giddyuprosie · 2 years
When do the glasses shine their clue,
That rich and glorious ember of truth?
Seeing deep and knowing few,
Keeps the vessel clear and blue~~~
Ask the golden fish inside,
Do I long to be his bride?
Listen for the glimmering tide
Tell of service, not of pride
What is driving the little fins
Oh the races he will win
Circling round and round again
We get nowhere, just like him
Will you be kept in a pool
When the ocean you could rule
How big is your dream, you fool
Can it lift you from the schools
There are women, quiet keepers
Of the keys for wisdom seekers
Listen to their siren song, sleepers
Waking from the fog to teach us
Listen to the answer you have asked for
Do not spill this gold upon the floor
Sit until you know you’re more
Than any treasure seen before ~~~
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Paul Haviland :: Florence Peterson nourrissant le poisson rouge, New York, 1909-1910. Autochrome. Musée d’Orsay
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
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hello my hand is gonna fall off
tap for better quality!
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Be the doorway
Look through the windows
Let the moon and the wind bury your low hanging fruit
Rest, rest from all this work of living
#original #art #poetry #thoughts #musings
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Folk art is displayed under a ceiling lined with Greek rag rugs in Frogmore’s festive dining room and kitchen.
The Los Angeles House, 1995
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
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Flowers by Irving Penn (1980)
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Knowing my shadow is true intimacy ~
Accepting desires the root of freedom ~
Choosing expressions of love and lust with conscious action is an integration of the anima & animus
Giving solace and harmony to the Selves, small and large, the middle and between beings is mining the deep hidden treasures of the Sea of Souls
We are the shipwreck, the Sirens, the newly hewn vessel…
We are the Ocean itself
#philosophy #musings #originalpoetry #inspired #shadow #respondstability #love -#lust #ocean #infinite
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the siren 🌊
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Is death like drowning?
Maybe to the dead air is water
How do we breathe on the other side of infinity?
I’m curious if the minutiae of cells within my skin regard me as a universe…?
Whereas to the universe we know, I am but a minutiae of cells…
What movements will unlock the veil?
What secrets will I have to tell to gain access to my own awareness?
Not the ego’s long narrative, but the stripped
down barest teeth with the blood of the beast that I inhabit like a nun cloaked
in habits I am following and allowing
the tunnels to shift, mirrors glint I get hints
I am lifted and twisted in dreams,
I am skinned til I’m clean
And the holes I worm down to the seams
I become what I seek
I lose my voice to speak
I scream and decease
I smoke the same ashes I leave
When I choke on my pride and am weak
Can’t say no to the Need to be free
Yet in hiding I find again clicks that make time and I refuse the mind that is bound free the hound to the chase leap from glen to the lake find the knoll and the shovel of gold and take hold of your soul til it shifts and I what won’t give to become the rabbit again
#infinity #originalpoetry #inspiration #theOA #lost&found #angst #liberty #death #pursuit #philosophy #giddyuprosie #befree #speculation #musing
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Perfect Magazine, 2022.
Ph. Zhong Lin
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
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What if you could not fail?
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
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Sleeping beauty woken by snow white’s kiss by Chris Riddell
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
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Please, send her back
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
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Own it when you get owned…gurlll!
I just had to~ 🤘
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Without Judas, there would be no resurrection…
Without fantasy, there would be no reality…
The kissed and the betrayer are bound in the blood that frees the next couple of us to get a bite of the sun…
Fallen Angel by Alexander Cabanel, 1868 x Mark Twain. 🥀
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656 notes · View notes
giddyuprosie · 2 years
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Whose train is this?
Who’s driving this train?
Who is the rider?
Who’ll stoke the fire?
Whomever brings the coal
Knows the true depths of the soul…
How shall they tell it now they’re dead
After we buried slaves unfed we lured with lies from Eastern seas to fall beneath the steal and skies…
We ride we rode we took the train, upon the bodies we built our ways, the hungry devil and his wife are surely rich, Christian, and white…
We who deny our cotton ties, tobacco eyes, the oil our blood decays, our children shall not be free until the days we pay respects and reparations, say…
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John Schabel, Passengers, 1994-1996
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Some of my favorite people are trees gurlll 🥀
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Lee Friedlander, self portrait
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Your mothers mothers mothers milk mayhaps was stolen from a man who rode a sheep and off he ran with her sweet innocence in hand…
And now we hunger for a taste of green grass fed bubonic waste the meat that falls clean from the bone was boiled and baked to keep us home…
Ring ring and beep the telephone, computers pull is from the throne we dared to say we were alone in universe so wide and blown like winter winds to catch the drone and drown him in a sea of foam…
The sirens call come back to us, the waters cold induce the rust of metal squares and chains we keep the colors all but fair to weep the stones we throw into the deep are staring back as us, the sheep…
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René Maltête
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giddyuprosie · 2 years
Anchor my shadow where I can see it ~ 🥀 gurlll
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Theda Bara, Hollywood silent film era actress. 1920s
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