gheckoe · 16 seconds
I wish more people understood that sexual assault and harassment happen regardless of whether the perpetrator is attracted to the victim. Sexual harassment is frequently a social punishment for being undesirable
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gheckoe · 3 minutes
Someday I would love to explore the exotic beauty of the far away land of Massachusetts
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gheckoe · 19 minutes
Honestly there's nothing a child can do in public that's as much of a disturbance as an adult yelling at them
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gheckoe · 1 hour
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gheckoe · 1 hour
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#places to take me on a first date
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gheckoe · 1 hour
We, as a company are very dedicated to being diverse and hiring people from marginalized communities.
Masters Degree
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gheckoe · 2 hours
do it scared. do it vaguely uncomfortable. do it mysteriously damp
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gheckoe · 2 hours
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gheckoe · 2 hours
speculative fiction writers i am going to give you a really urgent piece of advice: don't say numbers. don't give your readers any numbers. how heavy is the sword? lots. how old is that city? plenty. how big is the fort? massive. how fast is the spaceship? not very, it's secondhand.
the minute you say a number your readers can check your math and you cannot do math better than your most autistic critic. i guarantee. don't let your readers do any math. when did something happen? awhile ago. how many bullets can that gun fire? trick question, it shoots lasers, and it shoots em HARD.
you are lying to people for fun. if you let them do math at you the lie collapses and it's no fun anymore.
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gheckoe · 2 hours
Wish I was a late bronze age girl
I would have my homeland invaded by the sea peoples. I would be lain siege to by the sea peoples. My cities would be sacked by the sea peoples. I would make bronze tools and pottery. My shores would be invaded by the mysterious sea peoples. I would be mustering my armies to fend off the sea peoples.
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gheckoe · 9 hours
nothing canon era fic writers could come up with will ever be as cruel as modern au fic writers putting these guys in the most basic modern scenarios. like he was born to live & die by the blade, his story was over before it began. and you made him take the bus and work a 9 to 5 job
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gheckoe · 10 hours
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gheckoe · 10 hours
can i please see a fat woman wearing it. yes, i know your sizes go all the way up to 5x. but can i please see a fat woman wearing it. yes, i heard you're woman-owned. can i please see a fat woman wearing it though. yes, i understand you donate 50% of proceeds to this charity. i still do not see a fat woman wearing it. can i please see a fat woman wearing it.
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gheckoe · 10 hours
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gheckoe · 10 hours
I HATE when people treat staple crops like they’re artificial items.
“Plant-based cereal,” “plant-based french fries,” “plant-based tortillas.”
Hey quick question what is wheat to you? What is rice? What is corn? What are potatoes? Last I checked those bitches grow in the ground.
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gheckoe · 10 hours
everybodys supporting these Cis+ fools now back in my day we were cisphobic and proud of it
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gheckoe · 10 hours
you have to be reasonable. have to see it from their perspective. but you can't be a doormat. nobody else will stand up for you but you. count five things you see. let your emotions happen. but only inside. don't fight them. but also don't be impulsive. don't react, plan. listen to wise mind. practice your coping skills. call a friend. but don't trauma dump. ask for help. but make sure you know exactly what you need. use your words. but don't feel entitled. understand that people have a lot going on. don't form expectations those are just premeditated resentments. but also don't go it alone. keep it together. have a cry. but only at the right times. it's okay to break down sometimes. but girl wash your face. take charge of your life. but make peace with the things you can't control. breathe. not that loud, you're making people uncomfortable. don't make other people responsible for how you feel. but don't keep it all stuffed inside. not seeking help will kill you, you know. but if you keep being so self-centered and selfish you'll drive everyone off. cut off people who don't treat you right. show yourself some self-respect. but don't have main character syndrome. understand that the center of the universe is not you. stop thinking about yourself so much. but go to therapy and work on yourself or nobody's gonna love you. overcome your trauma. but know and accept yourself. stop being so infantile. but stop acting like you're too old to change. take responsibility. stop apologizing so much. you have to guard your own peace. but if you're not worried by what's happening right now there must be something wrong with you.
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