gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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A nice big announcement piece, just for you folks. Details: I've been offered a contract on Disney Cruise Lines. I've spent the last three weeks running around getting my "approval for hire" stuff. This morning I got it. I will be a character performer aboard Magic 31. Two months rehearsal in Toronto, and then a 6 month tour across the Ocean! My face is all :D All the love in the world guys.  
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
Sad News. No Comic....for a while.
For my three followers that I don't ALSO have on facebook... I was a victim of the Toronto Flooding on Monday. My apartments wrecked, the valuables I was able to save are locked away in a garage I don't have access to. So...no tablet, no comic this week.  Even if I did have it, I have no idea if I'd be able to make even an ok comic. I know eventually I have to laugh at this, be happy I'm safe and have the greatest support system. But for now, wallowing in funk.  I'm going to see what I can do, and try to get a a comic together for next week. We'll see though. Go team. 
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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A short comic for a busy week.  A friend of mine brought up the fact that every sentence I spoke that week began with "In this comic I'm reading..." I've started reading X-Men Legacy, which centers around Xavier's son. It's so very enjoyable. If you want to talk about it.....I'd love someone to talk about this with.....please?
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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This comic was posted from the mobile app! This was pointed out to me the other day, that if the ginger ever died of natural causes (which is a common possibility because of the way he ventures through life).
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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This weekend Ginger and I will be attending the wedding of our friends from MT school, Adam Lumsden and Mandy London. We spent alot of friday nights hammered in the their living room, yelling at each other with joy playing Mario Party number whatever we felt like. Or Adam just destroying us all in Brawl.  I didn't think I'd have to time to do it, especially with how long it took to try and get Mandy's hair right. But, it happened.  Congratulations guys. 
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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After watching E3 with baited breath, I'd like to say I see all sides of the Console arguments...but I'm afraid my choice in the next console generation will come down to which ever system plays KH3 the best.  I'm a fanboy. Always have been, always will be.
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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For those of you that never have ridden the greyhound chariot, you;re missing out on a delightful experience. Not only did I meet this strange (clearly homeless) person, but also a mother trying desperately to tame her 3-year old son, who was on a mission to become a supervillian, the most flamboyant Greyhound worker I've ever met (which was strange because he smiled all the time and I thought it was a company prerogative to never ever emit happiness) and a lovely young man who I said no words to but almost became a pillow for him multiple times. Right now I'm bouncing back and forth from Toronto to London, between my last weekends at the Lower Ossington's RENT and to rehearsals for the show EUROBEAT:Almost Eurovision to be performed in the London Fringe festival. Both great shows, excited to be moving onto the next big thing but it requires a large amount of travel on my part. Which means I get fun encounters like this. So, to my very small collection of readers, I'm looking for ways to share my comic with the world. I'd love to gain a slightly bigger audience, and share it with people. But I'm tentative. I'd rather not have my comic be destroyed by the raging powers of the internet. So...if anyone has ideas that can share my ideas, while maintaining my teeny-tiny ego, let me know. Or just share them with people you love. Or people that you just like.
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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A hilarious comic about computers. Post coming tomorrow. Love you all, k thnx bye,
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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This week I had time. But not time enough to properly vet out how to draw smartphone. Enjoy it.
Christopher has embarked on his playoff insanity. As brought to you by the Toronto Maple Leafs. Sports have always confused me, I never understood the connection people have to the sports team (i.e WE Won, WE scored etc) because in no way do the chicken wing crusted hands on the couch thousands of miles away from the game actually contribute to the players playing. Then again, it is admirable the passion of a sports fan. I could only compare it to my geek passions such as Firefly, Kingdom Hearts, or Musicals.  I once heard a radio tale that 10% of people of some European country I can't remember would LOOSE A LIMB if they could ensure their team would  win all of the cups. Now, I used to think that was insane, but then I thought of what I would do to ensure Firefly had a season 2 or to get a Mark Ruffalo based Hulk movie....fingers might be involved in that lost. Amazing. 
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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I've been playing a ridiculous amount of Fire Emblem: Awakening. I have an hour commute on the subway too and from various places. I feel like this is justified gaming. And I rarely play at home. The relationships are a lot of pressure. I've heard stories about how people (even playing in casual mode where the units cannot die) restart their game because they didn't realize that when the "S" level appears, people start getting hitched. Crazy. This game also has a CRAZY streetpass function. You can grind forever with the teams of people you meet. Plus you can constantly fight CPUs. This is the first game in a long time that's made it pretty fun to grind, because you're always finding new strategies or learning a new map. Hope you like the comic, please share, get the word out, tell yo grandma, tweet it, etc etc. - J
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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This week, I pushed the previous idea to the side to attempt the Strip Search challenge. Here lies my success and failures. The challenge involves the contestants pulling two random ideas from a basket, and then having 90 minutes to attempt to make a web-comic in a combination of the two ideas. (I.E Space + Ping Pong= Ping Pong in Space) I used the previous ideas from last weeks episode, which were "Mermaid" & "Ukulele". It was an interesting challenge for myself due to the fact i'm still learning to use the tablet and Photoshop quickly/efficiently, so I felt like a learned a few things, and many things I need to practice.  Hope you enjoyed, would love some sharing and sending. Maybe not this comic....send your favorites to friends and share the wonder of mediocrity. - Josh
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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Today's comic, I won't even mind if you don't like it. I don't. But I think that's because I had such a struggle with my new graphic tablet. It gave me some trouble, and I did not have the lovely time I had with it last week. So, eventually I just associated this strip with that frustration. I hope you enjoy it though. I'm going to do a strip, that involes many faces in the coming weeks. Instead of trying to make generic faces, I've decided to make use of my 8-ish fans. If you message me on fabo or tumblr, or even twitter, I will attempt to "stick-figure" your face, and use it in the comic. Note: You may be made fun of. Sorry. -J
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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In a true testament to the idea that inspiration can come from anywhere, this idea popped into my head while watching someone hop on a mop, to leak it's juices onto the floor. Weird, huh? The reason you might look at my comic today, and see that it is very clear, yet still full of mistakes is because I've acquired A WACOM TABLET. Bow-NOW. (Guitar Riff) I promise to practice, and create, and experiment. I love using this thing so far. As i described to a few people, it's like a put in the same amount of work but it's way easier, and I can achieve a much better result.  So, once again. EXCITING.
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gingerdeathcomic · 11 years
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This week has been exceptionally busy and panicky. The fact that I got a comic this week out seemed a might miracle. But I decided from now on, I'm going to try harder to do a better job at scheduling in a comic a week. I love tips and tricks. I love ideas. Please share and respond. - J
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gingerdeathcomic · 12 years
No Comic this week. :(
No comic this week. A cross of Tech Rehearsals for my show and a cold that won't fuck off has impeded my concentration too far.  I am working on something that I may ask opinions and tips on. I'm experimenting with a new art style...that Chris claims was inspired by Bathoom Signs. (He's not TOO wrong). Keep an eye out. Watch for my sign.
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gingerdeathcomic · 12 years
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A new comic. A new styling. A new text. All so exciting, no? I'm going to keep experimenting, kind of. Not so much free time, but it makes me happy.
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gingerdeathcomic · 12 years
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A short sweet comic to get back into it after missing a week.
This is a problem for me. I'll have a great idea, write it down, and lose it along the way. Or forget it. Or be distracted by a shiny object. My Star Wars jonses have just been kept up, I recently started watching Star Wars: The Clone wars. I foresee a Star Wars comic in the future. 
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