girllfaillure · 9 months
~Wilbur Comforting reader when they’re anxious~
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Will Gold / Wilbur Soot x Reader (fem)
Warnings:: S/H mention kinda (flicking something against the skin), bruising, anxiety attacks, implied autistic! reader
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Will had returned home from being out with his friends and was happy to come home to see his lover.
“[𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮]? Bambi? Where are you, baby?”
He called out, setting his guitar down. He took off his shoes and coat, setting them away neatly. It was his little routine everyday. Coming home, setting his stuff away and being greeted with a happy smile and a big cuddle and kiss. But today was different - so his first thoughts were something was wrong.
“My Angel? Are you home?”
He called out again. You didn’t say you were going out today so why was there no response? You would have notified him if you had to go run errands and to check if he had his keys. But nothing. He trailed up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. The sight inside broke his heart. There you were. Curled up on the bed, the sound of shaky sobs and shaky breaths escaped your lips. Will kneeled in front of you, making sure to be quiet if you were overstimulated.
“Baby? It’s Will. Are you okay?”
You shook your head. Will saw the little bruise and red marks on your arm, a hair tie loosely on your wrist.
Will’s eyes softened and he spoke quietly.
“Did you need a distraction? Is that why your arm looks a little sore?”
You nodded and Will cooed quietly.
“Oh my sweet baby…can I hug you? Do you need one?”
You nodded again and Will held your hips up, bringing you on to the floor, into his lap. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. He softly caressed your hair and pressed kisses against your forehead. Your breathing was still erratic and Will tapped your chin with his index finger and you knew this meant to look up at him. He had his hands up, his fingers outstretched. With each finger, he took deep breaths and you followed.
“In…1, 2, 3, 4.”
He repeated this a few times and you followed along, copying his breathing. He smiled a little and quietly praised you.
“Good girl…there we go, poppet.”
“You’re doing so well, babydoll. Just keep it up for me..”
Soon, your breathing was back to normal and Will peppered little kisses against your forehead. He smiled and stroked your chin.
“You wanna talk about it? Or are you nonverbal right now?”
You shake your head, meaning you had gone nonverbal.
Will pressed a kiss against your temple, just as a sign of him asking ‘are you okay? how can I help you?’
You just continued to hug him and he stroked your hair. He hummed quietly, keeping you close to him.
“Everything will be okay, bunny. I’m here. You’re okay. I love you endlessly.”
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girllfaillure · 10 months
terrified you’ll bite the hand that needs you, and right now I need you.
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girllfaillure · 10 months
“you bewitched me..”
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Wilbur Soot | Will Gold x reader (she/her pronouns used) ~ fluff <3
Sypnosis: Falling head over heels in a bookshop was the last thing Will expected on a November morning. Perhaps it was for the better?
The bookshop that morning reeked of pure nostalgia. It reminded Will of his childhood, or some kind of comfort he didn’t know he needed. He brushed the tiny snowflakes off his beige trench coat with a soft flick and gravitated towards the history section, American History to be exact. He observed the bookshop, taking in the soft lighting and interior - definitely a cosy place.
At that moment, he found his eyes landing on a girl behind the counter. She had been typing away by the computer at the desk - she seemed focused with a warm drink clutched in her hand. Will felt something flutter in the pit of his stomach. It wasn’t like any feeling he had known before. It was almost aching, but a good ache. A warm ache. He felt his gaze soften and his lips part. An almost foreign desperation clawed at him and it was like tiny sparks igniting and burning at his bones. He felt the profound urge to just embrace her then. He wanted to kiss her forehead and tell her sweet things. He wanted her. He wanted her like nothing he’s ever desired for before.
In that moment, feeling something practically scorch holes into her, she looked up too. And it was like time stopped moving around the two. Her eyes softened and she felt a little smile tug at her lips as she caught the eyes of the tall stranger in the room. She felt as if she had known him twenty years, rather than twenty seconds. Like they had been together in past lives or something like that.
Reality soon swept them back up and she immediately went back to typing on the computer, trying to purge this feeling but it wouldn’t die, it grew and it grew and she wanted to be swallowed by it. Will noticed her eyes turning away and was met with a sudden shyness. He could have talked to her if he wanted, he was Will Gold. He was the lead singer of a band on the rise to fame, a well-known content creator yet he felt so nervous to even step closer to the stranger. He exhaled a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding in and continue to peruse through the books on the shelves.
Her eyes found him again, taking in his appearance. She studied his brown curly hair, his lanky frame, his long fingers - which were grazing the books in a precise fashion, like his touch could kill if he even pressed too hard. She wondered what it would be like to hold his hands in hers, or feel him trace every scar on her body. She wondered what his hair would feel like, what scent would it carry. She wondered how his frame would feel next to hers in a hug or a cuddle. She wanted to extinguish these thoughts and fantasies but they were so strong…ceaseless. He was bewitching.
Will tried grasping at any courage he had in his body. Too many times in his life had he let fear stop him from potential lovers but none of them even compared to her. She was so, so compelling. She was angelic. She was something you’d worship. And he wanted to, for the rest of his life. He took shaky deep breaths, trying to think of things to say. A comment about the weather? No, that’s boring. A forward compliment? He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable - besides he was internally battling a fear that she was already in a relationship. He wouldn’t be surprised if she was, she was utter, complete perfection. But he knew if he let her slip away, he’d never forgive himself.
In that moment, he felt a voice behind him.
“Excuse me?”
Will turned his head and there she was. Her soft eyes looking up at him, like an innocent baby animal. He felt blush paint his cheeks a rosy colour.
“Hi.” He smiled and she smiled too.
“Do you need help with anything?”
She was soft-spoken and sweet. A voice he knew he could never get tired of hearing.
“Yeah..actually. Do you have anything by Edgar Allan Poe in stock?” He asked, trying to look anywhere but her face. He knew if he looked at her, his knees would buckle and give up underneath him.
She thought for a second, trying to recall if they did have any books by Edgar Allan Poe. But she didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity to talk to him. “I can go to the poetry section and have a look?” He nodded and she led him to the poetry section. She stood on her tiptoes and flicked through the book spines until she found one by the writer he had requested.
During the search, Will found himself looking at every little thing she did and he thought she was the most adorable person he had ever encountered. Every single thing, he felt himself smile to himself. He was falling more and more inlove with her each second. After a while a blue covered book was passed his way. When he took the book, his hand brushed hers and he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Thank you.”
“It’s okay, I’m glad I was able to help you.”
She smiled up at him and Will noticed the little pin clipped to her shirt, with her name in a pretty font.
He found himself repeat her name in his head. Reciting it like a vow or prayer. A pretty word coming from pretty lips. It wasn’t long before Will approached the counter and she was there, smiling.
Will smiled too. It was contagious.
She scanned the book and looked up at him.
“That’s gonna be…£8.89. Is that gonna be cash or card?”
“Uhm…cash..” He placed a hand in his pocket and fiddled for the money from his wallet.
She accepted the money and placed the change on top of the book, along with the receipt tucked into the cover. She looked back up at him, “Have a good rest of your day. I hope to see you here again soon.”
She smiled up at him.
He blushed and nodded. “Yeah..I’ll definitely come again soon. It’s a nice shop and you seem like a lovely person.”
Will could of sworn he saw her cheeks turn red. She nodded and watched him leave the shop, a flurry of snowflakes replacing his presence.
He sighed and felt the winter breeze nip at him, he opened the book up and checked the receipt curiously. Of course, the details and such were typed on to the paper, but there was an extra little piece of text at the bottom.
‘ xxxx-xxxxxx <;3’
‘i thought you were pretty nice and was hoping i will see you more often, rather than in the shop. i think you’re pretty cute anyways. i hope i’ll see you around more.
- [name] <3’ Will felt his eyes widen, his heartbeat gradually quickening. She had given him her number...she wanted to see more of him. He smiled to himself, which accompanied the butterflies in his stomach. Them meeting was clearly fate - true love at first sight.
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girllfaillure · 10 months
intro to my account ʚ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ɞ
hi <33 my name is twyla and this is a little intro to my account :)
i’m mostly going to post silly girlblogging stuff and hopefully fanfics and stuff!!!
my fanfics will most likely have an autistic coded reader because i’m autistic >:3
i write for:
~ wilbur soot / will gold
~ most of the yellowjackets characters (might be specified in a future masterlist!)
~ kpop idols
~ inhaler
writing might be a little slow bc i’m not that creative (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
but yea thats all!!! <333
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girllfaillure · 10 months
me & @kannibalin getting together to talk about our special interests (both have gay ppl & cannibalism)
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