ghostwood7 · 3 months
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ghostwood7 · 5 months
AMF Facebook Staurday, January 6, 2024. 1:04PM
I have finally had enough of the trolls, scammers and scammers at @Facebook. I unofficially told them to kiss my ass yesterday and although I didn't delete my account, I deleted all links. Their Fascist regime is more than I can stand. @Instagram may be next. At least I don't have as much trouble with all the whoredogs, guttersluts, scumbags, cumdumps, trolls, scammers, spammers and scummers as I used to.
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ghostwood7 · 9 months
I am God DAMN sick and tired of that Fascist, Nazi Loving, Trump supporting, goose stepping little shit, cunt, Zuckerberg Sieg Heiling his way all over the Internet, suspending or banning people from his Social Media Platforms and no stating why. Same thing with Elon Muskrat! It's time the Users took back the Internet from these wannabe Dictators!
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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"Mind If I Sit Here?"
November 11, 2013. West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. Mel's Drive-In
I'd decided not to make breakfast that morning at the house I was renting. Instead, I drove down Laurel Canyon Blvd. to Sunset and made my way to Mel's Drive-In. I sat down at an outside table where I could enjoy the cool breeze, watch the Tourist buses pass and smile as the pretty girls walked by. A Waitress came over and took my order: Cheese Omelet, Frosted Flakes, White Toast with grape jelly, glass of milk and orange juice. "Hungry, huh", the Waitress asked with a smile? I answered with a smile and a chuckle, then she left to place my order.
I pulled out my iPad, keyed into Mel's Wi-Fi network and decided to catch up on the local news of the day. As I sat reading, I felt the air grow a bit colder but thought nothing of it....until I felt a presence. I looked up and around but saw no one who looked to have just come into my immediate space, so I continued reading....until I heard a female voice ask, "Mind if I sit here?" I looked up and did a double-take. The voice had come from directly in front of me, yet here was no one there. After my astonishment, I regained my composure and said as nonchalantly as possible, "Sure. Go ahead."
It was at that moment that my Breakfast arrived. My Waitress must have noticed something in my demeanor and asked if everything was okay...and asked me if I'd "seen a ghost" or something. I gave her a smile and said, "Ma'am, you don't know the half of it." She smiled and left. "Can I have a bite", the voice asked? I paused, not knowing what to say when a bus load of noisy but happy tourists came by. I don't know how or why, but the sudden arrival of the tourists seemed to disrupt something in the air and with that, the ghost departed. I waited but it didn't return. #Hollywood, #MelsDiner, #Sunset, #Breakfast, #Ghost, #Paranormal, #SoCal, #Personal, #Journal, #Vacation, #Food
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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What The Map Revealed
From 2005 until 2010 and with the help and support of Sander/Moses Productions, I promoted the CBS TV Series "Ghost Whisperer" quite extensively through my website. I had descriptions of episodes, brief character bios, brief bios of the stars, information on music used in episodes, a forum, a chat room, a guestbook and a hit counter with map showing where people would hit my website from. One particular evening after a particularly chilling episode, I decided to go into my office to check the hit counter. One hit came from Los Angeles, California. I excitedly thought that someone from Universal at Sander/Moses must have checked out my website. As I zoomed in on the location, I noticed that the location of the hit came from south of Universal Studios. I zoomed in again and noticed that the location was just a little bit north of I-10. I zoomed in closer and was puzzled as all the streets gave way to what looked like an open field. "What's going on here", I asked myself? Puzzled, yet pleased by the mystery before me, I pulled up Google Earth and matched it with what I had visible on my Map. I found the field and zoomed in closer. As I did and got a good look at the location of the page hit, I got chills from head to toe! It reminded me of an old episode of the Twilight Zone.
Rosedale Cemetery to be exact. I checked the time in which the page was hit. 8:30PM. Three and a half hours after the gates closed and when Los Angeles was in full dark. #NightCall, #Computer, #Ghost, #Paranormal, #GhostWhisperer, #Hollywood, #California, #Personal, #Journal, #Website, #TwilightZone
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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The Further Adventures of Ozzie Nelson
Just because "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" was cancelled on September 3, 1966, didn't mean that Ozzie Nelson's adventures ended there. They continued even after he died of Liver Cancer on June 3, 1975 at the age of 69. The Nelson House, located at 1822 Camino Palmero Street in Hollywood, California has a reputation for being haunted by Ozzie's restless, watchfull and at times amorous ghost. He had been seen by the members of his family (now themselves deceased) in various rooms of the house, watching somberly and no doubt feeling cheated in death even though he lived a healthy life.
When new owners bought the house later that same year and moved in, it wasn't long before they heard footsteps. Faucets and lights turned on and off, seeming to have a life of their own. Doors would open and close at will, by an unseen hand. The woman living there also felt a strong, loving and obviously sexually excited presence beside her in bed several times and it was not the presence of her husband. After feeling her breats kissed and fondled, the owners had had enough. They packed up and departed, never to return. In 1994, a painter who was working inside the house, kept hearing foot steps. One day while painting, he felt a strong unseen presence next to him. Looking over, he saw a white, misty form floating next to him, perhaps inspecting his work. It wasn't hostile, just seemed to be interested, like a home owner would act. It was enough for him. He downwed his stuff and quit on the spot.
In the twenty years that have passed which only seems like a few minutes to those on the Other Side, the house has changed hands many times because of the ghostly manifestations. A Parapsychologist has investigated reports of paranormal activity there. A Journalist who has been by the house to investigate the ghostly happenings says that he doesn't believe in ghosts and is convinced that someone has been pranking new owners of the property. For almost 40 years? Not likely. #OzzieandHarriet, #TV, #Ghost, #Paranormal, #HauntedHouse, #Hollywood, #Actor, #Haunts
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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On the evening of Friday, March 5, 1982, Actor, Singer, Comedian John Belushi got together with several close friends (which included Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro) for a dinner party at "On The Rox", the Restaurant above the famous Roxy Nightclub on Sunset Blvd. After dinner, he invited Williams and DeNiro up to his temporary residence at Bungalow #3 at the Chateau Marmont.. It was while there that, at his urging, he was injected with Cocaine and Heroin (a speedball - now, sadly called a Belushi) by Cathy Evelyn Smith (known to some as "Sundown" see the song by Gordon Lightfoot). His friends left while Cathy remained behind with him. After awhile, John went into the bedroom to lie down for a time, so Cathy left.
Later, John's manager tried to call him at the Bungalow and got no answer, so he went to check up on him. When he entered the bungalow and went into the bedroom, John was blue in the face. Brillstein tried unsuccessfully revive John, but it was too late. John Belushi was dead. He called Police, Ambulance and then the Medical Examiner's Office. Not long after their arrival, the News Media arrived bringing with them crowds of people who looked on as John's body was carried out of the hotel in a body bag and placed into a van. It was at that moment that Cathy arrived back on the scene. When she saw what was going on, she turned her car around and fled.
When Dan Aykroyd got the news in NYC that John was dead, he walked all the way to where John had lived with his wife Judith and told her the news. The Funeral for John Belushi was held in Massachusettes near Martha's Vineyard and he was buried in Chilmark. The funeral was attended by Lorraine Newman, Bill Murry and, of course, Dan Aykroyd of SNL. Dan was in full motorcycle gear.
Sometime later, as a Psychic Medium was trying to make contact with the Dearly Departed in a well known part of Hollywood, she alledgedly came in contact with the spirit of John Belushi, who stated to her that he was just as shocked by his death as everyone else was. Why did he not cross over into the Light? There are several theories, one of which was that he had unfinished business in this life.
A woman and her family had to temporarily move out of their home due to renovations so they checked into the Chateau Marmont hotel in Hollywood. Due to problems with the renovation, they ended up staying there for over a year. During this time, late at night they would hear their young son (age 2) alone in his room laughing and giggling to himself. They thought nothing of it as the child is a very outgoing and playful child by nature. When they finally did ask what he was laughing at, the child would only say "the funny man". So one night the woman was talking to her friend about all this and her friend mentioned that John Belushi had died in the Chateau and that there were many reports of his spirit still roaming the grounds. A friend of hers did a quick search online and asked her if they are staying in Bungalow #3. She said yes. Apparently the family had been living in the same bungalow that John had died in. Some initial thoughts were to take pictures of various actors and show them to the child to see if he could recognize "the funny man" but, according to the mother, this never came to fruition. A friend of the boys mother visited the bungalow while they were staying there. It was for a birthday party for the boy and while it was a bit creepy, nothing out of the ordinary was said to have happened. Until later. After a time, the boy began to copmplain that he wasn't sleeping well because of the "funny man" who would awaken the boy and want to play with him and make him laugh. The mother of the child was sitting in bed one night she was sitting in bed one night looking at a book about the Chateau Marmont, and her son wandered in. He was very interested in what she was looking at so she told him it's all about the Chateau as she turned the pages ... there were many photos of various celebs that have stayed there over its many years. So the kid would say, "who is that?" And she said, oh that's an actor who was popular when your grandma was younger ... and that's Robert DeNiro, that's Robin Williams ... etc. Then she turned the page. The child got very excited, pointed and said: "Look Mommy, there's the FUNNY MAN!" He pointed right at the picture of John Belushi.
No, they have never shown him photos or Belushi films; in fact, when we suggested it a long time ago she said "no" so this kid has had no prompting whatsoever. But he sure did recognize his "funny man" right away! Although she hadn't been afraid to go to the bathroom alone at night since she was 8 years old, she was very uncomfortable doing so when they were staying in Bungalow 3. She said she would run in and out quickly, and never made eye contact with the mirror; she just felt as if she was being watched all the time. She went on to say that every time she opened the door to the room/area the kid was sleeping in, to tuck him in at night, she felt what she can only describe as a "whoosh!" #Tragedy, #ChateauMarmont, #Speedball, #JohnBelushi, #Hollywood, #Party, #Ghost, #Paranormal, #LastSupper, #LosAngeles, #SoCal, #Singer, #Actor, #Comedian, #Crime
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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One week after getting married to a 20 year old woman named Malika and honeymooning in Hawaii, Comedian Sam Kinison was on his way to Laughlin, Nevada to do a sold out show. It was Friday, April 10, 1992. He and his wife had been driving from LA on I-40 to US-95. After making a turn to head north and heading about 4 miles, Sam's Trans Am was hit head on by a pick-up truck full of drunks, which included the driver. A witness to the crash called 911 and an EMV was dispatched to the scene. Sam had been sober, something he took great pride in, but he hadn't been wearing a seat belt. His head hit the windshield. The drunk driver of the truck was more worried about his truck than a human life. According to witnesses, Sam said, "I don't want to die. I don't want to die." Then he stopped talking for a few seconds and then asked, "But why? I 'm not ready." Then, he seemed to understand something and said, "Okay, okay....okay." As he spoke the last "Okay", he said it softly and with comfort as though he realized it would be for the best and also as if though he were talking to someone he loved very much. He smiled and lost consciousness. He was taken to the ER at Needles Desert Community Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Cut to Wednesday. March 7, 2007.
During the first week of March I drove up to Tulsa, Oklahoma to do a little celebrity grave hunting. I went to visit the graves of stand up comic and comedic actor Sam Kinison, and the King of Western Swing Music, Bob Wills. While on a nocturnal visit to the grave of the aforementioned Mr. Kinison, I had a paranormal experience. I had been thinking about Sam and remembering reading about his last moments on this Earth. As I was walking back to the front gate, I thought to myself that he probably saw either his brother or his father, both of whom had preceded him in death...or maybe both of them before he left us. About a minute later, I smelled something as though it was right next to me. It was the distinctive smell of BEER! I stood there slightly astonished and then looked in a radius of several yards looking for the source of this smell. I could find none! The smell went away. Then I continued a ways, then stopped walking, smiled and with tongue firmly in cheek, I asked out loud, "Sam, are you offering me a beer?" The smell came back!! I accepted the offer with a smile but only on the condition that it would not impact me in a negative way. As I was leaving the cemetery, I told any and every spirit watching me that they could not go beyond the boundary of the gates or walls to follow me and that I was leaving what was left of the "beer" with Sam. Immediately upon getting back to my hotel room, I posted the facts of the encounter to my journal. #Comedy, #Ghost, #Paranormal, #Cemetery, #Tulsa, #Tragedy, #Hollywood, #Personal, #Journal, #Accident, #Oklahima, #Laughlin, #Nevada
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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Encounter at Holy Cross #Cemetery
It is here I will now make a slight departure from the norm. Why? Because in this narrative, the #paranormal event was personal.
From The Journals of Scott L. Spencer
Friday, January 28, 2005.
While vacationing in Los Angeles, I went out to Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Culver City to take some pics of some celebrity graves. I got pictures of the graves of Sharon Tate, Bing Crosby, Bela Lugosi, Rita Hayworth, Rosalind Russell and wanted to get pictures of several others.
As I was searching (in vain) for the grave of Mr. Jimmy Durante, I happened to look to my left and I saw, standing about 30 yards away, a young man who looked to be in his late 20's gazing at me. It was around Noon. He was a white male, about 5' 10' with thick, black well kept hair. He was wearing a long sleeve, white dress shirt and black suit pants. He looked at me in such a way that I thought he was annoyed with me or just curious. I took my eyes off of him for approximately 3 seconds while I got my bearings once again and then glanced back his way to give him a smile and a wave. Much to my puzzlement, though, he was gone. I scanned the area where he had been standing and he was nowhere to be found. In the particular area in which he'd been standing there are no trees and there is absolutely no way possible that he could have gotten out of sight so quickly unless he'd had a jet engine strapped to his back. One moment he was out in the open, the next, he was gone! My puzzlement became astonishment as I realized it was a ghost I saw. This ghost, however, looked slightly familiar, but I just couldn't place him. About a week later, after I had returned home, I started scoping out the Find A Grave website for celebs graves I'd missed. I clicked on one name and as I looked at the face of the actor there, I gasped! Before me was the very face of the #ghost I had seen in the cemetery. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I saw the ghost of Vince Edwards. Who was Vince Edwards? In the 1960's he was best remembered as Dr. "Ben Casey".  #Hollywood, #TV, #LosAngeles
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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On the Sunset Strip, in the heart of Hollywood, there once was a high class joint called Ciro's. It offered top entertainment and catered to the rich and famous, being one of the busiest hangouts for successful, well-known film industry people from both sides of the camera. But beneath the glitter of this place, there lurked beneath its surface, a dark side. One of the people that also frequented Ciro's was none other than Mickey Cohen, said to be the successor to Benjamin "Bugsy" Segal. If people thought that "Bugsy" was a force to be reckoned with, it was even moreso with Cohen. He was said to shake the place down on a weekly basis and those unfortunate enough to cross him usually were taken down into the basement, beaten to a pulp and then fitted with a new coat of concrete.
Is the place, which is now called "The Comedy Store" haunted? You bet! It is said to be haunted by at least five ghosts which have manifested themselves by moving chairs, messing with the lights or even appearing to startled employees or patrons. One comic that had more than one encounter wtih the ghosts was Sam Kinison. The ghosts hated him and would do anything they could to disrupt his shows. Loud, ghostly chanting could be heard at times saying, "It's him! It's him!!! It's him!!! They also messed with the sound system and the lights and such. One night, Sam got so annoyed with the ghosts that he challenged them to show themselves. All the lights went out, plunging the place into darkness!
No one goes down into the basement because it is said that something dark and malevolent dwells down there. A Security Guard once went down there to investigate a noise and heard a low, animalistic growling at around 3AM. Then, to his astonishment, something hit the basement door so hard from the other side that the door bowed outwards. The Guard didn't stick around to see what it was. He was off! The Comedy Store is located at 8433 Sunset Blvd. in West #Hollywood. #LosAngeles, #Crime, #Murder, #Accident, #Unsolved, #Mystery, #Ghosts, #Paranormal #LuckyLuciano, #Haunted, #Comedy, #Haunted, #SoCal, #Sunsetblvd
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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Another one of Hollywood's most infamous and still unsolved crimes is the murder or suicide of actress Thelma Todd. She was born on July 29, 1906 in Lawrence, Massachusetts. After graduating from college, she became a teacher who also took a job as a model. She caught the attention of some Hollywood Talent Scouts and moved out to California. It wasn't long before she was recognized as a genuine talent and not just for her good looks. Her friends called her "Hot Toddy". But on the morning of Monday, December 16, 1935, her maid found her facedown in the seat of her Packard Automobile, cold and dead. The engine of the car was still running. She was 29 years old. One of the chief suspects was the man who drove her home on the last night of Thelma's life. That man was director Ronald West. That fateful night, she had been at a party thrown by Ida Lupino, a relative newcomer to Hollywood, and it had the makings of a blow-out Hollywood event. The guest list was vast and unfortunately included Thelma’s ex-husband, Pat DiCicco. After a few drinks, Thelma and DiCicco exchanged some heated words, which made Thelma drink even more. By the early morning hours of Sunday, she had downed more than her share of alcohol. Luckily, she a driver to take her home. As she prepared to leave, Roland West, who was at the apartment over the cafe, received a phone call from theater owner Sid Graumann saying that Thelma was a “bit under the influence” and was on her way home. Graumann suggested that West see her safely into bed. But sometime between the telephone call and Monday morning, Thelma Todd died in the garage of West’s house on Pasetano Road. According to Forensics, when Thelma Todd was found, her hair was matted, a false tooth had been knocked out of her mouth and there were blood spatters on her skin and dress. Despite the evidence which pointed to Murder, her death was ruled a suicide. She lay in state in a casket filled with yellow roses and was then laid to rest at Bellvue Cemetery in her hometown. But even as her her body was being cremated, the scandal surrounding her mysterious death continued and the mystery still continues to this day. Who wanted her dead, and why? She had opened an eatery with Ronald West called Thelma Todd's Roadside Rest Cafe which was located on Pacific Coast Highway just under the Palisades. It was a place frequented by stars and fans alike. On the last day of her life, the cafe was also visited by notorious gangster, "Lucky" Luciano. He had been on the prowl for an establishment that could house a casino, and it looked like Thelma's place could be a perfect front. He made her an offer....and she refused. Was it that refusal which cost Thelma her life? No one will ever know. Meanwhile, the owners of what was once a Roadside Cafe have experienced strange occurances in their place of business: Cold spots, missing items, the feeling of being watched....and the sounds of footsteps coming up the long cliff side stairs, footsteps belonging to something....or someone unseen. Some believe it to be Thelma's ghost. Is she replaying the last tragic hours of her life as does a tragic heroine in a Hollywood Melodrama...or is she hoping that her earthbound spirit will one day point the way to a clue regarding what really happened on the night of her death? #Hollywood, #LosAngeles, #Crime, #Murder, #Suicide, #Accident, #Unsolved, #Mystery, #ThelmaTodd, #HotToddy, #Ghosts, #Paranormal #LuckyLuciano, #Haunted
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ghostwood7 · 10 months
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The former estate of actor George Reeves is also allegedly haunted. Reeves played the part of "Superman" in the 1950's and committed suicide (or was murdered, depending on who you talk to or what you read) on the night of June 16, 1959 during a party at his home. (Hmph, some party!) His ghost was reportedly seen by a ten year old boy who wandered onto the property and was scolded for doing so by "Superman". Another time, while a couple who had just bought the mansion and moved in were having an intimate encounter in the master bedroom, the ghost of George Reeves slowly appeared at the foot of their bed...in full Superman costume, grinned at them and then slowly faded away. They were scared witless and proceeded to get the hell out of the house! (Not a bad idea!)
HOLLYWOOD, California (Variety) -- With Paul Walker the latest to drop out of the running to play the title role in the new "Superman" movie for Warner Bros. (Josh Hartnett turned it down earlier), a question comes to mind: Isn't this supposed to be the role actors would die for? Not if you talk to talent agents. Frequently suspicious, they are rarely superstitious -- and yet, some raise the "Curse of Superman" as a reason the Brett Ratner-directed picture seems to be having trouble finding the Man of Steel. What is the curse? While everyone knows of the misfortune that came to paralyze Christopher Reeve, the nervous breakdown suffered by Margot Kidder, her rollover in an SUV in Canada and the multiple sclerosis that struck Richard Pryor and later, his death; many others connected to "Superman" have suffered. During the filming of "Superman: The Movie", a stuntman, Terry Hill and an electrician, John Bodimeade were both killed. Kirk Alyn played bit parts and minor supporting roles in several low-budget films before getting his big break playing the title role in the 1948 serial "Superman." But after the serial ended, he failed to sustain a film career and retired to Arizona. George Reeves, who played the role of Superman in a TV series and several movies in the 1950s, was found dead of a single gunshot wound to the head in 1959. The cause of death was listed as suicide, though controversy swirled around the death: Reeves' prints were never found on the gun, and he'd been having an affair with the wife of MGM exec Eddie Mannix. The first cartoon "Superman" was voiced by Bud Collyer from 1941-43. He went on to have a fine career in TV, creating and hosting the game show "To Tell the Truth." But he returned to the role to voice "The New Adventures of Superman" for CBS in 1966 -- and three years later, he was dead of a circulatory ailment. Christopher Reeve developed a pressure wound which became severely infected. He had a heart attack on Oct. 10, 2004, slipped into a coma and passed away at the age of 52.
The Curse Continues? Paul Walker, who was to play the role of Superman/Clark Kent, but dropped out of the production was killed when the Porche Carrera GT being driven by his friend Roger Rodas, struck a light pole at approximately 100 miles per hour on November 30, 2013 at approximately 3:30PM. Both Rodas and Walker were killed instantly.
#Ghosts, #Paranormal, Haunting, #HauntedHouse, #Superman, #Curse, #Mystery, #Murder, #Suicide, #Hollywood, #Hollywoodland, #LosAngeles, #SoCal, California
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ghostwood7 · 11 months
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It was in June of 1932 that director Paul Bern married actress, Jean Harlow. Four months later, on September 5, the marriage ended rather suddenly when Paul Bern, standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror, shot himself in the head with a .38 calibre pistol. The butler found his nude body.
Flash forward to 1968. A well respected Hollywood hairstylist lived in the old house and was dating a young starlet who had moved to LA from Texas. One day he asked her to house sit for him while he went out of town on business for a day or two. She agreed. That night, while she slept, she was awakened by a loud noise. She turned on the light and saw a man in the bedroom. He was ransacking the place as if looking for something important. He turned and looked at the young woman and that was when she recognized him. She also saw the bullet hole in his head next to his right temple and it was spirting blood. It was Paul Bern! The young woman fled from the bedroom, but as she got to the top of the stairs, she was met by an even more ghastly sight. Tied to the newel post at the bottom of the stairs...was her lover. His throat had been cut from ear to ear and was gushing blood!! The noises in the bedroom of Paul Bern's ghost got louder. Overcome by the horrors she had seen she fainted. The next day, her lover returned from his trip and she told him of the horrific apparitions she had seen the night before. He tried to comfort her and dismissed them. Little did they know that what she saw was a terrifying warning of the horrific fate which awaited them both almost one year later.....at the murderous hands of the Manson Family. The man's name was Jay Sebring. The woman was Sharon Tate. #Hollywood #Ghosts #Paranormal #Hauntings #SharonTate, #JeanHarlow #MansonFamily, #Crime, #Murders #LosAngeles #LA #SoCal #California #Taphophile #Travels
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ghostwood7 · 11 months
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Rudolph Valentino still haunts his former estate, Falcon's Lair, as well as Hollywood Forever Cemetery (in the Cathedral Mausoleum where he is interred in crypt 1205) because he had unfinished business at the time of his death. He was set to star in a movie called "The Hooded Falcon" to play the part of "El Cid". This was his obsession. The project fell apart when his wife and fellow Producer of the movie, Natacha Rambova, suddenly left him. This must have been what lead to his perforated ulcer which finally resulted in his death. He died on August 23, 1926 with his dog Kabar (a Great Dane) by his bedside. The story goes that when Valentino's spirit passed into the Afterlife, the dog began to howl mournfully, as though sensing his masters farewell. Valentino's body was shipped from New York City back to Hollywood where his emaciated body lay in state for his thousands of fans to view. Ever since his death, a mysterious Lady In Black has made visits to his crypt to leave roses. To this day, no one knows the true identity of the original LIB, though some speculate that it was Valentino's first wife. Others speculate that it is the ghost of a woman who idolized Valentino as a young girl and became ill. Valentino went to see this girl in the hospital one day, bringing her roses. She told Valentino that she would die soon but he gently rebuked her, saying that she would outlive him. Valentino's restless ghost has also been seen walking the studio lot of Paramount Studios which is right behind Hollywood Forever. A Security Guard once reported seeing a man of about 30 years of age walking on the studio grounds after the studio was closed. He told the man that the studio was closed, so the man tipped his hat to the guard and walked thru the wall…back into the cemetery. In regard to Valentino's dog, #Kabar, he too haunts the cemetery where he rests, the Los Angeles Pet Cemetery where Hollywood Celebs have buried their beloved pets. Petey, the cute dog from "The Little Rascals" rests there, as does Mary Pickford's dog and Hopalong Cassidy's Horse. It is Kabar, Valentino's Great Dane, who does the most haunting here, however. Kabar died in 1929, three years after his master. Its playful ghost has been reported being heard panting or even licking those who wander near his grave. #Hollywood #Cemetery #HollywoodForever #Ghosts #Paranormal #Hauntings #Valentino #LosAngeles #LA #SoCal #California #Taphophile #Travels
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ghostwood7 · 11 months
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The very name speaks of Hollywood Royalty (if there is such a thing).The Barrymore Family of actors has existed for over 4 generations, and as you all know, continues with the celebrated career of Drew Barrymore. Visitors to the Barrymore mansion during the 1970's frequently reported seeing the ghosts of John, Lionel, and Ethyl. In addition to these famous apparitions, the estate is haunted by the ghost of a man who died in a cable car accident on the property. Another unusual incident involved an old cuckoo clock that belonged to John Barrymore. John Barrymore's last words were reportedly, "Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barrymore would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him." When John died, his friend Gene Fowler decided to position the hands of the broken clock at the time of his friend's death as a sort of tribute. When he went to set the clock, however, Fowler discovered that the hands on the clock were already at 10:20 p.m., which was the exact moment of John Barrymore's death. The adventures of the late John Barrymore did not end with his death, however. While Barrymore's body awaited burial, a few of Barrymore's friends got together in the dead of night and went out to the funeral home. Once there, they gave the attending mortician a rather large amount of money to look the other way and to keep his mouth shut while the friends stole Barrymore's body! They took the body to the house of Errol Flynn, sat him down in his favorite chair in the parlor, put a drink in his hand....and left the house!! Later that same night, Flynn returned to his house from a night on the town. Still grieving for his friend, Flynn decided to have a drink in the Parlor to drink to his friend before retiring for the night. He went into the parlor, turned the lights on and turned around to see John Barrymore, sitting in his favorite chair with a drink in his hand and his eyes open. Scared witless, Flynn fled from the house, aghast! Barrymore's body was returned to the Mortuary under extremely tight security to make sure that the Papers didn't find out. The perpetrators of the theft of Barrymore's body got their hands slapped and were scolded by the Judge, but the case was completely forgotten. Money no doubt changed hands again. Barrymore's body was eventually taken to the family cemetery in Pennsylvania and re-interred there. The former Barrymore Estate is located at 6 Beverly Grove in Beverly Hills, California. #Hollywood #Ghosts #Paranormal #Hauntings #LosAngeles #LA #SoCal #California #Taphophile #Travels
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ghostwood7 · 11 months
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It is at the world famous Graumann's Chinese Theater, located just across the street from the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel that the ghost of actor Victor Killian, known for his role as the Fernwood Flasher in "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman", roams the sidewalk and courtyard... looking for the man who murdered him. His career in movies and television spanned half a century. According to Police reports, Kilian met a man at a nearby bar in March of 1979. After a few drinks, Killian invited the man back up to his apartment. Killian's bludgeoned corpse was discovered the next morning. Another source says that Mr. Killian came home to his apartment to discover a burglary in progress. His killer remains at large and the case remains unsolved. #Hollywood #Ghosts #Paranormal #Hauntings #Unsolved #Mystery #LosAngeles #LA #SoCal #California #MaryHartmanMaryHartman
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ghostwood7 · 11 months
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Hollywood Forever, formerly known as Hollywood Memorial Park (located at 6000 Santa Monica Blvd), famous for its Permanent Celebrity Residents, had become a desolate ruin, especially after being extensively damaged by the Northridge Earthquake in 1994. It became a horrific disgrace, displaying crumbling walls that exposed open crypts, broken glass, rotting wood (Coffins and Caskets?) and extensive water damage. There were also reports of the stench of decay. The chief architect of this scandal was Jules Roth, a con man, a liar and a thief who stole money from endowment funds and had a wetbar in his cemetery office. He cared nothing for the cemetery or its legendary clients. He forced the cemetery into bankruptcy and some people who were buried there, were exhumed by their surviving relatives and taken to another cemetery. Max Factor was one such person. The State of California brought the Owners up on charges and threatened the Cemetery with closure. However, in 1998 a man named Tyler Cassity bought the property for $375,000.00 and not only made repairs to the place, but also modernized it, bringing it into the 20th Century with the latest technology and gimmicks such as Living Memory, Interviews, Biographical Movies and Webcasts of Funeral Services! Hollywood Forever even has its own website now and can be found here.
And, of course, there are ghosts here. One day, a man was searching for a certain celebrity gravesite in the Abbey Of the Psalms Mausoleum. He asked a quaint looking, old gentleman whom he saw standing in the Foyer where the grave of this person was. The man gave directions. When the other turned around to thank the man, he was gone! He gave a description of the man to a Cemetery Employee and was told that it was Mr. Clifton Webb….who had died of a heart attack in 1966! The other ghost at Hollywood Forever is not one that you will see, but you might hear it. It has been said that if you wander near the grave of tragic starlet, Virginia Rappe, you might hear a ghostly weeping. She died at the tender age of 25 due to Generalized Peritonitis. However, because she had died after a wild party attended by comedic actor Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, it was thought she had been murdered. Arbuckle was charged with the murder. He was tried for the crime three times and acquitted each time. However, his career was irrevocably ruined. Rudolph Valentino, who died in 1926 of a ruptured appendix, a perforated ulcer and peritonitis is interred in the Cathedral Mausoleum. A grand tomb was planned for his final resting place and Valentino's body was placed in a temporary crypt until it could be built. Unfortunately, Rudy owed back taxes which set the building of the tomb back about three years. Then, another setback occurred on October 24, 1929. The Stock Market crashed and the world wide Depression began. The tomb was never built. Valentino still rests in that "temporary crypt" to this very day. It has been reported that his ghost has been seen walking thru the rear wall of the cemetery and onto the lot at Paramount Studios, where he has also been seen. According to eye witnesses, he looks around, seems confused and then walks back thru the wall and back into the cemetery. Perhaps his confusion stems from the passage of Time and the changes that have taken place in our world since then. He has also been seen at his former home, known as the Falcon's Lair. #Hollywood #Cemetery #HollywoodForever #Ghosts #Paranormal #Hauntings #Valentino #LosAngeles #LA #SoCal #California #Taphophile #Travels
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