gigiphilip 3 years
Sookie: You should! Richie says that you should invite us but we鈥檒l probably laugh even more. NUKA THE GENTLEMAN!!!!! Nuka鈥檚 definitely harmless and he鈥檚 a great person when you get past all the other things! But GENTLEMAN??? FOR EVIE??? wild!!
Gigi: Yeah, the only intervention I'm ever inviting Richie to is his own and you can tell him I said that. And yeah, it's weird, right? But if you think he's a good person maybe I'll skip on the intervention this time? I mean... maybe they'll be good for each other?
Gigi: Ugh, it's just too weird. No shade to Jess either but it's like, why do all my hot girl friends just
Gigi: Never mind, it felt too mean as I was typing it. Ugh, I need a shot or something.
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gigiphilip 3 years
Sookie: The lucky gentleman Nuka OH MY GOD. I read it out loud when I saw that and Richie鈥檚 in the room so now we both can鈥檛 stop laughing. WHAT? He鈥檚 my roommate, I knew something was happening with her but I didn鈥檛 know she was getting brain damage from it!!
Gigi: I'm glad it amuses you guys at least because I'm a few seconds away from planning an intervention for her, or at least finding someone else to do it. Like he seems... harmless, I guess? But just ew.
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gigiphilip 3 years
Sookie: She said whaaaa? Was it like an accident maybe?? Is she secretly dating another Nuka somehow and got them confused?
Gigi: She told me she had a boyfriend, I asked who, and she said, and I quote, "The lucky gentleman Nuka 馃構". Also, you knew they were together and didn't tell me?
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gigiphilip 3 years
Sookie: As many as it would take to kill me. Why?
Gigi: Because Evie just did and I'm wondering if I should be worried about her or not.
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gigiphilip 3 years
Gigi: Hey Sook, how many shots would it take for you to refer to Nuka as a gentleman?
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: Oh?????
Evie: You can't just say 'oh.' after I tell you who my boyfriend is! There's a lot riding on an 'oh.'! What does 'oh.' mean??
Gigi: An "oh" can mean a lot of things. Right now? It means I've met the dude and he just didn't seem like he'd be your type is all.
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: Sure, BUT only after the first few shows just so I can cover for the new employment. You'll actually be my first official model. And I'll have to run the numbers by Doug too, you know that's more his thing.
Evie: Well, he's just charming in the least expected way?? So much better than a lot of the other losers I've seen around. But you do already know him. The lucky gentleman Nuka 馃構
Gigi: Sounds good, lady! Whatever works for you works for me, I'm just happy to be here for the ride with you!
Gigi: Oh.
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: Oh, please! The pleasure is mine. I need a good model to help my fashion get out there and for people to want to wear it. You're such an influencer you know?
Evie: All of them except for maybe one of them? A particular one who just so happens to be my new proclaimed boyfriend. 馃グ
Gigi: It sounds like we're going to be a badass team, then. Between your clothes and my looks? We can't lose. Quick q, does that mean I can get some free samples from you?
Gigi: Everyone always thinks that the boy they've plucked from the crowd is the one exception lol. Who is it?
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: Ah!!! That's just perfect!! I just think you would be the best fit for the role you would do amazing
Evie: well forget him!! yes, he is trash! i wish i knew a way to help you need non-sucky men!
Gigi: I'm so in! I really can't thank you enough, E. I've been dying for a shot like this.
Gigi: Yeah, well, ALL men suck so I don't think there's a solution there. ALL men. Remember that, babe.
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gigiphilip 3 years
Dawn: I don't know! They just ain't sexy! it's makin me awfully sad to be here. Luckily I'm startin my set off with some good ol Patsy Cline, so at least I'll be in the mood. Will do!
Gigi: I don't blame you; there's nothing more depressing than a non-sexy party. I haven't been to a non-sexy party since middle school, I think. I swear I'll never remember or keep track of your country singers well.
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gigiphilip 3 years
Dawn: Everyone here is dressed like it's seventy years ago and not even in a sexy way, it's pretty bad! Thanks but no thanks. No one pays attention to the band when they're busy nursing a leg injury, I'm just gonna have to stick it out.
Gigi: How are they not making that sexy? Retro is almost like automatically sexy! Well, good luck. Let me know how that goes when you lose your voice tomorrow.
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gigiphilip 3 years
Dawn: And me! I'm fully committed to the mistakes I'm making and after I regret it it'll at least make a funny story. I'm performing at the last shift of this dance-a-thon and I'm preeetty darn sure this is going to be at least twelve hours too long.
Gigi: Love that for you. And that's not that bad. I thought you were stuck somewhere way worse. Do you want me to go and make some people trip, maybe?
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gigiphilip 3 years
Dawn: I鈥檓 making poor life decisions again. Tune in tomorrow to see how much I hate life.
Gigi: Or I could step in and fix your night but that would be way less entertaining for me. What are you doing now?
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gigiphilip 3 years
do you see yourself ever being in a serious relationship?
Someone would have to be pretty fucking spectacular to prove to me that they were worth committing to, and I鈥檓 not saying it鈥檚 impossible, but I am saying the odds are low. I mean, I鈥檝e met tons of hot people over the years and I鈥檓 still not convinced someone good enough exists, so. I mean, if I get lonely once I鈥檓 in my thirties, maybe I鈥檒l ask @sookiefournier and my mom to pick someone out for me, but otherwise, nah, I鈥檓 good.
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honesty hour!
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: Discussing possible lines for the upcoming season! I have this idea to change auradon's fashion style. And when needed, would you do me the honor of being my brand model?
Evie: Who in their right minds would stand you up?? You are the It girl!
Gigi: That's pretty ambitious, I love it. Are you serious? Of course I'd be a brand model! Fuck, that's so exciting, I'm kind of shaking now.
Gigi: I KNOW. I swear, all men are trash. I need to stop giving them a chance, all it does is bite me in the ass and not in the fun way.
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: Beautiful, I am so relieved that I can be totally honest with you about things like that! Anyway, he has stopped bothering me, thankfully and now I can get to real business.
Gigi: Girl, don't ever stress about it, especially not with me 馃挒 I got you. And good! What does real business look like for you? Because it's got to be more fun than what I'm doing. I'm waiting like an idiot for a guy in a club who hasn't shown up yet.
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gigiphilip 3 years
text聽馃挰 gevie
Evie: I would love nothing more, I just don't want to make a scene in public. You know how they try to make us women look bad.
Evie: Ugh now I feel like I'm being a bad feminist.
Gigi: There's no such thing as a bad feminist. Some of us (me) are good at the drink throwing, and some of us (you) have your methods. Either way, we're both good -- pitting women against women is never the answer.
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