giantessaradia · 2 years
(( Lost the email for this blog for a while and recently rediscovered it might put some sizey thoughts here since the bird app is actively on fire. 
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giantessaradia · 3 years
(( Tentative Return?
(( Boy it’s been a while, (and I’m posting this at almost 3am because my hubris knows no bounds) I might try and be more active here in the future I apologize for the disappearance but I’ve been working muse back up.
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giantessaradia · 5 years
Send my muse things you’d like to do to them or with them!
Make it cute, angry, platonic, sexy, violent, etc.
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giantessaradia · 5 years
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giantessaradia · 5 years
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giantessaradia · 5 years
833 here's a the skull of a dead lusus i furound in the furrest
thank y0u nepeta it’s perfect! 0u0
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giantessaradia · 5 years
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giantessaradia · 5 years
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MM’s November piece- just gals bein pals
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giantessaradia · 5 years
skirts + butts so big that the skirt barely covers anything <3
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giantessaradia · 5 years
(( Gonna try and be more active here soon sorry I’ve been gone real life has been kicking my ass ))
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giantessaradia · 5 years
Send 📝and a summary of an imaginary fanfiction that features my muse, and they will react to reading it!
Make it embarrassing! Make it silly! Make them cry! Anything goes! Bonus if your muse is included!
(Basic Example: This fanfiction features [Muse A] and their adventures with [Muse B], and eventually they fall for each other after getting lost in the woods and alone after a long time.)
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giantessaradia · 5 years
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happy momthers day ;3
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giantessaradia · 5 years
Be there for her and listen to her macabre jokes. She tends to keep her problems to herself so she’s a bit of a tough nut to crack in terms of getting her to jam about her feelings.
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giantessaradia · 5 years
If you want to romance Aradia you gotta listen to her ramble about archaeological stuff maybe join her on a dig even if she hasn’t been able to do much excavating while giant.
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giantessaradia · 5 years
Send my troll ♥ ♠ ♦ or ♣ for a hint on how to get that troll's quadrant
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giantessaradia · 6 years
Send an “Ѡ” for my muse’s reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
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giantessaradia · 6 years
(( I know i haven’t been super active but I made a new blog to hopefully help with that I will try and get back to this one too hopefully! ))
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(( Here is a drawing of Meulin standing in the city
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