ghostie-jakxy-gray · 2 hours
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anyone drawn Roadie Miku yet
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 14 hours
gay month approaches so I’m going to do some more pride flag dragons so comment or tag some suggestions for me
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 18 hours
PSA for new tumblr users!
This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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i made a uquiz on what type of robot you would be. please take it
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 2 days
ending a story in other languages
kurdish: “my story went to other homes, god bless the mothers and fathers of its listeners” (Çîroka min çû diyaran, rehmet li dê û bavê guhdaran.)
greek: “and they lived well, and we lived better” (και ζήσανε αυτοί καλά και εμείς καλύτερα)
afrikaans: “whistle whistle, the story is done” (fluit fluit, die storie is uit)
goemai: “my tale has finished, (it) has returned to go (and) come home.” (tamtis noe lat / dok ba muaan yi wa)
amharic: “return my story and feed me bread” (ተረቴን መልሱ አፌን በዳቦ አብሱ::)
bengali: “my story ends and the spinach is eaten by the goat” (aamaar kothati furolo; Notey gaachhti murolo) *means something is irreversibly ended because goats eats herbs from the root
norwegian: “snip snap snout, the tale is finished” (snipp snapp snute, så er eventyret ute”
polish: “and i was there [at the wedding] too, and drank mead and wine.” (a ja tam byłem, miód i wino piłem.)
georgian:��“disaster there, feast here… bran there, flour here…” (ჭირი – იქა, ლხინი – აქა, ქატო – იქა, ფქვილი – აქა)
hungarian: “this is the end, run away with it” (itt a vége, fuss el véle)
turkish: “lastly, three apples fell from the sky; one for our story’s heroes, one for the person who told their tale, and one for those who listened and promise to share. And with that, they all achieved their hearts’ desires. Let us now step up and settle into their thrones.” (Gökten üç elma düşmüş; biri onların, biri anlatanın, diğeri de dinleyenlerin başına. Onlar ermiş muradına, biz çıkalım kerevetine.)
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 2 days
Translating Amparo Dávila's "el huesped" into Vaakre: Part 1
first four paragraphs woo! I'm putting the Vaakre first, then the spanish it's translated from for comparison, then notes.
Vai, ank xakahcet alpe wektay par ue-al amer ne taelmek. Ne duae kehf ne atkone vai amer retuef-tarie. 
Egao-wek, ya aurs ne duae suadr arre wek-ponuc-vai, aurs neadr ayasai eee ne va ji-enfiretchne. Par ne duae ne taele eriead vikah tiore, alpe bihlce evtroe vai, xa kahcet dai xa ank tal ne. Egao-wek, ne taelmek vai nijke-ut vai - saúra e yamawa e vai va ahkahrer dai ánk, eee xa kehf xa gaos vai. Ne egao-wek taelmek ae xa dai libire*, e ae xa adurabayo tal aetrester par aeto.
(*so-so-do melody attached)
Dai nuc’yelum par linme, evtroe ue-al par wektay ane. Cikravpre dleram, fahriyn.  Hrap nuc eyrs sltiashr, vikah bayon ee xa hvetsl, evtroe vackuras nokbayo ya csilore - vikah vai e meire. 
Ne vitaele bilhce reasein fahriyn limuygul. Nishmuya egae-wek ue-al amer, palltei ne duae xa vai tal ue-al vai, par vikah puinoh. Dai xa ateirwe airmee; ne esah valiyhauh e pulihrk. “Retuef-al feinehr tauszo” ne duae dai, ci’prav nartatro eee evtroe nuc tal airmee. “Ta esah bilhce ya ne vai, ee ke kaena ta va erhas…” ank ne dai ne duae dai par ue-al xareactui. Ue-al vai ne taelmek.
Nunca olvidaré el día en que vino a vivir con nosotros. Mi marido lo trajo al regreso de un Viaje.
Llevábamos entonces cerca de tres años de matrimonio, teníamos dos niños y yo no era feliz. Representaba para mi marido algo así como un mueble, que se acostumbra uno a ver en determinado sitio, pero que no causa la menor impresión. Vivíamos en un pueblo pequeño, incomunicado y distante de la ciudad. Un pueblo casi muerto o a punto de desaparecer.
No pude reprimir un grito de horror, cuando lo vi por primera vez. Era lúgubre, siniestro. Con grandes ojos amarillentos, casi redondos y sin parpadeo, que parecían penetrar a través de las cosas y de las personas.
Mi vida desdichada se convirtió en un infierno. La misma noche de su llegada supliqué a mi marido que no me condenara a la tortura de su compañía. No podía resistirlo; me inspiraba desconfianza y horror. “Es completamente inofensivo” —dijo mi marido mirándome con marcada indiferencia. “Te acostumbrarás a su compañía y, si no lo consigues…” No hubo manera de convencerlo de que se lo llevara. Se quedó en nuestra casa.
Translation choices:
First off I'm not starting the entire piece with a proper tonesetting, because if I wrote it out we would have a paragraph straight of "vai vai vai vedrai vai vedrai tihas" and nobody wants that. A single vai works in this case.
This is... primarily Balkour vaakre, for no other reason than I prefer writing it, and this is my stress relief translation. As such, ci'prav is used in place of cikravpre, and second-person-pronouns are geography-ized, and a few other things like that.
The guest is a "ue-al" second person for a couple reasons - first off being the... vague sort of communications disconnect between Northern and Eastern Balkour? They aren't fighting but there's a bit of historical separation, so a Northern storyteller might emphasize the distant ominous nature of the guest by using an overly-formal (double-emphasized) Eastern You. [the husband's use of "ta" clues us in that they're Northern Balkour]
duae for the husband instead of a more formal laume, one part because it's a more Balkour term, and one part because we're starting this story with a general... not-fully-hostility to the guy? Bear with me, okay I'm emphasizing the thematic difference between the husband and the stranger at the start by using the more endearing term for the husband at the start of the story, this will change.
Taelmek for the house as opposed to Virechek to emphasize that the house doesn't feel like the speaker's proprietary domain.
what else... the "libire" with so-so-do melody is reference to the Coupatre paier, so it's not saying the town is literally sickly but that it's just slowly fading into unpassable territory.
There's probably more but I can't think of it, so that's all for this installment!
(Obviously I am not doing the google translate "word for word translation" translation)
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 2 days
where tf did all these ai looking frog photos come from. Y'know, the ones with the dubious supermodel/celebrities posing with them? Did I miss something crucial?
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 2 days
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Reblog if you stand against order, civilization, and goodness itself
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 2 days
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a petition to ban conversion therapy in the EU' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
If you are a citizen in the EU please sign this petition:
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 3 days
New thing new thing new thing <3
Finally getting to the CSMP part of the CSMP x Hadestown crossover from a billion years ago.
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 3 days
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 4 days
Reblog to give prev a magical amulet that protects them from headache
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 4 days
Guys. Guys please. We have to remember that protagonist is not a stand in word for hero and antagonist is not a stand in word for villain. Please. We learned this in middle school. The protagonist is the character the audience follows. The antagonist is the character who is working against the protagonist.
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 4 days
oh god i’d heard about the “i won’t commission artists who undercharge for their art” post and now it’s making its rounds on my dash.
please understand that this concept does not actually help anyone. the sensible thing to do if an artist is undercharging is to tip them for what you think their work it worth, and be sure to let them know that. even if this doesn’t cause them to actually change their base prices, at least YOU’RE paying for what it’s worth, and THEY’RE getting business instead of nothing.
by essentially boycotting artists who are already unsure of the value of their own work (and are thus underpricing) you’re not sending any positive message. no one is going to up their commission prices when nobody is buying them. the only thing the artist gets out of it is that people don’t want to buy their art for some reason, and people who’s products aren’t selling aren’t going to say “oh i guess it was because i wasn’t charging enough, i’ll pump up the prices!”
if you want to support a commission artist, please do it by actually SUPPORTING THEM WITH COMMISSIONS rather than by choosing to take your business elsewhere because their prices were too low.
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 4 days
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ghostie-jakxy-gray · 4 days
This is a cause that is particularly near and dear to my heart, but especially coming up to pride month. Glad Day book shop is considered the oldest queer book store in the world and the oldest running book store in Toronto. They are a staple of the gay village here in my city and are a hub of knowledge and a well recognized safe space for everyone. They are in trouble and may end up being shut down soon however if they cannot come up with $100, 000 to pull themselves out of mounting debt that has been building over the past few years. They're hoping to create a safety net for themselves and to possibly relocate if they can reach their final goal of $300, 000. More details on their fundraising plans are below in the Save Glad Day link.
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