ginkgomoon · 2 years
Yes, the 4th Anniversary VA livestream is on 4 December, 7pm (GMT+8)! Here’s a time converter if you need it :>
Link to broadcast: here
Mini tutorial on how to use Bilibili: here
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
[Comic] When they turn into children
Original artist: 吃不吃鸭舌 (chi bu chi ya she)
Source ll Permission
🍒 Please do not repost! 🍒
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
[CN] Gavin’s Weekly Text - Matchmaking Mission
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content not yet released in EN 🍒
Released in CN: 29 November 2021
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
[Comic] Train Ticket
Original artist: 喵哦哦哦哦哦 ll source
🍒 Please do not repost 🍒
Caption: I came across Moments [Train Ticket] from the Lost Forest karma. Gavin has never missed any important moments in your life. Since he was there for your high school graduation, he might have bought a ticket to attend your university graduation, and had a secret peek at how you looked in your academic dress.
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
Tang Chao’s English name revealed under the cut:
(many thanks to @ginkgomoon for the video!!)
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
[L&N] A birthday surprise from the Glitter Bullet Racing Team
On his birthday, you receive an invitation from the racing team and head to the Shanghai Audi International Circuit to watch Osborn giving the McLaren 570S a test drive.
After it’s over, you spot Osborn, who has already changed out of his clothes and is waiting at the end of the race track. You suddenly realise that the surprise the racing team wanted to give Osborn today wasn’t the sports car nor the championship title. Instead, it’s you…
Osborn: The destination of a race car is the end of the race course. And my destination is your side.
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
Happy Birthday Osborn 🎉
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Happy birthday to another beautiful motorcyclist 💙
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
Happy Birthday Lucien 🎉
Just hopping on to say happy birthday to our favourite Scorpio man ♏️ 🎂
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For me personally, Lucien has one of the best soundtracks in MLQC, especially with A Curtain of Deep Love (which reminds me of the photo above) and his S2’s Night Fireworks. Even though it may be difficult for him to express his affection directly, these tracks always seem to speak those emotions for him.
May he always feel genuine happiness and celebrate his birthday joyfully with all of the Lucien stans 💜
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
[Comic] Courting Disaster
Original artist: 喵哦哦哦哦哦 ll source
🍒 Please do not repost 🍒
Spoiler Warning: References Gavin’s Weekly Text [Prank]
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ginkgomoon · 2 years
[CN] Gavin’s Weekly Text - Prank
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content not yet released in EN 🍒
Released in CN: 1 November 2021
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Wow!! This is everything I ever wanted in an Osborn post!!
It was so beautifully written and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Thank you so much for your hard work 💙💙
Home Is You, Is You - Osborn/MC Character Study
I’ve always wanted to talk about Osborn (Xiao Yi) but never felt like I had enough material until now. This essay is going to detail his relationship with the heroine (MC), specifically the theme of finding a home in each other, and also how Osborn is the personification of freedom.
Spoilers up to Chapter 9, including all the released cards. All translations are mine.
First, I want to establish that loneliness heavily defines MC and Osborn. In multiple places, we hear about how hurt MC was with the absence of her mother, her childhood friend Jesse leaving, and her grandmother later passing away. MC also doesn’t have a good relationship with her father, as shown by how she fled the country and her engagement with Charlie to follow her own dreams and make her life alone in a big city.
Meanwhile, in Osborn’s case, we get this snippet when MC uses her psychometry powers on Osborn’s necklace.
[CHAPTER 3-14]
Since he said I could sense things… I shot out my hand, covering Osborn’s bone necklace.
A feeling of rage exploded in my heart followed by an icy sensation of not belonging anywhere, as if an innocent person was being blamed by the entire world.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
[L&N] Charlie Memes
Original Meme Artist: ·evannnn· ll source
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
🌌 Galaxies 🌌
The Other Side
Season 2 specific content 
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Gavin and MC’s S2 School Timeline [Updated]
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First Impressions
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Going On Hiatus
Hey all, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything new. There’s a couple of reasons why and since I’m being honest with myself now, I need to be honest here, too.
The first reason I’ve decided to reveal is that I have my final exams coming up right after I officially claim myself to be graduated soon. My exams end on the first of December, and I know because of this, I’ll be missing out on a bunch of things like my intended plans for Lucien’s birthday.
This leads me to the reason why I haven’t done posts in advance now (like how I did for Gavin’s birthday this year during my previous exam season), which happens to be the second reason why I haven't been posting is that my motivation lately has been very low and I’ve constantly felt discouraged into doing so for a while now.
Posting on Tumblr was an absolute joy when I started at the beginning of the year- when I had so much inspiration and passion (among other things) fuelling my motivation to keep going. I wrote during my classes (am an absolute ninja for how I haven’t been caught yet), during all my break times and literally whenever I was free. Some posts took a couple of days, while others took longer than two consecutive weeks of non-stop research and writing. This had kept my going during my final year of study.
But now, I feel myself slowly straying away from that routine, and it would probably take nothing short of a miracle to bring me back to how I was before attempting to post daily. And now, if I had to be completely honest with myself, my reasons to keep on creating content is slowly eroding.
As much as it breaks my heart to say (though I know if I don't address this now, it will be more detrimental to me in the future), until December, I won’t be posting any scheduled work on Tumblr. I’ll still be here to support other bloggers, and remain active in the community and in-game.
To Rina, your anon asks were one of the reasons that allowed me to persevere for a bit longer.
To @cheri-cheri, thank you for being there for me. I hope you know that I’m here to support you too, no matter what.
And to everyone who has read, shared and enjoyed my content, thank you so much. This isn't goodbye, yet. Once I've sorted some things out, I'll be back to post (hopefully).
Here is my masterlist for anyone who wants to have a read of my work again. If anyone needs anything, feel free to send a message or ask!
Thank you, and I'll see you soon.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
I came across a piano version of this song which resulted in me going to this particular post of mine to relive some emotions.
And just realised I completely forgot to add photos for reference until now 🥲
So I’ve added them just incase anyone would like to read again 💕
Love and Fleeting Time (3rd Anniversary)- Song Analysis
A couple of weeks ago, I did a music analysis and translation of the entire concert for the KR server here where there will be a couple of songs that I will be referring to. This is the musical analysis for the track showcased during the 3rd Anniversary PV played at the end of the concert. Contains minor spoilers- mentions of Season 2!
@cheri-cheri for youuu 🥺💙
If anyone had studied film, the arts, or literally is a fic writer, you would know that the sentence you write or shot you take is something of high value and intent that would contribute to the building of a particular work.
Music is the same. Everything is intentional and necessary. Everything you hear commits to a particular purpose/theme and the message you want to convey. The MLQC music tracks in particular have no lyrics, which accentuates the fact that the emotions, the connections and the information you gather comes strictly from the various instruments and sounds that you hear.
This, therefore makes music analysing much fun but a lot more complicated.
For example, without lyrics we have to be extra vigilant. A certain note or instrument could present itself and we might have to correlate that to something in the gameplay. Or, if a certain instrument represented a certain personality, we would have to expand on that, too.
The dot-points are the musical terms/instruments named that you can hear. - Dashes underneath will be the storyline connection and interpretation to the music.
No dashes or dot points mean that the sentence is the analysis and/or retelling of the PV.
@cheri-cheri did her own interpretation which I also would be emphasising similar points that I agree with in my own analysis down below.
Piano enters as a solo, with melody in right hand and arpeggiated left-hand accompaniment. (0:00-0:09) - We are introduced to the piano, which represents MC. - In music and storylines, she is always associated by this instrument. An example would be that she duets with Gavin on the piano in the CN Mark Date. - Her presence can also be felt in the pure piano of the Loveland opening.
As the PV plays, we see the different memories that MC and the boys have made.
We also see MC gently holding a landing snowflake. Snowflakes represent rebirth and purity. As it melts, it cleanses by transforming into water, suitable for transformation and new beginnings. We are also reminded of the Winter World events, from Chapters 19+.
Feathers in the background also represent trust, faith, ascension, and a sign of the 'highest honour'. They also hold a strong correlation to MC all throughout Season 1.
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Acoustic guitar enters with similar arpeggiated chords to accompany melody. (0:09-0:16) - This guitar we hear is Gavin. - This is because he is always seen playing the guitar. He duets with MC on it while she plays the piano in the CN Mark Date. - The melody played is similar to his Season 1 theme song, Blue Temperature. - His track Dim Starlight Night is of pure guitar too.
Electronic harp doubles the piano melody and adds an extra texture, top-heavy music. (0:16-0:32) - This represents Kiro. - It gives a more uplifting feel to the present melody with its higher notes. - This suits Kiro as he's known to be the most chipper out of the 5 guys! - The melody is again subtly similar to his Season 1 theme song Sweet Accomplice.
Cello enters with an expressive melodic line. (0:33-0:40) - Victor. Yes. - His classic cello is always heard in his theme songs in Season 1's Between Time, Season 2, and Gradual Brewing of the Heart’s Melody. - This is as well similar to his Season 1 theme song.
Slowly all instruments are joining in with the flow of the piano melody. - In the main plot as MC meets the boys, they all become very important people to her and vice versa. They would do anything to safeguard MC from danger, and she too, dedicates herself to protect humanity and those she loves.
All instruments through the use of vibrato enhances the emotions, merging and carrying each other to lead to the climax. (0:41-0:49)
The PV continues to show us how the boys were like when they were younger without MC by their side. It then transitions to them being with her, allowing themselves to show their more affectionate and tender sides.
All these memories so far are from Season 1.
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Electronic drum kit and violin section enters with melody and harmony lines for the chorus. (0:49-1:22)
Dynamics (volume) increase.
You can also hear subtly in the back the three instruments above while the violin- the more dominant instrument, carries the melody. - The new addition of the instruments representing the guys in the main melody are the drums. - This represents Lucien. - It is also similar-sounding to his Night Fireworks Season 1 theme song, but quicker, almost like heartbeats. - It's also heard in A Curtain of Deep Love and his Season 2 track.
As the chorus ends, instruments suddenly drop out to a dramatic pause, slowly returning to its previous melody of the few bars of cello, piano and the drum kit. (1:22-1:30) - Victor's majestic cello dominates this piece.
This part is played in C major/A minor (a very ‘classic’ key), with a combination of minor and major chords. This helps maintain the interest of the listener.
Gavin's guitar returns, adding to the melody. (1:31-1:39)
Violins then join in. (1:39-1:54)
The music starts to pick up again with all the instruments for the second chorus to come in. (1:54-2:11)
As this occurs, we can also hear the subtle nudges of electric guitar accompanying the melody. - This represents Shaw. - He is always seen playing the bass similar to the electric guitar, playing for his band Isolated at the Livehouse in various dates.
Slowly, we progress to the ending of Season 1, and the boys state their wishes and promises of what will occur for "next time".
The words/Chinese characters throughout the PV are from MC's perspective- her thoughts during her transition into Season 2.
MC finally enters Black Cabin.
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The electric guitar is then heard dominantly with the violins in the last minute of the piece, changing the tone colour overall. (2:11-2:30) - This suits Shaw like how he meets MC that day, as the bolt of lightning who had appeared in her life. - (This is the best part of the track in my opinion!)
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By the time this second chorus plays, we see past memories of dates that MC had with the guys in Season 1.
After, we see the Season 2 versions of themselves when MC meets them again.
MC is reminded that no matter what world or universe, they're still essentially the same boys she knows and loves.
The other instruments start to become more sound after this section as the electric guitar still lingers in the back. (2:30-2:42)
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The violin, piano and electronic drum kit feature on a A minor chord. (2:42-3:06)
The piano and violin together land the ending of the track. - Starting with MC, ending with MC.
As the PV ends, we see the boys as snowflakes dancing to MC's music.
Shards also dance the snowflake boys, symbolising the memories they had before that had been shattered, and now need to rebuild and reshape them into something new from the result of their rebirth.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Season 2 First Impressions
After a year of waiting, it’s finally here!! 
Here are my thoughts on Chapter 37 (last of Season 1) and the Chapter 1 of Season 2!
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Chapter 37
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Minor and Willow 👀
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Shaw: *leaves MC hanging for 17+ years*
Afterwards, I chose Gavin’s personal route:
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Owner: Wow! Gavin: Nah. MC to Gavin: Gavin-  Gavin to Owner: Yeah. 
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I love how MC is so casual about it HAHAHA
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MC and the feathers of her previous lives I’M CRYING 
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Gavin just stood there. Staring at where MC was standing. I’m devastated. Crying at 1am. 
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Me: Must. Find. Gavin.
After MC crowns herself and leaves: 
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En route to-
Season 2
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This is similar to her dream in Chapter 7-1.
Here is the wallpaper where MC is an adult instead of a child running up the stairs:
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Am loving this new look on MC and the set up! The company projects seem so fun and much more interactive than Season 1. 
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Kiro looking so amazing in BLACK. 
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*Coffee third wheeling*
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I love this between them!! So cute!
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 L U C I E N ! !
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So proud of MC!! So much confidence and determination radiating off of her and I LOVE IT.
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One of my favourite karmas staring right back at me 👀
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Anna still on call: ???
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Lucien called MC a stray cat LOL
So far, everything is going pretty well! I’ve been waiting so long to hear Season 2 tracks- enhanced, richer versions of Season 1! Not just the character theme songs but the background music in the main story in general. Feels strange hearing them in the EN game. But a good and happy strange! I think After the Future (or Beyond the Future, rather) is one of my favourites (my analysis here) and makes me emotional to see it in EN, finally. 
It’s neat how we see them meet again in similar locations to Season 1:
S1 and S2 Kiro- convenience store 
S1 Gavin- Police station S2 Gavin- STF
S1 Victor- As CEO at LFG S2 Victor- As Boss of BLACK SWAN
S1 Lucien- In his office  S2 Lucien- At his office but in STF
Traveling back in time to when she was 5 years old to change history altered quite a bit and so I love how more familiar and comfortable she feels around them knowing that they are the people she can definitely trust. I believe that there is so much potential to this interesting S2 concept and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
What an exciting start to Season 2!
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
🌌 Galaxies 🌌
The Other Side
Season 2 specific content 
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Gavin and MC’s S2 School Timeline [Updated]
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First Impressions
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