ginnywasafriendofmine · 4 months
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We're in the middle of a heatwave over here, so cloudy skies, seascapes and nights are things to dream of. Also was thinking about running on air again.
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 6 months
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frankenstein - or, the modern prometheus, mary shelley
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 6 months
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MARY SHELLEY (2017) Dir. Haifaa al-Mansour
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 6 months
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Literature Moodboards // Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it.
(requested by @livyamel)
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 7 months
i still can't get over the fact that one of the best piece of literature i read was a drarry fanfiction.
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 7 months
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I never wanted to be a god......
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 8 months
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whatever was left, that was ours for a while.
sunrise - louise glück
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 8 months
it’s remarkable how much money you can save by not leaving the house and not eating and not moving
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 8 months
i think it's great when someone tries to pull off a tragic self-sacrifice in a story and there's at least one guy who's just like "no this is fucking stupid actually. you're an idiot." about it. because it kind of is. i love a good tragedy but let's be honest with ourselves if a friend tried to indulge a noble sacrifice fantasy would you not be a little annoyed. like come on man.
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 8 months
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The Regulus Black Fest is back for its 5th year!
We can't wait for another round, completing half a decade of this fest!
Our schedule this year:
Prompting: February 3rd - 17th Publishing of prompt list: February 23rd or earlier Claiming: February 25th (time t.b.a) Works due: April 28th Posting starts: May 5th
As always, you can leave prompts without having to create for the fest, and you can create without having left any prompts. Self-prompting is welcome!
Claiming will happen on a first come/first serve basis, and each prompt may be claimed once for art, and once for fic.
Works are anonymous until the Masterlist is posted at the end, so please keep your prompt a secret until then!
This fest does not tolerate any AI-produced works. Further, we have always, and continue to, operate firmly under the principles of don't like; don't read, ship and let ship, and kinktomato.
Please (re-)familiarize yourself with our Rules & Requirements.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us an aks, DM, or an email. All info and links can also be found in the post pinned to this blog.
We can't wait for this little anniversary round of this fest, and to see what everyone comes up with! <3
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 8 months
Somebody wrote to ask me for advice on writing. This is what I told them:
I'm terrible at giving writing advice. I know that the best advice for one person can be the very worst for another, so feel free to ignore all of this except for the very first bit:  
There are a lot of people who will tell you they can help you write better, get your manuscript edited, get your book published.  A lot of them just want your money. As a general rule, don't give people your money for what you write -- make people give you THEIR money for what you write.  I've heard this called Yog's Law:  Money Should Flow to the Author.
Check out the Writer Beware site run by SFWA.
Not every writing program is a scam, but don't think you have to have an MFA or attend a famous writing workshop to be taken seriously as a writer.  You don't.
Decide who you are writing for before you start.  It's okay to write for yourself.  It's okay to write for that one person in high school with whom you shared fanfiction.  (I did that, it was The Thief).  It's okay to aim for a worldwide audience and it's okay to write for the three people in the entire world who will appreciate your story.  When you run into criticism (and you will) you want to be able to ask yourself if the criticism is coming from your audience.  If it's not, take it with a big grain of salt.
Writing can be hard work and it feels good to work hard, but it's okay to do it for fun.  Maybe you just want to write craptastic fanfiction -- you should do that and I hope you enjoy yourself.  Don't let other people dictate what "worthwhile" writing is.
Don't be afraid to write badly. Don't be afraid you'll "waste" that really good idea you have because you couldn't write well enough to do it justice.  You'll have another good idea.  
You have to write to be a writer.  That sounds obvious, but you have to figure out for yourself what makes writing happen and then you have to do it.  Some people will tell you their way of writing is guaranteed to work.  Do not believe them.  Some people can set themselves goals -- they write 2,000 words a day and they are good words!  Some set themselves a goal and they waste an entire day squeezing out 2,000 garbage words. Sometimes the conditions that you need in order to work will seem silly.  Friederich Von Schiller kept rotting apples around to sniff while he wrote.  I don't know if that would work for you. Only you know the way for you.  
Good luck,
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 8 months
Welcome to the Regulus Black Fest!
We are a prompt-based fandom event aiming to celebrate all things Regulus Black - ships, gen relationships, or character-centred, we love to see them all.
2024 schedule:
Prompting: February 3rd - 17th Publishing of prompt list: February 23rd or earlier Claiming: February 25th (time t.b.a) Works due: April 28th Posting starts: May 5th
Rules & Requirements: Desktop | Mobile
AO3 Collection for 2024
Works from previous years
Mods: @queerofthedagger & @atlantablack
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 9 months
2024 resolutions:
1. write more
2. get even weirder
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 11 months
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ginnywasafriendofmine · 11 months
Top 5 strange mammals
1. Echidna: Okay I know it’s not technically classified as a mammal anymore but it was when I was a kid and a toothless, spiny-quilled, egg-laying, lactating burrowing animal with backwards-facing feet certainly is weird.
2. Silky Anteater: It’s gold. It has one claw on each hand instead of fingers. It lives in trees and has a prehensile tail. It’s the size of a cat. It looks like a wise nature god and I love it so much
3. Pangolin: The closest thing mother earth has to a legit dragon. An armored anteater with the coolest goddamn aesthetic this side of Jupiter. I love them so much, I hate that they’re endangered.
4. Elephants: Prehensile nose. Two year gestation period. Have languages, mourn their dead, visit graves, talk about people, paint pictures, and are compassionate, quick-learning, gentle, and cute. Elephants are so much weirder than we give them credit for, and that needs to be appreciated.
5. Tapir: Looks like a creature that should have gone extinct during the ice age but miraculously didn’t. Disco pig
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fanfiction is so great. like it's just saying, "hey love that character, imma take their name and the vaguest bits of their personality and just see what happens" like canon sirius is absolutely nothing compared to the sheer greatness of fanon sirius
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conservatives are always saying “the liberals are getting out of hand these days! why can’t we go back to the time when everyone was normal?!” as if over two centuries ago circa. 1820 percy shelley wasn’t an outspoken polyamorous vegan anti-fascist chronically ill atheist spiritualist poet with weird hair and funky blouses and 10 mental illnesses buried in financial debt who lived in unofficial exile with his goth bisexual feminist wife who pioneered science fiction who ran around with him threatening old people by saying they wanted to decapitate the king
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