ghostpawn · 8 days
I love tags it’s like muttering under your breath on the internet
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ghostpawn · 8 days
I love how loneliness is a recurring theme throughout DBD, and how the show deals with it.
Pretty much every single character is dealing with it in one way or another, more or less. Sure, Charles and Edwin have each other and care about each other just so ridiculously much. But moving through the world with 99% of people not even being able to see you has to be isolating.
Edwin says multiple times that he’s not good with people.
Charles’s school ‘friends’ killed him. And while he’s good with people, a fair chunk of his arc is about how his happy persona is something of a defence mechanism. Yeah he’s smiley and approachable, but how much does that actually translate to him having many close friends?
Niko described herself as a shut-in and said in episode 4 that she’s not had many friends until recently. Which is a tragedy as she’s an absolute delight.
Crystal had friends pre-demonic possession, but considering how toxic those friendships were and how she treated people back then, it doesn’t seem conducive to deep or meaningful connections. Not to mention her family dynamics!
Jenny’s pretty much closed herself off from attempting romantic relationships, and seems to start to care about Crystal and Niko almost against her will.
Edwin even calls the Cat King out for being lonely!
And I really love that it’s not shown as necessarily a bad thing to be lonely? It’s not something to be judged or looked down upon. Sure, the sprites are judgey and mean to Niko about not having friends etc, but it’s clearly framed in a way that shows them being mean is the issue, rather than Niko not having many friends as the problem. I love that in the end, as much as everyone bickers, they so clearly all care about each other. I love that by the end of the season, everyone's just a little less lonely.
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ghostpawn · 8 days
spring horror is good because of the symbolism of death and rebirth and storms and everything being vibrant but still cold. and summer horror is good because sweltering heat and insects and long days. and fall horror is good because halloween and death and scary movies. and winter horror is good because snow contrasting with blood and freezing temperatures and long nights. btw.
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ghostpawn · 12 days
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ghostpawn · 12 days
I've praised George Rextrew a lot for the emotion he put behind various actions, and I stand by that.
But I also want to take a moment to appreciate Jayden Revri's ability to handle Charles' more explosive emotions.
In the Devlin house, you watch his anguish and anger build in equal measure. Unlike the characters, we get to see the build-up to the outburst that leads to him getting stuck in the loop. The first time he sees that man murder his family he wants to look away, he tries to look away. You can see how much it hurts him, but he turns back and watches anyway--and the horror turns to rage.
When the Night Nurse comes, he fights her off--very aggressively yes, but they didn't see what he did when she took him into his memories--and everyone looks at him like...like he's a bomb that may go off again? Like they've never seen him before?
The boy's just been through some of his most traumatic memories and committed an act of violence that probably only made that experience worse, and he sees his friends looking at him the way he'd always feared they would--like he's a bad guy. And Jayden portrays that grief and pain so beautifully.
And when he gives that little "no" while he's crying and jerks away from Edwin's outstretched hand?
My heart feels like it's been squashed and wrung out.
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ghostpawn · 12 days
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ghostpawn · 12 days
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i just started watching true blood on netflix lol i ended up binging s1, and im not rlly sure if i like the show that much tbh ;v; it is fun tho!
aaaaanyways, here's a sketch/drawing of Sookie
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ghostpawn · 13 days
the lesson you get from the flashbacks of edwin and charles' deaths is that hate crimes are real and the suffering they cause had been getting overlooked for over a century.
that there's still people dying like that somewhere, and there's people, young people, that are going to die believing that they didn't matter.
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ghostpawn · 14 days
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Just watched the first episode, and I gotta say The Sandman universe doesn't disappoint. Neil Gaiman doesn't disappoint-
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ghostpawn · 19 days
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ghostpawn · 19 days
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wonderful friendship and cute sprites
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ghostpawn · 21 days
i think the fandom moved on too fast from the fact that charles actually looks up the old timey insults edwin uses. like. that's so funny and actually sweet and really domestic to me.
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ghostpawn · 24 days
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Michael Michaud fruit necklaces
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ghostpawn · 24 days
I know we're all weary of straight romance tropes but we don't talk enough about Crystal and Charles' dynamic
Because the thing is that they are ALSO people who have romance vibes but never actually became a couple. Charles flirts with her and she turns him down two, maybe three times. She cared enough about him to risk walking into the witch' yard after what Edwin just told her about witches. He's got her back about making sure she has a place to stay and about the case she picked. She trusts him to catch the sprites before they can enter her body after barely giving him a heads up and he did. He tells Crystal about his family when he's kept that a secret from Edwin for over 30 years. Crystal and Edwin both panic to the point of yelling at each other when he gets stuck in the Devlin House loop.
The first time they kissed Crystal got nightmares about Charles and David being the same. Charles tried to kiss her again after she woke up screaming and she pushed him away and told him they were better off as friends. The fandom talks about them as if Crystal initiated everything and inserted herself in between Edwin and Charles but I digress.
She's the one that points out his anger issues and the weird feelings all of them had about Charles kicking the Night Nurse into the sea. "You could've told us you lost your powers." He protects her from David in the Creeping Forest. "Losing more friends to Hell does not sound like the best idea." He tries to protect her from Hell and she says fuck you I'll find another way because she wants to help and she doesn't want him to go in alone. She runs to hug him when he comes back before reaching for Edwin's hand because she was so scared for both of them. She tries to flee from him when she has her memories back because she doesn't want him to meet the person she was. "Why does this feel like a goodbye goodbye and not a see you back in London goodbye?" She throws Charles his bag and trusts him to find his own way out of the lock and fight the snake. He pulls her away from Niko's body so she doesn't stay with her when Death comes, even though Death has no reason to be looking for her yet.
They just grow to trust each other so fast, for Crystal especially kind of out of necessity, and they gravitate together so easily. She’s constantly challenging him and Edwin in a way they don't do for each other. Charles takes her up into the friend group he'd protect with the eternal fate of his soul. Both would fight for their friends with everything they have, and they did. They're exes they were never together they're best friends they fight all the time and they care about each other so immensely deeply it's insane
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ghostpawn · 25 days
Crystal Palace deserves the entire world. I don't care who you were, what you did or what happened before, you are not what years of neglectful parents, abusive partners or wrong choices created. You were only a kid trying to be loved and the loss of your memory only proved that your nature was always good. Without the hurt, your soul remained pure and your heart full of love for those around you. You care so deeply about your friends that you would do anything to help them, even if it means putting yourself in danger, and that's who you are at the very core. A beautiful, magical and wonderful girl who deserves all the goodness in the world.
I hope you get your happy ending someday too. You deserve it.
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ghostpawn · 26 days
my gay ass just assumed crystal was experiencing beautiful lesbian love
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ghostpawn · 26 days
How to prevent Netflix from cancelling Dead boy detectives? I'm already attached to this series, it will be a pity if another good show just gonna be cancelled after first season
Tell everyone you know, in real life and online, to watch it. Word of mouth is incredibly effective. Be an evangelist for the show.
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