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Pod 47-b. Inmate number 44781b
Naime Catherine miller
Charge, terrorism, murder
Sentence, 200 years in prison.
Mastermind of plots against federal government. Part of a group of Christian reconstruction who want a government based on the ten commandments.
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Each cell is 7 foot by 12 feet. There are no furniture. No bed nothing. An inmate sleeps on the ground. An innate can be chained. It is at the discretion of the c.o. the inmate is not allowed any personal effects
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Gray horse corectional facility is a super maximum security facility for women. Our facility houses the worse of the worst in female offenders. Terrorist, assassins, sex offenders, cop killers bank Robers, you name it. Inmates are kept in cubicles 23 hours a day. They are kept in diapers. They get one diaper change a day.
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