girlonline010-blog · 9 years
Congrats on 8 million subs!
JACK!! Congrats on 8 Million Subs dude! It literally only seems like yesterday when you had just made a video for 7 Million! I am literally, so proud I can't explain of how far you've come in the year I've been a subscriber, and I've loved every minute! You've helped so many people (including me) over time and grown such an amazing community that I love being a part of! Without trying to get to soppy (is that the right word?) you deserve every subscriber you get! Keep being amazing!!
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
Cried and laughed at the same time 😂😂
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What am I doing with my life
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
There's nothing else that's needed to be said...
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Enough said…
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
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danisnotonfire & amazingphil
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
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Throwback to when @danisnotonfire was wanting to punch @amazingphil in the face 😂😂 jk lol but seriously, I feel the same Dan dw
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
The second gif sums it up pretty well 😂😂 jk
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Phil is not on fire 7
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
What video is this from? I must see it 😂
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Dan’s natural hair appreciation post
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
I hate it when you need to go to the bathroom during class so you ask your teacher and they're like: 'You should've gone at break/lunch time, you're wasting class time' Well, I didn't know I was gonna need to pee then. Then like 10 minutes later they say: 'I'm just going to do some photocopying' Well, you should've done it at lunch, you're wasting my learning time. Just sayin'
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
I feel like this is incredibly important to notice x
What is your response to the attack in Paris?
It’s an incredibly saddening event. A huge tragedy and my heart goes out to those affected. There’s not much I can say or do that will help or convey the severity of it so I didn’t want to tweet out about it or anything because it didn’t feel right. 
My brother lives in Paris and was going to see a show at the Bataclan next week, to think about it now is incredibly scary. The night is always darkest before the dawn but light will ALWAYS shine through strongest in the end. It’s in times like this we all need to be there for each other and appreciate what we have. Stay strong.
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
50 Questions
1. Would you live with any of your current friends? 2. What’s your Starbucks order? 3. Do you have a lot of small playlists or one big playlist? 4. Christmas or Halloween? 5. Ice Tea or Lemonade? 6. Do you keep things in your bra? 7. Headphones or Earphones? 8. Do you draw? 9. Can you ride a bike? 10. Dream hair color? 11. Do you paint your nails? 12. Do you want any piercings? 13. How are your apps arranged on your phone? 14. Do you have a lucky number? 15. Are you a fan of Chinese food? 16. Pen or pencil? 17. Favorite pattern? 18. Hot or cold pizza? 19. iPhone or Android? 20. Curly hair or straight hair? 21. Hand written or digital notes? 22. Do you like Christmas lights? 23. DVDs or Digital copies of movies? 24. Music on your phone or your computer? 25. Do you use a purse? 26. What’s your go-to pizza topping? 27. Do you wear jewelry? 28. Do you keep a wish list? 29. Do you have a favorite restaurant? 30. Can you cook? 31. Favorite flavor of ramen? 32. Beach or Boardwalk? 33. Do you have posters in your room? 34. Are you afraid of spiders? 35. Would you rather dress up or dress down? 36. Do you use sticky notes? 37. Long or short hair? 38. Ankle socks or knee socks? 39. What does your backpack look like? 40. Do you put stickers on your things? 41. Mints or gum? 42. Is today a lazy day for you? 43. How many pillows do you own? 44. Sleep too much or too little? 45. Could you live on your own this very second? 46. Apartment or house? 47. Do you like amusement parks? 48. Favorite movie snack? 49. Do you wear beanies? 50. Dogs or cats?
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
I'm not hating on people who do this before anybody thinks that, I'm just putting MY opinion across, which may or may not be agreed with by some. I love the look of some dresses you see when people post 'wedding dress goals' and stuff like that but if I'm honest, idgaf bout what I would wear at my wedding as long as the love of my life is standing at the alter. Obvs I would care I'm just saying, if I had the choice between a beautiful dress and wedding etc or just a simple wedding with the love of my life, I'm gonna go simple all the way. I don't particularly get the point of being all #goals and shit all over the Internet with it all.. Like I said, I'm not hating on people who post #goals and stuff, I'm just saying my opinion about it.
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
Not all illnesses are visible
I see so many posts that say, "Omg get over yourself, depressions is just another word for attention seeking" Or, "Anxiety disorders and 'depression' aren't real" And it really pisses me off. Just because you don't understand something that does not mean it doesn't exist. I have both Anxiety and Depression and it tears you down slowly. Having both anxiety and depression is wanting friends but not wanting to leave your bedroom. It's wanting to be with people you love but not wanting to socialise. It's wanting to be happy but not having any motivation to do anything. It's not a nice feeling. You feel like nobody loves you, nobody cares for you yet knowing that somebody does. Just because you can't see a pale complexion, a rash somewhere on the skin, a cold, a temperature, that doesn't necessarily mean that the person hasn't got an illness. Just because somebody is smiling and laughing, it doesn't mean that their aren't dying inside. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
I dunno what the hell you did but you're still fabulous 💁🏻💁🏻
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I’m a pretty flower! https://instagram.com/p/9Rl8ZjNAJ7/
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
Privacy Matters
Okay, so this is gonna be a little bit of a rant but it’s something that really gets on my nerves (and maybe yours as well) but I really frickin hate it when people stalk their idols. I get that you love them SO much and just want to meet them and get a photo with them but stalking them or breaking into their house/hotel is not okay. Like, kinda recently, there were LOADS of fans who were bombarding Zoë and Alfie’s (Pointless blog & Zoella’s) house and were jumping the fence etc. to get to them, this is NOT okay to do. If you live in the same town or whatever as them, DO NOT go to their house. (Applies to more than just Zalfie) if you wanna meet them, then go to a meet & greet or something and again, I am aware that this is kinda hard because I’d frickin love to meet Zalfie or 5SOS etc. but the last thing I am gonna do is mob them in their own home/hotel!
Rant over.
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
I'm real sorry to hear that, I really hope you, your dad and your family can pull through this, these things aren't easy but all of us here are gonna be here for you if you need us, we're all a big family from what I can see so far 💕 I wish you and your family well 💚
My dad was just transferred to the hospital. They said he could die. I’m sorry for putting this in the JSE tag but this community has always been there when I needed someone. And right now I need someone badly.
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
People nowadays are blaming puberty for a lot. All puberty does it change your hormones and grow you up a little.
Puberty doesn’t change your hairstyle.
Puberty doesn’t change your clothes.
Puberty doesn’t change your friends.
Puberty doesn’t change your muscle size.
Puberty doesn’t change your bedroom.
People are saying “puberty hit him like a ton of bricks” um no, society hit him and said “bitch you need to grow up, stop being yourself and act vain so people will love you."
The real puberty doesn’t change you, society does.
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girlonline010-blog · 9 years
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I made this edit to sum up my quote better 💁🏻👽
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