ghubaar · 3 years
i hope americans know about the unjust, unfair system that allowed them to get vaccines so early. while young and healthy ppl in the us decide which day of the week is more convinient to get a shot, the majority of the world can’t even secure vaccines for their elders. 
it’s not “effort” it’s no “innovation”. its just modern imperialism. 
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ghubaar · 3 years
“ Just gather us all in one place and kill us all with missiles. Let us all die at once as martyrs. Because what you’re doing right now is torture! “
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I am still sorry if putting this in blm and stop asian hate offends anyone, but as you know by now, social media platforms are preventing Palestine from trending. And you deserve to know the truth. And Palestinian deserve to be heard
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ghubaar · 3 years
a very big fuck you to everyone staying silent on the palestinian crisis right now.
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ghubaar · 3 years
a very big fuck you to everyone staying silent on the palestinian crisis right now.
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ghubaar · 3 years
free palestine til its backwards.
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ghubaar · 3 years
Please don’t forget that 43% of Gaza’s 2 millions population is under 14 years old (meaning they weren’t even born when Hamas was elected) and that the average age in Gaza Strip is 17 years old and that 70% of the people who live in Gaza are refugees who were already ethnically cleansed from other parts of Palestine by Israelis.
These are the people that are getting bombed by Israel right now “until they burn and there’s complete quiet’” (the words of Israel’s defense minister one day before the bombings) in the world’s biggest open-prison and one of the most densely populated areas on earth without any shelters or bunkers to hide in and are also falsely accused by their killers of being used as human shields as they’re getting killed.
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ghubaar · 3 years
all i want- is for someone to look at me like senne looks at zoë. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK???
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ghubaar · 3 years
somehow I got 95/20 on an assignment
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I hope they never fix it and leave it this way forever
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ghubaar · 3 years
english literature finally begins tomorrow im so excited omg
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ghubaar · 3 years
the age of social media: a reading list
note: all hyperlinked texts are either open-access academic works or public-facing articles, & most other texts are accessible through various pdf-hosting websites.
the age of surveillance capitalism by shoshanna zuboff (2019)
the burnout society by byung-chul han, tr. erik butler (2015)
control: digitality as cultural logic by seb franklin (2015)
dark matters: on the surveillance of blackness by simone browne (2015)
the death algorithm and other digital dilemmas by roberto simanowski, tr. jefferson chase (2018)
the end of forgetting: growing up with social media by kate eichhorn (2019)
in the swarm: digital politics by byung-chul han, tr. erik butler (2012)
the politics of dating apps: gender, sexuality, and emergent publics in urban china by lik sam chan (2021)
the transparency society by byung-chul han, tr. erik butler (2015)
weaving the dark web: legitimacy on freenet, tor, and i2p by robert gehl (2018)
ambivalent influencers: feeling rules and the affective practice of anxiety in social media influencer work by mari lehto (2021)
capitalism, patriarchy, slavery, and racism in the age of digital capitalism and digital labour by christian fuchs (2017)
children are our future: resistance, addiction and the digital natives by rob horning (2010)
#dadtribe: performing sharenting labour to commercialise involved fatherhood by mario campana, astrid van den bossche, and bryoney miller (2020)
disintegrated bodies from cyborg microcelebrities to capital flow: a post-phenomenological investigation of disembodiment by riad salameh (2021)
the drama of metrics: status, spectacle, and resistance among youtube drama creators by angèle christin and rebecca lewis (2021)
#familygoals: family influencers, calibrated amateurism, and justifying young digital labor by crystal abidin (2017)
fragments on microcelebrity by rob horning (2012)
imagined affordances of instagram and the fantastical authenticity of female gulf-arab social media influencers by zoe hurley (2019)
improbable curators: analysing nostalgia, authorship and audience on tumblr microblogs by dinu gabriel munteanu (2017)
instagram use, instamums, and anxiety in mothers of young children by mara moujaes and diarmuid verrier (2020)
micro­microcelebrity: branding babies on the internet by crystal abidin (2015)
power through the algorithm? participatory web cultures and the technological unconscious by david beer (2009)
“running the numbers”: modes of microcelebrity labor in queer women’s self-representation on instagram and vine by stefanie duguay (2019)
selling brands while staying “authentic”: the professionalization of instagram influencers by loes van driel, delia dumitrica (2020)
seo and the disappearing self by rob horning (2010)
social media as masochism by rob horning (2016)
social media is not self-expression by rob horning (2012)
speaking to no one by rob horning (2017)
verbal venting in the social web: effects of anonymity and group norms on aggressive language use in online comments by leonie rösner and nicole c. krämer (2016)
vlogging parlance by sophie bishop (2018)
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ghubaar · 3 years
as funny as top/bottom/switch jokes can be, i wanna drill into queer kids heads that those terms are 1) not myers-briggs personality types 2) likely not something you know about yourself if you're a virgin 3) inherently sexual and therefore 4) not something adults should assign you, even as a joke
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ghubaar · 3 years
i have my english exam tomorrow please pray for me 🙏
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ghubaar · 3 years
im starting to think people believe its not okay to give me money !! its okay if you give me some money every now and then !!
Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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ghubaar · 3 years
COVID is slowly becoming a "third world" disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can't get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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ghubaar · 3 years
Oh yeah and just remember the states (and most possibly the rest of the western world) have zero intention to help India. When America is done with their vaccines they'll then so ~generously~ offer to sell "spares" to India and other countries who have been left in the dust but don't you dare forget that they denied a request to allow India to make more vaccines.
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ghubaar · 3 years
“I’m 24 years old and play this game with myself: buy myself something delicious for the weekend, blueberry muffins or flaky croissants, and forget it by Friday. Saturday morning comes and I am lucky to know me. I wasn’t born knowing how to love me, but I’m learning now; catching up for lost time between us. I keep the windows open. I play oldies throughout every corner of my apartment. I tell the dog how good it feels, at least for today, at least for right now, to be alive.”
— Schuyler Peck, Can’t Get Enough Of My Love 
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ghubaar · 3 years
Feminist fantasy is funny sometimes in how much it wants to shit on femininity for no goddamned reason. Like the whole “skirts are tools of the patriarchy made to cripple women into immobility, breeches are much better” thing.
(Let’s get it straight: Most societies over history have defaulted to skirts for everyone because you don’t have to take anything off to relieve yourself, you just have to squat down or lift your skirts and go. The main advantage of bifurcated garments is they make it easier to ride horses. But Western men wear pants so women wearing pants has become ~the universal symbol of gender equality~)
The book I’m reading literally just had its medievalesque heroine declare that peasant women wear breeches to work in the field because “You can’t swing a scythe in a skirt!”
Hm yes story checks out
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peasant women definitely never did farm labour in skirts
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skirts definitely mean you’re weak and fragile and can’t accomplish anything
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skirts are definitely bad and will keep you from truly living life
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no skirts for anyone, that’s definitely the moral of the story here
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