ghostsandexams · 46 minutes
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Ryan Reynolds | IF (2024), dir. John Krasinski
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ghostsandexams · 2 days
He doesn't know what to expect. Maybe some more questions, maybe a sturdy handshake, and then they part ways. A more peaceful version of their last encounter. What he isn't expecting however... Is for Hank to pull out his card.
"Oh. Uhm... I guess. I won't say no." He didn't know what he'd do with it. Tossing it immediately seemed rude, even for him. What was he supposed to do? Call him? Text him? That was... Interacting.
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 3 days
A searing pain strikes through the left side of his head.
His eyes seal themselves shut, as they normally do when he gets his headaches.
His teeth grit together as he lets out a groan of pain. He hated when these happened on the job.
Seeing things became difficult when this stupid pain got to him. It was hard to see when the world felt like it was spinning too fast.
"God damnit."
Clay slams his fist onto the rickety wooden floor of the home he's in. It took groans with pain.
"Hurts so bad..." Complaining to himself. As usual.
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ghostsandexams · 4 days
Clay doesn't exactly know how to interpret the sigh. Was it one of relief? One of distain? Disappointment? Hank did appear to look upset, but he did just deliver bad news to him. Hank could be lying for all he knows. Was he thinking too much about this? Most likely. But overanalyzing is pretty much instinct for him.
"If it helps you any... the fact that your sister isn't here... it means she's happy. And she was able to move on. So, if anything, she's literally in a better place." Clay shouldn't say that. He's never seen this 'better place'. For all he knows about ghosts... He isn't a genius. That always bugged him.
"It's not a bother. But," Clay looks at his watch. Time is so weird. "I don't have that much time." That's way more dramatic than he meant it to be.
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 4 days
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kiss Scenes → 39/? Peace, Love & Misunderstanding (2011)
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ghostsandexams · 7 days
His sister, right. She passed as well.
Taking a look around, the women in the cafe weren't the ones following Hank around in the library. Actually, now that he was taking note, none of them were women. It was a line up of men.
"Uhm... no. She's not here. I'm sorry." As blunt as he is about it, he still tries to deliver it with the same softness he gives his other clientele. It didn't get easier telling people that those they wish were around... Weren't.
"It was one of the other spirits that mentioned her in the library. Younger guy."
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 7 days
"I'd prefer the term 'paranormal investigator', but I guess it does explain the espresso. Need to stay awake for long periods of time." Clay already knows he's going to wake up with an ungodly headache. No matter what he tried to tell himself, he knew it was inevitable.
"But uh... Yeah. You have ghosts following you... Do with that as you will." Clay taps his cup awkwardly. He didn't exactly know what to talk about. Was that all Hank wanted? His dad and 20 other randoms?
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 11 days
Everything he was saying made sense. It tended to be the petty and the angry that stuck around. If his father held a grudge against him, then yeah, he'd follow him. Try and bring that negative energy into his life.
"No need to apologize. It's kind of my job to see things for people." Well, at least now it was confirmed. Hank believed him. It felt good... Having someone believe that he wasn't crazy.
"You got more following you... I estimated 20 in the library. Which... I guess I should say, sorry about... All that."
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 12 days
When Hank confirms it, he has to stop himself from smiling. Based on the reaction, this wasn't exactly a good thing. But hey, he couldn't say he was a fraud now. He had reason to believe him.
"Guessing that you and him weren't on the best terms?" He phrases it as a question, but he doesn't really expect an answer. His face says it all. "Well... Uh... Now you know."
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 13 days
"Him? Well," looking over the man, he's definitely one of the rougher looking spirits that followed Hank. "I'm assuming you two are related, given that you look similar. Maybe a dad or grandfather. He's an older guy. A big mark on his neck. Big glasses. Almost comically large."
Trying to take note of anything else that sticks out, he notices his hand. "Oh, and 4 fingers on his left- no, his right hand." Turning back to Hank, he nonchalantly takes a sip of his drink. "Sound familiar to you?"
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 14 days
He knows how it sounds. It sounds like he just pulled it out of his ass and is asking him to trust him. He sounds crazy. It's not on purpose, and yet, it's very much on purpose at the same time. Seeing if he was actually willing to listen.
Given how his posture seems to relax a bit, his answer is enough to satisfy his nerves.
"It is. The amount of headaches this has caused me... It's rough."
Looking around, Clay tries to give him a bit more of an actual answer. "They spread out. Spirits tend to split in larger spaces. But once you leave, they'll probably follow you. Uhm... One of them is demolishing those pumpkin muffins. That angry guy has a cinnamon roll. And that poor barista is getting an earful from another one of your guys."
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 15 days
Well, that was either a lie, or he was just trying to follow an NDA or something. It wasn't really his business anyway. If what he was saying was true, then it still didn't answer just why he had so many spirits following him.
Which is exactly what he sees. A conga line of spirits. All pissy, but now, with ghostly drinks and pastries in their hands. They basically take up the whole cafe, their chatter loud. "It's, uh... It's a lot. Would you believe me if I said that they're currently sipping ghost macchiatos?"
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 16 days
Clay is a bit surprised that Hank doesn't sit by the window. Didn't he just ask if they could? Why won't he sit by the window if he just asked about it? That's weird. But he won't complain. It's easier on the eyes. And it's quieter.
Taking the seat across from Hank, he takes a small bite of his croissant. It's flaky, and sweet. Nice. "I teach. High school and college english. You?"
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 16 days
The cup is nice and warm in his hand. Hopefully this would keep him awake long enough, and not bring him a hellish headache afterwards. "Thank you."
Taking a peek out the window, it's an all too familiar sight. Spirits on the street, floating to wherever they please, cars speeding through them. It was like seeing double constantly.
"Sit wherever you want." He says, pushing his own discomfort off for now. A silly thing to complain about. Clay takes a sip of his drink and yep, that's espresso alright.
It had been a long day. Even longer than normal.
The kids barely listened today, as usual. And on top of grading work, he'd planned to go on a hunt tonight. A near all nighter.
Which was why Clay was currently standing in line in a cafe. Prepared to get an unholy concoction in a cup. 6 shots of espresso wasn't too much, right? He just needed something to keep him awake. At least until he could go home and sleep for 3 hours.
He fidgets with the sleeves of his sweater, waiting as patiently as he could.
Hank can't remember the last time he was this tired.
Ever since that encounter in the library, every time he tried to sleep, his dreams turned unpleasant. Plagued by the specter of his sister, asking why he couldn't protect her. His dad, spiteful that he made his mama leave him.
That man from the library, begging him to believe.
Heaving a sigh, he heads into the cafe, done with work for the day and in need of something that will at least keep him awake until a decent bedtime. He's older, but not that old. Standing in line, his eyes are on his phone as he checks messages.
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ghostsandexams · 16 days
"There you go, get comfy." Clay tries to get himself comfy. It's a bit hard when there's a massive dog on top of him, but he finds a position to lay down in that works, so at least his back won't hate him in the morning.
"In the morning, we can talk about this." He very much intends to. If this wolf is going to want to find him again, that is.
Another full moon and he’s hungry. He needs everything at once, stalking about the church hall with padded paws. Ambrose smells something, an unfamiliar scent that curls up around the beast. A man. He needs it. Trotting about the roads and following the scent of the newest human, all the way to a little house.
Sitting at the door, the beast nods and paws at the door. Hunched over at over seven foot, snout pressed up against the window and beginning to howl. Begging someone to open the door, whining and barking like a dog caught out in the rain.
"Subject 328-BL, doesn't appear to be very hostile... Or around." Clay mutters into his tape recorder. This job was turning out easier than he thought it would be. And he's had many easy jobs in his life. He was starting to doubt that this place even had paranormal activity to begin with, on account that the only spirits he'd seen were that of teen ghosts doing plasma graffiti.
Taking a small sip of his energy drink, he contemplates leaving. Maybe this was all one giant scam that he got paid to do. Or something worse. Maybe he was being recorded and streamed onto the internet. People laughing at him. He hoped not.
But all that goes away with the sounds. Scratching at the door... Howling. Damnit. No one told him there were wolves in this area. Damnit. How was he gonna leave now?
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ghostsandexams · 17 days
Clay places the headphones onto his ears. They were supposed to be noise cancelling. But he knew they wouldn't work... Nothing blocked out the voices.
They would never stop.
It made his brain hurt... it hurts so bad.
"Stop... please stop..." he quietly begs. But he knows it won't work.
It'll be another sleepless night.
One where he's in pain.
One with tears.
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ghostsandexams · 17 days
"Yeah... Yeah, I can do a hug. Just let me take this off first." Clay undoes the vest that holds all of his gear, and places it carefully on the floor. The next thing to come off is the uniform top. Plopping it down right next to the vest.
Now left in a form-fitting nylon, Clay gets himself a bit more comfortable. Opening his arms to make room for the werewolf. "C'mere."
Another full moon and he’s hungry. He needs everything at once, stalking about the church hall with padded paws. Ambrose smells something, an unfamiliar scent that curls up around the beast. A man. He needs it. Trotting about the roads and following the scent of the newest human, all the way to a little house.
Sitting at the door, the beast nods and paws at the door. Hunched over at over seven foot, snout pressed up against the window and beginning to howl. Begging someone to open the door, whining and barking like a dog caught out in the rain.
"Subject 328-BL, doesn't appear to be very hostile... Or around." Clay mutters into his tape recorder. This job was turning out easier than he thought it would be. And he's had many easy jobs in his life. He was starting to doubt that this place even had paranormal activity to begin with, on account that the only spirits he'd seen were that of teen ghosts doing plasma graffiti.
Taking a small sip of his energy drink, he contemplates leaving. Maybe this was all one giant scam that he got paid to do. Or something worse. Maybe he was being recorded and streamed onto the internet. People laughing at him. He hoped not.
But all that goes away with the sounds. Scratching at the door... Howling. Damnit. No one told him there were wolves in this area. Damnit. How was he gonna leave now?
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