit with a generous flame. Giyuu's quick perusal of the Shrine, however, was cut short as the Miko led him into the Shrine's main structure -- the honden -- and tugged him down a narrow hallway. Based on his rough appraisal of the building, Giyuu surmised she was taking him to the center of the honden, likely where the girl's master was.
His theory was proven correct when Y/N drew up to a great slat of shoji panneling. The Miko knocked softly on one of the wooden beams before she slid the door aside, revealing a great, open room that was littered with scrolls, half-dried pots of ink, and burned incense sticks. There, in the center of the room, knelt the head Priestess of the Shrine. She was an old, shriveled, wrinkled thing. The white hair that she’d gathered into a knot at her neck was as wispy as the thinnest clouds, and a quick glance over her hands revealed swollen joints covered by skin spotted with age.
But the Priestess did not appear to be a gentle elder by any means; her thin mouth was curled down into a sneer that was directed at the Miko at his side, and her eyes were hard and cold.  
"Head Priestess," Y/N bowed to her elder. "This man is called Tomioka, and he helped save me tonight in the forest."
Giyuu resisted the urge to snort. Helped, indeed.
The old woman's eyes shone bright with an emotion he could not name as the Miko continued. "A creature attacked me as I was returning home. Tomioka says he is a swordsman whose occupation --"
“I know what he is, girl,” the Priestess snapped at her student before she turned those beady eyes to him. “A member of the Demon Slayer Corps will always be welcome at this Shrine – particularly one as esteemed as yourself.” 
The Water Pillar straightened at the old woman’s casual mention of the Corps. “I was not aware that of any Shrines so affiliated with the Corps.” 
“There was a time when the Demon Slayer Corps would partner with shrines such as this to carry out its mission,” the Priestess replied evenly. From his periphery, Giyuu spotted Y/N’s head snap toward her mentor, her jaw slack. “Once, priestesses were akin to shamans who offered a variety of rituals for cleansing and protection. You slayers relied on our connection with our communities to operate more effectively, and we in turn, counted on your protection to fight what we could not.”
Despite the distinct scent of sake that clung to the elderly shrine keeper like a cloud, her eyes remained sharp and fixed upon him, and her wrinkled mouth pulled into a rueful smile. “Now, it seems, our wise and benevolent government has forced us both to retreat to the shadows to operate in secret.”
She bowed her head. “You have nothing but my respect, Lord Hashira. You are always welcome here.” 
Giyuu did not respond, but he inclined his head toward the Priestess in polite acknowledgement. 
Y/N gaped at her Master. "Lord --?"
The old woman poured another generous serving of sake and brought the choko to her lips. “Though we are honored by your visit, young Lord, I’m afraid your presence is nothing more than a calculated effort by this one,” she nodded pointedly at the young shrine maiden at his side, whose cheeks pinkened. “To keep herself out of trouble. My apprentice was not permitted to leave the grounds, you see.” 
“Oh hush you old drunk,” Giyuu’s eyes snapped to the irate Miko in surprise. “I told you earlier I was going to the village market –” 
“Telling me while I am in the middle of lessons with the younger girls and sprinting off before I can respond is hardly me giving you permission,” the Priestess’s mouth curled into a sneer. “You’ve defied me for the last time, girl.” 
The old Priestess turned away from her apprentice, dismissive. “You will take the rice bundles and hang them in the drying shed – every last one, for the next three days.” 
“You hag!” Y/N fumed, her face pinched in outrage. “I was on rice duty all last week without an ounce of assistance –” 
“And you apparently have yet to learn your lesson,” the old woman retorted bitterly, shooting the seething Shrine Maiden a withering glare. “Considering you still think it seemly to mouth off at any and every opportunity –” 
The Miko spat a curse at the elder Priestess so filthy and colorful that even Giyuu could not mask his surprise, raising his eyebrow. But if Y/N’s outburst shocked the Shrine’s head, the old woman gave no sign. Instead, she only glowered at the young woman as the latter turned and shoved the shoji door harshly to the side. Giyuu, ever the unwilling observer, was left to be pulled by his wrist back into the hall behind the young Miko before she whipped around to face her senior once more. 
Giyuu had thought himself stunned by the crassness of the Shrine Miaden’s language before, but nothing prepared him for the sight of the obscene gesture she made at the old woman before she slammed the door firmly shut. 
A telling crash on the other side of the wall signaled the Elder Priestess had hurled her empty sake dish at the door with all her might. “And work on your aim!” Y/N snapped before turning sharply on her heel to stomp out of the honden, tugging the Water Pillar helplessly behind her. 
“She seems unstable.” said Giyuu once they were a safe distance away from the main Honden. 
Y/N brushed aside his concern with a flippant waive of her hand. “Granny is harmless. As her charge, I suppose I instigate her nearly as much as she torments me.” 
Granny. It made sense, then, the curious affection the girl held for the rancorous head Priestess, even if he could not bring himself to fully understand it. 
“You are more than welcome to stay the night,” the Miko’s mood lightened considerably the more she put distance between herself and the drunken head Priestess. “We serve breakfast at sunrise, but of course, you’re not obligated to attend.” 
The ravenette’s mouth quirked down in a faint grimace, the only sign of his discomfort. “I should return to my own home.” 
“It’s quite late,” Y/N glanced up at the night sky, now awash with stars that surrounded the fat, glowing moon like thousands of glittering jewels. She turned back to him with a radiant grin. “At least allow me to show you around.”
If anyone had asked him, Giyuu Tomioka would not have been able to explain the series of events that had led him here. 
He distinctly remembered telling the vexatious young Shrine Maiden no, that he could not stay the night, yet somehow he’d found himself in the Shrine’s old, musty guest house, already prepared for his stay, a lantern flickering merrily in the corner. 
He glanced warily at the fresh sleeping kimono folded beside his futon. The possibility of him actually sleeping in such an unfamiliar place was nil and while the Water Pillar certainly had no issue in appearing impolite to others, he thought that perhaps the Shrine was affiliated with the connection of Wisteria Houses dotted throughout the land, and he didn’t want to risk offending the head Priestess and cause her to shut her gates to other slayers in need of lodging. 
So, Giyuu paced the floor of the small guest house, restless. Though his eyes remained carefully trained on the window of his room, waiting for the slightest hint of movement that would give him an excuse to leave without offending his hosts, no sign of either his crow or any demonic threat  manifested. Though, he supposed with a frown, it shouldn’t surprise him that he’d not heard from Kanzaburo; the ancient bird was likely flitting about the forest, lost.
He continued to pace until finally, the sky in the East began to lighten signaling that dawn was fast approaching. Stealthily, he slipped out of the small hut that had served as his temporary accommodations and made his way toward the Torii under which he and that Miko — Y/N — had passed upon their arrival.
He’d almost cleared the gate when he saw the elder Priestess standing beside the Torii, apparently waiting for him. Giyuu nodded his head at her, the only expression of courtesy he was willing to give, but he was halted as the old woman flung out a single arm in front of him, her hand flat and palm turned up, waiting.
And that was how Giyuu learned the Shrine was not, in fact, a Wisteria House; not as he was forced to fork over a considerable sum of his earnings into the Priestess’s expectant hand. 
Wisteria Houses meant Corps Members stayed free of charge; the price the Shrine’s keeper demanded in exchange for his brief stay bordered extortion.
At least he’d had the money; if he’d been of any lower rank, the old woman would have cleaned him out.  
He scowled as he departed but his irritation quickly fell away as he finally laid eyes on Kanzaburo, who nearly collided with his Master’s head as he struggled to pant out his orders. 
And so, as the Water Pillar trekked through the forest and toward his new assignment, the view of the Shrine faded behind the dense canopy of the mountain forest, and so too, did any final, sparing thoughts of it, or its inhabitants.
Nearly a month passed since Giyuu stumbled across the strange shrine maiden in the forest separating his Estate from the old Shrine, and the Miko had nearly faded from his memory. Not that such a feat was difficult; the raven-haired Pillar’s mind was far more occupied with tasks like patrol and chasing down leads that could potentially lead the Corps to an Upper Rank demon to focus on much else. 
He’d intended only to find a decent meal and then depart the village before nightfall to investigate rumors of women disappearing in a small town to the south. Night was rapidly approaching, however, and he’d yet to find any vendor that sold anything he liked, much to his chagrin. He was about to cut his losses and continue on, when he spied a familiar blur of white and red idly perusing one of the stalls, apparently oblivious to the impending sunset. 
Without thought, his feet carried him toward her, his annoyance sparking to life. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
The Miko’s – Y/N’s – head turned back and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the Pillar standing behind her. 
“Tomioka-sama,” she greeted with a polite bow. “I did not expect to see you so soon.” 
He ignored her greeting, choosing instead to take a step closer. “I asked what you were doing.” 
If she was taken aback by his terseness, she didn’t show it. “I am returning to my shrine after an afternoon of errands,” she replied smoothly. “As is usual for me.” 
“It is nearly dark.” 
“An astute observation,” and to his annoyance, he saw an amused twinkle in her eye. “Do you also know that tonight is also a full moon?” 
Said moon had already made an appearance above them, growing brighter and brighter as the sky faded from twilight to night. 
Giyuu had never been one for rolling his eyes, but the young woman’s knowing smirk grated at something inside him, made him feel as he often did whenever Kocho would make a sly comment with that smile of hers, that for some reason made him feel like he was the butt of some joke only she knew. 
He grimaced. Teasing; that’s what the shrine maiden was doing. She was teasing him. 
“It is nearly dark,” he repeated. “And I did not think you’d be naive enough to risk traveling after sunset.” 
“I believe it was you who insisted I did not have to ignore my duties, so long as I paid attention to my surroundings.” She replied coolly. “So that is exactly what I am doing.”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Fine. If the stubborn girl wanted to be bait for whatever awaited her in the forest once the sun finally set, then that was her choice. He’d saved her once, and he’d given her sufficient warning; what she did from then on did not concern him. 
He was about to bade her farewell when a slurred, boisterous voice boomed her name from across the market. Several heads turned toward the source, including Giyuu's, until he found a round faced, piggish man stumbling away from a sake stand, his cheeks flushed a bright red.
The man repeated the Miko's name in that grating, sing-song voice of his. "Whe're you goin' all by yourself so late?"
He didn't know what possessed him to ask, but Tomioka turned to the shrine maiden. "A friend?"
“His name is Susumo,” she said airily, though she could not conceal her scowl as the man drew closer. “He’s merely the village drunk who forgets to keep his hands to himself.”
The shrine maiden’s eyes narrowed accusingly at the villager, and the Miko remarked, in a raised voice, “And he is not welcome at the Shrine, though he pretends to forget otherwise.”
Susumo only held his hands up, as though in surrender. “You can’t blame a man for wanting to know what lies under all those layers,” and as if the implication of his lechery wasn’t clear enough, he gave the Miko a leering once-over. “Can’t say I was disappointed.” 
“But your friend is right,” he slurred, a smirk forming on his lips. “The dark is too dangerous for a pretty thing like you to risk walking back alone —“
“I shall escort her,” Tomioka said abruptly and she whipped back to him, her mouth falling open. “After all, I’m welcome at the Shrine.” 
Susumo, too, gaped at the Swordsman. The Miko recovered quickly however, unwilling to allow the opportunity to pass or for the Slayer to suddenly come to his senses and realize he’d rather leave her to fend for herself in the forest. 
“You have my gratitude, Tomioka-sama,” and she gave him a small bow of her head. Relieved, she flipped her braid over her shoulder and smiled warmly up at her raven-haired companion. “Shall we?”
She did not wait for Tomioka to answer, nor did she give any further acknowledgment to Susumo, who only continued to stare at the Hashira, his face bright red. With a feigned indifference, she breezed past him, but a sudden yelp from behind caused her to snap back in alarm. 
The first thing she noticed was the proximity of the back of a dual-patterned haori as it stood between her and the village drunkard. The Water Pillar’s shroud nearly brushed the tip of her nose, forcing her to step back. Cautiously, she peered around Tomioka’s rigid form, and her eyes widened at the sight before her. 
Susumo, it appeared, had tried to grab her, only to be cut off by the Water Pillar himself, who snatched him by his wrist. Though it did not appear that Tomioka was using a great deal of effort to restrain him, it was clear Susumo was struggling — greatly so — against the ferocity of the Slayer’s hold, given how a vein bulged in his forehead, his face,  rapidly turning purple. 
Her gaze flicked to the Swordsman’s hand, and she felt herself blanch at the odd angle of Susumo’s wrist. 
She was no doctor, but she knew wrists weren’t meant to twist as his did in Tomioka’s crushing grip. 
“Leave.” the Water Pillar ordered coldly, and there was a darkness in his eyes that matched the brutality of his hold. “Your presence is unnecessary and unwanted.”
“Y-you! Susumo sputtered.
But Tomioka’s grip only tightened. “Now.”
And then he released him, Susumo half-stumbling back from the Swordsman. His eyes were wide with both fear and loathing, and he muttered incoherently under his breath as he massaged his rapidly-swelling wrist.
The Water Pillar, however, did not pay any more attention to the red-faced villager. He turned only to the shrine maiden, who remained frozen in place, her eyes wide. "Shall we?"
Numbly, Y/N nodded and the two set off down the path that led back to the Shrine. Dimly, the Miko noted that the Slayer kept noticeably close to her as they walked, as though he was unwilling to let her wander too far away. The air between them as they traveled was thick and tense. She was on edge enough thanks to Susumo and his oily words, and she was desperate to do anything to distract herself from the buzzing mounting under her skin. 
She cast a sly, sidelong glance at the Swordsman walking at her side. He’d not been receptive to her small-talk the last time he’d escorted her back to her Shrine, but saying something — anything — would be better than this stifling quiet threatening to choke her.
“How old are you?” Before the Swordsman could decide whether to answer, she continued on. “If I had to guess, I would suspect you’re around my age, and I just passed my nineteenth birthday.”
She hummed aloud. “You seem quite young, yet you’ve achieved some level of status as a swordsman, according to Granny.” Her eyes fell to the blade secured at his hip before she lifted them back to his profile. “Yet you’re as withdrawn and taciturn as an old man.” 
Her words, thankfully, seemed to irritate him into responding. “Are you always so forthright?”  
The Miko grinned. “Perhaps I am like you, Lord – what was it? Hashiba?”
“Yes, that. Perhaps I am like you, Lord Hashira – utterly lacking in social ability.” There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she brushed her shoulder against his bicep. “But at least I make up for it by talking.” 
“Talking is a distraction,” Tomioka monotoned, his eyes fixed resolutely on the hidden path of the forest before them. “It only serves as an interference to one’s duties.” He looked pointedly at the Miko’s profile, but inexplicably found himself unable to look away. “Or an excuse to ignore them.” 
But she was unflappable. “And yet you are the one who decided to escort me all the way back to my Shrine – so who is the one ignoring their duties, Tomioka-sama?” 
“I think you enjoy diverting my attention,” the Water Pillar retorted, though Y/N could see the rising annoyance in his eyes. 
She felt his gaze bear into her as she flipped her loose hair behind her shoulder. “It’s not possible to distract someone unless they find the diversion in question captivating, Tomioka-sama.” 
The Water Pillar almost looked amused. “And you are certainly that, Y/N.” 
The Miko ducked her head to avoid that piercing gaze, so that the ravenette would not see the faint rosy blush creeping across her cheeks. “I did not think you had the constitution for teasing, Lord Hashira.” 
Tomioka looked at her fully then, a frown tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I do not jest.” He hesitated for a moment, eyebrows furrowed as he scrutinized her. “Nor do I lie.” 
Y/N’s lips parted. There was something about the way the Swordsman beheld her that made her stomach flutter. In her last encounter with the enigmatic Slayer, she’d been so rattled by her close encounter with the demon, that she hadn’t truly noticed much about the man who’d saved her life, apart from his bland detachment and rather unfortunate social skills. 
But now, the Miko was struck by how handsome the raven-haired Hashira was; she was mesmerized by the deep azure of his eyes, as vast and deep as the sea. His skin was a delicate alabaster, and, contrasted with the flesh of his hands which were calloused and scarred, his face had not a blemish in sight.
She blinked, clearing away some of the fog that had crept into her mind, put there by the vexatious Slayer. “I must return to my duties,” she said softly.
They spent the remainder of their journey back to the Shrine in silence. She was quick to break away from him the moment they passed under the Torii, though not before she muttered that he was welcome to stay, should he so choose.
She busied herself with her duties, but even the neediest obligations could not fully distract her from feeling the burning heat of his stare as the Water Pillar’s watched her fiercely from across the courtyard. And nothing, nothing at all could have prepared her for how he eventually  joined her in carrying out her duties, 
The Water Pillar stayed the night once more, departing sharply at daybreak. Later, as Y/N swept the courtyard free of loose brush and clutter long after his departure, she noticed a crow sitting high in a tree, its black eyes watching her every movement. Though its gaze was sharp, the presence of the great, sleek bird did not disturb her, though not as much of a feather twitched from its perch upon the branch as the Miko continued through her day. 
As she’d readied for bed later that night, she realized she’d felt oddly comforted by the crow. She imagined it a silent protector, a new guardian of the Shrine, no different than the statues of the gods which dotted its grounds. 
She settled into her futon with a great yawn, the image of a certain dark-haired Swordsman flickering in the back of her conscience until she was swept into sleep’s sweet embrace.
Just outside the Shrine’s sleeping quarters, the bird remained, eyes carefully tracking every shift in the shadows, waiting. 
And then the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, and the threat of night receded once more.
But the crow remained. 
Spring, 1915
The crow became a permanent fixture at the Shrine, though it always seemed to keep strictly to a single tree at the edge of the property, one that gave it a full view of the courtyard and structures surrounding the main honden.
Despite the bird's constant presence, more than a month passed before the Water Pillar returned, though he'd seemed even more sullen and withdrawn than he'd been during their previous two encounters. Y/N did not consider herself a friend to Tomioka by any means, but she was the only one brave enough to approach him as he'd lingered by the Torii, apparently unsure whether he should seek out their hospitality or return to the forest.
"You are welcome to come and sit for a hot meal," she called cordially, though she maintained a tentative distance. She frowned when he did not respond. Instead, the Water Pillar continued to stare unseeingly at the cracked stone path leading to the Shrine's courtyard.
"Tomioka-sama?" She pressed gently and the Swordsman's attention finally snapped to her, as though he'd just become aware of her presence.
The haunted look in his eyes sent a chill up her spine. The Miko cast one, cautious glance up at the sky, and her eyes narrowed at the wall of black clouds steadily rolling in from the east. A shift in the wind brought forth the distinct, metallic scent of rain, and if she listened hard enough, she swore she could hear the distant rumbles of thunder. “You know, there will be a storm tonight — please consider waiting it out here, where it’s safe.”
Tomioka only stared at her for a moment before he nodded. His hand twitched into a vague gesture inviting her to lead the way, and Y/N escorted him to the Shrine's elder, in search of her permission.
Granny Priestess agreed to let him stay, but on the condition he paid for his imposition. The Water Pillar had silently agreed, producing one small money bag from his pocket and placing it squarely in the Priestess’s outstretched, waiting hand. 
The heft of the bag had made Y/N frown; it seemed a great sum in comparison to their meager lodging offerings, but the Swordsman did not object, so she held her tongue. To comment would only serve to irritate her Master, and the old hag was scornful enough to assign her to duties that would isolate her from the raven-haired Slayer.
Only after the old Priestess sauntered off, leaving behind nothing but the lingering, bitter stench of sake, did the Miko speak again. 
“I’m glad to see you in good health, Tomioka-sama,” she bowed, though she thought she spied the corner of his mouth twitch down at her formal greeting. “I trust your patrol went smoothly?” 
The Water Pillar’s expression was tight; dark. “It did not. The demon I was tracking managed to get away.” His jaw clenched tight. “But not before it slaughtered an entire family in the mountains.” 
All at once, the world around her seemed to slow. It had been easy to assume the dark-haired Swordsman before her always managed to find his target just in time, before it could slaughter its victim. Now, as she beheld the lethal coldness that had settled over his features, Y/N knew her assumptions had been wrong. 
Perhaps, she noted with a shudder, her rescue had been the exception and not the rule. 
Beneath the icy stoicism limning the Water Pillar’s eyes, the shrine maiden noted a distinct heaviness that weighed down his shoulders; made them curl slightly forward, defeated.
She resisted the urge to reach out to him, in comfort. “I won’t offer you empty platitudes,” she murmured. “But I can invite you to offer your prayers for those who were lost.” 
He looked at her, brows drawn, and she knew his instinct was to decline, so she added, “I will do it regardless of whether you join me.”
All at once, any protest he had was snuffed out within him. Instead, he was left with a curious softness as he regarded the shrine maiden, so assured and earnest in her invitation. 
He didn’t know why he’d sought out the Shrine.
He’s been angry; angry at himself for not being faster, for allowing innocent people to die on his account of his failure.
He still felt angry. Yet, as he followed Y/N into the Shrine’s haiden to light incense, he also felt a solemn gratitude for the Miko, who’d not let him indulge in his self-loathing but instead requested he act, and act with her. 
So he had; and somehow, the weight on his chest, the one that threatened to suffocate him, lightened bit by bit until Giyuu felt like he could breathe once more. 
Later that night, Giyuu spotted the shrine maiden from his window as she darted around the courtyard to light the tōrō to illuminate the Shrine grounds. A deep rumble of thunder, however, signaled the spring storm had finally arrived. Y/N, however, only continued with her task, huddling over herself to strike the matches needed to finish lighting the lanterns as rain began to dampen the landscape around her.
He was about to go outside and demand she return to the warm, dry haven that was the girls’ sleeping quarters lest she catch a cold, but then the last of the lanterns were lit and the shrine maiden straightened.
And then she tilted her face up toward the sky, allowing the rain to wash over her. 
And she grinned. And Giyuu was mesmerized; so much so, that he had not stopped staring at where she’d stood, laughing in the rain, even long after the Miko retired to bed.
Y/N awoke well before sunrise the following morning and spent hours laboring over the hot stoves in the kitchen. By the time the sky finally lightened, she'd only just finished her task and was in the process of boxing up her creation when she spotted one of her fellow shrine maidens passing by the entryway.
The Miko called out her name. "Has Lord Tomioka awoken yet?"
Her sister trainee lingered in the doorway. "Oh yes, he's been up for a while," and the girl looked back over her shoulder. “But he is already on his way out —“
The Miko swore viciously under her breath as she slammed a lid atop the small bento and hastily wrapped it in the small cloth she’d swiped from the laundry. 
“Move,” she barked at a small group of trainees that had gathered in the hallway outside the kitchen. The girls flattened themselves against the wall as Y/N sped by. She hurtled up the stairs, nearly tripping in her haste. Just as she burst into the courtyard from the honden, panting and winded, she spotted him.
“Tomioka-sama!” Y/N called, hurrying after the retreating form of the Water Pillar before he could pass through the shrine gates. “I have something for you!” 
The raven-haired slayer turned back to her, his face neutral, though Y/N could tell, by the slightest raise of his brow, that she’d piqued his interest. 
“Thank goodness you hadn’t left yet,” the Miko said brightly, holding out a small bundle wrapped in furoshiki cloth. “I was worried this wouldn’t be ready before you did.”
Tomioka’s eyes dropped to the parcel in her hands. “What is it?” 
Y/N motioned for him to take it, and to her slight surprise he did, holding it slightly in front of him as though it were liable to burst open. “A meal for the road. Granny and I prepared it this morning — as thanks, for everything you’ve done.” 
But the Water Pillar was already shaking his head, trying to press the package back into the shrine maiden’s hands. “I need no thanks; I do my job, and your shrine happens to be part of it.” 
If his words disappointed her, Y/N did not show it. “And yet we are grateful all the same,” she said firmly, arms crossing in front of her chest to avoid taking the small bento back. “Besides, it’s salmon; it will only go bad if you don’t eat it.” 
Had she not been watching him, Y/N would have missed the slight widening of his eyes, or the way his hand twitched back towards himself, bringing the packed lunch closer to him. 
Cerulean eyes watched her for a long moment, before dropping as Tomioka tucked the bento into his pocket. 
“Thank you,” was all he said before he turned away and continued through the gates of the shrine, setting off on the path which would lead him through the forest. 
If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve sworn the Water Pillar looked happy as he departed. 
The Slayer returned exactly one week after she’d given him the home-cooked salmon – but he did not return empty-handed. For there, wrapped in the same furoshiki cloth, was a strange, oblong object, sitting in the palm of his hand though if he thought it heavy, Tomioka gave no indication. 
“What’s this?” Y/N leaned curiously over the Pillar’s outstretched hand and squinted, trying to discern what the cloth could have been concealing. 
Tomioka pushed his hand toward her, beseeching her to take the parcel from him. “A knife.” 
The Shrine Maiden looked up at him in alarm, pulling away from the Water Pillar. “Why on earth would I need a knife?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Protection.” 
“From what?” The Miko wrinkled her nose down at his offering, though there was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “As I recall, I walloped you just fine with my broom.”
Tomioka shot her a dull look. “Be that as it may, cleaning tools are useless against demons. Without the sun, the only thing that works against them is decapitation with this — its metal is unique.” 
He parted the folds of the cloth to reveal a simple blade, though Y/N found it daunting all the same. The hilt was basic, an unembellished metal handle wrapped in plain black leather. The blade itself was an unassuming silver, slightly longer than her hand. 
The Slayer motioned for her to take it, though she only shrunk away. “You know how to use one, yes?” 
The Miko’s eyes met his, wide and anxious. “For domestic uses, of course, but not –” 
Tomioka’s fingers closed around her wrist and lifted, guiding her hand toward the dagger. His hand moved to cover hers, wrapping them both around the hilt of the blade before squeezing. “Grip it like this,” he held their joined hands up for her to inspect. “Keep your hand in a fist; do not lift your fingers away from the grip – that’s the best way to injure yourself instead of your target.” 
But the shrine maiden could hardly focus on the Pillar’s instructions. Her attention was directed entirely at the way her hand was swallowed by his, his skin warm and his grasp firm. She studied how his calluses – thick and forged from years of brutal sword training – pressed against hers; how, despite the roughness of his fingers and palms, and his solid hold still remained gentle. 
“-- and thrust like this,” he remained oblivious to her distraction as moved her arm in a sharp jab, a second and then a third time, before dropping her hand.  “Now do it yourself.” 
His command startled her out of her trance, a heat creeping up her neck from beneath the collar of her kosode. She held out the blade awkwardly before her as scrambled to recall the Water Pillar’s words. To her dismay, all she was able to conjure was the memory of his touch, and how cold she suddenly felt without it. 
Lamely, she mimed jutting the knife at an invisible enemy, the blade gracelessly wobbling through the air. Though she was by no means a swordsman, even she knew something was off, her movements disjointed and clumsy.
She glanced shyly back to the raven-haired Demon Slayer and deflated as she was met only with bemused resignation.
Tomioka shook his head in disdain. “Perhaps you would fare better with a broom.” 
The Miko bristled. “I am not a swordsman —“
“You’ve made that abundantly apparent.” 
“— and I do not have the basics you seem to take for granted.” She finished, glaring indignantly at her raven-haired companion. “So teach me.”
The Water Pillar considered her for a moment before he gave her the slightest, almost imperceptible nod of his head. 
“Watch me.” He turned his body toward the Miko and mimed getting into a defensive stance — feet ajar, his weight evenly distributed on each leg, and bent. 
He looked back to the Shrine Maiden expectantly, and she parroted his movements, crouching into what she imagined was the perfect mirror of his position.
It wasn’t.
“No — you need to—“ Tomioka straightened and huffed, impatient. He moved quickly behind her, and without thinking, his hands shot to grip her hips to guide them into the proper stance, until her weight was evenly distributed on both feet. 
“Like that — now bend your knees.” The ravenette pushed down on her hips until her legs bent, apparently oblivious to the way the Miko flushed crimson.
He was close; far, far too close. She’d never been touched the way the Water Pillar touched her. Tomioka’s hands were twin brands, burning her skin even through the layers of her shrine attire, and it sent every nerve beneath her skin buzzing.
She was aware of every inch of him pressed against her; of his arms, caging her in, his hands twin brands against her hips as he turned and pulled her into the proper stance. She was aware of how warm he was, of how formidable his presence felt, even though to her, he posed no threat. Every movement of his was precise and fluid, like the water he’d claimed to style his techniques after.
And if his touch wasn’t distracting enough, his scent threatened to overwhelm every last bit of sense she’d clung onto. Y/N didn’t know how she hadn’t noticed how good he smelled — like mahogany and citrus — so rich and so warm; a stark contrast to his otherwise cold and aloof nature mask.
The swordsman, however, appeared to remain oblivious. “There,” he finally said, having satisfied that she’d achieved proper form. For moment, the two of them lingered there, with Tomioka’s chest against the shrine maiden’s back, his hands remaining steady in place on her hips. It was as though they’d frozen: Y/N, out of a mixture of shock and red-cheeked embarrassment, and Tomioka out of utter cluelessness.
Another beat passed before the Water Pillar finally realized the compromising nature of their position. His hands dropped quickly from her hips, and there was a rush of air at Y/N’s back as he swiftly stepped away, putting distance between them once more. 
The raven-haired Slayer gruffly cleared his throat. “You should also keep wisteria on you.” And Y/N gulped down her embarrassment to turn back toward him. 
Tomioka kept his face neutral and cool, but the tips of his ears had turned pink. “Check your perfumes for it or ask one of the other shrine girls if you can borrow theirs – oil would be better. More concentrated”
Any residual awkwardness that may have lingered fell quickly away. The Miko only stared blankly at him, her head tilted slightly to the side as her eyebrows pinched together. “Perfume?”
Tomioka blinked. “Yes. As all women have.” 
It was an effort to fight off the smile twitching at the corners of her lips. “Exactly how many women do you know, Tomioka-sama? Such that you would know their perfumery habits, that is.” 
His mouth thinned into a firm line. “Enough.” 
And though Y/N supposed he’d meant to sound self-assured and confident, the Slayer was betrayed by the slight doubt in his voice, as though he’d been questioning his own answer. 
The shrine maiden only continued to look at him, her eyebrow slightly raised, amused. The longer the silence stretched between them,the more awkward the ravenette grew, his discomfort plain from the way he shifted under her stare. 
“You seem like someone who would use it.” He finally offered, after another moment of quiet.
It was her turn to blink, taken aback. Her smirk quickly slid from her face and with a grimace, she felt her right eye twitch, ever so slightly. “Apologies, then, for disappointing you.” 
Tomioka frowned and he made like he was going to respond, but the Miko squared her shoulders and stalked briskly past him. 
“I must return to my duties, and I’m sure you need to do the same,” she paused in the doorway of the garden hut and cast one, sidelong glance back to where he stood, clueless. “Until next time, Tomioka-sama. Thank you for the blade.”
With that, the Miko paced briskly away from the garden hut, her spine stiff. The Water Pillar remained in place for a moment, stupefied, before he collected himself once more, before setting off back toward the forest; to his Manor.
And as Giyuu retreated through the rusting Torii gate, he could not quite shake the distinct impression he’d done something wrong, though he knew not what. 
The Water Pillar returned the following week, though to a decidedly cooler greeting than that which he’d steadily grown accustomed to receiving. 
That wasn’t entirely true — the majority of the Shrine’s residents had welcomed him warmly, their kindness always far more than he thought he deserved. Only one hadn’t greeted him as enthusiastically as the others, and to his annoyance, that one was the only person whose opinion of him mattered, even if he couldn’t quite articulate why.
She hardly stopped to acknowledge his arrival, only gracing him with a brisk nod, though she’d refused to meet his eyes. Bemused, Giyuu followed her across the courtyard as she made her way to the Shrine’s small storeroom. He leaned against the doorway and watched as the Miko began pulling jars of dried herbs from the rickety shelves lining the walls and stacked them on a sizeable work counter that cut halfway across the room. All the while, she continued pointedly ignoring him, humming lightly under her breath as though she could not see or hear him as he shifted against the doorframe, waiting.
Her obstinate silence grated at him. “May I assist you?”
“No, no, I am perfectly fine, thank you.” She turned away to browse the shelves once more, before finding what she needed: a stone mortar and pestle.
The grinder settled against the wooden counter with a heavy thud and the shrine maiden snatched up one of the jars she’d stacked and dumped its contents into the bowl, followed by another bottle of herbs. Pestle in hand, she set to work grinding the leaves together, mixing in a vial of fragrant oil she’d kept in her pocket to create a thick paste.
Giyuu watched her quietly as she worked. “You’re…” he frowned. “You’re behaving strangely.”
Y/N glanced up at him. “In what way?” 
“You’re trying to avoid me.” 
“Am I?” She straightened, rolling her shoulders. “Only because I’ve not yet bathed today. I didn’t want to risk offending you with my stench.” 
Giyuu paused. “Why would that matter?” 
“You made sure to point out you thought I needed perfume during your last visit.” 
He pushed off the doorframe, eyebrows knit together. “For protection.” 
The shrine maiden rolled her eyes. “Yes, and apparently, because you believe I am the type to need it.” When Giyuu only continued to stare at her with that same, mildly lost expression, Y/N groaned, exasperated. “You implied I stink.” 
The Water Pillar’s jaw slackened as he gaped at her. “That is not –” 
“It is what you implied,” she repeated, turning away from him to focus on her task of grinding herbs, though the force with which she ground the pestle was perhaps greater than necessary.
Giyuu rounded the small countertop of the Shrine’s storeroom to face her head-on. “I like how you smell.” He insisted. “It’s nice.” 
The Miko’s irritated churning of the stone paused and her eyes finally lifted to his. For a long moment, she watched him, head slightly cocked. 
“You are very odd, Tomioka-sama.” 
But she said it with a small smile that he almost wanted to return. 
Before long, things between them returned to normal once more, with the Miko directing him to collect her gathering basket from where she’d left it in the Shrine’s infirmary and bring it to her. Once he returned, he helped her grind charcoal to make incense sticks as she chatted happily away. 
Surprisingly, Giyuu found himself not only engaged in her musings about daily life at the Shrine, but offering her small personal anecdotes of his own, though he was not nearly as proficient as she when it came to story-telling.  
Once the sun began setting once more, and he received no new orders from Headquarters, he simply sought out the Shrine’s head Priestess and silently passed her a small money bag. 
And then Giyuu retired to the guest’s quarters for the night. 
As spring warmed into summer, the Water Pillar began making bi-weekly visits to the Shrine that quickly melted into habit; expectation. Once a fortnight, a thrill would settle over the young maidens in anticipation of the arrival of the stoic yet handsome Slayer, with girls of all ages eagerly looking toward the Shrine gates in hopes of spying him the moment he crossed beneath the Torii. The elder employees of the Shrine had learned to time Tomioka’s arrival by listening for their excited gasps, exhaled as a collective as brooms and rices sacks were dropped where their handlers stood, the girls far too interested in rushing to greet the exalted Slayer than they were in completing their tasks. 
“I do not see the reason for such excitement,” she sniffed, though even she wasn’t stupid enough to think her fellow trainees bought her bluff. “He is only a swordsman.” 
“A handsome one,” a wispy trainee named Miyoko sighed dreamily. “And no doubt strong and capable.”
The group of maidens dissolved into another fit of giggles, concealing their blushes behind their hands.
“His face is attractive, but his hair is odd,” another commented. “It looks like he’s hacked at it with his own blade.” 
“Oh, who cares about his hair? I’m far more interested in what’s beneath that uniform —“
“Enough,” Y/N snapped. While her friendship with the Water Pillar was tenuous  at best, the suggestive way her sisters-in-training spoke of him left her feeling decidedly discomforted.
Though, if she were honest with herself, she’d admit that she, too, wondered whether Tomioka’s strength was the product of a finely-hewn tuned physique. But she wasn’t, so she bottled that thought up and tucked it tightly away, where it belonged. 
Slowly, her cohorts all turned to look at her.
“You seem to spend a great deal of time with him, Sister,” Miyoko directed at Y/N, who felt her cheeks heat. “Is there anything you’d like to share?”
“Tomioka-sama always asks where Sister Y/N is, the moment he arrives!” A tiny voice chimed, and Y/N’s eyes slid shut in an effort to fight off a wince.  “Sometimes they even do chores by themselves!”
Komatsu. At only ten, she was the Shrine’s youngest trainee, and followed Y/N around like a shadow. Not that the shrine maiden minded all that much; she tended to spoil the girl a bit, when she could. But as pure as the girl’s intentions surely were, she’d yet to lose that childlike earnestness that made her prone to revealing information that Y/N rather remained a secret. 
“Alone with a man?” Miyoko repeated, her eyes shining with malicious glee. “How scandalous — even for someone without a family to embarass, dear Y/N.”
“Careful, Miyoko,” she warned softly. “Don’t go speaking on matters of which you know nothing.” 
“Or what? What would you do?” 
As fond as Y/N was of her sisters-in-training, one did not make it through the Shrine’s rigorous education and training without learning how to trade in the kind of currency young women valued most.
Information; specifically, gossip. 
So the shrine maiden only leveled Miyoko’s own smug smirk with one of her own. “Or I shall tell Granny how you spend your afternoons kissing the boys from the village, rather than tending to your lessons.” 
The other girls gasped, their stares turning back to the gossiping shrine maiden. She savored how quickly the girl’s prideful grin slipped from her face as the weight of the threat settled. 
While Y/N, parentless and thus without anyone to truly care about her propriety, was being primed to take over Granny Priestess’s position overseeing the shrine, her position was unique. She was parentless and thus, without anyone to truly care about her propriety or whatever other ridiculous expectations of modesty that were often attached to other young women her age. In being no one, Y/N was relatively free to do as she pleased, and that freedom almost made up for her lack of belonging.
But the other girls residing at the Shrine were different. Families across the region sent their daughters to the Shrine for training, not only in their cultural practices and arts, but also for education; to become well-rounded women who would then serve to be valuable marriage prospects once they returned home. 
Scandal would not affect her; but it would affect someone like Miyoko.
“How do you think your parents would feel, to know their heir was behaving so brazenly in public? Risking her reputation on the marriage market before she’s even entered it?”
Truthfully, she liked Miyoko; had gotten along well with her, in fact. But she would not risk those sacred few moments she spent with the Water Pillar in an effort to keep the peace with another trainee. Not when those few instances she spent in his company were the only times she’d felt connection — true, human connection and belonging. 
Her sister-in-training ruefully fell silent, and Y/N savored her victory. Later, when she was left with nothing but the company of her own thoughts, however, the exchange played back in her mind.
In all her posturing, she’d managed to avoid having to answer for Miyoko’s lofty observation. 
You seem to spend a great deal of time with him, Sister. 
She did; and, to her slight horror, she realized that she had no interest in stopping. 
She only wanted more.
It was past dawn when Giyuu trudged under the great Torii gate of the Shrine, exhausted and aching. 
It had been a long while since a demon was last capable of wounding him, but he’d been blown backward by a delayed attack that hit after he’d beheaded the damn thing. As a result, he’d been sent flying back, slamming through a dilapidated wall of the abandoned hut he’d tracked the creature to, resulting in a sizeable gash to his shoulder. 
He grit his teeth in mild annoyance. He would need some treatment of his wounds — not that they were deep by any means, but they were substantial enough that he knew infection could spell trouble for him, should it spread. 
Some small, irate voice in his head snidely reminded him he could have just as easily gone to the Butterfly Mansion for treatment — that, in fact, the Insect Pillar’s estate had been much closer to the location of his mission than the Shrine had been. He’d rationed that, as much as he admired and respected Kocho, he was still a bit raw from her mocking about how unliked he truly was among his comrades. 
Besides, he groused. Kocho was not the one he really wanted to see, anyway. 
He found Y/N in the Shrine’s storeroom, seated upon the floor with a detailed ledger spread out before her as she took inventory of various scrolls and texts.
Giyuu did not bother to announce himself. “You have medical training, do you not?”  
The Miko startled, the charcoal stick she’d been using to tally the ledger clattering to the floor. She blinked up at him in surprise. “Tomioka-sama — welcome, it’s been a few weeks — forgive me, I did not see you come in.” She quickly rose to her feet, shutting the store ledger and tucking it under her arm. 
Her eyes found the blood-stained shoulder of his hair and widened. “I have some; I can stitch and dress wounds —“
He nodded. “Then I require your assistance.” 
Y/N led him to a small office inside the honden that served as the Shrine’s unofficial infirmary.  “Take a seat,” she nodded at a small stool that sat under the room’s solitary window, right by a modest working table. “Let me see what we have.” 
Tomioka sat upon the stool with his back to her as she busied herself sifting through cupboards in search of supplies. “What sort of wound is it?”
She turned back and nearly dropped a tin of medicinal salve she’d located as she beheld the Water Pillar strip himself of his clothing from the waist up. 
There, across his right shoulder blade, she saw it — saw his blood. Quickly, she located thread and a needle and she grabbed a roll of cloth that could double as wrappings and she crossed back across the room.  
She spread her bounty out across the table, right beside the neatly folded pile of his clothing. Silently, she set to work cleaning the gash, and she breathed a quiet sigh of relief when she saw that it was little more than a shallow flesh wound.
“Lucky you, this won’t need stitching,” she said lightly as she wiped away the last of the dried blood from the Water Pillar’s skin. “But I shall need to wrap it so it won’t become infected.”
Tomioka only gave her a curt nod. She stepped back to work open her tin of medical salve, and as she warmed the substance in her hands, she let herself fully examine the Swordsman sitting before her. Her eyes trailed over the sculpted planes of his back. It surprised her how muscular he was, given his leanness. Yet, without the layers of his uniform shirt and haori, she could see he was well-built, each muscle defined. 
She didn’t know why it surprised her that there was a man beneath the mask of the Slayer, but what a man he was. Her mouth went dry at the thought. It was an effort not to allow her eyes to wander lower; to ponder what he might look like under his uniform pants, stripped and fully bare before her — 
“What is that scent?” Tomioka’s sudden question startled her away from her increasingly treacherous thoughts. 
She’d never been more grateful to be facing away from him. That way, he could not see the blush coloring her cheeks as she hastily slathered the salve across his wound. “Anti-septic; I know it’s rather stringent, but — ”
The Water Pillar shook his head. “I know what antiseptic smells like. I mean you. The scent you wear.” 
She pursed her lips for a moment before she recalled the distinctly floral scent of her cleansing oils. “Sakaki blooms, I suppose.”
“What properties does it have — what are its effects on others?” He pressed. She was surprised at how insistent he seemed, and there was almost an urgency in his tone that unsettled her. 
“None, to my knowledge — why do you ask?”
The tips of Tomioka’s ears turned pink and he turned away from her, lips pressed into a firm line. “Forget I said anything.” he muttered after a moment, his shoulders and spine stiff.
Neither one of them spoke again as Y/N finished treating the Water Pillar’s  injury and wrapped it. 
“You're done,” she said after a moment, tapping him lightly on his other shoulder. 
“You have my thanks,” Tomioka quickly refastened the buttons of his uniform shirt as the Miko stepped aside, pointedly wiping her hands clean with a small cloth. She only looked at him once he lifted his haori from where he’d carefully laid it atop the small examination table, but her eyes narrowed as he rose from the stool, shrugging the material back over his shoulders. “I am happy to pay you for the resources you used —“ 
Y/N did not appear to be listening, not as she leaned forward and pinched the sleeve of his haori between her thumb and index finger. 
“You have a tear,” she frowned, rubbing the fabric between her fingers. “Right here, see?” 
There, on the side bearing his sister’s half of his haori, right where his sleeve met his shoulder, was indeed a small hole, the threads around it broken and shifting slightly in the wind. 
The Miko’s hand fell away, and she squared her shoulders, mouth set in a firm but determined line. “If you’ll give me a moment, I assure you I can have it repaired in no time –” 
“Not necessary,” the Swordsman said abruptly, twisting back from her. “I can figure it out on my own.” He would not part with it, would not so much as let another put their hands on it and risk ruining his most cherished possession. 
Y/N only stepped toward him, ignoring his attempt at distance. “There’s no need to be prideful,” she huffed impatiently. “Truly, it would take no effort at all –”
“Why are you being so difficult?” She snapped, but her hands continued reaching for him, for his sleeve – 
Tomioka snatched her wrist mid-air and held it there, halting her. “No one touches this. Understand?” 
Y/N’s lips parted in faint surprise at the Water Pillar’s severity. Her eyes darted to where his fingers were locked tight – uncomfortably tight – around her wrist. When she glanced back at the stone-faced Slayer, she felt a chill lick down her spine. She’d known he could be intimidating against threats, even without saying a word. It was his eyes – his eyes would harden, with the lapiz hue of his irises darkening to something more akin to indigo, as he stared down an opponent. She’d witnessed it the very first night she’d met him. 
She just hadn’t thought she would ever be on the receiving end of such a cold glare. 
“I understand,” she said softly, and she began flexing her wrist against his grip in an effort to work herself free from his hold. “Please forgive my indiscretion, Tomioka-sama. I overstepped.” 
The raven-haired Slayer blinked and quickly let her go, her wrist falling limply back to her side. Just outside the infirmary’s small window, he heard the familiar, urgent cry of a crow.
He’d never been more grateful for a distraction.  “I must be on my way.” His tone was stiff; clipped. 
“But — you’ve only just arrived —“ 
“Farewell, Y/N.” Giyuu gave her a curt nod.
Helplessly, the Miko watched as the Water Pillar stalked out of the small office, his hands curled into fists at his sides. He did not so much as spare a glance back, leaving Y/N to wonder whether she would see that odd patterned haori again.
The thought she might not made something cold and heavy sink into her gut.
(One week later)
It wasn’t often that Giyuu Tomioka found himself annoyed, much less angry. He much preferred channeling his existing emotions into slaying demons, allowing them to taste a fraction of the rage and hatred he felt deep within, a vicious fire he so rarely let bubble up to his service.
Until that evening. After the fiasco that was Mount Natagumo and the subsequent chaos at the Master’s mansion as a result of the Kamado boy and his demon sister, Giyuu had finally noticed that the previous day’s trials had resulted in the tear along the shoulder of his haori that he knew could no longer be ignored. 
He grit his teeth; the battle against the Lower Moon spider demon had hardly required him to exert any energy — yet the demon’s last ditch attempt to preserve its life had managed to enlarge the small hole in his most prized possession, and the Water Pillar was utterly without the skill to repair it. 
So, he’d been forced to sit through the meeting with the Master, the hole in his haori feeling more like a gaping wound that only festered with every passing moment, until finally, finally they’d been dismissed. 
Giyuu hadn’t wasted any time departing swiftly from his Master’s estate, though that hadn’t stopped him from catching the tail end of Shinazugawa’s biting remark of how fuckin’ typical it was for him to leave without so much as a farewell to his comrades. He tried not to let the Wind Pillar’s words get to him; but he was unworthy of their company regardless, so he supposed it really didn’t matter what they thought of him. It shouldn’t. 
And so, that was how Giyuu found himself padding silently along the cracked, stone pathway which led to the Shrine at the edge of his designated territory, ready to eat crow and ask for assistance from a particular Miko whom he felt certain would not hesitate to remind him of how he’d coolly rejected her help only days earlier. 
Hence, his irritation. 
So, his movements stiff and his mouth twisted into a firm grimace, Giyuu stalked under the Torii and into the main courtyard of the old Shrine. It was coming upon midday, though there was a thick cover of clouds overhead that threatened that open up at any moment and shower rain across the region. He ignored the respectful bows of the Shrine’s various inhabitants and staff, eyes sweeping over faces in search of her. 
He located her near the storehouse, chatting with one of her fellow trainees as the pair worked to clean vegetables. Giyuu trudged over to her, eyes locked unwaveringly on her serene, easy smile, as he tried to ignore the way it made something in his gut clench and churn. 
He drew to a stop right before her and her Shrine-sister, the latter looking up at him with wide eyes, her hands stilling over her work as she looked up to the Slayer in awe. 
Giyuu cleared his throat but Y/N only continued wiping the dirt from carrots with her cloth. 
The ravenette tried again. “I am in need of your assistance.” 
Y/N’s comrade nudged her with her elbow, but the Miko only continued to clean, pointedly ignoring them both. 
Giyuu pursed his lips. “With my haori. The tear has grown larger —“
“I am busy.” Y/N’s tone was clipped. “Perhaps there are others who might assist you.”
The Shrine Maiden’s hands finally stilled and she lifted her chin to face him. The moment she beheld the pleading sincerity in his eyes, coupled with the hard set of his jaw that betrayed just how desperate he was, her gaze softened.
She sighed. “Very well then,” she rose, brushing her hands free of any residual dirt. She held her chin high and squared her shoulders, determined not to show him how he’d bruised her ego; how he’d frightened her. “Follow me.”
The Shrine sat at the base of a great mountain. But, nearly half a kilometer up the winding, twisting path leading up the mountain and carved into its side, was a grassy hilltop that then plateaued into a small overlook that boasted a phenomenal aerial view of the Shrine below. 
The summer grass had turned a vibrant shade of emerald, broken up only by dots of tiny white and blue wildflowers that had gathered in small clusters sprinkled throughout the overlook. At the back of the clearing stood an ancient willow tree, its trunk gnarled and knotted with age, its wisps swaying lazily in the wind.   
It was her favorite spot; a little ways away from the hustle and bustle of the Shrine, which meant they would have some privacy as she worked. Y/N settled down against the grass and pulled a needle and a spool of thread from her pocket. She turned her face up toward the Water Pillar where he stood over her. “I’ll take that haori, now, if you’ll please.” 
Wordlessly, Tomioka carefully slid the garment from his shoulders and handed it to her, though he hesitated in letting go as she took it gingerly into her hands. 
It was clearly very important to the Slayer, and perhaps that was why she felt the need to reassure him. “I promise to take care of it.”
He nodded stiffly and let go of the fabric and the Miko quickly set to work repairing its torn shoulder. The Water Pillar lingered awkwardly beside her for a moment longer before he too, sat in the grass next to her, though his back remained straight, his posture rigid.
She glanced at him as her needle wove the haori’s fabric back together. “I suppose this happened because of your occupation?” 
It was faint, but the shrine maiden swore she saw his mouth twitch into something reminiscent of a grimace. “Yes.”
“You should be lucky it wasn’t your flesh.”
At that, Tomioka scoffed. “I would not allow such a weakling to get close enough to try.”
“My, I’d not pegged you as the boastful sort, Tomioka-sama.”
“It’s not boasting; I speak only the truth.” He retorted evenly. 
The shrine maiden only hummed as she worked. “And what of your family? Do they support your path as a Slayer?”
The Water Pillar turned his head away, his form stiff. For a moment, the Miko feared she would be left to repair his haori in silence, with nothing but the faint whistling of birds to keep her company. 
“I have none,” Tomioka’s voice was soft, nearly swallowed by the wind. “There is no one left to object, even if they wanted to.”
Y/N’s hands paused their work as she thought. “You are alone?”
It would be nice, she supposed, to find another who, like her, belonged to no one; a kindred spirit of sorts.
“I suppose,” Tomioka spoke up after a moment, his eyes squinted in thought. “I have a mentor. But it was he who trained me to join the Corps.” 
“I should hope he’s more sober than mine,” Y/N drawled. “And less irritating.” 
The Miko’s attention was so fixed on her careful stitching along the hole in his haori, that she didn’t see his faint smile at her words. 
The Slayer and the shrine maiden continued talking long after she’d finished repairing the tear in his haori. It was only when Tomioka had realized nightfall was a mere hour away that the two reluctantly descended the hillside to return to the Shrine.
“I almost forgot.” The Water Pillar said, halting in front of the honden as Y/N escorted him back to the Shrine’s entrance. He dug into his pockets and pulled something free. “Here. For you.” 
The Miko gaped down at the fat red fruit that sat heavily in his palm. “This is -“ she said breathlessly, “A pomegranate!” 
He nodded, arm still outstretched towards her as he waited to drop the ruby fruit into her hand. 
She shook her head. “No, Tomioka-san, I cannot accept something so expensive-“
“I insist.” The Water Pillar withdrew a small knife and split the fruit in half, staining his hands crimson with the juice that spilled over its soft flesh.
Hesitantly, the young Miko accepted the half he offered her, and thumbed some of the fat, glistening jewels loose. The moment she brought them to her lips, Y/N sighed, contentedly, and for some reason, Giyuu found his cheeks heating as he watched her savor the sweet fruit. 
She lazily opened her eyes after swallowing her first mouthful, but she was startled to see the Hashira staring at her, unwaveringly, and she realized he’d moved closer towards her than he had been only seconds earlier. 
Tomioka’s azure eyes were fixed hard on her lips, as he leaned in close to her, Y/N flushing as he drew nearer. 
Is he going to kiss me? Her traitorous heart thundered at the idea, and it caused her no short amount of grief to know she was uncertain whether she wanted him to do so. As her emotions warred with her logic, the Water Pillar’s gentle fingers cupped under her chin, and his thumb brushed delicately across her lower lip. 
“Pomegranate juice,” he said, but Y/N could still feel the warmth of his breath still as his hand lingered under her chin. His eyes were wide as though he, too, could not believe what he’d just done. 
“Yes,” she breathed, before she felt her cheeks heat. “I – I mean, thank you.”
The Water Pillar’s gaze dropped to her lips and her stomach twisted violently. All at once, awareness seemed to come crashing down upon him, and he then stepped back, his hand falling from its hold on her face and back to his side.
The shrine maiden remained frozen in place for a heartbeat longer. “Are you certain you’re unable to be our guest tonight?” Her voice was little more than a pitiful squeak.
Her eyes lifted to his and she knew the answer before he spoke it. “I cannot,” and to her surprise, he almost looked as disappointed as she felt, but he added hastily, “But I will be back. Soon.”
“Soon,” she echoed, feeling rather dazed. “Yes. Of course. I — we — look forward to it.”
She was thankful that Tomioka had already turned away from her as he made his way down the long, winding steps that led to the main route out of the forest; that way, he could not see the way her cheeks burned crimson, or how she buried her face in her hands as she cursed her own embarrassment.
Giyuu was grateful his back was to the young Miko as he retreated through the Shrine’s gates and back to the path which would lead him home. It meant she could not see as he stared at his thumb – the thumb he’d used to clear away the small bead of pomegranate juice from her lips – or how his eyebrows pinched together. It meant she could not hear his heart as it beat wildly in his chest at the memory of how soft and full her lip had been beneath the pad of his thumb, soft enough that some treacherous part of his brain had urged him to lean in, to see if her lips would feel as good against his – 
He shook his head, trying desperately to dispel his wild intrusive thoughts. It was ludicrous; he did not think of the young shrine maiden in that way. Not when she frequently sought to needle him, not when she frustrated him to no end. 
His collar suddenly felt tight; his skin, far too hot. His gaze dropped back down to the hand that had touched her, and it clenched. 
A pomegranate. It was only a pomegranate; nothing more. 
“It was a thank you gift,” Giyuu declared, as though speaking the words out loud gave them more force. “It is nothing more than an expression of gratitude.”
And even his crow, ancient and dull as he was, scoffed at the obviousness of the lie.
Late Summer, 1915
Summer blazed hot and humid. But neither the sweltering heat of the sun nor the most arduous missions he took exhausted Giyuu more than the complicated, tangled mess of feelings that had taken root within him. Because with every day that passed, the Miko of the Shrine at the edge of the forest occupied more and more of his mind. And Giyuu did not know what it meant or what he should do about it. 
She’d not just repaired his haori or made him salmon; she’d somehow wormed her way into his every waking thought, and to his great confusion, he found himself almost unwilling to think of anything but her. 
Admittedly, Giyuu Tomioka did not have the requisite tools in his social arsenal to successfully navigate human interaction. He hadn’t quite known the extent of his ineptitude however, until the Insect Pillar had so cheerfully pointed out that none of his comrades, in fact, liked him. That revelation had made him doubt every interaction he’d had since, made him wonder whether even the lower ranked Slayers viewed him with the same apathy, if not the same outright hostility toward him shared by Shinazugawa and Iguro.
He’d come to doubt them all — except her.
Y/N was different; at the end of each visit to the Shrine, the Water Pillar did not find himself feeling drained or unwanted.  He felt lighter; rejuvenated, even. She was a breath of fresh air that Giyuu found more difficult to go without with each passing day. 
She still picked at him, but she did so without the malice he’d normally come to expect, even from those he considered friends, like the Kocho. The young Miko had a way of teasing him that did not leave him feeling decidedly othered. Rather, her japes only spurred him to respond with his own, though admittedly, they tended to fall flat.
He’d known, from the moment she’d attempted to bludgeon him with her broom, that there was more to the Miko than met the eye; but he hadn’t imagined he’d find himself as drawn to her as he was, unable to tolerate going more than a handful of weeks without paying her a visit.
And, given the way she’d blushed after he’d thanked her for repairing his haori, perhaps she was drawn to him, too. Perhaps he hoped she was.
But he would have to wait to find out, for his obligations to the Corps had taken him to a village a considerable distance away from his designated territory. He’d been tasked with investigating a series of disappearances of young women in the region, but his orders had come abruptly enough that he’d not been able to spare a visit to the Shrine before he departed.
He was anxious — eager — to return, though not before he took care of the demon likely behind the mystery plaguing the village he now patrolled.
Nightfall was still a little ways off, and so Giyuu found himself wandering the streets to pass the time. He made his way to a sizeable outdoor market, still packed with shoppers oohing and ahhing over vibrant displays of silk, crafted jewelry, and sugary confectioneries.
Idly, he too, joined other patrons in browsing the small vending stands that lined the bustling village streets, though his perusal was disinterested, if not bored. But his eyes snagged on one small bauble displayed on the merchant’s small stand upon a swath of silk. It was small; unassuming. But the carefully crafted decoration was painted in a startling shade of crimson that he found hard to ignore. 
The image of a certain Miko flashed through his mind. He couldn’t leave without it. he wouldn’t; not when its paint so perfectly matched the color of Y/N’s hakama trousers.
I spend the year longing for autumn. That was what she’d told him, that day on the hillside after she’d repaired his haori. 
He almost smiled to himself. This would be a way for her to enjoy her favorite season even in the scorching heat of summer or the biting cold of winter. 
He waited for the merchant to notice his presence, his fingers twisting around the small money sack he kept tucked in his pocket. His eyes flickered back to the small trinket. Idly, Giyuu wondered when he’d begun associating the color red with the shrine maiden and not with the blood he’d always imagined stained his hands. 
He continued to stare the merchant down until he finally managed to catch the vendor’s eye, who flinched at the intensity of his unblinking stare.   
Giyuu jutted his chin toward the small token. “How much?” 
He found the Miko a few mornings later, relaxing on the hillside overlooking the Shrine. She laid amongst the late summer wildflowers that had bloomed, her form framed against the grass with petals of soft blue and bright marigold. 
Giyuu wordlessly settled beside her, and he tried to ignore the thunderous beat of his heart against his sternum as she rolled her head toward him to greet him with a sleepy smile. They exchanged pleasantries and settled into a comfortable silence, both content to watch the sun rise higher over the horizon.
Easy; it was so easy for him to sit beside her, like it was the most natural thing in the world. 
“So, you are to take over the Shrine, one day?”
Y/N’s head turned to the Water Pillar in surprise; though he’d grown steadily more talkative over the months since she’d met him, it wasn’t often that he initiated conversation. 
She settled back against the cool grass of the hilltop overlooking the Shrine, enjoying the precious few moments of quiet in the early morning before the chaos of the day called her away. “Yes,” though there was a slight uncertainty in her voice. “I’m sure it’s the expectation, after all. I have to repay Granny for her kindness.”
Giyuu frowned. “But is that what you want?”
“What I want is irrelevant,” the Miko folded her arms behind her head and tilted her face up toward the sky. Her eyes tracked the great, fluffy clouds that drifted lazily by, though the Water Pillar suspected she was attempting to avoid having to meet his eye. 
“It’s not irrelevant,” he countered. “If nothing else, you should be allowed to consider other possibilities.”
She did not answer him, and the silence between them stretched enough that he thought to drop the subject, not wanting to press her any further. 
“I think,” she said in that faraway voice that Giyuu had come to learn meant she was trying to conceal some deeply felt emotion. “I think should like to belong somewhere.” Her eyes shone. “No, that’s not it — I want someone to belong to me, and I to them. 
“A husband.” He said flatly. 
The Miko shook her head. “I have never belonged to anywhere or to anyone. I’ve no family to call my own - only an old woman who took pity on me as an infant and raised me. I wonder — what must it be like?” She laid back on the grass and closed her eyes. “That is the one thing I would change. I belong nowhere because I’m no one — nobody’s.” 
Giyuu frowned. “I don’t think that’s true—“
“It is true,” she insisted, though she said it with such ease and conviction, like it was the most obvious and natural thing in the world. “I am here for a moment and then I will be gone, and no one will ever know or remember that there once was a shrine maiden named Y/N here. I’ve made peace with that.”
I would, Giyuu wanted to tell her. I would remember and I would tell them all. 
“I am nobody as well,” Giyuu admitted quietly after a moment. “And I have no one left to belong to.” 
The image of her face, so kind and sad and full of understanding at his words, had stayed with him for the rest of the morning and even as he settled in for a few hours of sleep in the Shrine’s guest wing.  
And in his dreams, her face remained a constant.
The sky had turned a vivid shade of orange by the time the Water Pillar emerged from his guest lodgings, ready to depart and resume his duties.  Y/N had been helping another shrine maiden tote firewood across the courtyard when she heard a quiet call of her name.
She turned and saw the raven-haired Swordsman standing near the great Torii gate. 
She looked back to her fellow trainee, who waved her off with a knowing smile, and Y/N brushed her hands clean against her hakama pants before she approached him. 
“Leaving so soon?” And she tried to mask her disappointment at the shortness of his visit. 
Giyuu nodded. “We’ve been stretched thin, in light of a few…changes to our ranks.”
The Miko nodded grimly. He’d told her that a fellow Hashira had been slain a few months prior, and another had retired following a rather violent battle that had destroyed part of a far off city.
“But I wanted to give you this.”
She glanced down to his outstretched hand, where a small parcel was wrapped in plain furoshiki cloth. Stunned, she took the package from him, her eyes flicking between it and the Water Pillar watching her intently.
Gingerly, she unfolded the bundle and unveiled a long, but fragile metal and wood reed.
A hairpin, she realized with a soft gasp. Y/N could scarcely bring her fingers to run over the exquisitely crafted ridges of the leaves that adorned the top portion of the pin, afraid that even the slightest pressure from her touch would cause the Water Pillar’s precious gift to her to crumble. 
I spend the year longing for autumn, she’d told him. She hadn’t thought he’d been particularly interested in listening to her talk; but as Y/N cradled the delicate ornament between her palms, she felt a blush begin to creep across her cheeks. 
As her fingers traced across the delicate ridges of a cluster of maple leaves, lacquered in a thick coat of scarlet paint — a perfect match to the hue of her traditional Miko hakama pants — Y/N realized that perhaps Tomioka had been paying more attention to her than she’d realized. 
For the Water Pillar had given her a piece of autumn to hold onto year-round. 
“Tomioka-san, you do not-“ 
“Giyuu.” The ravenette interrupted her. “Please, call me by my name; it’s Giyuu.” 
Y/N’s mouth closed, but she smiled softly, considering. “Alright. Giyuu — please, you do not need to feel obligated to bring gifts for us — it was only salmon.” 
But Giyuu only shook his head. “I don’t bring gifts for everyone; just you.” 
Y/N turned scarlet. 
“Please, just-“ Giyuu frowned, and Y/N could have sworn she saw the faintest glow of pink coloring the Hashira’s cheeks. “Just take it.” 
“Okay,” her voice resembled a mouse’s squeak as she cradled the pin delicately between her hands. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.” 
“And it wasn’t just salmon.” 
Y/N looked to him in surprise, her head cocked in curiosity. “Pardon?” 
Giyuu exhaled harshly through his nose before stepping closer to her. “This is not only because you made salmon.” Her eyes tracked his hand as it rose to grip the front fold of his haori in his fist. “This – this is all I have left of my family.” 
“My sister,” he gestured to the red half of his haori. “She died protecting me.” His hand drifted to the green and orange patterned half of the garment. “And this belonged to a dear friend. He also perished protecting me – and others.”
The Miko’s lips parted, understanding and sorrow flooding her eyes. “Tomioka-san — Giyuu — I had no idea —“
“They both died because of demons – because I could not help them. And now this is all I have left to remember them by.” And then he did the unthinkable; he grabbed her hand and pressed it against the checkered portion of his haori, right over his heart. His hand was warm and firm. Gentle, though she could feel his callouses against her knuckles as he held it in place. “So it wasn’t just salmon.” He repeated, and there was a heat in his eyes Y/N had not seen before, one that stoked a fire in her belly. “And you are not just anyone.” 
A soft exhale blew past her lips at the sincerity of his words. For the first time in all her nineteen years, she wondered if this was what it meant to mean something to someone.
“Thank you,” she breathed, eyes wide and sparkling with unshed emotion. “I will treasure it.”
She swore she saw a faint blush creep across the Water Pillar’s cheeks, but she brushed it aside as nothing more than the shadows of the sky as twilight darkened the horizon. 
Tomioka nodded. “I must get going now; I will see you soon.”
She did not want him to go.
But the shrine maiden concealed the pang she felt in her chest with a breezy smile. “Farewell, Tomio-“
She blushed. “Yes — Giyuu. Until next time.”
“I cannot believe he lets the old woman charge him an arm and a leg to stay a single night,” Miyoko said in awe as the pair watched the retreating form of the Water Pillar through the shrine house gates. 
The hairpin clutched tightly in her hands suddenly felt like a stone weight. “I’m sure he stays here only for convenience’s sake,” Y/N replied airily, turning sharply away from the egress to the shrine to hide her warming cheeks.  
Miyoko snorted. “Hardly. The Demon Slayer Corps has tons of safehouses throughout the country. Corps members get medical treatment, hot meals, and lodging free of charge.” Y/N’s sister-in-training grunted as she heaved a hefty bag of rice flour from the storeroom to the girls’ side, no doubt hauling it out to prepare the evening meal. 
“I’ve heard of at least four such houses in this region alone. As a Hashira, Tomioka-sama could go to any one of them and be treated far more kindly than he is here.” 
Y/N frowned. “I wonder why, then, he continues to return here so often? Surely our shrine is some distance from his home, given that he stays the night each time.” 
Miyoko shot the young shrine maiden a knowing glance. “Perhaps he tolerates the Granny’s abuse because he is fond of the company.” 
Y/N only felt her face grow hotter as she ducked down, though she felt Miyoko’s amused stare burn through her back. 
The Water Pillar had returned from his intel assignment and promptly journeyed to the Shrine, its inhabitants abuzz as they prepared for the arrival of autumn and the colder months, now only mere weeks away. 
He found the shrine maiden of his interest inside the main wing of the manor, back in the kitchen as she prepared herbs to be incorporated into various salves and medications. Y/N smiled brightly at him as he’d sidled up beside her, taking a handful of dried greenery from the bunch next to her and deftly pulling the leaves from the stem and handing them to her. 
“Is it your day off?” The Miko gratefully accepted the leaves he’d stripped and dumped them into the rocky mortar to join the others. 
Giyuu felt his stomach clench as his fingers brushed against hers. “I have completed my duties for the time being, yes.”
"You're welcome to help me, as long as you do not mind a bit of busy work."
He didn't; of course he didn't. In fact, as he accepted the heavy stone pestle from the Miko and set to work mashing the leaves she handed them into the mortar, Giyuu rather supposed he would do just about anything to remain in the shrine maiden's company, even if that meant assisting her in a task as banal as grinding medicinal herbs. And though the Slayer and the Miko fell into their well-practiced habit of quietly tending to Y/N's duties side by side, there was a notable absence of the bright chatter he'd grown accustomed to hearing during his visits.
The Water Pillar frowned. “You’re quiet.” It was not a question. “There is something on your mind.” 
“Is there?” Y/N hummed loftily, her hands continuing to strip leaves from their stems. “Perhaps I am simply focused.” 
Giyuu found his eyes wandering to the side to study the Miko’s face more often than usual. Though she maintained a pleasant smile as they worked, he could see that it did not fully reach her eyes. And even her sage expression could not conceal the way the troubled look in her eyes, hands pausing their work as she stared at something behind the walls of the small shrine kitchen. 
“Something is bothering you.” Giyuu took the bundle of herbs clutched in her hands and replaced them with his pestle, allowing her to work her frustrations over the paste forming at the bottom of the stone bowl. 
She blushed and refocused her gaze, grinding the pestle hard. “Nothing is wrong!” She chirped. 
“You are a dreadful liar.”
The Miko replied with an airy laugh that made his throat tighten. “So I’ve been told — often, in fact.” 
“There is…trouble in the village,” Y/N said carefully, though she kept her hands busy as she continued to grind herbs into a thick paste. “It is nothing we can’t handle, but it has put many of us on edge. Particularly Granny.” 
Giyuu frowned as he handed the shrine maiden another bunch of leaves from her basket. “What sort of trouble?” 
She hesitated. “It is petty village drama, nothing more.”
“You won’t give any further details?” 
The Water Pillar could not explain it, but he found himself troubled by the way the Shrine Maiden forced a smile and a far too casual shrug of her shoulders. “There are none worth re-hashing.” 
He frowned, but he did not press her further, resolving instead to poke around later. Perhaps he would see whether the Shrine’s head Priestess’s tongue was as loose with information as it was with vulgarity once she’d properly indulged in her sake; he’d make certain she was well-stocked in advance. 
Giyuu furtively glanced back at the shrine maiden’s profile, in part to see whether he could deduce anything from her expressions, but he found himself instead studying her, puzzling over a change in her appearance he hadn’t noticed before.
Sensing his stare, the Miko turned to him with a light smile that then  faltered. “What –?”
“You changed your hair.” It took everything within him not to reach out, to see if her hair would feel as silky in his fingers as it looked shifting softly in the wind. “I’ve never seen it down.” 
“Oh!” Her smile turned bashful, a pretty pink dusting spreading across her cheeks. “I wanted to wear my hairpin – see?” 
She turned her head, the long curtain of her hair rippling smoothly with the movement. With her back to him, Giyuu could see the pin he’d given her neatly tucked into the long strands of her hair, pinning half of it back. The red of the pin’s maple leaves posed a lovely contrast with the hue of her hair. 
Y/N was already quite beautiful, but with her hair partially down, he thought she looked softer; younger. She peeked over her shoulder at him, fingers nervously combing through her tresses. “It’s not practical for every day, of course, but I thought since you’d likely be arriving soon –” 
His eyes widened and Giyuu became acutely aware that his heart now thumped wildly in his throat as Y/N choked off with a squeak, apparently realizing what she’d revealed. Though she hurriedly turned back around, Giyuu could see how the tips of her ears burned bright red. 
Despite her efforts, her admission hung like a cloud in the air between them. She’d worn it – the hairpin – for him. 
Giyuu swallowed thickly. “I like it.” He cleared his throat and turned, allowing his own unruly hair to obscure his face. “On you, that is.” 
For once, the Miko had neither a quick remark nor barb to lob back at him. Instead, she only turned back to her task of grinding her herbs, a thick curtain of her hair concealing her face from his sight.
Once she'd finished bottling up her new medicinal salves, Giyuu helped her carry the tins to the Shrine's storage house, directly across the courtyard from its main wing. The shrine maiden remained curiously quiet, even in spite of his own lame attempts to converse with her. He'd finally given up after his dry comment about the weather went ignored. But every so often, he let his eyes wander to her as they returned to the honden, and that nagging feeling returned as he watched her gnaw incessantly at her bottom lip, a faraway look in her eyes. 
Giyuu was not a nosy man, but the Miko's clear distraction unsettled him. He was about to pull her aside, to demand she tell him exactly what it was that had chased away the smile he so longed to see when they were approached by Y/N's haughty Master.
“Lord Tomioka,” the head Priestess nodded curtly at him in greeting. “I am glad to have run into you — I am in need of your assistance.”
The old Priestess turned to her young protégée. “Go assist the younger ones; they need to give their offerings before dinner.” 
Y/N’s mouth opened to protest but the head Priestess cut her off. “Now.”
To his surprise, the shrine maiden did not argue with her Master, only turning to him to give him a helpless shrug before she began to make her way toward the Shrine’s honden. 
The Water Pillar grimaced. He tried to convince himself the pit in his stomach was only because her odd behavior gnawed at him; that he was only curious to learn what it was that troubled her.  But as the Miko cast one last, reluctant look over her shoulder at him, Giyuu found that he was as unwilling to watch her go as she was to leave. 
If the Shrine’s head priestess noticed his inner anguish, she paid it no mind. “You will accompany me in the kitchen.”
The first thing he noticed was the conspicuous absence of the scent of sake, which he’d grown accustomed to following the Priestess around like a pungent cloud of perfume. He resisted the urge to scowl; he would have to find another way to get the old woman to talk.
Giyuu followed the woman into the small structure that stood adjacent to the honden that served as the Shrine’s kitchen. He watched silently as she pulled a cleaver, large and deadly sharp, free from where it was stored in a cabinet and laid it atop a butcher’s block. The elder stepped outside of the kitchen and returned a moment later, a recently de-feathered and skinned chicken in hand.
“Things around here seem…tense,” Giyuu observed carefully  as the old woman slapped the chicken on the counter for preparation. 
“Tense is one word for it, I reckon,” she bit, taking up her cleaver. “The world we live in is dark. I should think you would know that better than most.”
The corner of his mouth dipped down. “But even your girls seem unusually subdued; distracted.” 
Her eyes flashed to his, piercing and sharp. “You mean Y/N.”
It wasn’t a question. 
“She is always restless this time of year,” the old woman sighed. “Though she loves autumn, she despises winter — or, rather, she despises how it reminds her of what she does not have. And winter is well on its way.” 
He nodded, recalling what the shrine maiden had revealed to him that day, on the hillside.
“But your observation is correct — that is not all of the reason she is so distracted,” the old Priestess said darkly, and Giyuu was surprised to see how alert and focused the normally soused elder seemed. “A man from the village — Susumo — has been following her. Demanding her.” 
Giyyu straightened. “What do you mean by ‘demand?’” 
The haggard woman cursed below her breath as she broke down the chicken’s body. “I mean in the way that men often feel entitled to women — especially angry drunks like him.” 
Every hair on Giyuu’s body stood straight as the weight of the Priestess’ warning settled. 
“I have forbidden her from venturing out in the dark alone,” the Granny continued, harshly wrenching a joint on the fowl. 
“She is a Priestess in training; surely that status affords her some protection?” Giyuu’s knuckles turned white where his fists clenched at his sides. 
“I’m not sure the shrine is enough to keep him out for much longer. He’s been lingering — and threatening consequences, if I do not agree to hand her over to him for marriage.” The old Priestess grimaced. “Her status does her no good if he burns this place to the ground.” 
The old woman set her cleaver next to her with a heavy thud, her frustration palpable. “The girl is of age, and I am not her blood family; there is no one here who can claim authority over her, not like a parent or an elder sibling.” When her eyes lifted to his, Giyuu could see a hint of fear underlying the hard anger in her gaze. “These days, I half-expect to awaken and find that she’s been stolen in the night.” 
The Water Pillar felt his jaw clench. It was rare that he felt the burning flush of anger and it was not directed at a demon, but the idea that Y/N was being harassed and threatened by some village drunkard who felt entitled to her, lit something hot in his stomach. For as vexatious and confounding as he found the young Miko to be, no one deserved to be stalked like prey. 
Especially her. 
“I’ve had a crow stationed here to alert me of any demon attacks for months,” Giyuu began, and the old woman looked to him in surprise. “But I will assign more to keep watch during the day. If there is anything strange afoot, they will tell you.” He paused a moment before adding, “And they will alert me, too.”
The head Priestess laid down her cleaver to look at him, long and hard. “Then she may have a fighting chance yet, Lord Hashira.”
By the time he found Y/N once more, dinner was over and the moon had risen high in the night sky, casting the shrine grounds in its pale, silvery glow.
He’d told her, rather tersely, that he was unable to stay the night, and he tried to ignore how his chest tightened at the crestfallen look that flashed across her face. Despite her tangible disappointment, she insisted on escorting him out of the Shrine, desperate to cling to every second that might be spared to them.
“You are rather quiet tonight,” the Miko observed, walking him to the grand Torii. “More so than usual.” It was an understatement; the Water Pillar had been downright sullen and withdrawn from the moment he’d returned from whatever takes Granny had insisted she help him with. 
Rather than give her any explanation, Giyuu halted his step and reached for her wrist, stilling her. “You did not tell me you were being harassed.” 
She looked up to the Water Pillar in surprise. “How did you —?” 
He released her from his grip in favor of drawing closer to her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Y/N opened and closed her mouth, struggling to find her words. “I suppose,” she began, but her mouth quirked down in a frown. “I did not think you needed to be burdened by something so insignificant.” 
Giyuu stared at her as he mouthed the word insignificant, the look he shot her giving the distinct impression he thought her an idiot. “I do not think your safety is insignificant,” Giyuu’s hand drifted to the hilt of his sword, clenching it tight. “Nor do I think you are insignificant.” 
“Compared to your other obligations? I should think I’m very unimportant.” Y/N turned away from him, fiddling with a gathering basket she carried on her hip to avoid having to look him in the eyes.
But the raven-haired Pillar caught her wrist and turned her back to face him, not willing to be ignored. “If you call for me, I will come to you.” 
Y/N’s heart lurched at the Water Pillar’s words, spoken with such conviction and sincerity that it made her falter in her step. “Tomioka-san,” she said breathlessly, her eyes wide as she turned to him. “You have far more important duties to see to than to concern yourself with than mere village drama —“
But the raven-haired Hashira only shook his head as he took another step towards her, his expression severe; calculating. “You have the knife I gave you, yes?” His eyes dropped to her pocket, and Y/N felt compelled to show him that the small blade was indeed tucked safely within the folds of her hakama pants. 
“Giyuu,” she pled, and she noted the way that he twitched towards her at the sound of his name falling from her lips. “Please, don’t worry —“
“I do not make promises I cannot keep,” the Water Pillar cut her off, closing the distance between them until the tips of his zori nearly grazed hers, his head bent down towards her as the heat of his stare threatened to consume her. “So I repeat: if you call for me, I will come to you.” 
Any thought of arguing faded from her mind as Y/N became keenly aware of the lack of space between their bodies, of the way her hands, clasped in front of her chest brushed against the folds of his haori as it shifted softly with the wind. 
“I understand,” she breathed. Y/N held his gaze for a long moment, though it was in part due to the battle waging within her not to allow her eyes to drop to his lips.
She would not let herself acknowledge how close they were; how soft they looked, or how warm they might feel against hers; her skin. 
Giyuu lingered as well; after a pregnant pause, he finally stepped back, blinking as though coming out of a trance. “Good,” he nodded, and he glanced furtively over her shoulder. His eyes narrowed and he nodded as though satisfied before he turned crisply on his heel to begin his trek towards his duties and away from her. “Do not forget.” He called one last time over his shoulder, before the shadows of the woods swallowed him whole. 
As Y/N dazedly made her way back towards the shrine, a crow following closely behind her, she almost laughed at the suggestion she could. 
Autumn, 1915
The weeks passed by without much fuss, and soon, the palpable tension that had settled over the Shrine as a result of Susumo’s lingering threats subsided. Soon, life at the Shrine returned to normal, and Y/N often found her mind wandering to thoughts of raven hair and endless blue eyes. 
Until that night.
It had been a normal evening at the Shrine; autumn, blissful autumn had arrived, heralding forth crisp winds and golden skies. Though the days were steadily growing shorter, Y/N found herself rejuvenated by the new chill, especially as she watched the leaves of the trees shift from green to gold to ruby. 
The leaves on her hairpin indeed had been a perfect match to those which were steadily drifting from the tall maples dotting the Shrine. Though she couldn’t wear her hair down the way she had the last time the Water Pillar paid the Shrine a visit, Y/N had found new ways to incorporate his gift into her daily life, weaving it through her plait or tucking it behind her ear. 
That night had been one like any other; after dinner, the girls of the Shrine had scattered to tend to their evening duties.  The shrine maiden had been walking alongside her Master, planning for the upcoming festival in the nearby village, during which the Shrine would seek new patrons to keep it operational. The women mulled over which families might be more inclined to assist them, and settled on a prominent merchant known to frequent other shrines on his travels through the country.
That was when they’d spotted the smoke.
“Fire!” A shrill voice cried, and both the old Priestess and Y/N blanched. “The honden is on fire!”
All at once, chaos broke out across the Shrine grounds as girls darted to and fro, frantic. Granny began barking at her charges, ordering the younger ones to gather in the courtyard while instructing the older girls to assist in putting out the flames.
"The granary!" Someone else cried. "The granary has gone up in flames!"
The elder Priestess snatched Y/N's wrist in her weathered hand. “The scrolls!” Granny's expression of horror was a sure match to her own. “They’re in the storeroom near the granary!” 
The scrolls in question had been in the Shrine’s custody for over five hundred years, carrying sacred inscriptions of the gods and prayers essential to its operation and legitimacy.
They were priceless; irreplaceable. 
“I’ll go!” And before her Master could protest, the Miko had already turned away and began sprinting toward the fire that was rapidly engulfing the granary near the back of the property.  
Thankfully, the storeroom had yet to catch fire, but if the one steadily consuming the granary was not dealt with soon, it wouldn’t be long before it spread to consume the small wooden hut. 
And Y/N knew it wouldn’t take much to reduce the storeroom to ash. 
Coughing, she pressed her arm to her nose and mouth, using the large bell sleeve of her kosode to block some of the smoke that burned her eyes and nose. She pulled her other sleeve over her hand to protect it as she pushed the storehouse’s door aside. 
Inside was dark; quiet. Though the nighttime made it difficult for her to see the scrolls and prints carefully rolled and tucked away into tiny cubbies lining the hut’s walls, Y/N wasn’t stupid enough to waste time searching for a candle to light. So, with only the flames eating away at the granary at her back to light her way, she began pulling handfuls of scrolls free from their storage, tucking them under her arm. 
She turned to take her first armload of priceless Shrine artifacts from the storeroom and nearly tripped over a collection of heated coal pans that had been stacked in the corner to keep the scrolls sealed within the room at a stable temperature. She managed to hold onto her scrolls, however, and she quickly moved them away from the hut, placing them safely on a nearby rock that was still far enough away from the storeroom should it catch fire. She returned to the hut to survey what else she needed to salvage, but a familiar, tiny yelp and the flurry of movement in her periphery made the Miko’s stomach twist.
“Komatsu!” Y/N turned and saw the anxious younger girl lingering at the storage hut’s door, her tiny hands trembling. “Get away from here! It’s not safe!” 
“B-but Sister,” the girl cried, hopping anxiously from foot to foot. “This is too much to do on your own —“
“You need to go find Granny,” the shrine maiden ordered. “I will join you in a moment.”
The girl’s lower lip wobbled. “But —,”
With a great sniff, the girl turned away, leaving Y/N alone once more. The Miko sighed and resumed her hasty perusal of the hut’s shelves, searching for anything else that could not be replaced. 
There was a rustling near the doorway and Y/N bit her lip in an effort not to swear in front of her younger peer. “Komatsu, what did I say —“ 
She turned to admonish the girl, but her reprimand dried instantly on her tongue. For there, in the entryway to the storeroom, was Komatsu, her eyes wide and her face bone-white with a terror that matched Y/N’s own.
Because the girl was not alone.
Wrapped around her bicep was a hand, as large as a small boulder, and tipped with long, wicked claws that threatened to pierce Komatsu’s bicep. The hand was attached to a forearm, inhumanly thick and muscled. Slowly, Y/N’s eyes dragged up the length of the monstrous arm to behold the sinister face that grinned at her. 
It was Susumo — only it wasn’t Susumo. Y/N recognized the vague features of the face that had once belonged to the village drunk and her personal tormentor. His hair was the same as was the general shape of his face, and the cruelty of his smirk, but that was where the resemblance to the Susumo she’d once known ended.
Now, he boasted a row of sharp fangs that distended nearly to his lower lip. And his eyes — no longer were they a cold, soulless black; now they were crimson red, and his pupils were cut into catlike slits.
Demon. A voice whispered in her mind. Demon.
“Enjoy my fires, Priestess?” Even Susumo’s voice had changed, forming a growl that matched his monstrous appearance. “I set them for you — I knew you would not be able to resist seeing such a spectacle.”
“Komatsu,” Y/N ignored him in favor of addressing the young girl, though her voice was unusually high though she fought to keep it as steady as possible. “Please go find Granny and help her with the honden.” 
The young trainee trembled but Susumo’s clawed hand only tightened around her arm. “I’m afraid I can’t allow that, sweet Priestess,” the demon crooned. “You have something I want, you see.”
The slick, oily look in his eyes made his desire clear.
Y/N’s eyes darted quickly around the hut, finally falling on a series of coal pans stacked to the side of the room, only a few feet from where she stood, paralyzed. Her quick, cursory glance at the pans revealed iron that was slightly red, and she swore she could see the air around them distorted by the heat.
Hot; they were still hot.
The Miko looked back to where the demon continued to leer at her, ravenous. “Fine,” she said coolly. “I will go with you, Susumo.”
Komatsu looked between her and the demon in horror, but Y/N only kept her eyes locked with the demon’s. She edged closer to where the coal pans were still burning hot, eyes not daring to drop his as she drew closer to the demon and the younger trainee. He grinned, revealing cruelly sharp and bloodstained teeth, and his yellow eyes shone with a triumphant smugness, believing the Miko was surrendering to him at last. 
As she brushed past the pans, Y/N furtively reached out a hand and closed her fingers around one of the handles. “Komatsu,” the Miko kept her eyes carefully trained on the demon. “Run.”
Her hand seized around the coal pan and with every ounce of her strength, she swung it toward the demon. The hot iron of the pan slammed into the side of his head, forcing him to drop his hold on the younger girl. There was a struggle between the older shrine maiden and the demon, who fought to wrench the pan free from her fierce grip, but Y/N would not relent. 
“Run!” She shrieked at the girl again, and Komatsu darted away. Y/N’s fingers stretched to close around the tiny lever on the handle of the coal pan, and with a snarl of fury, she managed to latch around it, squeezing it with all her might. The lid of the pan opened and red-hot coals spilled forth over the demon’s head. Susumo howled in fury, and Y/N dropped the pan, letting it crack against his head as she shot past him, desperate to escape the tiny storeroom.
The faster she got into open air, the better chance she had of living. 
But a claw, sharp and deadly sunk into her bicep, and yanked her back. She could not help the small scream that tore from her throat as she felt his talons rip at her skin and the sleeve of her kosode was shredded into ribbons beneath his nails.
“Sister Y/N!” Komatsu’s tiny, terrified voice cried out from several feet ahead. 
The shrine maiden swallowed her building panic. “Go!”
The little girl hesitated again and Y/N knew she could not follow after her, not without risking her safety once again. With a defiant scream of rage, the shrine maiden tore her arm free of the demon’s razor-like claws, fighting back the bile that rose in her throat as she felt blood run down her arm, hot and thick. 
The demon grasped wildly at her but found only air. Thinking only of the safety of Komatsu and her fellow trainees, Y/N turned on her heel and ran for the trees, away from the chaos unfolding at the Shrine. 
And the demon, still snarling and panting and undoubtedly enraged, followed her into the forest.
Shit, shit, shit!
Y/N hurtled over a snarled root as she ran, her life dependent upon every stride as she fled the newly-demented Susumo.
In the back of her mind, the Miko knew her efforts were in vain; because for every inch she managed to gain, the angry demon at her heels seemed to gain a foot.
“You’ve denied me for far too long!” The monster’s voice growled behind her, far too close for comfort. “I will have you!”
Y/N palmed the small nichirin knife tucked safely within the deep pockets of her hakama pants, and wildly she wondered whether it was possible to decapitate a demon with such a small blade. Perhaps the Water Pillar should have left her a sword. After all, a sword could not really be that different from a broom, and she’d walloped her fair share of handsy drunkards and would-be thieves with the cleaning tool.
If she lived through the night, she would tell him as much the next time she saw him.
Y/N’s musings did nothing to help her avoid the root of an old tree that jutted out from the earth, snarling around her ankle and sending her flailing to the forest floor. Angry tears of frustration clouded her eyes. Although she knew these paths like the back of her hand, that knowledge did her little good in the dark, as she fled for her life.
Scrambling up to her feet, Y/N caught sight of a pair of eyes watching her from the brambles, dark and inky.
A crow. The image of a certain Hashira flashed before her eyes, as Y/N recalled the way that the members of the Demon Slayer Corps used crows to communicate.
Perhaps this crow was so affiliated, and she was desperate enough to try. “Please!” Y/N begged, sobbing as the crow stared down at her with those black eyes. “Giyuu!”
The night had been unusually peaceful for the Water Pillar.
His ambling patrol around his territory’s perimeter hadn’t revealed so much as a whisper of demonic activity. But the absence of any conspicuous threat did not mean his guard was down; his eyes remained sharp, his ear finely tuned, listening for any shift in the wind, any sign that something was amiss and required investigation —
A sudden rustle of leaves sounded from his right, and Giyuu’s hand moved reflexively for his blade, bracing against its hilt in preparation. A small shadow burst from the canopy above him, its wings flapping wildly. He recognized it instantly as the crow he’d assigned to watch over the Shrine — to watch over her.
“Demon attack at the Mountain Shrine!” The crow squawked, circling above him frantically. “Demon attack! Go now — quickly!” 
He hadn’t hesitated to turn sharply on his heel, furiously making his way toward the Shrine. He broke through the line of trees at its edge in record time, and even he’d been taken aback by the chaos that had broken out.
“The honden is on fire!” the old woman cried out to the Pillar as he swiftly landed among the chaos unfolding across the shrine grounds. “The girls were still doing their evening duties – but then another fire was started near the granary!” 
“My crows said a demon had made an appearance,” Giyuu’s eyes carefully scanned the terrified, frantic faces of the Shrine’s residents, his hands braced against the hilt of his sword. “Has anyone been hurt?” 
The head Priestess stared at the Water Pillar in muted horror. “I have not seen – but I haven’t taken any headcount of the girls to know –” 
A piercing cry from near the south gate of the Shrine cut the old woman off, and both Priestess and Slayer whipped toward the sound. A girl, no more than nine, was half-running, half-stumbling toward them, frightened tears streaking down her face. 
“Komatsu!” the old Priestess blanched as she caught sight of the small apprentice’s busted, bloodied lip. With a sob, the young girl flung herself into her elder’s arms and clung tightly to her. “What on earth –?” 
“Sister Y/N!” the girl called Komatsu wailed, and Giyuu felt himself go cold. “Granny – th-that man – he’s a monster!”
The head Priestess paled in recognition. “Susumo?” Giyuu’s gut clenched at the name. The old woman knelt before the girl, her hands clutching wildly at her slim shoulders as she shook her lightly to recenter her. “Komatsu, was Susumo the monster?” 
The young girl nodded. “He was so – hiccup – fast! I didn’t even see him!” She only cried harder. “And t-then Sister Y/N – she grabbed the coal pan and dumped it on him until he let go.” Komatsu trembled as she lifted a shaking hand to wipe at her cheeks. “A-and then she t-told me to r-run –” 
THe old Priestess caught the girl’s quivering chin in her hand and forced her to meet her eyes. “Where is Y/N, Komatsu?” 
Komatus’s eyes were wide with fear. “She ran,” she whispered. “Into the woods – b-but Granny – she was bleeding –” 
The Shrine’s Priestess turned to the Slayer, ready to beg him to follow after the demon and her apprentice, but the Water Pillar was gone. For a brief moment, she feared all hope was lost; that they’d been abandoned and non one would be able to save the young Miko – her heir – from whatever horrid fate awaited her at the ends of Susumo’s crazed, brutal claws.
She caught a flurry of movement right against the dark line of trees that snagged her attention; a flap of the edge of a mismatched haori, and the glint of a blade being drawn, its wielder already furiously making his way into the shadowy depths of the forest. 
The Priestess exhaled and clutched her trembling young trainee to her chest. As she soothed the shaken young girl, the old woman prayed the Water Pillar would not be too late.
She was fucked; well and truly fucked.
Y/N had no idea how long she’d spent sprinting furiously through the forest, but she knew she was quickly running out of stamina. Worse, it seemed the demon on her heels knew she was slowing, and was now playing with her. But even his patience seemed to be at its wit’s end; for a sudden sharp blow to her back sent the Miko flying several feet forward until she slammed against the uneven, rough terrain of the forest floor.
Y/N gasped for air that would not come as she tried to push herself up. Crawl! Her mind begged her body. Crawl, damn you!
A dark chuckle from behind sent every hair on her body standing straight on end. A hand locked around her ankle and flipped her over until she was nearly nose to nose with the demon crouched over her. “Got you,” he sang, and the moonlight glinted off the sharp edge of his fangs as he grinned. 
Her fingers found the handle of the knife the Water Pillar had gifted her in her pocket. With a determined grunt, she pulled it free and plunged it deep into the meat of his shoulder, praying furiously to any god who would listen that she might have hit an artery so that he would bleed out. 
The demon loosed an enraged scream and fell away from her, hands blindly fumbling for the blade.  
No longer pinned beneath him, Y/N  scrambled back. Her hands scraped against the broken brush and pebbles below her in her desperate attempt to put distance between herself and the demon rising to his feet ahead of her, snarling. As he began advancing toward her, Susumo gripped the knife she’d buried in his shoulder and with a grunt, he wrenched it free and tossed it carelessly to the side, right along with the last shred of any hope she’d had of making it out of the woods alive.
The demon’s mouth curled into a cruel, savage grin, the moonlight glinting off his long, wicked fangs. “I’m going to enjoy this,” he growled, saliva dripping down his chin as his nostrils widened to scent her blood and her fear. 
This was it; there was nowhere for her to run, no weapon she could try and protect herself with. There was nothing she could do; she was going to die, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Just as Susumo drew upon her, close enough that she could smell the rancid, pungent odor of rotted meat on his breath, he stumbled back, startled. 
One moment the demon was standing mere inches from her, ready to devour her whole; the next, he was sent sailing back, his body smashing into the trunk of a nearby tree with a sickening thump! 
A blur of dark matter soared over the Miko’s head toward the monster. Susumo barely had time to stand before the shadow converged on him once more. There was a flash of light — the moon reflecting off metal — followed by a dull thud. The shrine maiden’s heart lodged in her throat as she watched the head of the former village drunkard roll across the forest floor before distingrating, his body following soon after. 
She was nearly hyperventilating as the shadow turned to face her, but the pall of the moon finally illuminated the face of her savior — her Water Pillar.
“G-Giyuu,” she stuttered, her eyes stinging with unshed tears of relief that washed over her all at once.
But Giyuu did not respond, his lapis eyes narrowing in on the dark stain spreading across the white of her kosode. Y/N cowered at the cold, unbridled rage that contorted the ordinarily stoic Hashira’s face as he began to shake at the sight of her blood. In a flash, Giyuu had closed the distance between them and knelt down by her side, gripping her wounded arm in his hand as he tried to pull her tattered sleeve down and  inspect her wound.
“Tomioka — Giyuu,” she pled, trying to wrench her arm from his iron-like grip. “Please, it’s not that bad —“
“Did it get you anywhere else?” Giyuu demanded harshly, and the authority underlying his tone made Y/N fall silent for the first time since she’d known him. “Did it -“ the Water Pillar hesitated. “Did it touch you anywhere else?”
Y/N was trembling, and the Hashira’s hand around her arm tightened. “Ah!” She winced. “No, I promise, Giyuu, it’s just a flesh wound, I’m fine-,”
“You are bleeding. You are not fine.” Giyuu snapped back. “You could’ve been killed, or turned, or -,” the Water Pillar began to hyperventilate, and it shook the young Miko to her core. The Water Hashira was normally so unflappable, so stoic, that his panicked anger frightened her.
“-So do not tell me you’re fine,” Giyuu’s rant continued. “Not when you could’ve — not when I might’ve failed — not again --”
She was at a loss for what to do as she watched the raven-haired man struggle to form words. Vaguely, she recalled the way the Granny-Priestess had once explained to her that when someone panicked, they needed to regulate their breathing, and there were many ways someone could help force another to breathe properly…
Stomach fluttering, Y/N’s free hand came up to grip the fold of the Water Pillar’s haori. Giyuu’s incessant rambling only ended when her lips urgently pressed against his own, his eyes going wide. A heartbeat or two passed and then the Miko pulled away, her eyes serious as she stared at the stunned Water Hashira.
“You need to give me a sword.” She told him, earnestly, her face blazing.
Giyuu helped her back to the Shrine, though the Miko found herself needing to bat off the Water Pillar with a stern reminder that she’d only sustained a small arm wound as he’d tried to scoop her up into his arms.
The Swordsman had been rather subdued the entire journey out of the forest, his eyes curiously wide and dazed right until the pair breached the tree line at the edge of the Shrine’s property. The moment they stepped into open ground, they were swarmed by the tearful, relieved faces of the Shrine’s inhabitants. Words of gratitude to him were woven through worries over the Miko’s arm wound as they made their way across toward the small infirmary which, thankfully, had not been touched by Susumo’s fire.
The honden itself was still standing; though the flames had finally been subdued, smoke still curled up toward the sky, blocking any view of the moon or the stars. 
The head Priestess waited for them outside the infirmary. Though her face was grave, Giyuu could spy the relief shining in her eyes. He stood numbly by as the Miko and her master regarded each other warily for a moment, before the elder Priestess reached forward and yanked her charge forward into a fierce embrace.
“Reckless girl,” she chastised gently against the side of Y/N’s head. “Thank every one of the gods that you’re safe.” The old Priestess’s eyes found those of the Water Pillar. “And thank you, Lord Tomioka.”
Y/N was promptly escorted inside to have her wound examined and stitched. Despite the old shrine keeper’s gratitude for his aid in saving the young shrine maiden, that thankfulness apparently did not extend to permitting him inside the infirmary with them, and for good reason. For under the Elder’s withering glare, the Water Pillar realized that Y/N’s treatment would require her to be stripped of her kosode, leaving her exposed and bare. 
As unwilling as he’d been to part from her, the thought of witnessing the Miko undressed and vulnerable had been enough to temper his urge to look after her, if nothing else because the mental image of her in such a state flustered him to no end.
Though, he supposed his bewilderment also had something to do with what had transpired between them in the forest.
Kissed him; the shrine maiden had kissed him. 
His fingers drifted to his lips. They still felt warm where they’d been graced by hers, and he swore he could still feel the softness of her mouth from where it had brushed against his. 
He needed to talk to her; he needed to know what the hell she’d been thinking, kissing him like that. 
But as shocking as the Miko’s kiss had been, there was something else, something far heavier, that weighed on his mind. 
She’d nearly been killed. By a demon. On his watch. 
He should’ve apologized; he should’ve begged for her forgiveness for letting her come that close with death. For letting her get wounded because he hadn’t been fast enough.
I was concerned for you, he wanted to tell her. I thought I would be too late.
No; concern didn’t cover it; did not do near enough justice to his true emotions upon learning the Miko had fled into the dark forest with a hungry, loathsome demon hot on her trail.
He’d been scared; terrified; almost beside himself at the possibility that he’d be too late and find that she’d already been reduced to the beast’s meal, 
He’d been scared he’d never again see her smile or hear her laugh, and that had terrified him more than anything. For it was the memory of both that soothed his anxious nerves each time he startled awake from visions of his dead loved ones, demanding to know why they had died in his stead.   
He’d feared that he would have to add her face to those he saw when he slept — the faces of those he’d failed to protect, who’d died for his sake. He’d been terrified of seeing her image in painstaking clarity, just as he saw the faces of his sister and Sabito every morning. 
He did not know what to do with them, these confusing feelings, so abundant and intense that they’d welled up within him and threatened to spill over. He couldn’t name them, let alone begin to untangle the knot they’d formed within his heart. All he knew was that every one of them were inextricably tied to her. 
His shrine maiden. 
Y/N’s arm ached, but it had been properly sewn and bandaged, and there was work to do before she could settle in for the night; and so, she found herself helping her peers with cleaning up the courtyard from the debris of the night’s events. 
Truthfully, she'd been grateful for the distraction. Occupying herself with cleanup meant she did not have to think about what she’d done in the forest. But then Granny Priestess saw her trying to heave away broken wood with her freshly stitched arm and Y/N found herself forced to abandon her fellow trainees as the old bat smacked her upside the head and squawked about how she was going to break her stitching and complicate the healing process.  
The Miko tried not to pout as she retreated, opting instead to grumble over the old woman’s dramatics as her arm stung and her ego throbbed. When she finally returned to her sleeping quarters, exhaustion slammed into her, making her limbs heavy and leaden. Unable to quite rally the energy to crawl into her futon, she slumped against the doorway of the room, her head and her heart a tangled mess of emotions she couldn’t quite name.
What she’d felt the moment the Water Pillar had stepped into the moonlight had been more than mere relief that he’d managed to save her life for the second time. She’d felt safe, so unbelievably safe that the forest itself could have been on fire and she wouldn’t have been afraid; not as long as he was there with her.
Something between them had shifted; that much was clear. In truth, things likely had begun to change the moment she repaired his haori, and she’d admitted to him her deep-seated loneliness and lack of belonging.
She only hoped he felt the change, too.
Much to Y/N’s chagrin, autumn was quickly giving way to blasted winter.
Though, the Miko hadn’t been able to fully resent the rapid shift in the seasons; repairs at the Shrine had consumed nearly all of her attention, and as Granny’s heir, she was expected to contribute to its reconstruction more than any other trainee.
That expectation meant Granny left the task of figuring out how to finance the necessary repairs entirely to her young protege. Y/N had spent all of two days agonizing over ways to raise the necessary funds when she awoke to find a mysterious sack of money that had been left on the doorstep of the honden. Inside had been an amount more than generous to cover the cost of repairs from the fire, with a hefty remainder that could be put toward other necessary improvements to spruce the Shrine up, and perhaps restore it to its former glory. 
No note had been left with the money to indicate the identity of the Shrine’s benefactor.  But amid all the excitement of her peers at the thought of being able to afford materials and laborers to assist with the more difficult aspects of the Shrine’s refurbishment, Y/N had spotted a familiar crow perched high in a nearby tree.
That position had afforded the bird with a perfect view of the money sack, allowing it to silently ensure it fell into the proper hands. But repairs had finally slowed, and Y/N now found her days returning to normal. Almost. 
What was not normal was how agitated she'd become in waiting for his return.
Another week passed without any communication from the Water Pillar, and the Miko had grown desperate for any sort of distraction. She found herself one late, autumn morning passing the time in the Shrine’s garden hut. She was pretending to be searching for tools that would help her prune the wilting Shrine garden when something grazed against the small of her back. Startled, she turned and was greeted by familiar, unruly raven hair and a pair of deep azure eyes. 
“Giyuu,” his name slid easily off her tongue, and suddenly she could not remember why she’d called him anything else. 
A ghost of a smile graced his lips. “Hello, Y/N.”
A poignant silence followed, and her cheeks grew hot. "Don't mind me," she said quickly, turning her head away from him as she pretended to organize stray gardening supplies. "I am only just now finishing my tasks for the day."
Though he remained silent, she became acutely aware of the way Giyuu’s eyes followed her as she tried desperately to keep herself busy, to avoid having to meet that piercing, discerning stare. 
“I did not get a chance to properly thank you after the turmoil of that night,” she said casually. Nervously, she hoped that his heightened senses did not alert him to the way her heart fluttered in her chest, or how her stomach flipped in her gut. Her nails dug into her palms as she lifted her head to meet that unnerving, fathomless stare.
But the Water Pillar had already closed most of the distance between them, having moved so silently she’d not heard him, despite even the creaky, uneven slatted floor of the garden hut. “How is your wound?” He asked softly, his hand skirting up the outside of the arm Susumo had wounded. “Has it healed?” 
It took a great amount of effort for Y/N to remember how to keep her breathing steady. But she forced her lips into an easy smile as she rucked up the flared sleeve of her kosode to reveal her bicep. “It will likely scar,” she admitted, her fingers lightly tracing over the three, angry red marks that remained imprinted on her skin, though they’d fully scabbed over. “I consider myself quite lucky, all things considered.” 
“Why did you do it?” 
The Miko ducked her head, willing the sheet of her hair to fall and conceal her mounting blush. She did not need to ask him to clarify; she knew after what he was asking.
But she feigned ignorance all the same. “I don’t know what you mean, Tomioka-sama –” 
“Don’t call me that,” and even though she refused to meet his eyes, she could sense his irritation at her avoidance. “We’re well past such formalities, Y/N.” Giyuu stepped closer to her, his cerulean eyes melting into something more akin to the midnight blue of the evening sky. “You kissed me. That night.” The Water Pillar’s hand glided up the arm that Susumo had injured, caressing softly over the healed skin beneath the sleeve of her kosode.
“I-I did no such thing!” Y/N sputtered, though her reddening cheeks betrayed her. “I was only attempting to help you calm down — you were panicking, and inconsolable.” 
Giyuu’s responding smirk only served to irritate her more. “Should I thank you then, Y/N?” His hand slid from her shoulder to below her chin, his delicate fingers curling to tilt her head up towards his, as he closed the distance between their bodies. “Should I show you how grateful I am that you were able to assuage my worry?” 
Y/N tried to focus on anything but the feeling of Giyuu’s breath — warm and enticing — against her face as he leaned in close. “You had no reason to worry; I was completely fine before you showed up.” 
“Fine,” the ravenette scoffed, his grip on her chin tightening slightly. “So fine that you were bleeding and about to become that beast’s snack — or worse.” 
“But you saved me, did you not?” Y/N whispered, unable to stop her eyes from dropping to the Water Pillar’s sensual, soft-looking mouth before rising once more to meet his punishing gaze. “And then I helped you.” 
Giyuu’s second hand brushed against her waist and the shrine maiden thought she might leap out of her skin. “You did,” he conceded, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a small, half-smile. “Though I apologize that you needed to do so — I suppose I become a little over-zealous when things that are precious to me are threatened.” 
Even if she could have thought of some witty remark to throw back at him, those words surely would have been blocked by her heart as it lodged in her throat. 
Things that were precious to him. She was precious to him.
“So I’ll ask again, Y/N,” Giyuu whispered, and his nose brushed delicately against hers. “Should I thank you for your assistance?” The fingers beneath her chin stroked her jaw. “Should I kiss you?” 
She fought to suppress the excited shudder that licked up her spine. “Yes, Lord Hashira,” she breathed, and her stomach turned cartwheels as Giyuu’s gaze dropped to her mouth. “Perhaps you should.” 
“Who am I to deny the request of a priestess?” Giyuu murmured, and then his lips were moving against hers, warm and soft. Y/N’s fingers flew to clutch the Water Pillar’s rocky biceps beneath the soft cloth of his haori, anchoring him against her. The hand that had gripped below her chin slid to the side of her face, tilting her head so that the Water Pillar could have better access to her as he pressed his lips harder against hers. 
Y/N moaned into his kiss, wanting him closer, impossibly closer to her than he currently was. 
Giyuu broke away from her once, though he kept a hand on the back of her neck to keep her in place. “What are your duties today?” 
Y/N’s fingers curled around the front of the Water Pillar’s haori, her forehead resting against his. “None of import.” She gave him a sly smile. “No one will miss me if I am gone for a few hours.” 
Giyuu returned her smile with a tiny smirk of his own. “In that case,” he tugged her hand and he began to lead her towards the grassy overlook where they’d spent a great deal of time talking and learning one another. “I could use your assistance.”
Y/N hadn’t greeted the sunrise with the intent to neglect her shrine duties, but she couldn’t say she regretted how she ended up spending the day.
They spent the day resting on the hillside overlooking the shrine grounds, rolling back and forth upon the browning grass as they kissed each other again and again. 
“You weren’t wrong, that day — right after we met,” Giyuu gasped against her lips as they broke apart, the blush on Y/N’s cheeks a sure match to his own. “I do not find you captivating.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed. Her mouth parted, a protest on her tongue when Giyuu surged forward, his lips brushing against her neck. The Miko’s words choked off with a squeak as the Water Pillar danced his lips to the hollow of her throat, his tongue flicking out once right where her heart pulsed wildly. 
“I think you are utterly transfixing; enchanting,” he breathed against her skin. “You have cast a spell over me that I do not want broken.”
“I find it hard to believe anyone could wield that sort of power over a Hashira,” Y/N’s voice was high pitched as Giyuu’s lips made their way back to hers.
In the back of her mind, Y/N wondered if his words were motivated purely by his physical desire for her. It would not have surprised her if he was only so taken with her because he longed to be touched; held. Like him, she’d gone much of her life without intimacy from anyone. She could not blame him for seeking it from someone so willing to give as she. 
“But you are not just anyone, not to me.” was all he replied, his lips moving softly against hers once more. “You are…everything.”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. The Water Pillars words, dripping like honey from his lips, were only sweetened by the fervent sincerity of his eyes as he pulled back to gaze into hers, so deeply, she felt as though he could see every thought in her head.
She wondered if he lowered that piercing, discerning stare, whether he’d be able to see straight to her heart, too; see how it bore his name. 
Even though her breath guttered in her throat at his words, her heart clenched painfully in her chest. The idea that she’d attached more meaning to their relationship than he, that perhaps she’d overestimated her value to him made her tense, made her want to push him away and —
“You’re distracted,” Giyuu murmured against her lips, brushing his nose against hers. “Your thoughts are loud.” 
Her fingers caught the front fold of his haori, fiddling idly with it. “There is nothing for you to repay, you know. You do not owe me your time or your attention. I know the Shrine is simply a part of your designated patrol. I understand if its convenience is the only reason —” 
A single finger pressed itself against her lips, quieting her. “You think and talk too much.” The ravenette chastised. Her mouth parted, a protest forming on her lips, when he cut her off again. “Ah ah,” Giyuu silenced her with his lips, his tongue flicking out to skim along her bottom lip. Above her, he shifted and allowed his weight to fall against her, pinning her beneath him. Reluctantly, his mouth broke away from hers. “It is my turn to speak.” 
“I do not come to the Shrine because it is easy,” Giyuu’s lips brushed hesitantly against her jaw. “Nor do I come here out of any preconceived obligation to repay your kindness.” 
He pulled back to study her, panting and flushed beneath him. As his eyes slowly combed over her, Y/N felt a strange knot pull and twist in the depths of her stomach. “There is only one thing that brings me back here, no matter how exhausted I am after weeks of endless missions; no matter how often certain junior Corps members pester me to train them.” His eyes narrowed at the hollow of the Miko’s throat, exposed by the way her kosode had shifted as the pair of them rolled around the grass. Curious, Giyuu leaned down and pressed his lips firmly against it. 
And then he did the unthinkable;  the Water Pillar moaned, ever so softly, against the fluttering of Y/N’s frantic pulse. The sound, so rich and full of need – of want – washed over her and drowned out all other thoughts, all other higher reasoning from her mind. INstead, the Miko was left with nothing but the sharp urge to press her thighs together, an unknown heat beginning to pool in her most sacred area. 
“Do you know what that thing is, Y/N?” He whispered against the soft dip in her throat, his breath hot as it fanned across her skin. “Can you guess what it is I cannot stay away from – could not, even if I desired otherwise?” 
His fingers dropped to the collar of her kosode, tracing lightly over its crisp, white fold. “When I close my eyes in the mornings, it is your face I see,” he murmured. “It is your laugh I hear in my dreams; your scent I find myself longing for when I awaken.”
The Miko shivered as his index finger traced from her collar up her throat, over her chin until it came to rest on her bottom lip, gently stroking over its curve. “It is you I seek to turn to remind myself that there is still good in this world – good still worth protecting. Why is that, Y/N?” His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed almost earnest in his question. “Why is it that my mind refuses to be occupied by anything but you?” 
“Because I vex you,” she said softly, eyes wide and locked with his. “Because, try as you might, you’ve never been able to fully fit me into a box as you have with others.” 
Giyuu shook his head. “Vex me?” He tsked at her. “Perhaps once that was true. But now? I desire you in ways I can hardly understand, and it drives me mad.”
Her breath hitched in her throat. “What are you saying?” 
“I think I’ve been rather clear,” and instinctively, Giyuu rolled his hips against hers, desperate to relieve some of the friction mounting in his groin. “And it’s that I want –” 
But the Miko did not get to hear what Giyuu wanted; not as he was drowned out by the screeching cry of a bird from high above. Only, this bird was not the dull, graying crow she’d come to associate with her Swordsman.
“I thought your crow was older?”
The Water Pillar frowned as he turned to look up, his eyebrows drawn together. “That’s not Kanzaburo — that’s one of the Master’s —“
“CAW,” the bird circled above their heads in narrow, rapid turns. “Lord Tomioka! Return to headquarters immediately!”
Giyuu’s jaw clenched. “Can it not wait?” 
Y/N, however, only gaped up at the bird flying above them. “It talks —?” 
But the crow only cried again, “Emergency meeting at headquarters!!
With a short, frustrated exhale, Giyuu rolled to the side of the Miko and rose, but not before he extended a hand and helped lift her to her feet.
He gingerly brushed some loose grass from her hair. “I’m sorry.” 
She only shook her head as she reached to adjust his haori, righting it in his shoulders. “It’s your duty, Giyuu. I understand that.”
He scowled back up at the bird still circling above them, bleating a refrain of “Emergency! Go now!”
“I’m not finished with this conversation,” Giyuu said plainly, a frustrated hand working through his hair. Though his annoyance was plain as day, it fell away as he looked back to the Miko at his side, his gaze softening. “Nor am I finished with you.” 
A single finger reached under Y/N’s chin and lifted her head toward him so he could brush another kiss against her lips. “I will come see you – soon.” 
With a shy boldness, the Miko rose on her toes and gave him one final kiss, and Giyuu’s hand tightened where it rested against her waist. “I’ll wait for you, Lord Hashira.”
December, 1915
Y/N cursed at the ancient priestess who insisted on using only gas-powered lanterns rather than the newer, much safer, electric powered lights that other shrines had begun using. 
“We are an esteemed shrine dating back hundreds of years,” the old crone had simpered, “Tradition has kept us going this far!” 
Y/N hadn’t helped her cause by asking whether tradition or spite was what kept the hag from dying off and finally leaving her in peace.
And that was how the young Priestess-to-be found herself stomping through the snowy grounds of the Shrine, forced to light each and every lantern by hand using a match and oil, utterly by herself.
She knew better than to levy such an obvious taunt at the old woman, but admittedly, Y/N hadn’t been in the best of moods as of late. 
Giyuu had not returned since that day on the hillside, when he’d kissed her silly and told her he could not stop thinking of her. It was as though he no longer existed; even the crows at the Shrine were no more, having all disappeared one morning before she’d awoken.
As the weeks passed, the weight of his absence had grown heavier, threatening to beat her into the ground below. 
But Y/N had done her best to hold her tongue over the last weeks as her anxiety mounted, and Granny should’ve known that — so really, it was her own fault if she’d taken offense to the Miko’s barb.
She grumbled and cursed under her breath as she trudged toward the small garden hut standing at the furthest edge of the Shrine’s grounds — her last stop of the night. She shoved past the old, rickety door and braced her merrily flickering, hand-held lantern out before her, bathing the small hut in a warm, orange glow.
All was silent and quiet within the small storeroom. The air was cold, though the slatted walls of the hut offered some protection from the howling, snow-dotted winds outside. Determined to complete her task and return to the comfort of her warm futon, the Miko fumbled around one of the store shelves for a small can of oil. 
“It’s you,” a quiet voice startled her from behind, and Y/N nearly dropped the lantern clutched in her hands.
But she did not feel afraid as she recognized the calm, soothing cadence of the voice, that voice that belonged to the one person capable of making her blush. 
The one person who held her heart.
“It’s been a while, Giyuu. I was wondering when I’d see you again.” She turned and saw the raven-haired man standing in the doorway of the garden hut, his face characteristically neutral, though he seemed tense, even more so than usual.
Instantly, she moved toward him. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes tightened, and the darkness which swam within them betrayed his aloof facade. “Things have changed quickly in my world,” he began, and she saw his fists clench at his sides. “We believe the demons are preparing for war — and so we have been as well. 
“War?” She repeated softly, her step faltering. “I hadn’t realized the demons were so…organized.”
Giyuu nodded. “One creature is responsible for all demons. He is the orchestrator; he is the one we must kill, and we believe the opportunity to do so is drawing nearer.”
The monotonous cadence of his voice fell away as he quietly added, “That is why I haven’t been able to return — we’ve been training. This battle — it may start at any moment.”
He made like he wanted to say more, but he stopped himself, pressing his lips into a tight line. 
“And?” She prompted gently, taking a solitary step toward him.
“He hesitated, and she spied how his throat worked to swallow. “And I do not know when I will be able to see you again. After tonight.”
Y/N watched him for a moment, her eyes searching his. “When you say you don’t know ‘when’ we will see each other again,” she began, cautiously. “Do you mean ‘if?’”
Giyuu’s answering silence said more than any words could. 
For a moment, the Miko could not remember how to speak, not as she felt the organ in her chest splinter into a thousand, mismatched pieces.
“I just wanted to see you,” the Water Pillar struggled to swallow around the growing lump in his throat. “One last time.” 
She could scarcely breathe. 
He was leaving and he might never return. 
Leaving to go try and put an end to the scourge of demons that plagued their world. It was a noble thing to do; sacrifice in its purest form. 
But she hated it. 
She was filled with such a deep melancholy that it nearly brought her to her knees. As the Water Pillar turned to leave, Y/N couldn’t stop herself as she reached for him, her arms encircling him as her hands locked over his front, stilling him.
“Giyuu,” she said thickly, her face pressed into the back of his haori as she willed the tears in her eyes not to fall. “Giyuu.” 
He turned in her grasp and looked down at her in awe, a finger rising to brush the errant tear that had escaped down her cheek as he held her gaze. 
The flame within her lantern flickered as Giyuu softly grazed his lips against her own, Y/N’s arms weaving around his neck to hold him close to her. 
His hands were gentle, if not a little uncertain as they found her waist, but once they came to a rest against her, he pulled her close, arms winding around her middle and holding her securely against him as he deepened the kiss. She moaned softly into his mouth, her hands tangling in his hair as she opened up for him, his tongue gliding alongside her own until she was left breathless and wanting. 
Vaguely, the Miko was aware that he was walking them deeper into the garden hut, allowing the old door to thud shut behind him, and the thought of not returning to her plush futon suddenly did not seem like such a loss. 
Giyuu’s hands returned to her face, thumbs stroking softly along her cheeks as he broke their kiss to brush his lips against her eyes, her nose, and forehead. Y/N’s hands parted the Water Hashira’s haori from his shoulders as Giyuu’s fingers dropped to her collar bone, sliding beneath her kosode, and grazing her bare shoulder. 
“You have been my most treasured encounter,” he whispered, and she felt her heart seize in her throat, tears threatening to spill anew from her eyes.
A year’s worth of interactions had all led to this moment, but it was not the satisfying payoff of the tension and longing that had been steadily building between them.
This was a goodbye. 
Because it was likely that the Water Pillar would not survive the impending battle; but neither did he want to leave this end untied. 
She had known, deep in her heart, that this affair had been doomed before it had ever begun, but that hadn’t stopped her from falling for the kind, brave, selfless man now kissing her like she was his entire world anyways. 
She would not get to have him in the morning, so she resolved to give herself to him for the night. 
Giyuu’s hands eased her kosode from her shoulders, exposing her to the cool air within the garden hut. His warm hands, however, worked to chase away any chill that spread across her skin as he ran his palms over the curve of her shoulders before sliding down to rest on her bare waist, his long fingers grazing just below the curve of her breasts.
Her own fingers trembled as she fumbled with the buttons on his uniform shirt but in time, she’d worked them open and Giyuu broke their kiss long enough to let his shirt drop to the floor beneath them. 
The two stood there for a moment, chests rising and falling rapidly, as they looked at one another, half-nude and vulnerable. The shrine maiden and the slayer knew that they had come upon a precipice, and if they stepped off that ledge, there would be nothing to break their fall. 
Y/N made the first move, taking a tentative step towards the Water Pillar as she trailed her fingers lightly up the beautiful, sculpted ridges of his abdomen, relishing how warm he was beneath her touch. 
Giyuu shivered beneath her fingertips as the miko’s hand came to a rest against his sternum, marveling the way his heart thundered beneath her hand. “Are you certain?” He breathed, his face was impassive, but his own uncertainty was betrayed by the slight tremor in his voice. His hand rose to gently cup the side of her face, his thumb ghosting over her bottom lip. 
She reached to grab the Pillar’s free hand and brought it up to rest against her sternum, mirroring her own hold on him so that he could feel the steady drum of her own heart — and how it thrummed for him. “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m yours, Giyuu.” 
Once, she had believed the Hashira incapable of expressing anything other than cold aloofness. she’d not been able to comprehend the subtle ways with which his eyes could signal his mood; how they darkened when angry, or how the outer corners turned up, almost imperceptibly, when he was content. 
But she had long since learned to read him, and so, her stomach fluttered at the way the raven haired man’s gaze heated with both adoration and desire — for her. 
Giyu brushed his nose against hers affectionately before bringing their lips together once more, his kiss growing fervent as her hands slid up to tangle in his ebony hair. Y/N gasped into his mouth as she felt Giyu bend down, his hands gripping firmly under her thighs as he lifted her up, forcing her to lock her legs around his waist. Her lips parted, and Giyuu’s tongue slid seamlessly into her mouth.
Her lover locked one steely arm firmly around her lower back to support her as Y/N felt him lower them to the floor to lay her down, the Water Pillar’s free hand coming to brace against the back of her skull, to protect her head from thudding back against the wooden slats of the hut floor. The Miko steadied herself, prepared for the cold bite of the dirty hut floor to nip at the bare skin of her back, but she was only settled against something warm and soft; something that smelled distinctively of the Slayer panting above her. 
Her fingers dropped to her side and grazed against the familiar fabric of Giyuu’s haori; his most prized and cherished possession, spread out beneath her to protect her from the cold ground,  a makeshift bed against which she would let him take her and make her his.
He withdrew his lips from hers to sit back, his cerulean eyes tracing over every inch of her, from the way her dark hair spread out in a soft halo around her, to the blush staining her cheeks. His eyes darkened as they lowered to her bare chest, at the way it rose and fell jerkily as Y/N struggled to control her breathing. 
Giyuu’s long, slim fingers reached out to trace along the top of her scarlet hakama pants, his finger tips just grazing along her ribs and the underside of her breasts. 
“I’d never known such -,” He covered his struggle for words by pressing a sweet kiss against the hollow of her throat, a soft gasp escaping the Miko at the unfamiliar sensation. “Such beauty,” Giyuu’s lips trailed down to skirt across the ridge of her collar bone. “Not until I met you.” 
His face was against her sternum, pressing kisses as he trailed his lips down her skin. “I am sorry I could not give you more time.” His voice was soft, softer than even she had ever known. Before she could respond, Giyuu’s mouth hesitantly brushed against the stiffened peak of her breast, and Y/N’s mouth fell open with a soft cry. 
Azure eyes flashed up to meet hers. “Is this — is this okay?” 
The Miko's eyes fluttered shut as she nodded, unable to trust that she could hold her voice steady if she spoke. Her fingers weaved their way through the Pillar’s thick, raven locks, and she grazed her nails against his scalp in encouragement. 
Giyuu grunted softly at her touch, and he leaned forward to suck more of her soft mound into his hot mouth, teeth grazing lightly against her nipple as he explored her. 
“Oh,” she moaned, her thighs inadvertently pressing together as Giyuu’s tongue and lips worshipped her bared flesh, licking and sucking and nipping at her in his devotion. 
“Beautiful,” he murmured against the soft, sensitive skin of her breast. “So very beautiful.” 
He repeated the movement again and again before he traced his mouth across her sternum and began lavishing her other breast with the same fervor. Her hands fisted in his hair as she mewled for him, enamored with the feeling of his hot mouth latched around her. He gave her more and yet it was not enough; every pass of his tongue over her stiffened peak only amplified the ache between her legs, only made the emptiness she felt more pronounced.
A breathy, whining and needy moan blew past her lips in time with a reflexive buck of her hips against his.  
The ravenette pulled off her breast with a start, his eyes bright and his cheeks flushed as he gazed down at her in awe. “Do that again.”
“W-what —?” She pushed herself up on her elbows to look down at him, her chest heaving.
“Tell me what to do,” Giyuu’s breath was ragged though his fingers continued trailing down her sides, seeking out the ties securing her bottoms around her waist. “Tell me how I might help you make that sound again.” 
“I –” Y/N squirmed beneath the intensity of his gaze, her thighs rubbing together to stifle some of the electricity she felt between her legs. “I want you to – I need you closer.” 
Her eyes drifted to the bulge that had formed between the Hashira’s thighs, and she felt her heart skip in her chest.
Giyuu pressed his groin against hers and ground. She gasped at the spark of pleasured friction the movement stoked between her thighs, and her eyes flew to meet his, only to see they were as wide as hers. 
And just as hungry. 
Her hand gently cupped his face. “Closer. Please.” 
He pressed his cheek into her palm and with a soft groan, his fingers quickly loosened the fastenings of her bottoms and then he was pushing them down her hips and over her legs, discarding them carelessly to the side. Giyuu sat back on his knees and let his eyes roam her, now fully bare and laid out beneath him. 
When his appraisal of her finally reached the thatch of curls between her thighs, the Water Pillar loosed a shaky breath. She had half a mind to cross her legs, to conceal the most intimate part of her body from the raging fire of his gaze as he studied her, but she forced herself to remain relaxed; open.
One, broad and calloused hand stretched tentatively out to run along the outside of her hip and down her leg, before smoothing back up in the inside of her thigh. His eyes flicked once to hers, and then he leaned forward and brushed delicate kisses down her abdomen, over her hip and along her thigh. He continued his descent as he slowly pushed himself back from her, and once he imparted one last, sweet press of his lips against her ankle, he rose. 
The flickering light of the lantern cast shadows along the alabaster of his skin, further accentuating how the muscles of his torso and abdomen flexed and shifted as he worked to free himself of the remainder of his clothes. His eyes did not leave hers, not even as his hands found the buckle of his belt and tugged it loose, and Y/N found herself free falling into their depths.
The ravenette dropped his belt to the floor, and then his fingers were at the waistband of his trousers, pulling and fiddling with their fastening. At last, Giyuu freed his lower half from the confines of his uniform pants and stepped out from the puddle they made at his feet. 
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat as her eyes raked over his beautiful form, so lean yet solid and muscular. Her cheeks burned with a renewed blush as her gaze followed the small, dark trail of hair beginning just below his navel, and down between his hips, where the evidence of his desire stood proud. 
Her throat went dry. He was large — the flared head of his tip nearly grazed his navel, and his width was a little more than two of her fingers. Her thighs clamped together nervously, as she pondered how on earth she’d be able to accommodate him.
Giyuu noticed her hesitation, and a faint dusting of pink spread across his cheeks. “I have never -“
The shrine maiden shook her head. “Nor I,” she whispered, though the knowledge that this was as new to him as it was to her helped ease the clench in her stomach. For all her nervousness, the Miko could not ignore the heat and longing which burned within her as she lifted her eyes back to his. She found her muscles softening as she saw the same fire within those cyan pools she’d come to love. Y/N laid back against the floor — against the comforting soft of his haori, and let body relax, her legs falling open to him. 
She held her hand out to him, beckoning, “Come back to me, Giyuu.” 
The ravenette did not hesitate as he returned to her, covering her body with his own as he pulled her in for a heated kiss, the weight of his hardened length resting heavily against her hip as he settled between the cradle of her thighs.
Y/N moaned into his mouth, instinctively rolling her hips against him, desperate to feel closer to the man who had claimed her heart before she’d realized anyone was capable of holding it.  
Giyuu groaned, softly, against her as she repeated the movement, breaking their kiss to look down at the flushed Miko threatening to drive him wild with her silken touch. As much as he was desperate to feel her — every part of her — he knew what they were about to do would not be nearly as pleasurable for her as it would be for him. 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” the Water Pillar’s eyes were stormy, a tempest of competing desire and pain at the idea of causing her even the slightest discomfort raging within him. 
Y/N brushed her lips against his once before trailing along his jaw, pausing only to suck softly as the soft spot beneath his ear. “I am only ever undone by you; never hurt.” 
He moaned softly, lowering his head back down to reclaim her mouth firmly with his own, his lips beseeching her to let him consume her. 
She was only too happy to do so, parting her mouth so that his tongue could slide in and dance languidly with hers, as he reached between them, gripping hold of his aching length and positioning himself at her entrance. 
The first brush of his hot, velvety tip against her folds broke their kiss, both gasping at the new yet intoxicating feel of the other’s most intimate area. 
Giyuu braced his free arm by her head, his fingers stretching to run comfortingly through her hair, as he pressed his forehead against hers. “If it becomes too much, just tell me, and we can stop.” His voice shook ever so slightly as he waited for her signal, the ache in his groin becoming nearly painful. 
The Miko grazed her lips against his throat. “Don’t stop.” She murmured. She hitched her legs higher up on his hips, angling herself so the trembling man above her would have better access to her. 
Slowly, so very slowly, the tip of Giyuu’s length began to push into her, and Y/N felt herself temporarily forget how to breathe. Above her, Giyuu’s eyes squeezed shut in a concerted effort not to sheathe himself within her in one stroke. 
“Y/N,” Giyuu panted, unable to stop the shaky moan that fell from his lips as he sunk into her warm heat that wrapped tight, so impossibly tight around him.
The shrine maiden winced at the unfamiliar and slightly uncomfortable sensation of being slowly stretched and filled by the Pillar. She felt as though she was a wave, crashing and breaking and parting around a rocky shore with every inch gained by the press of his hips against hers. 
Giyuu hardly had a quarter of himself seated within her when he felt his head brush against a thin barrier. His eyes opened to look down at the Miko, panting beneath him, her eyebrows pinched in slight discomfort. When she noticed he’d stopped, she peered up at him through her thick eyelashes, her cheeks flushed. 
The hand Giyuu had held at his base to help guide himself within her lifted to grip her hip, her legs relaxing as his fingers massaging soothing circles into her flesh. Giyuu removed his forehead from its resting place against hers and he buried his face into the side of her neck as he pressed his body flush against hers. The hand he’d used to brace himself found hers, and he lifted to rest above her head, his fingers twining tightly with her own. 
“I’m okay,” she whispered, pressing a sweet kiss against the shell of his ear. Giyuu nearly shuddered at her words, and he pressed his hips forward, his cock finally breaching that thin, inner barrier to the rest of her welcoming heat. 
Y/N cried out at the bright spark of pain that flared through her as Giyuu claimed her as his own, but the Pillar held her steady, pressing open-mouthed kisses against her neck. 
A hitched gasp blew past Giyuu’s lips as he became fully seated within her heat, her core gripping him like a vice. He panted against the sweat-dampened skin of her neck as they both adjusted to the sensation, her nails digging harshly into the skin of his back as she waited for the discomfort to subside. 
Giyuu pulled his face back to look down at her, the hand he’d had on her hip rising to cup her face as he brushed his lips across her cheeks and eyes. 
“My beloved, are you all right?” His breath came hard and fast as he panted, the growing friction between where they were connected becoming hotter, more demanding the longer he remained still. 
Y/N’s eyes slowly opened to meet his, he felt her relax as he kissed her, slow and gentle. 
Her lips broke from his and she nodded, shakily. “You can move — just hold me. Please.” 
Giyuu let his full weight fall against her as he wound an arm tightly around her waist, his other hand tilting her face up so he could kiss her fiercely, eager to show her what she meant to him when his words otherwise failed to do so. As she opened up to him, tongue flicking out shyly along his lip, Giyuu rolled his hips experimentally against hers. 
Both the shrine maiden and the Pillar cried out in unison as Giyuu’s movement stoked an intense pleasure where they were joined.
It was like a spark of flame had ignited between her legs before shooting up to her belly, making her insides clench and pulse. 
It was addicting, and, judging by the way the raven haired swordsman above her hissed, he’d felt that jolt of electrifying pleasure, too.
“Oh,” Giyuu moaned as he began to move atop her, his cock sliding in and out of her heat as he worked to set a pace. “You feel – this is –” his stutters broke off  into ragged pants that melted into broken moans with every movement as he found his rhythm.
The grip he had on her hand tightened as he pulled back from her neck in favor of watching her body jolt and bounce with each of his thrusts. 
His head dropped down to study how his length, now coated in something shiny, appeared with every long draw of his hips out before disappearing back into her warmth. 
He threw his head back. “Heaven,” the Water Pillar groaned out, a tendon throbbing in his neck as another cracked moan slipped free from his throat. “You are heaven.” 
Shallow thrusts turned deeper, more purposeful, as the Water Pillar settled into his tempo. Each push of his hips opened her up more, bit by bit, until Y/N’s limbs liquified and she was left moaning and whimpering in time with his movements.
One particular thrust made her cry out, caused her legs to reflexively tighten around Giyuu’s hips as something hot flared deep within her stomach. 
“M-more,” she managed, her voice tapering off with a squeak. She needed to feel that spark again, wanted to feel that jolt of electricity that made her stomach clench. “P-please — ah!— Giyuu —“ 
With something between a moan and a growl, Giyuu  angled himself to thrust deeper, his weight pushing her hips back from the floor. Her legs were forced to hike higher up his waist, her ankles locking instead against the dip in his spine rather than his backside. 
The new angle meant that Giyuu was able to hit at a spot that sent a bolt of lightening between her legs, and she could feel herself tighten around him. 
The combination of her walls fluttering and pulsing around him and the strange fullness she felt was both overwhelming and exhilarating. She did not think she could stand to feel empty again; to not feel him consuming every inch of her.
Gradually, the small garden hut was filled by the sounds of their pants and moans, weaving together to form the melody of a song meant only for them.
Giyuu began thrusting harder, and soon, a dull clap of skin began to reverberate off the hut’s slatted wood walls, adding a steady beat to the rhythm of their pleasure. Though the air inside the hut had been nearly as frigid as what lay beyond its door, both the Miko and the Slayer found themselves coated in a thin sheen of sweat that made their skin glisten in the faint, orange glow of her lantern.
Above her, the Water Pillar was as lost in his pleasure as she. Guided purely by instinct, Y/N arched her lower back away from the floor until her breasts were flush against his sternum, desperate to feel that jolting spark between her legs. 
She felt the walls her of her core clench tighter around Giyuu’s length with her movement, and he answered her with a deep growl as his arm cinched tighter around her waist.
Deep; he was so deep within her, that she wondered whether he might reach her soul before they had to part.
Giyuu’s thrusts quickened, the base of his groin grinding against that sensitive spot between her thighs that had her wanting more as she moaned, her thighs squeezing the Hashira’s hips.
His head was thrown back, his eyes tightly shut as the most beautiful sounds of pleasure Y/N had ever heard poured from Giyuu’s mouth.
“I — fuck.” He growled as one arm tightened around her waist to the point of pain, the other grabbing her hand to bring it to his lips in a futile attempt to stifle the sounds lilting from him like song. 
His name fell from her lips like a hallowed oath and Y/N’s legs fell to the side, allowing Giyuu to chase the crescent of his release, as hips pistoned into her with wild abandon. 
“Y-Y/N,” her black-haired beauty of a lover grit through clenched teeth, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. “My treasure, I-I’m gonna-“ 
The Water Pillar buried his face into the side of her neck, cradling his groans into her throat, and Y/N could feel his length twitch within her.
As Giyuu’s hips slammed into her one final time, so to did the realization that she loved this; she wanted always to be this close to him, wanted always to be unable to tell where she ended and he began.
She loved him. 
But the bitter truth was that she’d never again get to hold Giyuu the way she was right then, legs wrapped tightly around his waist as she felt something warm gush through her, a pleasured groan, so beautiful and husky tumbling from the Hashira’s lips as he pressed a sweet kiss against her collarbone. 
She would not get to love him past this most sacred rite. 
If she were honest, she’d likely never again experience this intimacy with anyone, for as long as she lived — for how could anyone else ever possibly compare? 
She supposed she’d been doomed to never hold onto the people who were meant to love her since the day she was born. She should’ve known better.
But as the roll of Giyuu’s hips into her heat slowed, and his labored breaths eased, Y/N could not find it within herself to regret it; to regret him. 
Because, fool though she was, she loved him. 
Giyuu collapsed against her, his face nuzzling into the crook of her neck as he came down from his high, still buried inside her as the two panted. 
Her hands moved of their own accord to card through his raven hair, fingertips massaging his scalp as his breathing slowed, his breath adding further moisture to the already sweat-dampened skin of her neck. 
She wished they could remain like that always; that the dawn creeping over the horizon would not herald forth the sun, and they could stay on the floor of the garden hut forever, wrapped in one another’s embrace. She desperately wanted to memorize the tempo of his heart as it beat steadily against his chest, the vibrations of which she felt against her ribs. Such a beautiful melody, it was, and yet it filled her with such despair to know she might never again hear its sweet song; that it might cease playing forever, the moment Giyuu resumed being the Water Pillar once more, and walked through the shrine gates for the last time. 
But Y/N had never had anyone she could call her own, and as much as she loved the man nuzzling her neck as he whispered sweet nothings against her skin, he’d never been hers to keep. 
“My beautiful, beautiful Y/N,” Giyuu murmured, kissing his way up her throat to her lips. “Are you alright?” 
She held his lips for a moment before breaking away, letting her eyes roam his face, and she nodded. “Are you?” 
To her utter surprise, the Water Pillar chuckled softly, his laugh breathy and his smile heartbreakingly beautiful. “Yes, my treasure. I am more than alright.” 
He brushed a kiss against the tip of her nose. “After all, I am with you.”
He’d brought her against his chest and they’d laid there together, simply staring at one another, trading soft kisses as Giyuu traced a finger over every feature of her face at least twice. 
If he was to die, he knew his last thoughts would be of her, and he wanted to be sure he’d committed every last detail of her face to memory.
Soon, far too soon, the deep indigo of the night sky was broken by the first, watery rays of morning light, and both the Miko and the Slayer knew their time was up.
The lovers dressed quickly, their backs to one another as both steeled themselves for the goodbye they could no longer avoid. 
And now, that time had come. Though it was Giyuu who walked to his likely doom, Y/N felt as if she was embarking on her own death march as the pair drew near the towering Shrine gate. Perhaps she was; after all, he would be taking her heart with him, and she was unlikely to get it back.
Y/N did not know whether to lean in and kiss him, one last time, or whether such a display of affection would only scratch at the gaping, open wounds they now bore on their chests, where their hearts had been. 
Giyuu, apparently, did not know what to do either, so the two only stood there beneath the Torii, eyes swimming with emotions neither could bear to voice. 
There was a beat, and then the two moved toward one another, drawn together like magnets as they locked themselves in a tight embrace. Giyuu’s hand cupped the back of her skull as Y/N pressed her face hard into his shoulder. Her fingers dug into the fabric of his haori, desperate to keep him rooted to her — to life, safe and away from demons. 
But he couldn’t stay; she knew that. And so, with a deep inhale in a desperate attempt to memorize that mahogany and citrus scent of his she so adored, Y/N pulled away. She made to step back from him entirely, to put distance between them, but those warm fingers caught her under her chin, tilting her head up to face him before his hand slid to cup her cheek. 
The emotion swimming in the azure depths of his irises threatened to chisel away at the lock she kept on her own. Tears burned in her eyes, but she would not let them fall; she would not make this harder for herself — for him — than it already was. 
“If you do not hear from me, leave the mountain. Go to the city, and do not go out at night. Keep your dagger and wisteria on you at all times, even when you sleep,” Giyuu’s eyes were serious, the hand on her face holding her in place. “Live, Y/N. Grow to be an old woman. Die only from age.”
The shrine maiden closed her eyes as she willed herself not to cry. “And if you win?” 
Giyuu hesitated for a moment and Y/N knew better than to ask him to make a promise he could not keep. 
“Send a crow, if you can.” She whispered, feigning a small smile. “It would be nice to not be afraid to go and gather night-blooming herbs.”
The Water Pillar nodded, his hand smoothing through her hair one last time as his lips pressed against her forehead. “Thank you, Y/N.” 
She didn’t need to ask what for.
She hoped she’d never forget the way he said her name; the longing and the breathless passion that dripped from every syllable, and the way it sent shivers down her spine. 
Giyuu broke away from her and set off towards the east. Y/N watched until he was nothing more than a speck on the horizon, before he disappeared entirely. 
He did not look back. 
He hadn’t trusted himself to look back at her, though every fiber of his being had screamed at him to turn around and behold her beauty one last time. But the Shrine Maiden had become his largest weakness, and Giyuu knew if he’d looked back, he would never make it back to his estate; to the Corps. 
And if you win? She’d asked him, and he hadn’t been able to form the words of the answer he’d so desperately wanted to give her.
Because while Giyuu Tomioka never made promises he couldn’t keep, that did not mean he didn’t hope. Right then, more than anything, his greatest desire was to win this war; win it, and come back and tell Y/N that she no longer needed to fear the night. 
In any other life — if Giyuu had been any other man — there would be no question as to who he’d choose to spend the rest of his days with. 
And so, Giyuu thought as he forced himself to march forward, his eyes burning, if he made it out of this war alive, he would go back to the Shrine and tell Y/N of their victory himself.
And perhaps she’d then allow him to make her his wife.
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Keep an eye out for Part II to see if Giyuu comes back and makes good on his promise!
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gh0stgirl333 · 4 months
Barbarian King Bakugou who has a number of women presented before him so he may choose the three wives he will marry and rule with as all the kings and queens did before him.
Barbarian King Bakugou who only chooses one wife, you, only because of how similar you look to a woman he has loved his entire life but has never been able to be with.
You, who has been chosen by the Barbarian king, ripped from your homeland, forced on a boat over seas to a foreign land to be some savage’s whore for the rest of your life.
You, who overheard the reason why this so called King of Savages only chose you as his one wife.
You, full of contempt, wrath and resentment from being stolen from your home to be a watered down replacement, to be a slave to a man you will never love for the rest of your days.
You, whose sole purpose is to make your new “husband” regret ever pointing a finger to you and saying “I choose this one”.
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gh0stgirl333 · 4 months
𝖧𝖺𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖵𝗈𝗐𝗌 (𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖯𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖬𝖾𝗀𝗎𝗆𝗂 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠, 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
CHAPTER TW Suggestive content MINOR DO NOT INTERACT SERIES TW: Gore, Stalking, Sexual themes, major character death
previous chapter
"Y/n, are you feeling okay- because you look like a herd of horses trampled all over you," Nobara asked, sitting across from you at the dining table. You were so tired that you were struggling to not let your head fall straight into the food in front of you- blinking felt like a
"I might as well. Megumi decided to wake me up in the middle of the night to"
Nobara's face turned red as she covered her ears "god, please do not talk about such dirty things during breakfast-"
"W-what- NO! For Christ's sake- it was not like that. He dragged me into the middle of the"
"Oh good, I found you. Y/n, get up, we've got a hectic day ahead of us." Maki interrupted, suddenly coming into the dining room, and standing behind you.
"What? Can I at least finish my breakfast?" You sighed, not wanting to abandon your savory serving of porridge, turning your head to look at her. Maki took a second to think before pulling you up from your seat.
"You should have eaten faster if you wanted to finish your breakfast" Maki laughed- something about it sounding passive-aggressive, turning her back and walking out of the dining room, expecting you to follow her quick pace. Nobara sighed as she got up, placed her hand on your shoulder, and leaned over to whisper in your ear, "C'mon...the sooner you get this done, the sooner we can relax. I'll see you later, okay?"
You followed Maki into a ballroom, candles lit the many chandeliers hanging in the room, light brown floors so polished you could see your reflection. The room was so ridiculously big that you could have bet you could hear your echo if you decided to shout.
You blinked in disbelief as you saw the girl in front of you- supposedly she would be your dance teacher. You could have sworn it was Maki but her hair was far too short and she was missing her signature glasses. However, it couldn't possibly be Maki because she was standing with her back against an white elegant pillar, spectating. "You must be the fiance. I'm Mai, I suppose I'll be the one to teach you how to dance. You will be having the entire Zenin family watch you and Megumi have your first dance at your wedding." Mai informed you, circling you, analyzing your appearance. "You're not Maki?" you blurted out, somewhat embarrassed as Mai started laughing at you. "No, however, I am her prettier twin sister" Mai smiled, her hand slipping onto your back and spinning you towards her.
"Alright, I think that's enough for introductions. Let's get this lesson started" Mai announced, snapping her other hand, suddenly a band of professionally dressed musicians rushed over. As you hesitantly slide your hand onto Mai's left shoulder, she glances over at the musicians and nods.
You glanced over Mai's shoulder, witnessing the small orchestra start performing. Everything felt like it was moving twice as fast, Mai's overconfident glare was making you so nervous that you almost stepped on her foot twice.
Mai initiated you into a spin, feeling your dress twirl in motion as you. Then Mai brings you back with a tender pull, her hand sweeping on your back, bringing you into a dip, your chest heaving. You're exhausted- how long have you been practicing this damn dance? There is no doubt the musicians are also tired of having to constantly strum the same song over and over again.
"Come on, don't get so worn out now Y/n. If you can't handle our little dance lessons. How will you ever pass the trials at this point?" Mai whispered in your ear. "Trials? What trials?" you scoffed. Mai blinked, almost letting you fall out of her hand as she started laughing. Luckily, she let you back on standing on your feet gracefully.
"Everyone, out" she snapped her hands. Maki furrowed her eyebrow as she walked over, "what are you doing Mai?" she asked, annoyed. "You didn't tell Y/n about our little family tradition?" Mai laughed, wrapping her arms around your neck, her chest against your back, black smooth hair tickling your ear as she tilted her head. "Mai, this isn't the time."
"I thought family shouldn't keep secrets from each other?" "Everyone quiet" you shouted, pulling yourself away from Mai, chest heaving in rage. "I almost died last night from two wolves that are very capable of tearing me limb to limb and my so-called 'husband'- who I'm pretty sure is a psychopath- can't be bothered to have a conversation with me that lasts more than five minutes. If either of you have any clue about what's going on, I demand answers now" you huffed, barely containing the fury coursing through you.
Maki closed her eyes, organizing her thoughts as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "I didn't expect Megumi to participate in it" Maki sighed, crossing her arms. "The Zenin family used to have this old tradition.. if you wanted to join the family you had to complete a certain amount of tests. However, Toji put an end to it after Megumi's mother... Well, let's say she didn't exactly pass these tests" Maki confessed, too ashamed to look you in the eyes.
"You're joking... Exactly how many tests are there" you asked. "Only ten" Mai laughed, failing to ease your concern.
"So I have nine tests left..and exactly what are these tests?" Maki and Mai both looked at each other, nervous about what their reaction would be to what they were about to reveal.
"We don't... We don't know... It is different with each partner. " Mai confessed. Maki sighed as she crossed her arms,
"Well, there is one thing we know, It just gets worse from here."
---You burst out of the ballroom, holding your gown above your ankles, rushing down the halls as Maki and Mai watch you in disbelief. You went to a servant, "Where's the hell is Megumi" you huffed, lashing out your anger at a poor servant girl. "H-his Majesty is taking a bath at his lavatory, ma'am" the servant stuttered, her shaking finger pointing down the hall. You muttered an annoyed 'thank you,' as you stormed down the hall.
You covered your eyes with your palm as you opened the door- not wanting to see an exposed Megumi in the bath.
"Christ shake, Y/n, do you not know what knocking is" Megumi scoffed, you could sense that he flinched by the sound of the water splashing. "Don't be dramatic. I didn't see anything- my eyes glued to the wall" You waved him off, your back faced to him as your eyes focused on the bathroom's marble white walls. "This better be fucking important if you have to storm in like a mad woman during a very inappropriate time" Megumi scoffed, leaning his back against the porcelain bathtub. "I know about the trials" you confessed, hands on your side forming into a fist. "That was never a secret, I was planning to tell you at the second test" Megumi responded, nonchalantly. If you could get away with it- you'd strangle him for his lack of human empathy. "Why are you doing this to me?" you asked. "What do you think? I'm sure you heard the rumors of the Zenin family. How we conquer..." Megumi scoffed. While you had your back to him you could hear him get out of the tub, as he began to step closer to you with each word, like a predator hunting its prey.
"Destroyers...Ruthless...Wicked...Murders" Finally, you could feel Megumi was only centimeters away from you by the startling feeling of his breath hitting the back of your neck, the water dripping off of his hair onto your shoulder.
"So, if you can't survive through ten tests- there's no chance you'd survive joining this family" Megumi mumbled.
"What if I refuse" you responded, surprised that a word could slip out of your mouth. You were surprised as you heard Megumi laugh,
"Refuse? I don't intend to be the man who wants to forcefully make his wife do anything. However, I don't think the Zenin family would be quite friendly with your family if we don't get a wedding" Then you saw Megumi's arm reach over above you, his forearm grazing your cheek.
"W-what are you doing?" you asked, feeling your face heat, the fact that you had never been so close to a very naked (or attractive) man before becoming more realistic.
"Grabbing a towel. Unless you prefer me wet and exposed" Megumi responded, as he grabbed a dark blue towel and wrapped it around his waist. "You can turn around if you want" he announced, taking a step away from you. 
You turn back to look at his pleased expression, then you feel his thumb swipe your chin, noticing his lips turning into a slight smile.
"What did you do that for?" you uttered.
"Just, seeing you embarrassed like that.. is quite the view. " 
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