It’s almost criminal, love, it gives promise of heartfelt meaning and eternal happiness with another, and yet, when challenged, it often falters. People speak of love as though it is this all giving life-bringer, made of sunshine and rainbows, however, my interactions with love have been negative. That is not to say that this is a universal experience, though, I do feel entitled to give my position on love in being an aspiring writer. My opinion, as of currently, is that it FUCKING SUCKS! I mean that with the upmost sincerity, a crush is fine but true, unconditional, love for a person[s] is the single worst feeling, I care so much for my friends, my family, and that one person that we all have to fall in love with for some reason or other. Though it does have benifitial side effects, such as falling in love with your best friend. Wait, what? That can’t be a benefit? OH, CAN’T IT, MY BAD DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE CEO OF LOVE MY GUY, MY AQUAINTENCE, HOMBRE, FRIENDO, CHUM- the point is is that if i were to fall in love with a stranger i would most likely fall right back out of love, but i know my best friend, I know their flaws, their most horrid experiences and the things that no-one else could dream up about them, and this over-powering force makes me love them even more because of it. Love, in its purest form is simply a nicer version of spite, and I hate it just as much as I hate my mother or father. Only when it does something mildly inconvenient.
Like give me butterflies or some shit.
Thank you for reading rant numero uno, pally-O.
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